Financial Guardian Angel. How and where to look for sponsors for business? How and where to find a business sponsor Sponsoring a small business

Coming up with an idea for a business is one thing. But putting it into practice is a completely different thing. Many business ideas remain unrealized for one simple reason - lack of money. One category of people, we will call them failed businessmen, leave their idea until better times or completely forget about it. The other is looking for all sorts of ways to bring the project to life. They gut the "stash", take loans or think about how to find sponsors.

How to find sponsors for your business: 5 search options + 3 steps to fundraising

Before asking yourself the question of how to find sponsors for a business, you need to understand for yourself how we imagine these same sponsors, what you yourself can offer them. Just because no one will give money. The sponsor must always be confident in the profitability of the project, so it is necessary to provide him with full information about the business idea.

Therefore, we will divide our story into two blocks: the first - we will find out where to find sponsors, as well as who can become them. Second, we will define the main steps of how to find sponsors for the project.

Where to find sponsors: 5 ways to raise money for business development

So, who can act as a sponsor? Who can you ask for money? As they say, where to start, where to run? And let's start with the simplest - with our relatives and friends.

Relatives and friends

You need to contact friends or relatives - entrepreneurs, and those involved in a business close to your idea. Sponsors give money for a reason, firstly, they must be sure that your project will be profitable. And secondly, you will need to advertise the sponsor's services. This can be done both at the presentation of your project and after it.

For example, you are going to open a beauty salon, and your relative is engaged in the production of cosmetics. Consider that you have found each other - he gives you money for promotion, and you not only advertise his products, but also use them in your activities, i.e. here the sponsor also acts as a supplier.

Big businessmen

If among relatives or acquaintances there was no one suitable, contact the entrepreneurs of your city. Gather the necessary information about the companies you are interested in and come up with a proposal to their leader. In our example, we are looking for organizations related to cosmetology: cosmetic products, specialized equipment, and so on.

By the way, entrepreneurs themselves are often not averse to sponsoring profitable projects. If they have free funds, then they would rather invest them in a profitable business than keep them just like that. The main thing is to prove to them that "the game is worth the candle." For more information on how to convince sponsors that the project will be successful, read the chapter "how to find sponsors for a project".

Regional state structures

If you think that your innovation will help the development of the region, or maybe it is connected with some scientific discoveries, then feel free to contact the city administration with a request for a grant.

A grant is a kind of gratuitous amount for starting a business. It is clear that many start-up entrepreneurs apply for a grant, but not everyone who wants it receives this grant. The main thing here is to prove that your project will not only bring you profit, but, first of all, it will be useful to society.

For example, if you want to open a car rental company, then you don’t even have to think about a grant. But the idea of ​​opening a mini-bakery specializing in the so-called "healthy" bread: dietary, whole grain, BIO or "live" may well qualify for the help of the region.

Technopark and business incubator

Structures such as business incubators and technology parks that help young entrepreneurs have become widespread. Sponsorship here is to create favorable conditions for the start of business development.

New businessmen are offered services in teaching the basics of entrepreneurship, accounting and other important sciences. A fully equipped office with furniture, office equipment, etc. is also provided on favorable terms. Assistance is provided both in writing business plans and in finding sponsors.

Banks and credit organizations

If you don’t seriously think about the question “how to find sponsors” at all and you are confident in your creditworthiness, then you can simply contact the bank for a loan. But then you will need to find guarantors, you must have a good credit history, you will need to find property secured. As a rule, the amount for business development is not small, and whether this business will be profitable is still unknown.

The pitfall when contacting the bank is the high interest on the loan. Therefore, this option of obtaining funds for business development is very risky.

How to find sponsors for a project: 3 main steps to sponsor money

So, we have decided where to look for sponsors, now we will write down the steps that will help us “reach out” to them.

Step 1. Decide on the amount, develop a business plan

Before we ask ourselves how to find sponsors, we ourselves must have a clear idea about our future project. It is necessary to clearly know how much we will need, to put all the costs on the shelves, to plan the profit. Of course, for the sponsor, the project that involves a larger amount of planned profit will be more attractive. Equally important is the payback period of the project.

The inclusion of a section on possible risks and their assessment in the business plan, as well as a development plan for this type of activity with all calculations, can increase the attractiveness of the project to the sponsor. Do not be too lazy to draw up a business plan in a beautiful and high-quality way - you have yet to submit it. The printed paper must be of high quality. Accompany the material with graphic data.

A well-designed business development strategy is the first step for a successful search for sponsors!

Step 2. We attract sponsors

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways of obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

Sponsors will not know about you until you declare yourself. How? Now we'll find out.

  1. Post information

Business associations or business associations have been set up in almost every city. Apply there. Maybe that's where there is a person who wants to invest their money.

Stopped at borrowed funds? Apply to banks and credit organizations. You can place ads looking for sponsors through some business publications. Moreover, it can be both electronic and printed sources.

  1. Visit the "right" places

What shall we include here? Business forums, meetings aimed at helping new entrepreneurs. You can find out about such events through the Internet or online forums.

Step 3. Project presentation

So, the sponsor is found, the stage of persuasion begins. The business plan has been drawn up, now it is necessary to present it correctly. That's right, it means not to leave any doubts with the sponsor about the profitability of your proposal. It is necessary to inform him both about your goals and plans for the future, and about the benefits that the sponsor will receive by investing in your project.

Plan your presentation to fit within 5-7 minutes. Don't forget visuals. Slides are the best. Prepare answers to possible questions that you will no doubt be asked. For your part, also prepare a number of questions that interest you. Any person likes to be asked about him. By asking questions, you will make it clear that you have inquired about the sponsor and its activities and are interested in mutually beneficial cooperation.

How to find sponsors for an event: 3 steps to what you want

Another issue that I would like to highlight in this article is how to find sponsors for the event. Let's say you open the same beauty salon and in honor of its opening you decide to hold a local beauty contest. A competition is a competition, but money is also needed for it. How to find them?

Again, we are looking for sponsors, especially with an event interconnected with the main activity, you can kill two birds with one stone: find sponsors both for the planned event and for further cooperation.

Preparatory work

First, before looking for sponsors, you need to provide all the information about the event. Describe both the purpose and duration of the event, describe in detail the program and participants of the event.

Do not forget to mention sponsors in advertising. For example, place advertisements for sponsored products on invitation flyers. You can also use their products as prizes in the competition. Even if other prizes are used, they can be placed in bags with the sponsor's logo.

Working with sponsors

The next step in how to find sponsors for the event will be direct phone calls to potential patrons. Feel free to both write them letters and make calls. And do it regularly. Keep up to date with how the preparations for the event are going on, which of the authorities supported your event, where the advertisement was given.

Do not forget also about direct meetings with sponsors. Show them promotional products with their logo, listen to both comments and wishes. Show a sincere interest in their activities, make inquiries about them, follow their achievements.

Many sponsors are not satisfied with only advertising about them during the event. They need direct access to customers. Try to make this way out! And the first step will be, of course, the distribution of prizes from sponsors. If people are satisfied with the products or services, then in the future they themselves will turn to the right address.

After the event

At the end of the event, do not forget to thank the sponsors in writing, as well as give some statistical data characterizing the event. For example, tell how many people were present, reflect the number of both donated and purchased products, give them a copy of the promotional product. By the way, don't forget to include your contact details.

If the sponsor is satisfied with the advertising campaign carried out as part of your event, then the next time he will contact you.


So, if you decide on your own project, but do not have finances at all, do not hesitate to turn to third-party resources. We hope you find our tips on how to find sponsors helpful.

Starting your own business is no longer a rarity these days. Many Russians start their own business, refusing to work for hire. What are the challenges for start-up entrepreneurs?

Small business is fraught with many financial dangers. You can not find your client audience, buy too many goods, not recoup the costs of organizing a business - many different difficulties will stand in the way of start-up entrepreneurs.

Probably the most difficult thing that novice businessmen face is finding an investor. Most small business owners dream of finding a good sponsor to actively develop their production. However, where can you find the right person who is willing to invest in your project? This is what we will talk about in our today's article.

How can a young businessman find a sponsor? To successfully find an investor, you need to know several factors. These factors influence the sponsor's decision to invest in your business. We will talk about them in detail in the first section of the article.

How the sponsor decides whether to invest money or not

Most sponsors are either former businessmen or very successful and experienced ones. At the same time, when we say “former”, we mean that they have significant experience in entrepreneurship, and they managed to achieve some success. Therefore, such people, as a rule, have a flair for good and profitable projects.

The investor's interest is in the return of their funds in an increased volume. In doing so, they may be interested in the following aspects:

  • the speed of return of money from a small enterprise;
  • the amount of the returned amount in relation to the invested.

Thus, a potential sponsor of your business will be primarily interested in when you plan to make a profit and recoup all your expenses for organizing the project. Of course, he would prefer to get a return on his money in a short time.

What aspects of your business you need to pay attention to attract a sponsor

The bulk of investors do not delve into the details and details of your production. Nevertheless, there are several important aspects of small business that the vast majority of potential sponsors are interested in.

  1. Area of ​​activity. Of course, a person who wants to invest in your project will want to know what you basically do. Most businessmen with good instincts will be able to quickly determine how profitable an investment in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bwill be. Roughly speaking, everyone understands that the snowboard rental business will go bankrupt in a southern city without snow and mountain slopes. So pay attention to the potential of your area.
  2. Persons involved. Many potential investors will be interested in what kind of specialists you have attracted to your side. The human factor is the most important in a small business, because you always have to make complex and ambiguous decisions. If among your employees there are people who have been repeatedly awarded with any awards, having qualifications, experience and other positive characteristics, then the chances of obtaining investments will increase significantly. Carefully select a team to work on your project. Look for people whose names are well-known in thematic parties - and sponsors will reach out to you.
  3. Terms of receipt of net profit. As already mentioned, most sponsors prefer the principle of "the sooner the better." Therefore, it will be in your best interest to accelerate the receipt of the first profit from your own business. Few people will agree to invest in a project that will pay off only after two years.

Where is the best place to find a sponsor?

Of course, you can turn to a variety of information resources, business portals and everywhere report your desire to find an investor for your project. However, special investment funds currently exist. The owner of a small business needs to leave an application in it, which indicates all the main points about the project. We have already told you in detail what sponsors are interested in. These aspects of your project and paint in the application. An investment fund will help you quickly find more investors.

The most important point in this matter is to correctly draw up a statement. Do not forget to indicate the key points that are most interesting to potential sponsors. You should not dwell on the production process in detail - write about the result, about the final product or service. You need to present yourself in a favorable light, so remember your business plan and write down all the benefits that your project has.

A budding entrepreneur is always full of fresh ideas and solutions. The only problem he faces is lack of funds. There are various ways to seek financial assistance. In this article, we will look at how to find a sponsor for a business, what types of investments exist, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

What is the mutual benefit?

The entrepreneur's interest in this cooperation is quite understandable. Its purpose is to obtain start-up capital for starting a business. What drives sponsors in this business partnership?

Not everyone knows that an investor does not give start-up capital just like that. He provides it under certain conditions. And the most popular condition is to receive interest on profits or part of the shares. Therefore sponsors agree to deal not with every project.

Where to look?

An investor can be either an individual or a company. Starting businessmen do not always know who can act as a sponsor and where to look for it. If you do not know where to start looking for such a person, it is better to use the help of firms that specialize in finding sponsors for small and medium-sized businesses.

You can search directly for a sponsor at exhibitions, seminars and lectures. At such events, you can often meet potential investors.

The Internet is another option for finding financial help. There are many websites that specialize in these matters. On such platforms, you can present your commercial proposal, find a business partner, investor, or, conversely, offer your sponsorship services.

Let's take a closer look at how to find a sponsor for a business, subject to a business plan.
A good sponsor is a godsend for a businessman!

Venture funding

This is a rather risky partnership, which is based on the following nuances:

  • The investor is prepared in advance for losses in the business in case the profit is small or not at all. But in return, he will demand a large percentage, if the case still goes.
  • This is a long-term cooperation, in which the payback comes after 5-6, or even 10 years.
  • The investor controls up to 40% of the shares, so he is extremely interested in the success of the business.

Advantages of venture investments:

  • Opportunity to get funds for a risky project
  • No collateral requirements
  • Get money fast.


  • Difficulty in finding such sponsors in Russia
  • Deduction of interest from profit
  • Transfer to the investor almost half of the rights to own the business
  • Regular reports to the sponsor.

The most widespread venture investment has received in Moscow and the region.

State structures issuing a grant

In Russia, every entrepreneur has the opportunity to receive state support in technology parks and business incubators. Such platforms are primarily intended for young entrepreneurs who want to bring their business idea to life with minimal expenses.

To receive funds, a businessman must submit a detailed business plan to the administration of the technopark. After a positive decision is made, a contract is concluded, which certainly indicates the time interval for the implementation of the idea. Then the entrepreneur receives the necessary facilities and workspace, as well as assistance in the form of a staff of qualified specialists.

A business incubator, unlike a technopark, provides sponsorship to a running business. In order to join this site, you only need to submit documents. On this basis, the participants are selected.

Before submitting documents, an entrepreneur must understand that such a format involves renting production space at reduced rates and consulting qualified specialists. The search for an investor is carried out at a separate rate, and the contract itself has a limited validity period, after which all benefits will be unavailable.

Credit Brokers

This option should also not be ignored. Brokers help to find funds on favorable terms for a businessman.

Independent search

There are quite a few successful businessmen who are looking for an opportunity to invest their money and make good money on it. You just have to find such investors.

Getting a grant

In this case, the sponsor is the state. A grant is not issued just to enable an entrepreneur to start a business. It is provided for the purpose of solving regional problems in which the local administration, which acts on behalf of the state, is interested. That is, the entrepreneur's project should be aimed at solving social problems.

Such projects include the following: waste recycling, increasing the food basket and other areas.


Crowdfunding is translated from English as "funding by the crowd, the people." There are certain resources where you can register and get this kind of help. The following sites operate in Russia:


On the above sites, you need to register, and then place information about your project in the form of text and a video presentation. This is a kind of advertising that should be of interest to potential sponsors.

Bank loan

It is impossible not to recall such an affordable and most common way to obtain funds to open your own business. However, banks provide favorable lending conditions only to stable, operating businesses for its further development.

How to be a budding entrepreneur? You can take out a loan for consumer needs. However, it is important to understand that you will have to repay the principal with interest even in the event of your complete fiasco.

It is important to calculate everything correctly so that the money invested is not wasted

What does it take to find a sponsor for a business?

The most important thing is a detailed and competent business plan , in which not only the idea itself will be revealed, but also specific figures will be given, on the basis of which prospects and opportunities will be assessed.

Investors are, first of all, already established entrepreneurs who are well versed in business. Therefore, there is no need to make false promises and promise sky-high prospects.

Real numbers are important, so it’s worth exploring a few similar ideas or seeking help from an experienced financier.

In addition to the business plan, Commercial offer , after reading which the sponsor should light up the idea with you. This is a concise text in which all forecasts are clearly traced. No more than 1 A4 sheet.

Despite the fact that we live in an age of technological progress, it is better to discuss an upcoming project and receive financial assistance with a sponsor in person, bypassing video calls and Internet correspondence. Prepare carefully for the meeting, make an interesting presentation , take all the documents with you so that the investor can see that you have a serious event worth investing in.

Good luck!

Finding a philanthropist or sponsor, as they are also called in the business world, financial guardian angels, is accessible to everyone, regardless of their occupation. An athlete, artist, lawyer or entrepreneur - financial patronage is currently available to anyone, the main thing here is to interest the sponsor ...

At first glance, the process of interacting with sponsors is quite simple. For the provided equipment, funds for start-up capital or other benefits provided by the sponsor, the user of such services gives the right to use their talents together with opportunities in a profitable or promising type of activity for the philanthropist company.

However, do not forget that with a lucrative contract at the same time, the user of sponsorship services has a lot of additional obligations.

The main goal of such relationships is to obtain a stable and profitable return. In particular, while consumers of investments dream of developing their own business, investors .

First of all, the main goal of sponsors who have agreed to finance a business idea is dividends. Moreover, they are by no means always expressed as a monetary equivalent.

In turn, almost always an entrepreneur who wants to have sponsorship should be prepared for the possible sale of his interests to another company that will be ready to finance the project.

The main condition for providing sponsorship support is the attractiveness of the project directly for the target audience, and therefore for the investor too. You can find a sponsor or a project for investment here:

Sponsor Information

A sponsor is attracted by presenting a business plan or a company that requires additional investment in order to develop their own project. However, this is not enough. To make successful interactions with the investor, first of all, it is necessary to have information about him.

Experienced businessmen believe that if you know where to apply for financial support, then 50% of business success is already guaranteed. It is better to look for a sponsor directly at the place of implementation of your own business ideas. In this case, the choice of a sponsor will be entirely up to the applicant for financial support.

It is unlikely that third parties will be able to make the right decision. Only the head or founder of a business understands what exactly is required for its successful further development. Having chosen one or another company, it is worth clarifying what other sponsorship support is provided to it.

If the sponsor had no previous experience of interaction with similar projects, it should be assumed that this company has a complete lack of experience in this field of activity. Specialized websites are considered an excellent assistant in finding a potential sponsor for a business and collecting information about them.

Such resources not only have offers, but also allow the sponsorship applicant to develop a personal profile in order to attract financial partners to support the business or its organizations.

Start of negotiations with the sponsor

Once the company is selected, negotiations should proceed. This should be done directly with the head of the selected sponsoring company, or with the marketing director, of course, if the structure of the enterprise has such a position.

A number of companies specializing in the provision of sponsorship services have managers specifically for sponsorship, whose task is to resolve such issues.

Stages of negotiations

After establishing a contact, you should justify the goals of your own company, demonstrate your capabilities and plans for the near future. At the end of the presentation, attention should be focused on the benefits the sponsor received as a result of supporting your project.

If after that the investor continues to be interested in cooperation with you, it is worth indicating the benefits that will be received directly by the applicant for the support provided by the sponsor - financing, equipment, technical devices, and so on.

In addition, do not forget to stipulate the moment of special opportunities and advantages of both parties. It is important to understand that all sponsors have their own interests and goals for interacting with other companies, based on what kind of support they provide (services, finance, equipment).

Traditionally, this is manifested by the presence of joint interests with sponsoring companies. In addition, sponsors usually want one thing - to get additional profit from the business idea they invest in.

Therefore, when demonstrating a business plan in order to obtain sponsorship, it is worth paying attention to this project. This is the only way to talk about long-term agreements with them.


Based on the above, the conclusion suggests itself that by receiving sponsorship you automatically accept the conditions put forward by the investor. At the same time, in return for the money or other assistance issued by him, you will also have to provide him with something in the future.

Perhaps they will be cash dividends, or advertising the brand of the company that acts as an investor. Only understanding of this point will allow you to find a sponsor. Otherwise, most investors will simply refuse you.
And where to find a sponsor, you can find out by reading.

Whoever you are: an athlete, a scientist or a startup, no matter what step you are in the social hierarchy, the search for a sponsor who can significantly bring you closer to your goal is available to absolutely everyone. It's no secret that in the capitalist world nothing happens for nothing. In order to find a sponsor, your guardian angel in the business world, you need to offer him something in return. However, this process is time-consuming, requires a special return from those in need of investment, and the search itself has a number of pitfalls. For all people starting their own business, the answer to the question of how to find sponsors will soon become less mysterious.

Relationship between sponsor and sponsored

At the first stages, it all looks simple, you just need to provide your services to the company in exchange for some benefits, but it only seems so trivial at first glance. In exchange for the initial capital received, you grant your patron the right to use the fruits of your thinking, your opportunities in the most promising, in his opinion, type of activity. In addition, having received a lucrative contract, the user of capital will be forced to fulfill a number of additional obligations. The purpose of this approach is a kind of symbiosis - mutually beneficial coexistence based on getting from each subject what the opposite subject wants, and vice versa. For example, you get various products, necessary software, various kinds of insurance, and the sponsor you found for the business expects returns from you, its dividends, interest from the money invested in you, but this is not always expressed in monetary terms. In most cases, these are your ideas, talents, the fruits of your human capital, formed over the years of life. In any case, you need to sell part of yourself based on the company's marketing demand, and if you have nothing to offer, then the target audience is chosen incorrectly.

Sponsor Information

Demonstrating your abilities in a particular area will help solve the problem of how to find sponsors, as well as partners for this project as an additional source of ideas that can adjust your project for modern business. It is worth remembering that patrons always pursue their goals, and it doesn’t matter what you ask them in return. Sponsors want to know that the group of people they support have common ideas, directions of movement, so knowing this, you can adapt to the selection criteria. In the modern world, time is much more important than money, because even the value of GDP is subject to a period of time equal to one year, which indicates the importance of this parameter in the economy and business. Knowing ahead of time who you can and can't reach out to will save a lot of this precious resource. It is most logical to start looking with local investors, which can reduce transaction costs. If a company has not previously worked with projects like yours, then the possibility of financing is minimal. And there is no need to go around in a roundabout way, trying to establish connections, you must clearly define the vision of your future philanthropist.

Start of negotiations

Once a company has been selected, or you already know where to find a sponsor, try to start negotiations. It is best to first contact the marketing director, and if there is no such position in the company, then try to establish contact with the head himself.


It is worth remembering that philanthropic companies sometimes have sponsorship managers, and there are also entire product development departments that promote the company's products to the market through advertising. If you have the opportunity to speak on television, then these departments will be interested in sponsorship injections in you, and by doing so you provide them with a passive demonstration of the company's products or services, which is done by famous football players who appear at press conferences with aluminum cans from Coca -Cola", then from "Pepsi".

The right presentation is the key to success

When the stage with the investor is passed, the potential sponsor of the project should be aware of the main goals of your idea, plans for the future, the idea of ​​​​your own capabilities, as well as the benefit of the philanthropist received in the future as your startup is supported. But more details a little later, and now we will talk about the process of the performance itself. The presentation must follow the "10-20-30" rule. This means that you need to show 10 slides in 30 font for 20 minutes of presentation, of which only 5 are allotted for your presentation, and the remaining 15 minutes for answering questions. Remember that the time it takes to prepare a presentation speech is inversely proportional to the time it takes to present your idea to an investor. You will need to demonstrate your public speaking skills as best you can. Competent half ensures the passage of the idea to the sponsor basket.

Project Presentation Plan

Now about what should be in the presentation. Attracting sponsors begins with the justification of the project. At this stage, it is most logical to provide a description of your capabilities and abilities, including a resume. If yes, then you can provide your previous successes, as well as plans for the future with a possible demonstration of a video file, which will help you save nerves in the office of a potential partner, because no matter who you are, there will be excitement. Then you need to justify the benefits that the sponsor will receive from your cooperation with him. Imagine that you are the founder of a large video hosting site that millions of network users visit every day, so the company from which you want to receive funding will promote their products on your site using advertising, and you will begin to receive your margin from this. Next, you can present the existing alternatives for obtaining benefits for you. It can be insurance, cash, transportation costs, wages and so on. If, in your project, the philanthropist has additional opportunities in his head from a deal with you, then this is the basis for further fruitful cooperation. Let's imagine that your volleyball team is so successful that it goes to the World Cup, what a sin not to take advantage of the investor, so the more your project can attract viewers, the higher the probability of funding your idea.

What and how to ask

Another helper in how to find a sponsor for a business will be the right questions, so you need to know what to ask. Never use the "hit the bull in the head" tactic. Try to be flexible with real data. In this case, the expression "cunning as a fox" is most welcome. It is foolish to expect millions of dollars from a patron, especially when it is not known whether your proposal meets your own needs. In this regard, carefully study the history of the sponsorship of the company in order to know what to ask for in return. It is best to ask for something that costs nothing for the company, and this depends on the specialization of the organization itself.

Possibility of loss of funding

Do not forget that you can both find sponsors and lose them. All donors are different. Everyone has their own goals and expectations that you will need to justify. You must have some common interests with him in a joint business. Accordingly, you need to constantly adjust your actions if you really need an investor. If you are a very famous and influential person, then relations with sponsors are based on your authority, because this allows them to have additional income, but as soon as your fame begins to fade into oblivion, then the NVP from your cooperation with investors will approach zero, which can destroy your contacts with them. Remember, after closing the deal, you are the personification of their firm, so you need to match the image in which the money was invested. It is also worth remembering that if your project, which was originally social in nature, suddenly turns into a commercial project, then the image that corresponded to the views of society will also be shaken. Do not refuse the company's offers to participate in various promotions, it is beneficial for both of you.

Errors in the sponsor-sponsor relationship

It is good if the cooperation between you and the sponsor is mutually beneficial. However, finding a sponsor to make this equality a reality is very difficult. In most cases, the advantage of one side will outweigh the other. At the moment, there is no way to accurately assess the effectiveness of the project for both parties, so it is extremely difficult to calculate the losses and benefits. Consider the private causes of non-receipt of investment. Firstly, when all the requirements of the patron were not taken into account when drawing up the business plan, which could lead to the termination of cooperation. Secondly, if during the presentation it turns out that you are considering various forms of funding, this indicates that you do not know what you want. Thirdly, your actions must be interconnected with all subjects of your project activities. And there are many such examples, so it is enough to be a responsible person.


In conclusion, it is worth recalling that sponsorship is not advertising, as it is only an engine of trade. By entering into an agreement, you will advertise the company's trademark. Remember how to properly enter into a dialogue with a future partner, how to negotiate, and also do not forget what place the presentation is given at this stage. If you are asking for something from a patron, then let it be something that he can easily say goodbye to, and this requires good prior awareness. Always look for a way to compromise and live up to the expectations placed on you. If you follow the guidelines outlined here, the question of how to find sponsors becomes less vague.