How to start a cleaning company from scratch - videos and steps

  • Directions
  • room
  • Staff
  • A little about advertising
  • Expenses and income

Cleaning firms have recently appeared in the CIS countries, so this type of income can be a good start for a woman who decides to organize her own business. Moreover, its discovery and development will not require large investments, so the risk is minimal. So, how to open a cleaning company from scratch, where to start and how to succeed? We offer you a step-by-step guide to successful entrepreneurship.


The first step in starting your own cleaning company is to choose the right line of business. You must understand that small companies are reluctant to partner with cleaning organizations. Two or even one cleaning lady is quite enough for them, with whom an employment contract is concluded. The same applies to individuals, as they will need the services of your company only for general cleaning after repairs or before any important celebration. However, such one-time orders will be more expensive in price and should not be abandoned. This is especially true for those women who decide to open a business in a small town and do not have much competition. It is possible that thanks to word of mouth, you will get your first profit. The most profitable option is cooperation with large organizations, especially with shopping and entertainment centers.

Some entrepreneurs open cleaning companies that not only clean the premises inside, but also wash the facades of buildings. Such work will be more highly paid and special training of employees will be required. A safety briefing will also be required.

Registration and paperwork

Of course, if you want to open a cleaning company correctly, you cannot do without legal registration of your business. What documents are needed for registration and what should be studied before starting work? To open a cleaning company, you will not need to obtain a license, but the activity must comply with GOST R 51870-2002: “Household services. Services for cleaning buildings and structures.

You will also need to decide on the legal status for opening a cleaning company. For cooperation with large organizations, it is better to register and formalize an LLC with a general taxation system. If you still want to open a company that cleans private houses, then feel free to register an individual entrepreneur with UTII taxation. After registration and registration of the organization with the tax authorities, it will be necessary to obtain permits for the premises from the SES and state fire supervision.


In some cases, when you are planning to open a small cleaning company, you can even do without renting a room. The dispatcher will take orders at home and contact the cleaners to transfer information about the place and specifics of cleaning. Equipment can be stored in your garage. This option is acceptable at the very beginning, when the business only needs to be developed and the search for the first customers is underway. However, we still advise immediately, even before the opening, to look for a suitable building. A small room of 20-30 sq.m., divided into the director's office, a room for staff, a room for inventory, equipment, household appliances, overalls, etc., will be enough for you. In the future, when you can promote the company well, you should think about renting a large office building.


As for the personnel, in order to open a good cleaning company, it will be necessary to try and select qualified employees. You must take into account that you are not hiring a simple cleaner, but a cleaner, i.e. a person who has received special training, knows how to use sweeping machines, understands chemicals for removing dirt and is able to perform large volumes of work.

The number of cleaners depends on the orders, so for the first time, 2-3 good employees will be enough for you. Be prepared for the fact that the job of a cleaner is not in demand, so a high turnover of staff is possible. Most likely, shortly after the opening of the company, you will have to hire a recruiting manager if you do not want to search for new employees yourself.

To open a successful cleaning business, you need to pay attention to all the little things. Take care of creating your own logo and original name, which will be on the overalls for cleaners. This will make a good impression on customers.

In relation to other employees, everything is individual and depends on your desire, professional skills and how large a company you want to open. You can easily refuse any of the following positions and take over all its functions (or do without it at all). To open a quality cleaning company, the following employees are usually hired:

  • advertising manager;
  • purchasing manager;
  • manager for attracting and working with clients;
  • quality control manager;
  • accountant;
  • driver;
  • administrator.

Of course, if you want to open a cleaning company, you cannot do without proper equipment and inventory. The minimum set of everything you need to open an organization includes:

  1. Professional detergents (including window cleaners) and household chemicals.
  2. Mops, brooms, mops, buckets.
  3. Garbage bags, gloves, napkins.
  4. Special trolley for cleaning with wringer.
  5. Washing vacuum cleaners.

In addition to the basic set, with the proper development of a cleaning company, it is advisable to purchase machines for dry cleaning, deep cleaning of carpets and a floor cleaning machine. This is especially true if you plan to open a company to work with large shopping centers, and not with individuals.

A little about advertising

It is necessary to advertise a cleaning company long before you are going to open it. Take care of placing memorable billboards on the streets of the city, advertising on transport, leaflets. Also, the obligatory steps to open a cleaning company is to promote the brand on the Internet and in the media. Ads in print media, websites, forums, and short interviews in magazines and on television will certainly benefit the company, despite the initial cost.

So, one-time expenses for starting a business will be quite significant, from 250,000 rubles. This amount will need to be spent on the purchase of equipment, inventory, furniture and office equipment for the office, overalls for staff. You will also have initial costs, which will also be monthly. These include renting a room, paying for the telephone and the Internet, salaries for employees, advertising, buying detergents, additional equipment, and incidental expenses for toilet paper, water, soap, etc. Thus, every month, you will have to allocate from 150,000 rubles to the company. Having made some simple calculations, we can conclude that in order to open a small cleaning company, we will first need from 400,000 rubles.

Profit excluding tax is from 50,000 rubles, but novice entrepreneurs should not rely on this figure. As experience shows, the payback period for success will be 6-12 months after the opening of the company. Of course, everything depends on the number of concluded contracts, regular customers and the success of the company. If you want to start earning faster, consider starting a business through a franchise.

Download cleaning company business plan with a guarantee of quality and calculations, you can contact our partners!

Finally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the secrets of the successful opening of a cleaning company on video:

That's all we wanted to tell you about how to open a cleaning company from scratch. One cannot do without investments in this business, but this industry is very promising and the competition is still very weak. So there is every chance to develop a profitable business. However, we should not forget that only high-quality work and diligence will help you achieve success!
