Domestic weapons and military equipment. PAK DP: Mig Pak world speed record expected

Currently, the Russian aviation industry is modernizing the MiG-31 interceptor aircraft according to the new MiG-31BM project. The proposed replacement of components, components and assemblies allows us to improve the performance of equipment, as well as extend its service life. However, aircraft manufacturers are already working on the appearance of a promising aircraft that will replace existing aircraft in the future. This project is known as the “Advanced Aviation Long-Range Interception Complex” (PAK DP. In addition, the possible name of the serial interceptors – MiG-41 – has been repeatedly mentioned.

According to available data, work on the PAK DP project started several years ago, but for a number of reasons the program still remains in the early stages. Because of this, in particular, certain plans of the military and designers have been repeatedly reported, but most of the technical details still remain unknown. Perhaps, in some cases, this is due to the ongoing formation of the interceptor’s appearance and the lack of relevant developments.

The military department's intentions to obtain a new interceptor to replace the MiG-31 were first announced in 2013. Then the Air Force Commander-in-Chief, Colonel General Viktor Bondarev, spoke about the military department’s plans to create a promising aircraft. At that time, the possibility of developing a project within the framework of the current State Armaments Program was considered. In this case, the project should have appeared before 2020. Subsequent serial production of aircraft would make it possible by 2028 to completely replace all existing MiG-31 type aircraft.

Interceptor MiG-31BM. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

The following messages appeared in early spring 2014. According to data from that time, the Chief of the General Staff signed a document on the start of the development of a new aircraft intended to replace existing equipment. It was noted that the promising interceptor will be developed on the basis of the existing MiG-31 and will be designated MiG-41. The technical details of the new project were not specified, although various assessments were made. For example, it was argued that the maximum speed of the new MiG-41 could exceed M=4.

A few months later, new information about the project appeared, touching on the timing of its implementation. In August 2014, Air Force Commander-in-Chief Colonel General Viktor Bondarev said that research work on the PAK DP program had already begun, and development work would start in 2017. According to the commander, production aircraft of the new type were supposed to go into service by 2025. It is easy to see that in about a year the plans changed noticeably, but now they looked more elaborate.

Long before the planned start of development work, in February 2015, the management of the Russian aircraft manufacturing corporation MiG expressed its readiness to participate in the new PAK DP program. The head of the organization, Sergei Korotkov, noted that a project of this scale can only be implemented within the framework of a state program. RSK MiG has extensive experience in developing interceptor aircraft, and therefore could take part in the planned work. Soon S. Korotkov said that his corporation was proactively developing heavy-class interceptors capable of replacing existing equipment in the future.

In August 2015, the air force announced a change in current plans. V. Bondarev stated that development work on the PAK DP topic will begin no earlier than 2019, i.e. two years later than originally planned. At the same time, such a change in the work schedule should not affect the state of the interceptor fleet available to the Air Force. To maintain the required potential, it was necessary to continue the modernization of combat equipment.

At the same time, in August 2015, another defense industry organization expressed its intention to participate in the Advanced Long-Range Interception Aviation Complex program. General Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Engineering named after V.V. Tikhomirov (Zhukorvsky) Yuri Bely spoke about the beginning of work on shaping the appearance of the radio-electronic systems of the future aircraft. He noted that the creation of the Zaslon radar, used on MiG-31 interceptors, became a landmark for NIIP. Tikhomirov, and the station itself eventually turned out to be the “calling card” of the organization. In this regard, the institute showed interest in the new program and decided to join it.

At that time, research work was already being carried out to determine the appearance of the avionics of the PAK DP aircraft. The possibility of creating a new complex based on the Zaslon product or newer systems such as Bars, Irbis, etc. was considered. Among other things, the possibility of developing a promising radar and related equipment based on equipment created for the fifth-generation fighter PAK FA / T-50 was studied. At the same time, however, as of August 2015, NIIP named after. Tikhomirov has not yet been officially appointed as the developer of on-board radio-electronic systems.

In December 2015, the General Director of RSK MiG again spoke about the progress of work. According to S. Korotkov, the corporation has already begun developing a new interceptor aircraft. By this time, experts had an understanding of what a promising PAK DP should be like, and began to determine its technical appearance. In particular, the project planned to use the most modern materials and new principles of military aircraft construction. Moreover, all work was allegedly carried out at the expense of the state budget. Any information about the completion of certain works was not disclosed at that time.

Subsequently, the topic of developing the PAK DP interceptor was repeatedly raised by various officials and the media, but new information about the timing of the work, customer and industry plans, or technical details of the project did not appear. As a result, for the entire 2016 and the first months of the current 2017, the amount of available information about the promising program has hardly changed.

Just a few days ago, on June 14, 2017, Kommersant published an interview with the new general director of the MiG corporation, Ilya Tarasenko. During a conversation with journalists, the head of the enterprise spoke about the latest transformations, plans for the development of the corporation, as well as existing successes in the development and construction of aviation equipment. Among other things, the topic of creating a promising interceptor aircraft was touched upon. According to I. Tarasenko, MiG designers are currently working on the concept of the project and are working on the appearance of the aircraft. The work is being carried out on an initiative basis, but with the involvement of related organizations.

Until the new PAK DP aircraft is ready for mass production and operation, the troops will have to use the modernized MiG-31 aircraft. According to current plans, in the future the military department may be offered another project to modernize existing equipment. However, by the time the updated MiG-31BM again needs repairs and modernization, the new PAK DP is planned to be brought into operation. In the meantime, the design of the future interceptor is being worked on, as well as the modernization of the vehicles in service.

The possibility of replacing MiG-31 interceptors in the distant future has been discussed for many years, but until a certain time it did not go beyond conversations and preliminary studies. Only in 2013 was a fundamental decision made to develop a new aircraft of the required type. However, due to the presence of a successful project to modernize existing equipment, the development of a new PAK DP program was shifted forward several years. Because of this, as has been repeatedly reported, the first production interceptors of the new type will go into service only in the middle of the next decade.

According to the latest reports on this matter, development work on the topic “Advanced long-range interception aviation complex” will start only in 2019. In the meantime, the aviation industry and related enterprises are engaged in research and development work, the purpose of which is to formulate the technical appearance and create requirements for the machine. As a result, at the moment it is too early to talk about any technical details of the project. At the same time, over the past few years, some options for a possible approach to the creation of a PAK DP and, as a consequence, the features of its appearance have been repeatedly mentioned.

Back in 2013-14, it was mentioned several times that the new PAK DP/MiG-41 interceptor could be developed based on the existing MiG-31 aircraft. This version still has its supporters, but has not yet received official confirmation. Moreover, in the course of current research work, such an approach to creating new technology may be considered unprofitable. As a result, the new aircraft is unlikely to be based on the ideas and solutions of the existing design. At the same time, certain similarities due to the implementation of certain concepts cannot be ruled out.

It should be noted that the first attempt to create a replacement for the MiG-31 was made back in the eighties. As part of the project with the working title “701,” it was planned to create a promising long-range interceptor, characterized by a significant increase in its main characteristics. As a result, an aircraft was proposed, built according to the “tailless” design with a developed center section and front horizontal tail. Two engines were planned to be placed above the wing at the rear of the vehicle. With a take-off weight of more than 70 tons, such an aircraft could carry more than 12 tons of weapons, including long-range air-to-air missiles. It was planned to increase the maximum speed to 2500 km/h, the range to 7 thousand km. The project was stopped in the early nineties due to lack of funding.

Possible appearance of the 701 aircraft. Drawing

In the current situation, there is virtually no way to predict the shape of the future PAK DP without making serious mistakes. One can only try to imagine certain features of such equipment, with the help of which it can not only fully replace existing machines, but also give the aerospace forces new capabilities. Obviously, the current assumptions may coincide with the actual result of the PAK DP program, but the likelihood of this is not very high.

The most important feature of the serial MiG-31 is the maximum flight speed of up to 3000 km/h, allowing them to reach the missile launch line in the shortest possible time. It cannot be ruled out that when shaping the appearance of a promising vehicle, the military department will consider it necessary to preserve such capabilities. Another characteristic feature of the existing technology is the Zaslon / Zaslon-M radar, which makes it possible to detect large objects at distances of up to 400 km. Modern progress in the field of electronic systems, at least in theory, allows for new increases in performance with obvious consequences for combat effectiveness. The most powerful MiG-31 is the R-33 long-range missile, the latest modifications of which are capable of hitting targets at distances of about 300 km.

It is easy to see that a serious increase in the combat effectiveness of interceptors can be obtained even if the “platform” is retained in the form of a glider with a power plant. Thus, the option of deep modernization of the MiG-31 aircraft, implying the use of new avionics and advanced weapons, looks very interesting. However, for one reason or another, the authors of the technical specifications for the PAK DP program may reject this possibility and recommend developing an interceptor from scratch, even using existing developments.

According to available data, issues of the technical appearance of the “Advanced Long-Range Interception Aviation Complex” are still being considered by specialists, and this stage of the program will continue in the foreseeable future. The development of the PAK DP / MiG-41 project will start only at the end of the current decade, and the first tangible results will be obtained only in the mid-twenties. Until a sufficient number of new aircraft appear, interception tasks will be carried out by MiG-31 aircraft of existing modifications.

Existing plans for the development of a group of interceptor aircraft are not characterized by high speed of implementation, but their implementation will allow maintaining the required defense capability over the next few decades. The development of the PAK DP project, starting in 2019, will eventually lead to the gradual replacement of existing MiG-31s ​​and a corresponding increase in the potential of the aerospace forces. In the meantime, we should wait for new messages about the progress of the program, which, in particular, will be able to reveal the technical features of the promising project.

Based on materials from sites:

To carry out air defense missions in the skies of the Arctic, interceptors with high flight speed and a large range are required. The long-range heavy interceptors MiG-31 and MiG-31 BM are precisely such machines, which, together with other types of aircraft, form a powerful fist of Arctic air defense. It is also planned that by the end of the 2020s, promising long-range interception aircraft systems (PAK DP) will take over combat duty in the northern latitudes (and not only).

As for the MiG-31, it should be recalled that the design of this aircraft was chosen and optimized specifically for supersonic flight conditions at a speed of 3000 km/h (Mach 2.8). Its body, composed of 55% steel, 33% highly resistant aluminum alloy and 13% titanium, withstands the thermal loads of kinetic heating well at these operating speeds.

But the PAK DP, which, for example, will have to deal with the type of SR-72 being developed by the USA, is seen only as hypersonic. Hero of Russia test pilot Anatoly Kvochur suggests that the PAK DP should fly at speeds no lower than 4-4.3 M (4500 km/h). However, under such conditions, kinetic heating begins to increase sharply. The metal body of the MiG-31 is simply not designed for such loads. This means that there must be other solutions, because the use of the MiG-31 as a prototype of the PAK DP is excluded. What an Arctic interception aircraft will actually look like can only be found out by waiting for the results of the project. PAK DP will require solving the problems of hypersonic aerodynamics, thermal loads, choice of structural materials, layout, engine operating modes, solving the problem of placing weapons on the aircraft and separating them at hypersonic speeds, as well as many other problems that will inevitably arise during the development of the aircraft.

The promising T-50 front-line aviation complex, although it is a classified project, is nevertheless on everyone’s lips. However, this is far from the only development of Russian aircraft designers. What is known about other aircraft systems being developed?

PAK YES– a promising long-range aviation complex, work on which was launched in 2009. As a result, it is planned to obtain a single type of long-range bomber, which will join the Tu-160, Tu-95MS and Tu-22M3. The development contract was won by Tupolev OJSC, after which it went through the stage of determining the appearance of the machine.
The military issued the technical specifications for the bomber in December 2011, and by the beginning of 2012 the research part of the program was completed and the development of a preliminary design began.
It is believed that the machine will be subsonic, made according to the “flying wing” design; the requirements for the aircraft were formulated based on the efficiency of the power plant and increasing the patrol time with a high combat load. The onboard weapons will include a significant list of guided weapons, including promising hypersonic cruise missiles. The Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation noted that the ammunition load will additionally include air-to-air missiles. Engines for the aircraft are made by Kuznetsov OJSC based on the modernized NK-32 from the Tu-160.

PAK KA- a naval aviation complex, a new carrier-based aircraft, the younger brother of the PAK FA. Work in this direction has only just begun and for the most part is not formalized. But it is known for sure that the hypothetical PAK KA will be created on the basis of the PAK FA.

PAK TA- the development of a family of new heavy and super-heavy military transport aircraft (transport aviation complex) began in 2013 as part of the Ermak project, or PTS (advanced transport aircraft).
According to the plans, the project will create a whole line of machines standardized in terms of on-board equipment with a maximum load capacity of 80 to 200 tons.

PAK DP- a promising long-range interception aircraft complex, which will be developed to replace the MiG-31 interceptors, which occupy a special niche in the country’s defense against air attack weapons (including cruise missiles). MiG-31s ​​are used to strengthen the air defense of poorly protected sections of the border - in particular, until recently they formed the basis of the Russian Arctic air defense group.
It’s not for nothing that MiG-31 type aircraft are nicknamed “flying air defense systems”: their radars and fire control system (the Zaslon on-board complex) give them solid capabilities for controlling airspace and intercepting targets (including group ones). The MiG-31 has the ability to operate as a radar patrol aircraft and guidance for other vehicles.

PSS- a promising attack aircraft based on the Su-25 type aircraft. The developers decided to create an aircraft with minimal design changes relative to the base Su-25. In particular, it is planned that it will receive improved R-195 engines and will almost completely retain the airframe. The vehicle will receive a new sighting and navigation system and the ability to use new guided weapons (including those with a satellite guidance system). Work will also be carried out to reduce the radar signature of the aircraft.

August 12, 2015 agency RIA News, Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces (VKS) of Russia, Colonel General Viktor Bondarev, told reporters on Wednesday thatexperimental design work on development promising long-range interception aircraft complex (PAK DP), which will replace the MiG-31 in the future, will begin no earlier than 2019.

“The start of development work on the creation of the PAK DP is planned no earlier than 2019. At the moment, the Russian Ministry of Defense is successfully modernizing existing interception systems - MiG-31 aircraft,” Bondarev said.

Bondarev noted that the timing of the R&D work on the creation of the PAK DP will not affect the state of the Aerospace Forces fighter-interceptor fleet.

MiG-31 fighter-interceptor (tail number "91 blue") from the 22nd Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 303rd Mixed Aviation Division of the 3rd Air Force and Air Defense Command of the Eastern Military District. Central Corner, June 2014 (c)

In turn, the General Director of JSC"Research Institute of Instrument Engineering named after V.V. Tikhomirov" (NIIP named after V.V. Tikhomirov, located in Zhukovsky)Yuri Bely stated on August 12 thatat the "NIIP named after V.V. Tikhomirov"work to determine the appearance of the radio-electronic complex of the promising long-range interception aircraft complex (PAK DP), which in the future will replace the MiG-31.

“The development of the Zaslon system of the MiG-31 fighter-interceptor was a milestone for our institute and became its “calling card”. Therefore, of course, we could not remain outside of participating in the work on creating a new radio-electronic complex for the PAK DP. Research and development began work to determine the appearance of the system based not only on the modernized Zaslon, but also on all the latest developments, including Bars, Irbis, radio-electronic system for the PAK FA and others,” Bely said.

He noted that all other systems must be developed on a modern basis for the new interceptor.

“If NIIP is chosen as the developer of the radio-electronic complex, it will be necessary to ensure interaction with all on-board systems. We are also ready for this, we have the necessary experience,” added the general director of the developer.

NIIP is a developer of weapons control systems (WCS) for fighter aircraft, as well as a developer of medium-range air defense missile systems for the Ground Forces, whose task is to protect against air attack weapons. Currently, the shareholders of the NIIP named after V.V. Tikhomirov are the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern (56% of shares) and the Radioelectronic Technologies Concern (44%), which is part of the Rostec state corporation.

The Russian aircraft manufacturing corporation MiG, using internal economic reserves, is developing a new interceptor that should replace the MiG-31. This was reported by CEO of the corporation Ilya Tarasenko. The development, based on an analogy with a promising fighter and bomber, is called the “Advanced Aviation Long-Range Interception Complex” (PAK DP).

Currently, development is at the stage of selecting the aircraft concept and working out its technical appearance. That is, before receiving a completely finished product, based on the experience of creating this kind of machines, it will take at least another 10 years. These are the dates that the corporation calls - 2028. The date is also tied to the moment when the MiG-31 will require the next upgrade. If a new fighter appears on time, modernization will most likely not be needed.

It would seem that by 2028 the MiG-31, which was put into service in 1981, will be completely old. It will be almost fifty years old, which is normal only for military transport and long-range aviation aircraft. However, as it turns out, Soviet designers built a huge flight and technical resource into our interceptor. The aircraft currently holds the absolute speed record among all aircraft, including the best foreign fighters. And equipped with the world's longest-range air-to-air missile.

That is, when NATO reconnaissance aircraft are dangerously approaching the Russian borders, the MiG-31 is capable, without particularly straining, of catching up with them and giving a crushing response. If the best American F-22 fighters in the world decide to visit us as “uninvited guests,” then their chances of returning to their airfields with impunity are slim. Because the MiG-31, in conjunction with ground-based systems of the Radio Engineering Troops, is capable of fighting any stealth aircraft. And the principle of “seen first, hit first” is on the side of a Russian interceptor with an ultra-long-range missile, aiming at a target, say, using the Nebo-M radar.

In addition, the interceptor was recently upgraded to the MiG-31BM modification. And this is a completely modern fighter, in terms of avionics quality.

The fact that the Russian aircraft was far ahead of its time is evidenced by irrefutable facts. This fighter, which became the first Soviet fourth-generation aircraft, began entering air defense aviation units in 1980. And until 2000, it was the only one in the world with an airborne radar with a phased array antenna. Until now, the MiG-31 is the fastest (3000 km/h) and highest altitude (20000 m) in the world. At one time, the Americans tried to surpass its capabilities by developing the F-14 Tomcat interceptor, which was also armed with a long-range missile. However, the F-14 could not even come close to the MiG in terms of its main characteristics.

The main quality of an interceptor is the limit of interception. That is, the removal of a target, when the interceptor, starting on alarm, is able to catch up with it and destroy it. With a target speed of 2.35 M for the MiG-31, this parameter is 720 km. For the “American”, a target flying at a speed of only 1.5 M is reachable no further than at a distance of 250 km. At a subsonic speed of 0.8 M, the limits are: 1250 km and 800 km.

And this despite the fact that the American’s missile range is 25 km higher - 185 km versus our 160 km. However, the capabilities of airborne radars are incommensurable. The F-14 could simultaneously track only 4 targets, the MiG-31 - 18.

In 2006, the F-14 was retired from service. And replaced on aircraft carriers by the multirole fighter F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. It has more limited air interception capabilities than the F-14. With approximately the same flight characteristics as the F-14, its missiles have a range of 40 km. And the United States does not have ground interceptors at all, since the Americans believe that the North American continent is inaccessible to enemy aircraft.

And at this time the MiG-31 went even further forward. Since 2008, the interceptor has been modernized to the MiG-31BM modification. Almost all electronics on an airplane are changed. We added a super-long-range missile R-37, flying 300 km. And the cannon was removed because it makes no sense for a long-range interceptor that does not need to get involved in close combat. It is for this reason that the aircraft has a low maximum technical overload - only 5g. At the same time, in modern fighters designed to gain air superiority, this parameter reaches 9.5g.

The most important update is the Zaslon-M radar. The station detects bombers located at a distance of 400 km, fighters - at 320 km. In this case, 24 targets are tracked, and up to 8 can be attacked simultaneously. The updated interceptor has the ability to destroy aerodynamic targets with a speed of up to 5 M. As well as satellites in low (up to 150 km) orbits.

The MiG-31BM has a new engine with increased thrust D-30F6M - 16500 hp. in afterburner instead of 15,500 hp. A two-channel optical-location system has been installed, which allows searching for targets without turning on the radar in order to reduce the interceptor's visibility.

The aircraft is also equipped with a modern electronic warfare station operating in the radar and infrared ranges. It is possible to automatically target a target from a ground or airborne command post.

For the MiG-31BM the range of tasks to be solved has been somewhat expanded. Now the aircraft is also capable of operating against ground targets - the ammunition load includes anti-radar missiles, air-to-surface missiles, as well as adjustable aerial bombs.

Thus, the MiG-31BM strengthened its position as the world's best interceptor. However, at the end of the 2020s it will have to be replaced by a new aircraft, which should solve the same problems, but at a higher technical level.

Little is known about the promising development. All we can say for sure is that this will be a fifth-generation aircraft. With the inherent qualities of this generation - radar with an active phased array antenna, non-afterburning supersonic speed, low visibility, integration into a single information field for network-centric operations, a high level of computerization, when the control system is able to “think” at the level of the pilot and operator. In this case, super maneuverability is not required.

RSK MiG has a certain groundwork for creating a new machine. Here, in the 80s, active work was carried out to develop the line of successful MiG-25 and MiG-31 interceptors. By the end of the 80s, five prototypes were created, which became a deep modernization of the original modification. The airframe was partially adjusted, the take-off weight was increased by 5 tons, and new equipment appeared. The tests have begun. However, soon the money ran out and everything stopped.

Some of this was used in the MiG-31BM. Something might be useful for PAK DP. The design bureau can also use the groundwork for the MiG-1.44 front-line fighter, the prototype of which has already flown, but subsequently the work was curtailed. This aircraft is capable of reaching a speed of 3200 km/h.

However, the American magazine The National Interest, which sometimes spreads the most incredible rumors, seems to know about the new development even what is unknown to the developer himself. He claims that the new interceptor (incorrectly calling it MiG-41) will reach hypersonic speed (though slightly less - 4500 km/h) and will be armed with hypersonic missiles.

However, this was not enough for the authors of the publication. A certain “aviation expert” is quoted as saying: “A new long-range interceptor on the MiG was already being developed in the early 90s under the code “Project 701”. The new development was not similar to previous Mig fighters and, according to its characteristics, was supposed to become the most powerful combat air defense aircraft with an expected speed of up to 7,000 kilometers. But there wasn’t enough money.”

Undoubtedly, American pilots read this in order to lift their spirits. A sort of American Petrosyan.