Drawing on milk with gouache and detergent. Master class for teachers "Drawing on milk

Can you paint with milk? What color will the painting be? Interesting? Then let's get started, ask these questions with the child, open and show the hocus pocus with a milk picture.

As always, prepare for the experiment:

  • milk
  • Bowl
  • tassel
  • paper

Invite your child to draw something with milk on paper. What happens, what do we observe? Vlad, for example, despite the fact that the picture turned out white, enthusiastically painted sheets 6-7, well, I'm next to him 🙂.

After the milk pictures are drawn, admire them. Are the pictures visible? Not? Then I propose to show them. You can do this with:

  • candles
  • electric stoves
  • iron

We tried all 3 options and, as it turned out, the electric stove shows the fastest. As you already understood, it is necessary to heat the milk pictures and then the pattern will appear.

So that the child can manifest himself with a candle, put it in a tall narrow candlestick, wrap it with a pattern and watch. You can put it in a bank. The child will be able to cope quite independently if you entrust him with an iron with minimal heat, but do not leave one.

And after all, we ask the most important question: HOW or WHY? Why is the picture drawn, manifested, becomes visible when heated?

Historians claim that Lenin wrote milk letters while in prison, perhaps from this fact the expression “Read between the lines” appeared 🙂. Therefore, this experiment is doubly informative, since along with scientific conclusions, you can reveal the meaning of the expression “Read between the lines”, which means it is to guess that the text has a hidden meaning, a hint that was laid on purpose.

The coolest experiments are the ones that don't require complex chemicals, a laboratory license, or a certificate of medical examination in a special institution. For the following experience, it is enough to go to the grocery store.

We will need: a soup plate; a bottle of milk (best - 2.5%); a bottle of dishwashing detergent; several hygienic cotton swabs; four different food colorings.

You may have a question about dyes - are they sold in grocery stores? Yes, they are for sale. It's just that these are specific things that are usually used for confectionery, and if there are no fanatical culinary specialists among your loved ones, you simply may not be aware of their existence. Almost all major supermarkets and online stores have food coloring. Important - the dye should be liquid or gel, not loose.


Pour a bowl full of milk. You need to wait until the liquid calms down and stops moving, otherwise the dyes will blur ahead of time. In the center of the plate we put several dots (spots) with dyes of different colors. Imagine a square with a side of about 1.5 cm and the center coinciding with the center of the plate. Here on the corners of this square and drip dyes. Do not spare paints - the spots need to be put quite greasy, but - important! - do not merge with each other. Moisten the tip of a cotton swab liberally with dishwashing detergent. Gently place the tip in the very center of the plate, dipping it 2-3 mm. Wait and enjoy!

Scientific interpretation

The secret of the focus is as follows. Detergent molecules are worm-shaped. The long part (tail) consists of hydrophobic groups tending to leave the water, and the short "head" of the molecule is hydrophilic, that is, on the contrary, water-friendly. At the same time, the hydrophobic part of the molecule is "borrowed" from fats and is attracted to them, thus, the detergent is the link between the liquid and the fat. It envelops fatty particles with a film (hydrophobic groups - inside, hydrophilic - outside), after which they are easily washed off.

But milk is an emulsion consisting of drops of milk fat evenly distributed in the aquatic environment! That is, the hydrophobic "tails" of the detergent molecules begin to "chase" the fat, which is evenly distributed in the liquid. Therefore, milk "self-mixes" - this is a rather delicate process, almost invisible, if you do not first tint the emulsion with food coloring.

I thought, maybe one of these methods will captivate their child ... I liked the idea with foam, let's try to draw in this way. Such a simple drawing can be done with paint and balloons.

1. Inflate a regular balloon to the desired print size. You can use different balls for each color.
2. Pre-prepare the paint, it can be either gouache or finger paints. It is most convenient to pour the paint on a disposable plate.
4. Then dip the ball into green paint and make an imprint next to the red, then another, make as many imprints as you want until you get the body of the caterpillar.
5. In order to show the mixing of colors, you can dip the balloon in blue paint and put a print on the already made green.
6. To complete the composition, draw eyes, legs and antennae.

Drawing in a box

But we prepared such a craft for our art box “Two palms” last year, we had a lot of fun!

We will need
- box
- paper
- ping pong balls
- paint (ordinary gouache is suitable, not very dense structure)

How to do:
1. Put a piece of paper on the bottom of the box.
2. We put the ball into the paint, one ball is one color of paint.
3. We lay out the balls in 4 corners of the box.
4. Close the box and shake or just roll the balls around the box in a circular motion Fun is guaranteed, the masterpiece is ready, you can open your gallery or give the masterpiece to dad or grandma.

Drawing on shaving foam

Show the wonderful drawing technique to your little ones. Let's draw on shaving foam!

We will need:
- shaving foam (namely foam, not gel)
- utensils for mixing (this can be a bowl)
- paint that is easily absorbed (liquid food coloring, tempera paint or liquid gouache)
- pipette optional
- mixing stick
- landscape (porous sheet) paper
- flat wooden stick or board

We create:
1. Squeeze out the shaving foam into the container
2. Pipette different colors of paint
3. Stir with a stick
4. We put a sheet of paper in the foam, dipping a little
5. We take out, remove the excess foam with a flat board and voila, the drawing is ready!

Tactile drawing

What could be more interesting?

We will need:
- Finger paint
- bubble wrap
- food film
- sandpaper (not very rough)
- rough cardboard (you can tray from eggs)

It's simple - tell the kid about the different properties of materials, let him draw with his palms and see how the same paint falls on different surfaces, and, of course, the development of fine motor skills, where without it.

Drawing with a mixer

This idea is the BOMB!
So you haven't painted yet!

We will need:
- paints
- a box (you can even "Two palms")
- mixer
- sheet of paper (many sheets)
- good mood

Musical instrument?

No, it's a drawing tool

We will need:
- paper
- shoe box
- rubber band for money
- paints

Carefully! Spray!

Drawing in the rain

If it's raining outside, no problem!
Let's draw!
Just put multi-colored dots of paint on a piece of paper and take it out to the balcony or yard.
The rain itself will draw beautiful rainbow pictures.
Marvel at the magic with your baby.

Glue stained glass

It is very simple and fun to make bright stained-glass windows from glue and food coloring.
We will need:
- white glue (PVA is perfect)
- food coloring (liquid)
- toothpicks
- plastic cover
- hole puncher
- threads

We create:
1. Pour glue into the lid so that the entire surface is covered
2. Have your child put one drop of each color of food coloring
3. Give your baby a toothpick and ask them to mix the droplets, but just don't get too carried away so that you don't get a dirty brown color
4. Let the glue dry, it may take several days to dry depending on how much glue you used
5. When the glue dries, the edges will just start to separate from the lid
6. After complete drying, separate the resulting stained-glass window from the lid, make a hole and hang it to play with flowers on a tree or window.

Have fun and catch colored bunnies with your baby.

We paint salt

We offer to color the salt sculpture!

We will need:
- coarse salt
- a little water (so that the salt is not dry, but does not blur)
- molds for playing in the sandbox

We create:
Like in a sandbox, create your own salt “kusichku” together with your baby. Then take the liquid watercolor and gently pipette the paint onto the salt sculpture. Please note that if you do this with a brush, then the salt may crumble, but the pipette will not violate the harmony of your creativity.

This unusual and interesting activity develops creative thinking, fine motor skills, tactile sensations, logical thinking and will keep your child busy for a long time.

family app

Triple fingerprint application - fun for the whole family!

Make three footprints of all your family members, maybe even a cat or a dog - it will be fun!
If the prints are of different colors, the application will turn out rainbow :)
Each print must be cut out so that a small white strip remains.
Glue the cut out parts one on top of the other and insert into the frame!

colored bombs

We will need:
- Zip-lock bags
- cornstarch
- food coloring or watercolor
- vinegar
- soda
- paper towels or napkins

We create:
1. Mix starch, vinegar and coloring and fill one-third of the bags with the mixture.
2. Then pour soda into the middle of the napkin and form a bomb out of it.
3. Put a bomb in the bag and seal the bag tightly.
4. Then shake the contents well.

The package will begin to swell and in a few minutes there will be an explosion that will paint the streets with iridescent colors.

Drawing on the sheets

What could be more fun on the lawn in summer!?
You can invent and depict the whole world

Drawing with stamps

Drawing with stamps is always very exciting for children, but the most beautiful thing is that you can stamp with any materials at hand. Celery is no exception, it makes excellent stamps for children :)
We draw flowers with celery, the drawing can make an excellent postcard for grandmother on March 8.

Drawing on milk

We create:
1. Pour milk into a flat plate.
2. Add paint.
3. Dip the stick in dishwashing liquid, and lower it into the paint.
4. Hold the wand and see what happens.
5. We continue to add the soapy solution to different places on the milk.

Bubble painting

We will need:
- cups (can be disposable)
- bubble
- watercolor paints
- straw for blowing
- watercolor paper

We create:
1. Pour the liquid for soap bubbles into cups.
2. Add paint.
3. Mix well and start blowing colored bubbles onto paper.
4. We are waiting for it to dry and we can hang the work on the wall!

Do you believe in miracles? What about being a wizard yourself? This is possible with the help of seemingly ordinary items that can also become magical. Now you and your baby have the opportunity ă…ˇ to become magic artists who create truly unusual paintings. We will draw on milk, and also get acquainted with the technique drawing with cling film and not only. These techniques will help you because they are not difficult at all and very interesting. So let's get started!

Drawing on milk: create milky patterns

Are you familiar with drawing on milk ? It is very exciting! And now you will learn exactly how to do it. First, prepare liquid paints. It can be food coloring, diluted gouache or watercolor. But multi-colored mascara is best for our idea (the colors will be brighter and richer).

Pour milk into a bowl. Feel free to pick up paint with a pipette and drip it onto the surface of a white liquid in random order. Now the kid can take a toothpick or a skewer and create colorful patterns, stretching and twisting them as he wants.

Do you want to surprise your child and yourself even more? Dip a Q-tip in liquid soap or dish soap and touch it to the milk. Watch the magical dance of colors that can delight any kid! The higher the percentage of fat content in milk, the more active and longer the movements will be.

Drawing on milk can be modified with other techniques. The pattern on milk can be transferred to paper. Touch the sheet of paper to the surface of the milk for a couple of seconds. Dry the leaf. And now, in front of you is the relief of some unknown distant planet or a map of an unexplored part of the globe. And you, as its discoverers, can come up with names for all the islands, seas, rivers with your baby. Let them be unusual and funny. All objects can be signed. And you will get a real map, where on the coast of the Chocolate River, which flows into the Tarampampura Sea, the island of Kurnosiki is located.

Milk can be replaced with potato starch, diluted to the thickness of sour cream, or stationery glue. Patterns on a more viscous surface will be fixed longer, and you can even feel like a novice master of Ebru, the ancient oriental art of painting on water. I suggest watching the video for inspiration.

I hope that drawing on milk for your children will become a new, interesting and exciting activity.

Miracle blot and magic wand

Here is another way unusual drawing with children . For it, you will need liquid paints and an ordinary cocktail tube. Help your child scoop up the paint with a teaspoon and pour it onto a piece of paper. Now let the baby arm himself with a tube-magic wand and begin to inflate the blot to the sides, in a circle. You can simultaneously put several colored blots near each other. The child will simultaneously observe how a new color is born when several others are mixed.

Now turn on the fantasy. What does your blot look like? You can draw it to a certain image. If the child sees a thicket of the forest on a sheet, try to offer to complete the drawing so that half of the drawing becomes a fairy forest where a good wizard lives, and the other where an evil or harmful sorceress lives. Or let the child create a “good” and “evil” forest, having received this task when there is nothing on the sheet yet. Prompt that the character can be conveyed by color, but just do not impose your ideas about the emotional impact of color. Everyone can have their own.

And you can also add eyes to the blot, and now this is not a blot, but Barabyaka Pampukskaya in person, get acquainted! Write a story about a hero with your child, for example, like this ...

Barabyaka and ginger kitten

Once upon a time there was Barabyaka Pampukskaya. She was friends with a red kitten. Sometimes friends quarreled, and then Barabiaka's mood deteriorated, and she turned into a hissing and snorting tenacious scratchy paw. But the friends very quickly reconciled, and the sharp scratches of Barabyaki Pampukskaya became soft and fluffy. And when she folded them and folded them under herself, then everything turned into a ball of thread with which a kitten could play.

Dasha, 6 years old

Or you can send Barabyaka to the forest, where the very kind wizard lives, and then to the thicket, where the evil sorceress lives. What adventures will meet on the way of the restless Barabyaki?

Food film artist

Drawing with cling film ă…ˇ Have you ever heard of such a thing? Most likely not heard. I suggest you get acquainted in practice with this interesting way.

First, help your baby dampen the paper. Now let boldly apply color spots with a brush. The paint must also be sufficiently liquid. Take cling film or a cut plastic bag. Attach it to the sheet and slightly wrinkle, creating as many folds as possible.

After the work has dried, remove the film.As a result, vacuum bubbles are obtained, which cover a sheet of paper with a thin magic cobweb.

Here you can easily guess the mountains and the sea. If you have a home theater, these drawings can also be a beautiful backdrop for the stage.

Now let's add some music!

Any of these methods unusual drawing with children can be performed to different moods and tempo music. The drawings will be different in character. And you can offer the reverse task - to select a musical etude corresponding to the finished drawing from several data. Or maybe the child wants to “write” his own music for his picture and perform it. On a toy musical instrument or any household items that seem appropriate to him. You may have to endure a few noisy minutes of creativity from your undoubtedly talented kid.

Non-standard drawing techniques develop imagination, fantasy, creative thinking, as well as the emotional sphere. It's also a great way get your child interested in art if this interest is not already there. And, of course, they will give a lot of positive emotions. So do not expect a miracle, but wonder yourself with your children!

Oksana Yaremchuk, additional education teacher, psychologist

If your child does not like to draw, it only means that you have not yet found a way that he will like. Take a look at our selection: we have found for you 10 drawing techniques that you may not have heard of before. Or heard, but not tried. Try it and then tell us about the results.

Drawing on milk

In fact, this method of drawing is called Ebru and in the original it is performed not on milk, but on special water. But all the bells and whistles for this type of creativity are very expensive. We suggest you try Ebru with milk. We absolutely love everything about this technique: its cost, the beauty of execution, and the fact that an unusual pattern can be preserved.

You will need:

  • large tray
  • milk (the fatter the better)
  • paints (from Ikea are quite suitable)
  • toothpick
  • pipette
  • dishwashing liquid (optional)
Dilute the paints with water in separate jars, pour milk onto the tray. Use a dropper to drop the paint into the milk, then use a toothpick to create intricate patterns on the milk canvas. Once the image appears complete, place a blank white sheet over the drawing and it will move onto the paper. In an intermediate stage, you can put a drop of dishwashing detergent on the drawing and watch how the pattern comes to life. Fiction!

Drawing on shaving foam

This way of drawing develops creative thinking and imagination, and the process is so exciting that one day you will have to stock up on shaving foam for future use.

You will need:

  • acrylic paints (or gouache)
  • shaving foam
  • wand
  • plastic board
  • ruler-triangle
Squeeze a small amount of shaving cream onto a flat, non-absorbent surface (plastic board). Form a drawing field from it by leveling the surface with a ruler. Squeeze the paint out of the tubes onto the foam in drops or lines. Stretch the paint drops with a stick. Create your own unique drawing. Lay a sheet of paper on top of the foam and press lightly. Remove the paper. Before you will be a continuous mess of paint and foam, but do not be alarmed, the drawing is hidden under the foam! In one motion, scrape off the foam with a ruler from the paper sheet and leave the picture to dry.

balloon drawing

Usually, balloons become obligatory guests at every holiday. But time passes, and the balls begin to deflate. Do you think they can no longer bring joy? Wrong! You can draw with them!

You will need:

  • balloon
  • sheet of white paper
  • pink paint
  • disposable plate
  • button
  • beady eyes

Collect all ingredients. Pour the pink paint into a disposable plate. Inflate (or take an already inflated) balloon and gently lower it into the paint. Make an imprint on a piece of paper with a balloon. You will get a pink circle. Dip the ball in pink paint and paint the ears on the pig! Put beady eyes on the paint that has not yet dried (when the paint dries, the eyes will stick). Attach a button to make a nose. If the paint is already dry, use the fresh paint as glue. You can, of course, not only draw a pig, it's how you like it.

yarn drawing

You can draw with old pieces of yarn or thick threads, which are sure to be found in every home!

You will need:

  • water washable paints
  • disposable plates
  • paper
  • yarn (you can use thick threads or ribbons).
It is most convenient to allocate a separate plate and thread for each color. Put a spoonful of paint on a plate. Take the thread and saturate it with paint, leaving about 10 cm from one end of the thread clean. Saturate each thread with your paint. After you and your children prepare your drawing tools, take the threads by the clean tip and move them along the sheet in accordance with your imagination.

Drawing in the style of scratching

The word grattage comes from the French word gratter - scrape, scratch. And it's true, the drawing is not written, but scratched. This way of drawing is a great tool for developing imagination and shading skills.

You will need:

  • thick paper
  • colour pencils
  • black gouache
  • paraffin candle
  • brush
  • toothpick
Shade the entire surface of a sheet of paper with colored pencils. Rub the colored surface of the leaf well with a paraffin candle. By the way. You can simply paint the sheet with wax crayons. Paint over the drawing with gouache and leave to dry. If gouache rolls into drops on the surface of the sheet, add a drop of dishwashing liquid to it and cover the sheet with this composition in 2-3 layers. Now you can proceed to the most important moment - drawing. Scratch the black surface with a toothpick, creating a pattern. You can draw on the background in different ways: only the outlines of the figures; lighten the whole figure and leave it on a dark background, or, conversely, leave the figure dark and make the background light.

Aquatype drawing

This technique activates and develops figurative thinking, imagination, creativity; it is suitable even for those who do not know how to draw at all. On a piece of glass, plastic or plastic, a drawing is made using watercolors, gouache, oil paints. Maybe not a drawing, but just spots. Then the glass is pressed against the paper, and an imprint is left on it. To get an interesting effect, you can turn the glass, pull it, lift it stepwise, by one edge or by all four at once - thanks to this, the paint will smear a little and you will get the effect of movement, wind blowing, waves. The resulting drawings can be considered to be left unchanged, or can be used as a background for the main drawing.

Frozen paint painting

We are sure that you have never painted with frozen paint! Today is the day to discover new horizons and try this fun type of drawing.

You will need:

  • shaving foam
  • food colorings
  • plastic cups
  • accessories (sequins, small beads)
  • paper or paper
In each cup, add shaving foam, food coloring (a few drops) and mix. When the base is ready, add decorations (for example, beads or sparkles). We put the resulting product in the freezer and wait for several hours. While our paint is freezing, prepare a place for drawing and paper. Help your child remove the finished paints from the molds. A child can draw spiral patterns with frozen paint, so the patterns are even more beautiful! Especially if you use several colors at once.

Bubble painting

You will need:

  • some shampoo
  • 15 drops food coloring
  • 1/2 cup water
  • straws for cocktail
Mix shampoo, water and dye of any color in a small bowl. You can also make several bowls with different colors of liquids. Ask the child to blow into the soapy solution with a straw, thereby inflating more and more bubbles. Hold the paper near the soap bubbles so that you have a bright and colorful pattern. By alternating paints of different colors, you can get an interesting multi-colored pattern.

salt painting

For this type of drawing, you will need a sheet of cardboard, glue, and salt. We dip the brush in glue and draw whatever our heart desires on dark cardboard. Kids can simply put dots on cardboard - later these dots will turn into snowflakes. Clay is not sorry! We dip the brush into the glue more often, we smear it fatter. Now we take a handful of salt and boldly sprinkle the picture. Snowflakes can be sprinkled with finely ground salt, snowdrifts with coarse salt, different salts can be combined on fir branches, and so on. Thus, we cover the entire cardboard with a thick layer of salt. Then we gently tilt and shake the cardboard - excess salt is poured from the picture, and fluffy drawings of salt based on glue remain. Magic, nothing else!