Presentation for the lesson "evolutionary theories". Presentation “Provisions of the synthetic theory of evolution Directions of the evolutionary process

350 thousand species of plants 800 species of viruses ORIGIN OF SPECIES? 1.5 million species of animals 100 thousand species of fungi 3 thousand species of prokaryotes" width="640"


4.5 million species of living organisms

350 thousand plant species

800 types of viruses


1.5 million animal species

100 thousand species of mushrooms

3 thousand species prokaryote


  • Pre-Darwinian period (1st millennium BC – 1859)
  • Darwinian period (1859-1900)
  • Modern period (1900 – present)

1. Pre-Darwinian period (1st millennium BC – 1859)

System of natural scientific views

TRANSFORMISM- a concept that recognizes the variability of species and the natural transformation of living nature, but does not explain their patterns.

EVOLUTIONISM a system of views in biology that affirms the historical progressive development of the Earth's biosphere, which can be included in the global process of evolution of the universe.

CREATIONISM– an ideological concept according to which the main forms of the organic world are considered as directly created by the Creator.

Georges Louis Buffon (1707-1788)

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829)

Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778)

Carl Linnaeus


Introduced binary nomenclature (double species name)

He united similar species into genera, genera into families, families into orders, orders into classes.

Updated the botanical language with about 1,000 new terms

Swedish natural scientist

Described more than 8,000 plant species and about 4,500 animal species

Georges Louis Leclerc BUFFON


Only individuals are real; species, classes, families do not exist in nature

French natural scientist

Created a hypothesis for the development of the Earth, dividing it into periods

Reasons leading to changes in organisms: climate, food and domestication.

Jean-Baptiste LAMARC (1744-1829)

Creator of the first evolutionary theory (early 19th century, “Philosophy of Zoology”)

Built a system of the animal world based on the principle of gradation

Formulated the “Law of exercise and disuse of organs” and the “Law of inheritance of acquired characteristics”

Correctly identified the directions of evolution, showed the role of the environment

Testing your knowledge

For each term, choose a definition that corresponds to it.

  • Creationism
  • Transformism
  • Evolution
  • Catastrophe theory
  • Taxonomy

A. Ideas about the change and transformation of the forms of organisms, the origin of some organisms from others.

B. An idealistic doctrine in biology that states that all life on Earth is the result of an act of divine creation.

IN. Explanation of historical changes in the forms of living organisms by global catastrophes and subsequent acts of new divine creation.

G. A branch of biology whose task is to describe all existing and extinct organisms, as well as their classification.

D. Irreversible and to a certain extent directed historical development of living nature.

"2. Darwin's Peirod"

Https://" alt="2. Darwinian period DARWINISM - the doctrine of the gradual development (evolution) of organic forms, based on Darwin's theory of natural selection. Prerequisites for the emergence Darwinism Socio-economic Natural science Voyage around the world on the ship "Beagle" (1832-1837) At the beginning of the 19th century, a capitalist agricultural system was formed in England Achievements in the field of paleontology, biogeography, embryology A variety of expeditionary material was collected The doctrine of the cellular structure of the body Charles Darwin. (1809 – 1882)" width="640">!}

2. Darwinian period

DARWINISM – the doctrine of the gradual development (evolution) of organic forms, based on Darwin's theory of natural selection.

Prerequisites for the emergence of Darwinism


Natural science

Trip around the world on the Beagle (1832-1837)

At the beginning of the 19th century. A capitalist agricultural system is being formed in England

Achievements in the field of paleontology, biogeography, embryology.

A variety of expeditionary material has been collected

The doctrine of the cellular structure of the body

Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882)



Chapter I. Change under the influence of domestication.

Artificial selection - a person’s choice of the most valuable in economic or decorative terms, individuals of animals and plants to obtain from them offspring with the desired properties.

Chapter II. Change in the natural state.

Heredity - the universal property of living organisms to preserve in their offspring special features of structure, functioning and way of life.

Variability – the universal property of living organisms to acquire differences within a species.

Chapter III. Struggle for existence.

Struggle for existence - various forms of relationships between the organism and the environment:

  • intraspecies struggle.
  • with unfavorable factors of inanimate nature;
  • with representatives of other species;
  • intraspecies struggle.

Chapter IV. Natural selection.

Natural selection - the process by which they survive and produce fertile offspring are the fittest individuals.

Factors (driving forces) of evolution (according to Ch. Darwin)

In nature

In plant and animal breeding

Hereditary variability, struggle for existence

Hereditary variability

Natural selection

Artificial selection

Variety of breeds and varieties useful for humans

Adaptability of organisms

Variety of species

(divergence – divergence of characteristics of populations)

  • He established the mechanism of evolution that explains the diversity of living beings and their adaptability to the conditions of existence.
  • Formulated the laws of natural development.
  • Darwinism put biology on a scientific basis.

Testing your knowledge

  • Formulate in one sentence the main idea of ​​Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
  • Describe the main provisions of Charles Darwin's evolutionary hypothesis. Fill the table.
  • Compare selection forms. Fill the table.

Factor of evolution




Role in the evolutionary process

The struggle for coexistence

Natural selection



Artificial selection

Natural selection

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"3. Modern period"


Presentation for a biology lesson in grade 11 (based on the textbook “Biology. Grade 11: basic level / edited by D.K. Belyaev and G.M. Dymshits. - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2014)

3. Modern period

(1900 – present time)

"Jenkin's Nightmare" - the queen of problems in evolutionary biology

A serious scientific objection to Charles Darwin was put forward by the English engineer Fleming JENKIN (1833-1885).

In the case of free crossings, useful characteristics of an individual will dissolve in a series of descendants.

The positive properties of the body should fade more and more and finally disappear into the “swamp” of ordinary symptoms.

In 1865, the Czech monk Gregor Mendel, based on experiments, formulated the laws of inheritance of body traits, which formed the basis of genetics.

Genetics– the science of the laws of heredity and variability.

Gregor Mendel (1822-1884)

The results of G. Mendel's experiments refuted the idea that hereditary characteristics are mixed, like two solutions, and proved that the characteristics of parents are inherited separately as discrete (interrupted) signs .

By 1900, the Dutchman H. De Vries, the German K. Correns, and the Austrian E. Cermak almost simultaneously rediscovered the laws of G. Mendel.

Material basis of heredity

Primary structures of cell proteins

Tertiary structures

Functions of proteins

Features of the cell

Hereditary information of a cell– information about the primary structure of proteins synthesized in the cell.

Scheme of protein synthesis in a cell

  • Chromosome- a structural element of the cell nucleus containing DNA, which contains hereditary information.
  • Haploid set of chromosomes - …
  • Diploid set of chromosomes - …
  • Gene– an elementary unit of heredity; a section of DNA encoding one polypeptide chain or one RNA molecule.
  • Genotype- the totality of all the genes of an organism.
  • Genome– a set of genes contained in the haploid set of chromosomes of a given organism.
  • Phenotype- the totality of all the characteristics of an organism.

  • Homologous chromosomes- paired chromosomes.
  • Allelic genes– paired genes.
  • Allele– a gene variant that controls one of the manifestations of a trait.
  • Dominant allele– a predominant gene that suppresses the action of a recessive gene.
  • Recessive allele– a gene that does not manifest itself under the influence of a dominant gene.
  • Homozygous organism– homologous chromosomes contain identical allelic genes.
  • Heterozygous organism– homologous chromosomes contain different allelic genes.

In the first half of the twentieth century. there was a synthesis of theory Ch. Darwin and genetics G. Mendel

N.V. Timofeev- Resovsky


S.S. Chetverikov

N.P. Dubinin

A.S. Serebrovsky




I.I. Schmalhausen


F.G. Dobzhansky


Developed the theory of natural selection. Developed the theory of stabilizing selection.

Laid the foundations of the modern theory of speciation. Established the important role of geographic isolation in the divergence of populations.

Studied the mechanism of accumulation and maintenance of hereditary variability in populations.

They formulated the idea of ​​gene divisibility and confirmed it experimentally. They proposed a diagram of the linear structure of a gene and a method for determining its size.

Laid the foundations of population and radiation genetics.




Synthetic theory of evolution

Basic provisions synthetic theory of evolution (STE)

  • Natural selection is the main factor and driving force of evolution, the reason for the development of the historical adaptation of organisms to the surrounding world.
  • The material for evolution is hereditary (genetic) variability.
  • The unit of evolution is not the individual, but the population.
  • The key evolutionary event is the process of species formation.
  • Evolutionary mechanisms leading to the formation of new species apply to higher-level taxa.

Testing your knowledge

  • Why is modern evolutionary theory called “synthetic”?

To the wise men and women

  • Fill out the table “Modern theory of evolution - a synthesis of knowledge from various biological sciences.”

The science

Contribution to the development of the theory of evolution

Synthetic theory of evolution (STE) is a modern evolutionary theory, which is a synthesis of various disciplines, primarily genetics and Darwinism, and is based on paleontology, systematics, and molecular biology. All supporters of the synthetic theory recognize the participation of three factors in the evolution: Mutation Recombination Selection Generating new gene variants Determining compliance with given living conditions Creating new phenotypes of individuals

The synthetic theory in its current form was formed: The synthetic theory in its current form was formed: as a result of the transformation of Weismann's views into Morgan's chromosomal genetics: adaptive differences are transmitted from parents to offspring with chromosomes in the form of new genes As a result of natural selection.

The impetus for the development of the synthetic theory was given by the hypothesis of the recessivity of new genes. This hypothesis assumed that in each reproducing group of organisms, during the maturation of gametes, mutations - new gene variants - constantly arise as a result of errors in DNA replication.


“Pure Darwinism” (L.S. Berg) Synthetic theory (N.I. Vorontsov) 1. All organisms developed from one or a few primary forms. 2. Development proceeded divergently 3. Development proceeded on the basis of random variations. 4. The factors of progress are the struggle for existence and natural selection. 5. The process of evolution consists in the formation of new characteristics 6. The extinction of organisms occurs from external causes: the struggle for the existence and survival of the more fit. 1. The smallest unit of evolution is a population. 2. The main driving factor of evolution is the natural selection of random and small mutations. 3. Evolution is divergent in nature. 4. Evolution is gradual and long-term. 5. Each systematic unit must have a single root. This is a prerequisite for the very right to exist. Evolutionary taxonomy builds classification based on kinship. 6. Beyond the species, evolution stops. 7. The species is polytypic. 8. Variability is random. 9. Evolution is unpredictable.

The synthetic theory of evolution is beyond doubt among most biologists. Evolution as a whole is believed to be satisfactorily explained by this theory. Nevertheless, over the past two decades, the number of publications has increased, which note that STE is inadequate to modern knowledge about the course of the evolutionary process. One of the most frequently criticized provisions of STE is its approach to explaining secondary similarity. 1. According to neo-Darwinism, all characteristics of living beings are completely determined by the composition of the genotype and the nature of selection. Therefore, parallelism is explained by the fact that organisms have inherited a large number of identical genes from their ancestor, and the origin of convergent characters is entirely attributed to the action of selection. At the same time, it is well known that similarities that develop in fairly distant lines are often non-adaptive and therefore cannot be plausibly explained either by natural selection or by common inheritance. Independent inheritance of identical genes and their combination is obviously excluded, since mutations and recombinations are random processes.

Evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin The mechanisms of evolution are based on three main factors: Variability Variability The struggle for existence The struggle for existence Natural selection Natural selection The main provisions of the theory: 1. Organisms are changeable 2. Differences between organisms are at least partially inherited. 3. The endless increase in organisms on the planet as a result of their reproduction limits the small amount of vital resources, which leads to a struggle for existence in which not everyone survives. 4. As a result of the struggle for existence, natural selection occurs - those individuals that have properties useful in the given conditions survive.

Each species is a closed genetic system. Representatives of different species do not interbreed, and if they interbreed, they either do not produce offspring, or these offspring are infertile. Therefore, divergent speciation must be preceded by the emergence of isolated populations within the ancestral species.

Microevolution elementary evolutionary factors guiding non-guiding 1. struggle for existence 1. genetic drift 2. natural selection 2. waves of life 3. mutation 4. isolation elementary structure - a population saturated with elementary evolutionary material - mutations elementary evolutionary phenomena - changes in the gene pool phyletic evolution speciation (leads to the emergence (formation of new populations, adaptations) of species, subspecies, etc.)

1. elementary phenomena of evolution - changes occurring in a population through recombinations, mutations and natural selection, separating this population from others. 2. the elementary material of evolution is hereditary variability in individuals of a population, which leads to the emergence of both qualitative and quantitative phenotypic differences. 3. elementary factors of evolution - natural selection, mutation, population waves and isolation isolation, mutation and population waves influence the evolution of the species, and natural selection directs it. The most important concepts of evolution:

Laws of Evolution: 1. The first and main law is the irreversible nature of evolution: Evolution is an irreversible process of historical development of the organic world of Organisms, populations and species. Those that emerged during evolution cannot return to the previous state of their ancestors

2. The second pattern is the general direction (trend) of the evolutionary process - Progressive complication of life forms: Consists in the continuous adaptation of the living world to constantly changing environmental conditions. In the transformation of species and the separation of some species from others. Evolution is the process of unprogrammed development of living nature

3. The third pattern of evolution - Development of fitness (adaptation) of species to the habitat adaptation General (presence of limbs in terrestrial animals) General (presence of limbs in terrestrial animals) particular (different types of limbs in connection with the place and way of life) particular (different types of limbs in connection with the place and way of life)

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The presentation on the topic “Synthetic Theory of Evolution” can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Biology. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 10 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Danish biologist, professor at the Institute of Plant Physiology at the University of Copenhagen, member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences. He supported the Dutch botanist Hugo de Vries, who established that the genotype can change due to mutations. Through experiments on barley and beans, he proved the ineffectiveness of selection in self-pollinating plants, and on this basis created the law “on pure lines” - on the partial inheritance of acquired characteristics. Thus laying the foundations of modern principles of selection. The book “Elements of Heredity” had a great influence on readers, and the terms “phenotype”, “genotype” and “population” introduced by him entered the scientific language of genetics.

The first stones in the foundation of the new theory:

JOHANSEN Wilhelm Ludwig (1857-1927)

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An outstanding Russian biologist, evolutionary geneticist, who took the first steps towards the development of the modern theory of evolution. His article “On some aspects of the evolutionary process from the point of view of modern genetics” essentially became the core of the future synthetic theory of evolution and the basis for the further development of neo-Darwinism and genetics. In this article, Chetverikov showed that: the mutation process occurs in natural populations. Most newly emerged mutations reduce viability, although occasionally mutations arise that increase it. genetic variation is greatest when a large species breaks up into a number of small, isolated colonies.

CHETVERIKOV Sergei Sergeevich (1880-1959)

A New Look at the Evolutionary Process:

Slide 4

English geneticist, evolutionist, physiologist, biochemist, popularizer and philosopher of science. One of the founders of modern genetics, as well as the synthetic theory of evolution. Along with other scientists, he was able to connect Darwin's theory of evolution and Gregor Mendel's doctrine of heredity, based on mathematical and statistical evidence gleaned from the analysis of mutation rates. This allowed him to develop a mathematical theory for modeling the gene and the linkage of hereditary factors. He opposed the use of nuclear weapons, calculating the increased likelihood of mutations in the human population due to radioactive exposure caused by the explosion of an atomic bomb.

The emergence of theoretical genetics:

Haldane John Burdon Sanderson (1892-1964)

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The emergence of population genetics:

English statistician, evolutionist and geneticist. While working in the field of genetics, Fisher introduced a systematic approach to data analysis, which was the beginning of the development of new statistical methods and statistics as a science in general. In 1925, he published his first book on statistical methods for scientific workers, which became a standard reference for scientists in many disciplines. His work on the theory of population genetics made Fisher one of the three great scientists in this field.

FISCHER Ronald Aylmer (1890-1962)

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Soviet geneticist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the Department of Biological Sciences. His area of ​​scientific interest was general and evolutionary genetics, as well as the application of genetics in agriculture. Showed the fragmentability of the gene, as well as the phenomenon of gene complementarity. He published a number of important scientific works on the structure and functions of chromosomes and showed the presence of genetic load in populations - lethal and sublethal mutations. He also worked in the field of space genetics and on problems of radiation genetics.

Evolutionary genetics:

DUBININ Nikolai Petrovich (1906-1998)

Slide 7

English biologist, evolutionist and humanist. Huxley's work “Evolution: A Modern Synthesis” surpasses even the book of Darwin himself in terms of the volume of analyzed material and the breadth of problems. For many years he kept in mind all directions in the development of evolutionary thought, closely followed the development of related sciences and had personal experience as an experimental geneticist. Huxley showed that natural selection acts as a factor in evolution and as a factor in stabilizing populations and species. Provin, a prominent historian of biology, praised his work as follows: “Huxley’s book has become a dominant force in the evolutionary synthesis.”

Generalization of the concept of evolution:

HUXLEY Julian Sorell (1887-1975)

Slide 8

Synthetic theory of evolution (STE) is a modern evolutionary theory, which is a synthesis of various disciplines, primarily genetics and Darwinism, and is based on paleontology, systematics, and molecular biology. All supporters of the synthetic theory recognize the participation of three factors in evolution: Mutation (generating new gene variants) Selection (determining compliance with given living conditions) Recombination (creating new phenotypes of individuals)

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, a game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts; you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.

Summary of a lesson in biology in grade 11 on the topic “Development of the evolutionary doctrine of Charles Darwin.”

Description of material: I offer you a summary of a biology lesson in grade 11 on the topic: “The development of the evolutionary teachings of Charles Darwin.” This material will be useful to biology teachers when explaining new material on this topic.

Integration of educational areas
Teach children:
a) do not be afraid to take initiative;
b) learn to critically, look, think;
c) respect others and others around you;
d) want to be honest and be yourself;
d) learn to cooperate.
We need to “learn to live” and “live to learn.”
Target: studying the essence of natural selection and the struggle for existence as the main factors of evolution.
-introduce students to the history of the formation and development of evolutionary ideas;
-consider the prerequisites for the emergence of evolutionary theory, introduce students to the views of C. Linnaeus, J.B. Lamarck, J. Cuvier, C. Baer, ​​C. Lyell;
- reveal the main provisions of the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin.
Content elements: variability, natural selection, artificial selection, advanced properties, struggle for existence.
Equipment: portraits of scientists, cards for consolidating the material studied.
Lesson type: combined.
I Organizational moment:
II Updating students' knowledge:
1. How can one explain the dominance of ideas about the immutability of species in the 18th century? (children’s answers)
2. How do you understand what evolution is? (children’s answers)

III Studying new material:

Slide No. 1
With a statement from the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus. “Everything is and is not, because although the moment will come when it exists, it immediately ceases to be... However, the same thing, both young and old, dead and alive, then changes into this, this, changing, becomes again those."
Teacher: Read the statement of the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus. How do you understand these words?
In this lesson we will talk about the development of the evolutionary teachings of Charles Darwin.
Slide number 2
On the slide you see the objectives of our lesson.
Introduce the history of the formation and development of evolutionary ideas;
Consider the prerequisites for the emergence of evolutionary theory;
Introduce students to the works of J-B Lamarck and other scientists.
Reveal the main provisions of the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin.
Charles Darwin's main work, On the Origin of Species, which radically changed the understanding of living nature, appeared in 1859. This event was preceded by more than twenty years of work on studying and understanding the rich factual material collected by both Darwin himself and other scientists. Today we will talk about the basic premises of evolutionary ideas, the first evolutionary theory of Jean Baptiste Lamarck, learn about Charles Darwin's theory of artificial and natural selection.
Side No. 3
Basic concepts of the lesson.
Write down the main concepts you are expected to learn in class.
- Evolution
- Hereditary variability
-Natural selection
-Artificial selection
- Struggle for existence
Slide number 4
Portrait of Charles Darwin and quote “The more we understand the unchanging laws of nature, the more incredible miracles become for us.”

Slide number 5
Charles Darwin.
English scientist naturalist and traveler. He was one of the first to realize and clearly demonstrate that all species of living organisms evolve over time from common ancestors. In his theory, Darwin called natural selection and indefinite variability the main driving force of evolution. Dravin's ideas and discoveries form the foundation of the modern theory of evolution and form the basis of biology.
Teacher: Let’s trace the main ways in which Darwin’s worldview was formed and his system of evidence.
Slide number 6
1827 - Studied theology at Cambridge University for three years.
1831 - after graduating from university, he went on a trip around the world on the Royal Navy expedition ship Beagle.
During the trip I visited the Galapagos Islands and other places.
The results of the research were presented in the works Diary of Research, The Origin of Species by Natural Selection.
Slide number 7
Lesson Study Plan
1. Evolution.
2. System of organic nature by K. Linnaeus.
3. Evolutionary theory of J-B Lamarck and other scientists.
4. Advances in new areas of biology at the beginning of the 19th century.
5. Prerequisites for the emergence of evolutionary theory.
6. Basic principles of Charles Darwin.
Teacher: The term “evolution” (from the Latin evolution - deployment) was introduced in the 18th century by the Swiss naturalist Charles Bonnet.
In biology, evolution is understood as the irreversible historical development of nature. In biology, evolution is seen as a force. leading to the formation of new forms of organisms, as the process by which precellular life forms that arose more than 3 billion years ago gave rise to the exceptionally complex multicellular organisms of our time.
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(portrait of K. Linnaeus) The system of organic nature of K. Linnaeus (1707-1778) - a Swedish naturalist.

Teacher: The need to organize rapidly accumulating knowledge has led to the need to systematize it. The outstanding Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus made a great contribution to the creation of the natural system. The scientist described more than 8,000 species of plants and over 4,000 species of animals, established a uniform terminology and procedure for describing species.
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He took the species as a unit of classification - a set of individuals similar in structure.
He identified three kingdoms: Plants, Animals and Minerals.
Established uniform terminology.
Reinforced the use of binary (i.e., double) nomenclature in science to designate species. Each type is designated by two words. For example: Domestic cat (Libyan).
He established the principle of subordination: neighboring categories are connected not only by similarity, but also by kinship, but the further the categories are from each other, the less the degree of their kinship.
The fallacy of his theory:
There are as many species as the Creator created.
In many cases, the scientist correctly combined species of organisms based on the similarity of their structure. However, the arbitrariness in the choice of characteristics for classification led Linnaeus to a number of mistakes. He was aware of the artificiality of his system and pointed out the need to develop a natural system of nature.
Teacher: The foundations of the first doctrine of the evolution of the organic world were developed and published in the work of the French naturalist Jean Baptiste Lamarck.

-Evolutionary theory of J.B. Lamarck.
(1744-1829) The foundations of the first doctrine of the evolution of the organic world were developed and published in the work “Philosophy of Zoology” in 1809. French naturalist Jean Baptiste Lamarck
Slide 11
- Jean Baptiste Lamarck.
The evolutionary idea is carefully developed, supported by numerous facts, and turns into a theory.
Provides evidence of species variability.
Erroneous mechanisms of variability:
1) the desire of organisms to improve;
2) direct influence of the external environment and inheritance of traits acquired during the life of the organism.
Teacher: A number of major discoveries have been made in biology that turned out to be incompatible with the ideas of the immutability of nature and the absence of kinship between them.
Slide 12
Portrait of Georges Cuvier - French scientist

Georges Cuvier.
He studied the organs of vertebrates;
All organs are parts of one integral system;
No part of the body can change without a corresponding change in the other parts;
He established that the extinction of ancient animals and plants could have been a consequence of major geological disasters.
Slide 13
- Karl Baer - Russian scientist (1792-1876)

For the first time he described the process of the formation of tissues and organs during the development of the embryo.
Formulated the law of germinal similarity:
“The similarity of the embryos of different systematic groups indicates their common origin”
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Charles Lyell - English scientist (1797-1876)

It was possible to decipher and date the geological history of the Earth.
He showed that mountain building, volcanism, glaciations, streams, rain, wind, tides explain changes in the earth's surface, and therefore changes in the composition of the organic world.
Teacher: The great English scientist Charles Darwin developed a scientific theory about the evolution of living nature through natural selection based on the synthesis of a huge number of facts from various fields of science and agricultural practice.
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Prerequisites for the emergence of Darwin's theory of evolution.
1) Socio-economic.
2) Scientific.
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Socio-economic prerequisites.
Industrial development in England, intensive urban growth. Development of colonies, rapid development of breeding, breeding new varieties of plants and animals, conducting numerous scientific expeditions.
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Scientific background.
Advances in the taxonomy of plants and animals, the development of biogeography, comparative anatomy, embryology and paleontology, the emergence of cell theory and Lamarck's evolutionary doctrine.
Teacher: Darwin's evolutionary theory is a holistic doctrine of the development of the organic world.
Slide 18
The main provisions of the evolutionary teachings of Charles Darwin.
Any type of plant and animal in nature tends to reproduce exponentially. In nature there is a continuous struggle for existence. In the struggle for existence, individuals that survive and leave offspring have a complex of characteristics and properties that allow them to compete most successfully with others. The driving force behind species change is natural selection.
Teacher: In Darwin's evolutionary theory, the prerequisite for evolution is hereditary variability, and the driving forces of evolution are the struggle for existence and natural selection.
Slide 19

These are changes in the characteristics of an organism due to changes in the genotype.
Combinative - as a result of recombination of chromosomes during sexual reproduction.
Mutational - occurs as a result of a sudden change in the state of genes. The character is random, undirected.
Slide 20
Hereditary variability (uncertain)
Hereditary variability and human selection are the driving forces of evolution.
However, properties that are useful from a human point of view may turn out to be useless and even harmful in the struggle for life that occurs in the wild.
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Darwin's doctrine of artificial selection.
Artificial selection is the process of creating new breeds of animals and varieties of cultivated plants by preserving and propagating individuals with certain traits and properties that are valuable to humans over a series of generations.
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Forms of artificial selection.
1.Conscious (methodical).
Traits accumulated through artificial selection are beneficial to humans, but not necessarily beneficial to animals.
(Methodological) artificial selection.
In methodical selection, the breeder selects based on one or two characteristics.
The conditions for the success of methodical artificial selection are a large initial number of individuals.
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Unconscious artificial selection.
Man did not set a goal to breed a specific breed or variety.
For example: the worst animals were killed or eaten first, while the most valuable were preserved.
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Darwin's doctrine of natural selection.
As a result of the struggle for existence, natural selection occurs - “Preservation of favorable individual differences and destruction of harmful ones.”
Characteristics that are useful only for the organism as a whole accumulate, resulting in the formation of species and varieties.
IV. Consolidation of the studied material.
Teacher: Work with cards
Task No. 1
Which statements are true:
1. Lamarck created the best artificial system(-)
2. Linnaeus believed that species exist and do not change (+)
3. Lamarck created the first evolutionary theory.
4. Lamarck believed that organisms change from simple to complex (+)
5. Lamarck denied the variability of species (-)
6. Linnaeus divided all animals into 5 classes (-)
7. Lamarck believed that all characteristics acquired during life are inherited by descendants (+)
8. Linnaeus established the use of binary nomenclature (double names) for species (+)
Answer questions orally.
1.How J.-B. Did Lamarck explain the diversity of species in nature?
2.What prerequisites served as the impetus for the creation of evolutionary theory?
3.What are the main provisions of Darwin's teachings?
know the terms.

Evolutionary biology. Lamarck's ladder of creatures. Biological evolution. Steps of evolutionary ideas. Pre-Darwinian period. Scheme of classification of animals according to K. Linnaeus. J.B. Lamarck. Stage of evolutionary views. K. Linnaeus. Scheme of plant classification according to Linnaeus. Ancient scientists. Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. Ladder of creatures according to Aristotle. J. Buffon. Stage of evolutionary ideas.

“Provisions of the synthetic theory of evolution” - Doubles. Direction of evolution. Cro-Magnons. Property of reality. Morphological criterion. Parallel evolution. Changes in populations. Climate. Lower Quaternary period. Stages of development of life in Devon. Founder effect. Aromorphoses of the Archean and Proterozoic. Stages of the development of life in the Ordovician. Factors of evolution. Convergence. Trigger mechanism for speciation. "Species" in biology. Australopithecus. Stages of the development of life in the Anthropocene.

“New theory of evolution” - The concept of “metaevolution”. Continuous pursuit of core components. Interpretation of functioning. Minimizing the criterion is equivalent to maximizing it. Energy search engine optimization process. Hierarchical system of living things. Proposed search engine optimization approach. Immanent activity. Natural selection. The concept of metaevolution as a process. Live nature. Proposed concept. Adaptive search engine optimization device.

"Ideas for the Development of the Organic World" - Darwin discovers a fossilized giant extinct mammal. Carl Linnaeus. Darwin set off on a trip around the world as a naturalist. Members of the mockingbird family are different from those in Chile. Charles Robert Darwin. Georges Buffon (1707 - 1788), prominent French naturalist. Charles Lyell, or Lyell. John Ray (1628 – 1705). Lamarck Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet (1744-1829).

“History of evolutionary teaching” - Population. The main directions of progressive evolution. Ancient performances. Variability. The main provisions of the theory of Charles Darwin. Independent work. In reality, a species exists in the form of populations. Directions. Object of study. What are type criteria? Biological consequences of adaptations. Modern ideas about the theory of evolution. Evolution. Charles Darwin's doctrine of natural selection. Genetic differences.

"The History of Evolutionary Ideas" - Ernst Haeckel. Principles of the Darwin-Wallace theory. The first theory of evolution. Biochemical evidence. Evidence of evolution. Karl Baer and the law of germinal similarity. A Naturalist's Journey. History of evolutionary views. Similar organs. Fossil transitional forms. Homologous organs. Lamarck's basic principles. Biogenetic law of Haeckel-Muller. C. Darwin. 20th century – synthetic theory of evolution.