How much is an hourly wage. Hourly pay rate

Many citizens who wish to use the services of employees or, conversely, act as job seekers themselves in the labor market, try to make inquiries and find out how much it costs for 1 hour of work as a nanny, programmer, teacher, nurse, salesman, etc. Today we will tell you how you can quickly calculate the approximate cost of an hour of work and present the rating of hourly pay for individual professions.

At the second stage, the production calendar for 2018 came in handy for us, where you can see statistics on the number of working days and hours. This year we will have 247 working days. If every day is multiplied by 8 hours, it turns out that there are 1976 working hours in a year. True, before certain holidays, the working day in Russia is reduced by one hour, so the total duration of the year is 1970 working hours.

We are approaching the finish line. We multiply the average salary in the chosen profession by 12 months to get the annual income. The resulting figure is divided by 1970 hours. This is how we get the final result. Citizens can always use this method to calculate how much an hour of work of a nanny, programmer or employee of any other specialty costs.

How much is an hour of work?

ProfessionAverage salary, rubCost of 1 hour of work, rub
1C programmer77 500 472
Welder59 704 363
carpenter58 969 359
An electrician58 275 354
Designer57 811 352
Teacher49 167 299
Loader48 231 293
Salesman45 511 277
Nanny44 167 269
Cook41 379 252
Security guard39 616 241
Cleaning woman31 258 190
Nurse30 000 182

It should be noted that the figures obtained are a guideline for working with a person who works for himself. If you decide to find a programmer, teacher or nanny for an hourly job, which the company rents out, so to speak, then the rate for services will be many times higher. Most of the funds will have to be given to the company.

Also, the cost of an hour of work may vary in one direction or another depending on work experience, length of service, number of recommendations, etc.

How much does an hour of work cost in Moscow and cities around the world?
According to Rosstat, in November 2017, the average nominal accrued salary in Moscow was 70,993 rubles. If you calculate the annual income and then divide it by the total number of working hours, it turns out that an hour of work in Moscow today costs about 432 rubles.

Let's compare these figures with those of New York. In the second quarter of 2017, the median weekly wage in New York was $1,907, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. If we take the duration of the working week at 40 hours, then it turns out that in New York an hour of work costs an average of $47. At the current exchange rate, this is about 2,700 rubles, that is, 6 times more than in Moscow.

How much does an hour of work cost in Russia and other countries of the world?
And again, Rosstat data come to the rescue. In November 2017, the average accrued salary in the country amounted to 38,848 rubles. Using the above method, we can calculate that the average cost of an hour of work in the country is at the level of 236 rubles.

The need to determine the size of the hourly wage rate arises when an employee works overtime or, conversely, on a part-time basis. In this case, you need to know exactly how to calculate the salary by the hour, and be able to apply this knowledge in practice.

The calculation of hourly wages is made according to the following formula:

PTS \u003d O / Chn,

HTS - hourly tariff rate;

O - the amount of the official salary established by the staffing table and the provisions of the labor agreement concluded between the employee and the employer;

Chn - the standard number of working hours in the reporting month.

An example of calculating hourly wages in 2019

To understand the principle of calculating hourly wages, you should use the above formula to solve a specific problem. For example, the salary of an employee is 27,000 rubles. per month. In June 2019, 19 working days, and in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of the pre-holiday day (June 11) is reduced by 1 hour. Thus, the total number of working hours in the reporting month is 151.

With the specified initial data, the hourly rate will be:

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NPV \u003d 27,000 rubles. / 151 hours = 178.81 rubles / hour

Payroll at an hourly rate

Sometimes in practice it becomes necessary to calculate the amount of an employee's earnings based on the hourly wage rate established for his position. In this case, the calculation is carried out in the reverse order using the formula:

Z \u003d PTS × Chf,

Z - the size of the employee's wages;

Chf - the number of hours actually worked in the reporting period.

So, to calculate the hourly wage rate, it is necessary to divide the amount of the salary paid to the employee by the standard number of hours that he must work in the reporting month. The calculation of wages at the hourly rate is carried out in the reverse order - you need to calculate the product of the established rate and the number of hours worked by the employee in the reporting period.

Today, more and more employers are interested in finding truly modern and efficient payroll systems for employees in order to increase business efficiency. One of these systems is the hourly wage, which has many advantages and makes it possible to create a convenient and highly efficient personnel management complex from an economic point of view. What is an hourly or minute wage, how it is calculated and what is the minimum wage of this nature established in Russia, it will be useful for any participant in labor relations to know.

What is hourly wages - legal regulation in Russia

The hourly wage system itself implies the accrual of earned funds to employees in accordance with the tariff rate established for them per unit of time. It is one of the varieties of time wages with a clear reference to a specific time period - one hour.

This system has been used since the Middle Ages and is most widely used in the USA and other American states. So, for example, in most American states, even the minimum wage, where it is present, is set based not on monthly earnings, but on the basis of the hourly wage rate of workers.

Like any other time-based payment system, hourly wages in Russia are classified as tariff systems. Nevertheless, this does not prevent it from containing certain features of tariff-free systems and even being used in full or in part in combination with those at the enterprise - the current legislation allows employers to choose and establish any principles of remuneration, as long as they ensure full observance of the employee's rights and the stipulated for him without fail guarantees. But in order to be aware of the mechanisms of legal regulation of the aforementioned nature of payment, employers and employees are still recommended to familiarize themselves with the provisions of the following articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • Art.91. Its principles govern the very concept of working time, accounting for which is the main component of hourly wages. At the same time, this nature of payment, in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned article, cannot detract from the rights and guarantees for the employee, as well as regulatory restrictions on the maximum working time of employees.
  • Art.100. The provisions of this article regulate the basic principles of accounting for working time. Both the employee and the employer practicing the hourly pay mechanism should familiarize themselves with these standards, since the procedure for recording working time is fundamental in terms of ensuring the effective existence of hourly pay in the organization.
  • Art.104. This article regulates the conditions for the introduction and use of the summarized accounting of working hours. This method is best suited for hourly or minute wages, as it allows you to effectively consider working time in the context of one working week, avoid overtime and the need to pay employees overtime. In this situation, every week the summation of all the time actually worked by each employee is carried out, after which this amount is compared with the maximum allowable 40 hours of labor activity for one week.
  • Art.135. This article gives permission to the employer to independently establish in his organization or its individual structural divisions, as well as with specific employees, special remuneration systems.

In general, direct regulation of the application of hourly payment principles is no longer provided for by legislation. Therefore, the employer should approach the issues of documenting internal standards and local acts at the enterprise as carefully as possible, on the basis of which this or that wage system will be applied.

Calculation of the minimum hourly wage in 2018

Direct legislative regulation of the minimum hourly wage in 2018 in Russia is not provided. However, since the legislation expressly prohibits setting rates for time or any other work below the minimum wage, subject to a full working week, the current hourly wage can be calculated in 2018 based on the maximum number of working hours during the month - 184 hours in August and October. Accordingly, the minimum hourly rate, taking into account the minimum wage of 9,489 rubles, is 51.58 rubles per hour.

It is necessary that, with a 40-hour working week, in order to set earnings within the minimum wage, the standards for paying the minimum wage during the month are observed. That is, for January, the minimum hourly wage in 2018 would be 69.78 rubles per hour.

Minimum hourly wages should also be correlated accordingly for individuals whose occupations involve reduced mandatory working hours, shorter workweeks due to harmful or hazardous working conditions, or other full-time employment options with reduced hours worked per week. For such workers, hourly wages will be higher.

In the event that not a full, namely a reduced work regime or part-time work is established, the employer has the right to pay wages in accordance with the minimum wage in terms of hours actually worked - that is, on a monthly basis, it may be lower than the minimum wage in these situations.

The formula for calculating wages for hourly wages as a whole looks extremely simple. It is necessary to multiply the indicator of the tariff rate per hour of work by the time actually worked during the reporting period. For example, if the cook Ivanov I.I. an hourly wage is set at 225 rubles, and for a month he worked 150 hours, then he will receive 150 * 225 = 33,750 rubles. Of course, in many situations deeper formulas with additional coefficients can be used, however, the above example reveals the basic principle of this payroll mechanism.

Features, advantages and disadvantages of the hourly wage system

Compared to any other types of wage systems, hourly wages under an employment contract have both certain advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, its implementation can be justified in some cases and demonstrate extremely low overall effectiveness in other situations. To make it easier to understand all the positive and negative aspects of the hourly rate, the employer should carefully study them. So, the advantages of hourly pay include:

  • High efficiency control of working time. In this case, the employer does not pay for breaks, breaks for employees, and wages are charged directly for the effectively spent time within the workplace or in the performance of work duties in most situations. Thus, work efficiency is increased and the overall cost of providing the payroll fund is reduced. That is why hourly pay for shift work is also one of the most convenient payroll principles.
  • Greater level of employee motivation. Compared to the salary system, which is also considered time-based, the hourly system is much more effective in terms of motivating employees. This is due to the fact that it directly encourages workers to spend more time performing work duties, while on a salary they can end up spending a significant part of their time outside the workplace.
  • Protection against irregular working hours. With a salary or other wage systems, many employers establish in the employment contract the possibility of an irregular working day. Under the hourly wage system, unnecessary delays at work and the lengthening of the total cost of the employee's working time will, although not paid at a double rate, be paid at the standard rate, which is a positive side of such a mechanism for workers.
  • Extremely high efficiency when working part-time or flexible work schedule. The advantages of the hourly wage system when working part-time will not allow the employer and the worker to violate the norms of the law prohibiting the involvement of workers with a total working time of more than 20 hours per week for part-time work. With a flexible work schedule, the employer can establish a free visit mode at the enterprise for certain positions, which will be convenient for both employees and the employer himself. The workers will feel maximum psychological freedom, and the employer, in turn, will pay only for the actual time the workers perform their immediate duties.

Despite the above advantages, hourly wages also have certain disadvantages. They should also be considered when deciding whether to install such a system. These include the following factors and features of such a payroll mechanism:

  • High costs. Ensuring an hourly or, even more so, a minute-by-minute system for recording working time requires the mobilization of certain resources. Convenient, but expensive, are automated employee time tracking systems activated by employee magnetic cards and using turnstiles and other technical means. However, this system can be implemented without technical support - but for this it will also be necessary to allocate individual employees to supervise and control working hours.
  • Psychological discomfort. Workers who are in a tight enough framework, when every hour or every minute of working time is under the control of the employer, tend to reduce the overall efficiency and productivity of their work. Therefore, this factor should be taken into account.
  • Inapplicability in certain areas of activity. If a simple salary can be applied in almost any work activity, then hourly pay is extremely difficult to implement for employees whose professions do not imply a permanent presence in the workplace. In this case, almost all the advantages of hourly wages will be leveled, since the employer will not be able to ensure proper control over the employee's movements and his time management.

Summing up, it can be noted that the hourly wage system is effective in many cases, however, it definitely requires more attention from the employer both in terms of providing mechanisms for recording working time, and in terms of formalizing it in documentary form at the enterprise. At the same time, it should be remembered that such a system can be implemented both in relation to the entire team, and to individual departments and even individual employees.

How to set up an hourly wage system - nuances and features

First of all, the employer, when establishing and implementing an hourly wage system, must remember that, according to the provisions of the Labor Code, the applicable remuneration system must be reflected in the employment contract with the employee. In addition, it must also have regulation in the internal local acts of the enterprise and, if possible, in the collective agreement. Since most often hourly pay refers to the tariff, the employer also needs to establish a complete tariff scale for all positions and types of hourly work, indicating the available rates. A separate regulatory document within the enterprise regarding hourly wages may be the provision on wages.

Any change in the wage system must be coordinated with the representative bodies of workers or the trade union. At least by way of notice. When changing the existing pay system to hourly, it is also necessary to renegotiate employment contracts with all employees by making changes to them.

Great attention should be paid precisely to ensuring effective accounting of the working time of workers. As mentioned above, this can be done both by integrating technical means of automated control, and with the help of an appropriate personnel policy and personal human control. The first method effectively manifests itself in large enterprises with a large staff, while in small organizations you can do without serious and expensive technological solutions.

In case of processing an employee in excess of the established norm of hours, the employer is obliged to pay the employee overtime for each hour in one working week. The amount of such overtime is at least twice the level of the established standard rate for one hour's pay. But with an irregular working day stipulated by the employment contract, the recovery of overtime can be significantly complicated.


Article 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that, with properly executed legal acts and prescribed terms of the agreement, each employee has the right to arrange work with payment for one hour, day and month. The employee has the right to receive payment calculated on the basis of established criteria, without any restrictions.

The minimum hourly minimum wage will determine the minimum allowable cost of one hour of work.

Legislatively, the issue of the minimum hourly wage has not been resolved. The practice of labor legislation and court decisions has long required changes to the minimum wage and calculation methodology, and in particular the methodology for calculating hourly wages.

How much is the hourly minimum wage

The planned hourly minimum wage will be 100 rubles. and is planned for use since 01/01/2017, but when it will be accepted is not clear. It is also possible to adjust this indicator according to territorial, sectoral and professional criteria.

If the minimum wage for one hour significantly exceeds the minimum wage per month, it is not clear how to proceed in this case, but the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not limit the maximum payments.

History issue in government

  • In 2017, the draft law on the hourly MTROT was rejected by the Government of the Russian Federation, so, when setting a monthly salary for an employee, it will turn out that its size will not depend on the number of working hours in a month, however, the cost of an hour of his working time will change monthly. Therefore, since monthly tariff rates and salaries are more common, it is more rational to apply the monthly minimum wage.
  • In June 2017, amendments were made to the labor code: norms according to which an employee working on a part-time basis can be set an irregular working day only if the agreement of the parties to the employment contract establishes a part-time working week, but with a full working day.

The amendments also affected Art. 152 and 153 of the Code, they specify the procedure for accounting for work performed in excess of the norm of working time on weekends and non-working holidays, when calculating the duration of overtime work payable at an increased rate.

Time / hourly wages are not prohibited

With time / hourly wages, the employee's earnings are determined based on the time actually worked by him and the tariff rate (salary). This type of activity refers to a time-based type of earnings and is also subject to mandatory official registration and regular payment of funds. The peculiarity of this type of work is that the calculation of wages is made from the actual number of hours worked. Such a condition is mandatory prescribed in the contract, based on the provisions of Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The tariff rate is understood as the amount of remuneration for labor per unit of time (hour, day, month).

To record the working time of employees with hourly pay, it is necessary to establish a summarized time record. When setting the length of working time for the accounting period (month, quarter or other periods, but not more than a year), it should be borne in mind that it should not exceed the normal number of working hours - 40 hours per week.

Accounting period: month, quarter, half year, year, the employer needs to set it on his own.

In which case does it apply

Hourly pay is ideal for part-time employees. It is suitable for employees whose workload varies on different working days. We recommend not hiring with hourly pay, but hiring under GPC agreements, for a certain type of work, and it is more profitable in terms of taxes.

How to reflect

Before applying the hourly wage system, it is necessary to fix this rule in the following documents:

  • labor agreement;
  • staffing table;
  • order.

Pros and cons

Advantages of the hourly payment system:

  • for the employer- cost savings, when employees receive money only for the hours actually worked, the ability to track and monitor the effectiveness of working hours, the convenience of settlements with part-time workers;
  • for employees- convenient for employees of certain professions, as it allows you to take into account their uneven workload.


  • for employers- the complexity of the financial calculation of wages, the need to strictly control the amount of time worked by employees;
  • for employees- the absence of bonuses and bonuses, the possibility of abuse by an unscrupulous employer who will set unrealistic amounts of work for one hour.

Hourly payment in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation can be:

  • Simple. This system is most often used in the public sector. Only the amount of time worked is paid.
  • Premium simple. The amount of payment of funds includes both the time worked and the quality of the tasks performed. The amount depends on the rate and calculation of the premium.
  • Normalized. This type of payment of funds is based on the fulfillment of the established norm.

Note that the norm of working hours in each month is different, it is determined by the production calendar.

So, for example, in May the norm of working hours is 143 hours, in June - 167 hours. It is for the norm of working hours according to the production calendar that the salary should be set not less than the regional minimum wage. But this applies only if the employee has fulfilled the established norm of working hours.

If the employee has worked fewer hours. In this case, the employee's salary is determined in accordance with his qualifications and the number of hours worked.

It should be emphasized that the minimum wage is provided to an employee who has fully worked out the norm of working time. Part-time wages may be less than the minimum wage.

If an employee wants to work and receive a salary for each worked period, on the basis of Article 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, he has the legal right to draw up an agreement with payment for each hour. To do this, the employer and employee must establish and prescribe the features of this type of earnings on a mutual basis.

The correct way to complete the contract is as follows:

  • The tariff rate for hourly activity is fixed, taking into account the minimum wage indicators.
  • The level of income is prescribed in the process of multiplying the rate and the hours worked.
  • Information is registered that relates to holidays, weekends and sick days.

Colombia has an extremely low minimum wage, which in general corresponds to its position as a rather poor country, largely tied to the agricultural sector, where workers, in principle, earn little. The figure indicated in the photo will become obsolete in two weeks. From April 1, Britons will receive a minimum of £7.2 an hour. This increase will be one of the most significant in history. Australia leads the world in minimum hourly wages. Which is not surprising, given the exceptionally high standard of living on the continent. However, manufacturers have recently complained that the collapse in world commodity prices has caused significant damage to the Australian economy. Over the past 20 years, the minimum hourly wage in Israel has doubled. However, in real terms, the growth is not so significant due to the relatively high inflation during this period.

Hourly pay rate

Here the complexity of the functions performed matters;

  • When income depends on the amount of work performed, this should be included in the provisions of the employment contract. Then the salary will be determined based on the number of products produced by the employee for a given period of time.

Thus, the employer must provide for all the features of hourly remuneration in the contract.

Minimum hourly wage in 2018 The existing minimum wage does not apply in this situation. For hourly wages, a single all-Russian rate is used.

At the moment, it is equal to 100 rubles for one hour of work. I must say that this rate is the minimum.

Each region has the right to determine the value independently, but it cannot be less than the specified 100 rubles per hour. Vacation pay for hourly wages The specified rate also affects vacation pay.


Therefore, it is necessary to take into account both his qualifications and the quality of the work done. How to calculate hourly wage? Since the basic unit of measurement of the worked period is one hour, it is necessary to track this time very clearly.
To do this, you can implement various control systems. Control over the performance of labor functions by the heads of departments or heads of departments should be ensured.

This form of remuneration is characterized by the maintenance of special journals or accounting books. They reflect all the actions performed by the employee.

However, if we are talking about a shift paid according to this principle, then it is enough to keep a log of the beginning of work duties and their completion. At the end of the working period, the number of hours worked is multiplied by the rate, which is set for 1 hour of work.

Implementation of payment for night hours in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in 2018, an example of calculation

TShourly=Monthly ⁄ N(hours per working month) Monthly - monthly rate, N(hours per working month) - number of hours per month. The amount of the allowance for night hours for those who have piecework wages Modern legislation does not give a clear definition on the procedure for calculating the amount of the surcharge for those workers who are engaged in piecework work.
However, there are two ways to calculate the allowance for night work with a piecework wage system. Read also the article: → "The procedure for calculating night hours from salary for different work schedules."

  1. The first way: regardless of the volume of products created or services rendered, it is possible to calculate the hourly rate, since each enterprise has a staffing table that gives an idea of ​​the minimum hourly rate of an employee (it is ultimately used when calculating the allowance ).


Part 3 of the order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Instructions ...” dated April 16, 2000 No. 155, Letter of Rostrud dated October 28, 09 No. 3201 Employees of the ambulance and emergency team 100% Letter of Rostrud dated October 28, 09 No. 3201 Regardless of the field of work At least 20% Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the minimum wage" dated July 22, 2008 No. 554 Who is allowed to work on the night shift and who cannot be involved the list of persons who are NOT ALLOWED TO WORK AT NIGHT TIME is indicated:

  • pregnant employees;
  • Minor employees of the organization (citizens under the age of 18), in accordance with the provisions of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 252 of April 28, 2007 (exception: minors engaged in artistic activities).

Hourly pay: what is it and what is special

In order to ensure the safety, health and well-being of citizens, the police, security guards, doctors, and representatives of public utilities are working at night. Taxi drivers, hotline operators, service workers perform their work at night.

Drivers drive trains, bakers bake bread at bakeries... It is not easy to work at night, so the regulation of such activities has its own specifics. Night work Working at night in our country is allowed at the legislative level.

Article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines the period from 22:00 to 06:00 as night time.

Hourly wages according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation


This week, the Just Russia faction submitted to the State Duma a bill on the introduction of hourly wages in the country. According to the proposal of the SR, the minimum cost of an hour of work should be 100 rubles.

Let's compare this figure with the minimum hourly wage in countries where it already exists. There is no single national minimum wage in China.


Minimum hourly wages are set by province and economic zone. The most modest figure is in the northeastern province of Heilongjiang on the border with Russia (8 yuan).

And, for example, in Shanghai it is more than twice as high and reaches 18 yuan. In the United States, the minimum hourly wage was first legislated in the 1910s in 13 states.

At the national level, such a law was passed in 1938.

Payment for night hours according to shopping mall rf. how to pay for night time

It reflects information on the structure, number and composition of employees. The staffing table has a certain form N T-3. Staffing form T-3 It is necessary to make an indication of the use of hourly pay in the column - “With a tariff rate (salary), etc.”. Attention should be paid to the indication "ex.". That is what allows us to include here the "hourly rate of rubles / hour." In the note, it is permissible to make a note - “Time-based wage system”. In the column that determines the total wage, you need to write the number that will be obtained by multiplying the hourly rate by the number of hours that an employee works on average per day. Order An employment order may also contain an indication of the application of hourly wages. In this case, he needs to supplement this document with the column "with an hourly rate of rubles / hour."

Surcharge for night work: calculation formula

When calculating them, standard formulations are used. That is, the average income for the past period of the year is taken as the unit of account. From it, the average income for each day is calculated. Then this amount is multiplied by the number of days that the employee will spend on vacation. As a result, the required amount of vacation payments will be obtained.

An example of calculating hourly wages An example of hourly wages is the case of a security guard. If he works 10 hours at the store and receives the minimum wage, then he will receive 1,000 rubles per shift.

If for some reason the store closes earlier and it will work for 7 hours, then it will receive 700 rubles each. This makes it easy to pay by the hour. The employee receives remuneration for the time that he actually worked.

Hourly wages - legal provisions

  • for workers - convenient for employees of certain professions, as it allows you to take into account their uneven workload.
  • for employers - the complexity of the financial calculation of wages, the need to strictly control the amount of time worked by employees;
  • for employees - the absence of bonuses and bonuses, the possibility of abuse by an unscrupulous employer who will set unrealistic amounts of work for one hour.

How is hourly wages implemented at the enterprise? To implement hourly wages, it may be necessary to involve a special person who will keep records of the time worked by each of the employees. The procedure for applying this system can be established in a special local act, which is issued by the head of the enterprise and operates within its boundaries.

Hourly wages in 2018 in Russia

The evening shift starts at 19:00 and ends at 03:00 (night). According to the work schedule, Kuznetsov has a five-day work week (he works from Monday to Friday).

The salary is 20,000 rubles. The number of night shifts in July is 16. The norm of work for the position of Kuznetsova A.I. equals 176 hours.

Surcharge for night work at Granit-M is provided at 20% of the regular rate. An example question is in calculating the surcharge for working at night.

Since the period from 22:00 to 06:00 belongs to night time, according to the law, Kuznetsov worked 5 night hours for each of his shifts. The total number of night hours for 16 shifts in July is 80 night hours (5 hours * 16 shifts).

  • Based on the conditions of the example, we calculate the TC hour: 20,000 rubles.

    /176 \u003d 113.64 rubles. per hour of work.

  • Surcharge for night hours (P) will be: 113.64 rubles.

The tenant, however, is not tied to such a calculation procedure and can establish it in a different form and size, but only if it exceeds the legally established level. For some professional categories of workers, extra pay for night shifts is established by special regulations of departments or orders of the Government in an amount exceeding the minimum amount of such remuneration. So, for employees of medical institutions, such an additional payment is 50% of the hourly salary. And employees of the paramilitary, fire protection and penitentiary system are entitled to 35% of the specified salary. Rules for calculating increased pay The procedure for how night hours of work are paid is prescribed in Resolution No. 554.