Characteristics of the structure of the enterprise, retail premises, equipment of halls, equipment. Installation area coefficient

5 Calculation of the need for trade and technological equipment of the trading floor and determination of the efficiency of using the trading floor area

An important stage in planning a trading floor is the choice of commercial and technological equipment placed in it. To determine the feasibility of choosing a particular equipment, the following indicators are used:

1) Installation area - the sum of the areas of the bases of equipment for displaying and selling goods.

2) Display area - the sum of the areas of all shelves and cassettes on which the goods are laid out.

Approximate indicators of the coefficient of installation and display areas in a Fabric store with an area of ​​200 m² are 0.31 and 0.75, respectively. Those. The installation area is 31 m², and the display area is 75 m².

Depending on the technological equipment, we will determine the installation area of ​​the store. Calculations are shown in Table 6.

Table 6 - Calculation of the installation area of ​​the store

Table 7 - Calculation of store display area



Equipment installation area, m²

Number of shelves, cassettes

Demonstration area, m²

Glazed counter

Corner outdoor counter

Wall shelving


Tailor's mannequins

The efficiency of using the sales area when placing equipment is determined using a number of indicators:

1) Installation area utilization rate. It represents the ratio of the total installation area of ​​the equipment to the total area of ​​the sales floor.

Kmouth =Smouth/So, where (4)

S mouth, So – respectively the installation and total area of ​​the sales area.

Kmouth = 63.94 / 200 = 0.31

2) Demonstration area utilization rate. It is defined as the ratio of the total display area to the total area of ​​the sales area.

Kdem =Sdem/So, where (5)

S dem, So – respectively the display area and the total area of ​​the sales area.

Kdem = 145,6 / 200 = 0,72

As a result of all calculations, we can conclude that the installation area almost completely complies with the standard due to properly selected and modern equipment. The display area slightly exceeds the norm, but does not significantly clutter the retail space. If there is a significant deviation from the established standards, you will have to think about increasing the efficiency of the hall, since it will have limited options for choosing goods, the flow of consumer movements will be strained, and customer service will be difficult.

1. Installation area coefficient. It represents the ratio of the total installation area of ​​the equipment to the total area of ​​the sales floor.

2. Demonstration area ratio. It is defined as the ratio of the total display area of ​​equipment to the total area of ​​the sales floor.

Table 4

Indicators of coefficients of installation and display area in stores

Area, m2

Installation area coefficient Demonstration area coefficient
Food products clothes shoes haberdashery Products for children, youth, women, men
Up to 100 0, 32 0, 76 0, 66 0, 80 0, 90 0, 75
101-150 0, 31 0, 75 0, 63 0, 76 0, 88 0, 74
251-650 0, 30 0, 73 0, 60 0, 73 0, 85 0, 72
651-1500 0, 29 0, 72 0, 57 0, 70 0, 80 0, 70
over 1500 0, 27 0, 70 - - - 0, 68
average 0, 30 0, 75 0, 60 0, 74 0, 86 0, 70

Depending on the size of the sales area and the forms of product specialization, the following approximate indicators of installation and display area coefficients for retail stores are recommended.

A comparison of the recommended and actually achieved values ​​of the installation and display area coefficients allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of the technological layout of the store’s sales area and, if necessary, develop measures to improve it

In practice, several technical and economic indicators of this type are used for stores:

Ratio of retail space to total:

K = Sm/So; (2)

where Sm – retail area;

So – total area.

This ratio shows what portion of the total store area is occupied by retail space. The higher the value of this coefficient, the more efficiently the area of ​​the store building is used.

An indicator of the rationality of equipment placement (efficiency of use of retail space) - the installation coefficient (ky) shows the ratio of the area occupied by retail equipment (installation area) to the total area of ​​the sales floor:

Ky = St.ob/; (3)

where St. ob – area occupied by commercial equipment; – total area of ​​the trading floor.

The optimal value of this coefficient should be 0.2-0.32.

We can say that an expanded consideration of the content of trade and technological processes and technical and economic indicators of store buildings assumes almost the same calculation of indicators and suggests the optimal value of indicators, which is 0.3.

We can conclude that the retail space of stores should be occupied by installed retail equipment, and 30% and 70% of the retail space are aisles for buyers and sellers, to accommodate additional customer service areas, and to promote goods.

In foreign trade business practice, the most acceptable ratio is the ratio of the retail and non-trade area of ​​the store equal to 70/30 (in percent), which is due to the functions of the retail link - selling goods and serving customers.

Chapter 3. Organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise

LLC "TT-footwear"

3.1. Analysis of the effectiveness of the product range of TT-Obuv LLC

The assortment list of goods of TT-Obuv LLC is presented in Table 5.

Table 5

Evaluation of the product range of TT-Obuv LLC






1. Shoes

boots, shoes

low shoes


November December

January February

shoes, clogs,



April May,

June, September

2. Leather goods gloves 40 November December
bags 35 12 months
3. Accessories umbrellas 150

March, April,

May, September

tights 70

4. Means for

shoe care

creams, brushes,


shoe spoons

sponges, stretchers

47 12 months

One of the indicators characterizing the assortment of goods in a store is the sustainability coefficient, which shows the compliance of the assortment offer available in the store with the optimal one established for each type of product. For footwear products, the optimal coefficient value is 0.75. Based on the data in Table 5, we calculated the stability coefficient of the product range of TT-Obuv LLC.

Table 6

Assessment of the sustainability of the product range of TT-Obuv LLC

Name of product 1998 1999 2000


1. Shoes 0,66 0,71 0,73 0,02
2. Accessories - 0,83 0,71 -0,12
3.Related 0,6 0,68 0,7 0,02
4. Leather goods - 0,71 0,68 -0,03

When calculating the sustainability coefficient, goods of seasonal demand are excluded from the assortment list.

From the table data it can be seen that the indicator of sustainability of the shoe assortment in 2000. increased by 0.02, and became close to the optimal value for shoe stores - 0.75.

This increase is due to the opening of the 3rd shoe salon. Indicator of sustainability of the range of accessories and leather goods in 2000. decreased by 0.04. This happened due to the fact that the company abandoned the sale of bags and tights.

The sustainability indicator of related products increased by 0.02 due to an increase in the list of this assortment.

One of the indicators of the effectiveness of the product range is breadth, i.e. the number of combinations of goods in a set identified by a certain characteristic.

The basis for the analysis of this property is classification groupings. Figure 14 shows the classification assortment grouping of footwear LLC "TT-Obuv"

Rice. 14. Classification assortment grouping of footwear LLC "TT-obuv"

The quantitative composition of shoes was taken as a basic indicator; the parametric series is regulated by the standard, i.e. to size.

The breadth of the TT-footwear assortment in shoe sizes is 0.49. This indicator can be considered close to optimal, since for footwear products a coefficient value of 0.50 is considered optimal.

One of the indicators of the effectiveness of a product range is its depth. As a rule, for footwear products this is the total number of varieties of models. We have clearly presented the depth of the assortment in the table:

Table 7

Depth of shoe models of TT-Obuv LLC


assortment groups

Material Color Size


1. "Belvest" 27 4 7 17 0,9
2. "Bionina" 15 4 2 5 0,43
3. "Fim" 21 4 4 6 0,55
4. "Vigoros" 22 3 4 11 0,62
5. "Invito" 11 1 3 6 0,32
6. "Chevlyar" 15 3 5 7 0,51
7. "Baden" 20 4 7 12 0,73
8. "Elche" 23 6 15 10 0,98
9. "Antelope" 10 3 7 7 0,39
10. "Le Grand" 11 2 1 8 0,36
11. "Marco" 13 2 3 12 0,5
12. "Olip" 9 2 2 12 0,45

As can be seen from Table 7, the Elche company has the greatest depth, in contrast to other shoe manufacturing companies, because This firm's depth ratio is 0.98.

The completeness of the shoe range of TT-Obuv LLC is 6.77, i.e. we can conclude that the assortment of shoes practically allows us to satisfy the well-established demand for shoes; it is close to the recommended number of varieties of goods for shoe stores with an area of ​​251-650 sq.m., i.e. 301-500 units. Firms such as Elche, Baden, Belvesp, Fim provide various opportunities to satisfy alternative consumer demand.

The next indicator characterizing the effectiveness of the product assortment is the indicator of assortment renewal.

The update occurs due to the replenishment of the set of goods with new samples and the exclusion of outdated samples from them.

So, the actual renewal rate of the shoe assortment of TT-Obuv LLC is 50.5%, the basic renewal rate is 66%, hence the renewal coefficient is 0.7. The overall indicator is 2.81.

The considered system of indicators of the assortment of TT-Obuv LLC made it possible to measure deviations of the actual state of the assortment from the preferred one, on the basis of this we can conclude that a slight deviation of 0.07 indicates the rationality of the assortment of goods in TT-Obuv LLC.

This principle of forming an assortment allows the company to create greater convenience for customers, makes it easier for them to familiarize themselves with the products offered, reduces the time spent on shopping, and promotes impulse purchases.

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Store area, m2 Established area coefficient Coefficient of demonstration (exhibition) area in the store
Cloth Shoes Haberdashery and knitwear Cultural goods, household goods and sporting goods Products for children, youth, women, men General non-food store
Up to 100 0,32 0,66 0,80 0,90 0,75 0,75 -
101-250 0,31 0,63 0,76 0,88 0,74 0,74 -
251-650 0,30 0,60 0,73 0,85 0,72 0,72 -
651-1500 0,29 0,57 0,70 0,80 0,70 0,70 0,72
Over 1500 0,27 - - - - 0,68 0,70
Average 0,30 0,60 0,74 0,86 0,73 0,70 0,71

An indicator of the efficiency of using the exhibition space of a sales floor is the equipment capacity coefficient: the higher it is, the more efficiently the retail furniture and the entire space of the sales floor available for displaying goods are used. The optimal value of the capacity coefficient of exhibition equipment is 2.5-3.

The volume of equipment (for example, slides) is equal to the sum of the volumes for displaying goods on each shelf. The capacity factor shows how effectively the rated capacity of the equipment is used.

A comparison of the recommended and actually achieved values ​​of the installation and display area coefficients and the display capacity coefficient makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the technological layout of the store’s sales area and, if necessary, develop measures to improve it.

Thus, the calculation of the above indicators allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of the technological layout of the sales floor and the efficiency of using equipment for displaying goods.

Entrepreneurs can expand retail premises at the expense of other premises in the event that the commodity supply system is clearly regulated. Suppliers of goods (manufacturing enterprises, warehouses of wholesale enterprises) must seek opportunities to fully prepare goods for sale (packaging, packing, placing in packaging equipment) and carry out centralized delivery of consignments of goods on an hourly (daily) schedule based on automated control systems for inventory in accordance with orders (applications) of stores. With a rationally organized system of goods supply, it will be possible to increase the share of retail space in a store by reducing the areas intended for preparing goods for sale, storing them, and utility rooms. Other measures to improve the efficiency of using the total area of ​​the store are given in paragraph 3.1.1 of this manual.

The following measures help to increase the installed area ratio.

A well-thought-out system for arranging equipment in the sales area. The choice of equipment placement method depends on the configuration of the sales floor, on the methods of serving customers, on the location of columns, protrusions, etc. In “elongated” trading floors, the most rational option is to arrange the equipment linearly and place it along the walls - along the perimeter. If the shape of the sales area is close to a square, then it is recommended to use a free system for arranging retail equipment, including an island one. In large stores and when selling goods over the counter, a boxed method of placing equipment or a mixed one, involving a combination of linear and boxed arrangement, is advisable.

In stores that sell goods over the counter, an area is allocated to organize work places for sellers. Often the depth of such a place is great, which leads, firstly, to irrational use of retail space, and secondly, to rapid fatigue of counter workers. Consequently, reducing the area for the salesperson's workplace will increase the area for installing demonstration equipment.

The installation coefficient can be increased by reducing the number of checkout counters. For Russian trade, it is considered optimal if there is 80 sq.m. per checkout unit. trading floor area. However, in reality this figure is much lower. In most stores in the city of Orenburg, one cash register accounts for 15-25 sq.m. shopping area. For comparison, in US stores this figure is 160-320 sq.m. per one calculation node. The widespread use of scanning devices, built-in or connected to cash registers, will reduce the number of cash register counters, thereby increasing the area for installing demonstration or other retail equipment.

The sales area has an area reserved for customers. The width of the main and secondary aisles is often greater than the standards established by GOST requirements; bringing the width of the aisles to standard values ​​will free up some of the space for installing retail equipment.

Free parts of the sales floor can be used more rationally by organizing additional services for customers (copying, developing film and printing photographs, organizing a packaging table, etc.).

It will be possible to increase the value of the demonstration (exposure) coefficient increasing the installation area, using higher and more capacious equipment, using rational methods for displaying goods on shelves, hangers and other load-bearing surfaces of retail equipment. Since customer demand is subject to seasonal fluctuations, it is necessary to maneuver display areas for different groups of products depending on the season.

Store space can bring greater economic impact by extending working hours and working seven days a week. However, it is economically feasible to change the operating mode of the store only if advanced technology for supplying goods is used, the trade and technological process is rationally organized, and settlements with customers will be carried out through the use of modern system cash registers, the use of scanning devices for reading barcodes. codes from goods (scanning allows you to increase the productivity of cashiers-controllers by approximately 30% and increase the throughput of the store).

The above measures will improve the efficiency of using retail space, the share of retail space in the total area of ​​the store, increasing its turnover, and consequently, gross income and profit.

Questions and tasks for self-control

1. Indicate the regulations that establish the requirements for the composition of the premises and areas of the store.

2. Name the groups of store premises and their functional purpose.

3. Describe the types of standard store areas.

4. For what types of additional services are standards for calculating the areas for their provision established?

5. The principle of calculating areas for receiving and storing goods in a store.

6. Indicate the percentage distribution of space between functional groups of premises for self-service stores.

7. Determine the structure of construction requirements for the technological layout of the store.

8. List the construction requirements for areas for unloading goods and placement of ramps.

9. Name the construction requirements for the placement of utility and technical premises.

10. The essence of construction requirements for the placement of administrative and amenity premises?

11. Name the construction requirements for the location of premises for receiving, storing and preparing goods for sale.

12. What construction requirements apply to the organization of the territory adjacent to a retail facility?

13. List the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of the territory adjacent to the retail facility?

14. Name the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the layout, placement and arrangement of store premises.

15. Determine the general principles of placement of non-retail premises relative to retail premises.

16. Give the concept of the layout of a sales area and the principles of its rational use.

17. Zoning of the sales area according to the designated areas?

18. Consider standard options for equipment placement systems in sales areas.

19. What factors influence the choice of the option for organizing the technological layout of the trading floor?

20. Name the construction requirements for the layout of store trading floors.

21. The essence of construction requirements for the placement of areas for the provision of additional services in the store.

22. List technological indicators for assessing the efficiency of using store space, provide their essence and formulas for calculations.

23. What social and economic indicators allow us to assess the efficiency of using store space?

24. Identify ways to improve the efficiency of using the total space of the store.

25. Name ways to improve the efficiency of using a store’s retail space.

26. Calculate the technological indicators and structure of the store premises according to the proposed options, filling out the appropriate tables, and formulate reasonable conclusions.

Option 1

Table 2 - Distribution of space between the premises of the XX store

Room structure m 2 % Recommended value, % Deviation
1. Retail premises, total: including: trading floor 52
2. Premises for receiving, storing and preparing goods for sale, total: including: - warehouse premises - premises for packaging 32
3.Administrative and amenity premises, total, including: - director’s office - office space - store bathroom 18 8,0 7,5 2,5
4. Utility rooms, total: including: - room for storing containers - room for storing equipment 12,5 8,5 4,0
Total: 117,2 100 % 100 % -

Option 2

Table 1 – Calculations of demonstration and installation areas in the XX store

Table 2 – Distribution of space between the premises of the XX store

Room structure m 2 % Recommended value, % Deviation
1. Retail premises, total: incl. shopping room 224 60–65
2. Premises for receiving, storing and preparing goods for sale, in total: including: - storage facilities - ironing room 99,4 86,4 13,0 23–29
3.Administrative and amenity premises, total: including: - director’s office - locker room - office space - store bathroom 28,4 8,0 7,5 8,0 4,9 5–6
4. Utility rooms, total: including: storage room for containers and equipment 12,5 12,5 5 - 6
5.Technical premises, total: 3,7 1 - 2 norm
Total: 100 % 100 % -

Table 3 – Indicators of efficiency of use of store space XX

Answer: The store's sales area occupies a large share of the total area of ​​the store. It serves to house the working and exhibition stock of goods, where goods are selected by buyers, settlement transactions for selected goods are carried out, and various additional services are provided to buyers. The sales area contains workplaces for salespeople, cashiers, sales consultants, cashiers-controllers and other store employees. Therefore, the structure and layout of the sales area must meet the requirements of the rational organization of operations performed here, namely: ensuring the shortest routes for the movement of goods from the storage areas and preparation of goods for sale to the places of their display and placement; free movement of consumer flow; creating good visibility and convenience for customer orientation. The trading floor can be divided into the following zones or areas:

  • · Installation
  • · Aisles for shoppers
  • · Sales jobs
  • · Checkout area

The installation area of ​​a store is a part of the sales floor area occupied by equipment intended for displaying, demonstrating goods, conducting cash payments and servicing customers.

The degree of efficiency of use of sales area can be determined by calculation installation area coefficient according to the following formula:

Ku = ; Where:

Sу - installation area, m2;

St.z. - sales floor area, m2;

K y - installation area coefficient.

The optimal value of this coefficient should be 0.3-0.32.

It is also important that the installation area is effectively used for displaying goods, which can be achieved by equipping the sales area with equipment.

Display area (exposition) is calculated as the total area of ​​horizontal, vertical and inclined planes of commercial equipment used for displaying and displaying goods on the sales floor.

An indicator characterizing the degree of use of the sales area for display of goods is the exhibition area coefficient. It is defined as the ratio of the exhibition area to the area of ​​the sales floor:

Se - exhibition area, m2;

S t.z. - sales floor area, m2;

K e - coefficient of use of the exhibition area.

The optimal value of this coefficient is 0.7-0.75.

In addition, the efficiency of using the store's sales area shows retail space utilization rate, which is defined as the ratio of retail space to the total area of ​​the store:

St - retail area, m2;

So - total area, m2;

K t - coefficient of utilization of retail space

This ratio shows what portion of the total store area is occupied by retail space. The higher this coefficient, the more efficiently the area of ​​the store building is used. In the practice of trading business, the most acceptable ratio of the retail and non-trade areas of the store is 70:30, which is optimal for implementing the functions of the retail trade link - selling goods and serving customers.

Requirements for the organization and maintenance of workplaces:

  • · high level of technical equipment;
  • · compliance of equipment with ergonomic requirements (psychophysiological and anthropometric capabilities of a person in the labor process);
  • · optimal placement of equipment, tools, goods, packaging materials in an order convenient for work;
  • · ensuring labor safety and comfortable working posture;
  • · uninterrupted replenishment of goods and packaging materials;
  • · timely repair of equipment and inventory.

The efficiency of using retail space is assessed by the following indicators: coefficients installation and display area and store throughput.

Installation area coefficient calculated using the following formula

where K y – installation area coefficient;

S у – installation area, m 2 ;

Installation area includes the area occupied by retail equipment (for displaying goods, cash payments and customer service) and large-sized goods (refrigerators, washing machines, etc.) placed on the sales floor. Typically, 27-30% of the sales area is allocated for these purposes.

A low value of the installation area coefficient (less than 0.25) indicates irrational use of retail space due to the small amount of equipment. If the value of the coefficient is too high (more than 0.35), then this can lead to inconvenience for buyers, since the insufficient width of the aisles between the equipment will in this case prevent their free movement.

Standards for K y for stores:

with a mixed assortment of goods 0.29 – 0.32

for the sale of non-food products 0.27 – 0.30

for the sale of food products 0.30 – 0.32

However, it should be taken into account that this indicator may vary depending on the size of the store (the larger the retail space, the smaller the share of the installation area, as a rule) and its specialization.

Along with the rational use of retail space for installing equipment in a store, it is necessary to use it as efficiently as possible for displaying goods. This is achieved through the use of equipment with a large exhibition area.

Demonstration (exhibition area) is calculated as the sum of the areas of all elements of equipment (horizontal, vertical and inclined planes of retail equipment) intended for displaying goods (shelves, cassettes, etc.). The exhibition area also includes the area occupied by the bases of large-sized goods.

For island and wall-mounted universal slides, the exhibition area is determined by summing the area of ​​all equipment shelves; perforated panels with brackets - as the product of the length of the bracket by its conditional width and their total number; hung - as the product of the length of the bracket and the height; podiums, trays, tables - as the product of length and width; containers - by multiplying the area of ​​their base by the number of shelves; for baskets or other product carriers with a circular cross-section, the exposure area is calculated as the area of ​​the circle based on its average diameter.

The degree of use of the sales area for display of goods characterizes exposure area ratio. It is calculated using the following formula:

To exp. = ,

where K exp is the coefficient of the exhibition area of ​​the sales area;

Sexp – exhibition area, m2;

S t.z – area of ​​the sales area, m2.

This indicator depends on the types and types of equipment used for displaying goods, as well as on its dimensions and the number of elements that increase the exhibition area (shelves, baskets, etc.). The optimal ratio between the exhibition area and the sales floor area in a self-service store is considered to be approximately 0.7-0.75, or 70-75%.

Increasing the coefficient of exhibition space through the use of island slides or high-height racks can lead to a deterioration in the visibility of goods, cause inconvenience during their display, and also make it difficult for customers to select goods.

The exhibition area coefficient depends on the specialization of the store: it will be lower in stores that use refrigerated counters and other refrigeration equipment, in stores selling large goods, etc.

K ex standards for stores:

With a mixed assortment of goods 0.73 -0.82

For the sale of non-food products 0.72 – 0.78

For the sale of food products 0.70 – 0.75

Bandwidth store is assessed either by the number of customers served per unit of time, or by the volume of turnover per 1 m 2 of retail space. It is more appropriate to use the latter indicator. This indicator depends on the number and amount of purchases made, the productivity of the seller and the throughput of the payment center.