Printing. Modern printing: what is it, definition, features and types What is printing in art

Printing or printing process was invented in the fifteenth century, with every century, decade, and also year this process is improved. Everything changes, from the technology that prints to the paint that is poured. Today, there are numerous types of printing as well as printing all over the world. It will take a lot of time to describe each species, and the information received could fill a whole book. This article describes popular types of printing.

Types of printing

The first group of printing includes standard. It produces rolls and sheets. Another name is offset. This printing method involves transferring ink onto the printing plate not directly, but through a cylinder. It is in the middle between material and form. Thanks to this method, the bulk of printed products (packaging, advertising products, books, magazines) are published this way. This type of printing produces very high-quality products, and is economical when a large number of copies are printed.

The second group of printing includes digital printing, or as it is also called online printing. This is what the online printing house and most modern printing houses use. This printing method is quite young, and the paint used for printing is significantly different from the previous type. When material is printed in several copies, they may differ from each other. This printing method also differs from the one described above in that the printing itself takes place in a machine. Digital printing uses the following printing:

  • inkjet printing;
  • electrographic;
  • ionography.

Electrographic printing uses special water-based toners. The image is obtained thanks to the electrodes that are on special paper. The image appears when the electrodes begin to interact with the paper. When the image is developed, it then begins to acquire the desired colors thanks to the liquid toner. This method is most often used in digital systems.

An ionographic image is created on a special cylindrical shape, which, when interacted with a current pulse, produces a result. A certain amount of electrical impulse forms the paint into a gel. The huge advantage of this type of printing is that it uses ink economically, and the printed images are bright, colorful and saturated.

The advantage of digital printing is that it is much more economical if printed in small quantities. It also fulfills orders in a short time, which is what the client most often needs.

The cost of an individual copy with digital printing methods does not depend on the size of the circulation, and producing small volumes is cost-effective.

From the ancient Greek “printing” is translated as “I write a lot.” In the modern understanding, printing is the multiple reproduction (printing) of graphics and text and directly a branch of industry that produces printed products: business, advertising, packaging/label, book and magazine editions of various volumes.

Since the 15th century. The printing process was invented, it is constantly developing and modernizing: new technologies, printing forms, printing materials, inks, etc. appear. In the modern world, there are many types of printing on the printing market, for which a wide variety of technologies are used. A detailed description of all technologies would probably require a whole book. This article will only talk about the main types of printing, into which printing methods are conventionally divided.

Printing can be of both advertising and educational and informational nature. The great advantage of printing is its materiality. In order to introduce consumers to your company and your services, you do not need to give them a link to the site, you just need to give them your business card or booklet. Not all potential consumers have access to the Internet, so a simple leaflet can be much more useful than a popular and promoted website.

Yes, there is no doubt that printing is basically the printing of newspaper and magazine products, but in addition to this, printing also involves the production of many other printed products. For example, printing can be used to make inscriptions and pictures on clothes; here printing is most likely represented by silk-screen printing. In this type of printing, printing involves the use of screen printing technology.

A modern printing enterprise is an organic fusion of the industrial process of reproducing printed products, the creative process (developing the design of printed products, etc.), post-printing processing (lamination, embossing, perforation, stitching, sewing, binding) with full-color, operational printing.

The main printing methods include:

Intaglio printing.

High (printing (book), flexography).

Screen printing, including silk-screen printing.

Flat printing (iris and tampon printing, lithography).

In modern printing, the most common printing methods are:

Digital and offset printing.

Offset printing.

Flexography (flexographic printing).


Silk-screen printing (silk-screen printing).

Products printing You can touch it, you can take it with you and re-read it anywhere and at any time. You can get acquainted with it on the street, in the subway, in the forest and in your own apartment. Printing is unobtrusive, like television advertising or banners on the streets. You can put it aside until better times and read it at any convenient time. In addition, printing is much cheaper than television, radio or Internet advertising, and its results can be no less effective. The impact of printing on the consumer’s consciousness can be much longer than other types of advertising.

Offset printing

Offset is a classic printing method that is also popular in modern printing. Provides good quality of printed products, high detail and halftone transmission. It operates primarily in large circulations and is used in the production of full-color newspapers, brochures, glossy magazines, booklets, and representative advertising products.

Silkscreen printing

Silk-screen printing (in the classical sense) is a technique of transferring an image through a silk mesh stretched over a frame. Today, instead of silk, the uniform material is usually nylon (polyamide), polyester monofilament, or metal mesh. The formation of gap elements is carried out photochemically directly on the mesh. Textiles, all kinds of metals, polyvinyl chloride, paper of various densities and types, various plastics, leather, glass, rubber, ceramics and many others are used as printed materials. The silk screen printing method produces all kinds of plastic/payment cards, advertising brochures, stickers/labels, illustrated catalogs, business cards, documentation forms and other types of business and advertising printed products. Using silk-screen printing, images are applied to plastic bags, T-shirts, etc.
Digital printing

With digital printing, printed products are produced using the so-called. “digital” equipment (printers, MFPs, etc.) that deals directly with text/graphics from electronic files, rather than from “physical” printed forms. Conventionally divided into wide-format and sheet-fed digital printing.

Large format printing

Large format is a popular method of producing indoor (interior) and outdoor advertising using inkjet printing. Print sizes sometimes reach: width – five meters, length – tens of meters. Sheet-fed – digital printing in one, several colors or black, used for the production of large quantities of all kinds of promotional materials: business cards, advertising brochures, media cards, leaflets, etc. Digital printing has undeniable advantages: no need for large production areas, no difficulties with electricity (a “standard” household power supply can be used), it is possible to print small runs of advertising products and documentation without significant pre-press costs. The disadvantages of digital printing include: lower ink durability and poorer print quality compared to the offset method, and the rather high cost of printed products.

Printed products of a modern printing enterprise:

POS products: various shelf talkers, dispensers, price tags, mobile phones for retail outlets.

Packaging materials, containers.

Book and magazine printed products.

All kinds of calendars: desktop, pocket, wall, corporate (with branding).

Office printing: business cards, self-copied forms, notepads.

As you can imagine, digital printing is the most popular.

The appearance of printing is the embodiment of the intention of its creator. It can be very original and individual, attract the attention of the consumer and advertise the product. Conversely, products can be so boring and primitive that they will not achieve even a hundredth of the predicted result.

Digital printing

With digital printing, printed products are produced using the so-called. “digital” equipment (printers, MFPs, etc.) that deals directly with text/graphics from electronic files, rather than from “physical” printed forms. Conventionally divided into wide-format and sheet-fed digital printing

The final size of the printed sheet in printing is formed using sheet cutting - a post-printing stage that cannot be avoided by any type of printed product due to a number of technological limitations that arise when printing both offset and digitally.

The finished sheets are stacked and cut on each side - this removes the white margins (the so-called unprintable area) and gives the sheets the exact dimensions and desired shape. This stage of post-printing processing is called trimming. Often, several future copies of printed products are located on one sheet (for example, business cards are printed this way), and after printing they are also separated using sheet cutting - this will be called cutting.

High-quality and original printing products are the calling card of any company. These are image products that often say much more about the company than all advertising companies combined. To create printing that best suits the customer’s corporate style and ideas, many organizations prefer to use the services of professional printing designers. It is the specialists who will be able to create an original, memorable and high-quality product.

Surely many who have had to order printed products at least once in their lives have wondered how the two concepts differ - printing and typography.

Under the concept "printing" understand the industry that deals with the reproduction of printed materials.

There are several types of printing:

  • Deep;
  • Flat;
  • Stencil;
  • High.

In addition, there are different printing methods, which are divided into:

  • Digital printing;
  • Offset printing;
  • Digital offset printing;
  • Silkscreen printing;
  • Embossing;
  • Sublimation;
  • Flexography.

If speak about printing houses, then we are talking about a printing production enterprise. As a rule, everything necessary to send a print order is prepared there, the image is applied to the media, the circulation is printed, as well as the processing of printed products.

Today, all over the world, both large printing houses and small organizations provide their services for the creation of printed products. Regardless of their size, they can specialize in all printing methods and types of printed products, that is, be universal, or in just one thing.

How does the printing house work?

This is a very complex technological process, so errors in operation can be irreparable or unprofitable for the enterprise. Fortunately, since the advent of computers and their stronghold in human life, the work process has become much easier, especially when it comes to the safety of information and images. After all, now all electronic versions of products can always be found in the data storage system.

Today, there are many companies that produce or supply server systems, computer equipment and comprehensive IT solutions for corporate enterprises, government agencies, and government agencies. Among them, the ASKOD company received a special place and recognition from customers.

Why is it so difficult to organize the process of creating printed products, and what is important to take into account at each stage of the work?

As a rule, all printing houses operate according to the same principle. Work on an order is divided into several stages, each of which is the responsibility of one or another employee, or a group of specialists, if necessary.

Purchasing and delivering all the necessary consumables, processing them, organizing printing processes - all this requires a lot of effort and time. In addition, in order to start the workflow itself, it is necessary to pay close attention to synchronizing the actions of all printing house employees.
Like many other organizations, the printing house begins its work by searching for clients who want to order printed products, with whom they still need to agree on the type of service, cost and timing.

After all the nuances of future cooperation between the two parties have been agreed upon, the order is sent to the printing house for pre-press preparation. Very often the client has no idea what exactly he would like to receive and what it will look like. Here everything depends on the typography designer, who will come up with or select a design that meets the customer’s requirements and make a layout. After the customer approves the layout, the files are processed, after which printed forms are produced from them.

Next, the order goes to the printing shop, where paper is already cut for it, technical specifications are drawn up, which will accompany this order until it is completely manufactured. Only at this stage can the printing house printer begin work. As practice shows, finding a true specialist in this field is not so easy.

The final stage of order preparation takes place in the finishing shop , where the completed form goes.

As you can see, printing and typography are two closely related concepts, the meaning of which is quite easy to understand.

Literally translated, polygraphy means “to write a lot.” This is one of the industries whose functions are the creation and replication of printed publications. These include both sheet products and multi-page products. What is printing today? Technological processes never cease to improve. Now printing is carried out not only on paper and cardboard, but also on fabric, glass, plastic and other materials. It has become possible to use relief embossing to design cards and invitations. With the help of printing you can make unique souvenirs, surprise and delight your friends and loved ones.


Printing can be done in different ways. This depends on the presence of text or graphic elements, the quality and specifics of the materials. Paper, for example, can be glossy and rough, and cardboard of a special density is chosen to create packaging or POS materials. The compatibility of coloring substances with them is important. What is ink in printing? This is a specific composition with varying degrees of viscosity and fluidity, including a pigment of a certain color and additional components.

Modern printing houses have learned to add capsules with aromatic oils to paint. This effect is often used in perfume booklets. Another new technology in printing is obtaining three-dimensional images. This stereo effect consists of printing two images on one plane. The combination of layers of paint creates a feeling of volume when viewing a picture.

Modern printing

Printing processes have become much easier since the advent of computers. Previously, there were only two printing methods (high and intaglio), there were many nuances and strict requirements for materials, and long preparation times. Later, an additional type appeared - offset printing, but even here replication took a lot of time, and the required number of copies significantly affected the cost of publications.

In modern realities, there is digital printing: fast and relatively cheap. Now it is possible to combine pre-press preparation and circulation creation into one process. Printing houses and publishing houses are engaged in printing - not only large concerns, but also small firms located in the same office premises. Customers now include not only legal entities, but also private individuals.

Promotional Products

Certain types of printing products are distinguished based on various characteristics. Its main classification is related to its purpose. Printed publications can be made as advertising - for a company, individual entrepreneur, corporation or product. For example, an organization’s brochure, business card, catalog. Some leaflets or flyers announce an upcoming event - another advertising option. To create a layout for such publications, they turn to a specialist, a printing designer. He pays attention to the color scheme and arrangement of elements. As a rule, bright, contrasting colors and fonts are used for advertising products.

When the layout is completely ready, the exact dimensions are calculated (taking into account fold lines, bleeds), it is sent to a printing and printing company. What are representative products? It refers to forms with the logo and details of the organization, as well as envelopes, notepads, and business cards. Their function is not so much advertising as informational, providing the interested party with brief information about the company, creating a certain image.

Volumetric editions

Book and magazine products are also published for informational purposes, but are intended not only for partners and employees of the company, but also for ordinary readers. Publishing houses, universal or specialized, handle the printing of books.

The draft of the future book is agreed upon with the author. The publishing house is responsible for any additions or design changes. Pre-press preparation of the publication includes editorial processing of the text, selection of illustrative material, and layout layout. This is followed by the testing and replication stage. Then the book is enclosed in a cover (or binding) and fastened in a certain way (with glue, paper clips or sewing). These printing processes are carried out in a printing house.

Wedding printing

Recently, printed materials have begun to be used as an additional element of room decoration for festive events. Wedding printing is especially popular. It helps create a festive atmosphere, set guests and newlyweds in the right mood, and notify about the upcoming celebration. This includes, firstly, invitations. The newlyweds choose in advance the color (one or several) in which the event will be held. Invitations for guests are issued in appropriate colors. This could be a background, font, small illustrations or ornaments. Most often, digital printing is used for such purposes. Cardboard is suitable as a material; the use of embossing would be an excellent solution.

Printing is also used to design seating plans, wedding album covers, and champagne bottle labels. It is worth noting that design elements must be repeated on all items and be recognizable. The font style and selected tones should be the same. A pleasant surprise for the invitees will be calendars placed in an envelope along with the invitation with a photo of the newlyweds and an indication of the wedding date.

For other events

You can also turn to the printing center for services to create a unique gift for the anniversary or birthday of a loved one.

This could be a photobook - a small printed publication containing mainly images from a personal archive, with a small addition in the form of texts (congratulations, wishes, names and dates). It is carried out on high-density material. The photobook format is selected from those provided by the printing house. The creation of a layout is entrusted to a professional designer (with the transfer of all necessary materials to him), another option is carried out by the customer himself in certain programs. The finished version in the required format is sent to the company’s email address.

Posters and greeting cards with unique designs are also popular. You can put photographs, beautiful poems or congratulations in prose in them.

Post-press processing

What is the final stage of publication preparation in printing? This is the stage at which sheet fastening, creasing, trimming, perforating and other operations are performed. With their help, the object acquires its finished appearance. Most operations require specialized equipment, which is available in full-fledged printing houses, such as Poligrafiya LLC.

This technique requires constant maintenance. These are expensive devices that can only be operated by qualified specialists.