Profession mechanic. A technician is a universal specialist. Who is a technician?

We bring to your attention a typical example of a technician’s job description, sample 2019. Don’t forget, each technician’s instructions are handed out against a signature.

The following provides typical information about the knowledge that a technician should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

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1. General Provisions

1. The technician belongs to the category of specialists.

(- Technician of category II: secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a technician or other positions filled by specialists with secondary vocational education, at least 2 years.

— Technician: secondary vocational (technical) education without requirements for work experience.)

3. The technician is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

4. The technician must know:

— regulatory legal acts and reference materials on the topic of work;

— basic methods for performing adjustment work;

— terminology used in specialized and reference literature, work programs and instructions;

— current standards and technical specifications for the technical documentation being developed, the procedure for its preparation and design rules;

— sequence and technique of measurements, observations and experiments;

— control and measuring equipment and rules for its use;

— basics of production technology;

— technical characteristics, design features, purpose, operating principles and operating rules of the equipment used;

— methods for inspecting equipment and detecting defects;

— methods and means of measuring parameters, characteristics and operating mode data of equipment, performing technical calculations, graphic and computational work;

— technical means of receiving, processing and transmitting information;

— rules for operating computer equipment;

— applied forms of accounting and reporting and the procedure for maintaining accounting and reporting;

— methods for calculating the economic efficiency of introducing new equipment and progressive technology, rationalization proposals and inventions;

— basics of record keeping;

— fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

— basics of labor legislation;

— internal labor regulations;

— rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. In his activities, the technician is guided by:

- legislation of the Russian Federation,

- Charter of the organization,

- orders and instructions of employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with these instructions,

- this job description,

— Internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The technician reports directly to the head of the technical department.

7. During the absence of a technician (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities of a technician

1. Under the guidance of a more qualified specialist, carries out work to carry out the necessary technical calculations, develop simple projects and simple diagrams, ensuring their compliance with technical specifications, current standards and regulatory documents.

2. Carries out setup, adjustment, adjustment and experimental testing of equipment and systems in laboratory conditions and on-site, monitors its good condition.

3. Participates in experiments and tests, connects instruments, registers the necessary characteristics and parameters and processes the results obtained.

4. Participates in the development of programs, instructions and other technical documentation, in the production of prototypes, as well as in testing and experimental work.

5. Performs work on collecting, processing and accumulating source materials, statistical reporting data, scientific and technical information.

6. Compiles descriptions of work performed, necessary specifications, diagrams, tables, graphs and other technical documentation.

7. Study reference and specialized literature for use in work.

8. Participates in substantiating the economic efficiency of introducing new equipment and progressive technology, rationalization proposals and inventions.

9. Performs work on preparing planning and reporting documentation, makes the necessary changes and corrections to technical documentation in accordance with the decisions made during the review and discussion of the work being performed.

10. Receives and registers incoming documentation and correspondence on the work performed, ensures its safety, keeps records of the passage of documents and monitors the timing of their execution, and also carries out technical registration of documents completed by office work.

11. Systematizes, processes and prepares data for the preparation of work reports.

12. Takes the necessary measures to use modern technical means in work.

13. Complies with the internal labor regulations and other local regulations of the organization.

14. Complies with internal rules and standards of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

15. Ensures cleanliness and order in his workplace,

16. Carry out, within the framework of the employment contract, the orders of the employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with these instructions.

3. Technician's rights

The technician has the right:

1. Submit proposals for consideration by the director of the organization:

— to improve work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction,

- on encouraging distinguished employees subordinate to him,

- on bringing to material and disciplinary liability the employees subordinate to him who have violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his job duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by current labor legislation.

4. Technician's responsibility

The technician is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description for a technician - sample 2019. Job responsibilities of a technician, rights of a technician, responsibility of a technician.


A technician is usually called a representative of a technical specialty. This could be a builder, a car mechanic, or a generalist who performs welding, electrical and other types of work. But still, most often, technicians include specialists involved in servicing any equipment - from private cars to giant airbuses.

History of the emergence of the Technician profession How did the profession originate? How did the profession develop?

Even in ancient times, people realized that they don’t have to do heavy types of work themselves and don’t put them on the shoulders of another person, but that special mechanisms can do it much more profitably and quickly. It was then that the first equipment appeared, and with it the people who serviced, repaired and configured it - the technicians. The Industrial Revolution of the early 19th century largely determined the modern form of this profession. But today, when microtechnologies have become widespread, even the skilled hands of technicians cannot do without a knowledge base.

Significance to society Importance, meaning and social status of the profession

Professional specialists can ensure the serviceability and smooth operation of a wide variety of equipment - from a clock mechanism to a Boeing engine. And this, in turn, guarantees an increase in labor productivity. Many people underestimate the specialty of a technician: people believe that if equipment is used wisely, it will reduce the likelihood of breakdowns. But statistics do not confirm this, but say something else: only the technical serviceability of the mechanisms can ensure uninterrupted and error-free operation.

Features of the Technician profession Uniqueness and prospects of the profession

The profession of a technician is in high demand, due to the expansion of their field of activity. The scheme when a young specialist gained experience from an old master, after which he began to work independently, has long been outdated. Today, a technician, depending on his specialization, must be an expert in many fields: in mechanics, electronics, and engineering, and also be at least a little experimentalist in his field.

"Pitfalls" of the Technician profession All the pros and cons of the profession. Difficulties and features.

The phenomenon that makes the profession of a technician popular and necessary is also its disadvantage: the rapid development of technology, the emergence of completely new technologies, and the rapid obsolescence of yesterday's new products. Trying to keep up with the level of development of modern technology can lead a person to obsolescence. It may also happen that a person has just received his education and was ready to start working in his specialty, when he discovers that his specialization is outdated and practically not in demand.

Where and how to get a Technician profession Where do they teach professions?

Technical specialties can be acquired in vocational schools, colleges, and technical schools. But when working with complex technologies, a higher education may also be needed, as, for example, for flight engineering technicians.

Technician is a responsible and widespread technical profession; he is a generalist in the production, installation, commissioning, repair and operation of various production, construction equipment, and household appliances. A technician can work in manufacturing plants, factories, utilities, and airports.

Functional and job responsibilities of a technician

The responsibilities of a technician depend on his specialization. The main task of a technician is to ensure the normal safe operation of technical equipment. A technician can partially perform the functions of a technologist, mechanic, welder, or electrician. In general, a technician controls the quality of work performed by workers, draws up technical documentation, and can also develop design or technological solutions.

Qualification requirements for technicians

For a technician, secondary specialized education in a technical school or technical college is sufficient. A technician must have technical thinking, organizational skills, and possess such qualities as responsibility, attentiveness, concentration, and accuracy.

Technician career and salary

A technician is a middle link between a worker and an engineer. Before becoming an engineer, a technician may hold the position of chief technician.

7 (39977) 4 25 73 5 years

There are different techniques - black, white, red.
there are technicians, for example, heating systems, and my first specialty is a dental technician
there are pipes, there are teeth! nothing in common)))))

    0 2

7 (29810) 9 27 124 5 years

The profession of a technician is very diverse. They are different:
The profession of a technician is multifaceted and widespread. Representatives with technical specialties can be either builders or automotive specialists. But not only that, specialists in this field can have a wide profile, engaging in both power supply and welding work.
As a rule, specialists with this profession include skilled workers who are capable of servicing various equipment.
Profession "computer technician".
Today, not a single large company can do without modern office equipment. Each employee has a workstation and a personal computer. The profession of “computer technician” appeared precisely so that a breakdown of equipment would not cause the work of the entire enterprise to stop. The main responsibilities of specialists in this profession:
1. Ensuring the correct operation of computer networks;
2. Installation and connection of additional computer equipment;
3. Computer maintenance;
4. Software installation;
5. Troubleshooting the system;
6. Ensuring information security in the company;
7. Modernization of equipment and replacement of obsolete elements.
Maintenance Specialist
What qualities does a young man who wants to connect his life with a technical profession need to have? A maintenance specialist must have logical thinking, good memory, mathematical ability, patience, creative thinking and perseverance. If a future student has all of the above qualities, then studying at a technical college will allow him, firstly, to find a job and, secondly, to become a highly qualified specialist in his field.
The technician is a professional, capable of ensuring the serviceability and smooth functioning of the equipment, regardless of the type and size (clock mechanism, Boeing engine).
According to many, with reasonable use of equipment, the possibility of its breakdown can be eliminated, which is why specialists in this field are underestimated. But according to statistics, we see that with the technical serviceability of the mechanism, the percentage of the user making any mistake decreases.
The profession of a technician is a welder and its general characteristics.
A qualified specialist who ensures the technological process, namely its implementation, carries out welding work.
Job responsibilities of a welding technician:
1. Carrying out the necessary calculations and preparing technical documentation;
2. Identifying the causes of product defects;
3. Development of measures to prevent it, and, if necessary, eliminate it;
4. Engaged in drawing up repair schedules for welding equipment (preventive and overhaul).
A specialist in this field must have the necessary knowledge, have an understanding not only of the design of welding equipment, but also apply the rules of its operation, adjustment, and others.
People with such a profession must be attentive, careful, responsible, and have an accurate eye.
Not everyone will be able to master the skills of a welding technician due to medical contraindications: poor hearing and vision, diseases associated with allergies, nervous and mental illnesses.
Related professions for a welding technician: construction technician, technical editor, process technician, electrician technician.
Profession: Mechanical technician, specialist in car repair and maintenance.
The job description for a mechanic technician lists the following requirements:
1. Planning and organization of work related to maintenance;
2. Installation and repair work of trucks, cars, buses;
3. Adjustment of individual components and assemblies;
4. Carrying out the necessary calculations and preparing technical documentation;
5. Identification of various causes of malfunction.
A person with this profession must be distinguished by technical and logical thinking, be responsible, neat and attentive.
Related professions for a technician - mechanic for car repair and maintenance are the following professions: technician - welder, technician - builder, technician - technologist, technician - electrician.

A qualified technician can understand the equipment and how the devices operate. Find out how to study for it, how to get a job and what the prospects are.




Entry barrier


A technician is a specialist in the field of equipment and mechanisms. He clearly knows how the devices are designed, their operating principles and operating rules. This specialist is an indispensable employee of every organization.


The emergence of technicians is associated with the creation of the first tools. Even primitive people realized that for successful hunting bare hands are not enough, so sharpened stones appeared. Tools developed rapidly, people began to master metals, and more complex products appeared. The word “technician” was first used in Ancient Greece. In those days it was associated with art and creation. However, over time, technology has tirelessly moved forward, and a separate area has emerged - mechanical. The more complex the devices became, the more necessary were specialists who knew how to repair them.

People first started talking about such specialists at the end of the 19th century, when a technical revolution took place that turned the world upside down. From this moment rapid progress begins. The profession of a technician is becoming famous and popular. Nowadays, specialists are highly in demand and relevant. Technologies are constantly developing, new areas of activity are emerging. Technician is the profession of the future.


A technician is a generalized concept that unites a mass of highly qualified specialists. Depending on the industry of application of their knowledge, a permanent type of activity is assumed:

  • Dental Technician. This is a specialist in the field of creating prosthetics for teeth, jaws, etc. He has no contact with patients, but is only responsible for the production process.
  • Technician-programmer. This specialist works with computer technologies. He knows everything about the structure of these mechanisms. This is the lowest level of programmers. Typically, such technicians continue to train to ensure a higher income.
  • Electrician. Specialist in the field of electrical networks. He knows how to install the wiring, what wires to choose and how to use them correctly. constantly operates at high voltage.
  • Heating engineer. This is a specialist in heating networks. He checks the serviceability of the equipment, starts it up and purges it. Thanks to these specialists, heat is supplied to homes during the heating season.
  • Plumber. These specialists usually work in housing and communal services. They carry out repair work on pipelines, eliminating blockages and leaks.
  • Aviation technician. Aviation specialist. Typically, these technicians can be found at airports, where they check flights before takeoff and after landing. After all, it is so important that the plane is in good working order.
  • Mechanical technician. A mechanic understands the structure of various types of mechanisms. This area is divided into a lot of smaller branches, from an electrical appliance specialist to an auto mechanic.
  • Technologist This specialist knows everything about the technology of production processes. Each action must be strictly ordered.

What specialties to study?

In order to obtain this profession, you should choose a higher education institution or prof. those. school for any technical specialty.

  • Geological exploration technology.
  • Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment.
  • Acoustic devices and systems.
  • Operation of radio communication and electro-radio navigation equipment for ships.
  • Computer science and programming.

There are many other directions.

Where to study

In order to obtain a technician diploma, you should choose one of the universities or technical schools in this field. The most prestigious are:

  • Moscow State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman.
  • St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University.
  • Tyumen State Oil and Gas University.
  • Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university).
  • Moscow Energy Institute (Technical University).
  • Siberian State Geodetic Academy.

You can choose any university or college in your city.

What do you have to do at work and specializations?

The working day of a technician directly depends on his specialization. However, there are a number of processes that are required to be performed in any industry:

  • Preparing new equipment for operation. Preliminary inspection guarantees serviceability.
  • Creation of technical descriptions and instructions for personnel. This is necessary to prevent errors that could lead to equipment failure.
  • Development of an optimal sequence of production processes to increase labor efficiency.
  • Repair of equipment when it breaks down. Quite often, due to the negligence of employees or due to a manufacturing defect, equipment breaks down. The technician’s task is not only to repair, but also to determine the cause of the breakdown, because in case of defective equipment, the equipment must be returned.
  • Equipment modernization. It involves modification or complete replacement. The technician conducts regular preventive inspections and adjusts the equipment to modern production features.
  • Design of new equipment. Techniques are the engines of progress.
  • Individual configuration of equipment to suit the specifics of work processes and the needs of employees.

Who is it suitable for?

This profession is suitable for people with a good memory. The mechanisms are complex and require high precision. One incorrectly secured part can damage the entire equipment.

Well-developed fine motor skills are important for these specialists. Mechanisms often consist of a collection of small parts that fit tightly together. It is important for the technician to accurately place them in place.

Accuracy and responsibility are irreplaceable qualities in this profession. Also, the best assistant for any technician is self-organization. Often no one controls the working day, and duties should be performed regularly.


Given the increased growth of humanities graduates, professional technicians are needed now more than ever. Almost every specialist will be able to find a job in the first month after graduation. The profession of a technician is one of the most highly in demand.

How much do people working in this profession earn?

The salary level directly depends on the position held. On average, technicians earn from 5 to 45 thousand rubles per month.

The lowest wages are for housing and communal services employees, as they are often employed only half-time. Moscow and St. Petersburg are ready to offer high and stable income.

Is it easy to get a job?

Typically, a technician is employed before graduation. After all, every student undergoes an internship without fail. It is here that business owners and shop managers often offer young specialists a job with them.

If you want to get into a private company, you will have to prove the level of your knowledge not only at the interview, but also during the probationary period.

How does one usually build a career?

A technician’s career directly depends on his ambitions and aspirations. In most cases, there is an increase in discharge. The higher this indicator, the higher the salary.

At large enterprises there is an opportunity to grow to a senior technician or head of a technical department.

Basically, in order to get the coveted career growth, a technician has to get a second education and become an engineer. There are much more opportunities here. An engineer can grow to become a production manager and director of a plant or company.


In our country, the prospects for this profession appear only with constant development. If you decide it's time to grow, then you should continue your education.

Technologists quite often make revolutionary discoveries. Don’t forget to patent the technologies you come up with; in the end, they can bring substantial income, which will help you open your own business or live on the dividends you receive.

Graduates of domestic educational institutions with technical specialties are highly valued abroad. This is due to a well-developed intellect and the ability to work beyond normal limits. Therefore, a technician’s diploma opens up the possibility of traveling abroad on a work visa. Subsequently, you can obtain a residence permit and citizenship of a foreign country, because in Europe and America the level of wages is significantly higher.