Broiler breeding: is the business profitable and how to do it? How to start a broiler business.

An increasing number of our compatriots are striving to organize their own business. This makes it possible not to depend on the mood and financial viability of employers, which happens quite often. The income of an entrepreneur for the most part depends on himself: if you work hard, then you get quite good income. Plus, to the monetary component, it is worth adding the opportunity to do interesting things and get satisfaction from the work done.

Naturally, at the initial stage, the question arises - what kind of business will be in demand and, accordingly, will make a profit? One of the most promising areas is food. People always want to eat, which means that the demand will be constant. In this regard, growing broilers with subsequent sale is a good enough option. The purchase price is low, the cost of meat is many times higher, such a bird grows quickly. If you establish a permanent sales market, you can get quite a good income.

For starters, it's worth it. Since your business is just getting started, it doesn't make any sense. You can, of course, not register and simply pay income tax, which is 13%.

But registering as an entrepreneur has undeniable advantages. Thus, tax deductions are often somewhat lower than those of an individual. And many supplier companies simply do not work with "physicists", you need to be at least an individual entrepreneur. By registering with the Federal Tax Service, you get the opportunity to conclude contracts with major suppliers, transfer money by bank transfer for the purchase of feed and equipment, and issue bank loans on more favorable terms.

In order to register as an individual entrepreneur, you will need:

  • passport and its copy;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • copy of TIN;
  • application for registration of IP;
  • application for the simplified taxation system.

Bring all these documents to the tax authority at the place of your registration, hand them over to a specialist and in five days come to receive a certificate of registration, a certificate of state registration, an extract from the register, a certificate of registration in the Pension Fund and a notification from Rosstat.

What is required for work?

Naturally, in addition to all the formalities, it is necessary to prepare what the whole business will actually be built on. That is, the breeding room, the pets themselves, feed and equipment. The quality of your product and the number of losses will depend on how responsibly you approach this stage.

  • room. The minimum size of the territory required for comfortable placement of birds is about one square meter per broiler.
    • the light should be sufficient: above the feeders - brighter, in other places a little muffled;
    • good ventilation, but without drafts;
    • the room should be warm with the possibility of a gradual decrease in temperature - in the first month of a bird's life - about 25 0 C, after - 15-19.
    • coat the walls with lime to prevent the spread of infection;
    • the floor in the barn should be made sloping so that waste does not accumulate, so the chickens are more comfortable, and it’s easier for you to clean.
  • Equipment. This can include feeders, drinkers, which should be enough for the entire livestock. By the way, there are automatic feeders on sale, which will greatly facilitate your care of broilers. Plus, it is worth adding UV lamps for young animals and heaters if a heating system is not provided in the room.
  • Bird. You can buy both newly hatched chicks and already two weeks old. In the first case, you get the opportunity to save a lot, and in the second, you get strong pets that no longer require enhanced care.
    It is worth buying broilers from trusted farmers or poultry farms, where the risk of acquiring sick chicks is minimal. But still, when buying, it is worth carefully inspecting the entire livestock. So, the chicks should be mobile, with clear eyes, with clean plumage and anus, with even legs and full goiter. Do not be lazy to inspect each individual, so that later you do not get upset because of the high mortality.
  • Feed. The nutrition of chickens should be plentiful and varied, then they will gain weight faster. It is worth immediately purchasing the required amount of grain, so that later you do not leave the chicks hungry. Don't buy very cheap food that is mostly chaff and husk. It will not work to grow broilers suitable for sale on this. It is better to buy separately millet, oats, corn and other grains or ready-made mixtures from trusted suppliers.
    Plus, you will need cottage cheese, boiled eggs, bone meal, chalk, grass, meat waste, milk powder, worms, snails. All this is necessary in order for broilers to receive the necessary minerals and vitamins in the required amount. Be sure to disinfect the feeders every three to five days and sometimes add a little potassium permanganate to the water. The amount of feed in the first five days of the life of chickens should be about 15 g, by the month it should already reach 115 g.

If you organized everything correctly and purchased high-quality feed, then the death of the bird will be minimal. And in a couple of months, the chickens will be ready for further sale.

You can see all the nuances of this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity in the following video:

Business risks

It is clear that raising poultry is impossible without some risks, such as diseases, death, predators. All this can be minimized if you initially acquire healthy chicks, feed them correctly, on time and with good food. In addition, be sure to monitor their condition, and at the first sign of illness, be sure to call the veterinarian. Signals for concern should be:

  • pale scallops;
  • lethargy;
  • ruffled feathers;
  • dirty anus;
  • refusal of food and water.

Predation is an unlikely prospect unless your area is home to foxes and wolves. Cats, on the other hand, can only drag small chicks; they will definitely not attack adult chickens. In order to eliminate this risk, it is worth equipping a secure room and sealing up all the manholes and holes. Alternatively, you can also equip an alarm if you are afraid of thieves entering. But these are additional expenses, and, in addition, chickens themselves can activate it.

Slaughter and sale of poultry

Broilers are good because you do not have to spend long months growing them. Already at the age of two months, chickens reach a weight of about 2.5 kg, and they can be sold. It is best to decapitate a bird with an ax in order to minimize injuries to the skin. Carcasses are dipped in boiling water before plucking. This will make it easier to remove the feather and keep the skin intact.

After the chickens are plucked, they are singeed over an open fire and gutted.

Setting up sales is pretty easy. Moreover, it is not necessary to rent a point on the market or negotiate with shops for this. It is enough to offer products to your friends or write an ad on the city forum. As practice shows, meat is sold out quickly enough with this option. Moreover, consumers are more willing to buy chickens that are grown at home, and not in industrial ones. Let the price be a little higher.


Any sane person is interested in how much he will spend on his business and what benefits he will receive. It's quite normal. It should be said right away that broiler breeding is a highly profitable business. From the very first livestock you will get a good profit.

So, let's take 100 heads as a starting point. We will assume that you already have a suitable room. Therefore, we consider only the purchase of poultry, feed and equipment:

  • Bird. It will take about 7,000 rubles to purchase this amount if you take two-week-old chickens. Their cost varies from 40 to 120 rubles, depending on the breed and age. As for the breeds, as such they do not exist. Broilers are a genetic mixture of different breeds of chickens and are divided into crosses, which differ in characteristics. Standards are considered the best today ROSS-308 and 708, broiler-61 and KOBB-500. The first two are characterized by rapid growth and unpretentiousness in food, but the skin color remains pale. The second two grow a little slower, but manage to acquire a pleasant pinkness of the carcass.
  • Feed. Well, if you have your own garden, this will significantly save on feed. In the first month, it is necessary to feed the bird with compound feed, the cost of which is about 30 rubles per kg. After that, you can safely add grass and vegetables to your food. For the entire livestock you will need about 40 kg of feed, plus bone meal, protein and the like. In total, you will need about 2,000 rubles for food for two months for the entire livestock.
  • Equipment. If you need to purchase heaters and lamps, then it will cost you about 3,000 rubles. But this is a one-time waste, in the future you only need to change the lamps. If you decide to be puzzled by the purchase of automatic drinkers and feeders, then it will cost you about another 20,000 rubles.

That is, the initial cost is about 32,000 rubles. In the future, every two months you will need about 10,000 for the purchase of feed and chickens.

Given that the cost of meat is about 150 rubles per kilogram, and a broiler ready for sale weighs about 2.5 kg, you get about 35,000 rubles from the sale. Of course, it doesn't seem like much considering the costs. But the purchase of lamps and feeders will be required only once, in the future you will receive three times more than you spend. If the number of livestock increases, then the profit will increase significantly. In any case, you will definitely not stay in the red.

A rare rural estate is not filled with any kind of living creatures, many villagers have the initial experience of breeding domestic animals, as well as the experience of selling surplus from their farmstead.

Having studied the strategy of the livestock market, you can expand your farm to a farm complex. Initially, you need to decide on a specialization and it is worth considering growing broilers as a business with a development perspective.

Broiler selection

Birds are grown in two ways: extensive and intensive. Based on these methods and
line of business, choose the young. Broiler breeds are:

  • Meat (Cornish);
  • Egg (Leggorn);
  • Meat and egg (Loman-Brown).

Growing broilers using extensive technology significantly reduces the cost of production. This method implies minimal costs, more suitable for home conditions. The bird does not require cages, it walks freely on the floor and in the courtyard. Care consists only in feeding and sanitation. Recommended breeds:

  • cochinquin;
  • brama;
  • Dorking;
  • langshan.

The intensive method is more profitable, but requires capital investment. The principle of this technology is keeping chickens in cages and equipped chicken coops. Pros of this method:

  • restriction of broilers in free movement reduces the risk of infection exchange between birds, accelerates the growth of muscle mass;
  • more rational use of space;
  • use automated drinkers and feeders, sanitary cleaning requires less effort.
  • domestic "Shift 8";
  • imported COBB 500;

Broilers are characterized by rapid growth, so the sale of products and the acquisition of a quality certificate for it must be taken care of in advance.


  1. Compound feed - must comply with GOST.
  2. Grain dry food.
  3. Food - dairy, garden, fish and meat.
  4. fresh greens - nettles, tops, cabbage leaves, dandelions.
  5. Vitamin supplements, shell rock, eggshell, salt, bone crusher.

Observe the temperature regime of drinking water:

  • chickens have water - 30 degrees;
  • in adult broilers - 20 degrees.

Worth knowing! With a lack of fluid, diathesis develops in chickens, and in adult birds - peritonitis and intoxication.

Broiler chickens have their own nutritional characteristics; for quick growth, the bird is fed according to the scheme in several stages.

Age1 Week2-3 weeks3-4 weeks1-3 months
Growth g20 45 60 70
Feed rate g20 40-100 100-150 160-180
Number of feedings per day8 6 4 2
What to feedMillet groats, crushed wheat groats, oats, barley groats, boiled chopped eggsAdd low-fat curd mass, yogurt, chopped green grassAdd boiled potatoes, yeast, fishWhole grain, compound feed, bag

Complete nutrition of broilers significantly accelerates the growth of carcass muscle mass. It is quite possible to grow a bird with a maximum weight in 1.5 months.

Profitability of growing broilers

After studying the calculations and tips, you can see whether breeding broiler chickens is profitable.

It is more profitable and safe to purchase young animals at a poultry farm, where healthy chickens are available, with all the necessary vaccinations.

For example, a calculation is given for growing 1000 poultry carcasses for sale for meat.

1 PC. price1000 pcs. cost $Total profitTotal consumption
Construction of cages, purchase of equipment, machines for plucking feathers

In the niche of agriculture, you can choose many directions. You can do crop production and grow greens, cabbage, strawberries, flowers and other crops, or you can grow rabbits, chickens, broilers. Growing broilers for meat is a fairly profitable business, especially if you follow the rules for growing broiler chickens.

How to start raising broilers?

It is important to decide what you want to end up with. If you are interested in how to grow broilers at home for the needs of the family, then extensive breeding technology is suitable. When you plan to breed broilers at home for a profitable business, you need intensive technology.

Extensive technology

The advantage is one, but for many it is decisive. The maintenance and cultivation of broilers at home cost with minimal investment, saving time and effort.

For breeding 100 birds, an area of ​​​​10 square meters is enough. meters (excluding utility rooms).

Extensive technology provides for a floor breeding method, selection of unpretentious breeds of poultry, the use of inexpensive feed and top dressing.

Steps for raising broiler chickens at home for beginners:

  • Room selection. It is selected at the rate of 1 square per 10 heads. In addition to the calculated area, you need to take into account the area for storing inventory and feed storage. For utility rooms, 5 square meters is enough. meters.

So, for breeding broilers of 100 goals, you will need a room with an area of ​​at least 15 square meters. meters.

With all-season cultivation of broilers, a heated room is needed.

  • Room preparation. The main thing is to create conditions when the percentage of diseases is reduced. This is the cleanliness of the room and the flow of fresh air.

It is necessary to organize forced ventilation (natural with a high density of birds per 1 sq. Meter will not be enough). The walls of the room before starting the bird should be plastered and freshly whitewashed.

The floors are prepared as follows: a layer of sawdust or straw is poured on a thin layer of lime.

When planning, you must also take into account the location of the feeders, so that when feeding you do not disturb the bird once again. And it is better to raise the drinkers to a level at which the water will splash the least.

  • Purchase of the necessary tools, feed and food additives. Feeders and drinkers can be made independently, it is also easy to put together a feed storage, dividing it into sections for grain, compound feed and food additives.
  • Breed selection. Extensive technology is not always suitable for expensive and fleshy breeds.

For the extensive method, the Cochinchin, Cornish, Brama, Langshan, Faverolle, Dorking breeds are suitable. If you are confident in your abilities, then it’s a good idea to purchase the ROSS308 breed, the difference of which is that adult chickens have good egg production. And this, in the presence of an incubator, solves the issue of replenishing young animals.

  • Buying a bird. Chickens require the care of an experienced owner.

It will be optimal if you stop the choice on chickens whose age is within a week to two. When choosing, be guided by the appearance of the chicken: there should be no visible defects, a strong difference in size. The main sign of health is mobility, chickens with poor bones usually do not survive to slaughter. Recent studies have shown that the final weight of our broiler carcass is directly related to the growth rate of the chicken in the first 7-10 days. Therefore, taking chickens less than 7 days old is not recommended for beginner farmers.

Intensive technology

Technology requires effort, time and investment. But breeding broilers will become a profitable enterprise. Growing broilers in cages at home will be the main argument in favor of intensity.

  • Heated room. In addition to a forced exhaust for the influx of fresh air, a forced inflow (with heating for the cold season) will also be needed.
  • Special cells. Growing broiler chickens at home for beginners will be more rewarding if you use cages. Cells are needed not only for the efficient use of floor space. Still of no small importance in cages is the possibility of automating feeders and drinkers.

In addition, the cages make it easier to clean the litter (the litter is collected on special pallets).

Keeping birds isolated from each other significantly reduces the risk of transmitting infectious diseases.

In addition, the cages limit the mobility of the bird, which contributes to the acceleration of mass growth.

  • Selection of breeds. For breeding broilers at home for beginner poultry houses using intensive technology, you need to choose a breed. The "commercial" category of breeds are the so-called crosses, breeds with a certain selection orientation. Of the domestic breeds, "Change 8" is considered the best, of the imported ones - COBB500.

Such broiler chickens are distinguished not only by a quick set of meat mass, but also by a “commercial” type of carcass - the skin color is pure, white.

  • Care. Breeding broilers in care cages is different from breeding on the floor. The answer to the question "how to grow broilers at home" mainly lies in the features of bird care. The diet, proper care of the bird guarantee that the business will have a good profit.
  • Storage and sale of poultry meat. The mistake of novice entrepreneurs is that, investing in production, they forget about the commercial side of the matter. Growing is an important task, but it’s not enough just to breed chickens, because if you can’t save and sell meat, then the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bearning will be in serious danger.

Therefore, it is important not so much how to keep broilers at home, but how to take care of refrigeration equipment.

Even before you have got chickens, try to negotiate with sales outlets, find the necessary authorities for product certification.

How to care. The secret of the "super girl".

If, in addition to regular feeding and cleaning, some more care secrets are applied, then it is possible to accelerate the growth of broilers and, as a result, obtain massive “super chickens” at the same cost as with traditional breeding.

  • Start. To start breeding chickens, it is better to choose the spring months - March or April. At this time, it is still cold outside, so the first weeks of the chickens will have to be kept at home.

A passage is cut in the combined walls. In one box we have feeders and drinkers, and in the other compartment there will be rest.

Above the "bedroom" you need to hang a lamp, the power of which depends on the temperature in the house, when it's warm, then 40 watts will be enough.

The warmth of the chicks can be adjusted by the height of the lamp above the box: if the chicks do not lie down under the light spot, it means that they are hot, the lamp must be raised. If they gather in a heap under the lamp - it's cold. Normal heat when the chicks spread evenly around the box.

For the first time, the chickens are given a crumbled egg yolk mixed with millet and a syrup consisting of a teaspoon of sugar and a liter of boiled water.

  • Preventive measures. There are many opinions about drug prevention. Many experts believe that this is necessary. Therefore, on the second day, we solder the chickens with Enrofloxacin (1 dose per liter) (drink three days in a row).

For three days, the chickens are rinsing their paws in vodka in the morning in the evening.

From the 4th to the 6th day, the chickens are given a solution of ascorbic acid (1 sachet per 3 liters) to stimulate the immune system.

The seventh day - the beginning of the addition of biovit and chiktonik solution. Biovit is given once a day with feed, in proportions of 1 teaspoon per 50 chickens. Deadline - 2 weeks. Chiktonik in the proportion of 1 dose per liter of water, the period of admission is 10 days.

Most chicken diseases are caused by improper drinking of water. Water should always be present: fresh, clean and at room temperature (18 - 22C), chickens do not drink water with a temperature above 30C. The water needs to be changed several times a day.

When feeding broilers at home in the form of additional calcium and vitamin "D", they give the drug "Calcemin", 2-3 days a week, drip into the water.

Also, manganese is added to the water a couple of times a week to prevent the disorder.

  • temperature conditions.

I week: 33 °C

II week: 30 °C

  • Nutrition

If you decide to grow broilers for sale, then only feed will suit you. When fed with feed, you will have a broiler carcass in 40-45 days of growing it weighing 2400 kg. Feeding front 6-10 cm per beak. Below is a table of 4-period feeding of chickens.

Chickens are gradually tamed to adult food. But fattening is implied from the first days.

In the first days, the chicks are given a boiled egg and millet.

Starting from the third day, finely chopped greens can be added to food. If there is no grass in the yard yet, then grain is germinated for this purpose.

By the fifth day, vitamins and crushed shells are added to the diet.

Starting from the age of four weeks, partially compound feed (10-15%) can be replaced with crushed wheat and corn in equal proportions. If the chicken does not get upset from this additive, then we increase the share of the crushed mixture to 35-40% of the total diet.

Older chickens are fed with soaked feed, chopped fish or other seafood. Fermented milk products are also good for weight gain: cottage cheese, yogurt.

The rule to follow in order to get a super carcass: the feeder should always be full, but the food in it should not turn sour.

How to calculate the payback of a broiler farming business?

Start over. Such a business is best started in rural areas. Even if there is no barn, then it can always be put together. There is no point in registering a legal entity yet, for starters, your friends and acquaintances of your friends will be consumers of broiler meat.

We start raising chickens from May, in the south it is possible from March-April. We accept that every month we will buy seven-day-old chickens for 80-100 pieces. Thus, in 4.5 months of summer we will be able to grow 320-400 heads.

The purchase of seven-day-old chickens in the amount of 100 pieces (“Shift 8”) will cost 100 * 90 = 9000 rubles. We conditionally believe that in our project there will be no death of broilers.

Chicken coop equipment. We are not going to build an industrial-scale farm, so we do not need expensive equipment. Of the equipment, we will need feeders and drinkers for chickens, infrared lamps, heaters, a thermometer. Everything can be bought by hand, the estimated cost of all equipment is 5000 rubles.

Since we will breed broilers on the floor, the additional starting costs for sawdust and straw on the floor in the chicken coop will be 500 rubles. Further, the cost of straw during its change will be taken into account in other expenses.

The resulting figures will be summarized in a general table of necessary investments.

Table 1. Investment in broiler farming.

Purchase of equipment

Buying chickens

working capital

Total investment

The calculation of the amount of feed is as follows.

Table 2. Feed calculation.

At an average wholesale cost per 1 kg. - 150 rubles, average weight - 3.5 kg., Let's calculate the revenue.

Table 3. Private household revenue

Let's summarize the available expenses in a table, the total for the year turned out.

Table 4. Costs

Table 5. Plan of income and expenses

We will summarize the data obtained to calculate the payback and profitability of the planned private farm for growing broilers.

Table 6. Calculation of revenue and profitability

Even superficial calculations suggest that raising broiler chickens at home for beginner poultry houses can be the first confident step into your own business. Growing chicken broilers at home is available to everyone with a certain desire.

Broilers are artificially bred chickens that are raised specifically for the sale of meat. Growing broilers as a business is a fairly profitable business, where you can feed yourself with free meat and earn good money.
There is no income limit, of course. Everything is calculated only by how many heads you are able to contain. It is also important to think about how many heads you can sell. And this is where you should start. As a basic example, we calculated the costs and benefits of 100 heads. Read more business ideas in the article:

Growing broilers as a business: building a chicken coop

You need to devote time and effort to building a chicken coop, you can’t do without logic. After all, the more comfortable the conditions for chickens, the better your business will be established, and the more you will earn.
Let's start by calculating the area of ​​the chicken coop. For four chickens, 1m2 is allocated, that is, 25m2 will be needed for 100 heads. When building a chicken coop, be sure to consider:
Perches (for each chicken 30 cm wide)
Sloping floor (to drain dirt)
Ventilation (without it, chickens get sick because bacteria multiply)
Lime on the walls (prevents the growth of germs)
Window (birds need a lot of light)

Lighting (due to lack of light in winter, artificial lighting will be needed)
Aviary for walks (fenced with a net)
You can build a barn from ordinary boards. Be sure to insulate the walls. On average, the construction, insulation and arrangement of a barn of 25m2 will cost 70,000 rubles.

Purchase of chickens and feeding

It is better to buy chickens that are only a few days old, since the price of newly hatched chicks is the lowest. This is due to the fact that raising chickens from the very first days of life is not an easy task. But since you have decided to start growing broilers, then you will have to study this area inside and out.
The cost of such a chick is about 25 rubles. Buying a hundred heads will cost us only 2.5 thousand rubles.
Broilers need to be fed more intensively than laying hens. Since these breeds are fattened to build maximum muscle mass, it is natural that the nutrition here needs to be somewhat different. Usually it is compound feed or grain with additives. On average, one chicken eats about 175 grams per day, or 5.2 kg per month. One hundred heads will eat 52 kg per month. This is about 700 rubles a month.

Profit making and settlements

In a business like broiler farming, the cycle lasts about 1.5 months. Broiler breeds do not live long, and therefore after 50 days they are already making a profit. During this time, the chicken reaches a live weight of about 1.5 kg, and meat from it - about 1 kg.

It turns out that 100 goals will bring about 19,000 rubles (190 rubles per 1 kg). Considering the funds spent on feeding, the profit from the sale of 100 broilers will be in the region of 15,500 rubles (1,000 rubles for feed, 2,500 for the purchase of chickens).
Given the analysis above, you can calculate the number of heads needed to get the profit you need:
200 broilers will bring 31,000 rubles every 1.5 months
500 broilers will bring 77,500 rubles every 1.5 months
1000 broilers will bring 155,000 rubles every 1.5 months


Broiler breeds of chicken are bred specifically for the fastest possible cultivation of these birds for the sale of meat. In a short period of time, in just 1.5 months, these breeds reach the desired weight and are led to slaughter. Considering the cycles of any other agricultural business, broiler breeding is as close as possible to the usual turnover of funds - one month.

Sheep breeding - what to look for when creating a business plan

Breeding broilers as a business is a profitable business. If you decide to organize earnings in this way, you will need to know the basics: what is required for cultivation, what are the costs and what will be the profit from this business idea. Next, we will discuss whether or not raising chickens is profitable, as well as provide tips that will allow you to make money on broilers at home.

Where to begin?

First of all, you need to decide how you will grow chickens and what sales to engage in.

There are 2 ways to run a broiler home business:

  1. Buying eggs and an incubator for them. A good method for those who want to engage in this type of income for a long time, because. incubators save your costs. But in this method there is a minus that not all eggs can hatch.
  2. Purchase of chickens. You buy broiler chickens and grow them without thinking about incubation. Pretty simple way that saves you time.

Consider how much profit you can get in each option, as well as how much money you need to spend on it.

Calculations and comparisons

When choosing a method for doing business on broilers from scratch, the question will arise: “at what age to sell?”.

If you want to make money selling meat at home, you first need to buy broiler chickens, and then feed them for 70-80 days (during this time, their carcass should gain about 2 kg). After 80 days, they begin to slaughter chickens for sale, because. breeding them longer than this period is not considered economically feasible.

If you want to raise chickens for sale, keep in mind that the bird grows quickly, gaining weight and needing more space. If there is no such problem, then feel free to take on this business.

So, let's compare which way to make money on broilers at home is more profitable.

1 broiler egg costs from 8 to 10 rubles. After a chicken hatches from an egg, it already costs from 25 to 30 rubles. In one season (January-August), 8-10 incubations are carried out. In turn, adult broilers cost 80-90 rubles per kg of weight.

Let's roughly calculate how much the profit will be. Let's take the highest value. An egg will cost 10 rubles, a chicken - 30 rubles, and a broiler - 200 rubles per 2 kg.