The quality of the goods in the store is guaranteed to be real silver. Guarantee, quality of products of our company, we guarantee quality

We understand perfectly well that product quality today ceases to be just a factor of image, but definitely turns into a matter of survival in the market.

In the development and creation of its products, the 7VL company adheres to the following principles:

  • Development and production of healthy food products on a scientific basis, within the framework of the application of the basic laws of rational nutrition.
  • Studying and using the vast experience of folk and traditional medicine in the light of modern scientific knowledge to create dietary supplements.
  • Development and creation of products necessary for the correction of nutritional disorders typical for citizens of Russia and the CIS countries, based on the analysis of statistical research data from the Ministry of Health and the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
  • Using the latest advances in nutrition science.

The impeccable quality of its products provides the 7VL Seven Jewels of Life Company with consumer trust and success in the market. The company keeps up with modern government requirements: the production has a pharmaceutical license, a license for the production of medicines, products are certified and manufactured in accordance with Sanitary and Hygienic rules and regulations. In productionquality management systems that meet the most demanding international standards have been implemented and verified. They guarantee high quality food safety, and also make it possible to correctly determine goals, track customer needs and set them as key guidelines for further work.

ISO 9001

An international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO - International Organization for Standardization) and adopted by more than 90 countries around the world. The purpose of the standard is to bring consistency and help the Company optimally build a management system for the process of checking the quality and conformity of products.

ISO 22000

Food safety quality management system. This standard includes: caring for consumers, minimizing significant food risks, exceptional transparency, effective management of internal processes and minimizing the risk of failure, increasing staff motivation through an emphasis on quality work.


Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points is an international system of requirements that guarantees 100% product safety. For food industry enterprises, HACCP is a technique that allows you to concentrate the Company’s resources and efforts in critical areas of production. It indicates that the manufacturer provides all conditions for the stable production of safe products.


The international GMP standard determines the compliance of the production conditions of an enterprise with modern standards and requirements. The GMP standard for manufacturers of dietary supplements and pharmaceutical companies determines the parameters of each production stage - from the creation of “especially clean zones” (rooms with a special air filtration mode and entrance locks) to the material from which the floor in the workshops is made, employee clothing and markings applied to packaging products.

Paul Ehrlich Medal

The company “Seven Jewels of Life” was awarded by the European Academy of Natural Sciences (Hannover, Germany) with a Diploma and Medal named after P. Ehrlich (Nobel laureate in the field of medicine), for “For special achievements in preventive and social medicine”

This medal is awarded by the international commission for academic awards based on the results of an independent examination carried out in accredited European clinics. The Paul Ehrlich Medal is the highest international confirmation of the effectiveness and clinical reliability of the declared properties of our drugs.

This award once again proves that our company offers only the most highly effective and high-quality health products!


In 2015, the Company received a Halal quality certificate confirming that its products comply with Islamic standards. Halal is a concept from the traditions of Islam, which in the modern world has become a standard for high quality and purity of manufactured products. Halal certification is the production of products that do not contain questionable or prohibited components, products that are safe, without harmful additives. Not every enterprise in Russia can undergo the certification procedure, since the requirements for the right to wear this mark are very high. Therefore, Halal certification has become not only a pass for products to the countries of the Muslim world, but also indisputable proof of naturalness and the highest quality.

If you find a defect, we will send a quality product!

If for some reason you decide to return the goods received, then within 7 (seven) days from the date of receipt and payment of the parcel you can return the money spent. To do this, contact our operators and they will tell you how to do this. We will definitely return your money. Just do not use the product and keep the packaging.

100% quality guarantee

We guarantee product quality in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the federal law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”

Since August 20, 2007, our company has voluntarily undertaken an obligation and strictly complies with the principles of the unified international Convention on Postal and Distance Trade.

Our products that require certification are certified and have all the necessary documents.

We would like to welcome our customers and visitors to our website. All interested parties!! The same model of device may have several design and color options, so the product in stock may differ slightly in appearance from that shown in the photograph.

To deliver goods to us or return them, use the services of the Federal Postal Service "Russian Post". Pack the goods and send them from your post office with a simple parcel or parcel with a minimum estimated value (For example, 10 rubles). This way it will be cheaper for you. Be sure to contact our operators.

The warranty period for the product begins:

Courier delivery - from the moment the goods are delivered by the courier. Be sure to keep the 3rd copy of the Invoice (dispatch) and the receipt confirming receipt of funds.

Delivery by cash on delivery - from the moment of receipt and payment of the goods at the post office. Be sure to keep the postal receipt for payment of funds.

The warranty period for the product is indicated in the passport or instructions for use for the product.

Federal Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights"

Art. 18 Consumer rights when defects are detected in the product, clause 1.

If defects are discovered in the product, if they were not specified by the seller, the consumer has the right to:

  • demand replacement with a product of the same brand (same model and (or) article);
  • demand replacement with the same product of another brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price;
  • demand a proportionate reduction in the purchase price; demand immediate free elimination of defects in the goods or reimbursement of costs for their correction by the consumer or a third party;
  • refuse to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement and demand a refund of the amount paid for the goods. At the request of the seller and at his expense, the consumer must return the defective product.

In relation to a technically complex product, if defects are discovered in it, the consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement and demand a refund of the amount paid for such a product or make a demand for its replacement with a product of the same brand (model, article) or with a different product. brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price within fifteen days from the date of transfer of such goods to the consumer. After this period, these requirements must be satisfied in one of the following cases:

  • detection of a significant defect in the product;
  • violation of the deadlines established by this Law for eliminating product defects;
  • the impossibility of using the product during each year of the warranty period for a total of more than thirty days due to repeated elimination of its various deficiencies. The buyer has the right to refuse to fulfill the sales contract and demand a refund of the amount paid for the goods. At the request of the seller and at his expense, the consumer must return the defective product.

Art. 26.1. Remote method of selling goods, clause 4. “...The consumer has the right to refuse the goods at any time before its transfer, and after the transfer of the goods - within seven days.

Return of a product of proper quality is possible if its presentation, consumer properties, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the specified product are preserved.

The consumer does not have the right to refuse a product of appropriate quality that has individually defined properties if the specified product can be used exclusively by the consumer purchasing it.

If the consumer refuses the goods, the seller must return to him the amount of money paid by the consumer under the contract, with the exception of the seller’s expenses for delivery of the returned goods from the consumer, no later than ten days from the date the consumer submits the corresponding demand...”

Art. 25 The consumer’s right to exchange goods of proper quality. clause 1. The warranty period does not apply to non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, size, style, color or configuration.

We are working directly with manufacturers since 2006. All products undergo additional internal control. We try to deal only with products of the highest quality.

We guarantee compliance of the design of the ordered products with the samples in the catalog. The weight of products may differ from that stated in the catalog of the online store website due to the peculiarities of the technological process of manufacturing jewelry.

We are obliged deliver jewelry in accordance with the order, in quantity, at prices and within the time frame agreed with the Buyer.

Product quality complies with the standards of the Russian Federation for jewelry.

Try precious metal in jewelry complies with the standards of the Russian Federation and is necessarily confirmed by the hallmark of the Assay Office.

Confidentiality All information provided by the Buyer is guaranteed. This kind of information can be provided only with the written permission of the Buyer to use this information, as well as in cases where this is required by Russian or international legislation or by government authorities in compliance with legal procedures.

When purchasing in our store you receive:

  • Jewelry in original packaging;
  • Each product has a hallmark (sample) of the Assay Office;
  • There is also a mark (name) of the manufacturer;
  • The original factory tag attached to the product. The thread is sealed with a factory number seal, which prevents the tag from being removed or replaced. It indicates all the characteristics of the product, such as article number, weight, material, etc.;
  • Sales and cash receipt;
  • Upon request, we provide a copy of the manufacturer’s hygiene certificate certified by our seal;

Exchange and return jewelry is not eligible. Returns or exchanges are only possible if a manufacturing defect is detected. (according to clause 9 of the “List of non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration” approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 No. 55)

Manufacturing defects must be discovered no later than 6 months from the date of sale of the product, of which the Buyer must notify our store, and the product must be in marketable condition and accompanied by all documents received upon purchase, including factory tags. The jewelry store "Real Silver" accepts the defective product from the Buyer and transfers it to the manufacturer for examination. If the manufacturer recognizes it as a factory defect, our store undertakes to refund the full cost of the product, including delivery costs, or exchange the product at the request of the Buyer. The delivery of goods for examination, exchange or return is carried out by the Buyer himself in the sales area of ​​our store.

The stronger the guarantee, the more attractive the purchase. Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a text that sells goods or services without a guarantee. Although these also occur.

In this article we will talk about how to show a guarantee in the text and thereby influence the client’s decision to make a purchase choice. We want to sell, right? So let's do this.

The purpose of a guarantee is to give the customer confidence that they are not risking anything when deciding to purchase your product or service. At the same time, the client must understand that he will be satisfied with the result of his actions.

The stronger the guarantee, the higher the likelihood that the client will place an order with you.

What types of guarantees are there? Let's look at specific examples.

Guarantee No. 1 - Refund provided...

This type of guarantee is often used in online stores and other types of businesses that sell goods at retail. These are products that require evaluation or trying on by the client before purchase.

For example, you buy a T-shirt online. The courier delivered, you tried it on. The size didn't fit. You got your money back or chose another product. In any case, you do not risk anything.

This is ideal. But there are times when your purchase is sent by mail and no courier will knock on your door. You go to the post office yourself, pick up the goods, try them on at home and... IT DOES NOT FIT. What to do?

In this case, naturally, you want to replace the product or get your money back. But at the same time, it is important for the seller that the product retains its “marketable” appearance and is not damaged. Often this also applies to packaging.

Therefore, on many sites we find a conditional guarantee with approximately the following content:

You can return the item within 7 days after making the purchase. It is important that the product and packaging are not damaged. Otherwise, the product cannot be returned.

Sounds familiar? Everything seems to be true and honest. But this can be done more attractively.

You can return the item within 7 days after making the purchase.

We ask you to open the parcel carefully. Products in damaged packaging cannot be returned.

If you are not sure about your choice, contact our consultant. He will help you choose a model that will definitely suit you.

Now everything is much more attractive. We provide a guarantee and the opportunity to avoid the consequences of a wrong choice.

If you use a conditional warranty in your texts, describe it in as much detail as possible. So that the user does not create additional questions and objections in his head, but is confident in his decision.

Guarantee #2 - No strings attached

An unconditional guarantee is often used when selling information products (video courses, trainings, conferences, webinars).

This is a powerful sales tool. There is only one condition here - refund of funds upon the client’s first request without any explanation.

Here are some examples that you can find on the Internet:

  • “If after completing the training you do not get the expected result, we will return all your money without questions asked”
  • “The guarantee is valid for 365 days. That is, you can write to us within a year asking for a refund of the payment amount, and we will fully reimburse you for the cost of the course. At the same time, all training materials remain with you."
  • “If you suddenly decide that this training is not for you, write us an email with the subject “Request for a refund.” We will return your money within 5 hours"

This is a strong guarantee. If you are confident in your product, use it. Otherwise, if your product is of poor quality, you will have to return the money to the customer. It's fair.

The information business market is already teeming with low-quality training courses that contain nothing useful. Therefore, it is better to finalize the product, and feel free to start selling with a guarantee without conditions.

Guarantee #3 - Pleasure

Customers don't always look for value when making purchasing decisions. There are goods and services that are bought in order to receive (or deliver to someone) pleasure. If your business falls into this category, guarantee an enjoyable experience.

Selling children's board game

“Your children will be immersed in the world of the Middle Ages for several hours along with kings, knights and wizards. They themselves will create the history of their kingdom and will enjoy conquering foreign lands. This game is built on stories that capture children's attention. It will be impossible to tear your child away from this game until he accomplishes another feat.

If you find that the child is not interested in this game, we are ready to exchange it for another or return the money.”

If your product is designed to provide pleasure, guarantee it.

But don't use dry language like this:

"We guarantee that your children will enjoy this game."

Decipher and explain why or how exactly this product is capable of delivering pleasure.

Guarantee No. 4 - Quality

There are many low quality products on the Internet (to put it mildly). This is why people prefer to make purchases where they can touch, test, and try on them. That is, in off-line stores.

Many people do not make purchases online because they cannot touch the product with their own hands and test it in action. This is a fair reason.

How to dispel doubts and help the client make a purchasing decision?

Guarantee quality.

  • “All the equipment of the company “________”, which you see on the pages of the store, is checked and tested by employees of the technical control department.
  • Products that pass the verification stage receive a certificate of conformity and are allowed for sale.
  • The equipment that you see in our online store is already ready to serve properly for performing everyday tasks.
  • We are confident in the quality of the products we produce, and therefore we confidently guarantee that if you are dissatisfied with your purchase, we will return all your money or exchange the product for another. As you wish".

Quality is one of the main criteria that the client relies on when making a purchasing decision. Don't neglect this.

Guarantee #5 - Time

Time guarantees are more often used in businesses that provide services.

I could give an example about pizza that is delivered within 15 minutes or the money is returned. But you're probably tired of it by now. Therefore, here are examples from other areas of business.

Service “Turnkey balconies”

“We don’t misfire and clearly know how to act in order to meet the deadline.

  • Turnkey balcony - 7 days
  • Balcony extension - 2 days
  • Balcony covering - 3 days

We are responsible for the deadlines with money and stipulate this in the contract. For each day of delay, we refund you 10% of the project cost. Therefore, we ourselves are interested in doing everything quickly and efficiently.”

Wholesale supplies of meat in Russia

“We know that meat is a product that does not tolerate long-term transportation and storage. Therefore, we opened representative offices in all regions of Russia.

This makes it possible to quickly deliver products to any retail store, wherever you are.

We guarantee that if you order a batch of goods today, it will already be on your counter by 10:00 tomorrow. If we are late, you may not pay for the item. We value our customers, that’s why we work this way.”

Sometimes, time is the main criterion that influences the client's decision.

If you can provide better timing conditions, do so. If not, think about what needs to be improved to help you work faster.

Guarantee No. 6 - Result

A guarantee of results is a very strong and bold move that not every company can afford. Achieving results rarely depends on the product or service itself. There can always be circumstances that hinder the achievement of results.

For example, when selling an English language course, we cannot guarantee that the student will speak fluent English without hesitation. After all, it depends on the student himself, his desire and ability to learn.

In this case, we can only guarantee the result if we record and decipher it.

“We guarantee that after completing this course you will be fluent in English.

Why are we so confident in the result? It's simple.

  1. During each lesson you complete tasks to reinforce the material.
  2. After each section you pass the exam and move on to the next one.
  3. If you fail to pass the exam, we identify your weak points and provide additional classes.
  4. You take the exam again and are admitted to the next section.
  5. Upon completion of training, you receive a certificate and access to an alumni group, where you can communicate with other course participants and native speakers at any time to maintain and hone your acquired skills.

We will teach you to speak English fluently or we will return all the money the training cost you.”

To guarantee results is to challenge yourself. It's bold. Buyers respect this approach. But do this only if you are at least 90% sure that you can give the client such a result. Otherwise you will have to return the money.

Guarantee No. 7 - Low price

Users love to get what they want for less money. Especially when the low price is backed by a guarantee.

You often see statements like this on websites:

“If you find the same item at a lower price than in our store, we will refund you the difference.”

This is the standard low price guarantee that many buyers are tired of. But it can be strengthened. Let's add a bonus.

“If you find the same product at a price lower than in our store, we will refund the difference + top up your account with 1000 rubles, which you can spend on purchasing any product from our range.”

It's much more interesting this way. Agree.

Not every business can offer the lowest price. But if you still have such an opportunity, use it.

The market is a competitive environment. Here everyone is trying to get (recapture, lure, “buy”) their client in order to earn more. Therefore, guarantees are always needed in everything.

Take a close look at your products and services. Study them. Put yourself in the customer's shoes and think about what guarantee would force you to place an order without fear of being deceived.

Ask other people to help you with this. Finally, ask your clients. Let them take part in creating the guarantees for your products that they themselves would like to receive.

I'm sure you will have enough information to think about. Write down all your thoughts in a separate list and work through each of them.

Create combinations of guarantees. Help your clients make decisions that will grow your business.

That's all for today.

I wish you customers who are confident in your products and services.

Being in constant development, Your store pays special attention to the convenience of its customers and quality of service. We strive to make a walk through your store interesting, and your purchase comfortable and profitable.

We guarantee quality! Quality of goods, fast and careful delivery of orders, high-quality and convenient website, responsibility and professionalism of employees. And not only this...

1) If you don’t want to overpay in online stores, go to our website! We offer the best prices.
We value our clients' time and do everything to make you feel comfortable. We offer products at reasonable prices, trying to make the best combination of price and quality. We value our reputation, which has developed over years of reliable work on the Internet.

2) Current information on product availability!
Our website is constantly updated, so all products that are in stock are displayed in the catalogue.
Any product that is not currently in stock will not be displayed on the site. We strive for the highest quality work and saving your time. Therefore, the site constantly updates its positions and does not mislead the buyer by demonstrating things that actually do not exist. The site is continuously monitored by a team of professionals.

3) We offer convenient and profitable delivery.
Our company delivers orders to your home or office, to any address specified by the client. We strive to ensure that your product arrives at your address as quickly as possible. Most often, delivery is carried out within one to two business days. You do not need to wait for our courier. When placing an order, you can indicate the time at which it is convenient for you to pick up the order. Our couriers always arrive on time. An hour before arrival, the courier will call you and check whether the specified time is still convenient for you.

4) Delivery of orders to other regions of the Russian Federation is possible!
To do this, you need to order goods for 3,000 rubles. We will send your order by courier company only with 100% prepayment. You don't have to worry about the quality of the product, as it will be checked, securely packaged and insured before shipping. If your order arrives damaged, you will be refunded the amount of your paid order in full.

5) Our store guarantees high quality products, which you purchase here.
We provide quality products from trusted manufacturers.
We have multi-stage quality control - the goods are first checked in the warehouse upon receipt by the forwarder, then the goods are checked again when the order is assembled. And most importantly, upon delivery, the courier helps to inspect the goods so that you are 100% sure that you are receiving a quality product that was ordered.

6) Individual approach.
We value every client and provide an individual approach to each buyer. The comfort of our customers and good reviews about the store are important to us. Our specialists treat every customer with care and kindness. We value your time and respect your choice, so we strive to be better than others. Our priority is quality of service, which is provided to customers, and it is not for nothing that people who value comfort and their free time turn to us. The key to a successful business is good relationships with clients and partners.

- The product range of “Your” online store is constantly updated and expanded. We try to make the most clear and accurate description of any item and the range as a whole, so that you do not have any questions about the composition, purpose or quality. All products are illustrated with photographs.
- We value convenience and comfort, therefore we offer convenient and favorable conditions for receiving the ordered goods. Unlike most online stores, we have our own courier service that delivers your purchases on time to your desired location. And even a long distance will not be a hindrance, since in this case we will use the services of proven and reliable courier companies.
- We have developed a convenient website for clients, which is quite easy to understand. We have a team of professionals who quickly and competently carry out their tasks. We control the quality of the products we sell and regularly update the items on the site to ensure they are accurate.