Share the Internet from mts. How to quickly disable the "Single Internet" service on MTS

Great news for all Internet users. You no longer need to buy a separate tariff for each smartphone or tablet. New offer - United Internet MTS allows you to use this service centrally.

Description of the service Unified Internet MTS

MTS "Single Internet" is a service that allows you to purchase a single Internet package and access the worldwide network from all suitable gadgets. The distribution speed does not decrease, the distance does not affect anything. The main thing is that all gadgets are in the same home region. At the same time, the traffic spent on all connected devices is summed up. The maximum number of connected devices is 5.

As part of the use, you can use up to 50 GB per month. The exact amount depends on the tariff. Traffic is transmitted in packets of 100 mb.

If you add a device to the group on which the Internet has already been installed and paid for, it does not disappear. Access to this line is frozen for the duration of the membership, and is restored upon exit.

Advantages of the Unified Internet

To better understand what MTS "Single Internet" is, you need to study the advantages of this package. There are only three of them, but the main ones.

  1. Profitable. The cost of the "Single Internet" MTS service is less than a subscriber. payment for regular use of the World Wide Web even on two gadgets. When their maximum allowable number is combined together, the savings become significant.
  2. Conveniently. It is more convenient to manage one tariff plan on one gadget than five on five gadgets. On the connected devices, you don’t even need to change anything - the Internet is distributed at any tariff.
  3. Just. You can regulate the traffic of the entire group with a few mouse clicks.

Terms of Service

Before connecting the "Single Internet" MTS, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the terms of this service.

Creating a group is available only for a device on which one of the services is connected:

  1. Internet mini. Residents of any region of Russia can get 7 GB for 500 rubles;
  2. Internet maxi. 15 GB cost 800r. Time from 12 midnight to 7 am is unlimited and free of charge;
  3. Internet VIP. The price of 30 GB is 1200 rubles. From 00.00 to 07.00 there is no limit.

Tariff plans are either , or Smart (except for Smart Mini).

Create a group

In order to create a group, you need to connect the MTS Unified Internet service on one of the devices. Log in from it to . From the menu " My group” you can send invitations to future members.

The second way is to send an SMS to 5340 with the text: 1 (space) phone number of the future group member.

The recipient of the invitation will receive an SMS. There are two ways to confirm your participation:

  1. Online;
  2. Replying to the received SMS message with the text 1 . It is free both in the home region and in roaming.

Within a minute, the creator of the group and the invited member will receive confirmation SMS.

As soon as the message is sent, Internet access on the invited device is suspended. If after 15 minutes the invitation is not accepted, Internet access will resume. After this period, it becomes impossible to confirm participation. To try again, the creator of the group needs to send a second invitation to this gadget.

Leaving a group

The creator of the group can remove any member even without his desire. This can be done in two ways:

  1. You can remove one member through the menu “ my group”on the website, or via SMS with the text: 0 (space) phone number to be deleted, sent to number 5340 ;
  2. You can remove all members by sending an SMS with the text 0 to 5340

A participant can leave the group in the same ways.

Before you disable the "Single Internet" MTS, you do not need to re-activate the old Internet tariff. This will happen automatically after leaving the group. The next time you access the Internet, you will be redirected to the MTS website, where you will need to confirm the use of the Internet using the previous option or select a new one.

Upon deletion, confirmation SMS will be sent to the creator of the group and the participant who left it.

The cost of MTS Unified Internet

The subscription fee for the use of the "Single Internet" of MTS is written off monthly from the date of connection of the service.

The amount of monthly payments is 100 rubles regardless of how many devices are members of the group.

If at the time of debiting there is not enough money on the account of the creator of the group, the subscription fee will be charged daily at the rate of 4 rubles / day until the account is replenished to at least 100 rubles. Then the subscription fee will be deducted in full size, the next write-off will take place in a month.

The fee is charged only for the first participant, the remaining 4 participants are free.

Traffic extension

As soon as the amount of monthly traffic is exceeded, Internet access is blocked, about which all members of the group receive notifications via SMS. When you try to access the Internet, you are automatically redirected to, where it is proposed to connect the "Turbo button" option and continue using the "Unified Internet" MTS.

The creator of the group can adjust the traffic limits for its members through the menu on the site.

Tariffs for MTS Unified Internet

When the MTS “Single Internet” service is connected, the fee is charged only from the creator of the group. Immediately after the creator switches to one of the tariffs allowed for connection, the above service is automatically activated according to the table:

Tariff change

When changing the tariff, you do not need to disable the “Single Internet” on MTS and reconnect to the desired tariff. All current members of the group will automatically connect to the new package if it is available on the tariff or option. The current traffic limits remain unchanged and are transferred to the new internet package. If the set traffic limit is greater than the size of the new Internet package, it automatically becomes equal to it.

In practice, everything is much simpler. You just need to regularly pay a monthly fee and carefully read the MTS website. Then there will be no problems using the “Single Internet” on MTS.

Service from mobile operator MTS called "Single Internet" allows customers to distribute their traffic for surfing to other mobile devices. In other words, users will now be able to surf from the same tariff or option on different devices. As part of this service, customers can give access to 5 devices. The good news is that there are no speed limits. In addition, there is no difference at what distance the traffic is used.

MTS customers can use the described service with the connected Smart tariff, as well as ULTRA. Another use is possible with the active option Internet-Mini, Maxi, VIP.

The main features should include:

  1. The members of the created group, as well as the creator, must be from the same realm.
  2. All users in total can spend 50 GB of traffic, if such an amount is allowed by the tariff or option.
  3. Internet users can be people of any MTS tariff plan, except for what is used by the creator.
  4. Users can only belong to one group. The ability to use the Internet from different groups is not provided.
  5. The payment for creating a group, as well as for adding the first person to it, is 100 rubles. All other participants will be added free of charge. Creator pays.
  6. If another package with traffic is additionally activated, the participants will not be able to use it.
  7. In the case of using the "Smart Unlimited" tariff, participants will be able to spend only 10 GB of traffic. In addition, traffic consumption by the initiator is not considered.

Service management

In order to create a group and manage it, you need to go to the site at the link Further, the creation of a group must be carried out according to the instructions:

  1. In order to invite participants, follow the link and click on the device's invite button. Then you need to dial the phone of one of the participants. In the event that adding is not possible, which the system will notify, the number may already be in the group. To do this, you need to remove the number from one group and add it to the second.
  2. In the event that the user is not a member of the group and has a different tariff plan, he will receive text message with a proposal to join the United Internet group. To confirm, you need to send an SMS to the same number from which the letters came, but write the number 1 in the text. You can also confirm participation using the above site.

After submitting an invitation within 15 minutes, other participants must give their consent to enter. If the invitation is not received, you must repeat the procedure. You can manage the created group through the site.

This service allows users to significantly save their money, but it also has disadvantages:

  1. All service members can spend no more than 50 GB of traffic per month. In this case, the traffic used by the creator will also be taken into account.
  2. The downside of the service is that it is not possible to connect to those people who have the same tariff set on their phone as the creator.
  3. You can not use the service for people who are in different regions of the country.
  4. It is forbidden to be in different groups and use different packages with the Internet at the same time.

As a result, it should be noted that even taking into account the shortcomings, the “Single Internet” option is in great demand and popularity among subscribers. Therefore, you can safely activate it and start saving money for yourself and your family or friends.

The MTS telecommunications company provides subscribers of the Our Smart tariff plan with the opportunity to create their own community of five additional devices with the operator's SIM cards to distribute a common Internet package and conveniently pay for traffic from one number. Despite the cost savings, many users are still interested in how to disable the "Single Internet" on MTS in order to simplify the procedure for obtaining communication services and not depend on the solvency or mood of other group members.

In the article:

The online assistant site will tell you in detail about the options, how to activate it, and the latest functional changes made by the provider. We will also consider how to disable the "Single Internet" on MTS with a combination and through special services, so that you can choose the most convenient option for yourself.

Description of the "Common package" service

In March 2018, the MTS operator announced changes in the format of the option, which affected the official name, the list of compatible tariff plans and the expansion of the list additional services. Now the ability to access the Internet from several gadgets at once (smartphone, tablet, modem, cell phone, etc.) using one monthly traffic limit of up to 50 GB is officially called the “General Package”. At the same time, the old, "promoted" name - "Single Internet" - also remains in circulation.

As part of the service, a user with the Our Smart tariff (initiator) can form his own group of 1-5 users (participants), share the Internet and useful services between them, and pay for traffic from his number.

At the same time, the organizer pays a status subscription fee of 50 rubles per month, which is charged by the provider for the right to share packages. Other members of the group do not pay anything extra.

The initiator has exclusive traffic distribution capabilities (packages of 100 Mb) and unilaterally assigns individual limits for each connected device.

How to create a group for the "Single Internet"

All subscribers of the home region with any MTS tariff plans can become members of the community, with the exception of “For Tablet”, “Hype”, the “Unlimited” line and “Our Smart” used by the initiator. The device type doesn't matter. You can also invite a user from another mobile network to the group if he agrees to switch to MTS with his number.

It is important to take into account that after joining the community, the possibility of using the Internet, SMS and voice packages provided within the current tariff is suspended, but at the same time they continue to be charged. That is why the operator recommends, when expanding the group, to advise the new member to switch to a tariff without a monthly fee and deactivate additional options for receiving traffic (“MTS Tablet”, “Internet-Super”, “BIT”, “MTS Connect”, etc.).

You can use the following resources to create a group;

  • operator's website at;
  • online self-service Personal Area;
  • free mobile app"My MTS", which is available for Android, Windows Phone and iOS.

Regardless of the chosen method of action, you must activate the tab Invite device and enter the desired phone number. The operator will immediately send a potential member an SMS with an invitation to join the group. If the answer is YES, the Common Package community is considered officially created, and the initiator's traffic limits become available to another user. Once again, we remind you that together with the organizer, the number of the group should not exceed 6 devices.

To invite a new user to your community, you can use a USSD request like * 434 * 1 * 7HHHHHHHHHH # . Here, through the symbols H, the number of the subscriber to whom the Internet will be allocated is indicated. For example, *434*1*70953177148# .

How to become a member of the MTS "General Package"

The only way to join someone else's group is to receive an SMS invitation from the initiator. Here it is important to take into account that the operator allows you to become a member of only one community within the framework of the "Single Internet" service. If you received such an SMS and agree with the terms of the option, you must answer - YES. In a situation with several simultaneous invitations, you need to give a more detailed answer in the form of YES # HHHH, where HHHH is the last four digits of the initiator's phone number. Alternative way Confirmation of participation is a visit to the site, where you must click on the Agree button.

Please note that if the general package is exhausted before the end of the reporting period, participants will be able to unilaterally activate the "Turbo button" option and use all the features of their own tariffs.

To timely control the balance of available limits, use the combination * 434 * 2 # .

How to disable the "Single Internet" service on MTS

Both the organizer of the community and any of its members can refuse the general package. To do this, use the same methods as to create a group or to confirm your participation.

How can the initiator disband the "General Package"

The provider provides the organizer with the opportunity to adjust the composition or completely disband the community within the framework of the service. To disable the MTS Unified Internet device, for example, with the number 095 317 71 48, use the USSD request * 434 * 3 * 70953177148 # .

If it is necessary to close the community, the initiator can do the following:

  • change your tariff plan;
  • delete all devices one by one using the combination * 434 * 3 * 7HHHHHHHHHH # .
  • send USSD command * 434 * 0 # ;
  • disband the group in the Personal Account or in the My MTS application.

If the organizer decides to leave the Our Smart plan, all group members will automatically unlock the functionality of the connected tariffs and will be able to activate individual traffic using the provider's standard options.

How can a member leave the General Package group?

Previously, when deciding how to disable the “Single Internet” option on MTS, the initiator and participants used the general algorithm for refusing the service by sending SMS with the text 0 to a separate service number 5340 . Now the operator has warned about the suspension of this method for an indefinite period. At the same time, MTS offered a convenient alternative in the form of the USSD command * 434 * 0 # . Also, a community member can change the settings of his SIM card in the Personal Account or in the My MTS application.


The online assistant site hopes that our detailed review of how to disable the "Single Internet" on MTS ("General Package") was useful to you and helped you effectively solve the problems you encountered with the conditions for providing communication and optimizing the mobile budget.

To better assimilate the material read and correctly change the phone settings, be sure to check out the video tutorial on this topic.

Video: how to disable a device on MTS United Internet

If you have any questions or want to make a suggestion for improving the site, use the comment line at the bottom of the web page. We also always welcome your feedback.

Thanks to the development of technology, we use the Internet in almost all areas of activity: for work, information, shopping, entertainment. And often, not only a mobile phone is used to exit, but also a tablet or laptop. For MTS subscribers using several devices at once, the MTS Unified Internet service will become a very useful tool.

Description and cost of the service

Using this offer will save subscribers who use several devices at once. In this case, it is not necessary to pay for the Internet on each of them, it is enough to connect only a smartphone to the package tariff. Next, we activate the “Single Internet” function on the phone and distribute data to a laptop, tablet, other phones or a computer.

The cost of the option is 100 rubles per month of use and is paid only by the distributing subscriber. Funds are debited when a group is created and the first additional device is added to it. In the following months, in the absence of the full cost of the service on the account, payment is made at a rate of 4 rubles per day. Users connected to the distribution go online for free.

Terms and limitations of the "Single Internet"

The offer is available for customers using ULTRA and Smart tariff plans (the entire line) or with an active Mini, Maxi or Vip traffic package.

This service is installed on the phone and it is already distributed to other devices from it.

When using the option, there are a number of restrictions:

  • The service can be used on no more than 6 devices, including the initiator;
  • The distributing subscriber and other users must be from the same region, it is impossible to connect numbers from other subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • The tariffs of the participants must differ from the TP of the group initiator;
  • The total traffic is limited by the terms of the initiator's tariff plan, but cannot exceed 50 GB;
  • It is forbidden to use several distributions at the same time. To join a new group, you must leave the current one;
  • Additional traffic packages (in case the limit set by the terms of the TP is reached) are used only by the initiator of the distribution, the access of other participants is limited;
  • If the distributing subscriber has the “Smart Unlimited” tariff set, then only he uses unlimited access to the network, for the rest of the participants a total traffic of 10 GB is allocated.

Required internet packages

The total traffic available to all members of the group is limited by the conditions of the active package on the distribution device. Consider the possible options:

TPProvided traffic, GBSpecial conditionsAb. payment, rub./month
Smart5 Residue transfer300
smartforeigner7 700
Smart unlimited12 450
smart top15 1250
ULTRA15 1800
Hype7 Unlimited on many resources370
Internet Mini8 Not350
Internet maxi15 Night unlimited550
Internet Vip30 700

As can be seen from the table, the most profitable traffic is in Internet packages. But do not forget that the tariffs also include large packages of minutes and SMS, and the unused balance of services is transferred to the next month.

How to enable and disable the option

The "Single Internet" offer is available offline on all of the above tariff plans. To connect the distribution of data, it is enough to send invitations to participants from your personal account or create a group by dialing the digital combination of the USSD command *750# . After receiving an invitation, group members must confirm their consent, after which they can begin to use the general traffic.

There is no command that allows you to disable the unified MTS Internet. After disconnecting all users of the group, the option goes into inactive mode.

Service management

All services are managed in the MTS personal account. To distribute the Internet to other devices, you need to create a group. Let's break down this process step by step:

  1. We go to the "my group" tab and enter the number of the connected subscriber in the "invite device" field;
  2. The invited participant receives SMS from the number 5340. To confirm the consent, he needs to send a response SMS with the text “1” within 15 minutes. If for some reason the subscriber did not have time to answer, the request will have to be repeated;
  3. Upon receipt of a response from the first member, the group is considered open and the fee for the next month of using the service is charged from its creator;
  4. We send connection requests to the rest of the group members.

If it is impossible to send SMS in response to the invitation, the subscriber can also go to his personal account and click the "Agree" button.

The creator can make additional group settings, for example, set a traffic limit for each member or delete and invite new subscribers. When deleting inactive numbers, you must remember that as soon as the last member leaves the group, the service will be terminated.

To disable the service, the creator needs to delete all users, this can be done in several ways:

  • Through a personal account;
  • Send SMS to number 5340 with text 0;
  • Using the command USSD*111*750*2# .

Any participant can also disconnect from the distribution at any time by sending the number 0 in SMS to 5340.


MTS Internet distribution will be a very beneficial feature for those subscribers who use two or more devices. Paying 100 rubles for using the service is much cheaper than paying a subscription fee for each device separately. In the same way, you can save money with friends if you organize your group and pay for one common traffic.

Today it is already impossible to imagine modern life without mobile Internet. Daily owners mobile phones, tablets, smartphones, laptops access the World Wide Web and use the usual resources: learn the news, communicate in social networks, check email play games or just read books.

All users constantly update programs, install new applications. As statistics show, every year the number of people who own more than one mobile device is increasing. For each of these gadgets, to connect to the Internet, you need to install a SIM card with the number of the operator providing this service. Agree that if you have a smartphone in your pocket, a tablet in your bag, a laptop on your desktop, and a modem at home, then it is very inconvenient to keep track of traffic payments for each device.

In this case, you will come to the rescue new service“Single Internet”, which makes it possible, within one Internet package, to have access to the network from several mobile devices (no more than 6). With this service, you can share mobile internet with your family and friends, no matter where they are. To do this, you need to create a group "United Internet".

Terms of Service

  • In order to create a group, you need to be a user or
  • Invited members of the group can use any tariff plan.
  • If the connected subscriber has already used the Internet before, then access to it under the terms of a personal TP is suspended.
  • The group's traffic is considered shared. Each member is entitled to up to 50GB per month (depending on the terms of the group initiator's package). The initiator may set a usage limit for individual members.
  • When the initiator's account is blocked (regardless of the reason), each of the participants can restore access through the Personal Account.

Create a group

It is very easy to create it. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  • enter the Personal Account on the website of the MTS operator
  • dial the combination *111*750# from the phone call button and follow voice guidance.
  • call 5340

An SMS invitation will be sent to each device connected to the package, which must be confirmed within 10 minutes.

Unlimited Internet at optimal speed. MTS.

Service billing

When creating a group, the fee for access to the World Wide Web is charged only from the organizer of the group.

There is currently no charge for connecting one additional device. Payment for all subsequent connections will be 100 rubles per month for each.

From September 1, 2015, the initiator of the creation of the United Internet group will have to pay 100 rubles for the first connection.