Deputy Director for General Issues. Deputy Director for General Affairs

The job description of the deputy director sets out his powers, duties and limits of responsibility. In the article you will find an example of a standard instruction for a deputy director for general issues and a sample approval order.

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Even a small business is difficult to manage alone. It is even more difficult to be the head of a large developing company, which even an experienced manager may not be able to manage. In order to quickly resolve all administrative and business issues, avoiding the “snowball” effect, additional management positions are being introduced. Deputies are delegated some of the director's powers - for example, the right to control the logistics of the enterprise or receive incoming delegations. Specific directions and tasks that the deputy director deals with are fixed in the job description and other local documents.

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The answer was prepared jointly with the editors

Nina Kovyazina answers,
Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy in Healthcare of the Russian Ministry of Health

Only government bodies must compile job descriptions (Article 47 of Law No. 79-FZ dated July 27, 2004). It is impossible to fine an organization that is not a government agency for the absence of instructions (letter of Rostrud dated 08/09/2007 No. 3042-6-0). However, there are strong arguments in favor of...

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Job responsibilities of the Deputy Director

Each organization has its own specifics that determine what exactly a deputy director should do: job responsibilities for the same position in the staffing table of a legal, trading and industrial company, as a rule, have noticeable differences. But there are also similarities. Thus, the deputy for general issues is usually entrusted with managing the economic services of the administration and production departments, namely:

  • participation in the development of local sanitary standards, projects and plans for the repair of premises or equipment;
  • drawing up memos, reports and estimates on business matters;
  • reception and accommodation of seconded specialists;
  • control over compliance by the organization’s personnel with fire safety rules, industrial sanitation and labor protection;
  • coordination of the work of reporting departments and teams;
  • participation in meetings of technical commissions and organization of SOUT ( special assessments of jobs based on working conditions);
  • control of the conditions and deadlines for the implementation of business and financial contracts with suppliers, partners, and customers;
  • quality control of warehouse operations and financially responsible employees.

The list is conditional - each employer supplements and expands it at its own discretion. The deputy director for development, legal or production issues performs completely different assignments. All characteristics of the position - nuances of the labor function, the procedure for appointment and dismissal, requirements for work experience and qualifications of the employee - should add to job description.

Job description of deputy director: structure and content

In order not to miss anything during the development process and end up with a truly easy-to-use document, take a ready-made job description template as a basis. The proposed sample can be used by both commercial and budget organizations and consists of five sections:

  • general provisions;
  • job responsibilities;
  • employee rights;
  • employee responsibility;
  • order revision of instructions.

The first section is about general information about the position. Indicate the order in which the deputy director is appointed and who replaces him during illness or vacation. You can also add a list of qualification requirements here.

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List your job responsibilities in detail and point by point. This way, it will be clear to both the employee and his immediate superior what exactly the deputy should do:

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The rights of an employee and the measures of responsibility applied to him need not be described in detail, limiting ourselves to general wording. Remember that the director, his deputies and the chief accountant belong to a special category of employees who bear full financial responsibility even without concluding a corresponding agreement.

What is the financial responsibility of an employee (including a manager) and under what circumstances does it occur? The answers are in the materials of the Personnel System:

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The last section contains the conditions and deadlines for revising the document. The law does not establish clear requirements in this regard, and the general practice is to revise job descriptions as necessary (if the company's management system or technologies used in production change), but at least once every five years.

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How to approve a job description for the position of deputy director

Be sure to leave space for certification details at the bottom of the form. The signatures of the officials to whom the instructions are sent are placed here. on approval, and there is a field for the signature of the employee to whom the document applies (give out a second copy for storage at the workplace).

Deputy director is an ambiguous position, because we can talk about either the “right hand” of the manager or an employee who is entrusted with a limited list of tasks that are not of paramount importance. Therefore, it is so important to develop a convenient, competent and meaningful job description.

Mini-test for self-test.

How are job descriptions approved?

  1. only by separate order;
  2. only using a special stamp affixed to the document;
  3. both methods are acceptable.

The head of the company is not able to independently cope with all management responsibilities, therefore the organization has deputies on its staff, to whom a significant part of the director’s work is delegated.

Features of the work of the Deputy Director for General Issues

Such specialists are not able to completely replace the function of the head of a company, but with their proper work, it is possible to achieve maximum efficiency in enterprise management. The most responsible position is the Deputy Director for General Affairs. This specialist does not have a clear specialization, and must perform most of the duties of the director during his absence or excessive busyness.

The position of Deputy Director for General Affairs is very responsible and requires the candidate not only to have a higher education in the specialty, but also significant experience in management work. Very often, the director of the company entrusts this specialist with complete supervision of any sector of production. This specialist also replaces the director in the absence of the manager at the workplace.

Very often, the deputy director for general affairs performs the function of resolving various issues and conflicts that arise at an early stage of development.

Thus, preventing the problem from growing to a scale where the participation of the CEO is required in the process of resolving the problem.

Why are instructions needed?

A job description for the work of this specialist is necessary in order to completely eliminate misunderstandings by the employee of his duties in this position. Despite the vagueness of the wording, this specialist is responsible for performing many functions in enterprise management, and therefore, before starting to perform his job duties, the employee must read the job description. This document specifies a complete list of the employee’s duties and responsibilities.

The job description also specifies general provisions regarding the work of this specialist and his rights. This document must be drawn up taking into account existing regulations and not contradict common sense. The document should be drawn up only by specialists in the field in which the documented rules for performing the job duties of the deputy director for general issues are prescribed.

Who draws up and signs the instructions?

The job description of the deputy director for general issues is developed and approved by specialists on the basis of regulations and instructions. The HR department of enterprises may make additional changes to this document. All amendments made must not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legal documents.

The developed instructions are signed and approved by the general director of the enterprise. Then this instruction is included in the employment contract, or must be separately read and signed by the employee who will be hired for this position.

Only after signing this document can the employee perform his job duties.

Job Description of Deputy Director for General Affairs

The job description of this specialist contains a large number of points that describe the duties of the deputy director for general issues, as well as his responsibilities and rights.

Among the main job responsibilities of this specialist, the following should be highlighted:

Depending on the specifics of the area in which the deputy director for general issues has to work, original items to be implemented may be introduced. There is no established state standard for this document, but the job description must indicate the rights and responsibilities of the employee, as well as his degree of responsibility when performing his official duties.

What points does it consist of? Here we will analyze it in more detail.

You will learn what an electrician does, what rights and responsibilities will be specified in his job description.

What does a storekeeper do, what responsibilities does he have? We'll talk about this in this article.

Rights and responsibilities of the Deputy Director for General Affairs

This specialist has the following rights:

  • Gain access to information necessary to perform job duties.
  • Make proposals to the General Director on issues related to the direct performance of his job duties.
  • Coordinate the hiring of employees who are directly subordinate to this specialist.
  • Undergo additional training at specialized advanced training centers.
  • Independently prepare draft decrees on economic matters.
  • Require subordinate employees to comply with fire safety standards, labor regulations and clauses of the employment contract.
  • Make a proposal to the general director of the company regarding the priming of employees directly subordinate to the deputy director for general issues.
  • Participate in meetings and make decisions on issues within your competence.
  • Require the general director to ensure safe working conditions.
  • If a threat to life or health arises, stop performing your work duties.

The Deputy Director for General Affairs has the following responsibilities:

  • Perform assigned functions efficiently and without delay.
  • Provide economic support for various events.
  • Solve professional problems independently within the limits of your competence.
  • Ensure acceptance of work performed by subordinate employees.
  • Take measures in case of detection of theft of tangible property of the enterprise.
  • Carry out rational use of financial resources that were allocated to meet the economic needs of the enterprise.
  • Apply to the General Director for disciplinary punishment against employees who are directly subordinate and who violate labor discipline.
  • Monitor the timely training of personnel in advanced training courses.
  • Member of the commission for drawing up collective labor agreements.
  • Monitor the status of fire alarms and labor safety rules at the enterprise.
  • Instruct subordinate employees on the rules of conduct in case of emergency situations.
  • Remove from performing their job duties those employees who do not comply with safety regulations at the enterprise.
  • If obvious threats to the health and life of employees are identified in the organization, suspend the work process of the enterprise.
  • Monitor employees' timely medical examinations.
  • If there are preconditions for emergency situations, inform senior management about it.

Responsibility of the specialist

An employee who performs the duties of a deputy director for general issues, along with rights and responsibilities, is responsible for the performance or failure to perform certain professional actions.

The responsibilities of this specialist include:

  • Disclosure of trade secrets, as well as information related to personal information of employees.
  • Improper performance of one's job duties.
  • Incorrect or untimely provision of material and economic parts.
  • Failure to timely comply with the instructions of the general director of the company.
  • Demonstration of low business and professional qualities.
  • Reluctance to improve work skills and take advanced training courses.
  • Violation of internal labor regulations and moral standards.
  • Neglect of safety rules.
  • Causing material damage to the enterprise as a result of the activities or inaction of an employee.
  • Violation of labor protection rules and safety instructions.
  • Negligent performance of direct labor duties.

If material damage has been caused to a significant extent, or due to dishonest performance of one’s work, the death of a person or injury to health has occurred, the Deputy Director for General Affairs bears criminal liability, and penalties are also taken against this employee to compensate for the damage.


The position of Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible and in demand. Only a specialist whose level of competence is beyond doubt is appointed to this position. An employee who works as a deputy director for general affairs must not only have the appropriate education, but in many human qualities be superior to his colleagues subordinate to him.

In contact with

The number and structure of the management team of the enterprise is determined by the constituent documents, staffing table, and other administrative acts. If the staff structure provides for the post of director for general affairs, a job description must be developed and issued. We will consider the content and order of its compilation in this material.

What it is

The job description of each employee must describe in as much detail as possible the list of his rights and responsibilities, as well as the limits of responsibility when performing job functions. For an individual, the specified set of information must be contained in the employment contract. The Director for General Affairs belongs to the management team of the organization and is vested with organizational, administrative and economic functions for personnel management.

The requirements for a candidate for this position are not regulated at the legislative level and can be approved by the enterprise itself.

The differentiation of the management team, including the allocation of the position of director for general issues, is associated with various areas of work. For example, in educational institutions, the director for general affairs will not have the same responsibilities as the deputy for educational work.

Essence and purpose

The job description is included in the mandatory set of documents that is drawn up when hiring a new employee. The basis for developing instructions is the employment notice issued by the enterprise, as well as the employment contract. Regarding the Director of General Affairs, the instructions will contain the following blocks:

  • general labor regulations in force at the enterprise;
  • individual working conditions of the manager - place of work, list of job responsibilities, area of ​​responsibility, structural unit, etc.;
  • rights and obligations of a specialist;
  • procedure for interaction with subordinates and management, other structural units.

The job description of each employee must be individual in nature, i.e. take into account his work characteristics. For the director of general affairs, such features will be a combination of economic and managerial functions - he has the right to give orders and manage personnel within his structural unit.

What regulations governs

  • DI items must comply with the general rules of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as local regulations of the enterprise.
  • In the field of economics, education and medicine, by-laws of ministries and departments have been adopted regulating the procedure for processing documents with personnel, including job descriptions.
  • If the staff structure includes a director for general issues, in addition to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and local acts, the specified specialized orders and instructions must be applied.


Various types of job descriptions are divided according to the types of activities in which the enterprise or institution is engaged. Accordingly, the following types of DI can be compiled for the director of general affairs:

  • in commercial organizations (, etc.)– the range of responsibilities of the director will be related to generating profit for the enterprise, i.e. relationships with counterparties, or, etc.;
  • in the construction industry– in addition to general management tasks, the director’s responsibilities will include obtaining permits, managing a construction site or other department, developing labor safety measures, etc.;
  • in the field of education (schools, colleges, secondary vocational education, etc.)– the powers of the director on general issues are related only to economic and general management functions, while the educational process is within the competence of other employees;
  • in the housing and communal services sector– the duties of the director for general issues will be related to coordinating the work of various service areas, concluding agreements with apartment buildings for the maintenance of common property, etc.

Thus, in any area of ​​activity of the enterprise, the director of general affairs coordinates the work between structural divisions, and, to a lesser extent, the production process itself.

Who compiles it and where it is used

Preparation of job descriptions is included. The enterprise may approve a standard set of documents related to personnel registration. However, when drawing up a DI with a specific employee, their work characteristics must be taken into account. The instruction is filled out according to the information of the employment contract and staffing table, and must comply with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and local regulations.

After signing by both parties, the DI is deposited with the personnel department, and a second copy is issued to the director of general affairs. Further changes to the DI are permitted only by mutual agreement of the parties, or when the place of work and scope of authority change. The use of the instructions is related to the current work of the specialist, as well as to determine measures of responsibility.

DI provisions

Are common

When drawing up each job description, a general and individual block of points is developed. The first part includes standards that apply to all employees of the enterprise:

  • date and place of document preparation;
  • information about the employer and specialist;
  • general provisions of the enterprise's working hours, as well as;
  • general rules for payment of remuneration (terms, form of payment, etc.);
  • information about benefits and compensation available at the enterprise;
  • general health and safety measures in the organization.

The listed provisions must comply with the general rules of labor and discipline in force at the enterprise.

The specialist in this video will tell you what challenges the director of HR and general affairs faces, using his example:


Of particular importance are the special provisions of the DI, which determine the nature of the rights and obligations of the director on general issues. Their list includes:

  • requirements for the experience and qualifications of a specialist (for example, at least 5 years of management experience, specialized education in the field of activity of the enterprise);
  • workplace - structural unit, head office of the enterprise, etc.;
  • individual working hours (for example, irregular working hours, etc.);
  • additional payments, benefits and compensation related to the performance of basic duties, including for special performance indicators;
  • list of powers of the director - in relation to his structural unit, to employees of the enterprise, when conducting negotiations with contractors, etc.;
  • composition of the director's functional responsibilities - managerial, organizational, economic and other functions that he is obliged to perform by type of activity;
  • limits of responsibility - the ability to independently sign documents and make transactions on behalf of the enterprise, measures of responsibility for the results of the work of subordinates, etc.

If the director of general affairs is vested with authority at the enterprise, such items are also indicated in the job description. It is this block of rules that will be used when applying incentive and disciplinary measures in current work.

Since the Director of General Affairs is a member of the management team, special disciplinary measures may be taken against him.

Features of the job description of the deputy director for general issues

The specificity of the director’s work on general issues lies in the allocation of part of the manager’s responsibilities. In fact, this specialist acts as a deputy to the sole manager with a strictly defined list of powers. Therefore, in the job description it is important to clearly distinguish the competence of the director on general issues from the responsibilities of other representatives of the management team.

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Salary level depending on the applicant’s work experience