Methodical piggy bank. Methodological development on the topic: Methodological workshop for deputy directors for NMR "Modern lesson - a lesson in personality development

aim it is the actualization of knowledge about the criteria, structure and requirements put forward by the Ministry of Education for the modern lesson, about how to build it in accordance with the implementation of the requirements of the federal state standards of the second generation.



Seminar. Sl.1

Dear colleagues.

Subject of our methodological seminar "Modern lesson - a lesson in personality development".

aim it is the actualization of knowledge about the criteria, structure and requirements put forward by the Ministry of Education for the modern lesson, about how to build it in accordance with the implementation of the requirements of the federal state standards of the second generation.

And it is no coincidence that the topic of the seminar sounds exactly like this: “A modern lesson is a lesson in personality development.”

Let's think, dear colleagues, about the following figures:

A teacher gives more than 25 thousand lessons in his life.

A student attends almost 10 thousand lessons in 10 years.

All the most important for the student is done in the classroom. Let us turn once again to the well-known quote by V.A. Sukhomlinsky:"A lesson is a mirror of the teacher's general and pedagogical culture, a measure of his intellectual wealth, an indicator of his outlook, erudition."

· A modern lesson is, first of all, a lesson in which the teacher skillfully uses all the possibilities of the student, his active mental growth, deep and meaningful assimilation of knowledge, to form his moral foundations.

· The original scientific idea of ​​the modern lesson is the idea of ​​the unity of teaching, upbringing and education.

· The general function of the lesson is the holistic formation and development of the student's personality on the basis of developing and educating education.

For comparison, let's look at history a bit: Sl.2

The education system of the 20th century went through three stages:

  1. I - school - knowledge (late 1950s and early 1960s), science developed intensively, but the school's capabilities remained the same.
  2. II - school - skills (1970s - 1980s) knowledge, skills, skills (ZUN) here is the banner of the innovators of that time. the volume of knowledge continued to grow, the acquired skills quickly became obsolete, remained unclaimed by society.
  3. III - 1990 - s of the XX century, the idea aroseadaptive school,accumulating and transmitting the experience of emotional, creative activity of the personality of students on the basis of the applicationalgorithm of action and modulation of knowledge.
  4. FOGS second generation - the basis for the modernization of education

A distinctive feature of the new standard is the transition in education to a strategy of social design and construction based on a system-activity approach and giving the educational process an educational function.

  1. a change in the basic paradigm of education from “knowledge” to a system-activity one, which determines the shift of emphasis in education from studying the foundations of sciences to the development of universal educational activities based on the educational foundations of sciences.
  2. in the former system of education, the subject orientation, ZUNs (knowledge, skills and abilities) was decisive. In the new paradigm - a competency-based approach, that is, the main thing is the personal result
  3. Let me remind you DC4

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Art. 14 reads


According to the developers of the new educational standard, its key difference from previous developments is fixed by the term “the fundamental core of the content of general education”.

The fundamental core determines the amount of knowledge that a school graduate should master, but does not distribute the proposed content for specific subjects and levels of education.

The system-activity approach is based on the idea of ​​personality development through the formation of universal educational activities that act as the basis of the educational and upbringing process.

DC 6 Concept activity method

A method of teaching in which the child does not receive knowledge in a finished form, but obtains it himself in the process of his own educational and cognitive activity.

The principle of this method is that when you act, you learn.

DC 7

  1. « universal learning activities "-provide the "ability to learn", the ability of the individual to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience, and not just the development by students of specific subject knowledge and skills within individual disciplines
  2. DC 8

So how, in fact, to build a lesson in order to implement the requirements

GEF second generation?


A lesson is a cell of the pedagogical process. In it, like the sun in a drop of water, all its sides are reflected. If not all, then a significant part of pedagogy is concentrated in the lesson.

Skatkin M.N.


The purpose of the learning processis training in various types of activities, creating conditions for the mental development of children, during which the mental and physical health of each student is protected and developed, and the quality of education is also significantly improved. Thus, we can call the modern lesson -personality development lesson.

Sl 9 in connection with the transition to a new model of teaching are changing and the tasks of the teacher, the teacher, first of all, needs to

Teacher tasks:

  1. to systematize knowledge about the activation of students' activities, accumulated in the traditional approach of teaching;
  2. see yourself, your pedagogical experience in the new system of education;
  3. move to a new way of learning in stages, at your own pace in accordance with your capabilities;
  4. ensure sufficient completeness and quality of the formation of UUD.
  5. already at the first stages of the transition to improve the quality of education in accordance with the current measuring instruments that motivate for further development;
  6. to be included in the innovation process at a level that is feasible for oneself;
  7. grow professionally and prepare for the transition to new educational standards;
  8. create conditions for improving the quality of education, upbringing of schoolchildren, intensifying their overall development.
  9. DC10
  10. educational process;
  11. faith in every child;
  12. Promoting speech development;

educational process.

  1. DC 11
  2. Types of teacher activities
  3. Social
  4. Educational and cognitive
  5. Organizational


Methods and forms of organizing work in the classroom

  1. business cooperation.
  2. individual;
  3. frontal;
  4. collective;
  5. group.
  6. DC13
  7. Criteria for the effectiveness of a modern lesson
  8. Learning through discovery
  9. self-determinationtrainee to perform one or another educational activities .
  10. Availability of discussions , characterizeddifferent points of viewon the issues under study, comparing them, searching through the discussion of the true point of view.
  11. Personal development
  12. DC 14
  13. Student's ability to design upcoming activity, be her subject
  14. Democracy, openness
  15. Simulation of vital professional difficultiesin the educational space and the search for ways to solve them.
  16. The teacher leads student along the waysubjective discovery, he manages problem - search or research activity of the student in the lesson


  1. 1. Self-determination to activity. DC16
  2. Purpose: the inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level.
  3. 2 Updating knowledge. DC 17

Purpose: ensuring the readiness of students to be included in productive learning activities, repetition of the material studied, necessary for the "discovery of new knowledge".

  1. Statement of the educational task. DC 18

Purpose: discussion of difficulties, pronunciation of the purpose of the lesson, topic.

  1. “Discovery” of new knowledge by children. DC 19

Purpose: solving the problem, discussing the project of its solution.

  1. Primary fastening. DC 20

Purpose: pronunciation of new knowledge, recording in the form of reference signals.

6 Independent independent practice of students. DC 21

Purpose: everyone for himself must draw a conclusion about what he can do.

  1. Self-control and self-assessment of results. DC 22

Purpose: everyone should draw a conclusion about what they have learned.

  1. Summing up the lesson. DC 23

Purpose: comparison of the goals set at the beginning of the work with the result obtained, summarizing the objective result of the work.

Forms of interaction in the course of educational activities: DC24

1. "Teacher-student"(used to state the problem).

2. Work in pairs - "student-student" (self-control and self-esteem).

3. group work(the process of finding a way to solve a learning problem).

  1. Intergroup interaction
  2. "Student Parents"(discussion of a particular task at home).
  3. Individual work(performing differentiated tasks based on the material covered and creative work).

DC 25 To build a new system of work and achieve high-quality results of educational activities, it is advisable to select the most effective methods and forms of its organization:

1. Use of differentiated tasks.

2. Inclusion of ICT in the educational process.

3. Using the project method.

In accordance with the changed requirements for the teacher and for modern rock, when conducting intra-school control in our educational institution, an obligatory condition is taken into account - training must be organized in such a way as to expediently lead development. DC 28

First of all, the following indicators of the teacher's mastery of modern technologies are taken into account:

  1. teaches children to define the boundaries of their knowledge, to pose a problem;
  2. teaches children to exercise control and self-assessment of their activities in accordance with the selected criteria;
  3. organizes educational cooperation of children;
  4. creates conditions for the child to build an individual trajectory of studying the subject;
  5. uses modern information technologies;
  6. organizes project and event forms of work;
  7. Organizes jointly-distributed activities of children in extracurricular activities.

Having outlined the theoretical aspect to you, as the deputy director for scientific and methodological studies, I want to note that in our educational institution almost all teachers strive to meet the new requirements for the lesson and the teacher, to help teachers, teachers' councils, seminars, master classes, open lessons, round tables, teachers of our schools speak at seminars and conferences of various levels.

Like any educational institution, we encounter difficulties on the way to the modernization of education. But we try to solve them within the framework of the educational process.

You can learn more about the structure, criteria, forms, requirements, modern lessons using the handout.

DC 29. Thank you for your attention!


Slides captions:

Lesson analysis on an activity basis

1. System-activity approach 1.1. Participation of children in goal-setting, the formulation of the personal meaning of the lesson (class) 1.2. Reflection by students of the boundaries of their knowledge - ignorance 1.3. Awareness of setting and solving educational problems by students 1.4. The solution of educational problems involves the development of the indicative basis of the educational action of the third type 1.5. Students are guided by the receipt of an educational product with diagnostically specified properties TOTAL according to paragraph 1:

2. Learning objectives 2.1. Purposeful development, consolidation, application of universal educational actions (indicate groups): - cognitive general educational - cognitive logical - communicative - regulatory - personal 2.2. Correspondence of the educational tasks being solved to the age characteristics of students, leading activities 2.3. Compliance of the educational tasks being solved with the successive sequence of the formation of the UUD vertically and horizontally 2.4. The nature of the educational activity - - individual, - collectively distributed, - in pairs, - in groups of different ages 2.5. The stages of the lesson correspond to the normative structure of the activity

3. Criteria-based assessment 3.1. Control of the solution of educational problems using criteria-based assessment 3.2. The use of tasks and questions in the apparatus of control using all groups of universal educational activities 3.3. Evaluation of subject, meta-subject and personal results of the lesson (lesson) 3.4. Combination of assessment and self-assessment 3.5. The educational product is analyzed by the teacher and students based on predetermined criteria (criteria-based assessment)

4. Content of education 4.1. Pedagogically adapted real-life situations are used, the content of a vital (eg environmental) problem (co-designing a safe educational environment) 4.2. Inclusion in the content of education not only subject information, but also ways of working in it 4.3. The content corresponds to the Fundamental core of the content of education, the Program for the development and formation of UUD, the Program for spiritual and moral development, the Program for the socialization and education of the individual 4.4. The sources of the content of education are not limited to science, but include fragments of various structural elements of culture 4.5. There is an element of integration (scientific, humanitarian, technical)

5. Education 5.1. The tasks of forming an ecological culture based on national values ​​of citizenship, interethnic tolerance, health, environmental quality are set and solved. 5.2. Educational tasks have a regional and personal orientation 5.3. Psychological climate of the lesson, teacher-student contacts: - comfort - tension - cooperation - authoritarianism - individual - frontal - small groups of interaction - overcoming negative attitudes towards individual students - teacher's speech culture - culture of non-verbal communication

5.4. Psychological climate, student-student contacts: - cooperation - rivalry - friendliness - hostility - interest - indifference - activity - passivity - culture of verbal communication - culture of non-verbal communication 5.5. Correspondence of the educational tasks to be solved: - personal experience of socialization and self-determination; - individual opportunities (creating situations of success)

Enter the results of scoring for each item in the diagram: Theory of learning activities Learning tasks Criteria-based assessment The content of education Upbringing


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Methodological workshop

"Modern lesson-lesson of personality development"

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Art. fourteen

The desire to learn is inherent in the very nature of man - this is the thesis from which it is necessary to build on when organizing training.

P. Shchedrovitsky

Criteria for the effectiveness of a modern lesson:

  1. Learning through discovery
  2. Self-determination of the student to perform this or that educational activity.
  3. The presence of discussions characterized by different points of view on the issues under study, comparing them, searching through the discussion of the true point of view.
  4. Personal development
  1. The ability of the student to design the upcoming activity, to be its subject
  2. Democracy, openness
  3. Modeling vital professional difficulties in the educational space and finding ways to solve them.

The teacher leads the student along the path of subjective discovery, he manages the problem-search or research activities of the student in the lesson

The system-activity method is the conceptual basis of the new standard of education.
The concept of DM:

A method of teaching in which the child does not receive knowledge in a finished form, butextracts them himself in the process of his own educational and cognitive activity.

The principle of this method is that when you act, you learn.

The structure of the lesson using the activity method:

1. Motivation (self-determination) for learning activities.

2. Actualization and fixation of individual difficulties

In trial operation.

3. Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty.

4. Building a project to get out of the difficulty.

5. Implementation of the constructed project.

6. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

8. Inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition.

9. Reflection of educational activity.

The principles of the teacher's activity in the conditions of the implementation of the activity approach in teaching:

  1. revision of the scheme and requirements for the modern lesson;
  2. change in the psychological conditions of learning;
  3. creating an atmosphere of kindness and mutual assistance between children;
  4. creation of psychological comfort;
  5. equality of all participants in the educational process;
  6. voluntary involvement of children in activities;
  7. opportunity for students to make mistakes

educational process;

  1. faith in every child;
  2. promote speech development;
  3. maximum focus on creativity

educational process.



Social - an activity that contributes to the child's awareness of himself in the surrounding reality, developing self-education skills.

Educational and cognitive

Educational and cognitive - activities aimed at mastering knowledge, developing cognitive processes.


Organizational - the development of communication skills, the formation of common values ​​of the team, the development of the moral qualities of the child.

Methods and forms of organization

  1. collective, intergroup interaction;
  2. business cooperation.
  3. individual;
  4. frontal;
  5. collective;
  6. group.

Rules for every day that will help the teacher:

- I am not a source of knowledge in the lesson - I am the organizer of the lesson and the assistant to the guys;

The child must know why he needs it, i.e. the objectives of the lesson must be formulated in the lesson together with the children, and these goals are in the sphere of interests of the child;

Eliminated the words “wrong answer”, “wrong”, etc. from my vocabulary. Instead, constantly addressing everyone, I propose to discuss: "What do you think ...", "I think that ..., but maybe I'm wrong ...".

No monologues in class! Only dialogue, alive, in which everyone participates.

At each lesson - work in groups: pairs, fours, large groups. We learn to communicate, argue, defend our opinion, ask for help or offer it.

The most important thing is my emotional state. I know how to manage my emotions and teach this to children.

If after my lesson the child has no questions left, he has nothing to talk about with his comrades or with me, he doesn’t want to tell anything to those who were not with him at the lesson - that means, even if the lesson was good from my point of view, then he left no trace on the child.

1 Techniques of statistical-economic and monographic methods (based on specific situations):

Average and relative values;

Regression-correlation and dispersion analysis;

Complex functional analysis;

Summation of relative indicators, etc.

2 Balance and economic-mathematical methods (based on specific situations):

Analysis of the initial level of the phenomenon and process;

Balance coefficients of interconnection;

Acceptance of balance models;

System-normative reception, etc.

Chapter 7. The problem of scientific research and its relevance

Research work begins with the choice of an objective area of ​​research, i.e. that sphere of reality (in our case, economic) in which important problems that need to be resolved have accumulated. The choice of an objective area is determined by such objective factors as significance, the presence of unresolved problems, novelty and prospects, and subjective ones: education, life experience, interests of the researcher, etc. The research topic itself should contain a problem. The essence of the problem is the contradiction between the established facts and their theoretical understanding, between different explanations, interpretations of facts. The problem should be relevant, reflect the new that enters or should enter into life. The correct formulation of the problem is the key to the success of scientific research.

The main directions of the characteristics of the relevance of the study are as follows:

The chosen topic has not been fully studied and it is necessary to overcome this problem;

Based on the data obtained in the study, it is possible to solve certain practical problems. Relevance in relation to scientific work lies in the belief that such work has not been performed before.

The topic should reflect progress in comparison with previous work, published results of scientific research on this issue.

The wording of the topic is intended to reflect its content. It should be clear that it has a meaningful beginning, a direction, a target.

In a brief formulation of the topic, it is necessary to achieve the highest possible level of objectivity and specificity, obvious, despite the wordiness of the title.

The title of the topic should be given modernity, so that it does not smell of archaisms, the frontiers already passed in science.

It is advisable to refer to the catalog of dissertations already defended in scientific libraries and use the relevant Internet resources.

It is worth paying attention to related fields of knowledge: often at the junction of two scientific disciplines, you can find topics that have research prospects (economics and sociology; economics and psychology, etc.).

It is useful to view scientific periodicals, special editions in their scientific specialty.

The methodological perspective of considering the problem is also important. A change of perspective, a new angle of view - this is already a topic of scientific development. Attention should be paid to the possibility of using "foreign" methods used in related fields in relation to the study of "one's own" field of knowledge. It can also be useful to review known scientific solutions with the help of new methods, from new theoretical positions.

Taking as a basis the saying of Isaac Newton: “In the study of sciences, examples are more useful than rules,” let us dwell on practical examples of formulating scientific research problems and their relevance.

Projects - winners of the regional competition of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation "Central Russia: past, present, future"

Strategy for the integrated development of rural areas in the region (based on the materials of the Kaluga region) No. 08 - 02 - 59208, a / C, 2008.

The scientific problem to be solved by the project. In the course of the agrarian reform, radical socio-economic transformations took place in the domestic agro-industrial complex. However, unfavorable macroeconomic conditions in the country, price disparity, inflation, reduction of state financial support and commodity expansion of food exports, unsatisfactory adaptation of government bodies and a significant part of agricultural producers to market economic conditions neutralized the positive results of the agrarian reform.

Over the past 15 years, 3.5 million people have left the village and the accelerated population decline continues. As well as the disposal of arable land from agricultural circulation. Already now 40 million hectares of land are not cultivated, which is comparable with the territory of Germany.

At the same time, over the past 15 years, the volume of milk imports in Russia has doubled, and the level of consumption of dairy products has been almost halved.

At the same time, Russia has objective factors of agricultural production. These include, first of all, a sufficient amount of land resources. But there are problems with the availability of competent management personnel, labor resources, and equipment that does not allow efficient use of available land resources.

With a sufficiently high proportion of people employed in agriculture, the quality of agricultural labor resources is far from the norm. A significant part of the agricultural population consists of people of retirement age. The level of education is lower than in the industrial sector. There is no proper motivation to work. There is a significant shortage of investments and qualified managers in the countryside. All this is a consequence of the incompleteness of the economic reform in the countryside, the conservation in many regions of obsolete forms of ownership and the organization of rural labor.

It is required to develop and adopt policy documents that could become a really working tool for the regional development of rural areas. It is necessary to systematize design and software developments in order to give programs for the socio-economic development of rural areas a comprehensive focus with a perspective of 15-20 years.

The problem under study is topical, complex and interdisciplinary in nature, located at the intersection of economics, sociology, strategic planning and quality management of educational services and products, modeling of social objects, system analysis and forecasting.

The market is faced with the need to develop a policy that ensures integrated and sustainable development in the face of a gradual deterioration in the determining parameters of the functioning of the agro-industrial complex, which forms the basis of the rural economy.

The creation of a multi-sector socially oriented rural economy will help increase the growth rate of real incomes of the population, as well as smooth out sectoral and spatial disproportions in the development of the region.

Policy of socio-economic partnership of the state and cooperation No. 08 - 02 - 59217, a / C, 2008.

The scientific problem to be solved by the project. To build an effective economic system in Russia, it is necessary to create institutions adequate to the current level of economic development, taking into account the historically established traditions and rules of economic activity. The transition from a centrally controlled economic system to a market one objectively forms the prerequisites for the development of cooperative institutional forms.

The theory and practice of pre-revolutionary Russia, countries with a developed market economy testify to the great possibilities of cooperative associations based on mutual assistance, self-government, the development of economic democracy and initiative.

Today in Russia, in order to overcome the difficult socio-economic situation in the countryside, cooperative principles are of exceptional importance.

Particularly relevant is the problem of lending to producers and residents of rural areas.

The withdrawal of the industry from the crisis, strengthening food security, the transition to sustainable socio-economic development require a review of the role of the state and local government in creating an integral system of economic regulation, including the formation of a multi-subject credit and financial system.

The credit and financial system occupies a strategic position. This is determined by its goals, functions, as well as the impact on other systems. Any failure in its functioning affects the interests of all economic entities, rural residents, and can lead to destabilization of economic, social and other spheres of public life.

The formation of a system of rural credit cooperation should be considered as one of the most important areas for reforming the financial and credit mechanism in the agro-industrial complex.

The creation of a system of credit cooperatives is considered today as the most important component in the implementation of the Priority National Project "Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex".

The process of development of credit cooperation in the region requires the development of an adequate system of scientific and educational services.

The urgency of the problem. The stable and efficient operation of existing and newly created cooperatives is largely due to the level of qualification of managers and specialist staff. For the successful development of agricultural consumer cooperation, continuous training and advanced training of the following target groups is necessary: ​​state and municipal employees responsible for regulating activities and supporting the cooperative movement; farmers, owners of household plots, rural entrepreneurs; cooperative workers, etc.

It is required to develop educational and methodological materials, training programs, plans for training seminars, to determine the composition of teachers with the involvement of both representatives of educational and scientific institutions, and practitioners.

It is necessary to give systematized scientific knowledge, objective ideas about the historical development of credit cooperation, to reveal its role as an essential component of market relations, the basic principles and mechanisms of its functioning.

Russian cooperation itself needs a medium- and long-term strategy. It can be stated in the concept of sustainable development of the cooperative economy, which can be considered and approved by the authorities of the Russian Federation. The basis of such a strategy will be the policy of economic partnership between the state and cooperation.

Strategy of regional economic security (experience of the Kaluga region) No. 08-02-59217, a / C, 2008.

The scientific problem to be solved by the project. The concept of "economic security" is relatively new in the lexicon of Russian economic management bodies, but well known in the practice of management structures in Western countries. Economic security is a state of protection from negative impacts and harm to economic activity. It is customary to distinguish between the following levels of economic security: international, national, local (regional) and private (enterprises and individuals).

Local economic security is characterized by the economic security of the region (subject of the federation). Almost all regions face many acute and complex problems - economic, social, environmental, etc. The most important of them include

economic reintegration of regions, regional monopoly, regional economic crises, etc.

It is necessary to dwell on the key problem associated with the formation of new market relations, namely: development trends and assessment of the state of the Kaluga region economy sector.

The urgency of the problem. Among the regional aspects, the following problems are of primary importance: separatism, leading to the destruction of the existing socio-economic space; development of depressed areas; formation of new poles and regional centers of growth.

Regions must independently decide on the development and use of natural resources, the development of trade, the service sector, infrastructure, the use of real estate, maintaining law and order, the development of culture, education and healthcare.

Small forms of management in the implementation of the tasks of socio-economic development of rural areas No. 09 - 02-59227, a / C, 2009.

The scientific problem to be solved by the project. Today, 32% of the country's population lives in rural areas and every ninth representative of the economically active population works in agriculture. In the last seven years, small businesses have increased the production of grain and sunflower seeds by more than three times, potatoes by four times, and sugar beets by five times. Huge potential for small business development lies in the social sphere of the village. This area has the potential to create thousands of new jobs.

According to analysts of the National Institute for System Research of Entrepreneurship Problems, the productivity of small farms in our country is one and a half times higher than that of large agricultural enterprises.

For the regional economy, solving the problems of creating and developing small forms of management in rural areas is of particular importance. Attractive features of small businesses are: short payback periods for investments directed here; ability to adapt to changing demand; operational use of the results of scientific and technological achievements and discoveries; creation of new jobs; improving the standard of living in villages.

Small businesses need clear and transparent schemes of state preferences both within the framework of the Law on Small Business and under the state program for the development of the country's agro-complex.

To support and stimulate small businesses in the territories of rural municipalities, a stable sustainable environment should be formed, which requires a programmatic approach, a constant dialogue between business, government and science, and the development of support infrastructure; coordination of actions of all interested parties. A research project is devoted to solving the problems of improving the mechanism for supporting and stimulating small forms of business.

The urgency of the problem. In modern conditions, the problem of the transition of rural areas to sustainable development and the development of the main directions of this process are especially relevant.

Solving the problems of stable functioning of rural areas largely determines the well-being of the rural population. Small forms of management play an important role in the economy of municipalities, involving free labor resources in various types of business activities, thereby creating conditions for the further development of the economy.

It is necessary to define a list of problems that need to be dealt with as a matter of priority, taking into account the fact that in 2009 the regions will have the right to carry out the reform of local self-government at their own discretion.

Socio - economic efficiency of state support for the development of the regional system of cooperative services No. 09 - 02 - 59218, a / C, 2009.

The scientific problem to be solved by the project. The implementation of priority national projects has accelerated the creation of regional systems of cooperative services, but the pace of their formation varies significantly across the regions of the country. In the Volgograd, Vologda, Voronezh, Kaluga, Moscow, Perm, Saratov, Tomsk, and Yaroslavl Regions, very useful experience has been accumulated in the active development of the system of cooperatives, but many regions are still far behind in this respect.

At the same time, the economic and legal foundations for the formation of a regional system of cooperative services remain insufficiently developed. It is necessary to analyze the features of their economic activity in the conditions of specific regions. The problems of staffing and information support of cooperatives have not been resolved, the issues of the impact of cooperation on the stability of the regional economy in the context of the implementation of the strategy of economic partnership of the state and cooperation remain poorly studied.

It is necessary to raise the level of theoretical substantiation of the process of forming a regional system of cooperative services. The debatable nature of the problem and its undoubted relevance determined the choice of the topic.

The urgency of the problem. In the context of the formation of a market agrarian economy in Russia with the predominance of private forms of management and the revival of cooperation, the scientific substantiation of the ongoing processes, taking into account new socio-economic realities, becomes an urgent need. At present, individual elements of the cooperation system, its financial structure and support infrastructure have been formed in the regions of Russia, and interaction between the elements included in the regional system of cooperative services has also been established. The implementation of priority national projects contributes to the further development of these services, but new problems arise that require in-depth scientific justification.

The regional system of cooperative services, in accordance with the concept of national projects, should become an infrastructure of intermediaries that will ensure the highly effective use of the possibilities of such partnerships to solve the socio-economic problems of the regions.

Development of the labor (intellectual) potential of the region on the basis of scientific and educational centers No. 09 - 02 - 59207, a / C, 2009.

The scientific problem to be solved by the project. The stability of the knowledge economy is ensured by the monopolization of the production of knowledge as an economic resource, which is formed by two components: knowledge itself, scientific research and its results, prototypes of products, technologies, software, etc., and their generators and carriers. The latter are the product of education. Therefore, by all possible measures it is necessary to develop vocational education in the regions, primarily higher education.

According to experts, most of the universities existing today in Russia are not competitive (according to experts, about 150 universities can be recognized as really competitive, which is 15-20% of the total). The real solution to the problem, according to the country's leadership (Yu. Medvedev, A. Fursenko) and specialists (expressed in the Concept), may be the formation of a network of scientific and educational centers that combine research institutes and universities.

The radical economic and political transformations of recent years have significantly strengthened the role of the regions as constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the development of production and the social sphere, ensuring an improvement in the quality of life of the population.

In modern conditions, such development cannot be effectively carried out without relying on the creation and widespread use of advanced achievements of science and technology, without an economically innovative type.

The Kaluga region occupies one of the leading places in terms of scientific potential in the Central Federal District. The scientific and technical complex includes about 40 large scientific organizations. They employ over 14 thousand people. Developments in nuclear energy, space technology, new materials and chemical products, ecology, radio equipment and instrumentation create the basis for the development of science-intensive industries.

At the same time, it is alarming that a small number of graduate students and students, in comparison with the number of doctors and candidates of sciences, take part in fundamental research, because fundamental research is the generation of new knowledge, and this is the main function of state research centers and higher education. Unfortunately, the higher school of the Kaluga region is not concerned with the development of research activities and the training of young scientists.

The implementation of the concept of formation of scientific and educational centers should contribute to overcoming the problem area in the development of the region's intellectual (labor) potential.

The urgency of the problem. The labor (intellectual) potential of the region is determined by the level of education of the population and the provision of the production sector of the economy, the social sphere and the management of highly qualified personnel. In the Kaluga region, the situation with qualified personnel necessary for the successful active innovative development of the region's economy remains difficult.

The population of the region is declining. Many specialists (especially young ones) prefer to leave for work in Moscow and St. Petersburg and other cities. The quality of training of specialists causes concern. All these and a number of other problems must be solved in a complex by regional educational institutions, scientific organizations, enterprises with their production, intellectual, financial and other resources.

The development of a theoretical and methodological base and practical recommendations for the implementation of the concept of creating scientific and educational centers in the Kaluga region will contribute to solving the problem, both in a particular region and in other regions of the Central Federal District.

Innovative activity for the modernization of enterprises of the machine-building complex of the region No. 09 - 02 - 59228, a / C, 2009.

The scientific problem to be solved by the project. The transition to an innovative development path implies a significant change in the mechanisms and structure of economic growth in industries. According to the government's Concept of Socio-Economic Development, by 2020 "the share of industrial enterprises implementing technological innovations should increase to 40-50% (2005 - 9.3%), the share of innovative products in industrial output - up to 25-35% (2005 - 2.5%), the share of the high-tech sector and the knowledge economy in GDP should be at least 17-20% (2006 - 10.5%)”. A positive reaction of the institutions of market self-organization depends on the constructive policy of the state using a set of the following tools. Budget and taxes, money supply, regulation of prices and foreign economic activity, antimonopoly policy, etc. Thus, a large-scale rise in energy prices can lead to the ruin of enterprises in the machine-building complex, since the energy intensity of domestic products is much higher compared to competitors.

To promptly solve the problem of modernization of machine-building enterprises, it is necessary to develop comprehensive methods for assessing the effectiveness of innovative technologies, as well as their impact on the activities of enterprises in the machine-building complex of the region.

The urgency of the problem. The number of enterprises of the machine-building complex producing a new or significantly modified product should increase significantly. Competition, in turn, will force manufacturers to apply more and more new technologies, improving the quality of their activities. Currently, according to the European Statistical Office and Rosstat, Russia ranks 14th in terms of spending on science - 1.07%, and in the ranking of countries in terms of the share of industrial enterprises implementing innovations, our country is in the last 30th position. In terms of the contribution to the aggregate growth rate of investment in fixed capital in 2007, the share of the machine-building complex amounted to 3.1% with an increase of 0.5 points compared to the year before last. According to the leadership of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade: "the volume of investments in this area is insufficient to solve the strategic tasks of development."

The Kaluga region is an example of an industrial region with a dominant position of manufacturing industries - 90% of the total industrial production.

The basis of the industrial complex of the region is the machine-building complex.

Of the most important types of engineering products, steam turbines, shunting diesel locomotives, machines for the construction and repair of railways, automotive electrical equipment, steel pipes, and cars are currently being produced. It is required to modernize the enterprises of the machine-building complex based on the formation of an effective management system, taking into account the innovative nature of development.

Regional policy for stimulating the development of small business No. 09 - 02 - 59217, a / C, 2009.

The scientific problem to be solved by the project. Today, the successful development of entrepreneurial activity in the field of small business depends on state support in various forms. Structural restructuring of production, raising its technical level, implementation of major socio-economic programs in order to build a highly efficient innovative socially oriented economy in the regions is impossible without the development of a science-based policy to stimulate small businesses. On the territory of the Kaluga region, a unified policy is being pursued aimed at supporting small businesses. A number of development programs are being implemented in the region, in which entrepreneurship is both one of the main factors of implementation and the object of action.

The total volume of investments in the fixed capital of small enterprises in 2007 is estimated at 2.4 billion rubles, or 107% of the previous year in actual prices. According to the results of a comprehensive analysis of the state of small business in 2007, the Kaluga Region ranked fifth among the regions included in the Central Federal District and twelfth among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Dissemination of positive experience can be useful for other regions.

At the same time, existing approaches do not take into account the totality of the relationship between the external and internal environment when using various organizational and legal forms of small business. Inter-municipal infrastructure for providing financial and other support has not been formed; a mechanism for simplified access to financial and material resources has not been developed; there is no effective system of information and personnel support for small businesses; improvement of the regulatory and legal framework is required.

The urgency of the problem. Solving the problems of sustainable, integrated development of the territories of the regions and improving the well-being of the population of Russia requires identifying strategic means that can prevent the transformation of our economy into a resource-based and extractive economy and ensure the development of production, investment and innovation by increasing the consumption of the population based on the growth of real incomes. The increase in real incomes of the population is designed to balance social integration, ensure the protection of socially vulnerable sections of society and increase the motivation for labor activity.

All over the world, there is a transition to an information-industrial society with a high level of human capital, generating high technologies, scientific ideas and developing through intellect, creativity, and freedom.

Small business, as world practice shows, occupies one of the first places in the ranking of economic priorities. Small business can help in solving a number of socio-cultural problems and realizing the main values: individual freedom, justice, protecting the dignity of a person and his property, in creating a democratic society, in developing local self-government, in forming a "middle class" - the guarantor of socio-economic stability .

Small business in Russia lags far behind developed countries in terms of its role in the development of the economy and solving the social problems of the regions.

The state and pace of development of small business in the regions of Russia do not meet the needs of a market economy, do not correspond to the entrepreneurial potential.

Using the potential of small business can give the regional economy flexibility, agility, mobility, which will ultimately contribute to the modernization of the economy, increase efficiency and competitiveness, and lead to specific changes in civil society.

Strategy for the formation of the material and technical base of rural tourism in the Kaluga region No. 10 02-54611, a / C, 2010.

The scientific problem to be solved by the project. One of the promising types of economic activity that contributes to the sustainable development of rural areas of Russian regions, according to Russian and foreign experts, is tourism. The pace of development of rural tourism in the Kaluga region is much lower than the national one. In the future, this situation may lead to an increase in the gap between the region and the regions that are leaders in tourism. The Kaluga region has unique tourist and recreational resources. With a rich resource base, location in close proximity to megacities, the region's share in the Russian (not to mention international) tourism market is insignificant. The main factor hindering the development of tourism activities in rural areas is the lack of the necessary material and technical base that provides conditions for the exploitation of resources. There are no modern comprehensive studies on the strategy for the formation and management of the material and technical base of rural tourism.

The urgency of the problem. There was a need to conduct research in this area, study the features of this activity, develop theoretical and methodological aspects and program recommendations. The issues of the concept of the material and technical base of rural tourism, the means and methods of formation and management, the hierarchy of formation and the principles of its development require study. In a theoretical aspect, the relevance of the research topic is due to the lack of a systematic analysis and generalization of domestic and foreign experience accumulated in this area, which significantly affects the development of tourism activities in the regions of Russia and the effectiveness of the formation and use of the material and technical base. From the point of view of practice, the choice of this area of ​​research is associated with the urgent need to develop a set of specific proposals aimed at the formation and development of the material and technical base of rural tourism. A special place in the study will be given to the creation of a network of guest houses that allow the development of tourist stays in rural areas, to meet the requirements and needs of rural tourism. For example, the experience of the national network of guest houses in France will be used. Guest houses in France are an essential element of rural tourism. Having united in the National Federation more than 50 years ago, they pursue the following goals: development of tourist stays in rural areas; promoting the valorization and conservation of the rural population and the rural environment; helping to create a guest house and thus participating in local development; helping villagers to generate additional income through the sale of stays in guest houses, and thus contribute to the preservation of life in the villages.

Sources of financing of anti-crisis measures in the region: optimization of the budget structure No. 10 - 02-54615, a / C, 2010.

The scientific problem to be solved by the project. In scientific publications of a number of leading economists, there is an increasing assertion that state institutions are one of the main resources for development. Therefore, measures and investments aimed at the development of state institutions, aimed at reducing corruption, protecting private property rights, improving the business climate, should be the highest priority in the activities of state authorities to regulate the economy. Improving the quality of public administration has a positive effect on the economy as a whole, stimulates the development of private entrepreneurship, and creates the necessary prerequisites for the transition to an innovative model of economic development. At the same time, it was revealed that an increase in public spending has a positive effect up to a certain level (until the country reaches the mark of $ 3,400 GDP per capita). With a higher level of development, their further build-up begins to restrain economic growth. The global financial and economic crisis has made adjustments to the budgetary policy of the state. President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev, in his budget message for 2010-2012, emphasized a number of fundamental provisions of modern budget policy. First of all: about the need to move to a regime of austerity of budgetary funds and establish responsibility for inefficient spending of funds at each level. Further: the need to reduce the budget deficit, optimize forms of support for the real sector of the economy and the financial system, fundamentally improve the mechanism of public procurement, etc. Solving the problems of forming a modern regional budgetary policy that is adequate to the formulated conditions is an extremely relevant and timely task.

The urgency of the problem. In previous years, the leadership of the Kaluga region set the task of becoming a self-sufficient region capable of ensuring its financial self-sufficiency and independence. Since 2000, the proportion of federal subsidies for equalizing budgetary security has decreased from 23% to 9%. By 2010, it was planned to solve the set task to become one of the donor regions. This would be possible due to the fact that there were qualitative changes in the economy and, above all, in industry. Thanks to the active investment policy that was carried out in the region, the industry had one of the highest growth rates of production in Russia. In 2007, more than 26 billion rubles were allocated for the development of the economy and the social sphere. This is more than the volume of the entire consolidated budget. The volume of foreign investments amounted to 381 million US dollars. The world's largest, European and domestic companies are increasingly joining the circle of investors. One of the key commitments made in 2007 was to increase the volume of regional budget revenues by 50%. This task has been completed. In 2007, regional budget revenues amounted to 19.1 billion rubles, while the consolidated budget increased by 43% and reached 25.7 billion rubles. Every fifth ruble earned was directed to gasification, construction of roads, bridges, equipping industrial parks and areas of mass housing development with engineering infrastructure, strengthening the material base of healthcare, education, culture and sports institutions.

At the same time, despite the positive macroeconomic dynamics of recent years, a genuine, deep modernization of all spheres of life has not yet occurred, and the negative phenomena associated with the crisis, the implementation of budget policy in the face of uncertainty, required the implementation of an austerity regime. Regional authorities need to ensure the fulfillment of social obligations, improve the quality of services provided to citizens, determine an economically justified level of tax burden, and take other anti-crisis measures.

Dissertations for the degree of candidate of economic sciences, defended in the period 2008 - 2100.

Specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy.

Regional economy.

State support for the regional system of cooperative services.

Relevance of the research topic. In the context of the formation of a market agrarian economy in Russia with the predominance of private forms of management and the revival of cooperation, the scientific substantiation of the ongoing processes, taking into account new socio-economic realities, becomes an urgent need. At present, individual elements of the cooperation system, its financial structure and support infrastructure have been formed in the regions of Russia, and interaction between the elements included in the regional system of cooperative services has also been established. The implementation of priority national projects contributes to the further development of these services, but new problems arise that require in-depth scientific justification.

An analysis of the process of formation of a regional system of cooperative services indicates that, in addition to unfavorable macroeconomic conditions, a low level of legal and economic knowledge of the participants in cooperation, an undeveloped system of special cooperative education, weak state, municipal and public support for the formation of cooperative activities.

The development of the regional system of cooperative services is hampered, on the one hand, by the imperfect legal and informational support of this process, and, on the other hand, by the lack of qualified personnel to work in cooperatives. The formation of special knowledge on the creation and development of cooperatives is intended to contribute to the dynamic and effective development of the regional system of cooperative services. It is necessary to implement a strategy for the sustainable development of a cooperative economy based on the economic partnership of the state and cooperation and the creation of a network of cooperative organizations.

The regional system of cooperative services, in accordance with the concept of national projects, should become an infrastructure of intermediaries that will ensure the highly effective use of the possibilities of such partnerships to solve the socio-economic problems of the regions. There is a need to create a system of cooperative banks that could become institutions regenerating, controlling and lending to cooperative organizations, coordinating the work of cooperatives of various types.

The implementation of priority national projects has accelerated the creation of regional systems of cooperative services, but the pace of their formation varies significantly across the regions of the country. In the Volgograd, Vologda, Voronezh, Kaluga, Moscow, Perm, Saratov, Tomsk, and Yaroslavl Regions, very useful experience has been accumulated in the active development of the system of cooperatives, but many regions are still far behind in this respect.

Services sector.

Strategy for the development of a network of agricultural consumer cooperatives.

Relevance of the research topic. As a result of the agrarian reform in Russia, a multistructural structure has really developed, which is historically inherent in the Russian village.

It is unlawful to oppose large agricultural organizations to peasant (farm) households and household farms, giants of the food and processing industry - to small and medium-sized enterprises.

All of them constitute a single system of the agro-industrial complex of Russia and should equally receive state support.

An analysis of the research data shows that in 2008 in Russia there were about 2,000 farms that belong to large businesses, up to five thousand - to the average, more than thirty thousand by the number of employees fall into the category of small businesses. This also includes all small forms of management: peasant (farm), individual entrepreneurs, personal subsidiary and other households that are in dire need of service systems and mechanisms.

The topic of the study is extremely relevant, since small and medium-sized businesses especially need sales, supply, financing, etc. systems that would take into account the needs and specifics of their development. Further modernization and growth of production in these sectors, increasing employment and incomes of the rural population, smoothing out social tensions in the countryside is impossible without the development of agricultural consumer cooperation, based on significant support from the state.

Economic security.

Strategy for increasing the economic security of the region.

Relevance of the research topic. In the rapidly changing conditions of the modern economy, the ability to ensure the security of the country from the impact of internal and external threats determines the level of its competitiveness and the dynamics of socio-economic development. The global crisis phenomena in the production, food, energy, financial and other spheres force us to pay special attention to such a concept as economic security. Today, it is considered mainly from the standpoint of the national economy, while the regional component has not been fully studied.

Regional security has a clearly defined specificity. This is due to a combination of various unique conditions: geographical location, climate, degree of provision with natural resources, population, infrastructure development, etc.

Identification and neutralization of threats and crisis situations at the regional level can significantly reduce the risk of global threats to national security. Recently, a number of regulatory and legal acts on security issues have been adopted at the federal and regional levels, but their implementation has not yet brought the expected results. Existing strategies for improving the economic security of the regions need new methods, mechanisms and tools that are adequate to modern economic conditions.

The relevance and practical significance of the problem under consideration, as well as the insufficiency of its methodological elaboration, led to the choice of the topic of the dissertation work, setting the goal and objectives of the study.

Agro-industrial complex and agriculture.

Improving the competitiveness of products of processing enterprises of the agro-industrial complex (on the materials of the Kaluga region).

Relevance of the research topic. Increasing the level of competitiveness of enterprises of any form of ownership, optimizing their functioning, efficiency in a market environment is a fundamental problem of the modern economy. The quality of reproduction processes, the profitability of enterprises, their adaptation to market conditions and subsequent economic growth largely depend on its solution.

The course taken by the state to increase the competitiveness of the national economy dictates the need for a new management system both at the level of the Russian Federation as a whole and at the level of individual industries and enterprises. In modern conditions, the priority tasks of enterprises are to ensure their competitiveness and sustainability, which involves the use of a systematic approach to management, taking into account the influence of various factors and the specifics of activities.

The urgency of the problem of development of the agro-industrial complex, increasing the competitiveness of its products is indisputable. Especially in the context of globalization and liberalization of the economy, when the competition for economic resources between economic entities is intensifying many times over.

Considering the performance indicators of the industry, the most promising and dynamically developing is the food industry.

Despite the relative growth of production efficiency indicators of food industry enterprises, there are serious problems in ensuring their competitiveness in the domestic and world markets.

One of the main problems of the industry is the lack of its own raw material base in almost all sub-sectors of the food and processing industries. This issue is most acute in the meat sub-sector. The high cost of domestic meat leads to an increase in imports, often of low-quality products, which negatively affects the development of production and food independence in Russia.

In this regard, the problem of increasing the competitiveness of meat products requires the development of scientific, methodological and practical recommendations that are adequate to modern market conditions for managing. This explains the relevance of the dissertation topic..

Pedagogical Council
schools from 30.08.2010
Protocol #1

Seminar №1


"Designing a space for support and development of gifted children in the school education system"

1. The role of the joint activity of the teacher and the school in the creation of an educational product.
(Antonenko T.A.)

2. Individualization of education as a promising model of innovative development of education.
(Baeva N.N.)

3. Creation of a system of measures aimed at the social adaptation of gifted and talented children, their targeted support.
(Svetlichnaya L.A.)

4. Innovative approaches applied to teaching gifted and talented students.
(Bulatova S.S.)

5. "Features of the system of work of the teaching staff of the MOU VSOSH with gifted children"
(Benda L.A.)

Seminar №2

10.01. 2011

"Our New School Teacher":
personal qualities and professional and pedagogical competencies"

1. Personal qualities and professional-pedagogical competencies of a teacher when working with gifted children.
(Sivolobova T.V.)

2. Professional and personal qualities of a teacher in the cultural concept of personality-oriented education.
(Nedbaeva P.P.)

3. Standards of professional pedagogical skill of the teacher.
(Antonenko T.A.)

4. Educational area "technology" in the context of the objectives of the national educational initiative "Our New School"
(Rogachev A.N.)

5. Upbringing and additional education in the context of the national educational initiative "Our New School"
(Benda L.A.)

6. Modern school library in the context of the national educational initiative "Our New School"
(Patrusheva N.I.)

Workshop #3


« A space for co-creation between a teacher and a child, providing innovative content of education”

1. The space of co-creation of the teacher and the child, providing the innovative content of philological education.
(Iskhakova R.R.).

2. Formation of creativity of schoolchildren by means of extracurricular activities in the Russian language and literature (Vekovishcheva M.I.)

3. Circle work as a way to improve young talents.
(Bulatova S.S.).

4. Continuity of preschool and primary education in the context of co-creation of a teacher and a child.
(Apryshenko T.A.)

5. "Designing a space for targeted support and development of gifted children in the regional education system."
(Svetlichnaya L.A.)

Seminar №4

25. 04.11

"Modern educational technologies for the development of research, creative and other abilities of schoolchildren"

1. Innovative technologies for the development of creative abilities of younger students.
(Baeva N.N.)

2. Information technologies as a means of developing giftedness and cognitive activity of schoolchildren.
(Sivolobova T.V.)

3. Research activity of students in mathematics lessons is a condition for the development of students.
(Nedbaeva P.P.)

4. Innovative technologies for the development of research abilities in teaching history and social science.
(Bulatova S.S.)

5. "Implementation of the national - regional component in extracurricular activities in the subject" technology "- a condition for the development of the creative potential of gifted and talented children (project activity)".
(Rogachev A.N.)

6. Activation of the cognitive initiative of students in physics lessons.
(Toropov N.A.)

7. Approaches and methods of using competence-based information technologies when working with gifted children.
(Iskhakova R.R.)

author unknown

Seminars play an important role in modern science. Being one of the forms of practical training, seminars allow discussing various scientific problems, developing common solutions. Seminars are often held in educational institutions to develop the basics of scientific thinking in students, the practice of defending their own scientific position. The main goal of the seminars held for students is immersion in the study of the discipline, mastering the methodology of scientific knowledge. At the seminars, students get the opportunity to practice the skills of sharing theoretical knowledge in relation to the peculiarities of the science being studied.

There are several types of seminars:
Special Seminars
Online seminars (webinars)

Thematic seminars

Thematic seminar - a seminar, the main purpose of which is to focus the attention of participants on one topical topic or on a group of issues with similar problems. At such seminars, the most important aspects of the chosen topic are discussed. In the case of a training seminar, students are required to identify in advance the most important points of the topic under discussion. If the trainees cannot highlight the main points, the teacher should do it for them. This type of seminars increase the depth of understanding of the chosen topic, helps to find a joint solution to the problem and answers to the questions raised.

Problem Seminars

This type of seminar helps to solve a certain scientific problem or range of problems. During the seminar, a problem is formulated and discussed, with a joint search for a solution.

Interdisciplinary Seminars

At interdisciplinary seminars, the topic under discussion is considered in various aspects with the application of various disciplines. At this seminar, the presence of relevant experts in the areas discussed is desirable.

Orientation Seminars

At orientation seminars, new aspects of known topics or options for solving already raised and studied issues are discussed.

Online seminars (webinars)

This type of seminars differs from all others in the form of organization. The participants of the seminar do not gather in a separate room, but discuss the topic remotely, often being in different parts of the world. The webinar is held via the Internet using special equipment, while each participant of the seminar is at his computer using special software. An important distinguishing feature when using webinars is the possibility of anonymous participation in the seminar. At the moment, the use of webinars is one of the most effective ways to collectively solve pressing problems.