Is it worth retaining an employee? How to keep an employee from quitting

Undoubtedly, staff turnover has a detrimental effect on the performance of the organization. According to estimates, companies spend up to 1/3 of their wages on recruiting new employees. Some experts believe that such costs are much higher in a membership-based business. Employee turnover has a strong influence on the decision of company members to stay or, conversely, to terminate their participation in the company.

Here are ten steps to keep good employees:

1. Before an employee starts working for you, provide him with all the necessary knowledge regarding your work standards; he must clearly know what is expected of him. The employee should not constantly guess what he needs to do, what is expected of him, etc. This wastes time and frustrates the employee.

2. Train your new employee thoroughly. Invest the time and money to train your new employee on the specifics of working in your organization. This is a waste of time and money, although this way you will get an excellent employee who will feel like a fish in water at work.

3. Show the newbie who their role model should be. As the head and manager of the company, you have the right to set the tone for the work of the entire company. If you want all your employees to follow your course, make sure that you strive for this not only in words, but also in actions.

4. Give your employees the opportunity to improve. Consider sending your employees to continuing education courses. This will bring you benefits in the form of increased employee productivity, increased competence and increased desire to work for you.

5. Establish two-way communication. Do not wait until the time between checks to praise or, conversely, point out areas of weakness to the employee.

6. Give your employees the opportunity to express their points of view and their opinions on existing problems. Do more brainstorming sessions together to come up with new ways to solve problems. Make sure that such meetings are not threatening, but have a positive and constructive focus.

7. Reward your employees. If an employee performs well in their responsibilities, reward them with gifts and recognition. Do this so that all other employees know about it, this will be some kind of incentive for them to work. Gifts do not have to be very expensive - it all depends on your capabilities. Sometimes, in order for a person to feel valued, it is enough to give him only a small gift as a sign of attention to him. This could be a postcard, a bouquet of flowers, a certificate for successfully completing a job, tickets to a movie, a concert or some sporting event.

8. Show the employee the system of values, norms and rules of behavior that govern the interaction of people in this organization, which are based on openness, trusting relationships and fun. Celebrate your successes with those who helped you achieve them. Everyone should feel that they are an integral and integral part of the team.

9. Promote an open line of communication. Whether your organization is currently experiencing a runaway success or is in crisis, keep your staff within a tight circle. By keeping your staff in the loop, you maintain constant communication with them and treat them as an important part of the team. In return, your employees will give their best for you and even more.

10. Respect your employees. Show them that you care about them not just as employees, but as people. Follow the golden rule: “Treat others the way you would like to be treated.”

If you follow these simple tips, you will soon see a marked increase in your employees' productivity, their morale, and their loyalty to you.

But it is they who competitors try to lure in the first place, and often the employees themselves leave in search of a better life. HR experts believe that it is better to prevent the loss of talented and qualified personnel in advance than to convince those who have already decided to quit.

Why are they leaving?

The overwhelming majority of employees make the decision to quit not spontaneously, but under the influence of various circumstances and reflections. Motives can affect both professional and personal areas. Although finance plays an important role in retaining promising talent, salary does not always determine the desire to move to another company.

There is a fairly common misconception that if a smart employee’s salary is increased, he will stop looking “to the left” and will stay. Practice shows the fallacy and limitations of this view. In addition, not every company can afford to constantly increase remuneration amounts, especially in “overheated” segments of the labor market. Of course, if the amount of financial compensation is below market value, then it is necessary to increase the salary to the level of the main competitors.

An alternative option is also possible, which also provides for an increase, but only for a specific part of the work performed. At the same time, the salary remains at the same level or changes slightly. For example, a valuable and talented employee is entrusted with the management of an interesting project, for the successful completion of which an award or bonus is awarded. In this way, the issue of financial dissatisfaction is positively resolved and new professional challenges are offered.

If the decision to quit is made by a creative employee, then it is possible that he is simply bored with doing his usual job. In this situation, changing activities and changing the usual environment helps a lot. If a person is given more independence in resolving issues, this may increase his interest in the responsibilities he performs.

Another motive for moving to a new job is the desire for a higher status. This is not necessarily about vertical career growth. Perhaps the employee needs more recognition and attention from management, colleagues and subordinates. Good results can be obtained in a very inexpensive way - by giving such a specialist the status of an expert. It is important to ask for his opinion during meetings, assign him the responsibility to provide comments to the media on professional issues, and in certain cases, offer the role of a mentor for young professionals. However, the effect of such measures can only be if the employee is initially loyal to the company.

Playing ahead

Many experts in the field of personnel management believe that it is easier to prevent the desire to move to a new job in advance than to persuade someone who has already made their decision. It is important here not to miss the first signs that an employee is starting to think about changing employers.

To prevent the drain of talented specialists, you need to know what motivates each of them to work in this particular company. Factors can be very different and do not always coincide with the opinion of the manager or the standards of corporate culture, which is why individual work is so important.

The ability to independently control and direct the course of important events in one’s life is inherent in human nature. Even if an employee verbally declares a desire for constant change, he still has a need to manage it. Experienced managers know that predictability of the company's further development is important for building staff loyalty.

Employee involvement plays a key role in the formation of a motivation system. If a creative and enterprising person constantly proposes ideas that remain unheeded, then one day he will simply get tired of it. Seeing no further prospects for an informal approach, he will mechanically carry out his duties. A decrease in the level of involvement directly negatively affects the level of loyalty.

A timely decision to promote a valuable employee can prevent his dismissal. However, not all companies have this opportunity, and in structures with a rigid hierarchy it is almost impossible to create a new position “tailored to the individual.” The solution to this situation is seen in horizontal growth. An employee interested in self-development can always be “tempted” by advanced training courses, interesting training or a master class. Some employers offer training at corporate universities or have partnership agreements with universities. However, it is necessary to understand that with professional growth, the market value of a specialist will increase. So, unless we are talking about weekend training, employee training implies an increase in his salary, even if only symbolically.

Working with reasons for dismissal

If an HR specialist is faced with the task of retaining a valuable employee, then first it is necessary to determine the motivation. A simple question, “Why did you decide to leave our company?” is usually not enough. Such a conversation is always stressful, so usually a person tries to diplomatically avoid direct answers.

To understand the real reasons for an employee’s dissatisfaction with his current place of work, you can ask how he sees his future employer and how his current unfulfilled expectations are reflected. If a person focuses on career growth or greater independence, a parallel should be drawn with his current situation.

You can also go back to the first weeks of work in this company and ask to talk about expectations for that period. Based on this, analyze to what extent he managed to realize his plans.

When speaking with an employee, it is important to pay attention to the wording used. A large number of “not” particles directly indicates that he is not satisfied. For example, when describing his future job, he says that he “will not have to write reports most of the time,” and this clearly indicates a dominant motive.

Sometimes it can be difficult to recognize in time that a valuable employee has decided to move to another company, and it is not always possible to make an adequate counteroffer. But in any case, this dismissal should be a serious signal to management about the need to revise its talent management policies. Even if you can’t persuade a person to stay, it is important to diagnose the reasons why he decided to leave, and, perhaps, prevent the beginning process of a mass outflow of staff.

One of the most unpleasant management procedures is dismissal. Okay, if you yourself decide to part with a careless employee: get ready, choose words and reasons. But it happens that a valuable employee writes a statement of his own free will. For a leader, this moment usually comes unexpectedly. What to do - try to hold on or let go in peace? This dilemma will be discussed in the article.

Why might a valuable employee want to leave?

First of all, when a personal statement appears on your desk, you need to figure out why such a decision was made. Various sources give almost the same reasons:

Resignation letter as a form of protest

One day, the director of company “A” received a resignation letter from an entire team of installers (5 people). Taking into account the fact that the company’s staff consists of 30 people, such a loss of qualified workers would be very noticeable. There was a frank conversation with each of those leaving. The reason for the mass exodus was the management style of the new boss, who was appointed a year ago in the hope that he would establish discipline and a system of effective work.

The director talked with the boss and asked him a simple question: “What way out of this situation do you see?” The boss blamed the installers, the secretary, the director himself, in general, everyone except himself. The director decided to fire the boss, the team remained working. After some time, another manager was appointed who found an approach to the installers, and the work went more efficiently.

Resignation notice as manipulation

Another example: a key employee comes in with a resignation letter and announces that competitors are offering him a higher salary. What do we do? The employee is truly valuable and brings profit to the company, let's raise his salary! Great, but where is the guarantee that in six months his appetite will not increase again? How can we tell if this is blackmail or if he really needs money and is he happy with everything else in our company?

Management experts recommend offering an increase in salary, but at the same time adding responsibilities, functions, subordinates, etc. If the employee agrees to take on the additional workload, we will breathe a sigh of relief and continue cooperation. If “bargaining” or whims begin, let him go in peace; attempts to retain the “star” usually do not end in anything good.

Personal reasons for dismissal

It happens that personal reasons related to the employee’s family also prompt resigning: the illness of a close relative, moving to another city, the birth of a grandchild, etc. Here, a personal conversation will help stop the dismissal and, perhaps, together you will be able to find an option to keep the employee and help him in resolving family issues. problems.

Of course, we are for philanthropy, but business first. The main goal is to retain the employee and the established business processes that are associated with him. Acceptable solutions may be a flexible schedule or shortened working hours, additional workload to be able to hire a caregiver, or the appointment of an assistant - there are many options.

Should you keep the employee or let him go? You decide!

The situation with the dismissal of a key employee is always delicate, and the employer must weigh all the pros and cons, consider the situation and its consequences from all sides.

Here is a sign to help you. You can supplement it with arguments from your leadership experience.

Each dismissal situation must be analyzed and a decision made, taking into account all the nuances. Yes, it’s not easy, but who will do it if not the leader!?

How to protect your business from firing a key employee?

A true leader, like a pioneer, must always be prepared for these risks. Do not take the dismissal of a key figure personally, as a betrayal or a knife in the back. To be a little like Buddha or Solomon, who always knew that “this too will pass.”

To minimize risks and protect yourself, it is necessary to debug the system, write down all business processes so that a new person can get into it as quickly as possible and start working effectively. And, most importantly, take a closer look at key employees, know what they breathe, who has what problems, what goals, interests and fears.

Well, the height of professionalism of a manager is to foresee possible reasons for dismissal and eliminate them even before the employee has a desire to quit. Remember from Sun Tzu: “Being in order, one expects disorder; being calm, they expect unrest; this is control of the heart.”

What can be done?

  • take care of timely career advancement, salary growth and training of key figures,
  • set interesting and challenging tasks,
  • develop a personnel reserve, always have “reserve players” who can quickly take the vacant place and prevent failure,
  • let you earn money based on a system of clear KPIs,
  • prevent conflicts in the team due to the leadership style of managers,
  • praise and recognize achievements and successes.

    How do experts solve the “you can’t fire someone” dilemma? We asked if it's worth retaining employees, and if so, in what ways, and here's what we found out...

    We have been recruiting personnel for over 12 years. Plus, I myself am the head of a consulting company. I am a supporter of dismissing without ceremony. Experience has shown that no amount of persuasion or KPI helps. If the employee starts looking “to the left”, the outcome is determined. It's a question of time.

    I will give three examples.

    1. Internal auditor. Her responsibilities included checking the correctness of accounting by ordinary accountants for customers who applied for accounting services. She was divine at work. Not a single complaint.

    One day he comes and puts his resignation letter on the table. I ask what happened? She's just tired of accounting. In my free time, I attended photography courses. As a result, she completely changed her profession. She worked as a freelance artist for 5 years and has now returned to work as an internal auditor for an accounting firm.

    The reason for the dismissal was a change of profession.

    2. Leading accounting specialist. She managed one of the projects as an outsourced accountant. We notified her so that she was ready for an inspection by our internal auditor. On the second or third day he submits his resignation letter. We ask what’s the matter, he answers that my husband doesn’t allow me to work. This is a typical excuse. Mom, dad, husband. We reminded her that a quality check had been scheduled for her work. We'll conduct an audit, please quit after 2 weeks of work.

    It should be noted that a clause was agreed upon in the contract with the customer that we do not have the right to change the accountant who performed the contract within a year (the duration of the contract), otherwise the contract will be terminated.

    After our reminder, the girl stopped communicating and working altogether.
    She conveyed through couriers that she had been pregnant for three whole days and was told to lie down. We told her, ok, work lying down. We will bring you documents and a laptop. Nothing helped.

    We sued this girl. The court, as the employers lost, lost the contract with the client. There have been continuous losses and sediment to this day.

    Here the reason was the incompetence of the specialist and the lack of total control. It was decided to conduct the audit six months after the start of its work. But it was necessary once a month.

    3. A case from a client’s practice that we observed. A novice accountant with experience, a senior accountant, was assigned a volume of work that she was unable to complete. 8 hours of working time was too little.

    The first time they persuaded me not to quit by doing a rotation. The second time they persuaded her, explaining what dizzying career success awaited her. The third time they persuaded me, pressing on a sense of responsibility. There was no fourth time. She silently wrote a letter of resignation, quickly signed the bypass form for everyone and left. No processing. In 15 minutes.

    The reason is multitasking.

    If an employee decides to quit, sooner or later this will happen. You should not retain a key employee who has decided to leave. You can give him a chance to return after a hasty decision to quit. Don’t drive him away, but give him time to evaluate and think about everything. After all, no matter what you say, he has already made a decision, and he still won’t hear your arguments. Even if you hold him for a while, he will still leave.

    In another company, he will evaluate and compare the atmosphere and will finally decide where it is better for him to work. If the decision is in favor of your company, then act and offer real conditions that will be comfortable for both parties as partners. Only in this way will the employee you need remain in the company.

    But if you understand that the decision is in favor of another company, it is better to remain on good terms with it. If anything happens, you can always contact him. If he asks for a letter of recommendation, do not refuse, but recommend from the best side. He will appreciate it.

    You shouldn’t be upset that a key employee has left, even if he works with clients. Attract a new employee, and prepare your clients for this. It happens that an employee is trying to steal your client, seize this initiative and offer clients the best conditions for working with your company. Reliable clients will appreciate this.

    And so that the employees you need don’t leave you, monitor the staff, encourage them, set new tasks, and organize holidays.

You have decided to quit your job. Management offers to increase your salary and improve working conditions in order to retain you. Is it worth giving in to persuasion or is it better not to change your decision?

Oddly enough, you need to decide whether to stay if mountains of gold suddenly begin to promise, or to leave in any case, even before you put the application on the boss’s desk. To do this, you need to understand in advance whether you will be detained. If you think so, clearly define the conditions under which you agree to continue working. This will help you not get confused when talking with your boss.

A lot depends on what motivates you. Perhaps you are not satisfied with your salary, and management is not going to increase it. In this case, faking a dismissal can become a unique tactic, and sometimes successful. The company will have to spend time, effort and money on finding and training a new specialist. Changes in the market have caused wages to rise sharply, and new workers often demand more than older ones. And this may work to your advantage.

However, you need to be sure that the promises of your superiors (for example, to increase salaries) will not be unfounded and will be fulfilled. State this clearly. For example: “So, I withdraw my resignation letter and next month I will receive not 25 thousand rubles, but 35, right?” If you have been working in an organization for a long time, then you probably know how seriously management takes its own promises. Remember that a paper agreement with management is better than a verbal one.

It’s another matter if your dismissal is not related to the material side, but to the professional one - for example, you dream of career growth and feel the potential to engage in other activities, but here they cannot offer you the position you are interested in. If the decision to leave is balanced and deliberate, it is hardly worth giving in to the persuasion of your superiors.

Please note that the organization, just like you, cares primarily about its own well-being. An employee who expresses a desire to resign thereby shows disloyalty to the company. Management will understand that you can leave at any time. Even if it tries to detain you, you should understand that your position in the company will be seriously undermined. No matter how valuable an employee you are, the company will be looking for a worthy replacement. She may be holding you back to buy time.

It is important to have extremely adequate self-esteem in order to figure out why they don’t want to let you go. Assess your contribution to the common cause of the team and the company’s losses if you leave. Deciding how to respond to persuasion will be easier because management's intentions will become clear.

It is possible that in order to convince you to stay, the boss will try to touch your sensitive strings. For example, reproach you for betrayal. Answer calmly. Distinguish between personal and professional. Let them know that the decision made is not related to your attitude towards your boss or team. Outline the main reasons why you are changing jobs. But if your communication with management was not close and trusting before, you should not explain in detail what made you quit. You may be misunderstood. Try to behave in such a way as to maintain correct human relationships and leave a good impression of yourself. After all, when you leave for a new job, you will continue to build your career. And you may need useful connections and good recommendations from former colleagues and superiors.

Every employer dreams of a promising and qualified employee who will bring income to the company. But under the influence of a number of certain reasons, an employee may have a desire to quit and change jobs. Next, we’ll look in more detail at 5 ways to keep an employee from leaving.

Navigator by methods

1. Method. Salary increase

Quite often, employees are not satisfied with their wages. In addition, similar companies may offer better working conditions and wages. If a company can afford to increase wages, then it is worth trying this method in order to retain a valuable employee. It is necessary to compare all the advantages and disadvantages, and also determine the value of the employee. If he brings income to the company, then it is worth increasing his salary. Ideally, you need to talk with the employee to find out the true reason for his action and desire to change jobs.

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2. Method. Bonuses and awards

If it is not possible to increase wages, then you can issue a one-time bonus. Various bonuses are also an excellent stimulant. So for each positive work you can give bonuses, which allow you to receive certain benefits or a salary increase. This way you can organize trips for active employees or give gifts.

This stimulation is irregular, which is a positive thing for the company. At the same time, employees are pleased to receive various awards from time to time for conscientious work. This automatically increases their productivity levels and has a positive impact on the company's income.

3. Method. Career

Most employers try to retain employees by increasing wages. At the same time, there is a category of people who are not very concerned about the material side. They are trying to reach heights in life. This way you can offer a higher position or create one for a qualified and valuable employee. This is a tempting offer for those who want to succeed in life.

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Every modern employer should know 5 ways to keep an employee from quitting.

4. Method. Increasing the importance of the subordinate

However, it is not always possible to create a position for a valuable employee for a number of reasons. It is also not always possible to increase wages. In this case, it is necessary to raise the authority of a valuable employee in the team. This way you can entrust him with an important task. An employee may become the manager of an important project or entrust him with training other employees. Others need to highlight a valuable employee in the team and demonstrate his importance. This will automatically increase his self-esteem and productivity. An employee who is loved and respected in the team will hold on to his place.

5. Method. Analyzing the climate in the team

It is necessary to conduct a small investigation to establish the true situation in the team. Thus, an employee may conflict with other subordinates, he may even be insulted and disrespected. An unfavorable situation in the team automatically negatively affects the mental state of employees. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the absence or presence of such factors. If possible, it is necessary to improve working conditions, transfer a valuable employee to another team or create another workplace for him.

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The employee may also have personal problems, for example, in the family. These could be conflicts with his wife, illness or even the death of loved ones, which negatively affect the employee’s state of mind. Therefore, it is imperative to find out the situation and help the employee solve his personal problems.

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