Commodity research and examination of the quality of consumer goods. Customer service and consultation Product consultation how to carry out

Job Descriptions

Seller of non-food products

Characteristics of work. Customer Service : offer and display of goods, demonstration of them in action, assistance in choosing goods. Consulting consumers about the purpose, properties, quality, design features of goods, rules for caring for them, and the state of fashion of the current season; offering new interchangeable goods and related products, calculating the purchase price and issuing a sales receipt. Registration of a passport for a product that has a warranty period of use. Packing goods, issuing a purchase or transferring it for control. Monitoring the timeliness of replenishment of the working stock of goods, their safety, serviceability and proper operation of equipment, cleanliness and order in the workplace. Preparing goods for sale: unpacking, assembly, kitting, checking performance properties, etc. P workplace preparation: checking the availability and serviceability of trade and technological equipment, inventory and tools; placement of goods into groups, types and grades, taking into account the frequency of demand and ease of operation. Receipt and preparation of packaging material. Cleaning of unsold goods and containers. Preparing goods for inventory. If necessary, work on cash registers and special computer systems, reconciling the sales amount with the readings of cash counters. Counting checks (money) and depositing them in the prescribed manner.

Must know: assortment, classification, bar coding, characteristics and purpose of goods, methods of using and caring for them, rules for deciphering the article, labeling and bar codes; retail prices; techniques for selecting, measuring cuts, and assembling goods; scales of product sizes and rules for their determination; basic requirements of State standards and other regulatory documents on standardization for the quality of goods, packaging and labeling; types of marriage and rules for the exchange of goods; warranty periods for using goods; design and operating rules of serviced trade and technical equipment, cash registers and special computer systems; ways to reduce product losses; Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Basic rules for conducting retail trade and trade and production activities on the territory of the Republic of Belarus; rules for selling goods in accordance with the store’s assortment.

Required vocational education or training according to an established program in courses.

Characteristics of work. In addition to the requirements for a seller of category III non-food products, the following work: participation in the receipt of goods, notification of the administration about the presence of low-quality goods, expired, with hidden defects, which do not comply with documents certifying quality and safety; compilation and design of gift and holiday sets; design of in-store displays; monitoring their condition; studying consumer demand.

Must know: assortment, characteristics, purpose of goods, methods of using and caring for them; the state of fashion of the current season; techniques and methods of actively serving various groups of consumers, taking into account their gender, age, level of knowledge about the product and other characteristics; the main types of raw materials and materials used for the manufacture of goods, methods of recognizing them; main suppliers of goods, features of the range and quality of their products; basic principles of the design of trade and technological equipment; principles of design of in-store displays; methods for summarizing data on customer demand; rules for selling goods in accordance with the store’s assortment.

Required work experience in the profession “seller of non-food products” category III for at least 2 years.

Characteristics of work: In addition to the requirements for a seller of category II non-food products, the following work: receiving goods from the warehouse; participation in inventory taking; preparation and execution of commodity reports, acts of defects, shortages, re-grading of goods and acceptance certificates for the transfer of material assets; resolution of disputes with consumers in the absence of the administration; management of the work of sellers of non-food products of lower qualifications.

Must know: procedure for receiving goods from suppliers; rules for rejecting goods; basic requirements of standards and technical conditions for the quality of goods, packaging and their labeling; principles of window display design; the procedure for conducting inventory, the procedure for drawing up and processing commodity reports, acts of defects, shortages, misgrading and acceptance certificates for the transfer of material assets; Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Basic rules for conducting retail trade and trade and production activities on the territory of the Republic of Belarus; rules for selling goods in accordance with the store’s assortment.

Required secondary specialized (vocational) education without requirements for work experience or work experience in the profession “seller of non-food products” of category II for at least 3 years.

Food seller

Characteristics of work. Customer Service: cutting, weighing and packaging goods, calculating the cost of purchases, checking receipt details, issuing purchases. Consulting consumers about the properties, taste characteristics, culinary purposes and nutritional value of certain types of goods, offering new, interchangeable products and related assortment. Monitoring the timeliness of replenishment of the working stock of goods, their safety, serviceability and correct operation of trade and technological equipment, cleanliness and order in the workplace. Preparing goods for sale: checking the name, quantity, grade, price, packaging condition and correct labeling; unpacking, inspection of appearance, cleaning, cutting, cutting of goods. Preparation of the workplace : checking the availability and serviceability of equipment, inventory and tools; sharpening, editing tools, installing scales. Receipt and preparation of packaging material. Placing goods into groups, types and grades, taking into account the frequency of demand and ease of use. Filling out and attaching price labels. Counting checks (money) and depositing them in the prescribed manner. If necessary, work on adding machines and special computer systems, reconciling the amount of cash revenue with the readings of cash counters. Cleaning of unsold goods and containers. Preparing goods for inventory.

Must know : assortment, classification, bar coding, characteristics, purpose, nutritional value and retail prices for goods; signs of good quality of goods; norms of natural loss of goods and the procedure for their write-off; rules for operating serviced trade and technological equipment, cash registers and special computer systems; techniques and methods of customer service; ways to reduce commodity losses; sanitary rules and regulations; Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”; Basic rules for conducting retail trade and trade and production activities on the territory of the Republic of Belarus; rules for selling goods in accordance with the store’s assortment.

Required vocational education or training according to an established program.

Characteristics of work: in addition to the requirements for a seller of category III food products, performing the following types of work: participation in receiving goods to replenish display cases and working stock in the sales area; notification to the administration of the presence of expired goods, unsuitable for sale, with hidden defects that do not comply with documents certifying quality and safety; designing store displays inside, monitoring their condition; studying consumer demand.

Must know: the main types of raw materials used for the manufacture of goods; methods for reducing losses of goods during storage and sales; principles of design inside store windows; main suppliers, features of the range and quality of their products; basic principles of the design of serviced commercial and technological equipment; techniques and methods of servicing various groups of consumers, taking into account their gender, age, level of knowledge about the product and other characteristics; sanitary rules and regulations; Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the protection of consumer rights, “Basic rules for conducting retail trade and production activities on the territory of the Republic of Belarus; rules for selling goods in accordance with the store’s assortment.

Required work experience in the profession of “food seller” of category III for at least 2 years.

Characteristics of work. In addition to the requirements for a seller of category II food products, performing the following work: receiving goods from a warehouse, determining their quality by organoleptic characteristics, selecting samples for laboratory analysis; drawing up requests for repairs of commercial and technological equipment; drawing up commodity reports, acts of defects, shortages, re-grading of goods and acceptance certificates for the transfer of material assets; participation in inventory taking; resolution of controversial issues with consumers in the absence of administration representatives; management of the work of food sellers of lower qualifications.

Must know: procedure for receiving goods from suppliers; basic requirements of standards and technical conditions for the quality of goods, packaging and their labeling; rules for rejecting goods; the simplest organoleptic methods for determining the quality of goods; rules for sampling and sampling to determine the food suitability of goods; principles of window display design; the procedure for conducting inventory, drawing up and processing commodity reports, acts of defects, shortages, misgrading of goods and acceptance certificates for the transfer of material assets; progressive forms and methods of serving consumers; sanitary rules and regulations; Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Basic rules for conducting retail trade and trade and production activities on the territory of the Republic of Belarus; rules for selling goods in accordance with the store’s assortment.

Questions and ensuring delivery of goods.  

Widespread public interest in management is largely associated with the formation and development of business schools or management schools, which are most common in the United States and are part of the management infrastructure. Infrastructure sectors in production - energy, transport, telecommunications, etc., and in the non-production sphere - education, publishing, public computer networks, consulting, etc. - are highly developed in a market economy, where horizontal connections are especially important , and public services that satisfy a certain social need and are paid for by the consumer are quickly formed into an independent large, medium or small business. Today the United States is the country with the most developed management infrastructure in the world. There are over 1,300 registered, officially certified by the American Assembly of Collegiate Business Schools, business and management programs in America, including 600 business schools operating independently within multidisciplinary universities. They provide regular education in business and management. There are over 10 thousand consulting firms operating in the country, not counting tens of thousands of independent consultants who provide services on various aspects of this activity. More than 70 periodicals, over a dozen publishing houses specialize in literature on management and business. The USA is a leader in management science, research in business and management in terms of the number of researchers, the amount of funds spent, and the breadth of problems covered.  

There is another important circumstance that objectively does not allow Russian managers to abandon traditional approaches to management. In our country, production with rigid technology predominates, focused on mass production of products, the customer and consumer of which was the state. Outdated management stereotypes dominate here. They hinder the reform of management systems and organizational structures. The situation is aggravated by the embryonic state of the market for management consulting services, and most importantly, by the difficult economic conditions for structural changes in the material sphere of the national economy. All these facts  

In the past, a gifted salesperson was someone who could communicate value. But when the products become similar, sellers talk about about the same thing. Therefore, it now requires salespeople who can create value by helping the buyer get or save more money. Salespeople must move from persuasion to consultation. This may take the form of providing technical assistance or solving a difficult problem for the consumer, it may even help the consumer change the way they work completely.  

Traditionally, there are two main types of products for consumer and industrial purposes. Consumer products are goods and services intended for the end consumer for personal, family or home use. Industrial products include raw materials, machines, machines and equipment for the production of consumer goods, services - legal and marketing consulting, advertising agency services.  

During the post-warranty period, the manufacturer of the product must provide emergency, scheduled maintenance and major repairs, supply of spare parts, modernization, and consulting consumers on the most efficient operation. The supply of spare parts must be organized extremely quickly (modern foreign companies guarantee the supply of spare parts within 24 hours from the date of receipt of notification from the consumer). To effectively organize trade in spare parts, a special marketing plan should be developed.  

Currently, customer service is considered within the framework of the marketing concept as a necessary and effective tool that ensures sustainable sales of the company's products. Seller services are needed both before and after the sale of goods. Before the sale, services consist primarily of consulting, which often includes trade consultations when designing a product, development of alternative proposals, calculations of the cost-effectiveness of warranty and maintenance obligations. After sale, a dedicated customer service team is required to ensure that the product is fully used for its intended purpose.  

In practice, there are often cases when differentiation of a product by expanding the range of its physical properties and qualities is difficult. In such situations, they use differentiation of services, that is, they increase the quantity and improve the quality of services accompanying the product. The main indicators that determine the level of differentiation of services may be ease of ordering, delivery, product installation, training and consulting for buyers and consumers, maintenance and repairs.  

All three areas require investment, which greatly fuels the mergers and acquisitions that are thriving in our business. High-volume firms are finding it increasingly difficult to compete in consumer research and consulting due to their typically high overhead and operating costs, desire to fully utilize all of their resources, and a management philosophy focused on operational efficiency rather than investment in R&D. .  

On the other hand, there will be an increase in the number of small specialized firms combining consumer research services with marketing consulting in certain areas. The survival of these firms depends on an excellent reputation for the services they provide, the ability to quickly conduct consumer research, and the widespread use of new analytical procedures.  

Of an advisory nature, consulting users of the information system and information technologies, methodological assistance to consumers of information, the need for which is caused by the specifics of information technologies.  

Customer relationships have always been the basis of commercial success and an important aspect of company strategy. Consumers are the most important source of innovative ideas. Innovation-oriented high-tech firms go much further than the organization of after-sales service and create new organizational forms of relationships: consumer councils, consumer consultation on R&D projects, joint promotion of products and, finally, joint product development programs.  

One of the most important issues that arises when consulting on sales organization is the rule for distributing profits among participants in the process of moving goods from the manufacturer to the final consumer. The price of a product is determined by the competitive situation in the market for the sale of goods. The difference between price and production costs will be profit. It can be distributed in a regulated manner between the manufacturer and all links in the product sales chain, or you can organize a process of sequential free setting of the price of the product through the provision of discounts from the final price. A decrease in profit margins compresses the sales system, reducing the number of successive links, and stimulates the manufacturer to create its own system of stores and even directly sell goods to the buyer.  

Consumer consulting involves providing buyers, paid or free, with product data, additional information and necessary advice on its use. M Kesson Corporation, a major pharmaceutical supplier, helps more than 12,000 independent pharmacists with financial and inventory systems, computer ordering systems, and more.  

The most important reasons for the sustainability of small farms are a) their flexibility - quick adaptation to changes in consumer demands; b) the need to service small volumes of market transactions. Examples include the sale of clothing and shoes, taking into account the non-standard needs of customers; repair work (they are carried out by companies that repair watches, shoes, cars); the provision of personal services (family doctor, family lawyer, local hairdresser) c) highly specialized production of standard components for large assembly plants sales of products of large companies (TVs, refrigerators, washing machines) d) the use of modern microprocessor technology, which gives a great economic effect in small enterprises e) government assistance to small businesses in terms of financial resources, preferential taxation, scientific consulting.  

For example, a municipal utility operating in Sacramento County, California, offered its customers 22 programs in 1994, including load management - 5 equipment efficiency programs - 3 residential rationalization programs - 5 industrial rationalization programs and construction - 5 and 4 programs, respectively. Consumers could participate in one or more programs. The energy company's specialists provided interested consumers with all the necessary services in the field of energy audits and consulting on the acquisition and installation of energy-saving equipment, including methods of economic incentives for participation in the program.  

The Moscow company "Executive Service" also followed the path of finding out what consumers really need in its business. Its product was the universal system "Executive Service" - a fundamentally new technology for providing services on the Russian market, providing consumers with clear guidelines in the service market, individual consulting and planning of leisure and everyday life, as well as guaranteed high quality of a wide range of services. In the conditions of the transition period, consumers with money began to urgently need a “life preserver” that would guarantee them from various kinds of crooks and scammers who have flooded our market. "Executive Service" offered them such a "life preserver".  

The results are even more disastrous when a company takes on something other than its own business, one that is not related to the profile of its main economic activity. For example, Gevalia, a Swedish coffee company, and Thomas Garraway, another food industry firm, have attempted to become advertising and marketing advisory and brokerage businesses operating as small businesses within a large $9 billion corporation. ., which in turn belongs to such a giant as Philip Morris, which has sales of $25 billion. But both of these companies had no idea how small business is organized and managed. And despite their sincere efforts in this area, their customers soon realized that these two generally mid-sized companies were not specialists in the field of marketing and business consulting. They realized that in this case they were dealing with one of the departments of the headquarters of a large corporation and all business consulting here consisted only of providing information stored in two of their computers. .As a result, this consulting center provided information that simply could not be used in business; the supplies were unaddressed,  

Rules of service for visitors to the cafe-bar "Sova"

The entering guest is greeted and offered to choose a table at the bar.

After the guests have chosen a table, you need to help them sit down. Each guest is given a menu in a certain order (taking into account the gender and age of the guests). If it is a large company, then it is necessary to move the tables.

The waiter approaches the table as soon as the guests have taken the table. Introduce yourself: “Good afternoon (morning, evening), my name is _________, I will be your waiter.” Offers to order drinks (aperitif).

Having accepted the order, the waiter repeats the order to the guest and says “Thank you.” The serving details are communicated to the cook and bartender.

Drinks are brought to the guest within three minutes after accepting the order and when served to the guest they must be called: “Please, your tea, coffee...”.

Having accepted the order, the waiter (bartender) repeats the order to the guest and says “Thank you.”

If drinks are served in bottles (min. water, wine, cola, etc.), then the waiter must pour the first portion to the guest. All glass (“highballs”, “old fashions”, shot glasses, etc.) is placed on the guest’s table on beer coasters. All drinks are brought to guests on a tray. All drinks from the bar are served in closed bottles; glasses with ice, straws and lemon are brought separately.

The waiter takes the order for appetizers (hot dishes). The order must be repeated and the delivery details clarified. Before serving, the table is set with cutlery to order. Snacks are brought to the guest within 10 minutes after the order is accepted. In the event of a delay, be sure to notify guests. When serving, be sure to tell guests the names of their dishes: please, your “Greek” salad, etc. Guests are wished a bon appetit.

After serving appetizers, the guest is asked to place an order for the main course (if the guest did not do so immediately), the order is repeated, if necessary, you need to clarify the degree of frying, the presence of a side dish, sauce, etc. After accepting the order, the Guest is told “Thank you.”

“Hot” food is served within 25 minutes after the order is accepted, with the exception of dishes for which longer time is allocated according to the cooking technology. The guest must be warned how long the dish will take to prepare.

A “hot” dish with a side dish is served - the main product (meat, fish, etc.) to the guest. When served it says: “Please, your medallions are medium rare.”

The waiter removes used dishes, cutlery, and replaces ashtrays. When clearing the table, the waiter always asks the guest for permission: “Can I take your plate (your glass, etc.)?” The waiter must be attentive when approaching the table, paying attention to small debris, and promptly clean up (used napkins, toothpicks, etc.). Remove crumbs from the table using a special cloth or damp napkin using a tray.

After the guest has had enough of our drinks, salads, soups, and hot dishes, the waiter quickly removes the dirty dishes from the table (the table is cleared with a tray!!).

Desserts are brought within 10 minutes after the order is accepted and must be named when served to the guest. Dishes must be placed to the right of the Guest from behind; We wish you: “Bon appetit.”

If the guest has eaten and finished his drinks, but does not ask for a set, you should ask: “Would you like to repeat your cognac (vodka, juice, tea...)?”

The bill is presented to the guest in a clean folder on a clean table with a restaurant business card.

Guests are seen off by the waiter with the words: “Goodbye, thank you, come to us again, have a nice day, etc.”

Cleaning the table. First of all, the table is cleaned (the table is cleaned within 2 minutes, the table is cleaned and served only with a tray). The cleanliness of the floor under the table is carefully checked, the table is checked for the absence of chewing gum and wax. If necessary, call a cleaner.

The waiter (bartender) must be in clean uniform and look neat. It is mandatory to have a nameplate on the uniform jersey. Uniform for bar workers: top - branded T-shirt, bottom - dark trousers, shoes - black and closed. Men must be clean shaven. A neat haircut is required. Long hair must be tied up. Uniforms must be washed at least once every 2 weeks.

The serving of food and drinks by waitresses (bartenders) must be carried out strictly according to the rules:

All work is done from a tray (except for the bar counter). When a waiter (bartender) approaches tables or paths, be sure to have a damp cloth on the tray for wiping the tables and a change of ashtrays. An ashtray is considered dirty after two cigarette butts, a piece of paper or toothpicks are placed in it.

Dishes and drinks are placed on the table to the right from behind the Guest, with the main product (dish) facing the Guest.

Glasses with logos are placed in front of the guest so that the logo faces the Guest. Be sure to have a stand under the glass with any drink.

On the table there must be napkins, an ashtray, toothpicks, spices (if food is present). - Gravy boats, cups, cocktail straws, etc. additional items are brought to Guests on a separate plate with a napkin. Sauce boats must point with the handle to the left, and the handle of the spoon to the right. The same goes for cups of tea or coffee. See the picture. Serve from the right from behind the guest! It is allowed to cover cutlery only if it is wrapped in a napkin and if they are placed on the table, then only on a napkin!! Plates are taken strictly by the rim! No fingers on the plate!!

Before serving food, always cover the utensils in advance. It is not allowed to have such situations when the soup has already been brought, but there is no spoon for it yet. All additional utensils (spices, napkins, etc.) are brought to the dish in advance!!

Trays are carried with one hand only (the left if you are right-handed). It is not allowed to carry a tray by holding it by the rim or by holding it with both hands. In exceptional cases, a (very heavy) tray may be carried with both hands. Placing trays on guest tables or on adjacent tables is strictly prohibited.

Payment is made only after the Guest has asked for an invoice. It is not allowed to say or hint to Guests that the opening hours of our club are coming to an end, etc. Exceptions are those situations when guests are very drunk or when there are doubts about their solvency. In these cases, you should ask the hall manager to approach the guests and, under a plausible pretext (closing the checkout day, withdrawing the cash register, etc.) ask them to pay. It is necessary to notify security in advance to avoid misunderstandings. Very drunk guests, guests who are aggressive or very cheeky, arousing suspicion (thieves, etc.) can be politely asked to leave, having previously warned the club security. Such situations are provided for in the club rules, which are posted on the information stand.

When accepting an order from a large company, you should politely ask: should you prepare one invoice, or make several separate invoices? If there is only one invoice prepared for the company, then it is brought to the person who asked you to invoice the company.

The waiter is not allowed to turn his back to the audience, talk about non-productive topics with each other, drink drinks in the club hall, chew, watch TV, read, listen to music, etc. Consumption of food or drinks in the hall will result in immediate penalties. It is not allowed to sit in the hall, much less lie down. Mobile phones are also not allowed.

Also in the cafe-bar "Sova" there are a number of procedures that restaurant guests really like:

  • 1. After accepting the order, depending on the time of year, guests are served hot or cool wet wipes so that they can refresh their face and hands;
  • 2. During the cold season, guests are served hot mulled wine, and during the warm season, cool lemon tea.
  • 3. Guests are also given gifts: homemade bread and liver pate.

For the convenience of guests who want privacy, special VIP cabins have been prepared. Each cabin is equipped with air conditioning, cable TV and a waiter call button. The cafe also has a Wi-Fi point with open Internet access.

Under To counseling , as can be seen from the definition itself, it means providing advice so that the buyer does not make a mistake when choosing a product, or with the aim of helping the buyer navigate a particular product.

Typically, the promotional mechanics of customer service is that at the place where the product is displayed or presented there is a girl (boy) consultant whose task is to answer the buyer’s questions, demonstrating and revealing the best characteristics and properties of the promoted product, determining in advance the choice that will be made by the buyer in favor of this product.

Statistics show that hosting an event increases sales from 20 to 200%. This includes customers who purchased this product for the first time. The buyer makes a conscious choice in favor of certain products, which, together with loyalty, ensures positive sales dynamics.

Our BTL agency develops the mechanics of a promotion in as much detail as possible and in accordance with the overall strategy for promoting the customer’s product or brand, so that the buyer perceives the ongoing actions as assistance in purchasing, and not as a sale of goods related to the consultant.

Historically, consulting has been most in demand for everyday products, from cosmetics to dairy products. In these product categories, among buyers of a particular store, the best dynamics of sales growth are observed. However, consulting is also in great demand when selling, for example, household appliances, building materials and similar goods. In these departments of the store, the help of a consultant in 90% of cases determines the buyer’s choice and the outcome of the purchase.

Customer service, as a rule, is carried out according to the standard scheme of working with the buyer, but options are also possible using various additional promotional activities: distributing samples, filling out questionnaires, tasting - everything that customers react positively to.

Often, when consulting They also use other promotional mechanics, ensuring maximum coverage of the target audience, increasing their awareness so that the buyer returns to the store again and repurchases the product.

You should know that a visitor to any retail facility who is considering a product is more likely to purchase it only if there is comprehensive information about this product. Often, the information that is available on the packaging and contained in advertising materials does not fully satisfy the potential buyer.

This problem can always be eliminated, for example, through the sociability and competence of sales consultants. However, as practice has shown, most people do not welcome intrusive service.

Therefore, to the questions: “What interests you?” or “Can I help you with anything?” They answer: “I’ll take a look myself” or “Thanks, no need,” and some even immediately “disappear.”

This behavior of potential buyers is explained by various reasons (and there are many of them):

  • sometimes they prefer to make a choice in a calm environment, without the participation of, for example, a consultant;
  • sometimes the reason is that buyers rely only on their competence in choosing the product they need;
  • couples, due to their shyness, do not seek advice from sales consultants;
  • do not trust the seller;
  • the purpose of visiting a shopping facility is sometimes simple interest, curiosity, and not a purchase;
  • closed character.

People love to buy, but they don't like to be sold to. This is the ABC of sales.

Correct relationship with the client:

  • at the beginning of a conversation with a client, try to accurately determine his needs;
  • do not put pressure on the client, as he needs time to think;
  • if you are asked for advice, do not try to sell a slow-selling product;
  • offer not only the most expensive products, give the opportunity to choose;
  • when talking with a buyer, focus on solving his problem rather than on the sale itself;
  • always make alternative offers if the buyer does not find a product;
  • Congratulate each customer on the eve of the holiday: “Happy Holidays to you!”, or more specifically: “Merry Christmas!” (instead of the usual please);
  • deal with complaints without delay, do not waste time - this will only worsen the situation. Ask the buyer how he would like to resolve the problem, and do your best to accommodate him. Verify that the problem is resolved.

Consult correctly:

  • Consult only those who ask for it, or those who at least do not object to your consultation;
  • try to help in everything: find the right product, show where the numbers indicating the expiration date are located (often they are located in such a way that it is very difficult to find them);
  • study your labor battlefield thoroughly and become a good guide for buyers;
  • do not show the buyer with a gesture where the desired rack with goods or department is located, escort the buyer to the place or at least take two steps with him in the right direction (unless, of course, at the moment you are working with another buyer or simply cannot leave from the workplace). And no dissatisfied facial expressions! The buyer is your guest;
  • know everything about the product – “down to the decimal point”. To do this, you need to constantly study and read a lot;
  • be prepared to act as a consultant even in matters of culinary skill. For example, if you work in the “Vegetables and Fruits” department and you have avocados on sale, be sure to have two or three salad recipes from this fruit in stock. Moreover, shrimp, which, for example, are among the ingredients of the salad, will be immediately bought by a grateful buyer in your own store;
  • A sales consultant works like a doctor: he listens carefully, recommends, but does not force. He “makes the correct diagnosis,” that is, he finds out the true need. So you need to consult honestly, with a desire to help and do everything so that the buyer does not regret the purchase. The seller bears a great responsibility.