Cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov specifications. Takr "Admiral Kuznetsov": comparison with NATO aircraft carriers

The heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser (TAVKR) "Admiral Kuznetsov" is designed both to destroy large surface targets, protect naval formations from attacks from the air and enemy submarines, and for air cover for operational formations of ships - aircraft carrier multipurpose group (AMG)and giving it combat stability.
"Admiral Kuznetsov" - the only warship of project 11435 "Krechet", was created as a kind of compromise between the line of development of ships with vertical take-off and landing aircraft (projects 1143, 1143.4, remained "Admiral Gorshkov") and developed in the 1970s, but also the remaining unfulfilled projects of full-fledged aircraft carriers with an ejection takeoff of aircraft and a nuclear main power plant (projects 1160 and 1153). The design strength of the air wing at TAVKR is 50 aircraft (LA), including 36 Su-27K fighters, 14 Ka-27 helicopters.

The ship command for project 1143.5 is 1 960 people, including 200 officers. Also on the ship are 626 people of flight personnel and 40 people - the headquarters of the formation of ships. 3,857 ship accommodations include 387 cabins, 134 crew quarters with 50 showers, 6 cabins, 120 storage spaces and 6,000 meters of corridors.

The development of the hull is based on the earlier Kyiv class (1143.4, Admiral Gorshkov), which was laid down in 1982, but with a larger displacement of 58,500 tons compared to 40,400 tons, and has a somewhat slow speed of 29 knots on compared with 32 knots on project 1143.4.
In place with order to The hull has a continuous double bottom and 9 decks. The hangar with an area of ​​153x26 m in height occupies three inter-deck spaces (7.2 m) and accommodates 70% of the regular number of aircraft. Inside, it is equipped with a semi-automatic chain transportation system for aircraft (instead of the tow tractors used abroad); tractors are used only to supply the aircraft to the elevator platforms. For fire safety purposes, the hangar is divided into 4 compartments by fire-resistant folding curtains. Local box armor (NKZ) covers the fuel tanks and cellars of aviation ammunition, the total supply of aviation fuel is about 2500 tons. The 4.5 m wide PTZ consists of three longitudinal bulkheads, one of which (2nd) is armored package (multilayer).

The power plant almost completely repeats that used in project 1143.4, but due to the increased fuel supply, the cruising range is 18 knots. stroke increased to 8000 miles. Autonomy increased by 1.5 times.

TAVKR project 1143.5 (since 1981 - 11435) is distinguished by a purely "carrier" architecture with an "island" shifted to the starboard side. The area of ​​the through flight deck is 14800 sq.m, the corner part with dimensions of 205x26 m is located at an angle of 7° to the DP. For the first time in our fleet, hydraulic arresters, an emergency barrier, the Luna optical landing system and onboard aircraft lifts appeared on the ship. The proposed catapults were abandoned at the final stage of the development of the project - they were replaced by a bow springboard with an aircraft exit angle of 14 °. The length of the takeoff run of the Su-33 fighter from two starting positions is 100 m each, from the third position - 200 m.

- 30 mm AK-630 anti-aircraft guns, 8 x 6 with 24,000 rounds

Electronic weapons: BIUS "Lesorub" and multifunctional complex "Mars-Passat", three-coordinate radar "Fregat-MA", radar for detecting low-flying targets "Podkat", navigation complex "Buran-2", flight control radar "Resistor", electronic warfare equipment " Constellation-BR, GAS Zvezda-M1.

Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser project 1143.5

Former names - in order of assignment:

- "Leonid Brezhnev" (launching),
- "Tbilisi" (tests)

The only one in the Navy of the Russian Federation in its class (as of 2015). Designed to destroy large surface targets, defend naval formations from attacks by a potential enemy.

Named after Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union.

Built in Nikolaev, at the Black Sea shipyard.

Part of the Northern Fleet. During cruises, the Su-25UTG and Su-33 aircraft of the 279th Shipborne Fighter Aviation Regiment (home base - Severomorsk-3) and the Ka-27 and Ka-29 helicopters of the 830th Separate Shipborne Anti-Submarine Helicopter Regiment (base airfield - Severomorsk-1).


The fifth heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser of the USSR - "Riga" was laid down on the slipway of the Black Sea Shipbuilding Plant on September 1, 1982. It differed from its predecessors by providing for the first time the ability to take off and land on it traditional aircraft, modified versions of the land-based Su-27, MiG-29 and Su-25. To do this, he had a significantly enlarged flight deck and a springboard for taking off aircraft. Construction for the first time in the USSR was carried out by a progressive method of forming a hull from large blocks weighing up to 1400 tons.

Even before the assembly was completed, after the death of Leonid Brezhnev, on November 22, 1982, the cruiser was renamed in his honor as Leonid Brezhnev. The launching took place on December 4, 1985, after which its completion afloat continued.

Loading and installation of weapons on the aircraft carrier (except for the zonal block of launchers of the Granit SCRC), electrical equipment, aviation equipment, ventilation and air conditioning systems, as well as the equipment of the premises took place afloat, during the completion of the ship near the Northern embankment of the Big Bucket.

On August 11, 1987, it was renamed Tbilisi. On June 8, 1989, its mooring trials started, and on September 8, 1989, the crew check-in. On October 21, 1989, the unfinished and understaffed ship was put to sea, where it conducted a cycle of flight design tests of aircraft intended to be based on board. During these tests, the first takeoffs and landings of aircraft on it were carried out. On November 1, 1989, the first landings of the MiG-29K, Su-27K and Su-25UTG were carried out. The first takeoff from it was made by the MiG-29K on the same day and the Su-25UTG and Su-27K the next day, November 2, 1989. After the completion of the test cycle on November 23, 1989, he returned to the factory for completion. In 1990, he went to sea many times to carry out factory and state tests.

On October 4, 1990, it was renamed once again (4th) and became known as "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov."



Length - 305.0 m
-Waterline length - 270 meters
- Width is the greatest - 72 meters
-Waterline width - 35.0 m
- Draft - 10.0 m
-Standard displacement - 43 thousand tons
-Total displacement - 55 thousand tons
-Maximum displacement - 58.6 thousand tons

Power plant

Steam turbines - 4 x 50 thousand horsepower
-Number of boilers - 8
-Number of screws - 4
- Power of turbogenerators - 9 x 1500 kilowatts
-Maximum speed - 29 knots
-Cruising range at maximum speed - 3850 miles at a speed of 29 knots
-Economic speed - 18 knots
-Maximum cruising range - 8000 miles at a speed of 18 knots
-Autonomy - 45 days


For 2014, the air wing includes 20 aircraft and 17 helicopters.

The editors received a letter from a serviceman who served for some time on the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov". We think this material will be of interest to the reader, since the process of reducing our fleet, sadly enough, is ongoing. And the more important is the competent, high-quality and full-fledged operation of those few modern ships that remain in our fleet.

With a guide to the Ark

First - a small description of the size and general location of the only Russian aircraft carrier.

The total displacement of the Kuznetsov has now probably already exceeded 60,000 tons. Its maximum length is more than 300 m, and its width is 72 m.

The main power plant of the ship, at the behest of various kinds of leaders from our recent past, was made boiler-turbine, and not nuclear (like the Americans) - four-shaft, with a total capacity of 200,000 hp, previously provided a speed of 29 knots (but this was back in 1990. ).

The ship has 8 superstructure tiers, 7 decks and 2 platforms, bow and stern MKOs (4 boilers and 2 GTZA each), 5 power compartments (with diesel and steam turbine generators); a hangar with a length of more than 150 and a width of 26 m, occupying the space between the 2nd and 5th decks in height and connected to the flight deck by two aircraft lifts approximately 14x16 m in size (if not for their onboard location, lift our Su -33 with a length of about 21 m would be simply impossible), as many as 6 galleys, a punishment cell and its own guardhouse.

Perhaps it is quite enough for a narrative, the purpose of which is not a technical description of the ship, but an outline of its "social position".

For convenience, the entire ship is divided into "descent" - from the 1st to the 53rd. The same system was used on the ships of project 1143. For those who were not there, we explain: all ladders (except for the "island") are numbered; at the same time, the ladders, located one below the other, carry one number, even on the port side, and odd - on the starboard side.

Example. Suppose you need to send a messenger - "golden hooves" (I beg your pardon, the defender of the fatherland, that is, a sailor) to the command communications post (CPS). And he, a sailor, although he served a year, still does not know where this KPS is located (a common occurrence). Then he should say: "Go to the 17th gathering, 4th deck, in the KPS."

Now let's walk around the ship. First, we will climb aboard the aircraft carrier along the gangway. It is located in the midship area on the starboard side (if the Kuznetsov is in the factory). On the platform of the right gangway (4th deck) we will be met by the watch officer on the gangway, with a dagger, and a marine with a bayonet-knife. If you make a "statutory face", it is quite possible to pass for your own (documents on the gangway are rarely checked) and enter the ship. Having risen to the 3rd tier of the superstructure (residential), we will start the inspection from here.

Here, assistant commanders and the commander of the EMBCH ("chief mechanic") live in single cabins. Going down, on the ladder we run into a "checkpoint". It is worth talking about this phenomenon separately, especially since there is no such type of watch on any other ship. A "block post" is a sailor on military service who acts as a watchman of a certain area (deck, gangway, etc.) under his control. He guards not secret objects at all, but electric bulbs, fire hoses, fire extinguishers, stands, loud ringing bells, etc. And since a sailor can fall asleep, leave, and finally, this wealth can be taken away from him at night, there is also a safety net. So, fire extinguishers and fire hoses can be omitted at all - and indeed, you will not find them anywhere on the ship. The only exception is the time of the "highest" reviews, when the ship is bypassed by the "E.I.V." with retinue (commander, first mate, etc.). Then everything that is is exposed, and "checkpoints" are necessarily doubled. An inquisitive reader may ask: "But what about the light bulbs? After all, you can't take them off, otherwise how can you walk in complete darkness?" I hasten to reassure you: this problem has long been solved at a high ideological and technical level. Light bulbs: a) glued with epoxy resin; b) they are wound with wire - preferably barbed; c) supply current to the wire or ceiling. All of these are usually used in combination. And still, those damn light bulbs steal.

Let's get back to our walk. A tier below lives the commander and flagships, here is a "checkpoint", which means light and carpets. Let's go down to the second, gallery deck, located between the hangar and the flight deck. There are "checkpoints" here, which means there is light. But do not flatter yourself, because the BC-5 is always ready to "help", so the flashlight (without it there is nowhere here) must be kept on "tovs". Having descended to the deck below, we will pass along the 3rd deck of the port side (it is walkable from bow to stern). Here, too, "checkpoints" and light.

Now let's turn on the flashlight and go down even lower... Here we will witness another aircraft carrier miracle that makes this ship unlike any other. You can walk along the light-filled clean 3rd deck, but as soon as you go down, you find yourself in the "catacombs" - with torn posts, abandoned cabins, all this - without light and very often flooded (sometimes with sewage, so the smell "high quality"). Below is the same. Of course, this is not everywhere (no more than 60% of exits below the 3rd deck). If you find yourself at a lighted gathering, it means that there are cockpits or warehouses of the supply service.

We go down even lower, into the hold. There everything is in fuel oil and water, here and there - heaps of garbage (it is far to carry it to the pier, and they are allowed there only at a certain time, and tidying up on the ship is always done, so they throw garbage into the hold). Do you know how much fuel oil and water we have in our holds? How much, how much? 50 tons, you say? Sorry, this is inappropriate. After all, we are an aircraft carrier, not some gunboat. Then 500. Well, impressive - read, 10 railway tanks. Still wrong - add another zero, and it will be just right. Dissatisfied exclamations from the outside are possible: they say, they swam, we know, and we had this, we lived only in the superstructure. May I know what ship this is? Ah, BOD "Udaloy"! This is the one that is already 10 years after the fire in the sludge, and the crew on it is 30 people. Sorry, the comparison is incorrect, because we are not telling you about a sludge ship, but about an entire aircraft carrier that goes to sea!

We declare with all responsibility that there is simply no second such ship. Now in the Northern Fleet all ships are divided into two groups: "running", i.e. clean, tidy and ready to go to sea, but stopped due to lack of fuel, and ships "slack" (they are now the majority). "Kuznetsov" is the only hybrid, "running-sucks."

Facilities in the yard

Please note: when they talk about some kind of miracle ship, they first give the number of guns, their caliber, armor thickness, etc., and only then, in between times, and even then rarely - about the living conditions of the crew. Meanwhile, this is not entirely true, because it is the crew that operates all this variety of weapons. Therefore, in order to avoid this error, we will pay special attention to the crew habitation conditions.

The first thing to note is the lack of heating on the ship, which, you see, is important for the North. There are many reasons for this, but perhaps the main one is the lack of a permanent auxiliary boiler. Therefore, steam for household needs is taken from the power plant, which is very expensive, because. requires not ordinary, but special boiler water, which is always scarce in the fleet. You can still apply steam from the ENS (energy-carrying vessel pr. 305), but the pressure from there - "the cat cried" (and in the winter of 1998/1999 nothing was supplied at all). As a result, steam is supplied for heating periodically, which is not provided for in the system, because. no condensate drain. The steam heating system runs along the BPTZ (on-board anti-torpedo protection) or, as it is called on the ship, pipe corridors, i.e. along the side. Therefore, when the steam supply stops, the pipes freeze very quickly. And then everything is like in a physics textbook: the condensate turns into ice, the ice expands, the pipe bursts. As a result, there is no heating, no heat, there is frost on the bulkheads in places, and ice on the deck. The crew, even in the hangar, is built in overcoats. If it's +5°C in the cockpit or cabin, then that's good, but if it's +12-15°, that's, excuse me, nobility!

In such an environment, only heating pads save. Since it is expensive to buy them, and it is difficult to get a ship's one, they are "molded" by whoever is into what. The authorities, on the other hand, seize "non-standard electrical equipment", while its owners receive "awards". But the cold is not an aunt, and the ranks of those who dream of an individual electric sun do not grow dim.

Most often, it is not the heating pads that burn, but the transformers of the lighting network. They are simply not designed for the loads that the heating pads hung on them give. As a result, the voltage in the network is always significantly lower than the TAKR "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" on the North Sea roadstead of the regular one (100 V instead of 127 - far from the limit). It adds fuel to the fire and the absence of a 220 V network in the cabins (there is only 127 V that no one needs), so everyone tries to use 220 V for themselves. B, the third one drags kilometer-long wires from rare 220 V shields. And this, in turn, contributes to numerous short circuits.

But the cold is terrible not only for this. They permeate the entire ship's life. After all, not only condensate freezes - the same thing happens with other pipes in which there is water. For this reason, all cabins on the 2nd deck (and this is almost 60% of all ship cabins) are not supplied with water either in winter or in summer. Not a single officer's shower works. Therefore, the slogan of equality and fraternity is especially applicable here, everyone - both sailors and officers - wash in the bow (stern does not work) personnel bath. Of course, this does not apply to the command - they have their own shower.

Water is not supplied to all galleys. The lack of runoff from the cabins has also become a common thing in winter. Accordingly, it is hard on the ship and with latrines. There are more than fifty of them in total, but a good half do not work, and a significant part of the rest are locked up: if you are not the happy owner of the "golden key", then you have less "good", especially since the RF Ministry of Defense is always ready to go in this regard towards.

Winter 1998/1999 even the pipes in one of the main boilers froze.

It's also bad with ventilation - 50% of the fan motors burned out long ago. And without ventilation, it is difficult, because, unlike other ships, there are few portholes here, and the vast majority of living quarters do not have them at all. So only forced ventilation is possible, and if it is not there, the cabin will smell like mold, condensation will drip from the ceiling, and stuffiness - "even hang an ax."

Finally, it is worth talking about our wardroom. As such, it does not exist, but there is a dining room for officers, where they, in the amount of more than 150 people, only eat - and nothing more. In terms of space, it looks more like a rural canteen for machine operators during the harvest. There are no tablecloths at all, knives are also an excess, dishes are not that completely dirty, but it is still better to wipe cutlery "before use". They cook, in principle, well, and the products are good by today's naval standards. However, all this may not be enough, because. stealing in the cafeteria. Therefore, it is better not to be late for the wardroom. Probably, it would have been wiser to make several wardrooms (for example, for each warhead).

All the king's men

What a nightmare, who will live in such conditions? I'm telling.

It was assumed that one and a half thousand people would serve on the Kuznetsov (without an air group and landing), but gradually the crew grew to 2000. The commander is a rear admiral (this is the only floating admiral!), He has a number of assistants: first mate (captain of the 1st rank) , assistant, education assistant, combat control assistant, aviation assistant, survivability assistant, and legal work assistant. The ship has seven combat units, four services and three teams: navigational (BCh-1), rocket and artillery (BCh-2), mine and torpedo (BCh-3), communications (BCh-4), electromechanical (BCh-5) , aviation (BCh-6) and radio engineering (BCh-7); medical, chemical, survivability services (this is only on Kuznetsov); management teams ("KU"), boatswain ("BK") and commandant's. There is also "RO" - a security company that performs the functions of a ship's OMON.

A little more about our organization. We have an average of 10 builds per day, each lasting about 35 minutes (thus, we spend almost 65 days on builds per year). At the formations they always say: "The crew of the AIRLINE CARRIER ... is built." And in general, the command always emphasizes that we serve on the aircraft carrier. Let me remind you that no one has yet changed the classification of ships of the Russian Navy, and there is no aircraft carrier there, there is only a heavy aircraft carrier cruiser. Yes, and the planes on our ship are rare, and they visit it in rather pitiful numbers. And the commander likes to say at formations (he generally likes to talk at formations for at least half an hour): "We must work out an aircraft carrier organization." And this is on the fifth TAKR!

With officers, midshipmen and contract service sailors going ashore on the Kuznetsov, it’s tough. Here is a "two-shift": one week is released on Monday and Wednesday, from 18.00 to 7.30, and also on Saturday, from 18.00 to 7.30 Monday; and next week - from 18.00 Tuesday to 7.30 and from 18.00 Thursday to 7.30 Saturday. It turns out that in one week you rest 64.5 hours, and in the second - 51 out of 168. Forget about the "status of a soldier" with all his days off - the laws of the Russian Federation do not apply here (as, indeed, on most other ships). True, some benefits are still being implemented: for example, you can get an apartment almost for free, but - in the village of Vidyaevo, and this is at the "hell on the horns", and it takes four hours to go there by bus. And you will see your family once a week. You understand that only special people can serve in such conditions.

Our bosses are amazing too. On April 12, the whole country celebrates Cosmonautics Day, and we celebrate the Day of our leadership, which soars in the clouds, while we, sinners, walk the earth. From this style of command you feel like a pygmy.

After all that has been said, it is not surprising that "Kuznetsov" is notorious. The authorities everywhere scare like that: "If you behave badly, we will send to Kuznetsov (nickname -" Kuzya ")". Well, those who are "lucky" to get to serve on the Kuznetsov do not really want to serve there. Hence the high staff turnover. Every 4-5 years (at the end of the contract) the junior officers - and this is the main backbone of the ship - changes by 80%. Experienced ones leave, and "green" ones come in their place. The same applies to midshipmen. All this clearly does not contribute to the improvement of the operation of equipment. In connection with such conditions, a contract after military service on an aircraft carrier is concluded only by those who are not at all suitable for a "citizen" - and this, you see, is far from the best "human material". It is no coincidence that not all officers consider it desirable to have "contract servicemen" on board.

As for the personnel, i.e. sailors, then looking at them, you believe that the USSR is alive, lives and will live. What nationalities are not here! Russians - no more than 60%, although they call, it seems, only residents of the Russian Federation. The point, probably, is that among us Russians, "to mow down a sacred duty" is considered an indicator of position in society and prestige. Therefore, all those who did not have the intelligence or money to evade are rowed. You read the addresses of conscripts and believe: Russia has not become impoverished by the land. A village, a settlement, a collective farm, but among the young sailors there are neither Muscovites nor Petersburgers (even Admiral N.O. Essen used to say: "We don't need farmers in the Navy"). Another thing is the North Caucasus. There it is believed that a real man must go through an army school, and they consider it lucky to get into the navy. Therefore, not the worst representatives of the North Caucasus come to the ship. Of course, they quickly get used to the situation, organizing small-town groups and seizing power in the sailors' environment. The situation is different with the Tuvans and Bashkirs: apparently, due to the lack of close acquaintance with civilizations, they simply do not know how to evade the honorable state duty. Now it is probably clear why every tenth conscript does not speak Russian.

Out of harm's way, this entire contingent is not even allowed to go on leave (so that they don't do anything in Murmansk). So they sit for 2 years on the "iron". The main educational measure in relation to the sailors has now become the "lash" ("carrot" is missing), i.e. punishment cell, where even midshipmen sometimes end up. From such a life, sailors like to "get lost", since the ship is large. This happens 3-4 times a month. Then all the officers and midshipmen are painted according to the gatherings, and we are looking for the hidden sailor. Searches usually last 1-2 days (if they do not find them on the first day, and this is a 50% probability, then the sailor, as a rule, goes out on his own in 2-3 days), but there were also record holders. So, one sailor in the Mediterranean was looking for a week. And the most famous was the case of an aircraft engineer who, in a state of extreme intoxication, went missing. He (or rather, his mummy) was found after FOUR YEARS in such a place that no one can still understand how he got there ...


"If you want to live - know how to spin." This is the good old truth, which well characterizes the style of life on the Kuznetsovo. The commander likes to talk about fools - junior commanders who set impossible tasks to "get" something, pushing the sailors to steal, and immediately frightens that they will cover some warhead going ashore if it does not illuminate its corridors by morning. And where can I get these very light bulbs if they are not issued on the ship? Vestimo somewhere - at the neighbors, at night ...

They steal everything and everyone. Somehow they stole 200 pairs (everything is big here) of officer's boots, and then they were almost openly traded at 50 rubles per pair on the ship. And the commander kept shouting that he would imprison everyone.

The most fruitful field here, of course, are galleys. They are dragged from them by everyone who is not too lazy, and not too lazy here for everyone. What is not carried away is eaten, and at night all the galleys smell of fried potatoes. Specially punched canned food is issued to the galleys, but they are still sold at a reduced price to workers from the factory. And the first violin here is played, of course, by the supply service.

It has already been said that we are tight with showers. But this is not for everyone. Particularly "gifted" make themselves "self-made" showers with electric heating - fortunately, there are a huge number of abandoned showers and washbasins on the ship. No less interesting is the case with the cabins. There are many looted and abandoned cabins of landing officers, pilots and aircraft technicians on the ship. With a special desire, you can find a suitable one and repair it. Therefore, often even midshipmen or contract sailors live in single cabins. "If you want to live - know how to spin."

Main : "Eaglets learn to fly"

Unclear; what is the main weapon on an aircraft carrier cruiser - aircraft or attack missiles. "Kuznetsov" is still more aircraft carrier than missile, so aviation is considered the main weapon here. Theoretically, up to 40 Su-33s can be based on the ship. In fact, the country forked out only 24, and with great difficulty prepared only seven cars for permanent deployment.

Our aircraft, unlike the more "backward" American ones, are capable of solving only air defense tasks (although the Air Force has a Su-35 station wagon), so the aircraft carrier solves the strike task with the help of anti-ship missiles. Due to the springboard (instead of ejection) takeoff, the Su-33 is subject to takeoff weight restrictions. If we take into account that (partly due to the fault of the power plant) flights are carried out at 6-8 knots, it becomes clear why they happen only in windy weather and, as a rule, without outboard weapons and with a reduced fuel supply.

The ship is equipped with an automatic landing system, theoretically providing for the possibility of flying in any visibility, but in practice it has not been tested. Therefore, flights are made only in GOOD windy weather.

In general, the basing of aircraft on the Kuznetsov is of some strange nature. Aviation does not even appear in the hangar, and instead of aircraft, there are peacefully standing there: a 25-ton truck crane, four towing tractors, firefighters GAZ-66 and ZIL, a Gazelle, UAZ-452, a goat and a tractor with a jet engine installed on it (for cleaning the flight deck from snow and ice).

Our weapons

In the summer of 1998, on Navy Day, we received fuel oil. You ask: "And where does the weapon?" And here's the thing: we took him not only to the tanks, but also to one of the fire control posts. True, only 60 tons, and without malicious intent. The bilge, apparently, closed the wrong valve and continued to take fuel oil into a full tank, the loosely closed neck of which was located near the mentioned post. Through this neck, the post was flooded, in which for some reason the BC-2 watch was not found. Hermetic racks could not stand it, and the post failed.

Two of the four air defense systems were also at one time flooded with outboard water from the irrigation system. It was at night, there was a fistula in the pipe, and all the premises of both complexes were flooded "up to the roof." All eight Dirks require scheduled adjustment, for which there is no money. To top it all off, the "horizon-azimuth" system is acting up. Therefore, we can shoot, but hit ...

"And instead of a heart - a fiery engine"

When they talk about the warhead-5, as a rule, they mean the power plant. Let's talk about her.

Firstly, one of the eight boilers and one GTZA are temporarily out of operation - due to the explosion of the gas duct due to an error in operation (they forgot to ventilate the gas duct before the boiler was ignited). Thus, theoretically, the power of the power plant has decreased to 75%. But this is in theory, and in practice - even less.

All four daywoods are leaking, so the bearings of the shaft lines are periodically heated, which imposes a limit on the maximum number of revolutions. The automation of the power plant has long worked out its resource, from this "Kuznetsov" smokes like an armadillo from a photograph of the beginning of the century. In addition, the pipelines are already "barely breathing", and the sailors serving the power plant do not shine with professional skills and knowledge. As a result, instead of almost 29 knots that Kuznetsov gave during tests, or at least 24, on three machines he barely holds 16-18, and usually no more than 10-12 knots.

"Good" is the case with the electrical part. Either the turbogenerator will “sit down”, and the backup diesel generator will not be able to start, then something else will happen. And the whole ship is plunged into darkness. It looks especially piquant on the move: the locators do not emit, there is no connection, the boilers go out - not an aircraft carrier, but a "flying Dutchman". It was under such circumstances that in the summer of 1998 the EM "Fearless" almost died, and even earlier - "Kyiv". In both cases, the ships were carried ashore in a storm, and only miraculously managed to put the power plant into operation. On the "Kyiv" it happened in 3-4 cables from the rocks ...

It should also be said about the base of the aircraft carrier. The official place for it is the shipyard No. 35 (SRZ-35). I don’t know how things are in other fleets, but in the North not a single ship is permanently based in the plant. For Kuznetsov, this is perhaps the ideal option, because. otherwise, he would have to be based in the village of Vidyaevo, (where his regular place was earlier). There is nothing there, except for the hills and a dozen houses. Now the decommissioned "Kyiv" is living its life in Vidyaevo.

Next to us is "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov." Once he came to SRZ-35 for repairs and his stern machine burned down. Now he is officially on conservation, but for real he just dies. After all, money is also needed for conservation, but here they simply "hung a lock on the ship." The working day there is strictly until 17.00, the crew is only 75 people, and the sailors go on leave every day - not a service, but a fairy tale. So they stand half a cable from each other, two antipodes - the "hard labor" and the "resort" of the Northern Fleet. Wonderful are thy works, Lord!

SRZ-35 is not so hot as it is adapted to basing an aircraft carrier. Steam is supplied badly or not supplied at all. With water, the same thing, because. there is not enough pressure to supply it to the tiers of the superstructure. Electricity is also short - the "shore" is rather weak, and in winter, when the load in the network increases due to heaters, the coastal power board periodically "cuts down".

But the story of the SRZ-35 would not be complete without a story about the VOKhR. It is staffed with women of "Balzac age", which, however, does not in the least affect combat effectiveness - God forbid that it falls into their female hands (it is no coincidence that the Winter Battalion was defended by the women's strike battalion). At the checkpoint of the plant, you will be searched, sniffed (for the slightest smell of alcohol) and, of course, checked for a pass. This is not "Kuznetsov" for you. All this is brought to the point of absurdity. For example, carrying large bags, backpacks and "diplomats" (even empty ones) through the checkpoint without a special pass is prohibited. But if you stuff them into a plastic bag (even if it's two meters), then you can carry it without any passes.

The reader probably left a bad aftertaste from everything that was said - this is understandable. Some will say that this cannot be, while others will be indignant: what the fleet has come to and how the current military has sunk. We had to hear such insulting speeches quite often - and certainly from civilians. Such judgments always evoked a feeling of bewilderment rather than resentment. Our country, even with all its extravagance, is not a "banana republic" where the army is the state. In our country, the Ministry of Defense is only a part of the state mechanism. And in general, over the past 100 years, the army in Russia has been far from being the leading political force. Unlike the civilian sector, we, the military, depend on the government not indirectly (through laws), but directly (through orders). So we are an exact cast from our state-government. And since every nation is worthy of its own government, we should not dissociate ourselves from our, or rather, common problems.

If we continue to develop this topic, it is worth dispelling another misunderstanding, extremely persistent in "civilian circles" - about the supposedly natural totalitarianism of the military. We are the flesh of the flesh of our people, and there are no more supporters of the RNE or the Liberal Democratic Party among the military than among the rest of the people. And the supporters of the Communist Party, perhaps even less.

From some of the military I heard the following: they say, since we do not know how to operate aircraft carriers, then we do not need them, just EM and BOD are enough. But then why do we need these very EM and BOD? Indeed, far from the coast, without the support of aviation, they will be destroyed, and under the coast, their tasks are calmly solved by RTOs and the IPC. And the command of the Navy, thank God, understands this and lately, to the best of its ability, is trying to save this unique ship, and indeed the "aircraft carrier direction." There are even rumors that the Kuznetsov will no longer spend the winter in the north. But can all this be done without support from the very top? For its operation, and especially for the commissioning of at least two dozen Su-33s, a lot of money is needed ...

Terribly shameful for our unique and beloved ship.

Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser, project 11435, known in the west as "Kuznetsov" class, "Eagle" class or as type 11435, was built at the Black Sea shipyard in Nikolaev. The project was developed on the basis of the previous TAKR "Admiral Gorshkov" (formerly "Baku"), project 11434, which was laid down in 1982, but surpasses it in displacement (58,500 tons compared to 40,000 tons) and has a slightly lower speed (30 knots on compared with 32 for "Admiral Gorshkov".

The aircraft carrier Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov (project 1143.5) was laid down in 1985, and the second ship of the same type, Varyag, in 1988, but its construction was not completed.

Project 1143.5 can provide support to submarines carrying ballistic missiles, surface ships and naval missile-carrying aircraft of the Russian fleet. The ship can hit surface, underwater and air targets.

Aviation armament:

The flight deck area is 14,700 square meters and the flight deck is equipped with a 12 degree runway. The flight deck is equipped with aerophones. Two lifts deliver aircraft from the hangar to the flight deck.

The ship has capacity and maintenance capabilities for 16 Yak-41M aircraft (known under the NATO code name "Freestyle") and 12 Su-27K (Su-33) aircraft (NATO code name "Flanker") included in the air connection of aircraft and a connection of helicopters including 4 Ka-27LD (NATO code name Helix), 18 Ka-27PLO and 2 Ka-27S.

Missile weapons

The ship is equipped with Granite anti-ship missiles (surface-to-surface), equipped with 12 launchers. In the west, the Granit missiles are codenamed "Shipwreck" and have a range of over 400 kilometers.

Anti-air missile and artillery weapons include Klinok anti-air missiles with 24 vertical launchers and 192 missiles. This system protects the ship from anti-ship missiles, aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles and surface ships. The control is carried out using a multi-channel electronically controlled phased array radar. The system includes a control system, an under-deck launcher with four drum-type launchers, each with 8 missiles, and surface-to-air missiles in a containerized launcher. The system can reach a launch rate of 1 rocket every 3 seconds. Four targets can be attacked simultaneously in a 60 x 60 degree arc. The range of destruction is 12-15 kilometers.

The Kashtan anti-aircraft system, manufactured by the Tula Machine-Building Plant, has 4 command and 8 combat modules with 256 anti-aircraft missiles. The system provides protection against "precision" weapons, including anti-ship and anti-radar missiles, aircraft, helicopters and small sea targets. The range of missiles is 1.5 - 8 kilometers. The guns can fire at a rate of up to 1000 rounds per minute at a range of 0.5 - 1.5 kilometers. Anti-aircraft guns - AK630 AD.

Anti-submarine weapons

The ship is equipped with the Udav-1 anti-submarine defense system with 60 anti-submarine missiles. Udav-1, supplied by the Splav Research and Production Association, protects surface ships by distracting and destroying enemy torpedoes. The system also provides protection against submarines, midget submarines, and sabotage assets such as underwater motorcycles. The system has 10 sections and is capable of firing 111SG deep-seated rockets, laying minefields (111SZ) and using distracting projectiles (111SO). The range is up to 3000 meters horizontally and up to 600 meters in depth.

Acoustic and radar equipment

The ship's radars include a radar for detecting air and sea targets, a radar for detecting low-flying targets (detect low-flying aircraft and missiles), a flight control radar, a navigation radar and four fire control radars for the Kashtan air defense system.

The ship's sonar equipment includes a weapon detection and control sonar located in the ship's hull, operating at medium and low frequencies, capable of detecting torpedoes and submarines. The anti-submarine aviation of the ship is equipped with surface target search radar, submersible sonar, submersible buoys and magnetic anomaly detectors.

Ship electronic systems

The ship's electronic systems include the Combat Information Center and the Combat Air Support System. The ship has a navigation system and communications, including satellite communications.

Driving performance

The ship is equipped with 8 boilers and 4 steam turbines, each with a capacity of 50,000 hp, rotating 4 shafts with fixed diameter propellers. The maximum speed is 29 knots, the cruising range at maximum speed is 3800 miles. The maximum cruising range at 18 knots is 8500 miles.


The ship's crew consists of 1960 people, including 200 officers. Also, the ship is equipped with 626 people. flight crew, including 40 people. command staff. The ship's 3,857 rooms include 387 cabins, 134 crew quarters with 50 showers, 6 dining rooms, 120 storage rooms and 6,000 meters of corridors and walkways.

"Admiral Kuznetsov" is a heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser (in fact, a full-fledged aircraft carrier), which is part of the Russian fleet. Laid down in 1982 under the name "Riga", during the construction it was renamed "Leonid Brezhnev", and when launched in 1987 it was named "Tbilisi". At the final stage of testing in 1990, it was named "Admiral Kuznetsov". Displacement of the ship is 58.6 thousand tons. Crew 1960 people.

Aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" at sea.

Construction and operation

The design of a new aircraft-carrying cruiser of the Soviet fleet was carried out in the Nevsky Design Bureau under the guidance of designer Sergeev. It differed from the four similar ships already built by that time (the Kyiv project) by the presence of a take-off springboard and an enlarged deck, and was supposed to be the first in a new class of aircraft-carrying cruisers.

The laying of the ship took place on September 1, 1982. It was built at the shipyards of the Black Sea Shipbuilding Plant in the city of Nikolaev, the Leningrad Proletarian Plant was engaged in the production of equipment for it.

The ship was launched on December 4, 1985, after which further installation of equipment and installation of weapons were carried out afloat. By 1989, when the ship was 71% ready, its sea trials began, including the landing and takeoff of aircraft. In December 1991, the cruiser, having circled Europe, completed the transition from the Black Sea to the Vidyaevo base (Murmansk region) and joined the Russian Northern Fleet.

The refitting of the ship and its testing continued. It received its first permanent carrier group (Su-33 fighters) in 1993. In December 1995, the Admiral Kuznetsov made the first independent 90-day trip to the Mediterranean with 13 Su-33s and 11 helicopters on board.

Until 1998 it was under repair. In 2004 and 2007, as part of a group of ships, he made trips to the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. In 2008, it underwent a new renovation and modernization. In 2014, the cruiser's air group received new MiG-29K aircraft. In October 2016, he was sent to the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Syria.

Aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" before repair.

Aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" after repair.

Design features

The hull of the TAVKR "Admiral Kuznetsov" consists of seven decks and includes a large number of bulkheads capable of withstanding the impact of 400 kg of ammunition (in TNT equivalent), which increases the survivability of the ship. It differs from most conventional aircraft carriers in the use of take-off ramps, a power plant and the presence of Granit anti-ship missile systems.

The abandonment of catapults and the use of springboard take-off made it possible to save on the mass and energy maintenance of the ship, while reducing the likelihood of the impossibility of using aircraft due to the failure of catapult equipment. On the other hand, such a decision complicates the takeoff and landing of aircraft - they are possible only from one side of the deck and in one direction.

The power oil plant of the Admiral Kuznetsov is characterized by increased smoke generation during operation, but the use of fuel oil as fuel significantly reduces the cost of maintaining the ship and its repair. In addition, the fuel oil stored in the double hull of the cruiser is part of the anti-torpedo protection.

On the bow of the ship are the launch silos of the Granit anti-ship missiles, capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 700 km. With their help, "Admiral Kuznetsov" can destroy enemy ships and fire at coastal targets without raising the aircraft of the air wing. When firing with "Granites", takeoff of aircraft from the deck is impossible.

MiG-29K takes off from the deck of the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov.

MiG-29K takes off from the deck of the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov.

Armament TAVKR "Admiral Kuznetsov"

The main weapon of the ship is its air group. It includes 14 Su-33 fighters and 10 MiG-29Ks. In addition, there are 15 Ka-27 multi-purpose helicopters and 2 Ka-31 reconnaissance helicopters (radar patrol helicopter) on board.

12 complexes of anti-ship missiles "Granit" make up the strike armament of the cruiser. To counter enemy aircraft, it is equipped with 24 launchers of the Kinzhal anti-aircraft missile system and 8 Kortik air defense systems.