Quantum model of personality evolution. Book by Palchik M.Ya

Mark Yakovlevich Palchik – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Doctor of Psychology, business consultant, scientific director of the “Alternative Path” center.

Since 1990, she has been providing personal and business consulting, corporate training and programs, team building training, as well as individual training that promotes personal development and the development of qualities necessary in leadership and management.

Mark Palchik's scientific and consulting work is based on the modeling of ancient spiritual traditions, as well as the principles of quantum physics. It relies on the idea of ​​the similarity of the material and spiritual worlds, known in spiritual traditions, according to which the material (dense) world is a rough copy of the spiritual (subtle) world, its abstract version.

Mark Palchik's scientific activity is devoted to the study of this deep area. While doing this research, he defended two doctoral dissertations - on theoretical physics (1990) and on psychology (2005).

Books (2)

Quantum model of personality evolution

The book presents a new direction in psychological and business consulting - the Quantum path of knowledge.

It contains unique meditation practices that allow you to find solutions to problems in a variety of contexts - overcome stress, heal diseases, manage emotional conflicts, find optimal solutions in situations of difficult choices, solve business, leadership and management problems.

These meditation practices were created by combining the ideas of modern quantum physics and the practical knowledge contained in the great traditions of the East and West.

Is reality real?

The book presents energy meditation practices for self-development.

These practices are highly effective and are designed to solve a variety of personal and professional problems. The book contains several dozen integration techniques that allow you to solve problems of various levels.

The proposed approach arose as a synthesis of the ideas of modern quantum physics and the results of modeling the energy practices of ancient spiritual traditions. In this approach, any problem that a person encounters can be seen as a consequence of distortions and errors of perception, rather than objective features of the external world.

Meditation energy practices allow you to restore the true perception of reality and see ways to solve each problem, relying on the sensory (intuitive) knowledge of the plot and possible options for its development that emerged in the process of performing the practices. This opens up access to solving large-scale problems over a long period of time, which is especially interesting in a business context.

Reader comments

Valentina/ 04/29/2019 Thank you, a very interesting symbiosis of modern knowledge and ancient practices. In our time, I have already come across works about the birth, the formation of a modern, new person, personality, but this was connected by theology, truth, “the path”. The idea of ​​self-formation is interesting, although in principle at every stage we do everything ourselves in one way or another, it’s good if consciously.

Alexandra/ 03/1/2018 Thank you very much for your work! The books are amazing.


Maria/ 03/10/2017 Mark Yakovlevich, thank you very much for the books. Useful, interesting. I put it into practice.
I was a participant in your training in Magnitogorsk (a very long time ago).
Once again, thank you so much for the books you created. I read it with pleasure.

These psychotechnologies represent a modern version of ancient spiritual practices, obtained as a result of the synthesis of the latest scientific concepts and knowledge contained in the great traditions of the East and West.

The book includes descriptions of methods for independent work with various negative conditions that arise as a result of numerous stresses that accompany the life of a modern person. This includes methods of working with painful conditions and healing acute and chronic diseases without medication; methods for eliminating emotional conflicts; methods of decision-making, preparation for negotiations, tactical and strategic planning and solving many other problems. In addition, the book includes chapters on developing leadership and management skills, as well as systems thinking skills.

The main feature of these methods is that the person who knows them is able to apply them independently, without turning to consultants, but relying only on their own intuition and inner strength. These methods are available to any socially active person with developed intellect and will.

We used the term quantum model in the title, as this best characterizes the essence of our approach. Indeed, the goal of each technique in this approach is to create a state of consciousness in which the solution to a problem arises spontaneously, as a natural reaction to the problematic context. A person who is able to constantly maintain this state may not have problems at all. Their appearance, even if they are objective in nature, is considered here as the result of errors in the way of perception and thinking. By acting inaccurately, a person discovers 3 obstacles - just as a novice driver encounters problems where an experienced driver simply drives a car.

This means that in this approach, substantive analysis and additional resources are not required to solve problems. Management of the external context and events in it is carried out only through management of the internal state. This is exactly how control is carried out in the quantum world, where the central category is the state of a quantum object, and control of its behavior is carried out only through influencing this state. Here in many chapters we describe technologies arising from the quantum nature of spiritual energy - without theoretical or philosophical explanations.

The book is offered in Pdf format (380 pages; 3.4 MB)

About the direction “Quantum path of knowledge”

In this direction, meditation energy practices are presented that allow solving current problems of different levels of complexity. Every problem in business and personal life seen as a sign indicating the need for specific internal changes. All changes are achieved through energy practices. In this approach, business and personal life turn into a path of self-knowledge and development.

* * *

The path of each person is unique and does not fit into any philosophical or religious concept. Walking this path, living every event of his life, a person solves the great mystery of fate's plan. In the modern world, this task is complicated by the rapid increase in the speed and scale of external changes.

It can be said that the world has entered the quantum realm of phenomena, where there is no single, forever set path. Modern man finds himself a participant in many large-scale projects that must be lived simultaneously. It becomes like a quantum object, which, unlike a classical one, moves along many trajectories at once, simultaneously “living through different destinies.”

We called this direction "The quantum path of knowledge." It is constantly developing and updating.

* * *

This area is represented in the programs of the Altway Consulting and Education Center. The Altway Center also conducts training programs for business teams and senior management, and provides individual consulting.

Training and consulting programs can be found on the website www.altway.ru.

FINGER Mark Yakovlevich. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Full member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences, Doctor of Psychological Sciences MAPS. Author of a monograph in the field of theoretical physics and three monographs in the field of practical psychology. Business consultant, founder of the Center for Personal and Business Consulting "Altway". Author of an independent direction in personal and business consulting – Quantum path of knowledge.

From the author

The book includes descriptions of energy practices that allow you to solve a variety of problems - from healing diseases to overcoming complex problems of business, leadership and management. This book is a re-edition.

In the first edition of the book, energy practices were presented under the general title energy technologies for the development of awareness(ETRO). They were developed by our research group in the process of studying and modeling the energy practices of ancient spiritual traditions. In the future, we sought to present a description of these results within the framework of modern scientific concepts. This is how the direction “Quantum Path of Knowledge” arose.

* * *

We used the term in the title of the book quantum model, since this best characterizes the essence of our approach. The goal of each technique in it is to create a state of consciousness in which the solution to the problem arises spontaneously, as a natural reaction to the problematic context.

This is exactly how management is organized in the quantum world, where the central category is state of a quantum object, and control of his behavior is carried out through influencing this state. A person who is able to constantly maintain the required state, may not have any problems at all. Their appearance, even if they are objective in nature, is considered here as the result of errors in the way of perception and thinking. By acting imprecisely, a person discovers obstacles - just as a novice driver encounters problems where an experienced driver simply drives a car.

* * *

The book includes descriptions of methods independent working with various negative conditions that arise in the life of a modern person under the influence of numerous stresses. A person who knows these methods is able to apply them independently, without turning to consultants. These methods are available to any socially active person with developed intellect and will. In this approach, substantive analysis and additional resources are not required to solve problems.

In many chapters we limit ourselves to describing technologies arising from quantum nature of spiritual energy, – without theoretical and philosophical explanations. A more detailed description of the quantum nature of thinking and the practical consequences arising from it is presented in the author’s book “Is Reality Real?”

Chapter 1. Introduction and preliminary description of the main ideas

1.1 Conditions of our time. Decline of logical thinking

You are always free to change your mind and choose a different future or a different past.

But how to do that?..

Inner voice

Our time manifests itself as a stage of integration of previously opposing traditions, scientific directions, ideas, as a stage of ascent to the metastructures that once gave rise to them. Natural sciences, which have reached fantastic sophistication, are discovering laws encrypted in ancient cosmological formulas. The most ancient books become the most modern.

However, ancient spiritual traditions are crumbling as the pace and style of life changes. Traditions are being replaced by developed intelligence and its products - technology and science.

The average person did not have such intelligence in earlier times. He also did not have the degree of personal responsibility that comes with a developed intellect. In earlier times, responsibility for all life's choices was placed on a higher power (“God gave, and God took away...”) or on a tradition that dictated rules and ethics on behalf of that power. The intellect itself is forced to bear full responsibility for its choices.

How does the intellect cope with such responsibility? He begins to carefully think through and plan his actions. He makes decisions with his head. These decisions are reasonable and scientific, but for some reason they are being implemented less and less often. The intellect finds scientific names for this mysterious phenomenon. "They turn on circumstances of force majeure" - a person speaks in the favorable case when he does not blame his partners for surprises. Thus, the intellect drives itself into a trap: now it has to take into account these circumstances, stipulating (say, in a contract or plan) the possibility of their appearance... and so on ad infinitum.

This occurs due to the insufficient speed of intellectual forms of comprehension of the perception of the world. Today, at any stage of human life, one can observe a sharp change in technology and internal positions. This is spoken of as an acceleration of evolutionary processes. The time is coming for the next evolutionary stage, creating conditions for higher speeds. In these conditions all responsibility is transferred to the person and becomes personal.

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Thus, during its existence, humanity has mastered at least three evolutionary stages. Each of them is lived at its own speed. The speed characteristic of the third - relevant today - is significantly higher than the speed of intelligence.

To understand the term rate of evolution (or evolutionary speed ) it is convenient to enter two parameters: average human lifespan And . The speed of evolutionary processes depends on the ratio of these parameters.

Let t 1 – average human lifespan, and t 2 – average life time of technology. The rate of evolutionary processes is characterized by the parameter τ, which is defined as the ratio of times t 1 and t 2:

Evolutionary stages are determined by the values ​​of this parameter. The first stage corresponds to small values ​​of τ<<1, второй ступени – значения τ~1, третьей – большие значения τ>>1.

In Figure 1, these three stages are depicted as a hierarchical (vertical) sequence of different levels of consciousness, each of which corresponds to a specific type of thinking. It is based on the traditionally accepted model of subtle bodies.

Rice. 1. Levels of consciousness. The three lower levels and the beginning of the fourth correspond to the first evolutionary stage, the fourth and fifth - to the second stage, the sixth and seventh - to the third stage. The second level includes the experience of bodily sensations, including symptoms of diseases; experiencing emotions - to the third level; thoughts and actions (or events) belong to the fourth and fifth levels; deeper experiences relating to large-scale stages of human activity and life belong to the sixth and seventh levels

First evolutionary stage characterized by the fact that changes in the external world are negligible throughout a person’s life. This stage corresponds to low rates of evolution, in the style of past leisurely centuries. They are associated with the emotional perception of the world - the experience of emotions and physical states (Fig. 1, levels 2, 3). At this stage The average lifespan of technology is much longer than the average lifespan of a person.

Wars, earthquakes and other disasters may occur, but technologically little changes; the level of human awareness remains relatively low and stable. The first stage lasted several thousand years and ended at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries.

At the beginning of this stage, a person was at the mercy of emotional preferences and ambitions. He was not able to voluntarily follow norms, rules, laws. Physical and emotional strength, the ability to strike first were highly valued. The commandments “thou shalt not kill,” “thou shalt not steal,” … were perceived as revelations. At the end of this stage, people have learned to follow rules and laws, but without realizing their origins or foundations.

This stage is characterized by a lack of personal responsibility. All responsibility was transferred to the spiritual tradition, people learned to follow traditional rules. At the same time, external rules and social standards appeared. The first stage can be characterized as the development of the childhood and teenage periods of human life.

The next evolutionary step is this is the intellectual level, the level of linear (logical) thinking. Here the evolutionary speeds are significantly higher. The average lifespan of technology is comparable to the average lifespan of a person.

This is the second speed level. It appeared in the twentieth century, during the time of scientific and technological revolution and the rapid development of technology, planning and contractual relations (Fig. 1, level 4). The heyday of this period can be attributed to the beginning of the twentieth century. Religious traditions are crumbling responsibility shifts to science and intelligence t. In the middle of the twentieth century, new technologies are especially highly valued, and the power of intelligence becomes one of the main advantages of a person.

Third stage, relevant in our time, is characterized by the fact that The average lifespan of technology is much less than the average lifespan of a person; technology changes rapidly throughout his life.

This is the level of event streams (Fig. 1, levels 5 and 6). It’s one thing to choose preferred options by analyzing circumstances, and quite another thing to find yourself in a living stream of events, where all decisions and actions should be immeasurably faster. These are, for example, the speed of a driver on a busy highway: every decision must be made instantly and finally. Such decisions are not thought through; they are in the form exact knowledge.

This evolutionary stage began at the end of the twentieth century. The status of science declines, and the ability to act becomes a highly valued quality. Technology is changing so quickly that its value is also decreasing. The ability to intuitively guess the correct strategy of action is highly valued, regardless of scientific positions and accepted standards. For the first time in human history responsibility becomes personal; references to scientifically proven truths are not accepted - efficiency and results are important. Decisions are intuitive, first made and only then justified. Personal responsibility and a high level of awareness become the main pillars in effective business and personal contexts.

Here a degree of inner speed and strength is required from everyone, which in former times was achieved only by individuals; solutions and knowledge came to them during prayer or meditation. Our contemporaries, deprived of such supports, refer to insight or intuition. However, special conditions and special luck are required for their manifestation.

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like this good luck can be made the norm if we master new forms of thinking characteristic of the third stage. Increasing external speeds requires expanding awareness and the ability to make internal changes. But how to develop these qualities?

For this purpose, we propose to get acquainted with the energy technologies of internal changes that are presented in this book.

These technologies allow expand consciousness so much so as to recognize oneself as part of a broader system within which the sought-after knowledge becomes available. Such a system consists of at least two energetically united parts. Examples are the following systems: Yang - Yin, spirit - body, consciousness - subconscious, leader - team, person - environment etc. Information – in the form of new knowledge - arises during the interaction of parts of this system, i.e. leader and team, spirit and body, person and environment, etc., and is not transmitted from environment to person or vice versa, as is customary in a linear approach based on formal logic .

In states of expanded consciousness, multi-level ( systemic) thinking that replaces the formal-logical development of the world. Systems thinking includes several synchronously carried out processes occurring at different levels (Fig. 1) and allows you to instantly make accurate decisions even in situations of stress or lack of mental information. Here, every thought is accompanied by an impulse to action, which ensures high speed and efficiency. This ability is due to special states of consciousness characteristic of levels 5 and 6 in Fig. 1. Paradoxically, this type of thinking was well known in ancient times. It is based on practices .

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As already said, the main feature of our approach is its focus on internal changes. Each external result in the “correct” course of events is achieved immediately, i.e. . If this does not happen, then the categories of “task” or “problem” appear, and we begin to perceive external goals as difficult or difficult to achieve. The external course of events slows down or stops.

With this approach, the emergence of any “task” or “problem” is considered as a consequence of an insufficient level of internal competence, How sign , indicating the need for internal changes.

In other words, when external obstacles arise, it is necessary to direct efforts and influence not to the external environment, but inside oneself - to inner space - and restore the required level of internal competence. Once all the necessary internal changes have been made, the person’s strength becomes sufficient for external results to begin to be achieved again spontaneously and without special effort. In today's world, this may seem like an unusual idea.

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Thus, in the approach proposed here, the external reality of a person - his business and personal life - is considered as an extension internal space.

The objects (elements, points...) of this space are internal states, which can be both positive (inspiration, peace, confidence, faith...) and negative (protest, irritation, despondency, confusion, lack of self-confidence...).

We will be mainly interested in negative states , since they are the ones who are activated under the influence of any external problem and are subject to transformation. Such states are not realized or poorly realized, but are part of thinking strategies, decision-making and some forms of behavior.

Subjectively such negative states are experienced as a consequence of external “objective” difficulties and obstacles. But in this approach it is believed that negative states primary. They are considered here as part of internal limitations accumulated under the influence of stress experienced in the past.

In this picture, all external difficulties have internal causes. Difficulties should be perceived as a consequence of errors and inaccuracies in actions generated by stable negative states(above this was designated as an insufficient level of internal competence).

Then any unfavorable combination of external circumstances represents sign , indicating internal restrictions. Z naki should be perceived not logically, but intuitively and sensually - in the form of subtle sensations and hints.

The book offers unique tracking technologies signs and “transformation” of the mentioned restrictions. Transformation leads to the abolition of sustainable negative states. Then a new, more successful behavior is born. Owning these technologies, you can create all the internal changes necessary to solve the problem without attracting external resources. Thus, every external difficulty helps to know yourself and expand your capabilities and boundaries at the pace and scale that is necessary to solve current problems. Business and personal life turn into a path of learning and development.

1.2 What to do in the new conditions? Some features of the direction: personal responsibility of the practitioner; internal technologies

You cannot complete the work, but you have the power to begin it.

Ancient wisdom

The methods we develop are based on the idea transformation of internal states.

Its essence is as follows. The more accurately chosen, the higher the effectiveness of external efforts. internal state. The implication here is that the precise choice of state is more important than the correct course of action. This statement reveals the quantum nature of our approach: internal state - an analogue of a quantum state, and the steps of an action plan are an analogue of a classical trajectory.

In situations of stress, however, internal state is destroyed. Not knowing how to act, a person begins to look for external support. In this case, responsibility ceases to be personal; it is transferred to external supports.

Creating practices transformation of internal states, we are based on the following provisions.

1. At modern speeds it is no longer possible to use logic and mental descriptions as the main support. A person claiming to survive is now forced to learn new things - systemic - way of interacting with the world. Society is not able to take care of this; Moreover, he is inclined to prevent this in every possible way, because he himself is still at the usual level of linear - formal-logical - thinking. Thus, responsibility for internal development becomes personal.

2. Principles systems thinking(see section 1.1) entered modern science along with the development of cybernetics, quantum mechanics (system classical device – quantum object) and some classical areas of physics (for example, studies of interaction in the system matter - field). But the foundations of a systematic approach to the task of internal human development can be found in the ancient spiritual traditions of the East and West.

3. There is a single structure that forms the basis of all spiritual traditions. Christianity, Taoism, Buddhism, yoga, ethnopsychology, shamanic traditions, etc. offer various forms of work aimed at transformation internal state. However, despite all the differences in forms, the main elements of this work are similar and point to the universal structure of spiritual practices to which they go back.

4. Modern man, provided that he is intellectually developed and takes responsibility for his relations with the world, is able to perceive this structure, learn to understand it within the framework of modern scientific ideas about the systems approach and make practices of transformation of internal states way of life.

We solve part of this problem with the help of a modern version of energy practices and meditations, created on the basis of the above-mentioned deep structure of spiritual traditions.

In earlier times, it would have been impossible to use this version of the practices on one's own, since it requires the ability to consciously follow the technology and strong long-term concentration. Today it is available to everyone. In the past, such concentration was not required, since each person could find support in the ritual space of the tradition, or by following the teacher. It was not necessary to take responsibility for one’s own development - such a task was not set.

For a modern person, a supportive ritual space can be replaced by developed concentration and knowledge of the structure of practices, and a knowledgeable teacher can be replaced by internal discipline and understanding of the meaning of the steps. Thus, at the beginning of the third millennium, any person who accepts responsibility for himself can independently follow an individual spiritual path - outside of tradition and without a teacher. Let us repeat, however, that for this he must have a good understanding of the universal structure of practices; at a minimum, he should know about its existence.

It is natural, therefore, that another important part of the problem is solved by internal activity practitioner when he consciously brings concentration and perseverance to every process. Any result or achievement consists of the interaction of the will of the practitioner with the deep structure mentioned above. The responsibility here lies not with the method, ritual or teacher, but with the practitioner himself.

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The novelty and effectiveness of the techniques and methods of work we offer lies precisely in the fact that, being aimed at optimizing external event contexts, they are for the first time based on transformation of internal states man and the awakening of his inner activity. We call them internal technologies, in contrast to external technologies of direct influence on life events.

We are talking about the ability to consciously and voluntarily change strategies and thinking styles, behavioral stereotypes, as well as bodily sensations and stereotypes of emotional experiences, and do this independently, without the help of specialists. The influence on any life situation and the management of events is carried out here not directly, but through the influence on one’s own states.

It is essential that a person trained in these practices no longer needs teachers and consultants. He himself is capable of generating new psychotechnologies for himself, focusing on the specific tasks of his life.

The content and stages of such internal work are dictated by the external event flows of a person, that is, those tensions and dead ends that arise in his personal and professional life (in spiritual traditions this is spoken of as tests sent by fate or a higher power). All these problems, as already said, are solved here through transformation internal states. This leads to a more complete awareness of values ​​and mission, strategically important directions in business and personal life, and the ability to achieve success in these directions.

Thus, changes in external reality become the result of internal changes in a person, which, in turn, are determined by his external tasks.

Therefore, this approach is especially effective for those who lead an active social and business life. Professional and personal development, as well as restoration and preservation of health, are integrated into a single process and fall into the sphere of personal competence and responsibility.

Many years of experience show that the use of mindful practices transformation of internal states has a beneficial effect on health, communication skills, social adaptation, professional development and fullness of creative self-expression, as well as on the development of the best human qualities potentially present in everyone.

M. Ya. Palchik

Quantum model of personality evolution

About the direction “Quantum path of knowledge”

In this direction, meditation energy practices are presented that allow solving current problems of different levels of complexity. Every problem in business and personal life seen as a sign indicating the need for specific internal changes. All changes are achieved through energy practices. In this approach, business and personal life turn into a path of self-knowledge and development.

* * *

The path of each person is unique and does not fit into any philosophical or religious concept. Walking this path, living every event of his life, a person solves the great mystery of fate's plan. In the modern world, this task is complicated by the rapid increase in the speed and scale of external changes.

It can be said that the world has entered the quantum realm of phenomena, where there is no single, forever set path. Modern man finds himself a participant in many large-scale projects that must be lived simultaneously. It becomes like a quantum object, which, unlike a classical one, moves along many trajectories at once, simultaneously “living through different destinies.”

We called this direction "The quantum path of knowledge." It is constantly developing and updating.

* * *

This area is represented in the programs of the Altway Consulting and Education Center. The Altway Center also conducts training programs for business teams and senior management, and provides individual consulting.

Training and consulting programs can be found on the website www.altway.ru.

FINGER Mark Yakovlevich. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Full member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences, Doctor of Psychological Sciences MAPS. Author of a monograph in the field of theoretical physics and three monographs in the field of practical psychology. Business consultant, founder of the Center for Personal and Business Consulting "Altway". Author of an independent direction in personal and business consulting – Quantum path of knowledge.

The book includes descriptions of energy practices that allow you to solve a variety of problems - from healing diseases to overcoming complex problems of business, leadership and management. This book is a re-edition.

In the first edition of the book, energy practices were presented under the general title energy technologies for the development of awareness(ETRO). They were developed by our research group in the process of studying and modeling the energy practices of ancient spiritual traditions. In the future, we sought to present a description of these results within the framework of modern scientific concepts. This is how the direction “Quantum Path of Knowledge” arose.

* * *

We used the term in the title of the book quantum model, since this best characterizes the essence of our approach. The goal of each technique in it is to create a state of consciousness in which the solution to the problem arises spontaneously, as a natural reaction to the problematic context.

This is exactly how management is organized in the quantum world, where the central category is state of a quantum object, and control of his behavior is carried out through influencing this state. A person who is able to constantly maintain the required state, may not have any problems at all. Their appearance, even if they are objective in nature, is considered here as the result of errors in the way of perception and thinking. By acting imprecisely, a person discovers obstacles - just as a novice driver encounters problems where an experienced driver simply drives a car.

* * *

The book includes descriptions of methods independent working with various negative conditions that arise in the life of a modern person under the influence of numerous stresses. A person who knows these methods is able to apply them independently, without turning to consultants. These methods are available to any socially active person with developed intellect and will. In this approach, substantive analysis and additional resources are not required to solve problems.

In many chapters we limit ourselves to describing technologies arising from quantum nature of spiritual energy, – without theoretical and philosophical explanations. A more detailed description of the quantum nature of thinking and the practical consequences arising from it is presented in the author’s book “Is Reality Real?”

Chapter 1. Introduction and preliminary description of the main ideas

1.1 Conditions of our time. Decline of logical thinking

You are always free to change your mind and choose a different future or a different past.

Our time manifests itself as a stage of integration of previously opposing traditions, scientific directions, ideas, as a stage of ascent to the metastructures that once gave rise to them. Natural sciences, which have reached fantastic sophistication, are discovering laws encrypted in ancient cosmological formulas. The most ancient books become the most modern.

However, ancient spiritual traditions are crumbling as the pace and style of life changes. Traditions are being replaced by developed intelligence and its products - technology and science.

The average person did not have such intelligence in earlier times. He also did not have the degree of personal responsibility that comes with a developed intellect. In earlier times, responsibility for all life's choices was placed on a higher power (“God gave, and God took away...”) or on a tradition that dictated rules and ethics on behalf of that power. The intellect itself is forced to bear full responsibility for its choices.

How does the intellect cope with such responsibility? He begins to carefully think through and plan his actions. He makes decisions with his head. These decisions are reasonable and scientific, but for some reason they are being implemented less and less often. The intellect finds scientific names for this mysterious phenomenon. "They turn on circumstances of force majeure" - a person speaks in the favorable case when he does not blame his partners for surprises. Thus, the intellect drives itself into a trap: now it has to take into account these circumstances, stipulating (say, in a contract or plan) the possibility of their appearance... and so on ad infinitum.

This occurs due to the insufficient speed of intellectual forms of comprehension of the perception of the world. Today, at any stage of human life, one can observe a sharp change in technology and internal positions. This is spoken of as an acceleration of evolutionary processes. The time is coming for the next evolutionary stage, creating conditions for higher speeds. In these conditions all responsibility is transferred to the person and becomes personal.

* * *

Thus, during its existence, humanity has mastered at least three evolutionary stages. Each of them is lived at its own speed. The speed characteristic of the third - relevant today - is significantly higher than the speed of intelligence.

To understand the term rate of evolution (or evolutionary speed ) it is convenient to enter two parameters: average human lifespan And . The speed of evolutionary processes depends on the ratio of these parameters.

Let t1 – average human lifespan, and t2 – average life time of technology. The rate of evolutionary processes is characterized by the parameter τ, which is defined as the ratio of times t1 and t2:

Evolutionary stages are determined by the values ​​of this parameter. The first stage corresponds to small values ​​of τ<<1, второй ступени – значения τ~1, третьей – большие значения τ>>1.

In Figure 1, these three stages are depicted as a hierarchical (vertical) sequence of different levels of consciousness, each of which corresponds to a specific type of thinking. It is based on the traditionally accepted model of subtle bodies.

Rice. 1. Levels of consciousness. The three lower levels and the beginning of the fourth correspond to the first evolutionary stage, the fourth and fifth - to the second stage, the sixth and seventh - to the third stage. The second level includes the experience of bodily sensations, including symptoms of diseases; experiencing emotions - to the third level; thoughts and actions (or events) belong to the fourth and fifth levels; deeper experiences relating to large-scale stages of human activity and life belong to the sixth and seventh levels

The book presents a new direction in psychological and business consulting - the Quantum path of knowledge. It contains unique meditation practices that allow you to find solutions to problems in a variety of contexts - overcome stress, heal diseases, manage emotional conflicts, find optimal solutions in situations of difficult choices, solve business, leadership and management problems. These meditation practices were created by combining the ideas of modern quantum physics and the practical knowledge contained in the great traditions of the East and West.

* * *

by liters company.

The book includes descriptions of energy practices that allow you to solve a variety of problems - from healing diseases to overcoming complex problems of business, leadership and management. This book is a re-edition.

In the first edition of the book, energy practices were presented under the general title energy technologies for the development of awareness(ETRO). They were developed by our research group in the process of studying and modeling the energy practices of ancient spiritual traditions. In the future, we sought to present a description of these results within the framework of modern scientific concepts. This is how the direction “Quantum Path of Knowledge” arose.

We used the term in the title of the book quantum model, since this best characterizes the essence of our approach. The goal of each technique in it is to create a state of consciousness in which the solution to the problem arises spontaneously, as a natural reaction to the problematic context.

This is exactly how management is organized in the quantum world, where the central category is state of a quantum object, and control of his behavior is carried out through influencing this state. A person who is able to constantly maintain the required state, may not have any problems at all. Their appearance, even if they are objective in nature, is considered here as the result of errors in the way of perception and thinking. By acting imprecisely, a person discovers obstacles - just as a novice driver encounters problems where an experienced driver simply drives a car.

The book includes descriptions of methods independent working with various negative conditions that arise in the life of a modern person under the influence of numerous stresses. A person who knows these methods is able to apply them independently, without turning to consultants. These methods are available to any socially active person with developed intellect and will. In this approach, substantive analysis and additional resources are not required to solve problems.

In many chapters we limit ourselves to describing technologies arising from quantum nature of spiritual energy, – without theoretical and philosophical explanations. A more detailed description of the quantum nature of thinking and the practical consequences arising from it is presented in the author’s book “Is Reality Real?”

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The given introductory fragment of the book Quantum model of personality evolution (M. Ya. Palchik, 2014) provided by our book partner -