A brief meeting introduces the new manager to the team. Welcome Speech: Example and Basic Principles

All your future work will depend on how you join the team. That's why psychologists advise treating your first day of work with special attention.

You can only make a first impression once, right? According to a study conducted by the recruiting agency Penny Lane Personnel, acquaintance with colleagues plays a vital role in the adaptation of a newcomer - this is the opinion of 18% of respondents.

There was such a case in the life of journalist Irina:

I was looking for a job. I had two interviews scheduled on the same day. When hiring journalists, it is customary not only to talk about the applicant’s experience, but also to give him test tasks - these are the ones most often performed in the general editorial office. In general, during the day I was introduced to two teams at once. At the first place I was greeted very friendly, offered coffee and told to contact me if I had any questions. The second edition consisted of three girls who did not react to my appearance and continued to discuss the details of each other’s personal lives in obscene terms. I must say that both times I put on my usual smile and tried to please them using exactly the same methods: I smiled cheerfully, introduced myself loudly, praised the office and the publication itself - all this, within reason, of course. They took me to the first, “friendly” place. What conclusion did I draw from this: you can’t please everyone. If my manners came in handy in the first edition, then in the second edition a different style of communication was apparently adopted - so there I was, as they say, “out of place.”

In fact, if you want to immediately guess how to attract your colleagues, you can ask a recruiter about this, with whom you will in any case have a preliminary conversation. Ask what kind of relationships are accepted in the team, what the age of the employees is, whether there is a dress code - all this will help you initially tune in to the right wave.

However, even if the recruiter said that everyone in the company addresses each other on a first-name basis, you shouldn’t immediately “poke” everyone. Are you familiar with basic rules of politeness? Address yourself as “you” even to those who are younger than you both in position and age - until the relationship improves to such an extent that you can calmly cross this border. Or until the person himself asks to become simpler. Just don’t overdo it in your politeness, otherwise you might be branded a prude.

Set your priorities

But you still need to start getting to know the team in advance. In Irina’s case, it wouldn’t hurt to get acquainted with the work of the publication at the stage of preparing for the interview.

Decide what is more important to you – the work itself or the relationship with the new team? The answer may not be as obvious as it seems at first glance, says business psychology coach Margarita Velikanova. – It’s still not possible to sit on two chairs at once, to please both your bosses and your colleagues, and at the same time not to forget to do your work is a utopian task. So think through your strategy in advance.

You shouldn’t immediately take part in office gossip (where would we be without it!), and don’t discuss some colleagues with others. Even my opinion on work-related issues should be reserved for now:

Just say that you are still delving into the essence of the issue, so you don’t want to rush to conclusions, advises Margarita. – In general, maintain neutrality by all means. Even in cases where it is obvious to you whose side is right, still do not give in and stand by your “I will speak out later.” This is explained simply: you do not yet know what position the colleagues involved in the disputes occupy, what the balance of power is in the office and what the background of the issue is. So take your time.


At first, you have to understand what value system is adopted in the new team. This is another reason not to rush into statements and conclusions.

You should not praise your boss - you risk earning a reputation as a sycophant.

Don’t get involved in the general conversation with your stories - it may turn out that the employees have a different sense of humor, and you will again be misunderstood.

Take a wait-and-see approach. Subsequently, you will make up for it. In the meantime, just take a closer look,” Margarita summarizes.

But you shouldn’t go completely to extremes either. Otherwise it will turn out like in the story told by Alexander.

One day a new accountant came to us. She quickly greeted everyone and turned her attention to the computer. Actually, we have a very relaxed atmosphere - we can read jokes out loud, turn on the radio, and have a tea party together. But this young lady built such a wall, created such an unapproachable atmosphere that we even felt embarrassed for ourselves - for several days we were embarrassed by her, we didn’t read jokes, we didn’t turn on the radio. Of course, since then we have already returned to the previous mode of work, but that girl never worked with us, although, judging by her profile on one of the social networks, she likes to have fun.


Prepare in advance with your new team. On the eve of your first working day, set aside 1-2 hours of free time for this. Ask your family and friends. Think about your look: what clothes you will wear, what accessories will go with it, what you need to take with you (pen, notebook, folder, etc.). All things should be modest, harmonious with each other and meet corporate requirements.

Write a short story about yourself: age, marital status, where you studied, previous place of work, hobbies, positive and negative qualities, etc. Most likely, you will not voice most of your autobiography. But having a prepared text, you will not be confused when you hear an offer to tell about yourself. Practice your speech in front of a mirror.

Leave the house early in the morning. Being late on the first working day is unacceptable. Walk some of the way. An energetic walk in the fresh air will help you calm down, collect your thoughts and have a positive outlook.

Before starting work, please visit the HR department. In small organizations, it is customary for a new employee to visit the director directly. These people will choose the way they represent you. to the team.

Getting to know the entire team at the same time This is done when a new manager is installed, or in very small companies where interaction between employees is very close. In this case, a HR specialist or the head of the organization will state your last name, first name and patronymic, position, outline your responsibilities and area of ​​responsibility.

In large companies, all present members of the workforce will not be introduced to you by name, because... it will take a lot of time. In the process of work, you will independently learn the names and patronymics of your colleagues. In teams of no more than 20 people, you will most likely be introduced to each employee personally. Try to remember the names and main responsibilities of your colleagues. Later you will learn more about them, but now it is important to understand what questions will bind you.

Meeting the department employees and taking a tour of the organizationPerhaps this is the most common way of introducing a newcomer. Your immediate supervisor will first tell you to the team about you, then lists the names of all department employees and their job responsibilities, shows you the workplace, and explains the priority tasks. A little later, for example, after lunch, you and your boss will visit neighboring departments. There, the manager will call you and explain what issues to contact this structural unit of the company about.

After the formal introduction, you may be asked to tell us a little about yourself and be asked additional questions. Now the speech you rehearsed the day before will be very useful to you.

Speak clearly and distinctly, do not use slang or parochial expressions. Answer all questions correctly, without hints or ambiguity. Say that you have certain life and professional experience. Sincerely assure new colleagues of your loyalty and desire to work for the benefit of the company.

Don't overload your speech with too personal details. For example, when talking about your family, you should not list the names and ages of all relatives. Just say that you are married and have two sons. Don't bore your listeners with a list of your awards and achievements. During your work, your colleagues will appreciate your professional qualities. It is absolutely forbidden to criticize a previous place of work. When asked about the reasons for leaving, give a neutral answer: “I think that in your company I will be able to realize my full potential.”

Be calm, confident and friendly. Try to overcome the emotions that overwhelm you. The speech should not contain apologetic or, conversely, overly self-confident intonations. Speak evenly, not too quickly and not too quietly. Don't pause for long periods of time so that you don't feel like you can't find the right words. Smile and joke in moderation so that your story is not perceived as something frivolous, unimportant and insignificant.

Getting to know the team on your own This option is undesirable, but possible. If for some reason you were not introduced to the organization’s employees on the first or second day, go get acquainted yourself. Start with the manager's secretary and workers from neighboring departments. State your name and position, say that you would be happy to learn a little about this department. A small professional question, for help in solving which you can turn to your colleagues, will also be a good reason for getting to know each other.


  • how to introduce yourself at work

An employee newly appointed to a new position has the right to some introduction to the process. He can count on the help of management and the HR department for this. But you also need to know some of the rules for joining a new duty station so that you can quickly adapt to the new environment and start working effectively.


Do not copy the demeanor and way of working of your predecessor. Take as a basis what you liked about his activities that helped the company achieve success. But think carefully about your management style and leadership methods in your new position.

As usually happens when a new person takes office, they will be expected to take active action quickly and achieve quick results. But don’t rush to “take the bull by the horns.” First, plan your future actions step by step, distributed over a quarter or six months of effective work.

You should not establish your own rules in the team from the very first week of taking office. To begin with, communicate with him, with each employee separately, with everyone together, collect information. You must install

To successfully complete the initial period of work (the first 100 days) of a manager in a new position, we will provide a number of recommendations.

1. Accept business. If there is a ritual for accepting and transferring cases, then start with them, although hopes for this procedure, as a rule, are not justified, especially since you are already in the place for which you are responsible and there is no turning back. It happens that the acceptance of cases consists of a couple of meetings with the previous manager, perhaps with a call and a short discussion of the situation with a superior manager. And the document itself on the acceptance of cases (if such is provided) formally draws a line under your doubts and hesitations, everything is already behind you, the Rubicon has been crossed, now only forward.

It is clear that this form is not acceptable for financial matters or material assets; here you need to be very careful and, if possible, formalize and accept everything on the basis of documents (balance sheet, balances, accounts, inventory,...).

2. Introduce yourself to employees. After taking up a new position, the manager should hold the first meeting with employees, without delaying this event and warning subordinates about it in advance, even if you have risen to the position of manager at the same enterprise and did not come from outside. Usually, senior management will formally introduce you to employees on the first day (except for telling them what your name is, and the management hopes for you and your subordinates; you can’t expect more from such an introduction).

The new boss, who sits in his office all the time, calls his employees to him through his secretary and from time to time sends down directives, or despises or fears his subordinates, which will certainly be noticed and discussed.

Therefore, a conversation with the team on your initiative will be useful for creating a good basis for further collaboration. At such a meeting, it is advisable to make a brief presentation, talk about yourself, your life path as a leader, specialist and person (about your marital status is mandatory), and generally outline your approaches to working in this position. It is appropriate to state that your goal is not to break and rebuild, but to develop and improve the activities of the company (division), with the active participation and in the interests of employees too.

Well, one should not forget about the fact that one is greeted by his clothes and seen off by his mind when preparing such a meeting.

3. Have your own plan. You should not assume that planning is pointless until you occupy the desired post; hope that on the spot it will be clear what, when and how to do. Your goals for the new position and action plans should be defined before you are appointed. You must develop a separate plan for the initial period of activity, as part of your larger plans for work in this company (division).

It is advisable to have a plan written on paper; your memory may fail you, and you will move under the pressure of circumstances, believing that this is your plan, forgetting what and why you were striving for a new post. Your personal plan as a working document should always be at hand, kept up to date, and it should be constantly brought into line with your understanding of the situation through systematic monitoring of execution and adjustments based on the results obtained.

Such a plan will help you get through the initial period successfully, after which, with formal approval in your new position, you can begin to implement your big plans.

4. To lead is to do the work with the hands (brains) of subordinates. If you did not understand or forgot for a long time that your job is to do your work with the hands of your subordinates, then this circumstance will very soon become a source of big problems. Not working for subordinates, but organizing and ensuring their effective work is the first condition.

Which can sometimes be violated - and this is quite acceptable - when you have to demonstrate, as an example, for example, your own technical competencies or show the class of executive work, so that it is clear to your employees that the boss is a trained person in the business he leads.

And the initial period of work is most suitable for such a lesson. And the temptation to perform their job duties for subordinates exists, especially in conditions of time shortage, when you urgently need to issue some important document or other result, when you have (possibly unfounded) mistrust in employees. In addition, a manager’s systematic craving for executive work may also indicate an attempt to compensate for his managerial shortcomings and shortcomings. There is only one principle here - everyone must do their job, which means the boss must lead.

5. Consider employees as people, not resources. When you have a certain number of subordinates under your command (which happens when you take on a new position), there is a temptation to use employees as resources, similar to technical, material, financial and other types of resources. Something like, if it’s cold, we’ll turn on an additional heater (we’ll send another employee to do some work).

This will be greatly facilitated by the inappropriate and inappropriate application of such terms and names as HR, personnel, workforce, functionaries, etc. But people are not heaters, even when it comes to work like digging a trench from the fence to dinner, and cannot be completely interchangeable.

Remember that this approach to people can let you down, so it’s better to use words like “employees”, “colleagues”, “workmates”, which reveal the human side of your staff, allowing your subordinates to see in you not only a leader, a boss, but also a person with his own strengths and weaknesses. And this boss should be able to recognize individuality and personality in each subordinate and make management decisions regarding employees accordingly.

6. Get to know people. Get to know – or better yet, study – your employees, remember their first and last names, review personnel information, determine how possible this is in the initial period and understand the interests of the employee. It’s better to meet, listen and take into account his assessment of the state of affairs, suggestions for improving work (which everyone has, but not everyone will express them; you also need to be able to get the person to talk).

But not only to know, but to interact effectively, establishing business relationships with subordinates and colleagues. From the people at your disposal, you will have to make a team capable of solving the tasks you have set. At the same time, you must remember that you cannot put a scarf on every mouth, that you will not be good for everyone, that you have both a stick and a carrot, etc.

Therefore, you will have to not only pat them on the head, but also enter into conflicts with employees, receive a negative reaction from them to your actions, but do not forget that you can only get to know people by generously loading them with work and asking them for their performance. You should know that your task is not to please everyone, but to lead your team along a difficult road to achieve your goals.

7. Understand the structure. In the initial period, it is necessary to understand in detail the structure of your enterprise (division). It is necessary to analyze the relationships between departments, find informal connections, see individual and group goals, and all this should be done taking into account the context of the execution of the assigned tasks. Try not to get into a situation where you can’t see the forest for the trees.

At the same time, do not limit yourself only to the study of your own, subordinate structure, but also find your location in the system of relations with other structures of the hierarchy around you. Review your new responsibilities (as well as rights and powers) one level up, to your immediate supervisor (it doesn’t hurt to your boss’s boss). Understand and understand the corporate culture, know the traditions, written and unwritten rules and requirements that exist in the company (division), and master new terminology.

Misunderstanding, ignorance or ignorance of structural, systemic issues leads, one way or another, to the emergence of big problems in work, and often, as it seems, to their unexpected and inexplicable manifestation.

8. Overcome alienation. An obvious, but not always recognized, understood and accepted problem is the alienation of the new boss from his subordinates, a divide that always exists to a certain extent, but with great prerequisites for expansion, sometimes due to the arrogance of the leader, and sometimes on the initiative from below. Someone himself intended to become a boss, someone is not inclined to change their habits because of the new demands of the new leader, someone is always against everything, etc., there will be reasons for mutual distrust and creating distance between the boss and employees, to the detriment of work.

A new post does not automatically guarantee the manager either respect, recognition, much less love from the team, at least in the initial period of work. It is necessary to overcome alienation and achieve at least the loyalty of employees, and you should strive for this from the first days of work, consciously setting yourself such a goal.

Of course, not through any flirting or manipulation with subordinates, which can easily be agreed to in order to achieve short-term goals, but by creating a regime of transparency and predictability in your management activities, as well as through a personal example of honest and professional work.

9. Complete the transition process. The initial period is a kind of transition process in the organization (division), similar to the physical processes when electronic devices are turned on: the voltage increases, exceeds a certain average level, then there is a downward decline, a series of such fluctuations and stabilization occurs. Of course, there are probably no instruments for measuring transient processes in organizational structures, but qualitative analysis is possible.

It is advisable that the moment you enter a new position does not cause destructive transition processes, so that the structure you head does not go haywire (the device does not burn out), even if you use the approach of a new broom, which sweeps in a new way. To illustrate, you can use, for example, the following diagram: a new manager came, set the bar of target requirements too high - the employees started grumbling, their opposition and a drop in efficiency; the boss understood the situation, lowered the requirements (temporarily), perhaps even below the target values, the subordinates adapted; the boss translated the requirements to the target level and the team started working steadily.

The manager needs to know the nature and be able to survive the period of transition processes in the company and division.

10. Trust, but verify. The first impression of the new boss remains with the team of employees for a long time and is difficult to change in the future. Therefore, there is no need to instill and instill fear and horror in subordinates; this is often a consequence of the new leader’s own fear and incompetence; fears will give rise to difficult-to-eliminate counter lies that distort what is happening to the detriment of management.

Do not frighten people, but attract and make allies out of them, albeit with varying degrees of loyalty, do not work alone, relying on the authority of the position, when the strength of your personal authority is still very insignificant. As part of joint activities, it is better to start with trust, with openness, with the gradual delegation of authority to employees, with a willingness not to look for those to blame, but to discuss problems and find solutions together.

An integral component and companion of managerial trust is systematic verification of execution, without which effective management simply does not exist. After which, if necessary, the whip will be justified and in the hands of the boss.

11. Be predictable. Improvisations, management innovations, fashionable management methods, various “wants” from the boss, even if they outwardly look good for the business, are good in moderation, employees quickly get tired of them, stop responding to them, and trust in the manager will be undermined.

When learning to drive, a good instructor usually warns the student so that his behavior on the road is predictable and understandable to other road users. Likewise, a good boss, when moving in a new position, behaves in a similar way: he gives turn signals in advance, changes lanes, brakes and accelerates, without creating an unexpected threat to employees.

The temptation to get things done faster, to get one’s way, and excessive trust in HR methodologies and the technical side of management provoke the boss in the initial period of work to use all his new power, for example, when making changes in a subordinate structure, executing them from a position of strength.

Introduce into your practice a transparent and open institution of management - office meetings, at which you raise and discuss pressing issues and develop decisions on them together with the participants, and do not generate these decisions as a result of individual reflections or a separate discussion (conspiracy) with several close associates who like to run and inform management.

In any case, responsibility remains with the manager, and strong-willed decisions will not disappear from management practice, but it is better to avoid creating surprises for subordinates, and for effective management it is recommended to involve your employees in the process of preparing decisions.

12. Interact with management. Business relationships with senior management can be established on their own, for example, based on the good results of your work, but it is better to make this process conscious, regular and controlled.

We are not talking about flattery and fawning, the accompanying signs of which are easy to detect too often at all levels of the hierarchy, but these means will not get you very far (although some manage well). You should understand that you cannot escape your superiors, even if the person of your immediate supervisor is frankly unpleasant to you.

You need to work with your superiors, report on emerging issues, not be afraid to seek advice on a particular problem, clarify the tasks set by management and discuss methods for their implementation, promptly inform about emerging difficulties, ask for help if necessary, etc. Observing, of course, the measure, not bothering the management over trifles and, if possible, agreeing on the frequency of such meetings, if the top itself does not propose its own regulations.

At the same time, I must say frankly, you need to work for your manager, but in such a way that he is aware that you are working for him not out of fear (due to job responsibilities), but out of conscience.

It is better to do this by understanding what tasks your boss solves for his boss, i.e., look at the management vertical one step further. This is a delicate matter, excessive visits to management and curiosity are not welcome, but in the initial period it is permissible to once again consult with the top in order to prevent serious mistakes due to ignorance or misinterpretation.

13. Organize your daily activities. Daily activities (DA) usually include the current activities of management in managing a company (division), usually resulting from the job responsibilities of employees. PD includes activities such as meetings, reports, negotiations, conferences, telephone calls, work with documents, etc.

Our daily responsibilities are usually considered routine, routine, a source of waste and time wasters, which we may not like, but it is impossible to exclude them from our work schedule. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of PD through better organization, elimination of losses, planning, automation, regulation, delegation, time management, and other methods.

It is dangerous if the PD overloads the manager in the initial period of his work, accordingly absorbs time and hopes, pushes back the best plans and undertakings, plunges him into routine, does not allow your creativity to unfold, etc. And then it will generate the necessary arguments for complacency, that it is impossible to achieve any other result with such turnover.

Therefore, it is important, during any daily workload, to reserve personal time for yourself, preferably at least an hour a day, to understand what is happening, self-control and personal development as a leader.

14. Create a team. Just because you have become the boss of many people does not mean that you have a team that is capable of not only playing, but also winning, it has yet to be created. You need to start with a personal example, with the motto “do as I do,” and not with the “do as I say” that is usually met by your superiors, by attracting and convincing a number of key employees that you are right.

Over time, your “inner” circle will be determined, a core of managers and specialists with whom you will plan work, implement what is planned, assess the situation, determine further tasks and monitor the progress of their solution. You can consolidate and coordinate the team’s activities by involving employees from your inner circle in the development and implementation of your team’s now common program. People will be drawn to you if you have a predictable line of behavior, without shying from side to side.

We must also remember that calls and personal examples alone will not get you far; you should think through, discuss and propose to your team (employees) the motivational principles of your leadership already in the initial period of your work. At the same time, you need to understand that when the manager creates his own team capable of solving the assigned tasks, his bosses will begin to attract him to the team at a different level.

15. Set priorities. At the initial period of a manager’s work, in conditions of constant time pressure, incomplete information, gaps in understanding the situation, uncertainty in employees and other types of uncertainties, it is important to at least determine your path, the general principles and goals of your work and follow them as far as possible, guided by them when making decisions.

For this purpose, the following approximate list of areas of work can be used, from which you can build, combine and specify your own list of priorities:

  • Work for yourself, for your family, accumulate competencies, build a career.
  • Work for your team, your team, your subordinates.
  • Work for your immediate boss, really help him.
  • Work for your boss's boss, see what they want at the top.
  • Work for the company as a whole, as an employer.
  • Work for society, for the people around you.
  • Work for the state, for the whole world...

16. Achieve your first successes. The initial period of work should be completed with some success significant for the scale of the structure headed. This could be bringing a company or division out of a crisis (often for this reason a new boss comes), receiving a lucrative contract, approving a new line of work, etc. It should not be surprising that what is considered a success for some employees may be considered a failure by others.

The new manager, depending on the specifics and field of activity of the company, must formulate the criteria for success at the very beginning of his work and should achieve this goal together with the team, regarding his success as the result of teamwork. And accordingly, consolidate the gained positions, your ability to lead with higher-ranking bosses, now based on the actual results that this success brought.


The initial period of a manager’s activity in a new position, his “first 100 days,” is an objectively difficult stage of work for many beginners and even experienced managers. At the same time, in various positions, in companies of different forms of ownership and industry, the new manager faces similar problems, which often have to be overcome through trial and error.

The material in this publication contains an overview of the difficulties that accompany the initial period of a manager’s work and corresponding recommendations, which, when applied critically, can help in solving specific problems facing a manager at various periods of his life cycle.

Hello, dear readers! Being appointed to a leadership position is always exciting. Still would! After all, you and now bright prospects loom ahead. And if you have now been appointed head of a department, you probably imagine how over time you will head a branch, and maybe even join the board of directors.

While you are immersed in these dreams, like in a barrel of honey, a small but noticeable fly in the ointment disturbs the soul. I am haunted by thoughts of how they will perceive me. in the old team of a new boss ? It’s one thing to get a promotion where you have already worked for some time and know every employee, internal regulations and unspoken laws well.

It’s quite another thing to come into office boss to a new place. Here a beginner feels like a sapper in an endless minefield. One wrong step and instead of a dizzying career, the newly-minted boss will face a deafening failure. If you tighten the nuts too much, they will already hate you and plot behind your back. If you don't wait, you'll miss it - fast You will lose your authority and your opinion will be taken into account no more than the opinion of the office water cooler.

So how should you behave? At work so that employees are imbued with respect and do not interfere to the boss spokes in the wheels? About, How to join a new team as a manager , and not get into trouble, that’s what we’ll talk about in this article.

First, remember how not to behave

If you shared your concerns with friends, you may have received some harmful advice from home-grown psychologists.

  • Open the door to the department with your foot and immediately show who’s boss
  • Don't listen to anyone - from now on you boss and they should listen to you
  • Get yourself a spy who will report what is going on inside the close-knit old team

Remember, this is no way to start your career in a new place. This is a direct path to quiet hatred on the part of subordinates. But you shouldn’t go to the other extreme either. If you demonstrate miracles of democracy and loyalty from day one, do not expect to be taken seriously in the future. There will be a perception of you as a softie, whom easily push and impose your opinion.

So how is it possible Right begin performing your duties At work so that such a long-awaited appointment does not end up turning into a headache?

Put aside “your charter” for a while

Of course, you have your own vision of how Right build relationships with subordinates and how to work. But if you start putting ideas into practice in the very first days, you will receive stiff resistance.

Even if your reforms are sound and allow you to optimize work processes, remember - you have come to a “foreign monastery”. And until he has become one of your own, while they are just taking a closer look at you, any of your initiatives will be viewed with caution.

Don't rush to make friends

In many teams there is an employee who strives to become a squire to the boss . And, as a rule, others do not like him. So, if among your subordinates there is also an employee who exudes helpfulness and is in a hurry to fulfill your wishes, even before they are voiced, try to keep him at a distance.

The benefit of such a “faithful slave” is doubtful. All he can give you is a portion of the latest gossip from the smoking room. But the harm will be noticeable. The rest will decide that you have a favorite and will slowly begin to take revenge.

Don't believe everything they tell you

Often, old-timers try to mislead a new manager in order to negotiate some concessions or bonuses for themselves. At the same time, all old team Without blinking an eye, he claims that this has been the custom from time immemorial. They may tell you that the previous boss had nothing against “corporate get-togethers” in the workplace. Or repeat that he was a kind-hearted person and always turned a blind eye to the fact that Ivanov and Sidorov were late every day.

In general, no matter what they tell you about the previous “golden times,” do not rush to take it for granted, and especially fast put into practice. And even if this was the case before, you are not obligated to maintain traditions that contradict the employment contract and job descriptions.

Politely but firmly explain that from now on Friday corporate parties will be moved from the office to the nearest cafe. And Ivanov and Sidorov will have to set the alarm clock half an hour earlier in order to appear to work along with everyone.

Don't fall into the trap of the “gray cardinal”

This is another common practice that allows you to crush boss for yourself. In every work team there is a person, and sometimes more than one, who believes that you have taken a position that rightfully belongs to him. If he is really smart, then with the arrival of a new leader he tries to do everything to manage himself established team. Even if in the role of “right hand”.

It is sometimes difficult to understand that they are trying to manipulate you, but it is possible. Here are the main signs:

  • It's informal . He is respected and his opinion is taken into account by all or almost all employees.
  • He does not express his dissatisfaction with your appointment. On the contrary, he takes care of and supports the new one in every possible way. boss
  • He offers his projects, which are usually thought out in detail - right down to which employee will implement which part.

It would seem, what’s wrong with having such a wonderful assistant? No matter how great the temptation is to trust the “good fairy” who performs the lion’s share of your responsibilities, do not give in to it. Once you let go of the reins, it will be difficult to get them back.

You don’t need the fame of a boss who sits his pants in the manager’s chair and has no idea, what to do ? And this is exactly what the failed boss is trying to achieve, hoping to move into your office sooner or later. Therefore, politely thank him for his help, praise him at meetings for his initiative and, if you consider it necessary, reward him financially. But make decisions on your own and only after delving into all the details.

Refuse to be an arbitrator

In large teams, two or even more warring camps, unfortunately, are not uncommon. To successfully start leading subordinates, maintain absolute neutrality. You just came here and don’t yet know all the details of the behind-the-scenes games.

If employees start attacking you with complaints about each other, don't rush fast render verdicts. Listen to both sides, and then explain that, as a new person, it is difficult for you to judge the conflict. This way you won't have to take sides.

Don't try to demonstrate your superiority

Some people mistakenly believe that the best defense is an attack and choose a course of behavior that is obviously disastrous. For example, you shouldn’t act like a Harvard graduate among schoolchildren, because you are surrounded by accomplished adults men and women.

Even if your diplomas allow you to boast of your education, keep in mind that experience also matters a lot. At best, they will laugh at you. At worst, they will get angry and do everything to put the arrogant boss in a puddle along with his diplomas.

Take special care if you woman and came to the women's team . Here you can be assessed not only for your intellectual superiority, but also for your appearance. Therefore, put off provocative and extravagant outfits until appropriate occasions, and at work, give preference to a restrained business style.

Tips to help you effectively lead a new team

You probably already realized that it is not easy for an ordinary employee to adapt to a new place, but also for to the boss . First, you need to understand that you definitely won’t be able to become everyone’s favorite. Why? You can read about this in the book Isaac Adizes “The Ideal Leader. Why you can’t become one and what follows from this” .

However, it is possible to bypass the pitfalls and enter established team without unnecessary difficulties. Take advantage advice from a psychologist and you will see that it is quite possible to win the respect of your subordinates, even if you are an absolute beginner in this company.

Meet everyone

Start your first day of work by getting to know the team. Most likely, your superiors will briefly introduce you. But after this, it is advisable to set aside fifteen minutes for less formal communication.

Fast Tell us about yourself, your previous place of work and professional skills. You can also touch on your hobbies - this way others will understand that you are a living person, and not a biorobot programmed to work. But it’s better to leave the details of your personal life behind the scenes.

Then listen to the employees and try to remember who is responsible for what. Make every effort to remember names. If after such an acquaintance you turn to someone “Hey, what’s your name,” it will be a sign of blatant disrespect. If you don’t rely on memory, write down the names in a notebook.

Also, try to learn as much as possible about the people you'll be meeting. . To do this, just watch them. Some people sit on social networks and count down the minutes until the end of the working day, while others are sincerely passionate about their work and can stay up late, immersed in a project.

You must understand what to expect from everyone, who you can rely on in any situation, and who will miss deadlines and not blink an eye.

Tell your subordinates what awaits them

Even if you followed advice from a psychologist and common sense, if you refuse reforms at first, most likely in the future you will have a desire to change something. Inform the team personally about all innovations and be prepared for the fact that some of them will be met with hostility. In such cases, explain what prompted you to make the decision and how it will optimize your work.

Work on your reputation

It is not easy to create and very easily destroy, so don’t make rash decisions and don’t get excited, so that it doesn’t happen. In difficult situations, do not hesitate to consult with the team. Don't worry, you won't be considered incompetent. On the contrary, employees will highly appreciate the fact that you listen to their opinions.

Right respond to criticism addressed to you. Remember, you are not a piece of gold that everyone will like. Take fair comments into account, and ignore rumors and gossip from the smoking room, . You shouldn’t stoop to the level of junior high and take revenge on offenders or call them for an educational conversation.

In turn, use criticism carefully. Your comments should be to the point and in a wording that does not offend the interlocutor. It’s easy to hurt with a word; it’s even easier to make an enemy in a subordinate by speaking derogatorily about him or his work in front of other employees. Therefore, for serious conversations, call employees into the office, and do not organize an accusatory meeting in the middle of the office.

Don't give impossible tasks

When allocating current tasks, take into account the experience and qualifications of each employee. It is important to maintain a golden mean here. The task should be feasible, but not super easy. Different employees will spend different amounts of time on the same work.

Yes, an experienced specialist will be able to complete the task in an hour, while an intern will spend half a day. But if you bombard a professional with easy tasks with which he fast deal with it like seeds, he can relax. Leave small tasks for less experienced ones, and assign the ace an interesting, complex task that will allow him to demonstrate professionalism.

Monitor the progress of the work. If you suddenly see that an employee cannot cope or does not meet deadlines, give him someone to help or delegate the task to a more experienced colleague. This way you will demonstrate your attention to work processes and protect against missed deadlines.

Be friendly and open

This does not mean that when you meet, you will be patted on the shoulder and invited for a beer after work. The reputation of his shirt-guy no need for the boss - must always be respected. But the halo of an unattainable, always busy boss does not contribute to a healthy atmosphere in the team.

Let your employees know that you value initiative, are ready to listen to suggestions and provide the necessary assistance. Let your subordinates know that they can turn to you in a difficult situation and get support. This will have a much better impact on your reputation than low-grade flirting with the team.

Have you ever experienced all the delights of adaptation in established team as a leader? Write in the comments what moments caused difficulties and how you dealt with them. Share your experience - it is important for others!

So, have you decided to hire a new leader and give him authority over a department, department or company? What should I advise him, what should I help him with, what should I warn him against? After all, leading a new team can be much more difficult than leading your usual one. And at the same time, every leader at some point started with exactly this - he came to a new team.

Where should a manager begin his acquaintance, what can be done and what should not be done?

Let's start with the fact that power must be taken, not transferred. If you decide to transfer power to a manager, then he should know how to take it - have such positive experience or at least undergo minimal instruction in order to learn how to lead a new team.

It's no secret that even successful managers do not always get along in new teams. Why does this happen and what does someone who decides to take power over their subordinates need to know?

How should a leader behave in a new team?

There are 7 rules for taking power. This knowledge will help you not only gain power over your subordinates, but also maintain it for a long time.

First rule.

A team that is new to you will definitely have or have had a leader. He could be strong, weak, destructive, but he was there. Therefore, as a new leader, you need to find out who that leader is, if there is one. Who was this leader, if he left or was left. You need to know its pros and cons of influencing the team.

If there is a leader and he is ready to support you, then that’s just great. Enlist his support, but control him - you cannot let his power be greater than yours. To do this, zones of influence should be divided. For example, on your part there may be the introduction of a new motivation system, and on the part of the internal leader – an explanation of the need and positive aspects of these changes. Without his support everything will be much more difficult.

What to do if your leader doesn't support you? Then you are dealing with internal sabotage.

It can be open, like “We’ve already survived more than one.” It can be hidden, like “We, of course, will do everything, but we will come up with a lot of reasons why nothing is actually being done.” The main mistake managers make when dealing with resistance is “feeding the crocodiles.” Why "feeding the crocodiles"? Yes, because no matter how much you feed the crocodile, it will always be hungry. No matter how much you pay attention to those who resist, they will resist, and their resistance will only intensify.

Many managers do this - they begin to pay a lot of attention to resistant employees. They constantly talk to them, exhort them, explain. In general, they waste too much of their time. As a result, those who receive this attention begin to grow stronger.

Among the Chinese stratagems is this: “By attacking our enemy, we strengthen him.” This means that if you pay a lot of attention to resistant employees, neutral employees will begin to join the resistance. And the more a leader “feeds the crocodiles,” the less time and attention goes to those who really support him. Thus, the leader loses power over his subordinates.

Conclusion– attention should be paid to saboteurs, but no more than 20%, the remaining 80% should be given to those employees who support you or are still neutral. They need to be encouraged and highlighted. This way you will create a loyal group. And the more people who accept you, the more isolated the sabotage leader will be. In the end, he will have no choice but to leave the company or join those who support him.

Second rule.

Don't rush to introduce your own rules and traditions. Find out the unspoken traditions of the team you are joining. Select those that match your understanding of employee behavior. And only after that, begin to support in every possible way the traditions and rules you need, and block unnecessary ones.

How it's done? For example, you really like that employees are accustomed to morning planning meetings to which everyone comes. Continue to hold them at the same time and in the same place where they have always been held.

But you don’t like the way these planning meetings are conducted. You sat in on several and simply watched how your deputy conducted them. You saw that time is being spent irrationally; not all employees are ready for reports. Often the information is unstructured and uninformative. Start by introducing mandatory regulations for preparing for the planning meeting. But these should not be just words. Send out the report form to everyone and ask them to report clearly on it at the next planning meeting. Don't make too many changes at once. Do everything gradually and consistently. And, most importantly, encourage and support in every possible way those who implement your innovations “excellently.”

Third rule.

Take information flows and key decisions into your hands right away; you can’t hesitate. This is the same way the Bolsheviks took power - the post office, the train station and the bank. All this should be in your hands and under control.

When a new leader in a team takes power over his subordinates, he must check and take control of information, financial flows and key decisions. There will definitely be so-called “holes” and “double spots” in them. And if you don’t tackle this right away and build it to your liking, everything will grow with monstrous speed. “Holes” will turn into “craters”, and “double spots” into “vortex flows”.

Fourth rule.

When taking power, you cannot immediately transfer it. Many failed ventures stem from misconceptions about team building. For some reason, managers believe that they need to start with democracy and teamwork - then there will be prosperity and universal love for employees. They get exactly the opposite effects - anarchy, uncertainty and, as a result, loss of power.

You need to start with authoritarian power, which everyone criticizes, but which is necessary in the process of a new leader joining the team. Start with clearly defined goals, planning and control of execution. At first, delegate only minor tasks, and be sure to introduce a tradition of mandatory execution. Employees must know what and in what form you require from them, and also understand the boundaries of what is permitted. If there is uncertainty in these moments, then employees will very quickly turn into insecure neurotics, and you into an unlucky and unsuccessful leader.

You can move to democracy and build a team only when you have established operational processes and you are an unshakable authority for employees.

Fifth rule.

Knowledge of the potential and risks of the new team. Check what each employee does. To what extent are the prescribed functionalities, business processes and regulations implemented? Compare what is written with what actually happens. As a rule, discrepancies exist. And the greater the discrepancies, the more difficult it is to lead a new team.

If there is nothing written, then we need to start introducing at least some standards. In this case, it is worth defining and clearly structuring the functionality of employees. Align your vision of functionality with their understanding. Insist on your vision of the functionality and gradually get rid of those who are underperforming or simply cannot work. But do it not immediately, but gradually. Let employees understand that those who are accustomed to working at less than full capacity or “as God pleases” will not fit into the new system.

Sixth rule.

The tradition of regular meetings to collect, summarize information and report on the work done. Meetings must be held at the same time (unless, of course, urgent or force majeure) and be clearly limited in time. By accurately tracking meeting schedules, you will begin to teach your employees to value and structure their own time.

In meetings, speak last, listen to employees' suggestions first. Collect information. This rule was invented many centuries ago by great commanders - they first listened to those of lower rank, and in the end, having collected all the information, they drew their conclusions. Such regulations will give you the opportunity to find out the opinions of experienced professionals who do not really like to speak and often try to remain silent. And you will also begin to encourage employee initiative and their responsibility for results.

Seventh rule.

Don't talk about a person in his absence. If you want internal communications in your team to be conflict-free, then do not allow personal information to be transmitted in the absence of the person being talked about. This way you will stop gossip and misrepresentation. And you will be considered a fair and smart leader. After all, the most important thing for leading a new team is to be successful in the eyes of your subordinates. Then all changes and initiatives will lead to brilliant achievements.