Open a den. Open a brothel in your city

In the section on the question, will a rented odnushka in Zhulebino cost less if you open a brothel in it? given by the author to be simple-hearted the best answer is Article 241. Organization or maintenance of brothels for prostitution
Organization or maintenance of brothels for prostitution -
shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of seven hundred to one thousand minimum dimensions pay or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of seven months to one year, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to five years.
But usually the prostitutes themselves are detained...
NOW in the Moscow region, as they say, 30 street outlets and 300 brothels. One hour of a street prostitute costs $70-200, depending on the complexity of the service. In a brothel - 50-100 dollars / hour. But of this money, the prostitute receives only 10-30%. For a shift, girls can earn from 2,500 rubles. up to 500 USD
Shmona 3-4 times a month. When girls are accepted, they get an article for organizing and maintaining brothels, and they make pimps out of them. And 3 years behind bars. Then I have to shell out 5-10 thousand dollars for the collapse of the criminal case (this money is then worked off by the same prostitute. - Auth.). They are all newcomers: Ukrainians, Moldovans, Belarusians, there are even Bulgarians and Turkish women, and, of course, our Russians. Everyone lives in apartments without registration and migration cards. Therefore, on the street, any cop can stop and ask for documents. They do not carry their passports with them. But their speech quickly gives them away, so they end up in the department, and again they have to be redeemed. Tax for non-residents - $ 100, for foreigners - $ 500. .
Pimps at points appear rarely. "Mommies" bring them money. They recruit girls organizational matters with "roofs" the pimp is engaged. Each point has its owner. Territories are strictly divided. "Mommies" monitor discipline. For being late, drunkenness, drug use, absenteeism or refusal to go with a client, she punishes with a ruble. The fine can reach up to $ 500. The rest of the money is divided between the "mommy", the pimp, the owner of the point or brothel, the security guard, the driver and the "roofs". According to rough estimates, one point brings $ 1,000 per day, and $ 30,000 per month.
Certainly cheaper... .open!
A source:

Answer from squint[expert]
love it ... and blackjack more)

Answer from Yatiana Kravtsova[guru]
And you open a brothel in the toilet of this odnushka / at night / and then soon you will be able to buy it out.

Answer from Caucasian[guru]
yes, especially in a odnushka, you can’t open a brothel))) at least a three-ruble note is needed))) Well, if, as described in detail here, the brothel really brings 30K dllars, then you can buy out this apartment and expand the business)))

How I loaded condoms or how a brothel (brothel) works January 7th, 2015

I never thought that ever in my life I would carry boxes of condoms. Of course, I love sex, but so that the boxes ... Let's start from the beginning.

I don't know if you know that brothels are legal in some states of Australia, i.e. prostitution (sex for money) is legal throughout the country, but brothels are only legal in the eastern states (NSW, Qld, Vic). In other states, brothels are not legal.

We have several businesses here, and one of them is related to the brothel, that is, the brothel is not ours, but we work with it. Because of this, I spend enough time in the largest (in terms of the number of rooms, there are 14 of them) UPD: the second largest brothel in Sydney. Under the cut, all the most interesting :)

I apologize for the quality of the photos, but as you can imagine, in such a situation, people do not really want to be photographed. I had to do some unnoticed.

To begin with, everyone goes to the brothel... Men, women, couples, many men at a time, men dressed as horses, men in diapers, priests with bibles, imams, rabbis, monks... just about everything. I was very surprised, but it is. This brothel is open 24 hours because people go to the brothel whenever they want. Before breakfast, after lunch, after Christmas dinner, during lunch break, after... In short, always. The most incomprehensible visitors to me are the men in suits who come at 7 in the morning for a quick fuck before work. A few other things I've noticed, whites don't really care what color a girl is, unless they're drunk, in which case they prefer black or Asian or something in between. Hindus need only Hindus, Chinese and other Asians, only whites. Arabs don't give a fuck, the main thing is not to be old.

So let's go, that's actually our object, called Midnight Delight, or midnight delight. This sign is not visible from the street, it is only visible from the alley, this was done on purpose.

From the street, people learn about the institution, as elsewhere, by the pink or purple illuminated house number, sometimes it can be a light in the window.

There are 2 entrances to the institution, one for everyone and leads to a common room, an attentive reader will notice what is shown on TV :)

The second leads to one of the private small rooms, here is one of the beauties posing in one of them

The interior is done, in my opinion, with taste, in Greek? or HZ in what style, statues there, etc ...

As soon as the client is located in one of the rooms, beauties, workers

Depending on the time of the day, or the day of the week, there can be from 0, that is, everyone is currently busy, up to 25! But most often they don’t offer more than 4 to anyone, since the girls also need to rest, and they agree among themselves who the client is more interested in. All zones, except for the rooms for the "case" themselves, are viewed by cameras and the girls evaluate the client on the cameras before leaving. Preference is given in this order, married beautiful, (I will explain why later) young rich, race is not important, young poor, fat, old, the rest of the Indians and Arabs are the last, as they treat girls badly and biased.

Girls usually just shake hands and say their alias, no one works under a real name, respectively, if a certain girl wants to get specific client, then she can whisper something to him. Showing body parts at this moment is not particularly welcomed by colleagues, although sometimes it slips. If a girl frankly pulls the blanket over herself, then the rest begin to spread rot and substitute and "punish" her in every possible way, not physically, morally.

Then madam, the personnel manager, comes up and announces the price. Price tag, in this spot goes minimum 30min 140aud, (7120rub), 45min 180aud (9146rub), hour 200aud (10170rub), 220aud with jacuzzi, minimum hour. In an hour, you can finish at least as many times. Naturally, it is clear that the prices are sharpened for the sale of the hour. The client agrees or not, if so, then he pays the price, by the way, you can use a card. For everything to be conspiratorial, the transaction in the bank will show something else. Usually something like A&D office supplies, that is, something for the office or something like that. There is no pale.

Then the chosen girl comes up and escorts the client to one of the rooms, instructing him to go to the shower. This is what the rooms look like

The girl herself goes and collects everything that is needed for the session, this is lubricant, condoms (they do not spare them, they usually take a whole armful, just in case) different sizes, experienced girls usually determine the size by eye, before the client undresses, and the most interesting thing is that they rarely make mistakes. By nationality, Asians are taken the smallest, whites and Indians are taken average, all blacks and Arabs are taken big and the biggest. By the way, that's why I loaded the condoms, their institution provides and I just helped the loaders unload the next delivery :) She also provides lubricant, but the girls prefer to bring it with them, since each has her own preference.

Since the establishments are legal, special attention is paid to health, and after a shower, the girl examines the client in detail for sores and other abnormalities.

Here it’s worth digressing and telling that in Australia, working girls even have their own trade union, it produces various educational manuals with graphic pictures of all sorts of different deviations, telling you what you shouldn’t let yourself get close to. Here is the allowance.

If something is not in order, then Madame is called for confirmation, and if fears are confirmed, then the client is denied services, the money is returned and he goes home clean and with the knowledge that he needs to go to the hospital.
If everything is OK, then the process itself begins.

The service usually includes classic, from behind, spanning, girl on top, blowjob. For a fee, usually 50aud for each extra service, cunnilingus, golden shower (only the girl in the role of a cloud, not vice versa), the girl to leave part of the clothes on herself, anal, depending on the size, usually extra 100, as well as kissing passionately etc. By the way blowjob in a condom.

Now about professionalism, the most professional and beautiful girls usually never have vaginal sex. The logic is as follows, sold for an hour, married are selected, respectively, and the price levels are as they are, immediately after the shower a blowjob begins and the goal is to make the client finish with this blowjob. This is usually achieved with a deep throat blowjob. After, the conversation instantly turns to the client's wife and children, etc. ... making the client's further stay in the room very uncomfortable for the client himself. Most often, after such conversations, the client’s conscience wakes up and he leaves very quickly, kissing the girl on the cheek goodbye. If the feeling of guilt does not wake up, it is usually very difficult to recharge within an hour with such thoughts in the head. Using this tactic, some girls manage to serve 4 clients in an hour by charging for 4 hours. In addition, without actually giving the client, he usually returns to "win" this particular woman.

In the next post I will tell you in detail about what kind of perverts actually live among us and what motivates girls to do this business.

With that, good luck to everyone and see you soon...

Finally a riddle; what happens in used condoms in a brothel?

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It's no secret that today in Moscow, and in other large cities of Russia, a lot of so-called "massage parlors" are based in the apartments of the most ordinary high-rise buildings. In 70% of cases, under the sign of a massage parlor hides the activity of providing intimate services. According to rough estimates, there are about 1000 such establishments in Moscow, only a few of them are closed. Why is this happening and what to do if you are tired of seeing an inexhaustible stream of “those in need of massage services” in a neighboring apartment?

Difficulties in dealing with brothels

It is quite difficult to fight such establishments, since a lot of money is spinning there, and, as a rule, all inspection authorities have already been “paid for”. In addition, both the difficulty of proving illegal activity and the difficulty in determining who is the organizer of this “business” create problems. In 95% of cases, intimate services are performed quietly and calmly, and it is not at all easy to find fault with them legally. Even the so-called "test purchases" do not give the desired effect and a complete cessation of activities. So, who can complain if a brothel has opened in your house?

Contacting the Police

The very first link in the chain of those who should protect us is the district police officer. According to the instructions for organizing the activities of the district police officer, it is he who must establish the presence of brothels in the territory entrusted to him and take measures against violators. Usually calls to the precinct do not bring any benefit. Most likely, he already knows about the existence of “your” massage parlor and about its real field of activity, but turns a blind eye to what is happening, either not being able to do anything, or having received a reward for official inaction. At the same time, it is wrong to think that all district police officers can be dishonest and dishonorable, therefore, in any case, turning to the district police officer has a certain meaning. The next instance where you can contact is the ATS (Department of Internal Affairs) or ATC (Department of Internal Affairs).

You need to come to the duty station and write a statement. Moreover, the more violations you list and the more arguments you bring, the better. Of course, a statement to the police is a more effective way, however, as practice shows, everything ends with a “test purchase” and bringing the persons directly providing services to administrative responsibility, and the activities of the massage parlor resume after a couple of weeks.

Appeal to the prosecutor's office

It is allowed to write a complaint to the prosecutor's office, preferably a collective one. According to the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office", at your request they are required to conduct an inspection, and if violations are revealed, then criminal or administrative proceedings are initiated at the request of the prosecutor's office. In addition, the prosecutor may issue a motion to eliminate violations if the audit confirms violations, which, however, also does not happen often.

We go to court

Going to court is unlikely to completely get rid of the illegal activities of neighbors, but in some part to protect your rights similar treatment will help. In 2011, residents of an apartment building in the Kurgan region filed a lawsuit demanding that the operation of a brothel in one of the apartments be terminated. It allegedly housed a taxi dispatcher and a massage room. Residents complained about the constant noise of an intimate nature from the apartment and the entrance. The court ordered the defendant not to disturb public order from 23:00 to 6:00 in the morning. Such a court decision paralyzed the activities of a dubious massage parlor, whose main influx of customers fell just at the indicated hours.

We resolve the issue through the owner

As a rule, the apartments in which the so-called massage parlors are organized are rented. In practice, there were cases when residents of the house unsuccessfully struggled with illegal activities“massage parlor” by submitting applications and complaints to various authorities. However, when the owners of neighboring apartments turned to the owner of the housing where the brothel was located and explained to him what was really happening in his apartment, the latter, in order to avoid problems and possible liability, terminated the lease, contributing to the cessation of illegal activities in his premises.

How to argue

Here it is necessary to proceed from specific circumstances, and the more violations are indicated, the better. References to noise, the constant presence of unknown persons in the entrance will not lead to a solution to the problem. You need to look for something more serious. The imperfection of the current legislation creates significant obstacles to the fight against illegal activities, including those of an intimate nature.

In practice, there have been cases when police officers raided the same apartment more than 10 times. The punishment of persons directly providing sexual services only led to the fact that the activity was suspended for literally 1-2 weeks, and then resumed. It was possible to finally stop the work of the salons only after a few years, after the establishment of the direct organizers of the business.

Such dubious organizations must be closed, revealing violations that must be documented. For example, in order for a massage parlor to function, it is necessary that the premises be transferred to the status of non-residential. As a rule, this condition is not met.

Closing the brothel located next door, although not easy, but necessary. In such cases, one should not contact any one body, but immediately all possible instances that are at least somehow authorized to help stop violations of law and order. Raise a fuss around the troubled apartment, attract the media. Even law enforcement unable to resolve the conflict, then the hype around your unscrupulous neighbors will help deprive them of customers.

Text provided by the Lawyer Oleg Sukhov Legal Center

Brothel business plan - step by step implementation ancient business ideas. It is quite obvious that in the last decade the inhabitants of our country have begun to pay more attention to their sexual health, take care of their beauty and personal life. Therefore, the creation of a brothel under the guise of a beauty salon is, of course, successful idea to start own business. Many people think that a beauty salon is a purely women's business, however, as experience shows, some male entrepreneurs also successfully manage this business. The main thing is to know how to organize everything correctly.

A business plan for a brothel should begin by identifying potential target audience for which it will be calculated. At the moment, there are four classes of "beauty salons" - VIP salons, elite salons, casual salons and economy salons. As you can see from the names, each type of salon is designed for clientele with different income levels. What category your brothel will be designed for is up to you. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the level of demand and the level of competition that exist in your city. After you decide on a circle potential consumers Your services, you can go directly to the economic component of the business plan.
1. Search or construction of premises for a beauty salon.
The first step in the implementation of a business project will be the search or construction of a room that meets the requirements of your future intimate salon. As a rule, the first floor of residential or office buildings is rented or bought out for a beauty salon. Less commonly, a beauty salon is located above the first floor. The location in the city center is not important, since the clients of beauty salons are wealthy people, and therefore they will come to anywhere in the city. The main thing is to correctly position your brothel.
2. The concept of a beauty salon and the definition of the target audience.
The second step in the implementation of a business project for organizing an intimate services salon will be to determine the target audience. As we mentioned above, there are four types of beauty salons. Here we will look at them in more detail.
The first type - VIP lounges. Such salons are designed for very wealthy clients. Their prices are very high, however, as well as the quality of the services provided. Often they use a system of club cards.
The second type - elite salons. Designed for wealthy clients. Service prices in this type of salon are quite high.
The third type - casual salons. Designed for visitors with an average level of income. Prices are quite democratic.
Fourth type - economy class lounges. Designed for the widest range of visitors. Prices for services are low, but the number of visitors is huge.
It is up to you to decide which type of salon to open, but, as experience shows, salons of the second and third types bring the greatest return.
3. Analysis of demand and calculation of expenses and incomes.
It is also necessary to make a final decision on the type of salon based on an analysis of the demand for this type of service in your city. If the city is small and it already has one VIP-class sex salon, it will be quite difficult for you to enter an already occupied market. And, on the contrary, in a big city, where the market for salons of the second or fourth type is packed to capacity, it would be more logical to bet on a VIP-class salon.
As the analysis of the activities of existing sex service salons shows, the salon is rarely loaded with work by more than 50%. From this figure we will proceed when calculating profits.
Premises - 50,000 rubles per month (rent) or about 2,000,000 at a time (purchase). The price is the average for Russia. It can vary greatly depending on the region.
Design and arrangement of the premises - 15,000 rubles. to start
The composition of the equipment - 10,000 rubles. for three single beds
Associated costs - 500,000 rubles. cops, penta, power, etc. Although, here you can save money by paying for services and subscriptions.
Staff salaries are piecework. Approximately 1500 rubles per client. Of these, 500 rubles. goes to the general fund to pay rent and the maintenance of an accountant and a cleaning lady.
Total at the rate of 5 clients per day per member of the cooperative (LLC) - 2500 rubles per day to the general fund from each participant, or 75,000 rubles. per month.
With three female founders, the total fund will be about 225,000 rubles, which is quite enough to cover the total costs of maintaining your public salon. Income:
Customer service (target 5 people per founder) - 450,000 rubles / month net.
Total: 5,400,000 rubles per year.
Currently approximate payback period for an intimate services salon in Russia is from 2 to 4 months.
This is one of the most low-cost and stable businesses at any time and in any mode. Independent from crises and social upheavals.

That's for sure! Trade in the female body ALWAYS pays off! Forward!. You don't even have to count the stupid numbers - it will pay off! Definitely. And the legal form is not so important - you still have to negotiate with cops-bandits, sorry, now with bandits-policemen ...

On our site you can download any business plan or business idea for free for personal use.

Students will surely be able to find "dummies" made to the requirements of your particular educational institution or similar. As a last resort, minimal modifications to your "teacher" will be required. Businessmen, after all, it is better to use "business plan templates" and adjust them already for a specific investor and specific project. Good luck.

In February of this year, sex franchise Lumidolls opened the first brothel in Barcelona, ​​where customers are served by robot prostitutes. In the future, the company plans to expand its activities around the world. We tell everything that is known about this institution.

The brothel is located close to popular tourist spots. Here guests can satisfy the most unusual sexual fantasies with the help of androids. Some of the visitors say that they can hardly distinguish who is in front of them - a mechanical doll or a real woman.

The company is making ambitious plans to expand its franchise, which means that similar brothels with robots may appear in the capitals of other countries.

"We are already in talks with some interested investors, but have not made any deals yet," a spokesman for Lumidolls said.

“With our robots, guests can satisfy such fantasies that they would not dare with women because of complexes. With a doll, it will be much easier to realize them,” he added.

Each sex doll has a name and a profile that lists its main characteristics. For example, among them there is a blue-haired Aki, reminiscent of the anime heroine, Lily "with an angelic face" and the owner of a "piercing gaze" named Cathy. There are also male robots. An hour in a brothel costs $135.

The brothel website says that all robots are thoroughly disinfected with antibacterial soap before and after each use. However, guests are advised to use condoms. Visitors can also dress up the doll to their liking and watch porn with her.

Hyper-realistic Lumidolls robots are made of thermoplastic elastomer, a material that is especially soft, which makes their "skin" feel very human-like. Sex dolls can be purchased for home use. The cost of one robot is about two thousand dollars.