Management outsourcing in the field of tourism. Outsourcing in the tourism industry Outsourcing in the tourism industry

As a manuscript




Specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national

economy (recreation and tourism)

dissertations for a degree

Candidate of Economic Sciences

Saint Petersburg - 2013

The work was carried out at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher vocational education"St. Petersburg State University of Economics".

doctor of economic sciences, professor

supervisor– Pesotskaya Elena Vladimirovna

Official Opponents: Kurochkina Anna Alexandrovna Doctor of Economics, Professor of FSBEI HPE "Saint Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics", Head of the Department of Management Nikiforov Ivan Valerievich Candidate of Economic Sciences JSC "Council for Tourism and Excursions" Saint Petersburg”, President Non-state educational institution

Lead organization– Department of Higher Professional Education “Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship”

The defense will take place on "_" June 2013 at _ o'clock at a meeting of the dissertation council D 212.237.02 at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State Economic University" at the address: 191023, St. Petersburg, st. Sadovaya, d. 21, room.

The dissertation can be found in the library of the Federal State Budgetary educational institution higher professional education "St. Petersburg State University of Economics".

Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council V.I. Sigov I.


Relevance research.

In the new socio-economic conditions, when enterprises and organizations operating in various industries and economic spheres are faced with the need to overcome the consequences of the crisis, the importance of problems associated with improving the efficiency of organization management systems, the search for new methods and approaches that can transform the management tools used increases. to ensure its compliance with the new "vectors" of development. One of these areas is the tourism sector, the state of which can be identified as post-crisis, which necessitates giving a new impetus to its functioning in order to better meet the needs of the population in tourism services ah - needs that have an obvious tendency to growth, qualitative improvement and structural transformations.

Modern tourism is one of the priorities for the development of the socio-economic complex Russian Federation and its regions.

Its importance is due to many factors:

Necessity effective use socially economic potential countries in whose structure the tourism potential forms an independent sector;

The presence of cultural, historical and natural resources that can create conditions for the development of the tourism industry in all the diversity of its components;

special social role tourism - its ability not only to improve the quality of life of the population, but also to raise its social and cultural level, which indirectly affects the development of all industries and economic spheres;

A change in the structure of the needs of the population, "displacement"

demand for the consumption of tourism products to a higher level;

The undoubted success of the tourism sector in Russia and its regions, which, even in times of crisis, maintains its growth and development;

The ability of tourism to create and strengthen international relations, which corresponds to the principles of globalization inherent in the modern world economic system.

According to the World Tourism Organization, the modern tourism industry is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the world economy. The tourism industry employs 7.6% of the world's working population. The tourism industry accounts for 3.2% of world GDP, taking into account the multiplier effect - 9.4%.

The development of tourism is uneven. In certain periods (for example, in the conditions of aggravation of crisis phenomena, observed natural disasters, complication of the political situation in a number of regions that are included in tourist flows), a decrease in the growth rate of the tourism industry was observed, in particular in 2009. But already in the year, a 7% increase in the number of international tourist arrivals was recorded, which indicates the beginning of the process of recovery of the tourism industry.

The share of tourism in Russia's GDP, according to 2011 data, was 6.5% (taking into account the multiplier effect). According to other sources, this share is 2.5%. Already during this period, about 5 thousand operators and more than 10 thousand agency companies were involved in the field of tourism. By the beginning of 2013, these figures had grown significantly.

It should be noted that in general, the share of tourism in world GDP accounts for 3.2%. At the same time, the number of jobs in the tourism sector is approaching 192 million, which is 8% overall indicators employment in the world economic system.

Describing the current state of the tourist complex in Russia and its regions, a clear dividing line should be drawn between outbound and inbound tourism. The field of outbound tourism is characterized by stable growth rates. In 2011, the number of citizens involved in outbound tourism increased by 15% compared to 2010 and amounted to almost 2 million people. In total, more than 14 million Russian tourists were able to travel abroad in 2011.

It is impossible not to notice that Russia occupies one of the leading places in the world in the field of international tourism. In 2011, our country received about 20 million international visitors. Russia's revenues from international tourism in 2011 amounted to $11.4 billion1, and in 2013 there is a tendency to increase them.

However, the tourist potential of our country is far from being fully used. An urgent task is the effective use of natural, cultural and historical components of the tourist potential, which certainly requires the improvement of the management process in the Russian tourism industry, as well as the search for mechanisms that can involve potential components of tourism in economic circulation. Certain measures are being taken in this direction, one of which is the the federal law“On the basics of tourism activities in the Russian Federation” No. 47-FZ.
