Top high paying jobs. Highest Paid Jobs! The most demanded professions in the future - forecast

At any time, even during a crisis, you can find a job with a good salary. To do this, you need to know in which area to start searching. Every year, the lists of professions in demand with good earnings change somewhat, but the trend is always about the same.

Rating of the most demanded professions

Let's start with the professions that Russia needs the most. Alas, not all of them can be called the most profitable. However, if you are a good specialist in one of these areas, you will certainly find a job without difficulty.

What is the highest paid profession in Russia

Now let's look at the professions that will bring you the most profit. The choice of such professions is rather big:

  1. The job that will bring the most money is a high-level executive. It is the leader in terms of profit not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Especially get a lot banking executives. The disadvantage of work is high employment. Managers of this level often spend up to 15-16 hours a day at the workplace.
  2. IT specialists of a high level, on average, they receive from 60 thousand rubles a month. Knowing several programming languages ​​and having world-class certifications, such as a Microsoft certificate, will help you get a big salary.
  3. From 100 thousand rubles a month can receive internal communications managers. They are responsible for organizing the work of the entire team in the enterprise.
  4. Accountants with work experience they can get a lot - up to 350 thousand rubles. However, it must be remembered that the higher the salary, the greater the responsibility lies with the accountant.
  5. average salary lawyers is in the range of 35-150 thousand rubles. To receive such money, you need to have an education of the proper level and solid work experience.
  6. Sales Managers on average they receive about 45 thousand rubles. Despite the crisis, sales in the country are growing, which means that managers in this area continue to make excellent money.
  7. Approximately the same level of salary purchasing managers. They perform many tasks - looking for reliable suppliers, controlling product quality, etc.
  8. Marketers can receive up to 50 thousand rubles a month. To find a job with this level of income, you need to have not only experience, but also excellent references. It is important for the employer that his marketer really knows how to do his job.
  9. Logistics Employers are willing to pay an average of about 45 thousand rubles, because without these specialists, the company can lose many times more money. In this specialty, practical skills are valued much more than theoretical knowledge.
  10. Close the list of "valuable" specialties auditors, which on average can receive about 35-50 thousand rubles. Auditors' earnings usually depend on the amount of documentation they have to deal with.

As you can see, it is always possible to find a compromise. Many specialties are included in the list of highly paid, and in the list of demanded. The main thing is to have the necessary set of knowledge, experience and business acumen, and then a high salary will not take long.

The highest paid professions for girls

There is a stereotype that it is more difficult for girls to find a job with a high salary. Let's break this stereotype. Here is a list of high-paying professions in which women can reach their potential and earn as much or even more than men:

  1. Advertising manager. It cannot be said that this profession is primordially female, however, girls in it are found more and more often. Now there is huge competition in the labor market among managers of this kind, however, if a woman manages to get a job in a good company for this position, she will be able to earn up to 100 thousand rubles a month!
  2. Beauty industry worker. It is difficult to come up with a more feminine field of activity than this. In this area, a girl can not only earn money, but also show her talent. The range of professions in this area is huge. These are manicurists, depilators, stylists, make-up artists, hairdressers, etc. There are simply no boundary frames for salaries in this area, it all depends on the workload of the master and on his level. Popular masters with a high level of workload can earn up to 150 thousand rubles. In addition, over time, a girl can open her own salon or hairdresser, and then her income will increase significantly.
  3. Tourism manager. This is a real dream job for those who love to travel. Managers start with small salaries, but top managers in this area can receive up to 10 thousand dollars a month. Bonus - regular travel around the world.
  4. Photographer. Everything is simple here: if you have talent, you can achieve unprecedented heights, especially in big cities.

The highest paid professions for men

It is quite easy for men to develop professionally, almost all the most popular and highly paid professions in Russia are suitable for them. Separately, one can single out only construction industry, as it has always been considered primordially masculine. In this area, you can make good money, and specialists with experience and knowledge in construction are always needed.

Most valued in the construction industry architects and engineers. Huge malls, high-rise office buildings, residential complexes - all this requires a constant flow of specialists. In the construction industry, not only a special male mindset is valued, but also physical strength.

Besides, SMM specialists are also increasingly men.

A few years ago, no one knew about this specialty, but now it is not only well paid, but also very much in demand. Employers need people who are "on you" with the Internet. They are engaged in the promotion of websites, business pages on social networks and other related tasks. These tasks are more often entrusted to men, as they are more open to experiments and easier to find a common language with modern technologies.

Demanded and highly paid working specialties

Often people wonder - is it possible to earn good money without higher education? Some are very skeptical about this issue, but in fact, it’s real to make money even without a column on the presence of a / about in the resume. In this case, the highest paid professions in Russia in the labor sphere come to the rescue.

Here are 10 jobs that will help you make really good money:

  • drivers;
  • installers;
  • electricians;
  • carpenters;
  • plasterers;
  • electric and gas welders;
  • concrete workers;
  • repairmen;
  • masons;
  • fitters.

The advantage of such specialties is that they are always in demand. A person with one of these professions can work for a large or small company, or he can just work for himself or even “forge” his own team of the same specialists as he is.

Of course, you won’t be able to get much at once at such a job. You need to gain experience, as workers with good experience are most valued, who can complete any task, regardless of the level of its complexity.

TOP 3 highly paid professions for the humanities

Another popular myth is that it is impossible to make decent money if you are not technically minded. Of course, not everyone can be engineers or programmers. However, even if your mindset is 100% humanitarian, you will be able to receive a decent salary.

There are a lot of good humanitarian specialties. Let's look at 3 of the most interesting and well-paid.

  1. Brand manager. It is this person who makes sure that you always buy a strictly defined brand of cream, know the advertising of a particular product by heart and spend money on the products of a particular company. Such specialists are needed by different enterprises. At the same time, in order to make good money and be in demand as a brand manager, you need to have a creative streak.
  2. etiquette specialist. This is a relatively new profession in Russia, or rather, an old one, which was recently remembered again. Now the success of a business largely depends on the behavior of the businessman himself, so people who really know a lot about the rules of etiquette are in price. They work in the respective schools or give private lessons.
  3. Politician. Surprisingly, this profession, which many have dreamed of since childhood, also belongs to the category of humanitarian ones. Now more and more young people are coming to power, so people up to 30 can try themselves in this specialty. Politics will help young guys and girls not only realize themselves, but also make good money.

What professions will be in demand in the future

Experts firmly believe that in the near future the demand for engineers, IT specialists and technical specialists will definitely not fall, so if you are only thinking about choosing a profession, you can safely master one of these specialties.

Chemists, physicians, and biologists will also be in great demand in the future. New professions that will soon take over the Russian labor market include professions in the field of nanotechnology and biotechnology.

The demand for quality services is on the rise. Therefore, professionals in this field will always be needed. And, finally, the active development of the hotel and tourism business in Russia requires an influx of specialists in these industries.

When looking for a promising job or in an effort to get an up-to-date education, many look at the TOP of highly paid professions in Russia. After all, everyone wants to have a profitable, sought-after and

Doctors occupy the top seven places on the list of the most prestigious and profitable professions in America. For example, an anesthesiologist in the United States earns an average of $290,000 per year. The salary of a surgeon is 260 thousand dollars, a gynecologist - 210 thousand and so on. Even the manager of a store in America receives a more modest salary than an anesthesiologist's nurse.

5. Financier, economist.

6. Businessman.

7. Deputy, minister, civil servant.

8. An employee of a computer company, a programmer.

9. Auditor, accountant.

10. Showbiz worker.

True, it is worth noting that the highest paid professions in Russia are constantly changing, as their demand is changing. To date, lawyers are no longer specialists who earn the most. Many legal workers have very small salaries. And finding a job in the specialty immediately after receiving a diploma is very problematic. So girls who graduated from a law school have to work as secretaries in courts where there is neither prestige nor profit.

Prestigious and highest paid professions in Russia

What professions are guaranteed to bring income? One can argue with the VTsIOM rating, because the salary of a minister cannot be less than the salary of a lawyer or even a director. The profession "highest-ranking official" brings the greatest income in our country, and hardly anyone will dare to argue with this.

Next on the list of "The highest paid professions in Russia" is a senior position in the field of gold, aluminum, nickel and copper. These professions have always brought good profits, and will continue to do so until the earth runs out of natural resources. Entrepreneurs take the third honorable place in the list. Fourth - bankers and those close to them.

The salary of a bank employee has always been high, and to this day the situation has remained the same. But getting a job as a manager of a large organization is not so easy. Fifth place in the ranking is given to specialists working in the field of innovation. And if we believe the forecasts of sociologists, then very soon it will be possible to bet on technical specialties, the profitability and prestige of which will increase significantly.

In general, we can sum up that the profitability of the profession, of course, matters, but still it is better to focus not only on this factor. The job should suit your interests and personality. After all, everything is constantly changing in the world, and it is quite possible that the profession that you have chosen for yourself will become the most profitable and in demand.

A well-paid job is of interest to almost everyone. At the same time, there are such vacancies in the labor market even in the midst of a crisis. However, in order to find out which professions are well paid, it is necessary to determine the most profitable industries. In various countries, there is a demand for specialists in certain areas, sometimes specific ones, whose work employers agree to pay very high. The list of such professions is constantly changing, but a certain trend can be noted.

The most paid professions

Depending on the country, the list of well-paid professions also changes. So, in the USA, doctors and lawyers of various specializations, engineers, managers, realtors, astronomers and pilots are most valued.

In Europe, of all doctors, only pathologists and surgeons, lawyers in complex cases and teachers of elite universities have high salaries. More demanded specialists in Europe can be called

  • scientists, in particular chemists;
  • railroad workers;
  • engineers;
  • web specialists;
  • senior managers in the banking sector.

Listing the most well-paid professions in Russia and the CIS, it can be noted that, depending on the country, the demand for working specialties is different. So, in Kazakhstan, IT employees, top managers in the oil and gas and economic sectors, and real estate specialists are valued. In Belarus, hockey players, pilots and railway workers, programmers, oil industry workers and miners have the highest salaries. In Ukraine, the top is headed by financiers, marketers, IT developers and doctors from private clinics.

Well paid professions

If you look a little into the future, then the most paid professions in Russia after 2020, according to experts, will be specialists in such industries

  • medicine;
  • petroleum engineers;
  • ecologists;
  • builders and architects, including road builders;
  • web specialists.

If we consider the capital separately, then professional logisticians will be able to apply for paid professions in Moscow. Also, workers with the public, including psychologists, sociologists and personnel officers, will not be left without employment.

Paid professions in Russia

If we talk about today's realities, then the most paid professions in Russia in 2017 can be identified in such a list

  • collectors - up to 400 thousand rubles per month;
  • auditors - up to 200 thousand;
  • webmaster - 20-120 thousand;
  • IT-specialists - up to 150 thousand;
  • personal drivers - up to 70 thousand, excluding the possibility of occupying an additional position;
  • chefs - up to 90 thousand in good restaurants.

We can conclude that well-paid professions in Russia are available to almost everyone, but the salary will depend on personal qualities. We do not consider leadership positions in government and the oil and gas industry, as they have statistically few people.

The most paid profession in the USA

In recent years, the most paid working profession in the United States is a doctor. The annual salaries of private practitioners in dollars are shown in the list

  • psychiatrist - 150 thousand;
  • orthodontist - 153 thousand;
  • therapist - 160 thousand;
  • dental prosthetist - 156 thousand;
  • dental surgeon - 170 thousand;
  • obstetrician-gynecologist - 174 thousand;
  • surgeon and anesthesiologist - about $ 180 thousand per year.

Other in demand and paid professions in the states are various managers, including a technical manager and a general manager with a salary of 140,000 per year.

The most paid professions 2017

In Russia and almost all over the world in recent years, IT specialists remain the most in demand on the labor market. No less demand exists for designers, including engineers and architects. If we list well-paid professions for men, then teachers, doctors and lawyers can count on high salaries. However, due to the great competition, wages directly depend on the qualifications and personal qualities of the applicant. Therefore, well-paid professions after grade 9 can be obtained no earlier than after 15 years of work.

In recent years, the demand for marketers and HR specialists has increased in Russia, but the requirements for candidates have also been increased. More recently, ecologists have also come to the fore, whose salaries are gradually increasing, and more and more specialists are needed. In any of these areas, you can get a good salary, but when applying for a high salary, you should be prepared for the strict requirements of employers.

Paid professions for girls

There are also well-paid professions for girls. First of all, this

  • senior managers;
  • lawyers;
  • experts in internal communications, combining psychology and management;
  • chief accountants.

Separately, purely female professions from the beauty industry can be singled out, in which in recent years salaries often exceed 100 thousand. These are manicure and makeup masters, cosmetologists, hairdressers and stylists.

Perhaps you will be interested.

Everyone wants to find a job with a high salary. If you carefully study the labor market, you can understand that there are many vacancies, not only with a good salary, but also with the prospect of career growth. In this article you will find a list of the highest paid professions in Russia that are in demand in the modern world.


First, let's talk about the highest paid profession in Russia for men. The demand for oil specialists is constantly growing in the labor market. This is a fairly broad concept, which includes various professions, ranging from workers in the oil fields to managers of large corporations. In this area, each person can find a job that he will like.

The most romantic profession is an oil geologist. It is associated with frequent moving and business trips. Such specialists receive 40-50 thousand rubles a month. Drilling engineers have a much higher salary - 90-100 thousand rubles. In the ranking of the highest paid professions in Russia, oil engineers occupy one of the first places. To master this specialty, you need to know mathematics and technical sciences well.


Of the 10 highest paid professions in Russia, auditors should be noted separately. These are specialists who inspect the financial activities and accounting of enterprises. At the moment, auditors are trained in many domestic universities. Young professionals with no work experience receive 20–25 thousand rubles. Over time, the salary increases to 60-90 thousand rubles. Experienced professionals with extensive work experience can receive up to 200 thousand rubles per month.

The main disadvantage of the profession can be called painstaking monotonous work, which is not suitable for everyone. Irregular working hours and frequent business trips lead to chronic fatigue and nervous breakdowns.


If you are interested in the highest paid working professions in Russia, pay attention to the construction industry. There is a whole group of related professions associated with the construction of residential buildings and public buildings:

  • Bricklayers;
  • joiners;
  • painters;
  • Finishers.

The main advantage of these professions is high earnings, 50-100 thousand rubles a month. But they are physically heavy and traumatic. As a rule, men work more often in the construction industry. The simplest bricklayer or plasterer gets much more than, for example, a school principal. If you ask experts to name the 5 highest paid professions in Russia, they will, in any case, mention builders.


If you have not yet decided on your vocation, and are looking for the highest paid profession in Russia, become a lawyer. These are professionals who always stand guard over the law. They work in courts, prosecutors and other regulatory bodies. Legal departments are often created in large companies and banks. Lawyers who are engaged in private practice help ordinary citizens resolve issues related to housing disputes, disagreements with employers or the division of property. Their monthly earnings reach 100-150 thousand rubles.

Good lawyers are always in demand in the modern labor market, but to get high qualifications you need to make a lot of effort. If you recently graduated from a university and cannot get a job in your specialty, before going to the next interview, consult with specialists and draw his attention to your person.


Everyone knows that in our country there are many enterprises that harm the environment. It is impossible to close them, since there will be a shortage of a certain category of goods. For example, you cannot stop the production of plastic or plastic. Ecologists are responsible for the level of harmful emissions, therefore, enterprises producing such products cannot do without them.

At first, young specialists receive a small salary, 30-40 thousand rubles, but they can travel a lot in their own country and abroad. Over time, the salary begins to grow and people who wanted to change their profession realize that they will no longer be able to do some other business. Speaking about the shortcomings, it should be noted various man-made disasters, when environmentalists have to work in extreme conditions.

IT specialist

In our time of high technology, specialties related to software and information technology are rightfully put on the first lines in. The most demanded profession is a programmer. A person who owns such a specialty can earn good money, both in our country and abroad. Many programmers work remotely. By the way, this is a great option. The disadvantages of the profession include long painstaking work, since IT specialists often have to perform large amounts of work in a short time. Sometimes there is not even an opportunity to interrupt in order to have a normal rest. Sitting at a computer for a long time can lead to serious health problems, such as visual impairment.

It is important to remember that only highly qualified specialists receive a good salary. To reach this level, you need to study a lot. Technological progress does not stand still, so you need to constantly update your knowledge by engaging in self-education. Many experts argue that a programmer is one of the highest paid professions in Russia in the future, since it is inextricably linked with information technology and the development of technology.


Today, this profession is considered the most popular in the world. Senior managers working in large companies earn 100-200 thousand rubles each. This highly paid profession attracts people who aspire to earn big money. Of course, in order to become a successful manager, you need to work hard and with high quality.

Any student who studies in the last year of the university can get a job as a manager. He must quickly learn the specifics of the company and build relationships with other employees. This work teaches young professionals to understand people. Every client has a unique experience. In reputable companies, the earnings of managers depend on the results of their work.

Some believe that it is better to receive a small but constant salary. In fact, if you are not lazy and focus on sales, there will definitely be a result. Literally after three months of hard work, you can count on decent bonuses. In addition, in this area there is an opportunity for rapid career growth. Sales plan managers are often asked to train new hires. If the student performs well, you will most likely be offered a leadership position soon. Of course, this will be a small department with 2-3 subordinates, but it will be your first step towards success.


If we are talking about the highest paid professions in Russia, one cannot help but think about accountants. In our country it is considered honorable to have such a specialty. The salary of experienced accountants ranges from 60-70 thousand rubles. But in order to take such a vacancy in a reputable company or at a large enterprise, you need to have a higher education and work experience of at least 5 years. Also, the applicant must know all the rules and regulations. Mostly women accountants work, and only half of them have higher education.

The positive aspects of this profession include a normalized working day, the absence of any problems with employment, since accountants are needed always and everywhere. Another advantage is the opportunity to receive additional income, for example, an ordinary accountant who works in a large company can simultaneously keep records in some small company. The main disadvantage is a big responsibility. For errors in bookkeeping, you can be severely punished, up to and including imprisonment. In the list of the highest paid professions in Russia, accountants have a special place, since such specialists earn good money.


One of the highest paid professions for women in Russia is a designer. In principle, this work cannot be called exclusively female, since recently many men have been doing this work. A successful career as a designer can be built by anyone who is capable of creative thinking. To form the necessary professional skills, you need to undergo special training and learn various professional terms that you need to operate in a conversation with a client. In this case, you will look like a competent, successful and sought-after specialist.

To gain practical experience, you can work for some time in a company providing design services after graduation. After you have mastered all the subtleties of this profession, you can safely take on the most difficult projects that will help you master new techniques and form your own author's style. Once you have gained the necessary experience, the next step is to have your own design studio. This is excellent.

Bank employee

Among the highest paid professions in Russia for girls, I would like to single out specialties related to work in banking institutions. These are specialists with different levels of knowledge, ranging from cashiers to management. Bank employees must have an economic education. The higher the qualification, the higher the salary of a specialist. Least of all in the bank are cashiers, although this is a very responsible position. Middle managers have the highest salaries, as they are engaged in customer acquisition and receive a good bonus for this.


  • Paid holiday;
  • stable salary;
  • Excellent working conditions;
  • Permanent schedule;
  • Communication with customers.


  • Business style clothing;
  • You can not leave the workplace to solve some personal problems;
  • In small "family" banks there are no career prospects, since all managerial positions are occupied by relatives of the founder;
  • Responsibility for documents.

The duties of bank employees include servicing and advising clients, planning and forecasting.

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In the top of the highest paid professions in Russia in 2019, one of the first places is occupied by psychologists. Becoming a consultant requires taking training very seriously. At the end of the university, the study of psychologists does not end. To become a true professional in your field, you need to constantly update and replenish your knowledge. This specialty is among the 10 highest paid professions in Russia in 2019.


  • Helping people solve real problems;
  • Continuous professional development;
  • Use of acquired knowledge in everyday life;
  • Development of tolerance and tolerant attitude towards people.

Working as a psychologist has several disadvantages:

  • Many professionals face such a problem as emotional burnout;
  • Some psychologists take clients' problems to heart;

Gone are the days when a person dreamed of a job that would bring him only pleasure. In the modern material world, the main criteria that most secondary school graduates are guided by when entering a university are high pay and demand for their future specialty. There are a lot of professions that can provide their owners with a rich life. Their disadvantage is that almost all of them require special skills and abilities. Let's look at which professions are the highest paid in Russia today, and give them a brief description.

Profitable work of the past years

Employment specialists regularly research the labor market and compile lists of the most profitable professions. The TOP of the highest paid professions in Russia changes every year. At the beginning of the 21st century, people working in the manufacturing sector managed to earn the most money. After 5 years, the first places in the ratings of highly paid and sought-after specialties in our country were firmly occupied by sales representatives, merchandisers, sales managers, and advertising business workers. In 2010, the leaders in terms of wages were specialists in the service sector. As you can see, over time, the situation in the labor market changes. What does the list of the 10 highest paid professions in Russia look like today?


Starting the story about the most profitable specialties, it is worth mentioning lawyers first of all. Demand for this profession has been consistently high over the past few years. The concept of "lawyer" has a broad meaning. It means notaries, lawyers, judges, investigators, prosecutors and other professionals whose activities are related to law. Lawyers who have received education in prestigious educational institutions and have many years of experience are highly valued. Wages in this area range from 35 to 160 thousand rubles.


The list of "The highest paid professions in Russia" should include accountants. Representatives of this specialty are extremely valuable employees for the heads of enterprises and firms. Accountants control all the financial affairs of organizations, monitor the timely payment of taxes and fees, pay salaries to employees, etc. Often the prosperity of an enterprise depends on the qualifications of an accountant, so it is not customary to save on paying for the services of such a specialist. The most prestigious thing is to work as a chief accountant. His salary varies in different places from 60 to 300 thousand. You can get the profession of an accountant at special courses, but those who want to earn decent money will not hurt to have a diploma of the relevant higher education.

The most profitable medical specialties

Dentists are traditionally included in the most demanded and highly paid professions in Russia. Dentists are specialists visited even by those who never get sick. Dentists who work in private clinics have the highest incomes. Here you can earn up to 200 thousand in domestic currency. In order to get such a profitable job, you must first obtain a diploma in dentistry and work in the specialty for at least a few years.

The highest paid professions in Russia in the field of medicine are not only dentists. Surgeons, anesthesiologists, and gynecologists also belong to the most profitable specialties. If they have solid work experience, their salary will not be lower than that of dentists, and in some cases even higher.


The list of the highest paid professions in Russia will be incomplete if you do not mention restaurant business workers in it. There are never any problems with employment in this area, since the number of catering outlets in domestic cities is increasing every year. The richest workers in cafes and restaurants are chefs. Their salary can reach 150 thousand. But in order to receive such money, you need to be a true professional in your field. Before reaching the heights in the restaurant business, the chef will have to work hard for a more modest reward.

IT specialists and managers

What professions are the highest paid in Russia yet? In this list, IT-specialists, that is, people who understand information technology, are firmly entrenched. Their responsibilities include developing software, protecting sites from hacks and viruses, preventing information leakage, etc. Neither private organizations nor government agencies can do without the services of IT specialists. Although many domestic universities produce specialists in information technology, there is a shortage of true professionals in this field. Qualified employees can count on an average salary of 100 thousand rubles.

Internal communications managers are also included in the Highest Paid Professions in Russia category. They are in demand in large companies where a large number of employees work. These specialists are responsible for the development and implementation of methods to ensure interaction between different departments of the same organization. In other words, the work of the entire company depends on the communications manager. Responsible, proactive and purposeful people who have high organizational skills and understand personnel audits get such a position. Indisputable advantages for the applicant for this job will be higher education and work experience. The salary that a communications manager can count on in our country is 50-200 thousand rubles.

Profitable professions for women

It so happened that in our country men earn the most money. But representatives of the weaker sex do not want to lag behind them and are often interested in what is the highest paid profession in Russia for women. It is definitely difficult to answer this question, since there are many women's specialties and in many of them you can succeed and earn decent money. Designers, hairdressers, makeup artists, marketers, psychologists, and insurance managers have good incomes. The average salary of specialists in these areas is about 50 thousand rubles. But this amount is not the limit. Some especially enterprising representatives of the beautiful half of humanity manage to earn sums with five zeros on purely female specialties.

Bankers and senior executives

For many years, the highest paid professions in Russia have been related to money. There are a large number of banks in our country, each of which has hundreds or even thousands of representative offices in many regions. Of course, ordinary employees receive a low salary, but those who manage to climb the career ladder can earn up to 500 thousand rubles a month. So there is something to strive for. You can study to be a banker at the economic departments of universities (specialty "Finance and Credit", "Banking") or in secondary specialized educational institutions.

Finishing listing the highest paid professions in Russia, it is necessary to say a few words about senior managers, or top managers. Specialists of this category head the most profitable enterprises of the state. It is very difficult to rise to such a high leadership level, but those who succeeded receive fabulous salaries, calculated in millions of dollars. For example, the head of Gazprom, Alexei Miller, earns monthly 35 million in US currency. Of course, the probability of getting into the top management of a large company is negligible, but for a purposeful person who wants to receive a high salary, nothing is impossible.

Highly paid professions of the future

Having decided on the ten most profitable professions in modern Russia, an analysis should be made of the most profitable professions of the future. This information will be especially relevant for students who will have to decide what to become after graduation in the coming years. Experts predict that in a decade, the 5 highest paid professions in Russia will look like this:

  1. Specialists in the field of bio- and nanotechnology.
  2. Oil industry engineers.
  3. Ecologists.
  4. Logistics.
  5. Specialties based on the provision of various services to the population.

Many prestigious professions today will not give up their positions either. IT-specialists, accountants, doctors, lawyers will remain popular.

It is important to understand that the most popular and highly paid professions in Russia today are sought by many, so when applying for a job, an applicant may face fierce competition. A young specialist rarely manages to get a job with a large salary. In the first years after graduation, he will have to be content with a much lower salary. And only with experience he will be able to count on a really high income.