Download the presentation of the consonant sound m for preschoolers. Literacy training "Sounds - and the letter "M"

WITH This letter begins the most affectionate and dear word in the world.

Many good words

There is a letter " M »:

Honey, dream, raspberry,

There is no problem with this.

But everyone knows

Better than all others

This word - MOTHER !

There are no more like them.

The city where I live starts with letters M

Mineral water

find the word starting with the letter M

find the word starting with the letter M

write down the words

write down the words

Find words that start with the letter "M"


Mark for Mishin malachite The pendulum in the clock is always

I gave him a magnet. From there, then there

Everything that was made of metal dangles back and forth,

It began to stick to the magnet; No matter the day, it toils.

A screw, scissors, a badge, and completely tired.

Nut, fork and hook. Turned into a letter...

But the ball didn’t stick at all,

And the magnet became a letter.....

Stick and stick,

There is a tick between them.

And it’s clear to everyone right away -

The result is the letter M

  • Stick and stick, There is a tick between them. And it’s clear to everyone right away - The result is the letter M
  • Stick and stick, There is a tick between them. And it’s clear to everyone right away - The result is the letter M
  • Stick and stick, There is a tick between them. And it’s clear to everyone right away - The result is the letter M
  • Stick and stick, There is a tick between them. And it’s clear to everyone right away - The result is the letter M

The little bear found the letter M, Mom said how good it is Milk and honey are friends - It’s impossible without the letter M

Mom's letter, no matter how you look,

The most beautiful in our alphabet,

We need to know the letter M

To call Mom to us

find words starting with the letter "M"

find words starting with the letter "M"

Write down the words starting with the letter M that you found

we honor syllables starting with the letter “M” »

Mu-mu Ma-ma

Mi-mi Om-ohm

Im-im Ma-mu

Mor li na ma kov shi na ma

Let's make words from syllables that start with the letter M

put syllables into words

This presentation will allow the teacher to introduce preschoolers to the sound and letter M. Using colorful pictures, find the place of the sound in words, get acquainted with the symbol of the sound M and the letter M, and practice the pronunciation of the sound using the material of pure tongues.


Slide captions:

What does the letter M look like?

Prepared by: teacher-speech therapist MADOU Nizhnevartovsk
garden No. 66 “Fun” Tumchenok E.A.
Make friends sounds [m], [m
sounds. Read the diagrams with sounds

Pure talk
for a letter
- I don’t know him.

The cat's name is
Kuzma. Mu Mu-

I have a notebook

I'll take it
Eat-e-eat - I eat all the semolina
I'll eat. Mi-mi-mi
- Take me with you.
- fly to
Rome. Om-om-oh
- there is a gnome standing near the house
- don’t give free rein to your hands

Name the food items that are on the table of the gnomes Muk and Mika. Find the location of the sound.

Look at the picture “Cow in the meadow.”
Name words with the sound [m].
Lay out the letter M

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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, Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Presentation for the lesson

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Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Purpose of the lesson: to consolidate children's knowledge of consonant sounds and letters; learn to distinguish sounds by articulation, distinguish between sounds and the letter that represents them. Develop phonemic hearing, attention, logical thinking, memory, fine motor skills.

Equipment: presentation, multimedia device, notebooks, red, blue and green pens.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizing time


The one whose name contains the sound [I] will sit.

Psycho-gymnastics. Speech therapist: What is the facial expression of mom and dad when they are angry? What do you do when you are scolded (Slide 1) (crying, being sad, hiding, defending yourself, being silent, apologizing - children express different emotional states with facial expressions). 2-3 scenes are played out.

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

(Show slide 2)

Speech therapist: What is this? - House. What is the last sound in the word house? (Sound [M]). Grandmother, grandfather, father, mother, and children live in this house - a son and daughter named Mikhailov. Say in one word - “family” (Slide 3). What is the third sound in this word? (Sound [M’])– Today we will learn to distinguish sounds [M] – [M’] and the letter that represents these sounds in writing. Letter M. (Slide 4)

3. Characteristics of sounds according to articulatory and acoustic characteristics.

Speech therapist: Look at my lips, they smile a little when they pronounce the sound [M’], and they get a little angry when they pronounce the sound [M].

M - the sound closes our lips!
The voice helps the sound.(Sound profile [M]– (Slide 5),

Designation of sounds with color symbols and “bells” (Slide 6)

4. Development of phonemic hearing. Game “Hard - Soft”

Speech therapist: The Mikhailov family is friendly. They work together and relax together, they love to play various games. Papa Matvey invites you to play the game “Hard - Soft”. If you hear the sound [M], then raise the blue square, and if you hear the sound [M’], then raise the green square. ( Words: plane, raspberry, honey, bridge, cute, small, meat, flour, bear, fly) Speech therapist: What does the letter M look like?

Letter M with two humps, Like a camel - see for yourself (Slide 6)

Friends held hands.
And they said: “You and I are us!”
it turned out to be the letter M.
A. Shibaev (Slide 7)

Speech therapist: My grandchildren Mitya and Maya really like to play with grandmother Masha.

5. Development of attention, memory, logical thinking. Game “Fourth wheel”.

Speech therapist: Look at the pictures, name them, find the “extra word,” explain why you think so.

Sample answer: I think that the word “house” is “superfluous” because the sound [M] is at the end of the word, but in all words it is heard at the beginning of the word.

(Oil, car, baby, house - Slide 9),
(Ball, honey, crayons, sea-Slide 10)
(Ice cream, meat , soap, fly-Slide 11), (2 answer options)
(Mother, coins, bridge, motorcycle-Slide 12).

How are the words similar? (milk, hammer – Slide 13) ( They begin with a hard consonant sound [M], each word has 3 syllables, written with the vowel letter O). What is the difference? (Milk is a product, and a hammer is a tool. The word “milk” has 6 letters and 6 sounds, the word “hammer” has 7 letters and 7 sounds)

Speech therapist: With grandfather Misha, children love to make something, knock with a hammer and watch interesting films (slide 15)..

6. Physical exercise – “Hammers”(slide 14).

O.S. – feet – shoulder-width apart, arms down. Fingers clenched into a fist.

- They knocked fist on fist - clink and clink. Hammers knock-knock-knock. Knock-knock-knock on the nails. Hammers knock-knock, knock-knock on nails. Hammers knock-knock-knock. Knock-knock-knock on the nails. (Repeat - 2 times to the music, children perform the appropriate movements)

7. Reading syllables and phrases.

Ma-ma-ma - I'm at home myself.
Mu-mu-mu - milk for anyone?
Mo-mo-mo - we eat popsicle.
We-we-we - we read the book.
Mi-mi-mi - sing the note E. (Slide 17).

8. Writing syllables with the letter M (

multi-colored pens ) in a notebook.

Speech therapist: Mom teaches Mitya and Maya to write letters, syllables and words.

Syllables – MA, MU, MO, WE, MI,
Words - Mom, am, mind.

9. Summary of the lesson.

What sounds did you become familiar with? How are they similar? What is their difference?

Municipal educational institution "Vereyskaya secondary school"

1 class

Teacher: Koptsova

Elena Alexandrovna

2010 – 2011 academic year

Lesson Objectives : introduce students to a new letter and sounds,

to form with them the skills of conscious, correct,

syllabic reading;

consolidate knowledge of the correct spelling of proper names.

Equipment: u textbook “Russian ABC” V.G. Goretsky. Moscow

“Enlightenment” 2009, slide projector, screen.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

Let's remember the letters that we have already learned.

(Children name the letters they have learned: a, o, u, s, i, e - vowels;

en, el, er, ve, pe, ka, te, es - consonants)

    Updating knowledge.

Let's play the game "Match the words"

Slide 3

a) Students make up words: cow, cook, elephant.

b) Name the longest word. How many syllables does it have?

(Cow. The word has 3 syllables.)

c) Name a two-syllable word, a one-syllable word.

(Disyllabic – cook, monosyllabic – elephant)

d) Name the word with stress on the first syllable, on the second.

(The word cook is stressed on the first syllable, cow is on the second)

Slide 4

a) Reading the text by students.

Cat Porthos.

Larisa has a cat. Cat Porthos. Larisa poured milk for the cat.

But the cat Porthos is full. He's sleeping.

b) Retelling the text.

(Students retell the text they read in their own words.)

3. Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson .

Slide 5

a) Watch an excerpt from a cartoon.

b) What is the name of the cartoon? What letter is the name?

(The cartoon is called “Mashenka and the Bear.” Both words in the title begin with the letter em.)

c) Tell me how the fairy tale ends?

(Students tell the end of the story.

Mashenka missed her grandparents very much. One day she asked the bear to let her go to her grandparents to take them some pies. The bear did not let Mashenka go, but said that he would take the gifts himself. The girl asked him not to eat the pies on the way. The bear promised. Masha baked pies, climbed into the box, and placed a plate of pies on her head. The bear came from the forest, saw the box, put it on his back and went to the village. On the way, he wanted to take the pie several times, but Masha told him from the box that she could see everything. So he brought the gifts to his grandparents’ house. And then the dogs smelled the bear and barked at him. The bear put the box down and ran away. Grandfather and grandmother left the house, opened the box and saw their granddaughter. They were delighted and began to kiss her.)

c) What do you think we will talk about in today's lesson?

(About the letter M))

4. Work on new material.

a) Isolating the first sounds from the words Mashenka, bear

(In the word Mashenka the first sound (m) is hard, in the word bear the first sound is soft (m))

b) Articulation (lip position, air passage, voice)

Conclusion : consonant, voiced, can be hard or soft.

Slide 6

Watch a video about the letter M.

c) Determining the position of sound in the words that were heard in the video.

(Suggested answers: at the beginning of a word, the letter em is found in the words: bear cubs, honey, raspberry, milk, ball, mouse, baby, ice cream)

Slide 7

d) Game “Arrange the objects correctly.”

Teacher. You must arrange the items on your shelves.

On the top shelf there are objects whose names have the sound (m) at the beginning of the word; on the middle, if this sound is in the middle of the word; on the bottom - at the end of the word.

(Suggested answers: put raspberries and a microphone on the top shelf, because new sounds are at the beginning of the word;

on the second shelf - a bag and an airplane, because the sound (m) is in the middle of the word;

on the third shelf - the house and the aquarium, because sound (m) is at the end of a word)

Slide 8

e) Game “Distribute the words correctly”

Teacher. Name the objects you see at the top of the screen.

(Children call carrots, house, hammer, car, bear, mimosa)

Teacher. What sound do the names of these objects begin with?

(From sound (m))

Teacher. Cheburashka collects objects in the names of which the letter em denotes a hard sound, and Bee - a soft sound.

(Suggested answers: Cheburashka will take a car, a hammer, a house, a carrot, because these words begin with a hard sound.

Little bee - bear and mimosa, because the first sounds in these words are soft.)

Teacher.. Tell me, how many sounds (m) do you hear in the word mimosa?

(Children. Two sounds)

Teacher. Tell me, is the second sound (m) in this word hard or soft?

(It's soft)

f) Teaching reading skills with a new letter:

1. reading syllables in the textbook p.89

2 . reading from slide 9

Slide 9

Lama Mera Murka

mom is smart Marina

world frame Moscow

3. Why are the words in the third column written with a capital letter? (Children. These words indicate the name of a girl, the name of an animal, the name of a city, so they are written with a capital letter)

4. what is Moscow?

(Capital of our Motherland)

5. Teacher's story.

That's right, children, Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. In the picture we see the main square of the country. Who knows what it's called? There is a parade in this square. In the foreground we see St. Basil's Cathedral, and further on the square there is the building of the Historical Museum. Red Square is located near the walls of the Kremlin, on one of the towers of which there is the main clock of our country: the Kremlin chimes. We always hear their fight on New Year’s Day, and every day at 6 o’clock in the morning and 12 o’clock at night.

There are many Cathedrals in the Kremlin, and also the government of our country is located.

Russians have always been for peace. Why do you think?

That's right, war destroys everything, but peace builds.

Our country was attacked by enemies many times, but was always repulsed.

He who sows peace will reap happiness.

6. reading the text p.89

5. Summing up.

What new did you learn in the lesson?

(We got acquainted with the letter M, learned that it means a consonant, voiced sound, which can be soft or hard)

What did you like most about the lesson?

(I liked the games, the cartoon, the poem about the letter M.)

Sources used.

The text on slide 4 is taken from the book Primer: Textbook / N.S. Zhukova. – M.: Eksmo, 2009.

Two slides (5 and 6) with a cartoon and an audio file with a video, taken from the lesson of Oksana Vladimirovna Boykova, primary school teacher at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, Konakovo, Tver Region.

Zhirenko O.E., Obukhova L.A. Lesson developments for teaching literacy: reading and writing. 1st grade. - 4th ed., revision and additional. - M: VAKO, 2009.

Brief lesson plan for literacy training

Lesson topic: sound and letter [m, ], [ m], Mm

Lesson type: explanation of new material.

The purpose of the lesson: familiarize yourself with the sound and letter [m, ], [ m], Mm.

Educational objective: introduce the new letter M, m and Mm; teach children to read a text they can understand out loud and “to themselves”, to comprehend what they read meaningfully;

Developmental task: develop phonemic hearing; ability to identify sounds: consonants, vowels, hard and soft, voiceless and voiced; skill of reading smoothly by syllables and whole words;

Educational task: to promote the development of the most valuable human qualities: caring for mother, empathy, compassion, to provide assistance in any life situation;

Lesson equipment: computer, projection system.

Lesson plan and course:

Lesson stage


Methods and techniques

Teacher activities

Student activities

Use of computers and visualization

Board type

I. Explanation of new material. Introducing the sounds [m], [m , ].

Reading the text of the riddle.

They call the answer.

Slide number 2

Graphic text of the riddle with sound. The picture is a house.

Definition and analysis of the sound at the end of the word “before” m"; vowel - consonant, voiceless - voiced, soft - hard

What sound do you hear at the end of the word "house"? Give him a description.

I hear at the end of the word “house” a consonant, voiced, hard sound [m]

Slide number 3

Picture of a house, diagram of a word, highlighting the place in the diagram of sound [m], sound accompaniment.

Develops intelligence, speed of reaction, and logical thinking.

Reading the text of the riddle

They call the answer.

Slide number 4

Graphic text of the riddle with sound. Picture - rainbow

Definition and analysis of the sound at the end of the word “se” mm"(vowel - consonant, voiceless - voiced, soft - hard)

What sound do you hear at the end of the word “seven”? Give him a description.

I hear at the end of the word “seven” a consonant, voiced, soft sound [m , ]

Slide number 5

Number seven, diagram for the word “seven”, highlighting the place in the sound diagram [m , ] , sound accompaniment.

Game "Beginning, Middle, End". Aimed at developing phonemic hearing. Children practice isolating and recognizing a new sound in a stream of speech, and determining the place of the sound in the names of objects. The formation and consolidation of the concept of the place of sound in a word occurs with the support not only of the auditory, but also of the visual analyzers.

Name the words in which you hear the sound [m] or [m , ].

Where do you hear the sound [m , ] in the word honey? (bear, little, a lot)

I hear the sound [m , ] in the word honey at the beginning.

(bear, little, honey, a lot)

Slide number 6

Graphic text with sound. Picture of a bear with a barrel of honey

Game "Find your house"

For practicing and differentiating hard and soft consonant sounds.

Help the words denoting objects find their home.

At the beginning of the word car I hear a hard sound [m], his house is blue, which means we send the picture car to the blue rectangle.

At the beginning of the word ball I hear a soft sound [m, ], its house is green, which means we send the picture ball to the green rectangle, etc.

Slides No. 7, No. 8, No. 9

Bright pictures. The support is blue and green rectangles indicating sounds.

Motivation – sound accompaniment (applause)

II.Explanation of new material. Introducing the letter Mm

What letters? How are they similar? What is the difference?

Printed letters, large and small, differ in height.

Slide number 10

Printed letters, lips. Sound accompaniment.

Comparison, comparison, analysis

What does the letter look like?

The letter looks like a flag if you rotate it and add a line to the left.

The letter looks like a swing

Slides No. 11,12

A flag made from the letter “um”, a picture of a swing.

Comparison, comparison, analysis

How are written letters similar and different from printed letters?

The letters look like straight sticks. Written letters are distinguished by smooth curves. They differ in font.

Slide number 13

Printed and written letters.

Practical. Formation of writing skills based on visual, auditory and tactile analyzers

Writing letters in the air behind a moving arrow with pronunciation

Writing letters in the air behind a moving arrow with pronunciation. Trace letters cut from 0-grit sandpaper onto card stock

Slide number 14

Written letters with moving arrow.

III. Fizminutka


Showing movements.

Execution of movements

Slide number 15

Physics text with sound. Smiley - “Charging”

IV. Consolidating new material

Analysis. Synthesis. Game “Help the kitten connect the sounds”

The syllabic role of vowel sounds.

Help the kitten connect a consonant sound with a vowel. We draw out the consonant sound, the kitten will run up to the vowel - we read the syllable.

They draw out the sound [m] loudly, then pronounce the fusion syllable.

Slides No. 16,17,18,19,20,21

Running kitten from consonant to vowel. Sound accompaniment

Phonetic exercise

How does a cow moo?

How does a goat bleat?


Slide No. 22,23

Cow picture. Graphic and sound accompaniment.

Purely speaking. Exercise for training the vestibular apparatus, breathing, voice, phonemic perception. For a positive attitude towards further work.

A sample of reading a pure talk.

Reading a pure story in rows, in chorus, individually.

Slide No. 24

The text of the proverb with audio accompaniment.

Exercise on the accuracy of auditory perception of a consonant sound

Reading and analysis of the task

They add sound based on the picture. A letter appears - read the word

Slide No. 25,26

Table with words and pictures.

Motivation. Picture of an owl with sound: “Well done!”


Improving articulatory motor skills based on the auditory and visual analyzer.

Pronounced with acceleration.

Slide No. 27

Selecting the text "Typewriter". Raspberry picture. Sound accompaniment

Motivation. Picture of an owl with sound: “Okay!”

Reading syllables based on vowels

Primary reading of the text in whole words. Illustration work - kitten.

Read syllable by syllable using a visual and auditory analyzer.


Small, fluffy, white, playful, as he holds his paws on a rope, apparently playing with it.

Slide number 28

Syllables are highlighted in yellow rectangles, the sound accompaniment, the read syllable changes color.

Reading in words.

Helps overcome the syllable barrier.

Choral reading

Choral reading

Slide number 29

Illustration "Mother and child reading a book."

Words are divided into syllables.

Reading in words.

Helps overcome the syllable barrier. Information accumulates, visually graphic objects (words) with a certain understandable meaning are remembered. Reading speed improves. In reading with words, meaning is of primary importance; it is, in fact, the purpose of reading in general!

Initial reading of the poem.

Survey of children who can recite a poem by heart.

Raise your hands, those who love their mother. Tell us about her.

Reading in rows.

Choral reading.

Reading competition.

2-3 oral stories about mom

Slide number 30

The words are highlighted in yellow rectangles, the sound accompaniment, the read word changes color.


Picture of an owl with sound: “Excellent reading. And everyone loves their mothers very much."

Development of students' speech activity

Why do you love your mother?

What help do you provide her?

2-3 oral stories about helping mom

Slide number 31

Illustration "Mother and Child"

V. Lesson summary


What new letter did you meet?

What sounds does it represent?

What is the dearest, closest, native word that begins with the letter em?

Slide No. 32,33

With texts:

I found out that... (sample answer)

The lesson made me think... (sample answer)


Picture of an owl with sound: “Thank you everyone for the good work”, “You are correct, correct!”

Analysis of the use of presentation in class.


Purpose of application on

at this stage of the lesson

How (techniques and methods)

this element is used

in the lesson

How does this element enhance the effectiveness of achieving these goals?

Isolation of sounds [m, ], [m] from words using sound analysis

The position in which the sound [m, ], [m] is easily separated from the rest, the consonant is explosive if the word ends with this sound (house, seven).

The correctness of isolating a single sound is best controlled if the work is carried out with a complete word. For example, a student in the word chalk is the first to highlight the sound [m] (hard) and does not notice the error, the teacher demonstrates how the named word sounds if the named sound is included in it: “Mal”. The method of sound analysis is a drawn-out (or accentuated) pronunciation each sound in a complete word.

The slides are intended to be included in the work of auditory and visual analyzers. Aesthetic visibility.

Preparation for the lesson topic: “Sounds [m, ], [m] and the letter Mm”

Saves time.

Activates eye perception.

Helps to more accurately assimilate perceived material.

The use of diagrams and models with sound words,

facilitate the control process. There is a change in the child’s leading activity from play to learning.

Classes on the computer can partially relieve high emotional tension and revitalize the learning process.

Give the concept of the relationship between letters and sound units. Graphic analysis of letters.

Translation of sound into printed and written, visible letters.

Quick change of pictures that are clearly visible to children.

Automation of all main stages. The educational material is translated into a bright, exciting, multimedia form with a reasonable share of gaming approach with extensive use of graphics, animation, sound effects and voiceover.


In physical exercises, children get a second wind and additional strength.

They hear the text of the physics lesson and perform the actions together with the teacher. Smiley with sound

Coordinate letters into sounds (transition from written to spoken language)

Oral group work. Decoding the letter model of a syllable (auxiliary reading unit) when reading an open syllable with orientation based on vowels

They see how to draw out the consonant sound, they look at the vowel and read them together and together. Saves time.

Activates eye perception. Helps to more accurately assimilate perceived material.

Teaching continuous reading of syllables.

Special exercise: phonetic exercises.

Increases student interest in the lesson. Quickly and clearly depicts material for game exercises.

Allows you to add audio files to a presentation slide.

Pure talk

Exercise for simultaneous training of the vestibular apparatus, general coordination of movements,

improving articulatory motor skills.

Children really enjoy doing these exercises; they create a positive mood for the lesson.

Allows you to add audio to the text.

Games serve to develop phonemic awareness and accuracy of auditory perception.

Didactic games: “Add a letter”, “Read the word”

The game form of presenting the material and ease of use help to increase the motivational readiness of children for classes and, in the future, successful reading by syllables.


Speech exercise. Teaches clear and intelligible pronunciation; help to master speaking technique

Sound accompaniment and cognitive orientation of the exercise allow you to successfully overcome speech disorders

Reading sentences by syllables

Image, sound accompaniment of actions, cognitive orientation of exercises, ease of operation, simplified control process.

Learning to read whole words, relying on imaginative thinking and the ability to memorize blocks.

Reading sentences and short text by children. Choral reading.

Reading competition.

It evokes involuntary attention through its novelty and unusualness. Saves time.

Activates eye perception. Helps to more accurately assimilate perceived material, graphic images of words, and facilitates the control process.

Arouse a feeling of love for your dearest person, mother, and a desire to take care of her.

Visual image correlated with the picture

Saves time.

Activates eye perception. Develops visual-figurative thinking. Increases the efficiency of the educational process by simultaneously presenting theoretical information by the teacher and displaying demonstration material with a high degree of clarity.


Create a motivational environment.

Summing up the work

Ensuring the success of primary school students. The “feeling of success” creates comfort and a desire to learn.

Combines graphics, sound, image (owls),

which significantly improves the summing up of the information received. Interaction of various information blocks (text, graphics, animation, sound)


1. The presentation is designed for 15 - 16 minutes. My principle is “not to harm” the child’s health, I try to follow recommendations for safe work on the computer, to reduce adverse effects on the children’s body. The sanitary and hygienic standard for continuous work with a computer for 1st grade students is 10 minutes. This presentation is in the form of a dialogue. Computer work is constantly interrupted. Work in the lesson begins with the organizational moment, then work on the textbook p. 84, checking and consolidating the material covered, after the presentation of 28 -29 slides we work on the “ABC” p. 85 - 86. Then - the result.

2. I conduct physical exercises for the eyes, including using ICT.

3. Children trace letters cut out of sandpaper No. 0 to graphically memorize the image of the letters (slide No. 14) behind a moving arrow, tactile analyzers are used.


    The “School of Russia” series was founded in 2001

    "ABC". Part 1. Textbook for 1st grade. / V.G. Goretsky, V.A. Kiryushin, L.A. Vinogradskaya, M. V. Boykina; -Ed. "Enlightenment", Moscow, 2011. P.84 -87

3. Entertaining alphabet learning. Compiled by Volina V.V., Moscow “Enlightenment” 1991