How to get everything you want in life. Charles Enel "Master Key System"

Each of us at least once in life I looked into books on attracting good luck and prosperity, trying to follow the advice presented in them. You can find a lot of similar literature on the Internet and on store shelves. All the techniques described are largely similar to each other, so it is worth describing in detail the most common methods.

Such a generous Universe

There is an opinion that communication with the Universe allows you to fulfill many desires and enjoy life. In order to receive the support of “higher powers” ​​and attract miracles into your life, you need to meditate and turn to the Universe as often as possible.

According to this practice, Higher powers will always bring pleasure and joy into your boring and measured life, you just need to ask nicely. When a person stops feeling “alive,” it means that he has no desires. But if he defines a goal for himself, and at the same time still feels support behind his back, he will be able to move mountains.

It is believed that the Universe can provide unlimited opportunities and benefits, but whether you receive them depends solely on the strength of desire and aspiration. Meditations and affirmations will allow you to activate your subconscious and make it work.

As an example, a common situation is when a person has already stopped enjoying his life and, having tried to appeal to the Universe, was sincerely surprised that that same night in a dream an idea came to him on how to get what he wanted. And it turned out to be so simple and effective that one can only wonder why he didn’t think of it before!

Five Rules for Success

There are five basic rules that will help answer the question of how to get the most out of your life! If you strictly follow them, your wish will definitely come true. And the Universe will certainly contribute to this in every possible way.

Five basic rules:

  • A clearly formed desire;
  • Developed life plan;
  • Assessing your strengths;
  • Maximizing your potential.

In order to enjoy achieving goals and fill your life with activity and success, you should carefully study each of the existing rules.

Forming a desire clearly

For a wish to turn into a strong and effective spell, it must be composed in such a way as if it were the only and last thing in life that needs to be achieved. But the most interesting part of this type of magic is right here – at the beginning of the journey.

It is very difficult to single out that very desire that contradicts natural needs, that really “must” happen in your life.

Excuse me, how can you get joy from your own life if you yourself don’t know what you want. Your thoughts are galloping like wild unbridled horses. Today you want one thing, tomorrow another. But as a result, you don’t have a full-fledged desire and dream in your head that will force you to act and move towards your goal at all costs.

Understand that awareness of a truly valuable desire is the first and most important impetus for any action. Only by determining for yourself what will bring unimaginable pleasure can you hope to achieve your goal and help from the Universe.

Let's develop a life plan

When a person does not have a clear goal, his life seems meaningless and boring. We rush from side to side, chasing our fleeting desires, and in the end we get nothing. Therefore, after forming a desire, it is important to turn it into a goal.

Remember that a person who truly enjoys his life knows what to strive for. We must know where to move so that the necessary changes occur in our lives.

To do this, you should develop your own life plan, which will consist of several quite achievable stages, and those, in turn, should consist of extremely simple steps. When you build this chain of actions leading to the realization of an already formed desire, you will be pleasantly surprised at how simple and enjoyable these steps will be.

Any dream seems unattainable when we don’t think about what specific actions can be taken to achieve it. Only then does it seem unrealistic and so far away. But after developing a life plan, it turns out that the road to achieving your dream really exists. Moreover, it is not as complicated as it previously seemed.

This is why it is important to pay great attention to the steps. Let there be a lot of them, let the stages of life be painted down to absurdly simple steps, but the fact that you want to get from of your life will take on real features. And with daily implementation of the compiled steps, this dream will become a pleasant reality.

Assessing our strengths

When you decide to take the first step of your action plan, remember that the realization of your desire depends only on you. And in general, everything that happens in life depends on you.

Therefore, you should prepare for the fact that you will have to perform all the actions yourself. Of course, your friends and family will be able to help you with some things, but the main driving force is you yourself.

On the way to achieving what you want, you may encounter numerous obstacles that will require perseverance and endurance, patience and determination. At some point, it may seem that the entire plan drawn up earlier is absolute stupidity and it will not work. Remember that this is a trap of your own consciousness.

When you act, changes begin to occur in your life, which will, in turn, require changes in your consciousness and behavior. But our brain is designed in such a way that it is very difficult for it to expand the comfort zone.

The comfort zone is the part of our life where we feel confident. Our home, close friends and areas of interest all belong to the zone where we feel comfortable, where we relax and enjoy.

When we have a conversation with an unfamiliar person on topics about which we do not have enough information, we feel uncomfortable and try to avoid communication. Such behavior is an attempt to deceive our brain.

We use all resources and live to the fullest!

We really don't like to look stupid in any area of ​​life. But if we do not overcome this unpleasant feeling, we will never learn anything new, which means we will not achieve what we want. And daily and even small steps towards our development will soon allow us to feel pleasure and joy from new knowledge.

When we do not give in to our weaknesses, but constantly improve, we allow ourselves to use all possible strengths. Sometimes it may seem that we will not be able to achieve what we want because the steps we have taken have left us physically or emotionally exhausted. At such moments, it is important not to listen to your weak side, but to show it how many actions have already been taken.

Aren’t you yourself interested in what will happen as a result and how to enjoy life changing for the better? After all, if you deviate from your plan, you will again go with the flow, rush from side to side and will not be able to feel truly happy.

Feel the pleasure and joy from the very process of achieving your dreams. After all, if you really want something, it will definitely come true! You just need to allow yourself to expand the boundaries of your consciousness. Then you will be surprised at your own abilities and capabilities that will help you achieve what you want!

Nowadays, only the lazy have not read books about attracting prosperity into their lives. They contain detailed instructions on how to properly ask for gifts from the Universe.

But how many people do you know who have received unexpected happiness and wealth just because they asked skillfully? Behind stories of successful people Usually it takes many years of work and self-improvement.

5 rules for achieving goals

Rule 1. Clearly formulate your desires

Sometimes we ourselves we don’t really know what we want– today one thing, tomorrow another, thoughts jump like fleas, but the result is zero. But awareness of desires is the first impetus for any activity.

Therefore, you need to clearly formulate your desires. Desires must be very strong, almost to the point of obsession.

Rule 2. Develop a life plan

To prevent your life from turning from side to side, develop a life plan. Let it be several stages which you will gradually go through.

For example, now you are an ordinary sales assistant in a store. But you have a strong desire to open your own kennel for breeding small dogs, because this is where you feel your calling.

In your life plan, you need to indicate not only your desire, but also estimate how much time you will need to achieve a result (get a canine education, collect documents, accumulate initial capital, etc.)

When you achieve one goal, immediately formulate the next one so as not to stand still.

Rule 3. Rely only on yourself

It would be nice if some good Samaritan would give you ownership of an island in Fiji free of charge. But in our time, selflessness has long become a rare exception.

Now you need to rely only on yourself in everything, and you don’t need to wait for leniency even from the Universe. Believe in your abilities, in your hidden potential and in your intuition.

Your friends and family will definitely help you if necessary. But this you are the main driving force behind all changes, not them. You make decisions, you work on yourself, you get everything you want from life.

Rule 4. Use all resources

Sometimes it seems to us that we don’t have enough strength and opportunity to achieve our goal.

But are you using all the resources? Except (which we remember first), is there some more time, original ideas, human help, own work, luck and faith.

By expanding the boundaries of your consciousness, you are sure to discover a unique way to achieve your goal.

Rule 5. Have time to live

In the pursuit of achievements, we often forget to enjoy life. From this she turns in some thoughtless change of scenery, without emotions and pleasant moments.

  • We earn an annual bonus to buy the most expensive toy, but we don’t find time to spend an evening with him.
  • In the eternal search for a prince on a white horse, we do not notice a worthy person behind thick glasses.
  • We throw all our strength into the fight against weight and deprive ourselves of the little joy of drinking aromatic coffee and a croissant once.

Remember: everything needs moderation. Live here and now, have time to enjoy communication with loved ones and please yourself more often!

A beautiful theory about the blessings of the Universe is just a reason to believe in yourself and! Go for it and you will succeed!

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Get everything you want?

Even if it's unrealistic?

Yes, I really want to write today about how to do this.

This man was famous and successful. He observed the impact of his thoughts on his life over time. And I was convinced that it worked.

Thanks to his thoughts, he became rich, famous, happy in love.

Do you want too?

Then let's read about his secret way to get everything you want.

But first I want to thank blog reader, Oksana. It was she who asked me to find the author of the text that you will soon read.

Oksana wrote to me:

There is a little red book in English. Year of manufacture: last century.

I have known about this book for 15 years.

I've looked through everything, but no one is talking about the author. Why is this book not advertised?

Maybe you can find out if you can make a topic based on this book.

The book is called "It works".

Which translated from English sounds like “It works.”

If you know the language, then be sure to download the original book from the Amazon website by finding it through the search.

The book was first published in 1923 in Hollywood, USA.

Well, I won’t bore you, and let’s get down to business.

To the technique itself.

How can you get everything you want?

If you you know,

What do you want to

You can get This.

What is the real secret to achieving what you want?

From a scientific, psychological or spiritual point of view, some of the statements in this book may be perceived as erroneous,

...but still, this method brought the desired results for those who followed my simple instructions.

Each of us has dreams, but sometimes reality can instill fears and uncertainty in order to fulfill them.

For example, you dream of a big, beautiful house that costs a lot of money, but you have to “come down to earth” and return to reality, remembering that you only have enough money to rent someone else’s home.

Read more about how to make an impossible wish come true

You look at an expensive ring in a store window, you want to see it on your hand, but the price tag makes you upset and forget about it.

Or you work at a job you don’t like for little money, dreaming of a future with a decent position and good earnings.

There is a huge stream of people in the world who live only in hopeless dreams.

But it's even worse if people don't know what they really want.

If you are one of these people, then you have every chance to change your current position in this life.

But first of all, you need to know exactly what you want.

And it's not that simple.

If you can train your objective mind (the mind that you use every day) to determine what exactly you want, then you have already taken a huge step towards a happy life.

It is important to tune in to the right mood, or, more precisely, to the right wave. If you do it right, you will get the perfect result.

But, of course, to achieve the goal, you still need to correctly assess your resources and use the action plan indicated below.

A powerful force within you

There is a very powerful force within you that is ready to serve you, an energy that can give you what you want.

In different sciences and religions, everyone calls this force differently.

No matter what name this energy has, one thing is certain - it exists within each of us. And it will work for you if you truly, sincerely, and with all your heart desire certain things or circumstances.

Some of our desires are just empty words.

The important thing here is not just to say once that you want something, you need to think about it, want it with all your heart.

If you are ready to change your current situation to a happier and more successful one - to get everything you want - below you will find a short but very effective step-by-step action plan.

Action plan for making your dreams come true

Take a few minutes for yourself, don’t let anyone distract you, find a quiet place to be alone.

Take a piece of paper and write down everything you dream about in order of importance.

Don't be afraid to want too much.

There is no need to try to make the final list in one day. You can add something to it or remove something over the course of several days. It's normal for desires to change.

Three rules to get what you want:

  1. Read your wish list three times a day: morning, afternoon and evening.
  2. Think about what you want as often as possible.
  3. Tell no one your desires, except the great power within you that will reveal to your mind the path to achieve your goals.

Obviously, you will have a hard time gaining faith from the very beginning.

Some of your dreams will seem completely unrealistic to you. But despite this, still write them down on your list in the correct order of importance.

There is no need to analyze or understand how this force works. It just happens and

This is information as unnecessary to us as knowledge of the growth process of corn. We don't need to know how a stalk grows from a grain in the soil, then it all turns into ears of corn filled with grains.

By following these three rules, the path of achievement will unfold as mysteriously as the kernels of corn appear on the cob, and in most cases it will happen much sooner than you expect.

It's normal to have doubts or mistrust of the power within you, but when these thoughts appear in your head, refer to your list.

Read it, imagine that your wishes have already come true.

Remember, nothing can stop you from getting what you truly want and desire.

If others get everything they dream of, then why are you worse?

You deserve it too.

The almighty power within you is waiting until you are ready and wants to serve you.

A skeptical attitude filled with mistrust will not allow your inner strength to reveal itself. Also, be careful and attentive when communicating with friends or just people who already have what you want. Don't discuss your method of achievement with them.

Write down material things on your list.

Such as: car, money, house, smartphone.

Don't stop there.

It is very important to be precise and detailed. If you want a car, indicate the make, model, color and all other details. It will also be helpful to indicate when you want to receive it.

If you want money, indicate the amount you need. If you want to break a sales record, indicate the number of goods sold that you need to achieve and the expected amount that you want to receive.

At first glance, this may seem like a stupid thing to do, but you will never realize your desires if you do not know in detail everything that you want.

When you see your first successes, when your first dreams begin to come true, turn to gratitude.

Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lecter

“Smart people are those who work with people smarter than themselves.”

“Work smarter, not harder. Think: how can you complete the task better? The key to success is attention to detail."

“One of the most magnificent ways to develop the mind is reading. Remember: leaders read a lot.”

“Stop thinking! Take action!”

Robert Anthony

“Sometimes it seems to us that if we give in to our intuition, we will lose something. Have you ever thought about what you lost by not listening to her?”

“Choose your environment carefully, because it has a huge impact on your creativity, even if you don’t realize it. The negative attitude of others - be it in the work team, in the family, in relationships - is contagious. Convinced of the impossibility of achieving a goal, he will do everything possible to prove that he is right. Those who believe in the feasibility of new beginnings boldly move forward and fulfill their plans.”

“We get from life what we can accept with our minds. One person comes to the river of the universe with a teaspoon, and another comes with a cup. The third will take a bucket, and the fourth will take a barrel. Meanwhile, the abundant waters of the river have always been and will be at the disposal of anyone. Our consciousness, our ideas, principled position and belief system determine in what quantities we will draw the benefits of life. In fact, we can get everything we want if we just stop convincing ourselves that it is not available to us.”

"To hell with all of it! Take it and do it!”

Richard Branson

“The man who founded IKEA divides his entire day into ten-minute chunks. This is what he says: “If ten minutes have passed, then it’s irrevocable. Divide your life into ten-minute pieces and don’t let even a moment waste away.”

“Life is given once, and this chance must be used to the maximum.”

There is nothing wrong with achieving success in all your goals and in all your undertakings. It seems that this is a difficult and overwhelming task. In fact, getting everything you want is much easier than you think.

Listen before you speak and never stop listening.

The ability to listen and hear is one of the most valuable qualities on the path to getting almost everything you want to achieve from life. Hemingway also said: “If people talk to you, listen to them to the end. Most people never listen.” Alas, the great American prose writer was right: all we do is talk about ourselves (or are going to talk about ourselves), but we have almost no time to listen to another person. Empathy and attentiveness to your interlocutor are small “keys” to getting what you want, even when your plans did not include benefiting from communication or contacts with a specific person.

Always help others

Oddly enough, it works: instead of asking someone for a favor and at the same time looking for someone who would agree to help you, provide your own help in return to the person you need or are interested in. If you don't know exactly how you can help this person, don't be afraid to ask a direct question. And besides, help other people just like that, as soon as you have the opportunity and time for the slightest opportunity to help.

Help first, without expecting anything in return - and you will see how often the help provided will return to you a hundredfold when you do not expect such a return. People know how to appreciate help, although for some reason it is generally accepted that this is not so.

Be yourself: other roles are already taken

Oprah Winfrey once admitted to reporters: “I had no idea that by being myself, I could earn so much money. If I had known this earlier, I wouldn’t have had to pretend to be anyone, and I would have started to behave naturally earlier.” People of the “old school” are accustomed to repeating that professionals should not show their true colors and should not be open. Another problem (especially for men) is the fear of appearing vulnerable, “weak,” or “sissy” (especially in front of strangers). As a result, we all became confused about what should and should not be disclosed to strangers on the Internet, at work, among random fellow travelers or guests at a party. The truth is that being reasonably open and being honest with others will serve you well. People who trust you and understand that you deserve their mutual trust will do anything for you. Be yourself.

Tell, don't “sell”

It is important not only to listen to others and help them, but also to talk about what you want and what you are trying to do. But for heaven's sake, don't be like a salesman of vacuum cleaners or insurance policies: people hate being “sold” to ideas, things, or other people's needs (unless these people are venture investors). Instead of “selling” yourself, it’s better to tell a story that is interesting to your random interlocutors. The ability to tell stories and captivate listeners is worth much more than the ability to throw price tags and enticing promises.

Put your whole soul into any business

If you don't care about the topic you're talking about, and the work you're doing makes you feel sad in the pit of your stomach, how can others help you or get inspired by your idea? If you want to get something from the business you are engaged in, you must be passionate about it. Passion and energy drive everyone, from the person who was able to do skateboard tricks on ramps in a wheelchair to those who grow from a startup into a multimillion-dollar brand.

Surprise and delight others

There is a little trick in every casino on this planet: as soon as a new visitor enters, somewhere in the depths of the gaming room, the victorious ringing of a slot machine is heard, which has just given out a win to someone. Psychologists call this technique “variable reward”: you don’t know when you will win, but around you you can already hear and see these elusive echoes of Happiness, Luck and Success, for which you, in fact, came here.

When you delight and surprise the people around you with pleasant surprises, you are not just making them happy at that particular moment: in their minds, you are gradually associated with the fact that “positivity and good surprises are you.” You become a special person in the eyes of these people. If you are special, it opens more doors and opportunities for you over time.

And finally: don't forget the 4 Most Important Words in Business and Life

“I beg your pardon” and “thank you very much” are 4 cherished words, the constant use of which in life and work in situations that require it can work real miracles. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone knows it. But not everyone can simply and sincerely admit that they were wrong and ask for forgiveness. Just apologize and “move on”: in life, in work, in relationships, in transport or in a supermarket line.

Gratitude and the ability to express it in words and actions is another important “asset”, thanks to which you can get a lot of what you want in this life. Try to ensure that this gratitude is sincere and follows the dictates of your heart, and not according to the instructions of your boss.