Presentation: my future profession is an engineer. Profession engineer

Yeganyan Artsvi 11 “A” My future profession engineer

I believe that the choice of the future profession is one of the most important decisions in a person’s life. It is especially important nowadays, when the life has become very active and dynamic, so that it is impossible to waste your time on things you have no interest in. As for me, I have decided not only to get a diploma in engineering, but also to work as an engineer after progressing from the university.

There are several reasons for why I have chosen this profession. First of all I have always had gift for technical subjects rather than for the humanities. In spite of the fact that to work as an engineer is not so easy, I am sure that I’ll cope with all the difficulties, because such work appeals to me. The thing is that it is very interesting for me to cope with difficult situations and find the right solutions to the problems. I am sure I’ll never be bored by the job of an engineer, because my personal characteristics suit this profession.

Secondly, I have to admit that my parents also influenced me a little. To be more exact they didn’t just tell me which profession to chose. But what they asked me to do was to decide in favor of specialty where the contest is not very tense. At the same time this profession should have been reliable, promising and by all means serious. I think that the profession of engineer combines in itself all these characteristics.

Thirdly, my choice depended on the university that I was going to enter. It is well-known, that MADI is one of the best universities in Moscow. Besides, it is one of the best technical educational institutions in our country. I would like also to mention the lecturers and teachers, who really make it possible to get such high standards. I am certainly lucky to deal with such people, because they make me sure that I’ll get a proper education and will be prepared for work.

But to tell the truth the most important reason for my choice was the question of how perspective this profession is. It’s not a secret anymore that engineers are needed in our society badly. At the present time there is a slight overdose of economists and managers, for whom it has become very difficult to find a job. Unlike such professionals an engineer can find a vacancy much easier. Moreover, it is implied that a good specialist can have a brilliant career. If you do your job promptly, if you show your best and have enough energy, you can have as well good prospects of promotion.

Although this profession s not the most prestigious at the moment it seems to become one. A lot of specialists forecast engineers to become the most popular profession among employers. Honestly speaking it is an essential need for every young specialist to know, that his job can provide him with enough money to live on. My main life goal is to financially independent, which means become able to support myself and live a full life. For this reason I hope that I’ve made the right decision.

In the end I would like to add that the profession of an engineer is closely connected with the economy of the country. The better it is developed, the more engineers it needs.

I wish that our country is as prosperous a sit only can, and that all professions find their own place in the sun.

Choosing a profession in our time is a very important direction. For some it is a calling, for others it is just a job. One of the popular topics for essays in English is “My profession is an engineer.” In this article we will look at an English topic about a future profession with an emphasis on technical specialties.

If you need to write an essay on the topic “My future Profession,” then the following topic options in English with translation can help you with this.

From the article you will learn:

Dictionary for the topic “My future profession is an engineer”

  • accurate - accurate
  • concentrated - concentrated
  • prestigious - prestigious
  • well-paid - well paid
  • equipment - equipment
  • machinery - mechanics
  • civil engineering - civil engineering
  • electrical engineering - electrical engineering
  • mechanical engineering - mechanical engineering

A short essay for schoolchildren - My future job

I am going to be an engineer. I think engineer is a very interesting job. He talks with new people every day. A good engineer should be accurate, careful, concentrated and serious. He should work with computers, have a creative idea. An engineer should speak a foreign language.

I think this profession is for me.

Translation from English “My future profession”

I'm going to become an engineer. I think being an engineer is a very interesting job. Every day he talks to new people. A good engineer must be precise, careful, focused and serious. He must work with computers and have creative ideas. The engineer must speak a foreign language.

I think this profession is for me.

Example essay My future profession is an engineer

My name is Victor and I’m 14 years old. I study at the 9th form of the state school in a small town.

I know that there are many interesting professions in the world, including banker, teacher, architect but I want to be an engineer.

People say that it’s a difficult profession and it requires good knowledge of physics and mathematics. I'm ready to give it a try. My teachers also say that I’m rather good at this field.

The school subjects that I’m good at are algebra and geometry. My mother says that engineers need excellent technical knowledge, so she helps me with that. Moreover, strong computer skills are required, as most of the equipment today is computerized.

If I become a mechanical engineer, I will definitely have to deal with machinery and software programs for problem solving.

I will have to move to a larger city after I graduate from school. The entrance exams usually include mathematics and physics. I think I will pass my exams. If I manage to enter the Technological University, I will have to study for 5 years to become a professional engineer.

In my opinion, engineering is a great profession. There are so many interesting fields that I can choose from, such as civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, etc.

I think I will succeed.

Translation into Russian:My future profession is engineer

My name is Victor. I am 14 years old. I am in 9th grade at a public school in a small town.

I know that there are a lot of interesting professions, including bankers, teachers, architects, but I want to become an engineer.

People say that this is a difficult profession and requires good knowledge of physics and mathematics. I'm ready to try. My teachers also say that I am quite good in this area.

The school subjects I am good at are algebra and geometry. My mom says engineers need excellent technical knowledge, so she helps me with that. Moreover, good computer skills are required as most of the equipment today is computerized.

If I want to become a mechanical engineer, I definitely need to become familiar with mechanics and problem solving programs.

I have to move to a big city after I finish school. Entrance exams usually include mathematics and physics. I think I'll pass my exams. If I go to the University of Technology, I will study for 5 years to become a professional engineer.

In my opinion, engineering is a wonderful profession. There are so many interesting fields that I can choose from, such as civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, etc.

I think I will succeed.

Topic “My future profession is engineer”

There are many professions in the world, but in my opinion men’s life should be related to technical specialties, my father and mother worked in design bureau in machine factory, cause that I understand what have to continue the family business.

At this moment the profession of engineer is once again becoming a prestigious and well-paid. Factories, Railways, workshops, small private firms need of people engineering professions. Wherever there is any equipment needed, engineers are able to maintain it at a high level, and the technique now in all areas of production, without it can not exist even the simplest industrial enterprise.

Today the profession of engineer is not very fashionable, but it’s not bad, that is only more appreciated by qualified professionals. A good engineer must constantly improve his skills not only through education but also by attending various events, foreign exhibitions, which improve the quality of knowledge. Industry of Russia, at the moment, unfortunately, lags behind other countries, most of the goods we buy from abroad, but could produce it themselves. Our country has huge potential, we can become first in all production sectors, so that in the future I want to work as an engineer and invent new machines and devices, thereby contributing to the development of our state.

Translation into Russian

There are many professions in the world, but in my opinion, a man’s life should be connected with technical professions. My dad and mom worked in the design bureau at a machine-building plant, so I realized that I had to continue the family business.

At the moment, the engineering profession is once again becoming prestigious and highly paid. Factories, factories, railways, workshops, small private firms need people of engineering professions. Wherever there is any equipment, engineers are needed who can service it at a high level, and technology is now in all areas of production; even the simplest enterprise cannot exist without it.

Today, the engineering profession is not very fashionable, but this is not bad; in connection with this, qualified specialists are only more valued. A good engineer must constantly improve his skills, not only through self-education, but also by attending various events and foreign exhibitions that help improve the quality of knowledge. The industry of Russia, at the moment, unfortunately, lags behind other countries; we buy most of the goods from abroad, although we could produce them ourselves. Our country has enormous potential, we can become the first in all branches of production, therefore, in the future I want to work as an engineer and invent new machines and devices, thereby contributing to the development of our state.

Objectives: Consider the concept of a profession and the importance of life choice Consider the concept of a profession and the importance of life choice Consider the directions of engineering activity Consider the directions of engineering activity Indicate the relevance of this profession in the modern world Indicate the relevance of this profession in the modern world

"An engineer sounds proud!" This phrase is relevant today. good engineers are required at many enterprises, but there are few real specialists; there will soon be a shortage of competent engineers. An engineer is a specialist with a higher technical education. The name of the profession comes from the Latin word ingenium, which means “ability, ingenuity.”

To be proud of your work, you must have deep theoretical knowledge, practical experience, while not forgetting about economic feasibility. Knowledge is the basis of everything. An engineer needs to be able to make drawings. In the first years of university, the basics of drawing are studied in the course of engineering graphics and descriptive geometry. In the future, the acquired skills are used to prepare coursework and dissertations.

The most famous, universal and widespread CAD is AutoCAD from Autodesk. It is used in almost all areas from mechanical engineering to design. The inevitable price for such versatility is the difficulty of mastering it. Developed by the Russian company ASCON, the KOMPAS-3D package. With most of the features of AutoCAD, this system provides convenient, simple and visual design tools.

Beginning process engineers. Salary Moscow - from to rub. St. Petersburg - from to rub. Nizhny Novgorod - from to rub. Omsk - from 9000 to rub.

Technological engineers with at least 5 years of experience in their specialty, with management experience and experience in implementing innovative technological processes Salary Moscow - up to rub., St. Petersburg - up to rub., Nizhny Novgorod - up to rub. Omsk - up to rub.

Today it is impossible for an engineer to work without a computer KOMPAS-3D is a reliable tool for an entire army of co-3D creators of new technology, new machines and mechanisms, tractors and excavators, diesel locomotives and spacecraft, boiler houses and stadiums, medical equipment and electronic devices, ballistic missiles and firearms... Everything that we see around us, everything that is happening in Russia and our neighbors.

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Description of the profession

Engineering professions are the most widespread professions of highly skilled labor. In our country, more than a third of specialists with higher education are engineers.
An engineer takes part in the production of material goods of society - from food and everyday goods to complex computers and space rockets. A modern engineer is a specialist who is highly cultured and has a good knowledge of modern engineering and technology, economics and organization of production, who knows how to use engineering methods in solving engineering problems and at the same time has the ability to invent. The specific tasks of engineering work and the requirements of the profession depend on which professional group it belongs to.

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Personal qualities

Every engineer, to one degree or another, deals with technology, technical objects and technological processes. Therefore, interest in technology and a tendency to work with it are one of the conditions for the success of his activities. Technical abilities, technical observation, technical thinking, and spatial imagination are also important for him. The work of an engineer is creative. In any field, a true engineer must act independently, proactively, and creatively. Often an engineer acts as a leader of a certain team of people. This feature of an engineer’s activity requires him to demonstrate organizational skills. A sense of responsibility is of great importance for an engineer, because... The rational use of funds, equipment, and labor often depends on his work, abilities, and organization.

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During the training process, students receive detailed general technical, physico-mathematical and other natural science training, depending on their specialty. At school you need to know physics, mathematics, and drawing well.

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Place of work and career

An engineer works in almost all sectors of the national economy: in factories and factories, in mines and construction sites, in research institutes, in aviation, in military affairs, in transport, etc. He can hold positions: master, art. master, engineer, senior engineer, enterprise manager, shift supervisor, department, site, laboratory, leading engineer.

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Risks of the profession

The profession of an engineer can hardly be considered dangerous. A sense of responsibility is of great importance in his work, because the rational use of labor and equipment often depends on his efficiency and organization. The essential qualities of a good engineer are initiative, independence, and a creative approach to work. As a rule, engineers are people with technical thinking and abilities, but often their work is creative in nature. Often an engineer is the leader of a certain team, so his work will also require organizational skills.

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Social significance of the profession in society

In our country, the engineering profession is one of the most common: it is represented by more than a third of specialists with higher education. This is no coincidence, because it is the engineer who takes part in the production processes of various material goods - from everyday goods and food products to the most complex equipment.

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Description of profession: Engineering professions are the most widespread professions of highly qualified labor. In our country, more than a third of specialists with higher education are engineers. An engineer takes part in the production of material goods of society - from food and everyday goods to complex computers and space rockets.

A modern engineer is a specialist who is highly cultured and has a good knowledge of modern engineering and technology, economics and organization of production, who knows how to use engineering methods in solving engineering problems and at the same time has the ability to invent.

Conventionally, we can distinguish 4 such groups: 1. Designer (develops the design of a device, equipment, etc.). 2. Technologist (develops the manufacturing process, processing of a product or product). 3. Economist (engaged in economic analysis and planning ways to achieve certain economic results). 4. Organizer (engaged in business activities).

Personal qualities: Every engineer, to one degree or another, deals with technology, technical objects and technological processes. Therefore, interest in technology and a tendency to work with it are one of the conditions for the success of his activities. Technical abilities, technical observation, technical thinking, and spatial imagination are also important for him.

The work of an engineer is creative. In any field, a true engineer must act independently, proactively, and creatively. Often an engineer acts as a leader of a certain team of people. This feature of an engineer’s activity requires him to demonstrate organizational skills.

Education (What do you need to know?): First of all, an engineer is a deep fundamental training in such technical disciplines as mathematical analysis in various variations, engineering graphics (in a simpler sense - drawing), strength of materials, materials science and many other highly specialized disciplines, the list of which depends on the specific focus. During the training process, students receive detailed general technical, physico-mathematical and other natural science training, depending on their specialty. At school you need to know physics, mathematics, and drawing well.

Place of work and career: An engineer works in almost all sectors of the national economy: in factories and factories, in mines and construction sites, in research institutes, in aviation, in military affairs, in transport, etc. He can hold positions: master, art. master, engineer, senior engineer, enterprise manager, shift supervisor, department, site, laboratory, leading engineer.

Related professions: Design engineer, microelectronics engineer, video surveillance engineer, documentation engineer, labor protection engineer, fire safety engineer, telecommunications engineer, technical supervision engineer, safety engineer, pre-sales engineer, design engineer, communications engineer, cost estimate engineer, civil engineer, quality process engineer, environmental engineer.