Animal protection. Presentation around the world on the theme "February 19 Marine Mammal Day" free download World Marine Mammal Day presentation

Save Endangered Marine Mammals! Whales, dolphins, seals Save from hunters! Sea cows were knocked out In the world for the sake of profit - They don't bite, And they don't defend well. Whales, loyal to their habits, Do not attack first. And, although they are huge, But in the sea they are very modest. I would like to say today: Let people take care of those who swim in the sea, - Today this is the main thing. Elena Shvetsova

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"Presentation "Marine Mammal Day""

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Save Endangered Marine Mammals! Whales, dolphins, seals Save from hunters! Sea cows were knocked out In the world for the sake of profit - They don't bite And they don't defend well. Whales, loyal to their habits, Do not attack first. And, although they are huge, But in the sea they are very modest. I would like to say today: Let people take care of those who swim in the sea, - Today this is the main thing. Elena Shvetsova

Let's all say no to their merciless extermination. So that whales, dolphins and seals live nearby for many years.

They are kind and cheerful, Calm, give people joy. Worthy of the highest praise, But there are not many of them left.

Whales do not cry when they die, But they die in silence, Silently dispersing the waves, And going to the depths. They are powerful like icebergs. They are like mountains. More menacing than any gray cloud, But like children, old people They are helpless and pitiful. Blocking the back of children, They will take harpoon and sticks, They will destroy the ancient reef. Protecting their babies, Whales change fear into anger... Whales do not cry when dying, Whales are submissive to silence.

Nadezhda Pinchuk

Unique animals - gray whales - are listed in the Red Book. They were mercilessly exterminated, starting from the 16th century, first by Japanese, and then by European, American and Korean whaling ships.

At the end of the 19th century, their number before the start of fishing did not exceed 2,000.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the number of the Okhotsk-Korean population of gray whales in the Sea of ​​Japan was approximately 2.5-3 thousand individuals (Sobolevsky, 1984).

The current population size is about 10 times lower and is estimated at 250 heads.

Whales, dolphins and seals are a rather peculiar group of marine animals that have adapted well to external environment . They have adapted to living in different climatic zones - arctic and antarctic, boreal and even subtropical. They can be found singly, in small scattered groups and in large herds.

The sea cow, which had many chances of becoming domesticated, was unwisely exterminated shortly after its discovery by man.

The herd of these herbivorous animals existed in the shallow waters around Bering Island and hardly exceeded one or two thousand heads. Thanks to their exceptional credulity, these animals were destroyed, it is believed, within 27 years.

Basically, people used subcutaneous fat from Steller's cow, which was equal in thickness to the width of the palm. This fat was white color turned yellow in the sun. "The smell and taste are very pleasant and the taste is much superior to the fat of marine and domestic animals. This fat can be stored even on the hottest days, does not go out and does not stink.

The meat is red, denser than beef, it does not differ in taste from it, it remains odorless for a long time on hot days, even if it is full of worms everywhere ... Cow's milk is fat and sweet, thick and tastes like sheep's.

They are like ships on the sea, Smart, brave and light. Here the waves boldly cut Their blue fins!

Put down the harpoon, tramp! Today is a day without river blood! And learn to love nature, the crown of creation, MAN!

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Save Endangered Marine Mammals! Whales, dolphins, seals Save from hunters! Sea cows were knocked out In the world for the sake of profit - They don't bite And they don't defend well. Whales, loyal to their habits, Do not attack first. And, although they are huge, But in the sea they are very modest. I would like to say today: Let people take care of those who swim in the sea, - Today this is the main thing. Elena Shvetsova

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On February 19, the whole world celebrates World Whale Day. This day is considered the day of protection not only for whales, but for all marine mammals. The start was made in 1986, when, after 200 years of merciless extermination, the International Whale Commission imposed a ban on whale fishing. It is still in effect today and means that the hunting of large whales, as well as the trade in whale meat, is prohibited throughout the world.

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Marine mammals combine animals of various lengths and body weights. Here you can meet small seals and dolphins, whose weight does not exceed 50 kg, and large giants, such as the blue whale, whose weight can reach 160 tons. Whales, dolphins and seals are a rather peculiar group of marine animals that have adapted well to the external environment.

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They have adapted to living in different climatic zones - arctic and antarctic, boreal and even subtropical. They can be found singly, in small scattered groups and in large herds.

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The sea cow, which had many chances of becoming domesticated, was unwisely exterminated shortly after its discovery by man. The herd of these herbivorous animals existed in the shallow waters around Bering Island and hardly exceeded one or two thousand heads. Thanks to their exceptional credulity, these animals were destroyed, it is believed, within 27 years. Basically, people used Steller's cow's subcutaneous fat, which was equal in thickness to the width of the palm. This fat was white in color, it turned yellow in the sun. "The smell and taste are very pleasant and taste much superior to the fat of marine and domestic animals. This fat can be stored even on the hottest days, does not go out and does not stink. The meat is red, denser than beef, does not differ in taste from it, is stored in hot days are long without smell, even if it is full of worms everywhere ... Cow's milk is fatty and sweet, thick and tasting like sheep's.

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Currently, the greatest danger threatens the Okhotsk-Korean population of gray whales living in the waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

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Gray whales feed on bottom animals. Amphipods, annelids and molluscs play an important role in the diet of whales, while fish play a secondary role. The ability of whales to loosen sandy-silt soil with a keeled ridge allows animals to extract food items that are buried in the surface layers. At the beginning of the 20th century, the number of the Okhotsk-Korean population of gray whales in the Sea of ​​Japan was approximately 2.5-3 thousand individuals (Sobolevsky, 1984). The current population size is about 10 times lower and is estimated at 250 heads.

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Will gray whales stay off the coast of Sakhalin or disappear altogether? Today, this question is being asked by many residents of Sakhalin and the Kuriles. It is known that unique animals - gray whales - are listed in the Red Book. They were mercilessly exterminated, starting from the 16th century, first by Japanese, and then by European, American and Korean whaling ships. At the end of the 19th century, according to scientists, their number before the start of fishing did not exceed 2,000. And although in 1946 the International Whaling Commission took the gray whale under its protection and banned its fishing, many people ignored the law. By the end of the 1960s, the population of gray whales was considered almost extinct, however, the sea giants managed to survive. In the 1980s, they were discovered on the Sakhalin shelf.

slide presentation

Slide text: Save Endangered Marine Mammals! Whales, dolphins, seals Save from hunters! Sea cows were knocked out In the world for the sake of profit - They don't bite And they don't defend well. Whales, loyal to their habits, Do not attack first. And, although they are huge, But in the sea they are very modest. I would like to say today: Let people take care of those who swim in the sea, - Today this is the main thing. Elena Shvetsova

Slide text: On February 19, the whole world celebrates World Whale Day. This day is considered the day of protection not only for whales, but for all marine mammals. The start was made in 1986, when, after 200 years of merciless extermination, the International Whale Commission imposed a ban on whale fishing. It is still in effect today and means that the hunting of large whales, as well as the trade in whale meat, is prohibited throughout the world.

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Slide text: Marine mammals combine animals of various lengths and body weights. Here you can meet small seals and dolphins, whose weight does not exceed 50 kg, and large giants, such as the blue whale, whose weight can reach 160 tons. Whales, dolphins and seals are a rather peculiar group of marine animals that have adapted well to the external environment.

Slide text: They have adapted to living in different climatic zones - Arctic and Antarctic, boreal and even subtropical. They can be found singly, in small scattered groups and in large herds.

Slide text: The sea cow, which had a high chance of becoming domesticated, was unwisely exterminated shortly after its discovery by man. The herd of these herbivorous animals existed in the shallow waters around Bering Island and hardly exceeded one or two thousand heads. Thanks to their exceptional credulity, these animals were destroyed, it is believed, within 27 years. Basically, people used Steller's cow's subcutaneous fat, which was equal in thickness to the width of the palm. This fat was white in color, it turned yellow in the sun. "The smell and taste are very pleasant and taste much superior to the fat of marine and domestic animals. This fat can be stored even on the hottest days, does not go out and does not stink. The meat is red, denser than beef, does not differ in taste from it, is stored in hot days are long without smell, even if it is full of worms everywhere ... Cow's milk is fatty and sweet, thick and tasting like sheep's.

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Slide text: Currently, the greatest danger threatens the Okhotsk-Korean population of gray whales living in the waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

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Slide text: Gray whales feed on bottom animals. Amphipods, annelids and molluscs play an important role in the diet of whales, while fish play a secondary role. The ability of whales to loosen sandy-silt soil with a keeled ridge allows animals to extract food items that are buried in the surface layers. At the beginning of the 20th century, the number of the Okhotsk-Korean population of gray whales in the Sea of ​​Japan was approximately 2.5-3 thousand individuals (Sobolevsky, 1984). The current population size is about 10 times lower and is estimated at 250 heads.

Slide #11

Slide text: Will gray whales stay off the coast of Sakhalin or disappear altogether? Today, this question is being asked by many residents of Sakhalin and the Kuriles. It is known that unique animals - gray whales - are listed in the Red Book. They were mercilessly exterminated, starting from the 16th century, first by Japanese, and then by European, American and Korean whaling ships. At the end of the 19th century, according to scientists, their number before the start of fishing did not exceed 2,000. And although in 1946 the International Whaling Commission took the gray whale under its protection and banned its fishing, many people ignored the law. By the end of the 1960s, the population of gray whales was considered almost extinct, however, the sea giants managed to survive. In the 1980s, they were discovered on the Sakhalin shelf.

The life of fur animals
fur farms
Cramped cages with a slatted floor cut paws
Cannibalism: Animals eat each other.
The air is poisoned by the fumes of faeces and urine.
In summer, about 10% of animals first suffer from
nausea and then die from the heat.
Cruel treatment
(cut off finger)
to take an analysis
blood, etc.).

Fur and leather production
In the conditions of a fur farm, foxes live 8 months in cramped conditions.
Minks on fur farms are kept without water, while
as in nature they spend 60 - 80% of their time in water.
Throwing back and forth, constant fear. Madness.
30% of animals die before they grow winter fur.
Massacre. The easiest way - animals are pushed into
a box where the exhaust gases of the tractor motor are supplied.
Death occurs within 30 minutes. Another way to kill
- electric shocks through the entire body of the animal - from the tongue to
anus, or a broken neck.
Unfortunately, these scenes are the reality of the beginning of the third

Death on fur farms
Passing current through the anus or genitals
Injections of poison and other substances (paralyzing,
alcohol, insecticides, etc.)
Fracture of the cervical vertebrae or skull,
chest crush
Often - animals are simply stunned and from the living
to get broadtail, pregnant sheep
open the belly and skin the fetus
The result is slow and
painful death in agony

Everything is ambiguous
Dogs and cats. Skins are processed in China
cats and dogs.
The dogs' throats are cut open, they are placed on the gutter
and wait for them to bleed and die - about
1000 animals per night in one slaughterhouse!
Cats are caught with a noose around the neck and attached to the ceiling
cells. 5 minutes moaning animal twitches in the noose,
waiting for death. Other cats are forced to watch in
waiting for your own death.
In Europe, dog fur is sold under camouflage
names: "Steppe wolf", "Gae-Wolf", "Asian
wolf", "Chinese wolf".
Are you sure that your collar or trim on your coat
not made from the skin of this particular animal?

Facts about traps
From 15 to 30% of the furs entering the market,
obtained by hunting with traps.
Since the beginning of 1996 in European countries and many
states of the United States, this type of fishing is officially prohibited,
but in Canada, Russia and Alaska 60 million
animals are still dying this terrible death.
90% of the animal species caught in the trap are
to those that hunters do not need, and those simply
throw out the cripples to die slowly.
For the sake of fur fashion, 50
million minks, 8 million foxes, and
countless raccoons, weasels, nutrias,
sables and other fur-bearing animals.

The trap is a death machine
steel teeth slam shut on the paw (muzzle, tail,
wing), crushing bones, muscles (as if our limb
sharply slammed the door with metal teeth).
Beavers die of suffocation when trapped underwater.
Birds and squirrels fall into traps in trees and for days
hang in the air on crushed paws, wings and neck.
Animals can bite off their paws and die from loss.
blood, gangrene and infections.
Being in a trap for several days, animals die from
cold or hunger.
In order not to damage the fur, animals are beaten on the head,
crush their chests, twist their necks, or strangle them.
If a domestic or other non-fur animal falls into the trap
animal, hunters maim, kill them or just
thrown away, doomed to a slow death.

Harm to the environment
Feed and excrement. For one
the only fur coat from a fur farm
to be produced, transported
and feed 3.3 tons of food, dispose of
about 1 ton of waste - feces, urine, blood.
Chemical substances used in
processing skins, make a worn fur coat
poisonous garbage.
Faux fur coat requires at 66
once less cost energy than

Obtaining fur - constant torment and blood
animals during life and death.
Fur is a nightmare for the environment. Receipt
fur pollutes environment, because for
hides and skins use harmful chemicals.
Fur has become a symbol of luxury rather than a
protection from the cold. Fur coats keep us warm
and coats made of faux fur, and products made of
leatherette are not inferior in beauty and
elegance to products made of genuine leather.
Isn't the price too high
do we pay for a fur coat?

Animal protection movement
Success in fur ban and closure
fur farms have already come to Switzerland, Austria,
Holland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, England.
Norway and Sweden are on the verge of such bans.
A global ban is a matter of time. Animals -
not objects, but living sentient beings. On them
the laws of conservation of life must be applied and
her respect.
REMEMBER: every fur item purchased
supports the fur industry, that is, dooms to
martyrdom and death of millions of animals!
Together we can put an end to this. Refuse
from buying natural fur and leather!

They refused to work with
natural furs
And many other designers and fashion houses

They declared denial
use of fur
As well as other brands and stores.

Cavemen don't have a choice
it was, but we have it!

Once seen, it's hard to forget
cruelty and pain
If every woman, putting on her fur
fur coat, heard the cry of suffering and pain
If everyone could see "the way
obtaining "fur with their own eyes -
the consumption of natural fur products
and the skin would decrease at times.
Remember: the truth is hidden

Fur coat is
woman is not
will wear on
own cemetery.
Brigitte Bardot

Many designers,
familiar with my
beliefs, often
send me furs
painted in different
shades of pink. So here
- I mean not
I wear fur. In youth
used to sin until
found out how
he is "obtained".

As long as people are
cut animals, they will
kill each other.
And, indeed, the one who
sows the seed of murder and pain,
can not
reap joy and love.

With early years I
avoided eating meat and
I believe it will come
time when people
like me will
look at
killing an animal
the way they are now
looking to kill
Leonardo da Vinci

From killing an animal
one step before killing a person.
Thou shalt not kill does not refer to
one kill
human, but also to murder
all living things. And commandment
this one was recorded in
man's heart before
how she heard
in Sinai.
Lev Tolstoy

About the greatness of the nation and its
moral progress
can be judged by
How does she deal with
Mahatma Gandhi

Nothing will bring
such a benefit
health and not
will increase the chances
saving life
on earth as
Albert Einstein

Billions of animals
are killed annually
completely thoughtless.
Now more than ever. Thinking about it
despair. But despair
should be discarded because
now there is more
vegetarians than ever and you can
to join them.
Paul McCartney

Animals are mine
friends... and I don't eat mine
I'd rather lie
fifty times under
oath than I will
torturing an animal
which is friendly
licked my hands.
Bernard Show

Because compassion
to animals so
inextricably linked with
human traits
character, you can
with all confidence
claim that one who
animals, cannot
to be good

I am for animal rights
and for human rights.
This is the path of development
Abraham Lincoln

What is all your
wisdom without
Jean Jacques Rousseau

All living things are afraid
torment, all living
afraid of death; know
himself, not only
man, but in any
living being, not
kill and don't hurt
suffering and death.
All living things want the same
what are you; understand
himself in every
living being.
Buddhist wisdom

Detailed protection information
Animals can be found on the WWW website.
Topics: vegetarianism, veganism,
animals in circuses, laboratory experiments
over animals and their expediency,
interviews with famous and successful
people leading an ethical lifestyle,
animal protection activities in Russia and the world

February 19 - World Marine Mammal Day (Whale Day). It is considered a day to protect not only whales, but also all marine mammals and other living creatures of the seas and oceans. This day has been celebrated since 1986, when the International Whale Commission imposed a ban on whale fishing. It is still in effect today and means that the hunting of large whales, as well as the trade in whale meat, is prohibited throughout the world. Every year on this day, various conservation groups hold actions to protect whales and other marine mammals. Often environmentalists come together and dedicate this day to the protection of one unique species that is in mortal danger.

TOOTH WHALES Unlike toothless whales, their jaws have teeth. toothed whales are carnivores and feed primarily on fish, cephalopods, and in some cases marine mammals. Unlike toothless whales, their jaws have teeth. Toothed whales are carnivores and feed primarily on fish, cephalopods and, in some cases, marine mammals. carnivorous fish cephalopod mammal carnivorous fish cephalopod mammal

Killer Whales Orcas are the largest carnivorous dolphins The English name killer whale ("killer whale") killer whale got its reputation as a dangerous predator. Killer whales are the largest carnivorous dolphins. The killer whale got its English name because of its reputation as a dangerous predator. dolphins

baleen whales On the upper jaw, from 360 to 800 long (from 20 to 450 cm) horny plates, called "whalebones", located across the gums, develop with a whalebone. The inner edge and top of each plate are split into thin and long bristles, forming a kind of thick sieve , or a filter that filters out planktonic mollusks, crustaceans and small fish from the water. On the snout there are single vibrissa hairs that serve for touch.

WHALES Humpback whale Humpback whales sometimes swim up to ships and play around them. This contributes to the dulling of their caution. A strongly pronounced parental instinct helped the predatory extermination of these animals. Humpback whales do not have echolocation and cannot timely determine the location of fishing nets and often die in them.

WHALES Humpback whale Humpback whales sometimes swim up to ships and play around them. This contributes to the dulling of their caution. A strongly pronounced parental instinct helped the predatory extermination of these animals. Humpback whales sometimes swim up to the ships themselves and play around them. This contributes to the dulling of their caution. A strongly pronounced parental instinct helped the predatory extermination of these animals. Humpback whales do not have echolocation and cannot timely determine the location of fishing nets and often die in them. Humpback whales do not have echolocation and cannot timely determine the location of fishing nets and often die in them.

WHALES Blue whale As a result of whaling, almost exterminated. An adult blue whale consumes 1 tonne of krill, which forms the basis of its diet. Swimming through a colony of krill, whales swallow colossal masses of these crustaceans along with hundreds of tons of water. The krill is then filtered using a tongue that acts as a piston that pushes the water through the huge, sieve-like structures (whalebones) hanging from the palate. The thickness of the whale's tongue exceeds 3 m, and the weight is more than that of an elephant.

In the recent past practical value cetaceans for humans was quite large. Almost all whale organs were used to produce food and technical products. Fat was boiled from subcutaneous fat and skeleton, which was then processed into margarine, lubricants, technical and distilled glycerin, soap, theatrical makeup, washing powder, etc. Polymerized fat was used to make linoleum and printing ink. Spermaceti of sperm whales served as a raw material for the production of cosmetic creams and lipsticks, as well as lubricants. The boiled bones, viscera and parts of the muscles were processed into fertilizer (fat) and fodder meal for livestock and poultry. Gelatin and glue were obtained from the protein part of whale blubber. Before the development of plastics production, whalebone was used to make springs for sofas and mattresses, corsets, brushes, fans, etc. Sperm whale teeth were used for carvings. Meat in canned, salted or fresh form was used as a food product. Vitamin A was extracted from the liver of whales; from the endocrine glands (pancreas and goiter), medicines were made (campolone, insulin, etc.). Whaling

In defense of cetaceans Excessive fishing has had a detrimental effect on the number of cetaceans, bringing many members of this order to the brink of extinction. Many cetaceans are listed in the International Red Book. Currently, commercial whaling is prohibited by the moratorium of the International Commission on the Regulation of Whaling and the laws of most countries and is carried out to a limited extent only by Norway, Iceland and Japan, as well as some aboriginal peoples as one of the traditional occupations. Many cetaceans are listed in the International Red Book. Currently, commercial whaling is prohibited by the moratorium of the International Commission on the Regulation of Whaling and the laws of most countries and is carried out to a limited extent only by Norway, Iceland and Japan, as well as some aboriginal peoples as one of the traditional occupations. International Red Book commercial whaling International Commission for Whaling Norway Iceland Japan Aboriginal peoples International Red Book Commercial whaling International Commission for Whaling Norway Iceland Japan Aboriginal peoples

"the best way to express our gratitude to the dolphins would be to leave them alone. In many ways, they undoubtedly surpassed us, if only because they do not need anything from us. "Jacques Mayol Dolphins are useful animals. They can be used for fishing. Trained and released into the sea, dolphins quickly find fish schools in the sea. Dolphins - useful animals.They can be used for fishing.Trained and released into the sea, dolphins quickly detect fish schools in the sea.They can be taught to scout the seabed, deliver soil samples, protect a person from sharks, find sunken ships, shells with pearls.They can be taught to scout seabed, deliver soil samples, protect people from sharks, find sunken ships, shells with pearls Dolphins can detect ships in distress, rescue drowning people Dolphins can detect ships in distress, rescue drowning people Cetaceans serve medicine as laboratory objects of research to study cardiovascular diseases and other problems.Cetaceans serve medicine as laboratory research objects for the study of cardiovascular diseases and other problems.

Use of Dolphins During the Vietnam War, dolphins were used as combat units. In other words, killers. Their duties included fighting enemy submarine saboteurs. The dolphins either killed those by hitting them with poisoned stilettos, or ripped off their breathing apparatus from their faces, and sometimes simply pushed the sailors who were on the ships to the surface under the sights. The US military has used dolphins for military purposes.

Psychic dolphins The ancient Greek singer Orion, who was thrown overboard by the pirates, was picked up by dolphins and brought to the shore... Dolphins help fishermen drive fish into nets. And the dolphin Pelorus Jack, so nicknamed by English sailors, has been guiding ships through the dangerous strait in New Zealand for 30 years, like a real pilot. A special law was issued in his defense.

Dolphins-rescuers Once a passenger ship was wrecked, and the survivors saw with horror how they were surrounded by a flock of sharks. But now a flock of dolphins quickly rushed over to the open sea. They dispersed the sharks and even helped weakened people stay afloat until help arrived. After all, they themselves breathe air and often help a wounded comrade to stay on the water ... There are many such stories associated with these amazing inhabitants of the seas.

Psychic Dolphins Why communication with dolphins gives such amazing results, no one knows. But some scientists believe that dolphins influence humans psychically. Moreover, dolphins as psychic healers are much stronger than any human psychic

Miracle Mammals But real scientific research has been ongoing ever since whales began to be protected. Scientists continue to discover amazing facts about the life of these sea ​​giants. For example, researchers recently discovered that humpback whales "communicate" in a language with a clear grammatical structure. In terms of complexity, the "speech" of whales is not inferior to the human one. Using a computer program, scientists have discovered a hierarchical syntax in the language of humpback whales, in which words are combined into phrases, and phrases into sentences. This syntax is present only in human speech. If scientists can decipher the language of these animals, they may be able to find out why whales make navigational errors when stranded.

On the brink of extinction About a quarter of the planet's whales and dolphins are on the verge of extinction. Such data were presented in the report of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. About 10 percent of these species fell into the category of endangered or critically endangered - higher categories danger. Experts stressed that the reality could be even worse, as more than half of the cetaceans (44 species) could not be collected enough data to evaluate.