How to organize yourself while working from home? Household chores - making a plan for housework The less informal communication, the more organized you become.

In order to do everything, you need to learn to highlight the most important. If you do household chores haphazardly, you will be very tired, but the most important things will remain undone. Start a diary in which you indicate what needs to be done without fail, and distribute secondary duties on less busy days.

Combine several things at once - this way you will finish faster and get tired less, because. You will constantly switch to different activities. While talking on the phone, you can wipe the windows and water the flowers, and while the soup is cooking, take out and hang out the laundry washed by the machine.

Involve household members

Be sure to delegate some of the responsibilities to your household. Children can easily collect toys, vacuum, dust, take care of pets. The husband can be instructed to take out the garbage, wash the dishes after dinner, take the children to the sections. Make a schedule for your loved ones and remind them of their obligation to help around the house.

Don't buy too many toys for your kids. Cars and robots break down very quickly, and within a couple of days after purchase, small plastic parts are scattered all over the apartment. Better buy educational toys: constructors, board games, sets for children's creativity. And teach your child to keep them in order after the game.

save time

Inspect your home and get rid of everything that requires special care, washing and cleaning. A dozen figurines and vases on a shelf need to be dusted weekly. Do you really like them that much? After using the food processor, it takes a lot of time to wash it. Maybe you should buy a more ergonomic model? Also get rid of various rugs and capes - they only collect dust.

Think about how to automate and simplify homework as much as possible, use progress. For example, why wash a bunch of sliders every day if there are diapers? And do not be afraid to wash baby clothes in the machine - when using special modes and an additional rinse, this is quite safe for.

Don't Aim for Perfect Cleanliness

The apartment is not a museum and not an operating room, you should not strive for perfect cleanliness. There are many more important things - good relations with households, joint leisure. Don't forget to take care of yourself too. Remember - your husband and children do not need a woman driven into the field of affairs, but a beautiful and kind mother and wife!

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Housekeeping always takes away the time that could be spent on study, sports, well-deserved rest or communication with children. In order not to become a slave to dust and dirty dishes, you need to create a convenient schedule for homework, while not compromising the cleanliness and order in the house.

You will need

  • - diary;
  • - a set of cleaning products;
  • - Appliances.


Evenly distribute the load on the days of the week. For example, set aside a separate day for large laundry, ironing, and shopping for long-life products. On the weekends, you can fix your clothes and sew on all the buttons that have come off during the week. So things will not take as much time as if they were all planned for one day. Having made a detailed schedule, stick to it: it will be difficult to start the accumulated cases postponed for later.

Do not forget about everyday chores. Dust tends to accumulate, so by regularly going through the bookshelves with a rag and immediately putting things in their places, you will free yourself from unnecessary and time-consuming work at the end of the week. It is especially important to monitor and plumbing, where hardened dirt and grease will be difficult to remove. Leave the necessary time for cooking. Convenience foods can make a busy person's life a lot easier, but they will also cause an irreparable blow to your stomach. Remember that products must be not only of high quality, but also fresh. It is better to buy vegetables and fruits little by little, but every day after work.

Do a general cleaning several times a year. It is best to time this event with the change of seasons. During the general cleaning, it is worth washing all the windows in the house well, cleaning and putting away warm outerwear and shoes in the far part of the closet, washing curtains and sofa bedspreads. Disassemble things stored in the farthest drawers of cabinets and mezzanines, where you rarely look. Most household chores can be handled on your own, but some tasks, such as carpet cleaning, can be left to a professional dry cleaner.

Get rid of unnecessary things in a timely manner. Psychologists advise throwing away 15 items every day, which can include both old theater tickets and clothes that no one has worn for a long time. Having got rid of various rubbish, you will soon notice that it has become easier to clean up the house.

Carry out cosmetic repairs in the apartment. Things that have lost their former appearance, wallpaper and plinths extending from the walls, the gaps between the parquet boards will give any room an untidy look. Most of these problems are easy to fix. Timely update the facades of the cabinets, glue the polyurethane moldings, and the apartment will look clean and tidy for a long time.

Helpful advice

Involve all family members in household chores. Children who are accustomed from a young age to keep the house clean and tidy will easily cope with this in the future.


  • housework for the week

Time is money and perhaps our most important resource. Leisure time Karl Marx considered the criterion of wealth. If you have free time, you can always invest it in self-development, leisure, communication with loved ones or exchange it for money through work.

Time is very easy to measure by finding out where it flows.

The first leak is a "time trap". It is expressed in the fact that a person forgets about the tasks that bring him closer to achieving the goal, and is engaged in something extraneous. For example, instead of writing a term paper, many students play computer games. Every time you start a new activity, ask yourself the question: “Does what I am going to do bring me closer to the goal?”

The second leak is a pocket of time. This is a situation of forced inactivity. Are you stuck in a traffic jam? Are you a train or plane passenger? Is someone late for a meeting with you? Congratulations - you have a pocket of time! This time can be used for self-development: audio books, solving logic problems, foreign language audio courses, etc.

The third leak is an interrupt. If, having started one thing, you have to be distracted by another, an interruption is formed. In order to continue what you started, you need to delve into the essence of the issue again, in addition, the risk of making a mistake due to inattention increases. If possible, organize your work in such a way that the amount of interference is minimal: close instant messengers, turn off your phone, ask colleagues not to disturb you for a while.

The fourth leak is “missed opportunities”. Doing ordinary things that are brought to automatism, at the same time you can do something else, combining monotony and creativity. For example, cook two dishes at the same time. Vacuuming and rehearsing a public speaking speech, playing sports and making plans.

The fast pace of modern life, responsibilities, work, study - all this a person has to face. And, unfortunately, there is not always enough time not only for yourself, but also for the performance of any obligatory tasks. But you can organize your life. Thanks to this, you will stop spinning like a squirrel in a wheel.

Order in the head

As the saying goes: "The sharpest memory is dumber than the dullest pencil." And indeed, how often have you forgotten to congratulate your girlfriend on a memorable date, a friend’s birthday. Perhaps they mixed up the day of an important meeting or completely forgot about it. There is only one way out - to start a diary or a glider. Write down birthdays, addresses and phone numbers in it. As well as important events and meetings that should be during the year, month and week. In addition, take 10 minutes every morning to plan the day ahead. By writing down tasks on paper, you fix them in memory.

Set aside 15 minutes a day for household chores

Make it a rule to allocate 15 minutes a day for routine tasks. Instead of postponing bills, laundry, cleaning until later, do at least one thing today. Involve household members in such a system. And you will see how much you can get done in a work week. And spend the weekend relaxing.

Get away from the computer

A modern person is nowhere without a computer today. But the computer is the main time waster. Another minute on Odnoklassniki, another video on YouTube, and they didn’t notice how it was time to go to bed, but things weren’t done. Get into the habit of sitting down at the computer after completing your tasks. It will be hard at first, but then you will see how much you can do. And most importantly - you will stop experiencing stress from the fact that life passes you by.


When things start to fall apart and you feel like you're in a hopeless situation, take a break. To regain a sense of harmony, you need to allow yourself a few hours of rest. Turn off your computer, put your phone on silent mode - you deserve time to be alone with yourself. To collect your thoughts, surround yourself with the smells of bergamot, rosemary, citrus. For tone, eat a handful of nuts and drink a cup of coffee with chocolate.

And do not forget the basic truth - it is impossible to do everything. Therefore, do not waste yourself on trifles and the desires of other people.

The modern information society no longer imposes strict Taylor requirements on the organization of labor. Numerous specialists from various fields of production can work according to their own schedule without leaving their homes at all.

Suitable work via the Internet, which is suitable for everyone -. Working here, you can always be at home, you do not need to receive visitors, you only need a computer at hand and a few hours of your time.
Our training system will help you quickly understand the essence of the work, and the mentor will quickly reach the proper level and get paid. you can now and without wasting time start creating your own business.

But in order for such work to be effective and bring a positive result, it is necessary to take care of its proper organization. A few simple tips will help you with this.

1. Organize your workspace properly. You should not be embarrassed, distracted or annoyed by anything. It is best if you work in a separate room where you will not be much disturbed by household members. And if your work involves receiving visitors or talking on the phone, a dedicated room is a must. In extreme cases, you can equip a small work area in the bedroom, living room or even in the kitchen. True, you should not overdo it too much in this matter, otherwise a too “domesticated” workplace will interfere with concentrating on work.

2. If necessary, take care of the availability of the necessary equipment (computer, scanner, printer, or something else). If you intend to receive clients, you need to purchase appropriate furniture - a table, an armchair or a sofa. Yes, and your own desktop will definitely not hurt you. It would be a gesture of decency to offer to treat the guest to tea or coffee, so the utensils for this should be at hand so as not to waste time going to the kitchen.

3. Try to plan in advance every working day. Self-discipline in working from home remains an important success factor. Decide for yourself at what time of the day you are more free and can work productively. Do not leave all the work for a few evening hours, otherwise you risk missing a deadline or making a bunch of mistakes. The presence of a family and small children is an important factor and must be taken into account. Try to optimize your time so that you do not have to sacrifice something.

4. Find mutual understanding with other family members, agree with them on the distribution of household chores. After all, working from home is the same full-fledged work that requires respect and attention. Otherwise, it will be difficult to earn something on it.

5. Do not work in a row for days on end and do not forget about the rest. Be sure to set aside time for meals and rest. Yes, and communication with relatives or friends can well set you up for new labor achievements.

Chaos is needed to create order

When working in the office, a work schedule is clearly built: the time of lunches, meetings, negotiations, etc. The main difficulty of working at home (near the bed, refrigerator and TV) is the lack of set time and space restrictions. The entire organization of the process lies on our shoulders.

And now to blame the boss for the lack of organization of his work - he does not know how to manage, his colleagues at work - they are constantly distracted, or the accounting department - he did not give out his salary on time, it will not work. Wherever you go, you have to take yourself with you.

But in order to restore order, chaos is needed. And working at home is a unique opportunity to learn how to organize yourself and separate: household chores and work, work and rest time, work and relaxation zones.

1. Where to start? Any process (charging or shopping) consists of three parts - working into it, performing an action and completing the work. For example, exercise includes warming up the muscles, strength exercises and relaxing the body. A shopping trip consists of compiling a list of necessary products, choosing goods in the store and paying at the checkout. In your work schedule, you also need to allocate 10 to 30 minutes to set up a working mood. How can you start your work day? It is better to choose an action that brings pleasure: drink a cup of coffee with a piece of chocolate, listen to your favorite song, look out the window as people go to work in the office, think about what things are planned for today. In general, enjoy the moment.

2. Do you have a plan? In these first 10-30 minutes, you can create or refine the work schedule for the day. There is a wealth of information out there on how to manage your time wisely. For example, you can try to break the work into small and global cases and devote 15 and 45 minutes to them every hour (Yana Frank's book "The Muse and the Beast"). Thus, constantly switching your attention and alternating activities, the body will not be afraid of a reboot. Having got your hand in drawing up plans for the day, in the future you can cover the whole week. And in order not to look for where an hour and a half of working time disappears, it is advisable not to go to social networks and not turn on the TV during work.

3. Recreation area and work area. Working on the couch not only relaxes, but also spoils your posture, and as a result, it can lead to headaches or stomach and intestinal problems. The workplace should be well lit and equipped with comfortable furniture - a table on which you can rest your elbows and a chair that is comfortable to sit on. You will have to remember everything that was taught in the first grade: keep your back straight so that a fist is placed between the body and the table, and, if possible, put a small stool under your feet.

4. Health care. Working from home does not automatically include rest. If an office worker at least “ventilates” by getting to work in the morning and home in the evening, then when working at home, you will have to independently add a daily two-hour walk in the fresh air to your schedule. This will not only enrich the body with oxygen, but will create new connections with the world: you can meet a friend, smile at a passerby, chat with a seller in the market, feel the heat from the rays of the sun and the touch of the wind on your skin, hear the birds sing and cars make noise - in general, realize that we are not alone in this world!

5. Attention - self-esteem! What you will have to pay special attention to when working at home is the value of your work. In the office, self-esteem can be formed due to the competition effect - comparing one's personal or professional qualities with the qualities of other employees. But to be the best in comparison with someone is a position that is initially dependent, because someone is always needed nearby who is not as smart, experienced, extraordinary as I am. And this philosophy is unlikely to please our household. Comparison of "yesterday's" self with "today's" self, awareness of the value and significance of one's own work is a task for independent people. Unless, of course, we choose to become one. When we begin to value ourselves, our time and work, then the barbs, condemnations and claims from the outside cease to have power over us, and a circle of the same independent, creative and interesting people is formed around us.

6. Completion of the working day. In the last 10-30 minutes of work, it is advisable to review everything that has been done, take stock and turn off the computer if the work is related to it. Thank yourself for what you managed to do, outline plans for tomorrow and put a “bold point” in your working day. Evening rest has come and this time can be combined with the plans of relatives: go to the theater together, take a walk, meet friends or chat at home. The main thing is that both our body and our brains feel the difference between work and leisure, weekdays and weekends.

Gratitude for what is

Regardless of the place of work - at home or in the office, it is important to see what we have thanks to this. Those who work from home know that most often such activities do not have a stable income and constant workload. But what does she give in return?

Freedom to plan your actions. Lack of queues in fitting rooms or at the cash registers of stores. Less expensive daytime gym memberships, more trainer attention. The opportunity to devote time to cooking and save part of the family budget related to food. The ability to organize your work, evaluate it, take a different look at relationships with loved ones, etc. This must be remembered and appreciated.

And if a free schedule is not for you, then when you return to the office, you can guarantee that you will have a different look at your attitude towards colleagues, subordinates, boss and accounting department. On the organization of (so desired) work in the office and on a joint workflow in which you can achieve great results.

How is your morning going? Do you jump up half an hour after the 25th alarm, turn on the kettle with your eyes closed and frantically wake up a child who has to be in the garden in less than an hour? 5 minutes later, after a collective wash, do you have breakfast at the same time, feed the baby and try to put on the first clothes that come across to him?

Obviously, this is not the way to live. Therefore, the morning of a difficult day must begin ...

On the evening of a hard day

Do you remember your highchair by the bed, where your mother taught you to put everything you need in the morning? Take advantage of this pedagogical know-how. Prepare the baby's clothes in the evening, and he himself will assemble a backpack with toys for the kindergarten "for tomorrow. Get yourself such a" high chair " too - so as not to look in the morning, like Bridget Jones, for whole tights and a blouse without a spot on the chest. Pack your bag in the evening, so that in the morning you can just take it and go in. If you constantly lose your keys, organize a nice hook or shelf specially for them in a prominent place in the hallway. take my tie?", then there is a strong feeling that the whole family needs their "bedside chairs".

good morning

If everything is ready in the evening, then you no longer need to put a certain number of minutes into your schedule for the morning fuss and hassle. Divide the freed time in half - for yourself and for cleaning. It would seem a trifle, but if you spend on the order of 10-15 minutes every morning, the house will always be clean. In the end, you can wipe the dust with a cosmetic mask on your face. Now calmly wake up the heir - it's time to wash and go to the kindergarten. Wind up the hourglass in the bathroom - while the colored dust is pouring down in a thin stream, the baby is brushing her teeth, and you are preparing breakfast. Before leaving the house, remember that in the evening you have to cook dinner. Transfer the necessary products from the freezer to the refrigerator - while you are away, they will have time to defrost by themselves.

Cunning: each time put things in order in different places, then gradually all parts of the apartment will receive your attention and shine. Dirty dishes in the sink can multiply. Therefore, it is better to rinse the cups from the morning coffee and the plate from the baby porridge right away!

good afternoon

Everything is ready for the morning, now spend 15 minutes cleaning where necessary. Dirty clothes immediately send to the laundry basket (the highest economic pilotage is to store light and colored separately). If enough things have accumulated, you can start washing without waiting for the next day. And finally, the final "household" chord - wipe all surfaces in the kitchen, including the stove with a sink, and splash some disinfectant liquid into the toilet bowl - everything will be cleaned by itself overnight. So, the house is clean, the children are sleeping, a well-fed spouse is peacefully watching TV - it's time to give yourself a fragrant bubble bath.

Cunning: if you "on the fly" go through the plumbing and stove at least once every two days, they do not need any serious effort at all.


The kids love the circus. And also a zoo, cinema, museums and feeding ducks in the park. And of course, Saturday and Sunday are better spent with a child, and not with mops, rags and vacuum cleaners. Small steps throughout the week - and now on the weekend there is no such devastation that takes a lot of time to clear up. And if cleaning is unavoidable, involve the child in it as much as he can - lay out toys, dust and vacuum his room, a 5-year-old person is quite capable. Husband slacking off? Remember, big boys have serious games. Let him load the dishwasher (darling, I'm afraid of this thing!) And solve the most difficult task of optimizing "purchasing the entire list of necessary products, so that there is left for drinks labeled" for adults ". The result - it will take you no more than two hours to do household chores, the rest of the time can be devoted entirely to the family.

Clothes and toys - cleaning

How much time do you spend on:

  • neatly arrange in the closet children's things from which the child has already grown?
  • to collect toys in a box that have long been no longer relevant for the baby?

It seems that in five minutes you are unlikely to be able to cope with these tasks. The solution is simple - you need to quickly get rid of the trash: less things - less problems. Sort through the children's clothes, wash everything that is out of season, and pack it in special boxes. Get rid of what is not enough: if your hand does not rise to throw away, give things to friends whose children are younger than yours, give announcements on forums and in communities like "give away for nothing." Ask the parish of the nearest church if they take clothes to distribute to those who need it. What has retained its presentation, try to sell via the Internet. If the subconscious mind bombards you with arguments like “maybe we’ll give birth to another one” or “what if in five years your sister has a child?”, Of course, you can leave things, but in any case they must be removed from the shelves from the “current” nursery clothes.

Cunning: clothes packed in vacuum bags take up much less space!

As for toys, if right now you distribute to your friends everything that the child is already tired of, throw out what has long been broken, and hide away half of the rest, it will become much freer in the nursery! In a month or two, you will give your offspring a "long-forgotten old" and send those cars and baby dolls that are in circulation now to a well-deserved rest ... did not see! And what a savings!

We need to get rid of the rubbish quickly. Less stuff means less problems.

Cunning: large baskets for toys are extremely inconvenient - in order to find some trifle at the bottom, the child will inevitably dump all the contents on the floor. Shallow (ideally - with transparent walls) boxes are much more practical. Beautiful stickers on each of them will help the kid figure out where to put the dolls, where - animals, and where only parts of the designer or the railway. "Go and collect your toys" is too global and boring task for a preschooler. Break it down into small, manageable pieces like "Put all the soldiers in this box/Park all the big cars under the bed."

Having got rid of the trash in the nursery, the most important thing is not to accumulate it again. Every time, trying to benefit the heir with a gift, ask yourself if he really needs this thing so much. One simple rule saves from excessive littering: how much arrived - so much left. Have you brought a new toy into the house? Get rid of one of the old ones!

Washing children's clothes

Some parents claim that there are children in nature who never stain their clothes, fall into puddles, or tear their pants on tree branches. They talk a lot about such children, but no one has ever seen them. If you regularly deal with stains from paints, felt-tip pens, fruit and soup, congratulations - you are the mother of a normal living child! Therefore, if a child brought a “gift” from the kindergarten, pour the stain remover on this place immediately, and not a week later during washing.

Cunning: Do not save on goods for children's creativity! The strokes of Chinese felt-tip pens are washed from children's clothes worse than traces from branded water-soluble ones. Cheap plasticine is more of a hassle to clean and leaves nasty greasy stains on clothes, floors and furniture. Gouache washes off very badly, therefore, before giving out paints, it is worth taking off the branded T-shirt from the young artist.


You have no problem with this item if you love ironing. And if not? Just stop doing it - most things hardly need an iron.

Can't look at a five-year-old daughter in wrinkled jeans and suffer from insomnia on an unironed sheet? Try to iron every day for literally 15 minutes while watching TV, then the process will seem less hopeless and exhausting.

Cunning: modern washing machines wring out the laundry so hard that it turns out to be too wrinkled. Use the wrinkle-free mode or set a lower spin power. After that, the clothes must be carefully straightened in the dryer so that you do not have to iron them later. If you dry things in the machine, take them out slightly damp - shirts are best ironed in this condition.

Remove the freshly ironed one before the children have time to jump on it, scatter it or pour juice over it.


If you really can't do anything, cleaning, washing and ironing can be postponed, oversleep in the morning, and in the evening - do not wipe the surfaces in the kitchen. You may even end up hungry if you live alone. For some time, men can be kept on ready-made dumplings, although they wither, dry and irresistibly rush "to the left" from this. But if there is a child in the house, you need to regularly feed him fresh food even if you work 58 hours a day. There are mothers in nature who preach the principle "a glass of juice replaces a bowl of soup", but we are not on the same path with them.

So how do you fit delicious, healthy cooking into your busy schedule?

  1. Make a sample menu for the week and send your husband for groceries on weekends - this saves time and money: men buy strictly according to the list and never covet "that discount vase over there." You can even stock up on bread seven days in advance - put the loaves in the freezer and take them out as needed.
  2. Meat, poultry, fish immediately cut into portions and freeze separately - this is for soup, this is for goulash, this is frying. If there are cutlets in the plans, you can immediately make minced meat, shape it, and then freeze it.
  3. Cereal porridge is cooked very quickly, and sometimes it does not need to be cooked at all: it is enough to pour boiling water or milk over everything and let it stand for a while. Breakfast is ready in just three minutes - and the children are full, and time is saved.
  4. Ideal mothers prepare colorful food in the shape of animals for their babies and artistically paint mashed potatoes with carrots. Buy multi-colored pasta and do not suffer from the fact that you do not have time to sculpt edible bunnies three times a day. There is a simple way out even if you still crave a feat and exclusive food for the baby: on one of the weekends, stick small dumplings with your husband and child (spinach or a little beet juice will color the dough). Multi-colored self-made dumplings are a wonderful dinner.
  5. The longest part of making soup is making the broth. To save time, a large pot of good broth can be poured into several containers and frozen for future use, and then only fill the soup at one time for a week.
  6. There is a practice of freezing ready-made meals in separate containers - mashed potatoes with a cutlet, soup, meatballs with buckwheat. Try it, maybe sometimes these blanks will help you out.

Cunning: put only frozen products in the freezer, in tightly closed containers. Defrosting such food is easy - just rearrange the desired boxes in the refrigerator overnight (a quick "thaw" in the microwave can change their taste).