Seneca Lucius Annaeus. Seneca Lucius Annaeus On the Peace of Mind of the Seneca


Collection of books by Lucius Seneca (Lucius Annei Seneca) [Various, FB2, eBook (originally computer)]

Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Release year: various
Genre: ancient literature, philosophy
Publisher: not established
Russian language
Number of books: 8

Description: ...« moral letters to Lucilius ”- a kind of book of results, written by a philosopher at the end of his life. Her addressee Lucilius is a real person. In his letters to a student friend, written in free form, Seneca does not teach, but, as it were, reflects on the topic of specific life situations. But in the course of these reflections, he sums up all his searches and reflections of a moral nature. In the "Letters" Seneca sets out a system of Stoic ethics. Any everyday trifle, any life fact becomes the starting point for reasoning - everything can serve as an example. In the Letters, Seneca leads Lucilius from earthly Roman ideals to high spiritual ones, to complete independence from external circumstances...

Seneca committed suicide on Nero's orders to avoid the death penalty. Despite the objections of her husband, Seneca's wife Paulina herself expressed a desire to die with him and demanded that she be pierced with a sword ... Seneca answered her: “I pointed out to you the consolations that life can give, but you prefer to die. I won't resist. Let us die together with equal courage, but you with greater glory.” After these words, both opened their veins in their arms. Seneca, who was already old, bled very slowly. To speed up its expiration, he opened his veins and on his legs. Since death still did not come, Seneca asked Statius Annaeus, his friend and doctor, to give him poison. Seneca took the poison, but in vain: his body was already cold and the poison had no effect. Then he entered the hot bath and, splashing the slaves around him with water, said: “This is a libation to Jupiter the Liberator.”

1. About a blissful life
2. Letters

1. Moral letters to Lucilius
2. Epigrams

1. Moral letters
2. Octavia
3. Phaedra


1. Lucius Annei Seneca - about the author


Julia (London) Landon / Julia London - a collection of books (12 books)

Format: RTF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Julia (London) Landon
Year of issue: 1998 - 2010
Genre: historical LR, modern LR
Publisher: "AST: mini-Charm", "AST: Charm", "AST: Charm", "AST: City Style"
Russian language
Number of books: 12
Description: Writer and author of many popular works, Julia (London) Landon invites you to plunge into the world of love, charm, intrigue, passion and whirlpool of incredible adventures along with the heroes of her books...
Add. information: real name of the author: Dinah Dinwiddie Description of books Series "Devil and Angel" 1. Love of the Devil / The Devil`s Love (19 ...


Sergei Sukhinov. Emerald City. Collection of books (20 books)

Format: RTF, OCR without errors
Year of release: 1997-2001
Genre: fairy tales
Publisher: Armada-press
Number of books: 20
Description: Fairy of the Emerald City. Do you want to meet old and good friends - the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman? And what about Munchkins, Winkies and other inhabitants of the Magic Land? Do you want to know where Gingema came from to this amazing land? And what happened there when Ellie Smith, a girl from Kansas, was taken home with silver slippers? It turns out that the evil sorceress had a student Korina, who became a powerful sorceress after the death of Gingema. And Korina decides to avenge the death of...


Collection of books "Welding, cutting, soldering, surfacing (30 books and textbooks)"

Format: DjVu,PDF Scanned pages
Year of release: 1975-2012
Genre: Welding
Russian language
Number of books: 30
Description: A selection of books on welding work in which you can find all the information you need on the technology of work with contact and gas welding, arc, electroslag, learn the subtleties and tricks when working with plastics, non-ferrous metals, alloyed steel and their alloys, learn how to properly solder, cut and weld various materials and structures. List of booksAleksandrov A.G. Operation of welding equipment Bokshtein O.N. Equipment for contact...


Series: "Kinoroman". Book collection of 98 books

ISBN: Film novel

Author: Various
Year of release: 1992-1993, 2006-2012
Publisher: AST
Russian language
Number of books: 98 The book series "Kinoroman" includes screened works. The Kinoroman series has a double birth. The series began in 1992, but a year later, for some reason, ended. After 13 years, the AST publishing house resumed publishing books in the Kinoroman series. How many books were published is unknown. List of Books Akunin B. Pelagia and the White Bulldog.fb2 Akunin B. Death to Brudershaft. The torment of a broken heart.fb2 Belyaev A. R. Amphibian Man...


Collection of books in English (17 books) (Sidney Sheldon)

Format: DOC, OCR without errors
Author: Sidney Sheldon / Sidney Sheldon
Year of release: 1970-2005
Genre: Detective, thriller
English language
Number of pages: 2631
Description: Sidney Sheldon is a world famous thriller master. The writer is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the most translated prose writer in the world. The master of highly dynamic and exciting thrillers was the honorary winner of the Edgar Poe Award. His novels have been translated into 56 languages ​​and published in over 300 million copies in over 100 countries. Based on the works of Sheldon created 25 feature films. List of books 1. The Naked Face (1970) ...


Collection of books by Sergei Malitsky 16 books

Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Year of release: 2006-2010
Genre: Science fiction, fantasy
Russian language
Number of books: 16
Description: FANTASY... Nothing goes unnoticed. Predictions are fulfilled, curses are overtaken, oaths resonate in young hearts, long-decayed dead demand vengeance. The descendant of an ancient demon begins a difficult path, even if he does not really want to, but all the doors that meet on his way open only in one direction ... Rate the release, put "+" in my profile 1. 2007. Nobody above us SCI...


RADZINSKY E. - "Mysteries of history" Volume 2. Part 1. Theater of the times of Nero and Seneca

Genre: History
Author: Edward Radzinsky
Performer: read by Evgeny Kindinov
Publisher: "Union"
Release year: 2004
Description: As the great Russian philosopher Sergei Bulgakov said, "Evil is a state of the world, but not its essence." The tragic work of Edvard Radzinsky "The Theater of the Times of Nero and Seneca" is truly called "food for thought". The bizarre dialogues between the teacher Seneca and his student Nero are filled with deep philosophical sayings of the great Roman thinker and furiously insane cynical attacks and antics of the bloody dictator. All this takes place in the heart of Rome - the majestic...


Collection of books from the series "Golden Crochet Collection" and "Golden Knitting Collection" (26 books)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Year of release: 2005-2006
Genre: Knitting, Needlework
Publisher: Mir knigi
Russian language
Number of pages: 60+
Description: The series contains a large selection of patterns for both beginners and more experienced hand knitters. She will introduce you to classic models and current trends in fashion, will demonstrate all the best in the world of knitting. It has models for all seasons and all ages, models for adults, children and teenagers who are notoriously hard to please. Sections dedicated to accessories will not leave indifferent those who ...


Book Collection (Kate Furnivall)

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Kate Furnivall
Release year: 2012
Genre: Love story
Publisher: Family Leisure Club
Russian language
Number of books: 2
Description: The pearl of St. Petersburg --- St. Petersburg, early 20th century. He is a Danish engineer, she is the minister's daughter. Very soon, Bolshevik bullets will whistle over the heads of the lovers, but their tender feeling will stand in the fire of explosions. And when Valentina sees a red scarf in the appointed place, warning of the beginning of the uprising, she will choose her own path: away from burning Russia in order to save her love and her little daughter, who was born in this troubled...


Collection of books (Wolfgang Holbein)

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Wolfgang Holbein
Year of release: 2002-2012
Genre fiction
Publisher: various
Russian language
Number of books: 47
Description: Wolfgang Hohlbein (born August 15, 1953) is a famous German science fiction, fantasy and horror fantasy writer. Wolfgang Holbein was born in Weimar. Already at a young age, he began to write fantastic stories. After school he received a diploma of a businessman. He started writing professionally out of boredom when he worked as a night watchman. First he wrote short stories, then mystical novels and westerns. In 1982, he, along with...


Collection of books (Lewis Purdue)

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Lewis Purdue
Release year: 2006
Genre: thriller
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of books: 2
Description: Da Vinci's Legacy--- Is the Da Vinci Code a priceless collection of Leonardo's original engineering works, or a masterful forgery? Researcher Vance Erickson, at the risk of his life, is looking for an answer to this question, but he is not the only one haunted by the military developments of the genius of the Renaissance. A powerful secret brotherhood that arose at the dawn of Christianity, with their help, seeks to overthrow the world order, and here the interests of the conspirators and our heroes drastically diverge. ...


Collection of books (Konstantin Kostin)

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Konstantin Kostin
Release year: 2012
Genre fiction
Publisher: Alpha book
Russian language
Number of books: 2
Description: Sectarian --- 1925. No wars, no cataclysms, no revolutions - the years of creation, we must build, not fight. Will a resident of the twenty-first century, Sergei Vyshinsky, cope with this task, will he be able to find himself? Will he understand where he is? After all, before falling into the past, he was the most ordinary sales manager, not burdened with historical knowledge, a participant in the role-playing game, who accidentally activated the magic found in the rural museum...


Collection of books (Deon Meyer)

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Deon Meyer
Year of issue: 2007-2012
Genre: thriller
Publisher: AST
Russian language
Number of books: 7
Description: Deon Meyer--Born in the Western Cape in 1958. He grew up in the gold-bearing region of South Africa in the city of Klerksdorp. Before he became famous, he worked as a reporter for the provincial newspaper Die Volksblad, as a PR manager, and as an IT specialist. He wrote his first novel at the age of 14 and forced, by blackmail and threats, to read his brothers, who did not appreciate his literary talents. He loves racing motorcycles and speed, which is reflected in the plots of his books - swift, closing...


Book Collection (China Mieville)

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: China Mieville
Year of release: 2006-2012
Genre: Sci-Fi, urban fantasy, steampunk, techno fantasy
Publisher: various
Russian language
Number of books: 6
Description: British science fiction writer China Mieville was born in 1972 (1972-09-06) in London to hippie parents. It is to them, among other things, that he owes his strange name (“China” - “China” (English) and communication in childhood with friends with no less strange names Cascade and India. ---- China Mieville loved to read from childhood, but, according to him, he was not an active fan and knew nothing about fan conventions.He, ...


Collection of books (Igor Chuzhin)

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Igor Chuzhin
Year of issue: 2010-2012
Genre fiction
Publisher: Alfa-kniga, Tsentrpoligraf
Russian language
Number of books: 7
Description: Leave so as not to return-1---Even when it seems to you that at the age of thirty-two your life is over and you put an end to it, the end of this life may well be the beginning of another. A series of ridiculous accidents... and you are no longer in today's Russia, but in Novgorod of the fifteenth century. 1462 is the year when Ancient Russia stood at a crossroads and the fate of its future was being decided. In a deadly battle between Lord Veliky Novgorod and Mos...

About good deeds Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Title: About blessings

About the book "On Good Deeds" by Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Lucius Annaeus Seneca is an outstanding ancient Roman philosopher and enlightener who had a huge influence in the political circles of that time. He was a mentor and adviser to the emperor Nero, but on the orders of the same emperor he was forced to commit suicide. His work had a huge impact on the development of philosophical thought in subsequent centuries.

The book “On Good Deeds” is a real encyclopedia of morality. Here the author analyzed in detail the various manifestations of spirituality, the influence of emotions on people's relationships. Lucius Anneus Seneca, more deeply than other ancient thinkers, explored such an area of ​​manifestation of morality as charity. This work should be read by anyone who wants to comprehend the nature of spirituality, to know all its laws and rules.

Central to the book is an explanation of the concept of beneficence. The philosopher emphasizes that the meaning of this act lies not in the amount of assistance provided, but in the very desire to give it to others, in the emotional outburst of the soul.

The sensual component of the human character is a whole kaleidoscope of internal energy and a vector that sets the direction for each of our actions. The ancient thinker explains the role of emotions in our life, their positive and negative sides. The anatomy of the human soul has not changed - today we live by the same internal principles as many centuries ago.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca compiled a whole scale of blessings. On the first step, they put those actions without which we physically cannot live - they relate to saving lives. Then follow the deeds, without which we must not live, for life without them turns into a martyr's existence.

The third place is occupied by good deeds, which we feel as our duty - a person gets used to them so much that he makes them his habit, need, and not just a one-time desire to help (it is precisely from such desires that constantly arise that a persistent need arises to follow your heart, helping surroundings).

The philosophical treatise "On Good Deeds" covers many areas of human relationships. How should you treat your children and parents? What moral principles should be observed in relation to your lovers, friends, strangers? The author does not leave these and many other questions without attention, however, he attracts the reader to the reflection and does not always give unambiguous answers. After you finish reading this book, you will think more than once about the role of moral deeds in the life of an individual and society.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca(lat. Lucius Annaeus Sĕnĕca minor), Seneca the Younger or simply Seneca- Roman Stoic philosopher, poet and statesman.

Educator of Nero and one of the largest representatives of Stoicism.

Son Lucius (Mark) Annaeus Seneca the Elder(an outstanding rhetorician and historian) and Helvia. Younger brother of Junius Gallio. Belonged to the class of riders.


Marble bust of Seneca (17th century), Prado Museum

Born in Corduba (Cordoba) in the family of the Roman "horseman" and rhetorician Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Elder. At an early age he was brought by his father to Rome. He studied with the Pythagorean Sotion, the Stoics Attalus, Sextius, Papinius. He became interested in philosophy in his youth, although due to the influence of his father, he almost started public career, which was interrupted due to a sudden illness. As a result, Seneca almost committed suicide, and then left for a long time for treatment in Egypt, where for many years he was engaged in writing natural scientific treatises.

Around the year 33, under the emperor Tiberius, he becomes a quaestor. 37 - By the time of Caligula's accession to the throne, Seneca enters the Senate, quickly becoming a popular orator. The glory of Seneca as a speaker and writer grows so much that it arouses the envy of the emperor and in the end he ordered the death of Seneca. However, one of the many concubines of the emperor persuaded him not to do this, referring to the fact that the philosopher, who was in poor health, would die soon. 41 - in the first year of the reign of Claudius, as a result of the intrigue of Claudius's wife Messalina, he falls into exile and spends eight years in Corsica. 49 - The wife of Emperor Claudius Agrippina the Younger seeks the return of Seneca from exile and invites him to become a mentor to her son - the future Emperor Nero. 54 - After the poisoning of Claudius, sixteen-year-old Nero comes to power. His mentors - Seneca and Sextus Aphranius Burr - become the first advisers to the emperor. The influence of Seneca is especially great during this period, he practically determines the entire Roman policy. 57 - receives the highest position in the empire of consul. His wealth reaches at this time a huge sum of 300 million sesterces. 59 - Nero forces Seneca and Burra to indirectly participate in the murder of their mother, Agrippina. Seneca writes for Nero the shameful text of a speech in the Senate justifying this crime. His relationship with the emperor becomes increasingly strained. 62 - after the death of Burra, Seneca submits a letter of resignation and retires, leaving all his vast fortune to the emperor. 65 - Piso's conspiracy revealed. This conspiracy did not have a positive program and united the participants only with fear and personal hatred for the emperor. Nero, who felt that the very personality of Seneca, who always embodied the norm and prohibition for him, was an obstacle in his path, could not miss the opportunity and ordered his mentor to commit suicide: by order of Nero, Seneca was sentenced to death with the right to choose the method of suicide.

Pseudo-Seneca engraving (1638), Bibliothèque nationale de France

He was the ideologist of the Senate opposition to the despotic tendencies of the first Roman emperors. During the youth of Emperor Nero, he was the de facto ruler of Rome, but was later pushed out of power when he refused to sanction repression against Nero's opponents and against Christians.

Being a Stoic, Seneca insisted on the corporeality of all things, but he believed in the possibility of the unlimited development of human knowledge. basis for peace of mind Seneca sought in the pantheistic views of Stoic physics, or natural philosophy ( "O happy life» : 15, 5). Unlike classical Stoicism, there is a clear religious element in Seneca's philosophy, and Seneca's thoughts coincided so strongly with Christianity that he was considered a secret Christian and he was credited with a correspondence with the apostle Paul. The views of Posidonius had a tangible influence on Seneca; in later years, Seneca also studied Epicurus, but did not share his attitudes.

Death of Seneca

Committed suicide on the orders of Nero to avoid the death penalty. Despite the objections of her husband, Seneca's wife Paulina herself expressed a desire to die with him and demanded that she be pierced with a sword.

Seneca answered her: “I pointed out to you the comforts that life can give, but you prefer to die. I won't resist. We will die together with the same courage, but you - with greater glory..

After these words, both opened their veins in their arms. Seneca, who was already old, bled very slowly. To speed up its expiration, he opened his veins and on his legs. Since death still did not occur, Seneca asked Statius Annaeus, his friend and doctor, to give him poison. Seneca took the poison, but in vain: his body was already cold and the poison had no effect. Then he entered the hot bath and, splashing water around the slaves, said: "This is a libation to Jupiter the Liberator".