How to properly cook grilled chicken. How to cook juicy grilled chicken

When else, if not in the summer, can you take full advantage of the weather and cook all kinds of dishes on the fire or grill? I have already made a small selection of interesting dishes that can be prepared for a picnic. Now I got to the chicken.

So, it turns out that you can cook very tasty and juicy chicken on the grill. Alan Banks, the grandson of a man who was a chef in the navy and cooked for admirals and other important people, shares his secrets. The grandfather shared his secrets with his grandson, and the grandson also turned out to be not greedy and shared it with the whole world.

I took the risk of replacing some ingredients with similar ones, since I’m not sure that we can find exactly the same products in our supermarkets.

Step #1. Bring the chicken to room temperature (let it sit out of the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes) and pat it dry with a paper towel.

Step #2. Cut the chicken so that it looks like a butterfly. Usually the cut is made in the middle, but Alan advises cutting the back - this way the chicken turns out juicier.

Step #3. Preheat the grill. Heat Check: You cannot hold your hand over the grill for more than 8 seconds.

Step #4. In the original source, the chicken is sprayed with oil from a spray. You can easily just coat it with vegetable oil with your hands.

Step #5. Now is the time to brush your chicken with your prepared poultry seasoning and throw it on the grill! Plus, you will also need lemon or lime juice and Italian tomato dressing. Instead of this tomato dressing, you can use any tomato sauce with herbs and garlic or make your own. Of course, it would be better to use Italian-made sauce, but I’m afraid that its cost here will be equal to the cost of a whole chicken.

Place the seasoned chicken on the grill. The back takes longer to cook than the brisket (2/3 of the total cooking time goes to the back and 1/3 to the brisket). Cook until tender, basting every 10 minutes with lemon or lime juice and Italian dressing.

Step #6. This step is only suitable for those who have special cooking thermometers. If you have one, the temperature of the thigh should be approximately 76.7 degrees and the brisket should be 71.1. If you don’t have a thermometer, then rely on your own experience and cutting the meat in the places where it takes the longest to cook (thighs).

Step No. 7 (the most important). And the final touch for the juicy chicken and part-time Banks family secret is foil and a portable small refrigerator (they carry ice and drinks in these). Or just something very, very cold. Remove the chicken from the grill just a couple of minutes before it is fully cooked, wrap in foil and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. During this kind of rest, the juice that has flowed out of the chicken returns to its “home,” that is, back to the chicken. If you start cutting it right away, all the juice will end up on your plate and not in the meat. The “foil, cold, 30-minute” rule works with any grilled meat. That is, if you cook ribs on the grill, they should also be wrapped in foil and cooled for 30 minutes. And if you can wait a full half hour before cutting the meat, every cut piece will be juicy.

1. Choose tomatoes that are fleshier (the cream variety is best), cut them a little, pour boiling water over them, peel them, cut them and remove the seeds, and grind them into a puree in a blender.

2. Add a little olive oil to a preheated deep frying pan, pour in the tomato paste, salt and pepper to taste, add dry basil or a mixture of Italian herbs, squeeze out the garlic and bring to a boil. If the sauce seems sour to you, add a little sugar or honey. If you like it spicy, then dry or ground chili pepper will also be very useful.

I think that this homemade tomato dressing will be much better than store-bought and will be very suitable not only for grilled chicken, but also for pasta. It also keeps for quite a long time in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit and have a nice weekend!

There are many false claims regarding grilled chicken. For example, that this is very harmful meat, literally saturated with carcinogens. In this regard, we note that a carcass purchased in a supermarket and treated with a large amount of expired mayonnaise is really harmful to health. But grilled chicken in an electric oven or in a gas oven, baked in a fragrant sauce with herbs, will not do any harm and will only delight a true gourmet.

Moreover, meat is healthy! After all, if you count the calories, then there are fewer of them in the finished carcass than in the boiled piece. So, cooking grilled chicken in an electric oven or electric grill will save only 98 calories for every 100 grams of meat. For comparison, boiled chicken has 138 calories, and fried chicken has 200 calories.

Subtleties of cooking. What meat to choose and how much to cook

  1. Use only fresh or chilled meat. It turns out more tender and juicy than frozen chicken.
  2. If a grilled chicken recipe includes a marinade, use refined sunflower oil as its base. It has the most neutral taste, which will not overpower the taste of the main product.
  3. If you still bought a frozen carcass, do not defrost it in the microwave or in the room. In the first case, the meat will begin to cook already during defrosting, and in the second, it will become tough and dry. The ideal option is to defrost in the refrigerator, on the “warmest” shelf, that is, away from the freezer.
  4. Contrary to popular belief, it is advisable to cook a whole chicken in the oven on a spit from a factory carcass, and not from a homemade one. The latter is good for stewing, but can be too tough on the grill. If you still have homemade chicken on hand, soak it in a saline solution: add half a glass of salt to 2 liters of water, let sit for 2-5 hours, dry and only then cook. This will make it perfectly soft.
  5. You can check the readiness of the meat using a culinary thermometer: the internal temperature should be 85 degrees. Or you can use an ordinary toothpick, but you should pierce the thigh, not the breast, since the latter takes longer to cook. The clear juice that flows out will indicate that the meat is ready.
  6. Remove the carcass from the oven immediately after cooking and serve immediately. If you leave it longer, the meat will dry out and the crispy skin will go limp while waiting for the table.

Grilled chicken cooking techniques

There are 2 ways to cook chicken in the oven and grill at home.

  1. Chicken in the oven on a stand– the result is a dish with a perfectly crispy crust, since during the cooking process the carcass does not come into contact with the dripping fat. To get the most delicious result, estimate the time required for baking (40 minutes per kg of chicken weight). And bake the chicken most of the time at a temperature of 200 degrees, and 15 minutes before the end of cooking, turn on the grill.
  2. Try cooking grilled chicken in the oven on a spit. To do this, place the carcass on a spit, secure the wings and legs well (it’s convenient to do this with toothpicks or cooking thread). Place in a cold oven, turn it on the “spit” mode with a temperature of 200 degrees for 20 minutes. During this time, a crust will form on the carcass, which will “seal” the juice inside. After this, the meat is baked in the “top-bottom” mode for 30 minutes, the temperature is reduced to 180 degrees. Then cook for another 30 minutes in the “grill” mode, raising the temperature to 200.

3 delicious recipes

Garlic chicken

You will need:

  • chicken carcass;
  • garlic – 6 cloves;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • salt and pepper, vegetable oil.


  1. Chop the garlic into thin slices. Place them carefully under the skin of the chicken. Place a few pieces of butter in the breast area.
  2. Mix vegetable oil, pepper and salt. Coat the carcass with this mixture.
  3. Bake in the oven on a wire rack or spit.

Fragrant Indian chicken

You will need:

  • chicken carcass;
  • Chicken Masala seasoning (you can make it yourself by mixing turmeric, cumin, black pepper, cinnamon, coriander, bay leaf, ginger, cardamom, cumin, mustard seeds and salt);
  • large lemon.


  1. Rub the carcass with spices in advance and place in the refrigerator (ideally overnight).
  2. Make vertical cuts on the lemon and insert it into the chicken.
  3. Place the carcass on the spit; the lemon will prevent it from dangling.
  4. Bake until done, sprinkle with lemon juice before serving.

Chicken with cayenne pepper

You will need:

  • chick;
  • pepper and salt;
  • olive oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • dried oregano – ¼ teaspoon;
  • dried paprika - ¼ teaspoon;
  • cayenne pepper - a pinch.


  1. Prepare the carcass, rub with pepper and salt.
  2. Mix olive oil with herbs and rub the carcass.
  3. Bake until done.

Each recipe for grilled chicken in the oven on a spit and grill is extremely simple. As a result, you will get an incredibly tasty dish without any problems!

There are many recipes that make grilled chicken very tasty: in the oven on a wire rack, in a special frying pan or in the microwave. This dish is one of the most popular and widespread. It is easy to prepare, and the taste of the meat is simply amazing, especially the appetizing golden crust. Even if the oven or microwave does not have a special grill function, chicken can still be cooked very tasty using simple tricks.

How to cook grilled chicken

The popularity of this dish is due not only to the fact that chicken is an affordable product. The meat of this bird is considered dietary. Moreover, it is very easy to prepare. There are several different recipes for grilling with photos. The classic version requires a special spit. It is only available in a real grill. Outdoors, a barbecue made of stainless metal and a wooden handle is used. In the oven, the chicken is cooked on a special grill or in a roasting pan, the role of which can be played by a jar with a narrow neck, for example, from small cucumbers.

Chicken marinade

You can not only rub the carcass with salt. It will taste better with marinade. Almost everything that is in the refrigerator is used for it. Marinade for grilled chicken at home is often prepared from the following products:

  1. With mustard. You need to mix 1 tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. olive oil. Add 0.5 tbsp to them. lemon juice, 2 tbsp. Dijon mustard.
  2. With soy sauce. It will require 0.5 tbsp. Additionally, you need to add 3 tbsp. lemon juice, 2 tsp. sesame oil, 0.25 tbsp. brown sugar, 1 tbsp. crushed garlic, 2 tbsp. finely chopped ginger and 1 tsp. black pepper
  3. Italian. Mix 0.25 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. garlic powder, 1 tbsp. Italian seasoning, 2 tsp. vinegar, 1 tsp. oregano.

Grilled chicken recipe

Before marinating chicken for grilling, you need to prepare the carcass itself. It is recommended to choose young meat, because it is much tastier and more tender. Grilled chicken will be especially appetizing. If you buy meat in a store, it is better to take an unfrozen product. If necessary, defrost the carcass under natural conditions.

In the oven on a spit

  • Cooking time: 3 hours.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 221 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner / holiday.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

The peculiarity of the method of cooking grilled chicken in the oven on a spit is that the meat is fried equally on all sides. The carcass is completely covered with a delicious crispy crust. It turns out especially delicious in an electric oven. Thanks to the fan and convection, the dish cooks evenly and quickly. Even if there is no spit, you can still roast the chicken. To do this, you will have to turn the carcass often.


  • sour cream tablespoon – 7 pcs.;
  • garlic head – 1 pc.;
  • tablespoon mustard – 1 pc.;
  • chicken carcass – 1 pc.;
  • salt tablespoon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • hops-suneli – 1.5 tsp;
  • teaspoon pepper – 1 pc.
  • lemon – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a bowl and combine the spices with pepper, salt and crushed garlic. Add mayonnaise and mustard there.
  2. Rinse the carcass, trim off the chicken fat. Rub the meat with marinade and sprinkle with the juice of half a lemon.
  3. Place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  4. After the specified time, preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  5. Next, put the carcass on a skewer and tie the legs with thread.
  6. Place a tray with water or red wine on the level below.
  7. Cook for 1-1.5 hours.

On the grid

  • Cooking time: 8 hours.
  • Number of servings: 7 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 239 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Chicken on a wire rack in the oven is prepared according to almost the same principle as in the skewer recipe. Only here you will have to turn the carcass often so that it cooks evenly on each side. You need to watch carefully, otherwise the meat may burn. It is recommended to marinate the carcass for at least 1-2 hours, but it is better to keep it in the marinade overnight. This way you will get an even juicier chicken.


  • lemon – 2 pcs.;
  • teaspoon salt, oregano and turmeric - 1 pc.;
  • teaspoon sugar – 2 pcs.;
  • chicken carcass – 1 pc.;
  • garlic cloves – 3-6 pcs.;
  • teaspoon black pepper – 1 pc.;
  • tablespoon olive oil - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. For the marinade, it is better to use a blender - you need to load it with olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and spices. Next, mix everything until smooth.
  2. Wash the bird and pat dry with paper napkins. Distribute a third of the marinade under the skin, and grease the rest of the carcass on the outside.
  3. Keep the bird in the refrigerator for about 5-6 hours.
  4. Tie the legs tightly with thread and place the carcass on the grill.
  5. Place a baking sheet lined with foil at the bottom of the oven.
  6. The dish will be ready after 1.5-2 hours.

On the bank

  • Cooking time: 3 hours.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 251 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner / holiday table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

If the oven does not have a special function and a spit, then you can use a regular jar or bottle to make grilled chicken. In this case, you don't even need a grate. The carcass is simply placed over the neck of the jar, placed on a baking sheet and baked. One caveat - the oven must be cold so that the glass heats up gradually, otherwise it will burst.


  • half a teaspoon of pepper – 1 pc.;
  • tablespoon of mayonnaise – 3 pcs.;
  • paprika – 1 tsp;
  • garlic head – 3-4 pcs.;
  • a teaspoon of curry seasoning - 0.5 tsp;
  • table spoon of salt – 1 pc.;
  • turmeric – 0.5 tsp;
  • chicken – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. First prepare the meat - rub the carcass with a mixture of salt and spices. Repeat the same with chopped garlic.
  2. Wrap the chicken in cling film and refrigerate for 1 hour.
  3. Take any bottle, fill it halfway with water and vegetable oil, and put the carcass on it. Coat the chicken with mayonnaise.
  4. Cook for 15 minutes at 190 degrees, then increase it to 210 degrees.
  5. Bake the bird for about 1 hour more.


  • Cooking time: 1.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 228 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner / holiday table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

If you need to cook a dish faster, you should use a microwave oven. You don't even need a special grill for this. You can take the one that is used to heat two plates in the microwave at once. Be sure to place a dish under the chicken into which the fat will drain. It’s worth turning the carcass over a couple of times so that the bottom and top parts are cooked equally.


  • tablespoon rast. oils – 3 pcs.;
  • vinegar tablespoon – 1 pc.;
  • chicken – 1 carcass;
  • garlic clove – 2 pcs.;
  • seasonings - at your discretion.

Cooking method:

  1. If necessary, defrost the meat, rinse under running water and dry thoroughly.
  2. Combine all dry ingredients, including chopped garlic. Dilute with oil and vinegar.
  3. Rub the carcass with the mixture on each side and let stand for half an hour.
  4. Place it on the microwave rack and place a plate underneath.
  5. Turn on maximum power, cook for 50 minutes.

On a grill pan

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 231 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Grilled chicken according to this recipe is not cooked whole, since it cannot be cooked in a frying pan. This does not make the dish any less tasty. The advantage is that you get several servings at once, because the carcass does not need to be cut. It is better to immediately buy not a whole chicken, but chicken breasts or legs. They are fried with virtually no excess fat and come out with a crispy crust.


  • chicken legs – 4 pcs.;
  • favorite spices, salt - at your discretion;
  • lemon pepper - a pinch;
  • teaspoon rast. oils – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the legs, marinate with a mixture of pepper, spices and salt.
  2. Heat a frying pan, add oil.
  3. Fry juicy chicken legs, turning on 4 sides.
  4. After the crust has formed, cook for another 15 minutes. with less fire power.

With potato

  • Cooking time: 3.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 269 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

In order not to prepare a side dish separately, it is worth learning how to prepare grilled chicken with potatoes. To fry the carcass, put it on a jar, as in one of the previous recipes. It is important to remember that you need to put the meat in a cold oven so that the glass does not burst with a sudden change in temperature. In addition to potatoes, the meat is supplemented with onions. Spices options may vary depending on personal taste preferences.


  • onion head – 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - at your discretion;
  • laurel leaf – 1 pc.;
  • spices, salt - at your discretion;
  • garlic head – 2 pcs.;
  • potato tubers – 5 pcs.;
  • chicken carcass – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Rub the chicken with spices, marinate with a mixture of mayonnaise, garlic and salt.
  2. Leave on the refrigerator shelf for 2 hours.
  3. Next, peel the onions and potatoes.
  4. Fill a liter jar with water, add spices and bay leaves.
  5. Place the chicken on it and place it on a baking sheet.
  6. Place potatoes and onions around, pour a little water.
  7. Place in an oven heated to 180 degrees. Wait about 1.5 hours.

In soy sauce

  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 271 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The classic marinade for chicken meat is based on soy sauce. You will need a whole bottle of it. This recipe requires a grill pan, not an oven. It is worth noting that the marinade turns out to be very spicy. For this reason, you should not increase the amount of garlic you use. In general, the proportions of the marinade components can be changed at your discretion.


  • mayonnaise – 100 g;
  • salt, pepper - to your taste;
  • soy sauce – 1 bottle;
  • chicken – 1 carcass;
  • adjika tablespoon – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves – 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Divide the chicken into pieces, marinate with brine from the sauce with adjika and garlic.
  2. After 2-3 hours, fry on each side until golden brown. Grease with mayonnaise.
  3. Then simmer over reduced heat until done.

Like in a store

  • Cooking time: 3 hours.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 271 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The most delicious chicken is prepared according to the recipe, just like in the store. This will require a larger carcass. The same flavor comes from the seasoning blend listed on the ingredients list. If the oven does not have a special grill mode, then you can bake the carcass on a can or grill. To make it really like in the store, it is better to marinate the meat overnight.


  • tablespoon rast. oils – 2 pcs.;
  • chicken carcass – 1 pc. by 1.5 kg;
  • red and black pepper, marjoram, chopped garlic, salt - 1 tsp each.

Cooking method:

  1. Marinate the chicken with a mixture of spices and oil and leave in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. In the morning, skewer or place on a wire rack.
  3. Place a baking sheet at the bottom of the oven.
  4. Fry for about an hour at 200 degrees.
  5. Pierce the meat with a knife - if a light liquid comes out, you can remove the finished chicken.

Fried meat will always taste better than boiled or steamed meat. Of course, the delicious crispy crust is so worth it! And the smell... Scientists have noticed that the aroma of frying foods causes much more profuse salivation than with other methods of heat treatment. In addition, the meat can also be marinated, which will make it not only more tender, but also add a variety of flavors. And if we are talking about frying in the open air, when the product smells of smoke, eating it is a heavenly pleasure!

Current advice

In order for you to get a truly tasty recipe for any method of preparing it, it starts with the correct selection of the carcass itself. Ideally, a chicken that is a little more than six months old is suitable. Among the older generation, alas, the meat is already a bit tough and not so juicy. Of course, you can also use store-bought chicken legs, but they contain more chemicals than natural products. If you have a choice between store-bought or home-grown poultry, choose the latter, because home-grown chicken always tastes better. Grilling (you can choose a different cooking recipe), of course, will make any dish appetizing. But fresh, not frozen, homemade chicken, moderately fatty, and not blue and bony, is a true gift to the cook, and it is the best way to show off your culinary skills.

And another tip: make a good, tasty marinade. After the texture of meat, this is the second condition for the successful preparation of many dishes. Now about what or where to fry. For example, if you cook grilled chicken in the microwave, the recipe allows you to use the grid-stand that comes with the package. In the open air, it is brought to readiness on a wide grill made of stainless steel. If you have an air fryer on your farm, you can’t ask for anything better. And finally, the oven comes up. True, in order for you to get well-done grilled chicken, the recipe calls for a roasting pan (or you can at least install a half-liter jar). In any case, in order for the meat to have a golden crust, before cooking it must be generously greased with either a special sauce, sour cream or mayonnaise.

on a spit

Let's look at a fairly simple recipe for grilled chicken on a spit. This way you can fry it during a picnic in nature. It is necessary to stock up on firewood and coal (packages for barbecue, kebabs). The sauce can be prepared from the following ingredients: a package of your favorite mayonnaise (at least 250 g), mustard powder - from 1 tablespoon, a head of garlic, 1 lemon, a bag of black pepper (not all of it, sprinkle to taste!), salt, aromatic seasonings and spices (you can buy a package of ready-made ones, especially for chicken). Well, the bird itself, medium size, gutted, washed, dried. Mix mayonnaise with mustard, add crushed garlic (4-5 cloves), spices, salt, then very generously grease the entire carcass on the outside. Rub the inside with lemon juice. Place the bird on a spit, set it over hot coals and roast for about an hour, turning occasionally. It’s better to tie up the legs with wings. To prevent the meat from burning, the bird must be turned constantly 20 minutes before the end of the process. When ready, divide into portions and serve with red wine. The degree of readiness is checked as follows: pierce the carcass in several places with a fork, place a plate. Light juice flows - that's it, you can eat. And the pinkish one - let it cook a little longer.

Air fryer recipe

Here is another recipe for grilled chicken - in an air fryer. For external processing of poultry, the same sauce described in the previous recipe is suitable. But we will stuff it from the inside. To do this, take several sweet and sour apples, peel them, cut them into thin slices. Chop a large onion into half rings. Mix both components, rub the inside of the carcass with salt and add the filling. Place a piece of foil on the grill (place it at the bottom), then the chicken (belly side up) and bake for an hour and a half. Then divide into pieces and serve on a wide, flat platter. Serve with the filling (it will give the meat a piquant taste).

If the crust is important to you, the bird should be fried with the skin on. You can roll it in breadcrumbs before frying - it will turn out great!