Organization and planning of transportation. Enterprise cargo transportation Why competent organization and planning of transportation is important

  • 2.3. Methods for forming systems
  • 2.4. Material and information flows in logistics systems
  • T e s t
  • 3. Procurement logistics
  • 3.1. Purpose of purchasing logistics
  • 3.2. Forms of supply
  • Intermediate warehouse
  • Figure 3.1. Transit (a) and warehouse (b) forms of supply
  • Advantages of the transit form of supply:
  • Disadvantages of the transit form of supply:
  • Advantages of the warehouse form of supply:
  • General costs include:
  • Main supply tasks:
  • 3.3. Determining the procurement method
  • 3.4. Documentation of the order
  • Main elements of the contract:
  • T e s t
  • Training tasks
  • 4. Inventory in logistics
  • Purpose and essence of reserves
  • 4.2. Types of stocks
  • Place of inventory logistics in the logistics system
  • 4.3. Inventory management costs
  • 4.4. Inventory management models
  • Calculation of parameters of an inventory management system with a fixed order quantity
  • Calculation of parameters of an inventory management system with a fixed frequency of orders.
  • Main advantages and disadvantages of the systems:
  • T e s t
  • Training tasks
  • 5. Production logistics. Production systems
  • 5.1. Contents of production logistics
  • 5.2. Materials management options
  • Micrologistic system - DRP method
  • Examples Domestic logistics production systems.
  • 5.3. Methods for determining an enterprise's needs for material resources
  • 5.3.1. Determining the need for equipment and spare parts for it
  • 5.3.2. Calculations of the need for materials for repair and maintenance needs
  • 5.3.3. Determining the need for materials to change work in progress
  • 5.3.4. Determination of carry-over stocks, expected balances and drawing up a plan for mobilizing internal resources
  • 6. Distribution logistics
  • 6.1. Distribution logistics concept
  • 6.2. Basic forms of organizing distribution logistics
  • 6.3. Logistics chains
  • Organization and management of the distribution system at the enterprise
  • Distribution planning
  • Optimization of distribution activities
  • T e s t
  • 7. Transport logistics
  • 7.1. The essence and objectives of transport logistics
  • The main element of transport logistics is transport.
  • Prospects for the development of transport logistics
  • Transport logistics on the Internet. Development prospects and problems.
  • 7.2. Selecting the type of vehicle
  • 7.3. Planning and organization of cargo transportation
  • 7.3.1 Cargo transportation process
  • 7.3.2 Planning and organization of cargo transportation
  • 7.4. Transport tariffs
  • The main element of transport logistics is transport:
  • 8. Information logistics
  • 8.1. Theoretical foundations for building information systems
  • 8.1.1. Types of logistics information systems
  • 8.1.2. Principles of building logistics information systems
  • 4. The principle of system flexibility in terms of the specific requirements of a particular application.
  • 5. The principle of acceptability of the system for the user of the “man-machine” dialogue.
  • 8.2. Information support for logistics management
  • 8.2.1. Information technology in logistics
  • 8.2.2. Remote data transfer
  • 8.2.3. Information infrastructure
  • 9. Service in logistics
  • 9.1. Concept of logistics service
  • 9.2. Formation of a logistics service system
  • 9.3. Indicators of quality of logistics services
  • 9.4. Logistics service level
  • From the value of the service level
  • Services depending on the value of the service level
  • From the value of the service level (function f3)
  • T e s t
  • 10. Guidelines for completing a course project in the discipline “Logistics”
  • 10.1.Structure of the course project
  • 10.2. Methodological recommendations for completing the main sections of the course work Introduction
  • Characteristics of the enterprise
  • 10.2.2.Description of the main material flows of the enterprise’s logistics system
  • Raw material consumption rates
  • Justification of the need for material resources in the field of purchasing logistics
  • Key performance indicators of the enterprise
  • Selection of optimal economic relations in the field of procurement
  • Data for calculating optimal economic connections
  • Description of the intra-production logistics system
  • Building a distribution network
  • List of theoretical questions by option
  • Task 2 Calculation of the total material flow in the warehouse
  • Factors of the volume of warehouse cargo handling (factors influencing the value of the total material flow in the warehouse)
  • Calculation of the total material flow and the cost of cargo handling in a warehouse
  • Groups of material flows in a warehouse
  • Data on warehouse cargo handling volume factors
  • Task 3 Determining the optimal number of cargo receiving/dispensing posts in a warehouse
  • Initial data (common for all options)
  • Variables for options
  • Calculation results for each item
  • Task 4 Limiting factors
  • Parameters of the commodity distribution system
  • Continuation of the table. 9
  • End of table. 9
  • Brief Glossary of Terms
  • Bibliography
  • 7.3. Planning and organization of cargo transportation

    7.3.1 Cargo transportation process

    Under technology of the cargo transportation process understands the way people implement a specific transportation process by dividing it into a system of successive interconnected stages and operations that are performed more or less unambiguously and have the goal of achieving high transportation efficiency. Technology Challenge– clean up the process of cargo transportation from unnecessary operations and make it more targeted. The essence of cargo transportation technology is revealed through two basic concepts - stage and operation. Stage is a set of operations by which a particular process is carried out. Operation- a homogeneous, logically indivisible part of the transportation process, aimed at achieving a specific goal, performed by one or more performers.

    The technology of any cargo transportation process is characterized by three features: division of the transportation process, coordination and phasing, and unambiguous actions. The purpose of dividing the process of transporting goods into stages is System theory states that every system consists of subsystems. Every system is a subsystem of some system. It is accepted that any system can be described in terms of system objects, properties and connections. The hierarchy and number of subsystems depend only on the internal complexity of the system as a whole.

    Figure 7.3.1 shows the hierarchical pyramid (structure) of technology and organization of transportation. At the top of this pyramid is intermodal transportation. Below is multimodal transportation. Next - unimodal transportation, then intra-regional and city transportation by specialized motor transport enterprises and, finally, local transportation by individual entrepreneurs and production and commercial structures’ own transport.

    Fig.7.3.1 Hierarchical structure of transportation

    Each of the above types of transportation has specific features in technology, organization and management, but they have a common technological basis in the form of specific technological transportation schemes and the links or elements that make up these schemes. The transportation process at each stage (link) can be represented as a specific subnetwork. The control and management policy in such a system is modeled by synchronizing positions at each stage (in each link). In turn, the constituent elements of cargo transportation are characterized by certain patterns inherent only to them. In the technical and economic literature there is no single interpretation of many fundamental concepts: transportation process, transport process, transport process cycle, transport system, transport complex, etc. The operations that make up the transportation process are heterogeneous and vary greatly in duration. Some operations combine to create certain stages of this process, each of which performs its own tasks. Both individual operations and the stages of the transportation process are in a certain dependence on each other (before transporting the cargo, it must be loaded, etc.). Thus, this process is multi-stage and multi-operational, with great technological, operational and economic heterogeneity of operations. Individual stages of the cargo transportation process are often considered as independent. Therefore, the literature currently writes about the transportation process, the transportation process, the loading and unloading process, etc.

    Fig.7.3.2 Technological diagrams of the cargo transportation process:

    a – one type of transport; b – various types of transport.

    Figure 7.3.2 shows diagrams of the processes of cargo transportation. It is cyclical in nature. This means that, with the exception of pipeline transport, which operates continuously, the movement of goods is carried out in repeating production cycles, following one after another. The rhythm of these cycles is determined by their frequency, which, in turn, depends on the average duration of one cycle. Each cycle is characterized by a high degree of dynamism, a continuous change of state and a change in the composition of elements. The cycles of individual transportation processes fluctuate over time. However, they always have a beginning and an end. Each repeating transportation cycle consists of many individual stages that are closely interconnected and equally directed, since their ultimate goal is to achieve a spatial change in the position of the cargo. The complex of these cycles, which add up to the transportation cycle, creates the transportation process.

    Analysis of process diagrams shows that in any transportation process there are stages inherent only to cargo, only to rolling stock, but there are also joint stages. The latter includes the stage of loading, transportation and unloading. Various stages - supply of rolling stock for loading, preparation of cargo for shipment, storage of cargo at the point of production and intermediate points, warehousing, forwarding operations, etc. This situation makes it difficult to unambiguously understand the concept of the transportation process. From the position of motor transport enterprises, when the issues of improving the use of rolling stock, reducing the turnaround time of rolling stock, etc. come to the fore, in order to complete the process of transporting cargo, it is necessary, in addition to transporting it, to carry out loading and unloading, as well as to submit the rolling stock for loading, i.e. .e. carry out the transport process.

    Let's define some basic concepts.

    The transportation process is a set of operations from the moment the cargo is prepared for departure until the moment it is received, associated with the movement of the cargo in space without changing its geometric shapes, sizes and physical and chemical properties (stages 1-2-3-4-5, Fig. 7.3. 2 a; or stages 1-2-3-4-5-6-7, Fig. 7.3.2 b).

    Moving process– a set of loading operations at the loading point, transshipment operations at the points of transfer of cargo from one type of transport to another, its intermediate storage, transportation and unloading operations at the unloading point (stages 2-3-4 Fig. 7.3.2 a; or stages 2- 3-4-5-6, Fig. 7.3.2 b)

    Transport process– a set of loading operations at loading and transshipment points, transportation, unloading operations at points of transfer of cargo from one type of transport to another and the point of unloading and supply of rolling stock for loading (stages 2-3-4-6, Fig. 7.3.2 a; or stages 2-3-4-8 plus 4-5-6-9, Fig. 7.3.2 b).

    Transport process cycle– the production process for transporting cargo, when the stages of supplying rolling stock for loading, transportation and unloading are performed. The completed cycle of the transport process is also called driving (stages 2-3-4-6, Fig. 7.3.2 a; or 2-3-4-8 or 4-5-6-9, Fig. 7.3.2 b).

    Move operation- part of the movement process performed using one or a system of jointly operating mechanisms or manually.

    Transportation– the operation of moving cargo along a specific route from the place of loading to the place of unloading or reloading (stage 3 or stage 5, Fig. 2 b).

    Transport products– the mass of cargo in physical terms delivered from the place of production to the place of consumption. Experience in organizing transportation shows that not all cargo loaded onto rolling stock at the point of production is delivered to the place of consumption. The reason for this is cargo loss, damage, natural loss, etc.

    Charter of railway transport of the Russian Federation

    Classification of transportation and transported goods

    Classification of freight transport and transported goods

    Tasks of Cargo and Commercial work.

    Logistics, cargo and commercial work

    Logistics is the process of planning, executing and controlling the cost-effective flow of inventories of raw materials, materials, work in progress, finished goods, services and related information from the point of its origin to the point of consumption (including imports, exports, internal and external movements) for complete meeting consumer requirements.

    In other words:

    Logistics is the effective management of material and related flows.

    Logistics optimizes the next chain

    · supply;

    · production;

    · transportation;

    · service;

    · distribution and sales;

    Freight and commercial work can be considered as an integral part of the logistics process.

    1. Operational planning of cargo transportation.

    2. Registration and recording of all documents related to the acceptance, delivery, processing and processing of goods.

    3. Reception, delivery, storage, loading of cargo into wagons and unloading, sorting along the route.

    4. Mechanization of loading and unloading operations at all stages of cargo movement.

    5. Organization of package and container transportation.

    6. Organization of transportation involving several modes of transport (intermodal and multimodal transportation).

    7. Tariffs and payments for the transportation of goods.

    8. Lease and contract business.

    9. Interaction with non-public railway tracks.

    10. Preparation of proposals for the rules and conditions of cargo transportation, as well as technical conditions for placing and securing cargo in wagons and containers.

    11. Operation of warehouse and weighing facilities.

    12. Freight forwarding services.

    13. Organization of transportation of perishable goods.

    14. Ensuring the safety of goods and speeding up their delivery.

    1. Improving technology to increase profits and reduce transportation costs.

    2. Increasing the safety of transported goods

    3. Compliance with established delivery times

    4. Transportation safety

    5. Branded transport service

    6. Reducing costs by improving the use of carrying capacity and capacity of cars, concentration of cargo work, comprehensive mechanization of loading and unloading operations, routing of transportation, implementation of automated control systems

    7. Effective interaction with other modes of transport

    8. Fulfillment of all requests for cargo transportation

    9. Compliance with transport legislation

    Cargo delivery is carried out from the sender's warehouse to the recipient's warehouse by various vehicles under different conditions.

    The entire railway network of the Russian Federation is divided into roads (Oktyabrskaya, Moskovskaya, etc.). Railways are connected to various modes of transport: road, water, aviation, pipeline.

    1. By type of message

    · Direct railway communication - transportation between railway stations in the Russian Federation with the participation of one or more infrastructures under a single transportation document issued for the entire route.

    · Direct mixed traffic - transportation carried out within the territory of the Russian Federation by several modes of transport under a single transport document (consignment note), issued for the entire route.

    · Transportation in indirect mixed traffic - transportation carried out within the territory of the Russian Federation by several modes of transport according to separate transportation documents for each type of transport.

    · Transportation in international traffic involving railway transport - transportation in direct* and indirect* international traffic - between the Russian Federation and foreign countries, including transit through the territory of the Russian Federation, as a result of which passengers, cargo, etc. cross the State border of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation

    *in direct international traffic, transportation is carried out between railway stations in different countries or several modes of transport in different countries under a single transport document issued for the entire route.

    * in indirect international traffic, transportation is carried out through railway stations and ports located within the border area using transportation documents issued in the states participating in transportation, as well as transportation by several modes of transport using separate transportation documents for each type of transport.

    · Special railway transportation - transportation intended to meet particularly important government and defense needs, as well as transportation of convicted persons and persons in custody.

    · Military rail transportation - transportation of military units and units of military cargo, military teams and individuals undergoing military service.

    2.By type of shipment

    · Small – based on cargo weight from 20 kg to 20 tons, occupying no more than half the volume of the body of a covered wagon or container, half the area of ​​a gondola car or platform.

    · Combined wagon shipment – ​​consists of goods allowed for joint transportation in a universal wagon under one transportation document.

    · Group – there is enough cargo to load two or more wagons (homogeneous cargo from places of non-public use, addressed to one recipient).

    · Route - to transport cargo, a train of a certain weight and length is required, passing at least 1 technical marshalling station without processing, i.e. sorting.

    · Container - a shipment of cargo placed in a 3,5,10,21,24,30 t container.

    3. By speed of delivery (urgency of transportation)

    · Freight speed – the speed is given in the “Rules for the transportation of goods by rail” and depends on the transportation distance

    · High speed in accelerated trains V=500 km/day

    4. According to the packaging method or physical properties of the cargo.

    · Container packaging - accepted according to the number of places

    · Piece – without packaging according to the number of places

    · Bulk - without counting places, but, if necessary, you can count the number of places, with the exception of coal, ore, coke.

    Bulk (grain)

    · Heavyweight, with a single piece weighing more than 500 kg

    · Oversized

    · Extra oversized

    · Animals

    · Dangerous


    5. At the place where cargo operations are performed.

    · Common areas.

    · Non-public areas.

    6. According to the method of performing cargo operations

    · By forces and means of railway transport (MC carrier)

    · By forces and means of shippers, consignees

    · By forces and means of industrial railway transport enterprises (PPZHT) in non-public areas

    · By forces and means of transport and forwarding companies

    7. According to the ownership of wagons and containers

    · General park (property of JSC Russian Railways)

    · Property of private companies.

    · Property of companies in foreign countries

    Defines the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the carrier, infrastructure, owners of international enterprises (enterprises, organizations, institutions) and citizens using railway transport services.

    Brief historical overview.

    1885 – General Charter of Russian Railways

    1920 – Charter of the RSFSR Railways

    1927 – Charter of the USSR Railways

    1998 – Transport Charter of the Russian Railways (Federal Law)

    2003 – Charter of railway transport of the Russian Federation (Federal Law)

    1. General Provisions

    Definitions of the carrier, infrastructure, owners, MOP, MNOP are given, types of transportation are given.

    2. Transportation of goods, containers and wagon shipments of cargo luggage

    3. Interaction between the infrastructure owner and carriers in the preparation and implementation of transportation of passengers, cargo, baggage, cargo luggage

    4. Non-public railway tracks

    5. Transportation of goods in direct mixed traffic.

    6. Transportation of passengers, luggage, cargo luggage.

    7. Responsibility of carriers, infrastructure owners, shippers (senders), consignees (recipients), passengers

    8. Acts, claims, lawsuits.

    9. Final and transitional provisions.

    Cargo transportation plans in modern conditions are developed for a monthly period.

    “Monthly transportation plan” is an operational transportation plan


    1. Complete and timely satisfaction of effective demand for railway transport services for the transportation of goods with the lowest transport costs.

    2. Efficient use of rolling stock

    3. Clear interaction with other modes of transport

    Monthly planning of cargo transportation serves as the basis for technical standardization of operational work and determination of the following indicators:

    · Traffic dimensions by rail and by direction

    · Standards for the maintenance of locomotives and locomotive crews

    · Fuel and electricity consumption

    · Parameters for regulating car parks by type of rolling stock for each railway, for each inter-road junction point.

    · Financial expenses for the purchase of equipment and rolling stock

    · Carrying capacity of the railway

    Monthly planning is carried out based on the following data:

    · agreements on the organization of cargo transportation are concluded between large civil defense and railway companies;

    · based on civil defense applications for the transportation of goods by all types of communications;

    · based on marketing research and forecasting of loading by product groups of goods.

    Applications are submitted to the corporate transport service system or directly from large shippers through the ETRAN-client system. All applications in the corporate transport service system are classified:

    · For each departure station

    · For each nomenclature of cargo

    · By type of shipment (carload, small, container, route)

    · According to the ownership of the cars

    · By type of message

    Applications for the transportation of goods in direct and indirect international traffic through border stations are submitted separately for each border station, and in the case of mixed traffic (rail-water) for each transshipment point.

    The shipper of the shipment draws up an application for the transportation of cargo in the required quantity and submits it to the carrier no less than 10 days before the start of transportation in direct traffic and 15 days in all types of international and mixed traffic (in paper form). The application is valid for no more than 45 days.

    The carrier is obliged to consider the application within two days from the date of receipt and give a decision:

    · Agreed

    · Refuse

    · Partially agreed

    The application is submitted to the infrastructure owner and is considered:

    · no more than 5 days – for direct transportation

    · no more than 10 days – in all types of international and mixed traffic

    and returned to the shipper.

    In order to organize the timely fulfillment of accepted applications for the transportation of goods, the carrier carries out continuous operational planning for loading on specific days of the application validity period.

    The application contains the following data:

    · carrier – name and its code according to OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations)

    period – the validity period of the application

    · type of shipment (carload, container, small, route)

    departure station, code

    · nomenclature group of cargo

    · type of message

    · consignor – full name and OKPO code

    · payer

    · accessories of the car, container

    · shipment date

    · destination stations, carriage codes, type of destination country

    Accounting for the completion of the application is carried out using the “Registration Card” of the GU-1 form. It is conducted by a representative of the carrier for each shipper on the basis of agreed applications. Signed daily or on loading days by both parties (shipper and carrier)

    Freight railway tariffs,
    their meaning and construction system.

    1. Transportation plan

    2.2 Indicators of the volume and quality of rolling stock work

    3. Freight transport and its planning

    3.1 Freight planning

    3.2 System of indicators of the transportation plan

    3.3 Factors influencing the volume of freight turnover of railways

    3.4 Distance of cargo transportation

    4. Railway freight turnover

    4.1 Dynamics and structure of cargo turnover

    4.2 Characteristics of the main types of unsustainable transportation




    Transport is one of the general conditions of production. By carrying out transportation within enterprises, between enterprises, regions and countries, transport affects the scale of social production and its pace.

    Transport in the circulation sphere moves various types of products between producers and consumers. This type of transport performs its functions at the first and third stages of the circulation, i.e. at the stages of circulation. Transport of the sphere of circulation carries out connections generated by the territorial division of Uda. In the course of the historical process of social division of labor, it emerged as an independent sphere of production.

    In modern conditions, transportation in the circulation process is carried out mainly by public transport - railway, sea, river, road, air, as well as specialized transport - pipelines, power lines and railway access roads of enterprises and associations, connecting them with the general mainline transport system. These types of transport (together with the warehouse system) are the material basis of the circulation process.

    Transport is important when solving problems of location of productive forces. Under socialism, in a planned manner, production enterprises are located so that the cost of products at the place of consumption, other things being equal, would be minimal for the entire set of enterprises. At the same time, the total socially necessary costs of production and circulation, including transportation, are minimized.

    The role of transport in ensuring connections between industry and agriculture is great. Particularly emphasizing this role of transport, in particular railway, V.I. Lenin wrote;

    “Railroads... are one of the manifestations of the most striking connection between city and countryside, between industry and agriculture, on which socialism is entirely based. To connect this for systematic activities in the interests of the entire population, we need railways.”

    In modern conditions, transport plays an important role in the implementation of specialization and cooperation of production across industries, regions and countries. Specialization of production across enterprises and production associations contributes to an increase in labor productivity and a reduction in production costs. Due to this, in some cases it is economically feasible to expand the area of ​​territorial distribution of products. The specialization of production by region and country is caused by differences in their natural and economic conditions. It predetermines the need for large inter-district and international cargo exchange, which is provided by transport.

    Passenger transport is of great economic, cultural and political importance in our country. It is necessary for transporting workers to and from work, for trips related to production and social activities, trips to sanatoriums, holiday homes, etc.

    The purpose of this work is freight and passenger rail transportation and their planning.

    In this regard, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

    1. Transportation plan – the basis of the transport plan;

    2. Indicators of the use of passenger transportation, the effectiveness of their improvement;

    3. Freight transportation and its planning;

    4. Railway freight turnover.

    1. Transportation plan

    The main section of the plan for economic and social development of railway transport is the transportation of goods and passengers.

    The Main Directions of Economic and Social Development for 10 years establishes the total volume of freight traffic in tons and passenger turnover in passenger kilometers, broken down by five years, including for the first five years by year.

    In the five-year plan, roads and transportation departments are established: the total volume of transportation (dispatch) of goods in tons, including the most important nomenclature; the total volume of cargo transportation (dispatch) in tons in universal and specialized containers and packaged form, the volume of cargo transportation (departure) in tons in direct mixed traffic; freight turnover (to railways in tariff ton-kilometers, to departments - in operational ones); passenger turnover For cargo stations, the number of loaded tons is established, including by the nomenclature of goods, loading of goods in universal and specialized containers and in packaged form;

    for local stations - the number of tons loaded; for passengers - the number of passengers sent

    Five-year rail transportation plans are developed by the Ministry of Railways together with design and research institutes. In this case, materials from the State Planning Committee, state plans of the union republics, ministries and departments on the economic and social development of the country in the planned period, calculations of railways, mathematical models of the dependence of traffic volume on the most important factors are used. Along with the long-term plan, the Ministry of Railways, together with the State Planning Committee, interested ministries and departments, is developing proposals for rationalizing transportation and improving the use of cars.

    The annual plan establishes the same range of indicators; in addition, roads and departments are planned for the volume of transportation (dispatch) of export-import cargo in tons. The annual transportation plan is developed with distribution by quarters.

    The freight transportation plan for the year is drawn up in accordance with the Basic Provisions on the annual and quarterly planning of freight transportation. Associations and enterprises, ministries, departments, etc. are developing a single form of application for the transportation of goods for the coming year with the necessary economic justification. All goods in applications are combined into 43 groups. Applications are considered by railway departments, state planning departments of the Union republics, ministries and departments.

    The Ministry of Railways develops the annual passenger transportation plan together with the roads and their departments. This takes into account new passenger trains that will be put into service, changes in the frequency and route of trains, train formation patterns, difficulties with transporting passengers on certain routes, etc.

    Quarterly freight transportation plans are developed with monthly distribution across 43 cargo groups. At the same time, 29 groups of cargo are planned centrally by the Ministry of Railways together with the Councils of Ministers of the Union Republics, Union ministries and departments, and the remaining groups of cargo are planned by railway departments together with local planning bodies, ministries, departments and associations.

    Monthly freight transportation plans are developed on the basis of detailed transportation plans, which shippers (associations, enterprises, etc.) submit within the established time frame (14 days before the start of the planned month, and for export cargo 20 days) in a single form GU-12 to the railway departments within whose borders the stations for the departure of their goods are located. After checking their accuracy in road traffic services, road computer centers together with the Main Computer Center of the Ministry of Railways develop a monthly cargo transportation plan. It is delivered to road departments and stations, and on its basis, cargo is accepted for departure.

    2. Indicators of the use of passenger transportation, rolling stock and the effectiveness of their improvement

    2.1 Passenger transport usage indicators

    Car population is the average number of passengers per car used for the carriage of passengers. This indicator is determined by dividing passenger kilometers by car kilometers.

    When calculating the occupancy of a car, the car-kilometers in passenger traffic of passenger fleet cars (excluding mail, baggage, etc.) and cargo fleet cars engaged in transporting passengers on tickets are taken into account.

    The occupancy of a car is influenced by the structure of the car fleet and the actual use of seats in cars of various types. The more soft and compartment cars in the composition, the lower the average population, and vice versa, with an increase in the share of reserved seat and general carriages in the composition, the average population of the carriage increases.

    The average population of a carriage on railways is 33 people, including 32 people on long-distance routes and 35 people on suburban routes.

    The higher the population, the fewer cars, electric and diesel trains and locomotives are required to transport passengers, the lower the cost of transportation, the higher the productivity of workers serving passenger transportation.

    The actual use of the proposed locations is characterized by the capacity utilization rate.

    On average for the railway network, y = 0.65-0.67. The worst indicators of capacity utilization are in soft cars with double compartments.

    The average daily mileage of trains is calculated by dividing the mileage of passenger trains by the number of train days or dividing the double length of the train route by the full turn of the train. The shorter the train's turnaround time, the higher the train's average daily mileage for the same distance. The turnover of the train is reduced as the speed of movement increases and downtime at all passing stations decreases. Equally important is the acceleration of train processing operations at home and turnover stations.

    The main task of freight transportation planning is to establish upcoming volumes, structure and directions. The volume of work of rolling stock, operating costs and revenues of roads, as well as the contingent depend on the size of transportation. The structure of cargo transportation and turnover determines the need for different types of cars and the size of the supply of new rolling stock. A correctly drawn up transportation plan is the most important condition for the high quality of the entire transport plan. Therefore, on the basis of the transportation plan, the indicators of all other sections are essentially determined, i.e. rolling stock operating plan, operating cost plan, labor plan, logistics plan, etc.

    In terms of transportation, we can highlight:

      volume indicators (departure, reception, arrival, delivery, transportation, cargo turnover);

      qualitative indicators (average transportation distance, average traffic density, net cargo turnover).

    Departure(loading) is determined by summing the size of the departure (loading) at all stations and sections of the road.

    Reception of cargo from other road sections is also calculated by summing up the size of cargo acceptance from other road sections at all junction points.

    Arrival(unloading) and change cargo along the road section are determined by summing up in the same way as departure and reception.

    Transportation- an indicator that determines the volume of transport products. They can be determined in two ways: by summing the departure and reception from other branches of the road or as the sum of arrivals and delivery to other branches of the road.

    Transportation is distributed by type of message:

      local- transportation between stations within the road;

      export- dispatch of goods to other sections of the road (defined as the difference between departure and local traffic);

      import- arrival of goods from other sections of the road (defined as the difference between arrival and local traffic);

      transit- transportation of goods received from other sections of the road and passing through this section of the road to other sections of the road.

    Transit can be defined in several ways: reception minus import, or delivery minus export, or the total volume of transportation minus other types of traffic (import, export, local).

    Planning transportation by type of message is necessary for the correct calculation of wagon turnover, as well as operating costs and income of the road department, because the road department does not perform the same number of operations related to the transportation of goods in different messages.

    The correctness of the calculations for drawing up a transportation plan can be checked for individual stations and the road section as a whole.

    Checking by stations and sections: .

    loading + receiving = unloading + delivery

    Road separation check:

    unloading + delivery to other departments = loading + reception from other departments.

    In terms of freight transportation, freight flows (density of traffic) are also established by area - general and by direction (there and back).

    The densities are equal to the arithmetic mean of the densities at the entrance and exit of the site in each direction.

    The product of the density of cargo traffic by the length of the section gives the volume of cargo turnover along the section. Freight turnover along a road section is determined as the sum of the amounts of freight turnover for individual sections. Net cargo turnover

    – an important indicator of the transportation plan because it characterizes the useful work of transportation. Average density, or average load intensity

    is the average freight traffic passing through a unit of line length per unit of time (year). It is equal to the net freight turnover of the road divided by the operational length of the road section. Average transportation distance

    - this is the average distance traveled by one ton of cargo within the road section. It can be determined by dividing the net cargo turnover by the size of transportation along the road section.

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    in the discipline "Logistics"


    Head of coursework

    CM. Gedris


    Keywords: transport, demand for road freight transportation, planning, forecasting, client, forwarder.

    Object of study- ForwardGroup LLC

    Subject of study- cargo transportation enterprises.

    Goal of the work- determining the demand for freight transportation and the features of their planning in the company using a logistics approach.

    Research methods: general scientific methods of cognition, comparative analysis, economic-mathematical and graphic-analytical methods.

    Research and development results: the essence and role of the freight forwarding company is revealed. An analysis of the management practice of the forwarding company “ForwardGroup” was carried out. Measures aimed at improving the work of the transport and forwarding company are proposed.

    Practical significance of the research results: The implementation of measures in practice will improve the management efficiency of the transport and forwarding enterprise.

    Area of ​​possible practical application of the research results: companies engaged in transport and forwarding activities.


    1. Freight logistics

    1.1 Logistics features of cargo transportation by various modes of transport

    1.2 Features of the formation of demand for road freight transportation

    1.3 Types of trucks (by load capacity)

    1.4 Freight planning

    2. Strategic planning of cargo transportation at the enterprise

    2.1 Determining the demand for freight transportation and planning it by mode of transport

    2.2 Planning transportation alternatives and criteria for selecting logistics intermediaries

    2.3 Methods for analyzing and forecasting demand for cargo transportation

    3. Cargo transportation planning ForwardGroup LLC

    3.1 General characteristics of the company ForwardGroup LLC




    Transport is one of the key sectors of any state. The volume of transport services largely depends on the state of the country's economy. However, transport itself often stimulates higher levels of economic activity. It frees up opportunities hidden in underdeveloped regions of the country or the world, allows you to expand the scale of production, and connect production and consumers.

    The main task of transport is timely, high-quality and complete satisfaction of the transportation needs of the national economy and population.

    Transport is a branch of material production that specializes in organizing and carrying out the transportation of people and goods. In the structure of social production, transport belongs to the sphere of production of material services. A significant part of logistics operations along the route of material flow from the primary source of raw materials to final consumption is carried out using various vehicles. The costs of performing these operations amount to up to 50% of the total logistics costs.

    Transport is one of the main elements of logistics. It ensures the smooth, legally sound, efficient and environmentally friendly flow of materials and passengers from origin to destination. The problem of planning and organizing freight transportation should be considered on several levels: from the point of view of cargo transportability, speed and cost of transportation. Transport performs a connecting function to transfer raw materials and finished products between distribution channel nodes (raw material warehouses, manufacturing enterprises, finished product warehouses) according to the designed distribution channel.

    The demand for freight transportation is largely determined by two factors: the dynamics and structure of changes in production volumes in the country, as well as the solvency of enterprises and organizations in all sectors of the economy.

    Currently, this topic is relevant, since it is necessary not only to transport cargo and meet its delivery deadline, but also to provide transport services in various quality classes. For these purposes, it is necessary to select a specific transport for transporting cargo, use transportation process technologies that are convenient for the shipper and consignee, carry out transportation at increased speeds, optimally coordinate the rhythms of work of suppliers and the time of cargo delivery, informing about the progress of cargo, as well as ensure the completeness and quality of the information provided. services.

    The purpose of writing this work is to study the organization of cargo transportation by various modes of transport in the Republic of Belarus.

    To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be completed:

    study the features of the formation of demand for freight transportation; consider types of trucks;

    consider the procedure for planning transportation and criteria for selecting logistics intermediaries;

    determine methods for analyzing and forecasting demand for cargo transportation.

    1. Freight logistics

    1.1 Logistics features of cargo transportation by various modes of transport

    The search for optimal solutions that allow the country's economy to effectively absorb the required volumes of transportation at the lowest possible cost is currently one of the main tasks of stabilization and further growth of both industry and agriculture. The degree to which various types of transport satisfy society’s needs for freight and passenger transportation is not the same.

    The development of required transportation by various modes of transport depends on a number of factors, the main of which are the following:

    * the nature and level of development of the material and technical base of a particular type of transport, determining its ability to master the requested transportation;

    * placement of vehicles and networks of transport modes in relation to enterprises and settlements;

    * organization of the transportation process, regularity of transportation, delivery times of goods and passengers.

    Each type of transport has characteristic, unique features in location, technical equipment, transportation capabilities, types of rolling stock, etc. To determine the areas of economically feasible use of a particular type of transport, it is necessary to take into account both general economic and specific transport factors.

    General economic factors include:

    · location and size of production and consumption, determining the volumes and direction of transportation and cargo flows;

    · range of products, which determines the type of rolling stock and the rhythm of its operation;

    · the state of inventories of inventory items, which determines the urgency of delivery of goods, etc.

    Specific transport factors include:

    · placement of a network of communication routes;

    · operating conditions, including seasonality and rhythm of work;

    · throughput and carrying capacity;

    · technical equipment;

    · system for organizing the transport process.

    When comparing transportation options by different modes of transport, the main indicators are:

    · level of operating costs (cost of transportation);

    · capital investments;

    · traffic speeds and delivery times;

    · Availability of transportation and throughput capabilities;

    · maneuverability in providing transportation in various conditions;

    · reliability and uninterrupted transportation, their regularity;

    · guarantees of safety of transported goods and luggage;

    · conditions for the efficient use of vehicles, mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations.

    The magnitude of these indicators is different for each type of transport. It largely depends on the capacity and structure of cargo flows, transportation distance, size of shipments, type of rolling stock, material and technical base of the mode of transport and a number of other factors.

    Let us note the main technical and economic features that characterize the specificity of transport and logistics systems of various types of transport: railway, road, sea (river, water), air and pipeline.

    Railway transport- a type of ground rail transport, which is a set of its communications and vehicles that ensure the management and operational activities of railway transport. In terms of freight turnover, railway transport significantly exceeds all other types of transport. Railways cross the territory of the republic in all directions. Many of them are not only used for domestic transportation, but also play an important role in ensuring external economic relations with the CIS republics, countries of Eastern and Western Europe.

    The operating length of the Belarusian Railway (BZD) is 5.5 thousand km. The most significant railway junctions are Minsk, Molodechno, Orsha, Baranovichi, Grodno, Volkovysk, Lida, Luninets, Brest, etc. - serve the relevant centers of the republic, working in 2-6 directions. Favorable conditions for the transportation of goods and passengers are created by the double-track electrified railway line Brest-Minsk - the Russian border with a length of 894 km, ensuring the movement of freight trains at speeds of up to 100 km/h and passenger trains at speeds of up to 160 km/h. Also, to provide the entire range of transport services, the road has the necessary equipment at border crossings that can process the entire range of transported goods. The main transshipment facilities are located in the Brest and Grodno railway junctions. Particular attention is paid to container transportation - both transit, export-import and intra-republican. The stations have more than 20 container terminals for processing large-tonnage containers, 7 of them (Baranovichi-Central, Brest-Severny, Vitebsk, Kolyadichi (Minsk), Lida, Pinsk, Orsha-Vostochnaya) are equipped with equipment for processing not only 20-foot, but and 40-foot containers, as well as 19 terminals for processing medium-tonnage containers. The railway mode of transport is well suited for transporting various consignments of goods in all weather conditions. Rail transport provides the possibility of relatively fast delivery of cargo over long distances. Transportation is regular. Here you can effectively organize loading and unloading operations. A significant advantage of rail transport is the relatively low cost of transporting goods, as well as the availability of discounts.

    The disadvantages of rail transport include the limited number of carriers, as well as the low possibility of delivery to points of consumption, i.e., in the absence of access roads, rail transport must be supplemented by road transport.

    Road transport plays an important role in the economy of the republic. Automotiveth transport- door-to-door transport. It carries out transportation over short and medium distances and is highly maneuverable. Since 1996, Belarus has been a full member of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport. The Belarusian Association of International Road Carriers (BAMAP) and the Belarusian Association of International Freight Forwarders and Logistics (BAME) have been created and are successfully functioning in the republic. Advantages of road transport: high maneuverability, flexibility, dynamism. With the help of road transport, cargo can be delivered door-to-door with the required degree of urgency. This type of transport ensures regular delivery, as well as the possibility of delivery in small quantities. Wide range of possibilities for choosing a suitable carrier.

    The main disadvantage of road transport is the relatively high cost of transportation, the payment for which is usually charged according to the maximum carrying capacity of the vehicle. Other disadvantages of this type of transport also include the urgency of unloading, the possibility of cargo theft and vehicle theft, and the relatively low carrying capacity. Road transport is environmentally unfavorable, which also hinders its use.

    Sea transport- type of water transport. Maritime transport includes any vessel capable of moving across the water surface (seas, oceans and adjacent waters), as well as simply being afloat and performing certain functions related to the transportation, transshipment, storage, and processing of various cargoes; transportation and service of passengers. Ports (sea and river) are used for loading and unloading; Sea and river stations are being built for passengers. Most cargo is transported around the world by sea. This is especially true for liquid cargo, such as crude oil, petroleum products, liquefied gas and bulk chemical products. The second place in terms of volume of sea transport is occupied by containers. Container ships have pushed universal ships out of the market, since any cargo can be placed in a standard 20- or 40-foot container - from needles to cars. Moreover, the processing time for such vessels has been reduced tens of times thanks to the unification of the transport system around the world in relation to container shipping. Mechanization and information support of transport processes play a significant role. Also, specialized vessels that are designed to transport one or more types of cargo include car carriers, refrigerator ships, livestock carriers, heavy carriers, bulk carriers (bulk carriers, lighter carriers, towing carriers, etc.)

    The advantages include:

    · possibility of intercontinental transportation;

    · low cost of long-distance transportation;

    · low capital intensity of transportation;

    · high transportation and throughput capacity;

    The disadvantages of using sea transport include:

    · limited transportation;

    · low delivery speed (long transit time);

    · dependence on natural, climatic, navigation and weather conditions;

    · the need to create a complex port infrastructure;

    River transport- transport that transports goods and passengers by ships along inland waterways, both natural (rivers, lakes) and artificial (canals, reservoirs).

    The advantages include:

    · high transportation capabilities on deep-water rivers and reservoirs;

    · low cost of transportation;

    · low capital intensity;

    The disadvantages of using river transport include:

    · limited transportation;

    · low delivery speed;

    · dependence on uneven depths of rivers and reservoirs and on navigation conditions;

    · insufficient reliability of transportation and safety of cargo.

    Water transport- an integral part of the transport complex of the Republic of Belarus and ensures the transportation of goods and passengers on inland waterways. The total length of navigable waterways is 3,800 km. Belarus has 10 river ports located in the basins of all navigable rivers of the republic. The structure of water transport includes shipbuilding enterprises that build and repair ships and other watercraft. Air Transport- a type of transport that transports passengers, mail and cargo by air. Air transport includes both the aircraft themselves and the infrastructure necessary for their operation: airports, cargo complexes (terminals), dispatch and technical services. Aircraft designed to transport various cargoes are cargo aircraft. Cargo aircraft differ from passenger aircraft by simplified household equipment, increased size of cargo spaces, the presence of cargo hatches, a more durable floor, and the installation on board of mechanized loading and unloading equipment.

    Air transport in the Republic of Belarus has a powerful and extensive infrastructure. There are 67 runways in Belarus, of which 36 are paved and 31 are unpaved. Civil aviation includes 7 airports and one special-purpose airfield. The country's main airports: Minsk National Airport (Minsk-2), Minsk-1 Airport, Brest Airport, Vitebsk Airport, etc. There are 4 state airlines operating in the republic: National Airlines Belavia, Transaviaexport Airlines, Gomelavia Airlines, "Grodno Airport", as well as a number of private ones.

    The advantages of air transport include:

    · highest speed of cargo delivery;

    · high reliability;

    · highest cargo safety;

    · the shortest transportation routes;

    Disadvantages include:

    · high cost of transportation, the highest tariffs among other modes of transport;

    · high capital intensity, material and energy intensity of transportation;

    · dependence on weather conditions;

    · insufficient geographical accessibility;

    Pipeline transport- transport that transmits liquid, gaseous or solid products at a distance through pipelines (gas pipelines, oil pipelines and product pipelines).

    Gas pipeline- an engineering structure of pipeline transport intended for the transportation of gas (mainly natural gas). Gas pipelines are divided into: main gas pipelines - designed to transport gas over long distances and gas distribution network pipelines - designed to deliver gas from gas distribution stations to the end consumer. Pipeline- an engineering structure of pipeline transport intended for the transportation of oil. There are main and field oil pipelines.

    Product pipeline- an engineering structure of pipeline transport intended for transporting artificially synthesized substances, most often petroleum synthesis products.

    Pipeline transport on the territory of the Republic of Belarus is widely used for transporting oil and gas. The Druzhba oil pipeline, the main oil pipeline for Russian exports, runs through Belarus. Russian gas and oil are supplied through the territory of Belarus to Poland, Germany, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, etc. There are three main oil product pipelines in the republic, through which diesel fuel and gasoline are sent. The total length of oil pipelines passing through the territory of the republic is over 3000 km. They are used to import crude oil to the republic's oil refineries and for transit of Russian oil to Western European countries.

    The advantages of pipeline transport are:

    · low cost;

    · high performance (throughput);

    · high cargo safety;

    · low capital intensity;

    Disadvantages include:

    · limited types of cargo (gas, oil products, emulsions of raw materials);

    · insufficient availability of small volumes of transported goods;

    There are six main factors influencing the choice of mode of transport. This table provides an assessment of various types of public transport for each of these factors, and the best value corresponds to unity (Table 1)

    Table 1 Expert assessment of various types of transport on a 5-point scale

    Kind of transport

    Factors influencing the choice of mode of transport

    Delivery time

    departure frequency

    reliability of compliance with the cargo delivery schedule

    ability to transport different loads

    ability to deliver cargo to any point in the territory







    An expert assessment of the significance of various factors shows that when choosing transport, the following are primarily taken into account:

    * reliability of compliance with the delivery schedule;

    * Delivery time;

    * transportation cost;

    It should be noted that these tables can only serve as an approximate assessment of the degree of compliance of a particular type of transport with the conditions of a particular transportation. The correctness of the choice made must be confirmed by technical and economic calculations based on an analysis of all costs associated with transportation by various modes of transport. Thus, all types of modern transport are represented in Belarus. The most popular modes of transport in the Republic of Belarus are road and rail.

    1.2 Features of the formation of demand for road freight transportation

    Considering transport as a branch of the national economy, it is necessary to note a number of its specific features. The specificity of transport as a sector of the economy is that it itself does not produce new products, but only participates in its creation, providing raw materials, materials, equipment for production and delivering finished products to the consumer, thereby increasing its cost by the amount of transport costs, which are included in the cost of production. For some industries, transport costs are very significant, as, for example, in the forestry industry, where they can reach 50%.

    The total transport costs of the national economy in the sphere of production and circulation amount to 10% of the country's gross social product. The ratio of total transport costs to the total cost of the product for the consumer is called the transport component coefficient. It plays an important role in solving the problem of optimizing the territorial organization of productive forces.

    The demand for road freight transportation is determined by the dynamics and structure of production volumes in the country. Economics and transportation mutually influence each other. Economic development causes an increase in transportation. The possibilities of transportation services have a beneficial effect on the level of investment and economic growth in the region.

    The export of motor transport services is growing most dynamically. The development of these services is determined both by the geographical location of the republic and the developed transport infrastructure. Foreign currency receipts from the export of Belarusian road transport services amounted to 1133.1 million US dollars at the end of 2013, incl. cargo - 1103.4 million US dollars, which in both cases exceeds the 2012 figures by 11.6%. Revenue increased by 22% - to 1.2 billion US dollars. The positive balance amounted to 696 million US dollars, or a quarter of the positive balance of services of the republic. According to customs statistics, in 2013, Belarusian international road carriers performed a total of 682,579 flights (+15%) to 42 countries, the volume of cargo deliveries amounted to 10.6 million tons (+16%).

    The costs of Belarusian international road carriers associated with the operation of trucks increased by 26% in 2013, and interest rates on leasing payments increased by 38%. Operating profitability was 2.8% versus 5.4% in 2012.

    Transport is part of the productive forces of society and represents an independent branch of material production. Its output is expressed in the movement of products from other industries. It has the following features:

    · the material nature of transport products consists in changing the spatial position of the goods transported;

    · transport products are consumed as a useful effect, not a thing;

    · transport products cannot be accumulated for future use; an increase in demand for transportation will require the use of additional transportation capabilities;

    · in the process of transport operation, no new products are created, but on the contrary, this process is accompanied by the loss of physical volumes of cargo;

    · transport products cause additional costs in manufacturing industries.

    An important problem of road transport is the organization of interaction with other modes of transport at transport hubs. Here, road transport is responsible for a significant volume of cargo delivery and removal and servicing a clientele that has no other communications except highways.

    From the point of view of economic relations, road transport is divided into three groups:

    Public transport - carries out commercial transportation of goods of third-party organizations and individuals on a contractual basis.

    Transport of enterprises and organizations - transports their cargo at their own expense for production needs on vehicles owned or leased by them.

    Personal transport serves to meet the needs of the vehicle owner exclusively. This transport is of primary importance for passenger transportation.

    The advantages of automobile transport over other modes of transport are as follows:

    · maneuverability - the ability to concentrate transport where required. Collection and delivery of goods can be carried out without overload, to all points where a car can reach. It is this characteristic, to a greater extent than any other, that is taken into account when, in domestic transport, preference is given to road transport over all other modes of transport;

    · urgency and regularity of delivery. The time for collection and delivery of goods can be set quite accurately. This is important when labor is used for loading and unloading and when the arrival of cargo is synchronized with production needs. Delivery can be organized using the "just in time" system - exactly on time;

    · greater safety of transported goods. Compared to transportation by other modes of transport, losses, losses and contamination of cargo are significantly lower due to the fact that the driver carrying out the transportation is responsible for the safety of the transported cargo. In this case, packaging is required in smaller volumes or is not even required since, as a rule, there is no transshipment of goods.

    The following will contribute to increasing the efficiency of freight transport and its competitiveness in the transport services market:

    Replenishment of the fleet of trucks that are in demand in the transport services market both in terms of body design (dump trucks, vans, refrigerators) and in terms of load capacity (up to 3 tons and over 15 tons);

    Development of freight forwarding companies and transport exchanges that facilitate the search for clients and the provision of additional services related to terminal cargo handling;

    Creation of conditions that encourage the carrier to ensure the safe operation of freight vehicles (road safety, environmental requirements, etc.).

    1.3 Types of trucks (by load capacity)

    1. Trucks of the "Gazelle" type: The "Gazelle" class includes various models of domestic and imported trucks. The cargo compartments of these vehicles may differ slightly in overall dimensions and, accordingly, volumes. Volume 9-11 cubic meters. Load capacity is 1.5-1.7 tons. Vehicles of this class are actively used on short-range intracity and intercity routes (up to 500 km). Technical characteristics allow us to guarantee a fairly high average speed (up to 100 km/h) and the cabin layout provides space for one or two passengers (forwarders).

    2. Trucks of the Zil-Bychok type: volume 17 cubic meters, load capacity 3.5 tons. Vehicles of this class are actively used on intracity and intercity routes of short and medium range (500-700 km). Technical characteristics allow us to guarantee a fairly high average speed (up to 80 km/h). A small axle load allows this vehicle to travel unhindered in areas with restrictions on the entry of freight vehicles.

    3. Trucks with a lifting capacity of 5 tons: volume 14-21 cubic meters. They are used on intracity and intercity routes of short and medium range (500-700 km).

    4. Trucks with a carrying capacity of 10- 15 tons (10 tons): the volume ranges from 25 to 60 cubic meters. depending on the type of cargo compartment. Trucks of this class are actively used on intercity and international routes. Usually the cabin is equipped with a berth and provides space for the forwarder. Modern models of 10-ton trucks can be equipped with air suspension, which significantly improves the smoothness of the ride and ensures better safety of easily breakable cargo. Cars may be equipped with a lift.

    5. Eurotent (Eurotruck)- a conventional concept denoting a truck with a semi-trailer having standard overall dimensions (length - 13.6 m, width - 2.45 m, height - from 2.45 to 2.7 m). The volume of the eurotent is 82 cubic meters, the load capacity is 20-22 tons. The eurotruck can accommodate 2 europallets, each 1200 mm long, placed across the width.

    Indicators of the efficiency of rolling stock can be cost, productivity, energy intensity, material intensity, etc.

    To transport goods by road, there are motor transport enterprises (ATEs), which are complex transport enterprises that carry out the transportation of goods or passengers, storage, maintenance and repair of rolling stock, as well as providing vehicles with operating materials. Along with the ATP, there are also parking garages, service stations, auto repair shops, and gas stations. All cargo accepted for transportation, regardless of the type of message, must have markings that are the same for all types of transport.

    Freight road transport is distinguished according to the following characteristics:

    Industry - transportation of goods from industry, construction, agriculture, trade, utilities, postal;

    The size of cargo consignments - bulk and small-lot transportation. Bulk transportation is the transportation of large volumes of homogeneous cargo. A large batch may be equal to the rated carrying capacity of the vehicle q, but not less than qg (where r is the static load capacity utilization factor). Small-lot transportation - this is called small consignments of cargo (weighing from 10 kg to qg/2, t);

    Territorial basis - urban, suburban, intra-district, inter-district, intercity and international transportation;

    Method of implementation: local - carried out by one motor transport company; direct communication - several road transport organizations are involved in transportation; mixed traffic - transportation by two or more modes of transport. One of the forms of intermodal transportation is combined. In combined transport, cargo is transferred from one type of transport to another without reloading. This is achieved, for example, by using special piggyback semi-trailers transported on railway platforms or on river and sea vessels;

    Time of development - permanent, seasonal and temporary transportation. Permanent ones are carried out throughout the year, seasonal ones - only at certain times of the year, temporary ones are episodic in nature;

    Organizational characteristics - centralized and decentralized. In centralized transportation, motor transport enterprises act as organizers of the delivery of goods to recipients and carry out this process themselves. With decentralized transportation, each consignee independently ensures the delivery of the cargo.

    Types of trucks, semi-trailers and trailers (by function)

    Awning, semi-trailer. Designed to transport most types of cargo. Loading can be done from above, from the side, from behind. Loading capacity: 20-25 tons. Capacity: 22-33 euro pallets. Useful volume: from 60-96 cubic meters.

    Refrigerator, semi-trailer

    Semi-trailer with refrigeration unit. Designed for transportation of perishable goods. In the cargo compartment it maintains a temperature from +25 to -25°C. Loading capacity: 12-22 tons. Useful volume: 60-92 cubic meters. Capacity: 24-33 euro pallets. "Eurostandard": 20 tons, 82 cubic meters, 32 pallets. Operation is 5-25% more expensive than conventional types of machines.

    Automatic coupler

    Car plus trailer. Advantage: fast loading/unloading and large usable volume. Disadvantage: not suitable for transporting long items. Loading capacity: 16-25 tons. Useful volume: 60-120 cubic meters. Capacity: 22-33 euro pallets.

    High capacity semi-trailer. Achieved through

    "L"-shaped floor and reduced diameter of semi-trailer wheels. Load capacity: up to 20 tons. Useful volume: 96-110 cubic meters. Capacity: 33 euro pallets

    Container ship

    Suitable for transporting various types of containers. Loading capacity: 20-30 tons.

    Tank truck

    Designed for transporting liquids. Load capacity:

    12-22 tons. Volume: 8-40 cubic meters


    Designed for transportation of small volume and weight cargo. Load capacity: 1-3 tons. Volume: 3-10 cubic meters. Advantages: low cost of transportation, speed of delivery.

    Car transporter. Designed for transportation of passenger cars. Loading capacity: 20-25 tons. Capacity directly depends on the length of the trailer, on average 8-10 cars.

    Grain truck

    Used for transporting grain crops. Loading capacity: 12-22 tons.

    Dump truck

    Used for transporting sand and other bulk cargo. Loading capacity: 12-22 tons.

    1.4 Freight planning

    Planning cargo transportation is one of the most important functions in the product distribution system. In general terms, planning is a decision-making process that precedes future action.

    Planning allows you to:

    · foresee the prospects for the development of the cargo transportation system when distributing products for the future;

    · more rationally distribute and use enterprise resources when making deliveries to end consumers;

    · improve the quality of transport services in accordance with market conditions;

    · ensure business sustainability and avoid the risk of bankruptcy;

    · effectively implement innovation policy at the enterprise;

    · increase the efficiency of using vehicles and improve the financial condition of the enterprise;

    · ensure coordination of actions of the supplier and consumer during transportation;

    · improve control over the progress of cargo transportation.

    The object of planning the transportation of goods in the distribution system is an interconnected system of planning and economic indicators that characterize the process of transporting goods and resources. Planning of cargo transportation in the distribution system as a practical process includes three main stages:

    1) drawing up plans for the transportation of goods, making decisions about the future goals of transporting distributed goods and products and how to achieve them; transportation cargo logistics demand

    2) organizing the implementation of planned decisions for the delivery of goods and products to consumers, assessing the actual performance indicators for transporting goods to consumers;

    3) monitoring and analysis of the final results of transportation, adjusting actual indicators and improving the activities of the goods transportation system in the distribution system.

    Freight transportation planning is divided into long-term, tactical and operational.

    Long-term (strategic) planning includes the development of main directions and performance indicators for a long period from 5 to 15 years. In this case, calculations are made based on forecasts for the development of economic and social processes in the region and an analysis of market conditions. When strategically planning transportation in a distribution system, the following factors must be considered:


    · what vehicles will be used to deliver products to consumers: your own or hired?

    · if the decision to use your own vehicles is positive, determine the nature of managing your own vehicle fleet;

    · in case of a positive decision on the use of hired vehicles - assessment of the competitive situation of the transport process in the transport services market;

    · planning costs for cargo delivery and timeliness (if necessary, speed) of transportation;

    · quality of cargo delivery in the distribution system;

    · the possibility of attracting additional financial resources;

    · abilities of employees of distribution and delivery departments, enterprise management;

    · taking into account the distribution strategy adopted by the company (for example, reducing costs in the distribution network, increasing the level of customer service, reducing the full order cycle, switching to outsourcing, etc.);

    · the company's system of economic indicators of transport performance.


    · the ratio of tariff indicators for transport services of competitors, what system do competitors use: their own or hired vehicles?

    · advantages and disadvantages of the technical characteristics of vehicles for delivering goods used by competitors;

    · remoteness of clients from the supplier’s location;

    · transport infrastructure of the sales region, the possibility of using access roads when loading and unloading products;

    · competitive advantages of using other modes of transport for distribution other than road (air, rail, river, sea);

    · stability of demand for the supplier’s products;

    · customer requirements for the level of transport services when receiving products;

    · possible change in delivery cargo unit;

    · high socio-economic importance of road transport during seasonal increases in demand;

    · Possibility of cargo and carrier liability insurance;

    · time the goods are in transit.

    Thus, strategic planning of transportation in the product distribution system is carried out based on the distribution strategy chosen by the company:

    Reducing costs in the distribution network (enlarging the supply of goods, achieving the efficiency factor of the carrying capacity and volume of the vehicle at the maximum level;

    Transportation of goods at reduced rates, inclusion of delivery costs in the price of goods, organization of transportation of similar goods by separate transport units);

    Reducing the time of delivery of goods to consumers; ensuring maximum reliability and safety of cargo transportation; transportation of goods of any level of configuration, etc.);

    Reducing the full cycle of orders (reducing the time spent by goods in transit, uniform shipments of goods for delivery; minimizing the delivery batch; minimizing the number of transshipments of goods in transit);

    Transition to outsourcing (complete transfer of the functions of transporting goods to consumers to logistics intermediaries).

    Strategic planning of cargo transportation in the distribution system is carried out within the framework of the company’s overall distribution strategy, which is an integral part of the enterprise’s overall strategy in the market and is carried out in the following forms:

    Scenario (development of a scenario for the future period);

    Concepts broken down by key areas;

    Strategic goals, with a clear formulation of the final result;

    Behavior models (strategy development “step by step”).

    Typically designed and directed by the firm's senior management.

    Tactical planning of transportation in the distribution system - development of plans for the transportation of goods in the distribution system of the enterprise's products in the process of implementing strategic goals or strategy of the enterprise. Covers the relationships that have developed within the distribution system, as well as between product delivery departments, the transport department, the distribution department and the enterprise as a whole.

    Features of tactical planning in distribution are:

    · certain steps, steps towards the top - the common goal provided for by the strategy;

    · unlike strategic planning, where general directions are determined, tactical planning is detailed planning;

    · mainly of a short-term or medium-term nature;

    · decisions are made by mid-level specialists (managers) of the company - heads of logistics departments, inventory management departments, delivery managers;

    · similar problems are solved;

    · a fixed action schedule has been adopted;

    minimum of alternative solutions;

    Based on the above, tactical planning for the transportation of goods by road in the distribution system, depending on the decision made to use one’s own or hired vehicles, includes:

    A transportation plan, which includes the following sections: the volume of transportation in tons or ton-kilometers, the number and type of vehicles used to transport the cargo (taking into account the characteristics of the available resources for loading and unloading), points of departure (supplier location) and destinations (location consumers), basic technical and operational performance indicators of vehicles;

    Plan for maintenance (MOT) and repair of rolling stock (in the case of using the enterprise’s own fleet);

    Planning the need for spare parts and materials for maintenance and technical repairs (in the case of using the enterprise’s own fleet);

    Labor resource planning (managers and specialists of delivery departments: delivery manager, mechanic, forwarders);

    Operational planning of cargo transportation in the distribution system is what the delivery manager does every day together with the inventory distribution manager in the company. This includes planning the transportation of goods for a short period of time within the structural units involved in distribution. This can be a day, a month, a quarter, a half-year or even a year. Aimed at solving intermediate tactical tasks and aimed at implementing tactical plans for transporting goods to consumers. “Operational plans are developed in the form of schedules or network plans, which are sequentially performed actions and operations tied to a calendar”

    Operational planning can be carried out in the following forms:

    · monthly plan - a schedule for transporting products to consumers, broken down by week and calendar day, by type of message;

    · plan - schedule for setting up transport for loading;

    · plan - time schedule for delivery of vehicles for loading at the supplier's warehouse and unloading at the end consumer's warehouse;

    · loading time standards for various types of vehicles;

    · standards for cargo delivery times;

    · daily work schedule of the cargo delivery manager;

    · standards for the full cycle of document flow when organizing the transportation of products;

    · plan - schedule for the formation of supplies;

    · diagrams of cargo placement inside vehicles;

    · standards for the ratio of shares of various cargoes during transportation in a single delivery, etc.

    · planning the costs of delivering goods to consumers

    costs included in the planned cost of production;

    · planning to reduce the cost of transportation in the distribution system;

    · planning demand for the services of logistics intermediaries (if a decision is made on outsourcing);

    · budget planning of transportation in the distribution system;

    · planning the use of modern means of communication, communications and software products when transporting goods.

    2. Strategic planning of cargo transportation at the enterprise

    2.1 Determining the demand for freight transportation and its applicationplanning by mode of transport

    To organize the normal operation of transport for freight transportation, first of all, it is necessary to know the upcoming levels of demand for freight transportation in terms of volume, directions, structure, modes of transport and delivery conditions.

    A comprehensive analysis of the transport market and determination of demand for freight transportation are one of the most important components of transport marketing and the starting point of the marketing activities of transport enterprises. Determining the demand for transport services includes studying the motives of consumer demand, identifying unsatisfied demand and grouping (segmentation) of consumers according to the level of requirements for the quality of transport services. To study the motives of behavior of cargo owners and identify the factors that determine the preference for one or another type of transport service, it is advisable to send large shippers and recipients of goods questionnaires with a scale of the importance of qualitative and cost factors (speed, safety, delivery cost, etc.). The results of processing the responses from such questionnaires can be summarized in a general table grouped by each factor, data from other questionnaires on the number of cargo owners and volumes of cargo transportation. Analysis of the priority of factors that are preferred by cargo owners allows us to outline measures for the introduction of new technologies and the provision of additional services, which helps to retain clientele, attract new transportation facilities and increase the income of the transport enterprise. You can use more detailed questionnaires to determine the needs of cargo owners for container transportation, accelerated delivery of goods, and additional transport services.

    An important result of the survey is to identify the extent of unsatisfied demand for transport services, the presence of residual unexported cargo and the prospects for the development of specific fuel and raw materials industrial and agricultural enterprises. At the same time, it is important to identify the so-called hidden (deferred) demand for transportation caused by limited development of transport infrastructure.

    At the final stage of the analysis of determining the demand for transportation, it is necessary to develop a transport and economic balance of the region, taking into account the balance of cargo in warehouses, the amount of own consumption of products, the volume of departure and arrival of cargo, and the distribution of transportation by mode of transport.

    To organize the management of the transport complex for each type of transport and at the corresponding transport enterprises, companies and firms develop specific plans for the transportation of goods.

    The basis for transportation planning is the contractual system between cargo owners and transport.

    Features of planning freight transportation by mode of transport:

    Railway transport. Transportation plans are developed by railways. Railway departments independently develop transportation plans; coordinate with other roads. Road transportation plans establish the volumes of local traffic, import and export of goods and transfer at junction points with other roads. Current and quarterly transportation plans indicate the volume of traffic at stations and departure roads, and monthly plans also indicate destination stations (local traffic) and destination roads (direct). Based on these indicators, the planned cargo turnover, average distance and density of transportation by directions and sections are determined. Developing a technical plan for the operation of railways.

    Sea transport. Planning for the transportation of foreign trade cargo is carried out in accordance with agreements and contracts between state, joint and private enterprises and foreign firms. Shipping companies and ports independently develop transportation plans for critical cargo and cargo processing in ports. Transportation by tanker fleet and sea ferries are distinguished. Separately, transportation plans are developed for large sea vessels and routes with linear (regular) shipping. Monthly transportation plans are developed in shipping companies and ports, on the basis of which a technical plan for the work of all divisions of the maritime fleet is drawn up.

    Separately, they plan transportation in large (between ports of different sea basins) and small (between ports of the same basin) cabotage, as well as the work of the icebreaker fleet.

    River transport. In river transport, transportation planning for the navigation period is carried out independently by state river shipping companies and joint-stock companies of the river fleet.

    The transportation of liquid cargo, dry cargo, timber in rafts and foreign trade cargo is distinguished. Transportation on self-propelled and non-self-propelled vessels is planned separately; including towing rafts.

    Transportation plans determine the total volumes of departure, the size of transshipment and transportation of goods in mixed railway-river traffic by river-sea vessels, and the volume of transportation in foreign navigation. In sea and river transport, transportation plans indicate the ports of departure and destination of goods and the timing of their delivery.

    Automobile transport. In road transport, transportation plans in a generalized form are developed for public vehicles, including municipal transport. Transportation is planned for basic bulk cargo, with a focus on transportation by specialized vehicles, as well as long-distance intercity traffic. Application plans for transportation indicate the points of departure and destination of the cargo, the type of rolling stock and delivery times.

    In departmental motor transport fleets owned by enterprises, work is planned within the framework of the business plan of these enterprises.

    Air Transport. In air transport, the volume of cargo transportation on domestic and international routes is planned by various airlines under pre-concluded agreements (for example, delivery of mail, valuable cargo).

    Pipeline transport. In pipeline transport, transportation plans are drawn up separately for each main oil pipeline, product pipeline and gas pipeline.

    Transportation in mixed message, i.e. involving two or more modes of transport are planned by the relevant transport ministries and joint-stock companies. In mixed rail-water transport, senders submit applications to the railway departments, and copies - to water transport. In the reverse transportation scheme, such applications are submitted to water transport, and copies are submitted to road departments. The plans indicate the volume of transportation of specific cargo, points of departure, ports of transshipment and destination of cargo, as well as loading time (month, quarter) during the navigation period.

    In mixed rail-sea transportation, significant volumes of export-import cargo are planned. The plans for these transportations indicate specific volumes and times of cargo transshipment at seaports and port (border) stations, provided for in contracts and agreements with foreign countries.

    Thus, on all modes of transport, except railway, current (annual) and operational transportation plans indicate the points of departure and destination of goods. On railways, the final destinations of cargo are indicated only during monthly (operational) planning and only in local traffic (within the road). Direct messages indicate only the destination route.

    2.2 Planning transportation alternatives and selection criterialogistics intermediaries


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