How to change jobs and get a new profession. It's never too late to change your profession

Over the years, our priorities change. At the age of 20, we only dream of some kind of specialty, and at the age of 35, the position to which we have been working for so long ceases to bring pleasure. And now you are already browsing job sites and asking yourself the question: is it possible to start all over again in the middle of your career path?

The simple way is to look for yourself in related areas. For example, from a journalist to retrain as a PR manager or from accounting to go into auditing. Your existing experience, skills and connections will be useful in your new job, and new career opportunities will open up for you. It’s more difficult if you decide to completely change your qualifications, for example, from a lawyer to a florist. In such a scenario, difficulties cannot be avoided.

Are your relatives against it?

Anastasia spent 8 years pursuing a career as a lawyer. Having a good position and a solid salary, she became interested in web design. At first she mastered Photoshop and Illustrator as a hobby, and then realized that she liked studying the work of large design studios and drawing her own layouts much more than monitoring contracts and providing legal advice. Anastasia completed courses in web design, her first clients appeared - and she absolutely did not have enough time. “It became clear that we had to choose,” she says, “either continue a legal career, or leave and start from scratch. The problem is my parents. Firstly, my financial assistance is a large amount in their budget. I doubt that I will be able to help them by quitting, since my earnings will definitely decrease. Secondly, my dad is very strongly opposed to me leaving my established career and the specialty I studied at the university. I still can’t make up my mind.”

In Russia it is customary to work in one place for a long time. This stereotype is especially strong among representatives of the older generation: our parents boast that they only have one or two jobs in their working lives. It is not surprising that they find it difficult to understand people who decide to change not just their place of work, but their profession as a whole.

In principle, it is difficult to decide on changes, reminds psychologist, arts therapist, coach Ulyana Skornyakova: “Of course, there is such a thing as someone else’s opinion - colleagues, mothers, aunts, grandmothers at the entrance. At some point, a critical point comes when you need to ask yourself the question: what, in fact, do I really want? What is important and valuable to me? Am I satisfied with the life I live? Honest answers to these questions will help you figure out whether it’s worth changing your life. It may well turn out that you live to be convenient for your colleagues, mother, sister, aunt and grandmothers at the entrance, and you are quite happy with this. Then there is nothing to complain about, and the dream of changing your occupation is most likely fake. It’s another matter if you are completely tired of living someone else’s life and are determined to stop raping yourself and start a life for yourself, for your own pleasure.”

Will HR managers be suspicious?

After graduating from the institute, Evgeniy worked for five years in the social department of a government institution, working on youth programs and educational projects. After five years, he realized that he did not want to grow in this area and become an official. After resigning, Evgeniy entered the Higher School of Economics for a one-year program in digital management. My parents helped pay for the tuition. Evgeniy immediately began looking for work in the digital field. “It was not easy,” he says, “because I had no experience in this area, only interest and basic knowledge of HTML. Employers were also suspicious of my experience in the civil service and the fact that I decided to move from this field to digital. The only thing that helped me was that I applied for starting positions and accepted the assistant position.”

HR managers may react differently to a change of profession. If a person understands why he is leaving, what he will get out of it, what the pros and cons are, then this is normal and will not arouse suspicion, says Marina Nichiporenko, senior consultant at Wyser Russia. “If a person runs away from problems, having not realized himself in one area, tries to find a more comfortable and easier environment - then, of course, you experience a certain mistrust: after all, there is no guarantee that he will not fail in a new area.” Other recruiters, on the contrary, may perceive your career change with enthusiasm, because you can decide to change your profession or field of activity only if you have really strong motivation. This is what Svetlana Antonova, head of the HR department at Arasar LLC, thinks: “Such a person understands what kind of business he will like. Such people bring to the company a new perspective on established processes, work with soul, inspire their colleagues with their passion. They definitely won’t cause mistrust. The only question will be whether the candidate suits the position.”

HR managers are very familiar with situations when a person becomes disillusioned with his profession. People understand that they have become unclaimed during the crisis or with the development of technology, and set themselves the goal of acquiring a new specialty, explains Marta Godzina, consultant for the Digital & Media department of the recruiting company Hays. “This approach commands respect,” she adds. “But if a person is constantly searching for himself and is trying to change his profession for the fifth time in several years, then this is already a “ringing bell.”

Remember that if you are invited to an interview, it means that you are already being considered as a potential employee. Help recruiters finally become convinced of this.

Will your salary be lower?

If you change profession, most likely, your salary level will drop significantly at first. You will have to start from the position of an intern or assistant, warns Stanislav Korolkov, head of the Unibrains training center: “The main thing is not to think that this is a regression. Remind yourself that you came to this position for experience. And the next step will be more confident, and the position will be higher.” This next step may happen faster than you think. According to Unibrains’ experience, the fastest growth occurs in the IT sector: here, if a beginner copes with all the tasks and strives to gain even more knowledge, he can grow into a line specialist in an average of 3–6 months.

Prepare for reduced income in advance. It’s good if you have savings, but if not, weigh your needs and capabilities, advises Ulyana Skornyakova. “For example, you have a mortgage, children, or you just like to take a bath with expensive champagne every two days. Think about what cash expenses are mandatory for you, and what you cannot refuse - this will help you figure out how much money you really need, she continues. - Determine how long it will take for your new profession to begin bringing you the necessary income, and what needs to be done to increase it. When there is a clear plan to achieve the goal, fears and uncertainty will subside.”

An excellent option is to combine the desired activity with your current job. This way you will gain experience, connections and clients in a new area, while maintaining your usual level of income. This will make the transition to a new specialty less painful.

Will you have to start from scratch?

The only way to advance in a new profession as quickly as possible is to study and improve your skills. Look for schools and courses in your chosen specialty that immediately employ their graduates. Start building a portfolio as early as possible in your studies. Feel free to show off your school work.

The fact that changing a profession is downshifting is actually a myth, says Ulyana Skornyakova. “I think that understanding what you really want to do fills you with incredible enthusiasm and thirst for activity, which in a short time will lead to both promotions and salary growth,” she is sure.

Stanislav Korolkov is also sure that the main thing is the desire to achieve results. “One day a girl with many years of experience in consulting and finance came to us at Unibrains,” says Stanislav. “However, she had never interacted with the web and did not even know the basics, for example, how to clear cookies and enable incognito mode in the browser. We doubted whether to accept her for the course. But she had a great desire to start working in the digital field. She independently prepared for the entrance test, enrolled in the course, and showed one of the best results on the final exam. Now she is successfully working in a new specialty - web analytics.”

It's okay to have doubts!

If you want to change your career path but are hesitant, hesitate! This is normal, Ulyana Skornyakova is sure: “It is doubts that can shake you up emotionally to the decisive step. Use this energy to change, not to paint yourself into a corner.”

What professions will be in demand in a few years - this is the question facing millions of high school students and their parents. Not every student at the age of 15-16 is able to independently assess the prospects of the labor market, but everyone wants to get a sought-after profession. In this article we will tell you who to study after school, so that in the future you become not just another clerk, but a highly qualified and well-paid specialist.

  • 1 Professions of the future
  • 2 Tips: how to make good money today and in 10 years
  • 3 Forecast: the most in-demand professions in 2022
  • 4 Which professions will become extinct
  • 5 Changes in the labor market
  • 6 Where to go to study after school

Professions of the future

The labor market is changing very quickly, and these changes will continue. No one can say for sure what this market will look like in 10-20 years, but here are the conclusions that can be drawn based on the current situation in the world:

  1. The number of jobs will decline. This is due, firstly, to the fact that the population growth rate exceeds the economic growth rate, and secondly, to the achievements of technological progress. Look at what is happening in the world: unmanned taxis are being launched in Singapore, “Magnit” stations with automated checkout counters are being built in Krasnodar, the first Tesla drone is being tested.
    In addition, the share of online commerce is growing, when ordering goods is just a couple of mouse clicks away. As a result, there is no need to build huge stores or hire dozens of cashiers and sales assistants, which again leads to job cuts.
  1. We live in a high-tech era, and professions of the future are professions in the IT field. The humanities professions are losing badly, and in some circles there is a joke that the Pulitzer Prize for Literature will soon be won by a computer.
  2. Soon there will be mostly unskilled labor, which costs pennies, and highly qualified specialists, earning millions. The number of mid-level specialists who currently predominate will decrease- people will either improve their skills and become major league specialists in the labor market, or remain at the level of unskilled specialists.

Now let's try to answer the question, how to survive in this market?

Tips: how to make good money today and in 10 years

So, let's look at how you need to act to become a sought-after specialist and remain one for many years.

Now let's talk more specifically about the most current professions and see what new specialties may appear in the very near future.

See also video on the topic:

Forecast: the most in-demand professions of 2022

Most labor market analysts argue that there are too many lawyers in Russia now, as well as designers and psychologists, while there are not enough agronomists, doctors and engineers. More than 85% of graduates of humanitarian universities do not have the opportunity to get a job in their specialty.

What awaits us in the future and what professions will be in demand in a few years?

According to Nobel laureate Christopher Pissarides, there are only a few areas in the world in which robots will not be able to displace humans in the near future. These include:

  • education;
  • healthcare;
  • personal services;
  • real estate;
  • housekeeping.

Robotics will soon invade all areas of human activity. You may think that this is reminiscent of the plot of a science fiction film, but believe me, the future is already knocking on our doors.

When answering the question of what professions will be in demand in 5-10 years, one cannot fail to mention new specialties that, according to forecasts, should appear in the very near future.

These include:

  • airship designer;
  • cosmogeologist;
  • bioethicist;
  • IT medic;
  • robotics engineer;
  • architect of zero energy roads.

And that's not all - the full list includes 136 such professions!

This seems incredible, but let's remember how much our world has changed over the past 20 years - then people listened to music on cassette recorders, took photos on film cameras, and PCs and cell phones seemed like a luxury available only to the rich. But 20 years is quite a bit, but how far progress has come in these two decades!

But let's return from heaven to earth. Perhaps in 20 years, airship designers will be in demand, but what to do now if this is not taught anywhere yet?

There is only one conclusion: when choosing who to study after school, you need to keep in mind the upcoming changes and choose professions in related fields in order to have the necessary background and, if necessary, quickly obtain a new promising specialty.

And of course, when choosing a promising profession, you need to focus on your preferences.

Which professions will die out?

It is quite difficult to predict the “extinction” of a profession. For many years now, experts have been talking about the lack of demand for librarians, but they still continue to go to work. But despite this, the librarian profession is indeed on the endangered list.

There will also soon be fewer sellers, although they are unlikely to disappear completely. This is due to the growth of online shopping, which we already discussed above.

In addition, postmen, elevator operators and watchmen should soon disappear.

Journalists and reporters will be at risk of extinction, as well as other “sharks of the pen”, including copywriters, editors and proofreaders - the work of the former will be performed by social networks, and the duties of the latter can be automated.

The once popular secretarial assistants are also under attack - many businessmen today find it easier to hire an online assistant.

Doubles and stuntmen will “die out” and be replaced by modern web technologies. Their fate can be shared by museum workers - from ticket takers to tour guides.

And by 2030, the professions of lawyers, economists, accountants and managers (managers) may become irrelevant! Sberbank has already announced that it intends to replace no less than three thousand of its legal advisers with robots, and the Ministry of Finance proposed to reduce the number of accountants by half last fall.

In total, scientists identify more than 50 endangered professions, and among them there are specialties that are very popular today.

Changes in the labor market

Before deciding where to study after school, you need to understand what changes will occur in the labor market in a few years. We have already found out that robotics will be introduced into all areas of human life, but that’s not all.

  • Experts say that the principles of work for doctors and teachers will change, and special programs will do all the paperwork for them.
  • In addition to IT and eco-projects, the service sector will actively develop.

  • The field of online education will continue to develop. More and more people will receive postgraduate education.
  • At the same time, in some areas, it is not the diplomas that will be valued, but the specific knowledge and skills that the applicant possesses.

This is hardly a complete list of upcoming changes, but still this information will help you better navigate where our planet is heading.

Where to study after school

According to experts, in the near future the labor market will continue to demand

  • engineers;
  • doctors;
  • technical specialists;
  • chemists;
  • biologists;
  • IT specialists, programmers and computer software developers;
  • specialists in the field of tourism and hotel business;
  • ecologists;
  • nanotechnologists.

If you get one of these specialties, you will definitely not be left without a job!

As for the currently popular marketers and PR specialists, financiers and lawyers, these professions cannot be called the most promising. It is quite possible to make money in these areas, but you need to understand that competition is very high, and only high-class professionals can achieve success.

It is impossible not to note another promising area - blockchain technology is being introduced into all areas of our lives, and it has already begun to be taught in some universities, including in the Russian Federation. This is a very interesting direction that will actively develop in the coming years.

If you want to know more about blockchain technology and making money with cryptocurrencies, here are 5 proven ways to make money in this area in the coming months

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It is difficult to radically change your field of activity without significant changes in your life. In most cases, a second higher education will be paid, study will have to be combined with work, and finding a new place without experience will be much more difficult than moving along a well-trodden career path. Four Muscovites told The Village how they spent many years, many millions of rubles and many hours talking with their families to get a second profession and a new life.

Evgeniy Butler, 36 years old


By first education I am a lawyer. Specialization - civil law. I graduated from university in 2003, worked for some time in the arbitration court system, and now in a leasing company. 11 years ago I defended my PhD in jurisprudence, wrote articles, and taught civil law at universities. I was interested in this specialty. It brought and continues to bring some income. But at some point I realized: everything can be changed either now or never. I started preparing to enter medical university. I can’t say why the turning point came: probably the stars just aligned.

My family and loved ones said, “Go for it.” Some acquaintances said, well, Evgeniy will indulge a little and quit his medical studies. There were many looks from the outside, not exactly disapproving, but incomprehensible. How so? Excellent career: academic degree, university teaching, internship...

There were many looks from the outside, not exactly disapproving, but incomprehensible. How so? And an academic degree, and teaching, and a career, and practice


Becoming a dentist was my childhood dream. But after school I was unable to enter medical school. Previously, for some reason, it was believed that it was simply impossible to enter there, so at the age of 16 I lost faith and decided to go into the humanitarian field.

Thoughts about dentistry would not let me go. I have always been in awe of people who practice medicine. Even during my school years, I looked at books on medicine in the library. And when I started preparing for the entrance exams to a medical school, I bought textbooks and studied chemistry, biology, Russian and computer science for three months. I ended up passing the exams and getting into three medical schools. I chose the dental faculty of the Sechenov First Medical University, there was an evening department, and for me this was important. I started my studies on September 1, 2011.

It was difficult to combine with work, because studying at a medical university cannot be compared with a liberal arts education. Each object seems to cling to another: it is impossible to study histology without knowing anatomy. It was hard to study, but since I didn’t even have the thought of turning in the other direction, everything was a success. I tried to fit into the schedule at the university. I must pay tribute to my supervisors: they understood my dream and did everything to make me feel comfortable both studying and working.

I found reasonable prices for training. Education cost me about 150 thousand rubles a year. In addition, it was necessary to buy quite expensive textbooks. But there’s no escape: if you want to gnaw on the granite of science, invest. In the West this is considered absolutely normal.

I have been studying for six years, now the second year of residency has begun. I still work as a legal consultant. In addition, I work as a general dentist in a private clinic and am undergoing training at a state clinic as a resident doctor in the department of surgical dentistry. Of course, I understand that you can’t sit on two chairs for a long time, and no one needs that. In the future I see myself as a dentist. But I would also like to develop in jurisprudence: doctors and patients are already turning to me with legal questions in medicine. I think this is an interesting direction. Now all the talk about the frivolity of my plans is long in the past.

Communicating with patients is very different from advising clients on legal issues. A new profession has a completely different level of problems. Sometimes it's difficult for me emotionally. Recently, a girl about six years old came to me; she needed a baby tooth removed. I say: “Nastya, please tell me what you would ask the tooth fairy as a reward for your tooth?” She replied that she wanted her mother to get better quickly.

I would like to advise those people who find themselves in my situation (I think there are many of them) not to give up on their dreams. Because if the dream is real, then you can make every effort, not look for excuses and reasons why you can’t do it, but just do it.

Dmitry Vshivkov, 39 years old


I have a higher technical education, but I have tried myself in many places. He started as a sales manager, then became a commercial director and hired general director. And so on in several areas of business.

When I realized that my interest in aviation had outgrown some theoretical knowledge, I wanted to find out in practice what it was. But the process of deciding on a new profession was long. To study, it was necessary to change place of residence. Not the easiest solution.

My wife once asked, “Why do you think it’s not worth it?” I answered: “Family, daughter, we need to take care of you...” She said: “What if we weren’t there?” I replied that then I would definitely go. She says, “Then go.” This pushed me into action.

“Why do you think it’s not worth it?” I answered: “Family, daughter, we need to take care of you...” She said: “ What if we weren’t there?” I replied that then I would definitely go


I dreamed of becoming a pilot since childhood. But then, as usually happens, I grew up, goals and times changed, and I forgot about aviation. Only later, when I began to fly frequently on business trips, interest arose again: how does a plane fly, how do pilots find a route? I began to find information, read books on aerodynamics, meteorology and other disciplines. Afterwards I went to a flying club near Moscow. And after the first flight I realized that this was mine. I decided to try to enter the Krasnodar Flight School, because there were budget places there. In principle, no one, not even myself, believed that I would go on a budget. But I succeeded.

I won’t say that after family life it was easy to get used to the atmosphere of a hostel full of young guys. I went home infrequently, about once every six months. I communicated with my family by phone and via instant messengers. Looking ahead, I will say that the family broke up, but I don’t think that my decision to become a pilot is to blame.

The training lasted two years and 10 months. And during all this time I never once thought about stopping everything. I understood that I was where I should be. And now I understand that this is what I would like to do in my life.

I also had no problems with employment. I don’t see any problems in life at all: there are just obstacles that need to be overcome. It’s easier to get a job with a state education, but it all depends on your knowledge. The hiring process took almost eight months. Now I have been working as a pilot for a large airline for six months. I have no desire to change my current lifestyle. On the contrary, there is a desire to learn more, absorb knowledge and fly.

Before making this important decision, I came across people who pushed me towards it in one way or another. I learned, for example, about a guy who all his life dreamed of becoming a train driver: he graduated, started driving, and a year later returned to his old job - he realized that it was not for him. It's better to try than to regret later. But I know for sure: for me this is a dream that has become reality.

Irina Purtova, 31 years old


My parents work as lawyers, my brother is also a lawyer. And I always thought that this was a very interesting activity, so enrolling in the HSE Faculty of Law was my conscious decision.

I studied well and received a diploma with honors. At the same time, I began to have the feeling that I was out of place. But at that moment I couldn’t formulate for myself what exactly I wanted. Therefore, I finished my studies and went to work for an international law firm. She worked there for five years. The practice was interesting, the colleagues were good. Of course, I had to work a lot and sometimes it was hard. I understood that if you want to achieve something, you will have to work a lot, but I wanted the process itself to be more enjoyable.

I was planning to go to the UK to get a law degree there. Everything went according to plan, I entered, my parents helped with money, but a wise person from the outside said: “Are you going there to spend a year of your life and a lot of money to get a profession that you don’t want?” Then I decided that I would take risks.

My friend and I, who came to Britanka after medical treatment, joked: maybe we can now go to ballet school?

Graphic Designer

Around the same time, I learned about the British Higher School of Design and their evening preparatory courses. It was scary to change anything suddenly. Therefore, I continued to work, and at the same time studied courses. I decided for myself: if I understand what I can do there, then I will move seriously in this direction. It was hard: both physically and creatively. At first it seemed that some of the mechanisms responsible for creativity in me had become rusty. The first tasks were given with pain. But the more I did, the better it turned out. By the end of the year I saw results.

I decided to enroll in the first basic year at Britanka, came to work and said: “That’s it, guys.” But it is impossible to convey how difficult this decision was for me. I left when everything was good in my legal career: practice, team, and salary.

The parents were, frankly, shocked. They didn’t fully understand my impulse, but they still supported me. I explained that I was leaving stability and clarity to come to something better for myself. They said: go, it’s your life and your choice.

In the first year, the emphasis was on developing creative skills and creating a portfolio. We tried different areas of design to decide where we wanted to go: illustration, graphics or product design. Without experience, in the first year all this was quite difficult for me. But during my studies, I never once had the thought that I had made the wrong choice.

After the basic course, I completed three years of undergraduate studies. This education is very different from my first classical one, where I had to go to lectures, read books, and solve tests. There was maximum practice here: they give you the basic things, but if you need to bring your idea to life, then you have to do it yourself. I spent the money that was intended to pay for my studies in the UK to study at Britanka. It was not easy when the ruble fell and the school raised the price greatly. At this moment, my parents supported me again; without them nothing would have happened.

This September is the first in many years when I am not going anywhere to study. My friend and I, who came to Britanka after medical school, joked: maybe we should go to ballet school now? After the stressful final project, I took some time off, and now I’ve put together a portfolio and am sending it to design studios in the hope that someone will hire me. I am ready for the salary to be much lower than in a law firm. Now the right work experience and a good team are important to me.

Georgy Danelia, 31 years old


I started DJing in school, I had a passion for music. Although in early childhood I dreamed of aviation. My childhood room was a small airport with its own runway and planes.

After the army I wanted to realize myself in music. I started playing in clubs and a few years later I entered the top 100 DJs in Russia. I traveled very often: these flights refreshed my childhood dreams. I could continue DJing and fly just for myself. Moreover, there is a good example - John Travolta. Since childhood, he dreamed of aviation, but then became an actor. Now he has several planes and an airstrip adjacent to his house. I even wrote him a letter once, and he responded with a photograph with his signature.

In Russia, you can also get a private pilot’s license and fly a small airplane for your own pleasure, but every boy’s dream is to put on a uniform.

Even now, when I’m driving in a car and see a plane, I’ll definitely turn around to look. Some people even tease me: “Look, look, there’s a plane!”


Once I was flying to Turkey, and a girl was sitting next to me. We met, started talking - I found out that she works as a flight attendant. Soon she became my wife. Now we have a son, Daniel, and a common dream: my wife pushed me to become a pilot.

At first I wanted to study in the USA or Europe. It seemed much faster and easier. I had already applied to several schools, but at that moment there was a sharp jump in the euro, and the initial cost of training became simply fantastic. Then I entered the Krasnokutsk Flight School, where I have been studying for a year. In Domodedovo, when I was preparing for admission and went for a run every morning, I saw a plane taking off. It gave me strength. I immediately imagined where and what I was going to do. My wife, my one-year-old son and I began to live in an apartment next to the school. At first, the school itself was unusual: Soviet remnants are still in effect there. For example, you have to walk in formation to the cafeteria, AWOL is prohibited, and the course has tutors. Moreover, not only boys study there after school, but also adult men, there are even quite famous people.

I have a year and a half left to study, and I already have several invitations from airlines. I don’t want to make any guesses, because in our country everything is changing quickly. You still have to get a special permit, improve your English, and pass an interview.

I believe that everything has worked out harmoniously in my life. And even now, when I’m driving in a car and see a plane, I’ll definitely turn around to look. Some people even tease me: “Look, look, there’s a plane!”

If a person is an adult and makes good money, then he can forget about his dream, and the changes will seem like a change in foundations. But I receive two or three messages a day from older guys who ask questions about how to become a pilot. If a person wants to fly, he will fly anyway.

However, the older a person gets, the more difficult it is for him to decide to change. And even if the position or profession does not suit him, he may be afraid to change his usual way of life so radically. But change of profession at age– it’s possible. How to start living from scratch When you are already over 40, you will learn from this article how to deal with the fear of change.

The question of changing life orientations has gained enormous popularity in recent years. Why is this happening? We all remember the past decades - economic instability, crisis and social problems forced people to choose the most profitable job. It didn’t matter here whether she liked it or not, because every penny counted. Therefore, people of the mature generation could spend years doing things they didn’t like in order to feed themselves and their loved ones. But now times have changed. Many began to wonder, why not change their professional life, why not choose a job that could truly bring pleasure? Psychologist Elmira Davydova argues that in addition to the opportunity to choose what you love, today there is a real labor market. The Soviet mentality assumed that school graduates had the right to only one choice of profession. That is, students entered the university, immediately determining their entire future destiny. They chose a job for life. A similar situation developed in the 90s. Then people thought only about making a profit, so they went for the most prestigious specialties that would bring a good income. The 1990s saw a decline in the popularity of the humanities. After all, it was impossible to earn money after graduating from the philological, philosophical or psychological faculties. Therefore, these specialties were not prestigious.

But the current situation looks completely different. Many people in adulthood realize that their lives lack, for example, creativity. They just need to add creative aspects to their professional activities. By creativity, Elmira Davydova means not only drawing or writing. This can be any work that allows you to realize your own potential, about which you can say: “I did this myself.” And today people with a lack of creativity in life have a real opportunity to change their professional activities and make a new career. But this path is fraught with many unexpected turns. Existential therapist, coach and business trainer Natalya Tumashkova explains that many people today gravitate towards downshifting. This phenomenon is extremely common among successful and wealthy businessmen. People aged 40-50 left their prestigious positions, choosing quiet or, on the contrary, exotic professions. They buy small ships and sail the seas, travel around the world. Serious bankers may change their field of activity, preferring working with children or writing books to dry numbers.

Although downshifting- This is a fairly common phenomenon; we cannot say that everyone is susceptible to it. Moreover, some people cannot decide change profession after 40 years, even if the change is not so dramatic. They simply do not have the strength and courage to change anything.

There are many reasons for this - it could be a fear of losing a source of income or doubt in choosing a new profession. People don't change anything, but at the same time they remain unhappy in their previous jobs. Elmira Davydova says that there will be difficulties, but these difficulties are worth getting rid of an unloved position and hated obligations. If you really choose what you like, you will feel freedom and tranquility. You will be able to find the missing creativity and become truly happy.

Changing profession in adulthood, stage No. 1: awareness

To understand whether you need to decide on serious changes in your career, you should pay attention to your condition. Elmira Davydova offers several symptoms that indicate the need to change something, do something with your life:

  • you are bored at work;
  • you do not see further prospects for growth, it seems to you that you have already achieved everything in this area;
  • you do not read literature in your specialty;
  • you began to notice that while working you are often distracted by extraneous thoughts;
  • your health has deteriorated, you are tormented by neuroses and panic attacks, you cannot get out of depression on your own;
  • Every day you struggle to go to work.

These symptoms may be related to fatigue or... In order not to get confused and not leave your position prematurely, it is necessary to accurately determine the causes of symptoms. Try an experiment - take a long-term vacation. Your work responsibilities shouldn't distract you, so it's better to go somewhere else. It is also worth paying attention to the place of work. You may have chosen the right profession, but the atmosphere in the office, relationships with colleagues or superiors are negatively affecting your work potential. If a long vacation or change of company did not bring positive changes, then you need to move on to the next stage.

Changing profession at age, stage No. 2: fighting fears

Changing profession after 40 years- This is a serious step. The later a person realizes that something needs to be changed in life, the more difficult it will be for him to take this step. And this is natural, because in your field you have already achieved some success, you have become a professional, but here you need to feel like a beginner again. For many adults, the need to join a new team, where they will be perceived as young interns, is a cause of fear and... Often, management also raises concerns, as they may refuse to give a job to a mature person without experience. However, if you really made this decision, then you need to go to the end, not to pay attention to the fear of being a beginner again.

Natalya Tumashkova is sure that fear and anxiety are caused by the uncertainty that accompanies any change. To understand why fear is based, you need to ask yourself about it. What are you really afraid of when considering global change? And think about whether these are really the things to be afraid of.


  • Changing your profession is not the first time you try or discover something new. There were probably other cases. Remember all your fears, understand what helped you cope with them.
  • life is full of positive examples of changing occupations. There may be such people among your friends. Pay attention to their experience.
  • focus on your relatives. Remember the difficult and controversial moments in their lives. After all, they coped with everything, which means you can too.
  • Positive experiences can be gleaned from biopics and books. Watch, read and be inspired by the example of great people.
  • It is worth remembering the “burnout” stage. If you burn out at your current job, then you will never be able to return to it - you will only feel disgust.

When a career change is NOT necessary

Although following a dream is a good thing, and advice is showered on a person from all sides to move forward, each situation must be approached with a healthy dose of realism. Not all professions can be mastered in adulthood. Becoming a pilot or acting in the theater will be quite difficult. But Elmira Davydova says that in this situation you shouldn’t give up. You don't have to become a professional actor you can make it out of your dreams. In the life of any person there should be a place not only for work, but also for hobbies. This way you can add creativity to your life without making drastic changes. Moreover, realize the real reasons for your worries and depression. It is possible that they lie not in work, but in other areas. Often people of mature age are faced with personal problems. In this situation, help should be sought from a psychotherapist.

You shouldn’t act to your detriment by rapidly changing your life to the detriment of comfort. You need to move towards the goal gradually. First, take a course and start learning the basics of your favorite profession. Gradually you will become “your own” in this area, acquire valuable connections and new acquaintances. The integration process will be painless. Moreover, you may realize that this is not your favorite thing at all. Then it will be much easier to return to the original one.

Changing profession at age, stage No. 3: choosing a new profession

It seems that there is nothing difficult about choosing a new profession. After all, we get the opportunity to make all our dreams come true. However, not everything is as simple as it seems. Many people are faced with the problem of choice. Then you should definitely contact a career consultant or career guidance specialist.

Elmira Davydova is the founder and director of the career guidance center “ProfGid”. Therefore, she often came across people who needed help choosing a profession. She says that most often people come with a ready-made topic that arouses their interest, with which they would like to connect their future life. Then she helps to make the dream concrete. But 40% of people discover something new when they come to see Elmira Davydova.

The career guidance method was created to help people find a suitable profession. For this purpose, various tests and surveys have been developed to learn more about a person’s intentions and interests. Some get along well with other people, some are creative, some are great craftsmen. Each person, according to experts, has his own corridor of desires and a corridor of possibilities. The place where they intersect is a person’s true calling.

Before you cross the threshold of a career guidance specialist, you need to think carefully about what you are coming there with. Remember your life, your teenage years. Did you feel happy and fulfilled? If yes, then you need to realize why you gave up this feeling?

Then you should review your skills. Over the course of your life, you have probably accumulated a wide variety of skills and knowledge in different areas. They may be useful to change profession at age. Research the labor market to understand where you can apply your experience. Skills can be acquired additionally. Today there are many courses that will allow you to improve your skills without taking you away from your work responsibilities.

Elmira Davydova advises her clients to look at the list of professions related to their current activities. It is likely that there is something in your close circle that will interest you. It is also not forbidden to turn to “distant” specialties. You can answer 10 questions that will help you understand yourself and decide on a new profession.

  1. Describe your reasons for being at work. Think about it, if you were doing something else, would the above attitude change? Imagine yourself in the opposite field of activity. Does this cause resonate with you? Write 5 qualities that you would like to see in your job.
  2. Write on a piece of paper all the professions that you know. Then remove from the list all those that do not attract you. Then cross out the specialties that you cannot master due to age. It is also worth removing professions that you are afraid to master. You can now pay attention to the remaining positions.
  3. Imagine that you received a huge inheritance (a billion euros). How would your life be in the first year? What 20 things would you do first? So, with a huge inheritance you no longer have to work, what would you devote your time to?
  4. Write down all the instructions that your parents gave you as a child. Those related to profession, education and career.
  5. Write at least three people who taught you something in life.
  6. Remember all your achievements and exploits, how you overcame circumstances. Analyze what experience you have gained.
  7. Remember all the risky situations and your behavior. How did this risk turn out, what did you gain?
  8. What are your parents' professions? What have they achieved in their position?
  9. How often do you act as an organizer? Are you succeeding? Or are you better off being a simple participant?
  10. Do you see opportunities to change your life in your dreams? Or symbolic reasons for dissatisfaction?

Many people think about changing their profession after 30 years. At this time, many realize that the choice of their specialty was not entirely correct, and they are pulled in a completely different direction. You shouldn't be afraid of change either at 30 or 50 years old. But before changing your specialty, it is better to weigh everything well and think carefully - perhaps your desire is associated with professional difficulties and failures. You can read more about how to change jobs and get a new profession in this article.

Why do people want to change their specialty?

The first third of a person's life is eventful. Before the age of 30, many women and men acquire a specialty, start a family, and raise children. Often there is no time left to think and reflect on whether the right professional path was chosen during student years. Meanwhile, many go to get an education not out of their sincere desire, but on the advice of their parents, the example of friends, or simply because circumstances have developed this way. It is not surprising that at the age of 30, when a person has already formed as a person, he has thoughts like this: “I want to change my profession.”

If you're thinking about changing your major after 30, don't worry, you're not alone. Social surveys show that many at this age begin to look for work with a radically new profile. Many people turn to the services of career guidance tests, which help identify abilities in certain areas. By about age 30, people have a clear picture of their lives: they are aware of their personal qualities, the effectiveness of their work, the feeling of recognition and pleasure from it. If the desired sensations do not coincide with the real ones, a person may decide to leave his specialty. It often happens that a person is satisfied with everything about his job except the salary. No matter how beloved a profession is, if it does not bring the proper response in the form of money, then a person can quickly experience burnout and disappointment in his work. Less often, the reason for changing professions is the “glass ceiling”. It does not allow a person to grow as a professional, and no one wants to spend their whole life in the same position. Often a person has a hobby that he has been doing for many years and wants to monetize his income.

Signs that it's time to change jobs

Many people are afraid to change their profession, because the unknown lies ahead, and people do not understand whether they will be able to realize themselves in a new field. The financial factor also stops it - after all, for some time you will need to live without a constant salary. There are several criteria that will help you decide whether to change your profession.

  • If your current job is your first job after university, there is a high probability that you got there not of your own free will, but on the recommendation of friends or because it was the only place they hired employees without experience.
  • You feel the need for further development, but there is nowhere to grow in your profession: neither in this company nor in another.
  • Your specialty means a lot of work, which prevents you from seeing your family and children.
  • The scope of your profession is gradually shrinking, and making money is becoming increasingly difficult.
  • You literally force yourself to go to work every day and have difficulty sitting through the allotted time.
  • There are age limits in your profession, and you are approaching their threshold.
  • You have a hobby that brings you income.

Instructions for changing profession

The attractiveness of a profession for a person depends on several factors: material rewards, pleasure from work and the benefits that a person brings through his work. If at least one of these factors is missing, a person may decide to change jobs. How to change profession? Experts advise following the following instructions:

  1. Weigh the pros and cons. Changing a profession is a very important step, so you need to make sure that your desire does not come from personal circumstances or a life crisis. If you have the opportunity to visit a psychologist, it is better to go to him for a consultation.
  2. Before you quit, get yourself a notebook in which you will write down the pros and cons of your job. Include in it your impressions about the company culture, relationships with your boss, the most interesting and tedious stages of your work.
  3. Start saving for the “unemployed” period. In order for you to have time to calmly choose your favorite profession, you will need money. Experts recommend saving an amount that will last you for a year without additional sources of income.
  4. Assess your skills and interests and start making a list of careers you could pursue. This list can include everything you did in your life, perhaps even a few years ago. Think about what your superiors praised you for, what things you were able to do best.
  5. Start studying at the same time. Once you have decided on your desired field of employment, you can begin to get an education. In each area, the duration of training will be different - from several months to several years.
  6. Start an internship. At first, most likely, you will have to work for a small fee. If you have saved up a sufficient amount, then this stage will be painless for you.
  7. Prepare for the interview. Many employers do not trust people who change careers at 30 or later. Your task is to convince them that you are a good specialist who will quickly get used to a new place. When changing professions, a cover letter highlighting your achievements at your previous job will be very helpful. Additionally, it is worth attaching recommendations.

Pros and cons of changing jobs

Many people who are starting their career path again are tormented by fears. Is this reasonable? Will you be able to succeed in your new profession? Many fear financial ruin and unfulfilled hopes. To make the choice easier, you can write down the pros and cons of a new profession for yourself. The advantages include:

  • new opportunities;
  • more prestigious place of work;
  • pleasure from your activity;
  • a rich and interesting life.

There are also many disadvantages:

  • the severity of the transition period, during which you will be tormented by doubts and fears associated with the decision made;
  • falling standard of living;
  • a radical change in social circle;
  • the need to spend a lot of time and effort on mastering a new profession, as a result of which your relationships with family or friends may suffer.

Yes, changing a profession after 30 years is fraught with many risks. Most likely, many of your friends and relatives will discourage you from taking this step. But you can also get a lot if you make the right choice. You will live with confidence that only you control your life, and not random circumstances, and you are able to make it interesting and rich.

How to change profession after 30 years? Experts advise listening to your desires and under no circumstances acting recklessly.

  • Don't blame yourself for working in a profession that you didn't like. This is not a mistake, but a life experience that is an integral part of you. When leaving, it is advisable to maintain friendly relations with colleagues, because work connections can bring a lot of benefits in a new field.
  • Carefully thinking through each step will protect you from unforgivable mistakes. But psychologists do not advise delaying it for too long. If you have been thinking about changing your profession for several years now, then most likely you are happy with everything at your current place of work.
  • Be optimistic. Even if no one supports you, remember that only you can make decisions related to your life. A person spends most of his life at work, so it is very important how he spends it - with pleasure or not. Remember that if you fail, you can always return to your profession.
  • Think back to your positive life experiences. Surely you have already started something from scratch. You were scared at the time too, but you got through it.
  • Examples of famous people who changed their profession in adulthood and achieved success can help you find inspiration. For example, the biography of Jack London, who began to write his stories only in adulthood, and before that he managed to be a sailor and a gold miner.

How to decide on a new profession

Many people ask when thinking about changing their profession: “What to choose at 30?” For some, answering this question is not difficult - they have known what they want for a long time. But for others, this stage becomes an insurmountable obstacle. In this case, career guidance from an experienced psychologist can provide significant assistance. Often, only 60% of people are aware of their desires, and the rest do not even imagine the area in which they would like to work. A psychologist will not only identify the profession that is right for you, but will also help you find out your strengths and weaknesses as a specialist.

Before visiting a specialist, it is better to do some “homework”, which in some cases can replace the consultation itself. To “inventory” your skills, write them down on a separate sheet and rate each on a 10-point scale. This way you will clearly see which aspects of your work worked best for you. For example, some are better at handling technology or numbers, while others are better at negotiating with employees. Very often, people simply do not notice the opportunities that are next to them, but rush headlong into the pool, choosing a radically different direction, wasting a lot of resources and time. Therefore, in the search for a new profession, as in any other matter, the most important stage is the preparatory stage.

Starting a career from scratch: books to help

If you do not have the opportunity to visit a specialist, then books can help, which, in essence, are a short course on changing your specialty.

  1. “Profession – Illustrator” is suitable not only for artists, but also for all creative individuals. It contains numerous techniques that allow you to learn to think creatively and see the unusual in the most standard things.
  2. The book "Road Map" helps you understand what you want, and not the people around you. Finding out your true interests and values ​​means improving your quality of life. The book is written in the form of a novel and is read in one sitting.
  3. “Get Out of Your Comfort Zone” by Brian Tracy is a life-affirming book that outlines 21 methods for increasing personal effectiveness.
  4. "To hell with all of it! Take it and do it” may not give you the secrets of changing your profession, but it will charge you with the motivation and determination necessary for change.

What age can be considered the limit?

You can start doing something new at any age - this is what psychologists say. But still, as we age, it becomes more difficult for us to learn, and the cognitive abilities of the brain decrease. What age is considered critical for self-determination? At the moment, experts consider the period from 40 to 50 years to be the middle of life and argue that this is the most favorable age for big changes. The reason for this is several factors. After 40, most people already have some balance in their lives: children become independent, and incomes are at a fairly high level. At the same time, there is still a lot of strength and energy to realize any plans. The “midlife” crisis that many experience at this time pushes people to look for something new in their lives. Changing profession after 40 years is normal. This is a favorable time for the realization of those needs and desires that you have not previously paid due attention to. Proof of this is the example of many people. Of course, changing your profession at 40 is more difficult than at 20, but you will approach your choice more consciously. You already have the necessary knowledge and experience that will help you quickly get used to any field. Moreover, scientists say that studying after 40 helps to avoid degenerative brain diseases and delay aging.

Communication with family

Changing your profession at 50 can plunge your family and friends into the deepest amazement. After all, not everyone at this age decides to make significant changes. People are used to judging everyone by themselves, so don’t be surprised that everyone will react with hostility to the news about a change of specialty. In this situation, it is important to gently but persistently explain your position and try to minimize all conflicts regarding this matter. It is important not to be led by other people’s opinions, but at the same time to conduct a dialogue, bringing convincing arguments and reasons. Most often, it is enough to simply explain to your loved ones that your previous job does not bring you joy, and you remain unhappy while continuing to work at it.

All doubts and negative statements from your friends will disappear immediately after you get the first results. But thorough preparation for change will help you make others more loyal to you. If your husband or wife is resistant to change, take the first part-time job and allow the situation to stabilize.


People change professions for various reasons. Some people want to solve problems in life in this way, while others dream of fulfilling their long-standing desires. 30 years is considered a certain milestone, after which it is necessary to settle down and do “serious things”. Therefore, many have a negative attitude towards the idea of ​​changing professions and finding oneself at this age. But the experience of many people suggests that often only at this time you can start doing what you really like. What to choose to change profession at 30? Determine the area in which you want to develop and take action - get an education, get an internship and gain experience. Changing your profession is not a cure for all problems, but it can significantly improve the quality of your life if approached correctly.