Thematic lesson “Three Bears”. Presentation of the fairy tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"

Nomination "Video lessons"

Target: the formation in children of the skills of cultural behavior, respect for adults, the ability to fairly evaluate their own actions and the actions of others.


  1. Based on Russian folk tale and fairy-tale heroes to teach children to evaluate their own and other people's actions.
  2. To lay the foundation for the skills of cultural behavior, social norms, respect for others.
  3. To instill in children the ability to analyze other people's actions by comparing them with their own.

Within the framework of the project on spiritual and moral education in kindergarten in our (younger) group, a set of measures is being taken in this direction. To interest my children, for clarity and accessible perception of the material, I created this presentation. My guys liked this form of work, so I propose a series of similar presentations.

With the help of well-known fairy tale characters (Kolobok and Baba Yaga), on the example of the Russian folk tale ("Three Bears"), children master the norms of behavior in society, learn to evaluate their own and other people's actions.

Presentation is a two-step process:

  1. Slideshow, introduction to helper characters- Kolobok and Baba Yaga.
  2. Discussion, during the slide show, with the children of the actions and deeds of the main character.

The presentation includes an evaluation system - scales, on one half of which are negative, and on the other positive deeds.

I didn't use this presentation as part of a class. The conversation with the presentation was held rather as an additional event in the spiritual and moral direction, as an opportunity to assess the views of children on this topic, their ability to dialogue. I realized that such work with my kids (of course, at their level) is already possible.

Informational resources:

  • Eremeev S. V. "Three Bears" (based on the plot of the fairy tale of the same name by L. N. Tolstoy)


  • http://

Application: Presentation.

Slide 9 from the presentation "The Tale of Masha and the Bears"

Dimensions: 720 x 540 pixels, format: jpg. To download a slide for free to use in a lesson, right-click on the image and click "Save Image As...". You can download the entire presentation “Masha and the Bears.pps” in a 1380 KB zip archive.

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Fairy tales and games

"Marshak's Tale" - As he rushed off, he skipped caught like a mouse. Short cat paw - Do not get a pencil! She brought a piece of bacon, Says the kitten: - Not enough! Why does your daughter have gray cheeks? And the girl says: - She has not washed for a long time. Why does she have furry paws and a mustache like her dad? The girl says: - She has not shaved for a long time.

“The Tale of the Kolobok” - The bun rolls, rolls, and the fox meets it. A bun rolls, rolls, and a wolf meets him. A bun rolls, rolls, and a bunny meets him. You sing nicely, sit on my nose, sing one more time. There lived a grandfather and a woman. The grandmother baked a bun. And left him to cool down. And he took the bun, and rolled away.

"Games from 1 year old" - Two men, a boy, three, people, look, hold, show, table, glasses, jug, basket, chairs. Whose shadow is this? A boy with a hammer fixes the fence. Cat. The man is making a vase. Three vases. Cherries. Toilet bowl. My uncle is shearing sheep. Horse. Basketball players. The kid took something in his mouth. Wheelbarrow. The girl walks with the dog.

"Game for kids" - Dolphin, Crow, Woodpecker, WHOSE VOICE IS IT? Wild animals, Whale, Sea animals, Bee, Bee, Chickens, Chicken, Bear, Dolphin, Cow, Insects, Eagle, Lion, Rooster, Lion, Bear, Frog, Fox, Mouse, Elk, Wild animals, Whale, Duck, Cat , Elephant, Donkey, wild birds, Seagull, Elk, Elephant, Goose, Horse, Fly,

"A game for children under one year old" - Bus, Clock, Phone, WHOSE SOUND IS THIS? Bell, Thunder, Helicopter, Car, Plane, Hammer, Firework, Motorcycle, Sea, Microwave, Fountain, Vacuum Cleaner, Explosion, Drumset, Helicopter, Motorbike, Train, Thunder, Plane, Salute, Handbell, Telephone, Saw, Saw, Sea , Saw, Rain, Plane, River, Car,

"To the child about the birthday" - Every year, on a certain day, people celebrate their birthday! People also celebrate the birth of their pet. Happiness! Health! Good luck! On this day, the birthday boy is given gifts as a keepsake. According to custom, the birthday person makes a wish and blows out the candles on the cake. Birthday is the best holiday ever!

Total in the topic 32 presentations

UMK: "Spotlight 4"

Theme: "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"

Lesson Objectives:

Subject: development of dialogic speech skills.

Metasubject: familiarity with the culture of the language being studied.

Personal: development of communication skills necessary for cooperation with peers

Tasks: form UUD.


meaning formation (motivation, determination of one's boundaries of knowledge and "ignorance")

desire to acquire new knowledge, skills, improve existing ones


acquaintance with the culture of the country, the language being studied

hypotheses and their justification

synthesis (completion of sentences)


use of language tools for solving communicative problems

formation of dialogic speech


ability to work in a team, manage learning activities(goal setting)

control and self-assessment

definition of the area of ​​"Knowledge and ignorance"

semantic reading (ratio of picture and text)

Planned results:

Students use a specific set of words in their speech:

fairytale, pot, porridge;

get acquainted with a fragment of the popular English fairy tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears", immerse themselves in gamification using online resources and a learning platform

Equipment: a screen, three bear toys, a Goldilocks doll, envelopes with tasks, a computer, an interactive application for the textbook (video, audio), a learning platform

slide 6

Today we are going to read the fairytale.


And now let's listen to the text

We have some new words in the text

Let's look at them

As you know, our lesson is full of magic today, Look we have got three Bears in the magic wood.

(The teacher removes the forest screen, and 3 bears are sitting behind it, each bear has an envelope, and there are assignments in it)

And they have some letters. Let's see!!

Daddy Bear has got the first task for you

The teacher takes the envelope, takes out assignments and distributes them to the children.

Let’s start…

(wheel of Fortune)

Very Well!

Let's look!

Mummy Bear has got a letter for you too.

(the teacher takes the letter from the second bear and distributes the worksheets to the students)

Our lesson is coming to the end. You worked very hard. Your answer was good. Thanks for your work. What was interesting for you at the lesson?

Each of you has colored apples on the desk, and on the board there are bears who went after the apples.

Green apple for Mishutka - if you remember new words

Red apple for mom - if you can make a sentence with these words

Blue bullseye for dad - if you can act out a dialogue with these words.

What good fellows you are today.

Let's clap for ourselves and for those who have mastered new words today (those who have learned to use these words in a sentence, those who have learned to use these words in dialogic speech.)

Homework, draw a fragment of a fairy tale and sign the characters.

Guys, Goldilocks was watching you all the lesson and she really liked how you worked today. She did not come to you empty-handed, and gives you a pot of porridge for your excellent work.

The teacher distributes pots of porridge (salt dough pendant) as a keepsake to the students.


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Text content of presentation slides:
Created by the educator MBDOU No. 16 "Teremok" Eremkina Larisa Vladimirovna PRESENTATION. An interactive guide for children of the first junior group based on the fairy tale "Three Bears" Once upon a time there was a little girl in a village. She was a good girl, but the trouble is - not very obedient. Once Mashenka's parents went to the city to the market, but they told her not to go anywhere from home, to take care of the housework. But the girl did not listen to them, and ran away into the forest. Walked, tore flowers; I collected mushrooms and berries and did not notice how lost I was. I started looking for my way home. She walked, walked through the forest, got lost and came across a hut. And in that hut lived three bears. The father's name was Mikhailo Potapovich. He was huge and shaggy. The bear's mother's name was Nastasya Petrovna, she was smaller. And the little bear, whose name was Mishutka, was completely funny. The bears were not at home at that time, they went to the forest to pick berries for dinner. Who lived in the house that the girl found in the forest? The girl came up to the hut, knocked on the door, but no one opened it. The girl entered the house and looked around. And I saw two rooms. In the first room, there is a table, chairs are pulled up to it, and plates are on the table. And only then the girl realized that she really wanted to eat. She, of course, knew that it was impossible to take anything from someone else without asking, but the porridge in the plates smelled so delicious. And the girl couldn't resist. The girl took the biggest spoon, sat down on the biggest chair and tried the porridge from the biggest plate. The girl really liked the porridge, but only the spoon turned out to be very uncomfortable. Then the girl moved to the middle chair and began to eat. medium spoon from a medium bowl. The porridge was very tasty, but the chair seemed very uncomfortable to the girl. And then the girl moved to a small chair and ate all the porridge from a small plate. And so she liked the porridge. The girl began to swing on the chair and broke it. "Whose chair?" - Draw an arrow. . The girl was upset, wanted to sleep and moved to another room. She saw three beds. At first she lay on the big bed, but the pillows seemed uncomfortable to her. Then the girl moved to the middle bed, but the blanket was too big for her. Finally, she lay down on a small bed, and fell asleep. "Whose plate?" And the bears came home hungry and wanted to have dinner. Mikhailo Potapovich looked into his plate, and how he roared: “Who ate porridge from my plate?” Nastasya Petrovna looked into her cup, and also let's roar loudly: Who sipped in my cup? And Mishutka saw his empty cup and squealed in a thin voice :- Who sipped from my cup and sipped everything? Find the girl from the fairy tale "Three Bears" Mikhailo Ivanovich looked at his chair and growled in a terrible voice: - Who was sitting on my chair and moved it from its place? Nastasya Petrovna looked at her chair and growled not so loudly: - Who was sitting on my chair and moved it from its place? Mishutka looked at his broken chair and squeaked: - Who was sitting on my chair and broke it? The bears moved to another room. - Who lay down on my bed and crumpled it? - Mikhailo Ivanovich roared in a terrible voice. - Who lay down on my bed and crushed it? - Nastasya Petrovna growled not so loudly. And Mishenka put up a bench, climbed into his bed and squeaked in a thin voice: - Who lay down on my bed? What treat do you think the bear will choose and which one the girl will choose. And suddenly he saw the girl and squealed as if he was being cut: - Here she is! Hold it, hold it! Here she is! Ay-ya-yay! Hold on! He wanted to bite her. The girl opened her eyes, saw the bears and rushed to the window. It was open, the girl jumped out the window and ran away. And the bears did not catch up with her.