What can you get from pigeons. Trichomoniasis in birds Trichomoniasis in pigeons treatment with folk remedies

Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis diphtheria, flagella infection)- one of the most widespread diseases of pigeons of wild and domestic breeds. It should be noted that this disease affects the young of many species of poultry.

The cause of the disease is a flagellar microorganism from the protozoan order - Trichomonas. A feature of the pathogen is the ability to remain active in drinking water for a long time, but drying causes its death. The causative agent of trichomoniasis is unstable in the external environment to adverse factors and disinfectants in conventional dilutions. The main ability of the pathogen is the ability to exist and multiply for a long time on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, goiter.

The causative agent of trichomoniasis is found on the mucous membranes of all domestic pigeons, and the so-called non-sterile immunity is formed, i.e. immunity to infection of pigeons with a trichomoniasis pathogen. However, when feeding goiter milk, the pathogen enters the mucous membranes, and in the first days of feeding, adults infect the young.

The introduction of the pathogen also causes the feeding of low-quality feed containing sand, coarse grain films. They injure the mucous membranes and contribute to the penetration of Trichomonas.

The next way of infection is with the intake of drinking water by young pigeons, in which there are Trichomonas. It is possible to re-infect adult pigeons when connecting a dove and a dove with their beaks.

Trichomonas can be found in young pigeons on the umbilical cord and paraumbilical ring while in the nest. The course, severity of the disease depends on several factors, and primarily on the virulence of Trichomonas and the natural resistance of the organism.

Young animals mostly fall ill between the 4th and 20th day of feeding. The worse the feeding conditions, the more often they are affected and the more severe trichomoniasis occurs.

There are several forms of trichomoniasis, but most of all this disease occurs with damage to the pharynx, oral cavity, esophagus. When infected, pigeons become immobile, sit in a nest with lowered wings, an open beak, as the entrance to the larynx is blocked, in the oral cavity on the mucous membranes there are dense yellow formations, which are called "yellow plug". Sometimes these overlays are visible through the open beak. A few days later, due to an increase in the yellow plug, suffocation and death occur. Other signs include weakness, inability to fly, sticking plumage, indifference.

When the internal organs of digestion and the liver are damaged, intestinal upset occurs (the so-called intestinal handicap), the litter is released liquefied, putrid, unpleasant odor, the stomach increases sharply in volume. This form of the disease occurs in pigeons older than one month of age and is severe, ending in death. In the liver with this form, trichomoniasis foci ranging in size from a pea to a pigeon's egg are observed.

In the cicatricial form of trichomoniasis, the skin thickens first, a small knot of yellow-brown color is formed, penetrating deep into the internal organs. The division of trichomoniasis into these forms is conditional, since simultaneous damage to the pharynx and intestines is often noted.

In the event of a yellow plug and other lesions, it is necessary to differentiate from similar diseases, from the diphtheritic form of smallpox, candidiasis, the diphtheritic form of beriberi A. Accurate diagnosis is possible with a laboratory study of crops from internal affected organs.

Treatment and prevention. In young pigeons, overlays are removed from the oral cavity, the contents of the goiter are massaged. After removing the overlays with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of Trichopolum (35 g per 2 liters of water), the same drug is instilled through a pipette into the oral cavity and goiter. In order to prevent the liquid from entering the lungs, it can be introduced through a tube. For adult pigeons, to destroy carriage, 3 g of Trichopolum per 1 liter are added to drinking water and the solution is soldered for several days, constantly adding vitamins to the main diet. Impositions on the skin are removed with a sharp scalpel, tincture of iodine, iodine glycerin.

In the absence of Trichopolum, the pigeon breeder can apply a 0.25% solution of silver nitrate, Lugol's solution, iodine glycerin, into which the coccyx of the feather fan is lowered and the affected areas are lubricated.

Before the start of the breeding season, it is enough to treat the drinking water of adult pigeons with one of the disinfectants (trichopolum, formalin, potassium permanganate, etc.) for 6 days. It is better to carry out the treatment 4 - 8 days before hatching, then repeat the course of treatment at the beginning of feeding the pigeons.

During the period of feeding pigeons, drinkers should be in a clean state, since Trichomonas breed in stagnant water. Particular attention is paid to the processing of "nurse" pigeons acquired for raising short-beaked pigeons.

When treating pigeons, it should be borne in mind that untreated cases are treatable. Emaciated pigeons with trichomoniasis of the pharynx and internal organs are not cured.

In all cases, with an outbreak of trichomoniasis, it is necessary to diversify the feeding of pigeons by adding trivitamin, fish oil to the diet; clean and disinfect dovecote care items. Good results are obtained by disinfection with a 3-4% solution of soda ash heated to 40 "C, 2% solutions of bleach or chloramine.

Pigeons and prevention of their diseases. A.I. Rakhmakhov, B.F. Bessarabov (Moscow, Rosselkhozizdat, 1987)

In many pigeons, both old and young, that are not treated for yellow (trichomoniasis), pathogens (trichomoniasis) are hidden. This can cause big problems in the chick's nest, resulting in yellow plugs at the back of the throat.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis -1 of the widely known diseases of domestic birds breeds. Should be considered , that a real disease afflicts a tribe of many varieties of domestic pigeons. The disease factor is considered to be a polyflagellated microbe from the subdivision of simple - trichomonas .

Distinctive feature pathogen - ability to be for a long time in operating condition in household drinking water , but drying breeds him to death . Pathogen trichomoniasis shaky in the environment to bad conditions and disinfectants in simple dilutions. Primary Skill pathogen - ability to live for a long time and breed in the mucous layers of the mouth cavities, pharynx, throat , alimentary tract , goiter.

The causative agent of this disease found on mucous membranes at absolutely all domestic birds , in this case, the so-called dirty immunity is formed , i.e. non-susceptibility to infection of pigeons trichomoniasis pathogen. But at breast milk feeding the irritant enters the mucous membranes , and in initial feeding time adults infect tribe .

pathogen introduction explains by feeding low-quality food , containing dust , hard shells from grain . They are injure the mucous layers and contribute to getting Trichomonas.

Next route of infection - With reception by young pigeons drinking water , in which are present Trichomonas.

Possible re-infection mature birds when aligning pigeon and dove noses .
Trichomonas may stay at young birds in umbilical cord and paraumbilical ring while staying in the nest.

Treatment and prevention.

In young animals, the overlays are removed from the mouth, the contents are rubbed in the goiter. Already after pulling out the overlays with a swab soaked in a solution of Trichopolum (35 g in 2 liters of water), this solution is poured into the mouth through a pipette. In order to eliminate carriage, mature pigeons are poured 3 g of Trichopolum per liter into drinking water and solder the composition for a couple of days, continuously adding vitamins to the main diet. Impositions on the skin are removed with a pointed knife, tincture of iodine.

The modern drug against trichomoniasis is

Before the beginning breeding sufficient to process drinking some water at pigeons 1st of disinfectants (Trichopolum, formalin etc.) on stretch 6 days . Preferably, the processing is carried out for 4-8 days before hatching , then reproduce the course of treatment in early feeding of chicks .

AT moment feeding piskunov drinkers must be in the purest condition , because trichomonas multiply in a stagnant water . special care give dove handling "breadwinner" bought for the purpose of education short-beaked piskunov .

At treatment of birds is necessary to have in mind , what lend themselves cure unstarted episodes . Powerless birds with trichomoniasis of the larynx and internal organs will not recover . In all options for disease outbreak should diversify the diet of birds , adding in menu trivitamin, fish oil ; realize cleaning and disinfection service objects dovecote.

Many of us love to feed pigeons or other birds. But do you know what consequences can await you? Now we will talk about the most common diseases of pigeons that are transmitted to humans.

Pigeon diseases: diagnosis, treatment and prevention, danger to humans

In fact, there are a very large number of various diseases, many of which can develop in the human body.

called an acute infectious disease, the main source of which are wild and domestic birds. In most cases, the disease manifests itself in the cold season.

Most often, ornithosis occurs in pigeons.. Moreover, this disease is often the answer to the question of why pigeon chicks die. On the first day of the disease, the young show symptoms such as shortness of breath and diarrhea, which eventually develop and can lead to the death of the chicks (usually at the age of 24 weeks).

If you notice similar signs of psittacosis in your pigeons, then this is a serious reason for panic. Infected juveniles grow poorly, feather poorly, and eat poorly. In adult birds, the disease can manifest itself in the form of shortness of breath, runny nose and wheezing. Conjunctivitis is also often observed, accompanied by profuse lacrimation.

You may not know why a pigeon is trembling, but as soon as the bird starts sneezing and constantly shaking its head, wanting to get rid of nasal discharge, it is worth considering the possibility of such a disease. After a few days without proper care, the pigeon will become exhausted and die.

Did you know? For the first time this disease was described by T. Jurgensen, calling it "atypical pneumonia". It happened in 1879. Around the same time, D. Ritter established its relationship with diseases of parrots.

The most effective means in the treatment of ornithosis are azithromycin and erythromycin prescribed in average therapeutic doses. It is also possible to use tetracycline antibiotics.

The duration of the course depends on the clinical effect, and as a means of pathogenetic treatment, detoxification therapy is carried out using bronchodilators, vitamins, and oxygen.

When treating poultry, it is possible to regulate the number of individuals and limit contact with them.

Important! You should never forget about compliance with veterinary and sanitary rules when importing birds from other countries, keeping them in poultry farms and zoos.

Sick birds are often destroyed, and the premises are disinfected. All personnel must be provided with protective clothing and disinfectants.

As for people, patients can be hospitalized for clinical and epidemiological reasons, and people who have been at risk of infection can be placed under medical observation for up to 30 days.

Emergency prophylaxis is carried out within 10 days, using doxycycline and tetracycline.

Infection of a person with ornithosis occurs by inhalation of dust, dried particles of feces and secretions from the beak of birds. The incubation period of the disease lasts from 1 to 3 weeks, and the infection itself can occur in an acute or chronic form.

It all starts with a rapid rise in temperature, chills, increased sweating, headache, pain in the muscles and joints. A sick person may complain of weakness, sleep disturbance, sore throat, constipation. In some cases, nausea and diarrhea are possible.

When examined by a doctor, conjunctivitis is often found in patients, and hepatolienal syndrome is formed in the first week of the disease. The heart rhythm is muffled, there is a tendency to bradycardia and a decrease in blood pressure. Insomnia, irritability, tearfulness, apathy or adynamia may also develop.

The first sign of lung damage is a cough (appears on the 3-4th day of illness).

Most often, as a result of infection, the brain, spleen, liver and myocardium are affected. If, in the course of the development of the disease, opportunistic flora joins, macrofocal or lobar pneumonia can be observed.


Trichomoniasis is another widespread disease of wild and domestic pigeons. Its cause is a flagellar microorganism called Trichomonas. A characteristic feature of this pathogen is the ability to actively live in drinking water, but the drying of moisture leads to the rapid death of harmful microorganisms.

There are several forms trichomoniasis, but most often the disease is manifested by lesions of the pharynx, oral cavity and esophagus of birds. Infected pigeons become immobile, constantly sitting in the nest with lowered wings and an open mouth.

Due to the blockage of the entrance to the larynx, it becomes very difficult for them to breathe, and dense yellow formations on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity (the so-called “yellow plug”) cause discomfort. In some cases, such yellow growths can be seen through the open beak of a bird.

A few days later, due to the growth of the yellow cork, suffocation occurs, and the pigeons die. Among other equally characteristic signs of trichomoniasis, weakness, gluing of plumage and inability to fly should be noted.

If your assumptions are confirmed, and it turns out that the pigeons are really sick with trichomoniasis, then you will have to immediately begin treatment, for which modern drugs are used.

One of them is "Trichopol",which is used in the form of lotions at the sites of removal of growths in the oral cavity, by massaging the contents of the goiter. In addition, the medicine can also be instilled with a pipette, and not only in the bird's beak, but also in the goiter.

Important! It is necessary by all means to try to avoid getting liquid into the lungs.

Often, human infection with trichomoniasis occurs sexually., although the non-sexual mode of transmission is no less common. In particular, this disease can be attributed to the group of diseases transmitted to humans from pigeons. If an infected bird has had contact with you or your belongings, then there is a serious chance of infection.

Trichomonas is able to exist normally in a humid environment for up to several hours, remaining on dishes, bathroom walls or on the toilet seat.

In males, this disease mostly occurs without any signs, but it can easily lead to infertility, urethritis or chronic prostatitis.

Infected women struggle with chronic inflammation, which sometimes causes tubal infertility or cervical cancer.


Did you know? These microorganisms were first identified in people with diarrhea in 1884.

There is a whole species range of these bacteria, which are quite specific for different animal species. However, not all of them are pathogenic.

In birds (particularly pigeons), the disease can cause septicemia, chronic respiratory disease, synovitis (inflammation of the ligaments, which often leads to lameness), pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardial sac) and salpingitis (inflammation of the ovary).

However most often campylobacteriosis does not manifest itself in any way, and the pigeon appears to be completely healthy. In humans, campylobacteriosis manifests itself in the form of diarrhea, which is often accompanied by fever, dysentery, and a pinkish rash on the skin and mucous membranes.

In the treatment of the disease, rehydrating agents, probiotics, enzyme preparations, and in especially severe cases, antibiotics are used.

In most cases, the use of drugs against diarrhea is sufficient, but in severe cases, therapy with tetracycline and chloramphenicol may also be necessary.

If the disease is diagnosed in a pigeon or other poultry, then they begin to feed add furazolidone or they give water-soluble nifurprazine along with drinking.

Clinically healthy, at first glance, birds, along with feces, excrete a certain amount of campylobacter. The disease is transmitted to humans through the ingestion of droppings into the mouth, possibly through the use of contaminated water or food.

The incubation period is 12-72 hours. Once in the human body, bacteria cause a number of symptoms of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

So, in patients, pain in the abdomen, nausea is clearly manifested, and a little later vomiting and diarrhea occur. Liquid stools are characterized by an extremely unpleasant odor and blood impurities.

In addition, there is an increase in body temperature and the general condition of the body worsens. These symptoms last no longer than three days. In addition, pain in the muscles and joints can be disturbing.

In some people, the disease becomes chronic, and the symptoms in such cases are not so pronounced: sometimes abdominal pain and nausea are disturbed, which is complemented by loose stools. Over time, a person begins to lose weight, he develops weakness and fatigue increases.

Sometimes the joints can hurt and become inflamed. Women are often worried about itching in the genitals and uncharacteristic discharge. If the disease is started, the infection will cause the appearance of abscesses on the liver and pancreas.

Did you know? Pigeons were bred as poultry as early as 5,000 years ago. Given that these birds can fly at a speed of 100 km / h, in the old days they were used as postmen.

- zoonotic infectious disease with a polymorphic clinical course. This disease is caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, which is a mobile facultative anaerobic short rod. It does not form spores and can invade cells, forming a capsule and contributing to the latent course of infection.

This type of disease is characterized by a long period of their course, and usually no clinical signs can be detected. Visible symptoms appear only in weakened pigeons, in which the disease proceeds with complications: violations of the central nervous system are noted, and the bird quickly dies.

Important! To make an accurate diagnosis for a person, it is necessary to conduct a bacteriological examination of blood, mucus from the nose and throat, cerebrospinal fluid, original feces of newborns or amniotic fluid in pregnant women.

Treatment of pigeons for listeriosis is ineffective, therefore, most often sick birds are destroyed or euthanized in a veterinary clinic. As for prevention, it comes down to limiting the contact of poultry with wild ones (some pigeon houses are covered with a net around the perimeter).

It is also important to adhere to veterinary and sanitary and sanitary and hygienic standards, especially in settlements and at facilities that are associated with animal husbandry (in the case of pigeons, dovecotes must be disinfected periodically).

A person with listeriosis is prescribed a tetracycline, penicillin or ampicillin group of antibiotics, and only a doctor can determine the required dosage and duration of treatment. In addition, the patient is isolated from others and prescribed bed rest.

If listeriosis has led to complications in the form of meningitis, then benzylpenicillin sodium salt at 75-100 thousand units / kg, which is administered intravenously every four hours, can help.

Pathogenic therapy is carried out according to generally accepted principles. For example, with the ocular glandular form, a 20% solution of sodium sulfacyl and a 1% hydrocortisone emulsion are applied topically.

For preventive purposes, an analysis of the incidence of animals and people is carried out, high-risk groups and factors that can contribute to the spread of infection, both at home and in the hospital, are determined.

Listeriosis, like many other diseases of pigeons, is transmitted to humans with the mucus and feces of birds, that is, by the fecal-oral, airborne or contact route.

It is interesting that bacteria can store pathogenicity in dried mucus for quite a long time, as well as in particles of feces or on feathers. However, listeria does not always cause illness when it enters the human body.

In sick people, listeriosis proceeds as an allergic reaction, and in an acute course, body temperature rises. Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in different ways: in some cases, a rash simply appears, in others, the lymph nodes increase and sore throat develops.

In some particularly difficult situations, listeria can affect the central nervous system, causing meningitis and encephalitis. In most cases, the disease proceeds in an erased form, with periodic fever and nausea. If pregnant women become infected with listeria, then the infection will be transmitted to the child.

- This is another dangerous disease that can be transmitted to humans from pigeons. The causative agent of this disease is a small bacterium of the genus Francisella, which is widespread and highly persistent in the environment.

Poultry, and pigeons in particular, are most often asymptomatic sources of the tularemia bacterium. In the acute course of the disease, they may have a weak appearance and refuse food.

No special treatment regimen for tularemia in poultry has yet been developed, so pigeon owners can only use the most common antibacterial drugs (nitrofurans, antibiotics and sulfonamides).

As for prevention, all that can be done to avoid the spread of infection is to isolate sick individuals in time and disinfect the dovecote. In humans, the disease is treated with antibiotics, and those at high risk of infection are advised to get vaccinated every 5 years.

Almost anyone can become infected with the bacteria through direct contact with diseased pigeons or through ingestion of contaminated water and food. It should be noted that our body is very susceptible to tularemia, although the bacterium is not transmitted from person to person.

The presence of the disease is accompanied by fever and chills. Also, patients often complain of weakness, body aches, headache and loss of appetite.

At the initial stages of the development of the disease, the face turns red and swells, a rash appears on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth, and pain in the abdomen periodically worries. In humans, tularemia can occur in a pulmonary form, with a dry cough, wheezing, and chest pain. Cases of development of secondary pneumonia are frequent.

Did you know? Since 1996, a law has been in force in Munich that prohibits citizens from feeding pigeons. For the same offense in Hong Kong, you will face a fine or even eviction from your apartment.

(or, as it is also called, “false tuberculosis”) - This is a chronic disease of animals and birds, which is similar in pathomorphological changes to human tuberculosis and is characterized by the appearance of nodular formations in the affected tissues and organs. Pathogens can cause a variety of symptoms.

This disease is caused by exposure to Pastarella pseudotuberculosis found in wild and farm birds. In most cases, this ailment occurs against the background of other feathered diseases: for example, chronic intestinal disorders.

The characteristic signs of pseudotuberculosis are: depressed state of birds, disheveled plumage, shortness of breath, abnormal head position, dysfunction of internal organs. It is possible to make a final diagnosis only when there are results of bacteriological studies confirming the presence of the disease.

Oddly enough, but there is simply no special treatment for pseudotuberculosis in pigeons. In most cases, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used, but sick birds often die anyway, due to the rapidly developing intoxication of the body.

Treatment of infected people is carried out in cases of damage to external lymph nodes and is reduced to their removal. In the presence of superficial abscesses, it is recommended to open them and remove the pus. In severely neglected cases, it is very difficult to cure the disease, and sometimes it is simply impossible.

To prevent the emergence and spread of the disease, it is necessary to carry out thorough and regular disinfection of the dovecote, as well as exterminate rodents in a timely manner. In addition, at the slightest suspicion of pseudotuberculosis, it is necessary to conduct a clinical examination of the bird at least twice a month.

If there are doubts about the health of individual individuals, they must be isolated and appropriate bacteriological studies should be carried out.

Pseudotuberculosis of pigeons is transmitted to humans - this is a fact. Basically, infection occurs through water and poorly processed meat, dairy and vegetable products, even those that were stored in the refrigerator.

Infection from another person is almost impossible, so patients do not need to be isolated. The development of the disease passes very quickly, and the first symptoms appear already on the second or third day after a person has eaten contaminated food.

Patients often complain of sore throat, chills, weakness and fever up to 38-40°. Often there is a rash that strongly resembles scarlet fever and is mainly located around the joints.

Important! In people with immunodeficiency, the process is generalized, and a fatal outcome is quite possible.

Simply put, pseudotuberculosis does not have its own symptoms and rather resembles other infectious diseases: viral hepatitis, scarlet fever or SARS.


Cryptococcosis is another infectious disease caused by the yeast fungus Cryptococcus neoformans. Their favorite habitat is soil that has been fertilized with bird droppings. It is also easy to catch an infection from pigeon nests.

Symptoms of cryptococcosis in pigeons are manifested in the form of a decrease in appetite (within 1-2 weeks) and difficulty swallowing food. In case of severe disease in sick individuals, the feathers on the head and under the beak stick together with brown-gray crusts, due to which it is sometimes difficult for the bird to open the beak.

Moreover, seals the size of a hazelnut appear in the area of ​​the jaw joint. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is swollen and contains a mucous-cheesy mass. The center of this mass is somewhat compacted and consists of dead tissue.

Important! Difficulty swallowing after a few weeks can lead to a complete rejection of food, which makes the pigeon very weak.

The disease is accompanied by depression and narrowing of the palpebral fissure, and at the progressive stage of the disease, the inflammatory process passes to the esophagus.

There is no specially developed scheme for the treatment of cryptococcosis in pigeons. As with histoplasmosis, the bird is treated with antimycotic drugs.

Also, nothing concrete can be said about preventive measures. All you can do is isolate diseased pigeons and completely disinfect the loft.

The fungus is transmitted to humans through the respiratory tract, and in 30% of cases the disease occurs without any symptoms. However, the remaining 70% present with fever, cough, and hemoptysis.

Cryptococcosis begins with pulmonary symptoms, but if treatment is not started in a timely manner, it can cause brain damage (meningitis, meningoencephalitis).

In the chronic form of the disease, a person has a cough with bloody sputum, chest pain, episodic fever, and even hallucinations.


Did you know? Toxoplasma was first discovered in 1908. It happened in North Africa, when scientists examined a diseased gondii rodent. That is why the single-celled creature was called "Toxoplasma gondii."

Outbreaks of toxoplasmosis in pigeons have been observed in different countries and have been proven by more than one study. How exactly birds become infected under natural conditions has not yet been determined, but it is clear that the main route of transmission of the disease to pigeons is through their consumption of contaminated food and water.

Toxoplasmosis in pigeons is accompanied by circular movements, a staggering gait and refusal of food. Also, paralysis is not ruled out. About 60% of sick individuals die, and in the rest, the disease becomes chronic. Such birds periodically release the pathogen into the environment along with the droppings, which is why people are often infected.

Special treatment for pigeons from toxoplasmosis has not yet been developed, and prevention is based on the timely disinfection and destruction of rodents, which are often carriers of the disease.

When it enters the human body, Toxoplasma spreads through the blood and lymphatic pathways throughout the body, stopping in various organs and tissues.

Having reached the cells, the pathogen finds there favorable conditions for further reproduction, and as a result of its vital activity, an inflammatory process of organic origin appears (caused by cell death, local necrosis of tissues and blockage of blood vessels).

That is why in most infected people the disease proceeds in latent or chronic forms, and in most cases it is absolutely asymptomatic.

The acute form of the acquired disease (also a person can be born already infected) is quite rare (only 0.2-0.3% of patients). Its clinical manifestations are very diverse, which makes it difficult to identify common symptoms for all cases of toxoplasmosis in humans.

The manifestations of the disease depend on the immunity of the patient, the organ affected by the infection and a number of other factors. In some cases, there is a slight increase in body temperature, headaches, dizziness and weakness.


salmonellosisa contagious disease of pigeons, which has recently been encountered quite often. The causative agent is a mobile bacillus from the Salmonella group, which is characterized by a low level of resistance to disinfectants and quickly dies from them.

Salmonella can easily survive in water, on bedding or in litter, and in some cases the pathogen is detected even on the shell of eggs (mainly chicken).

This disease is widespread in all countries of the world, and not only among domestic pigeons, but also among wild pigeons (approximately 30-40%). Moreover, it is it that causes massive losses of birds.

Salmonellosis manifests itself in a wide variety of symptoms, the specifics of which depend on the condition of the pigeon, the conditions of the bird and the virulence of the pathogen. The disease can occur in latent and pronounced forms.

In the first case, the pigeons appear to be completely healthy or have minor signs of disease, while remaining a serious source of infection. In adults, uneven egg deposition, embryonic death and a high rate of egg infertility are noted. The younger the pigeons, the more acute the disease.

With severe salmonellosis (more pronounced in weakened birds), the chicks refuse to eat and die at the age of 8-14 days. Young pigeons are characterized by apathy, lose their ability to fly, drink a lot and eat little. In addition, they constantly have ruffled feathers and often have intestinal upset. All this often ends with the death of birds at the age of 50-70 days.

There are also intestinal, articular and nervous forms of the course of the disease. With intestinal variant there is persistent diarrhea with mucus and blood in the stool, as a result of which the tail feathers of the bird are heavily contaminated.

Articular form characterized by twitching and trembling of the limbs. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, the musculature of the wings is quite dense, but soon the tension disappears, and small nodules appear under the skin, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints. As a result, the dove cannot move and fly.

Nervous form of salmonellosis expressed in a convulsive state, which, although less common, but more quickly leads to death. In the initial stages of the development of the disease, nervous signs periodically occur, but over time, the pigeon rolls over onto its back and dies.

After confirming the diagnosis, you can proceed to the treatment of salmonellosis in pigeons. For this, modern drugs are used in the doses recommended by the manufacturer.

Young individuals (chicks) are most often prescribed levomycetin, enroflon, ampicillin, baytril and other similar drugs. However, drug treatment alone is not enough, and a whole range of additional measures will have to be taken to help prevent the spread of the disease.

Prevention of salmonellosis includes actions aimed at improving the diet and conditions of birds, carrying out veterinary and sanitary measures and mandatory vaccination of pigeons.

Salmonellosis infection, which can be transmitted to humans through pigeon droppings, affects the digestive tract.

The onset of the disease is characterized by rather acute manifestations: body temperature rises, headache, indigestion, nausea and vomiting appear. Salmonellosis is also dangerous for people because it can affect the heart, blood vessels and joints.

Did you know? In the Christian religion, the dove is considered a symbol of the Holy Spirit, in Islam it is considered as Divine inspiration, and in Freemasonry it is a symbol of innocence.

For quite a long time it was believed that Newcastle disease refers only to representatives of the chicken order. Until 1970, there was little information about a possible disease in pigeons, especially since the isolation of the virus and its typification were not carried out. In most cases, the disease was sporadic and affected only individual birds.

However, after the epizootic that appeared in 1970-1972 and caused great losses, much more attention began to be paid to infections in pigeons. The virus isolated from them belongs to the group of avian paramyxovirus serogroup-1.

4-5 days after infection, pigeons begin to show clinical signs of the disease. For the virus, this time is quite enough to begin active reproduction in the bird's body and be excreted with tracheal mucus and droppings.

Clinical signs of Newcastle disease in pigeons, which are caused by velogenic strains of the virus, have their own characteristics. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, the pigeon becomes lethargic, apathetic, indifferent, and all the time sits ruffled, with its eyes closed.

The bird reacts poorly to the environment, and after some time, paralysis of the limbs, tail and neck begins to develop.

Some pigeon breeders note seizures in their wards caused by the penetration of bright light into the dovecote. The attacks are so strong that the pigeon falls on its side and sharply rotates its head. Sometimes this happens during flight, as a result of which the bird falls from a height and begins to move uncoordinated.

Important! Unlike chickens, in pigeons this disease occurs in a septicemic form and is most often characterized by a disorder of the central nervous system. Pigeon mortality from Newcastle disease ranges from 10% to 70% and occurs 2-9 days after the first clinical signs appear.

The last stage in the development of the disease is the complete immobilization of the pigeon.

At the first manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to deliver a sick bird to a veterinary clinic, where doctors can make an accurate diagnosis.

The transportation of such a pigeon must be carried out in accordance with all the rules in order to exclude the possibility of spreading the virus (place the pigeon in a separate lockable box, having previously made several holes in it for air to enter).

After the diagnosis is confirmed, some pigeon breeders use a variety of drugs to improve the condition of the pigeon (for example, vitamins and tranquilizers), however, given the risk of spreading the infection, treatment is not advisable.

It is very important to immediately disinfect the dovecote and care items, and vaccinate the remaining birds with a vaccine that contains a weakened virus. Young animals are also vaccinated, inoculating them with the “B” or “La Sota” vaccine intranasally.

It is imperative to maintain cleanliness in pigeon houses, and the diet of pigeons must be selected taking into account breed, age and breeding season. New individuals must be isolated from the main composition for up to 30 days, and birds can only be imported from countries where Newcastle disease is not common.

Contact of domestic pigeons with wild birds, which may well serve as a source of infection, should be limited. To prevent the flight of foreign birds into the dovecotes, you need to close the windows and ventilation openings with a mesh with a mesh size of 1.5x1.5 cm.

As you can see, all preventive measures are based on the use of a vaccine. Both domestic and foreign preparations have been successfully used for many years to increase the immunity of pigeons, while remaining absolutely harmless to them.

one of the most insidious diseases, since its symptoms are easily confused with the common cold, which interferes with the correct diagnosis and timely treatment. However, you should definitely pay attention to conjunctivitis and a slightly elevated temperature.

If you do not respond in a timely manner to the onset of the disease, then the respiratory, digestive and nervous systems will suffer. However, for humans, this disease is not as dangerous as for pigeons.

How to save yourself

It is quite difficult to catch any disease from street birds, but this does not mean that this will not happen to you. Although such cases are rare, non-observance of hygiene rules can lead you to completely undesirable consequences.

Most poultry diseases are transmitted to humans through the consumption of raw eggs or when particles of excrement enter the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, if you feed pigeons by throwing food on the pavement or using feeders for this, then the risk of contracting an unpleasant disease is practically reduced to zero. Of course, if you like hand-feeding the birds, the key is to wash them right away.

To protect yourself from diseases, don't touch sick people This should only be done by experts. Lethargy, watery eyes, coughing and refusal to eat are some of the first signs of a disease in pigeons.

Trichomoniasis in birds is a fairly common disease among birds, which is often found in domestic and wild breeds of pigeons. This is due to the fact that this microorganism, which is an infectious agent of the disease, is viable for a long time in a humid environment, which means it remains active, multiplying in drinking water, on the mucous membranes of the pharynx, larynx, goiter and esophagus of a bird.

Veterinarians say that trichomoniasis in pigeons, or rather its causative agent, can be found in all poultry, which has formed non-sterile immunity. By this concept, experts mean such a feature - Trichomonas on mucous membranes is diagnosed, but pigeons do not get sick.

Infection of an individual occurs in several ways. The most common are poor quality feed and dirty drinking water. Sand, grain films or other coarse foreign particles contained in poor quality feeds can injure the protective lining of the mucous membrane, allowing bacteria to enter the body, causing trichomoniasis in birds.

An infectious disease can manifest itself in different ways. Symptoms depend on the immunity of the individual and the virulence of the virus. But as veterinary practice shows, although there are several forms of the disease, in birds in most cases it manifests itself in lesions of the oral cavity, pharynx and esophagus. This is a fairly serious infection that responds well to timely treatment. If you miss the time, then the sick pigeon may die, infecting other birds.

Symptoms and treatment of trichomoniasis in pigeons

Lethargy, immobility, open beak, dense neoplasms of "yellow plugs" on the mucous membranes, increasing every day - the symptoms observed in the diagnosis of trichomoniasis in pigeons. Treatment, started in a timely manner, can save the bird from suffocation and death.

In addition to the listed signs, the bird may have liquid droppings with a sharp putrefactive odor, an increased volume of the abdomen. These signs indicate the intestinal form of trichomoniasis in pigeons. Treatment with this form is quite difficult and often the sick individual dies.

For the treatment of diseases in birds, the drug Trichopolum is used in the form of a solution. For young animals - 17.5 grams of Trichopolum per 1 liter of water, for adults - 3 grams of the drug for the same volume of water.

The medicine is used in the form of lotions to remove growths from the mouth by massaging the contents of the goiter. Also, the medicinal solution is instilled with a pipette both into the bird's beak and into the goiter, avoiding the liquid getting into the lungs. To prevent carriage, veterinarians recommend adding Trichopolum to drinking water.

If Trichopolum is not in the pigeon breeder's first aid kit, then trichomoniasis in pigeons, the treatment of which should not be postponed, can be carried out with drugs such as iodoglycerin, Lugol's solution.

Pigeon diseases are characterized by a rather extensive symptomatology. Most often, birds are affected by whirlpool, smallpox, paratyphoid fever, ornithosis, thrush, coccidiosis and candidiasis. Pigeon diseases often occur due to non-compliance with the basic rules for caring for a bird. The causes of infection may be: an incorrectly composed diet, neglect of sanitary standards or the lack of preventive measures.

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    Types of diseases and ways of infection

    Diseases affecting birds are divided into contagious and non-contagious.. Pigeons are more prone to disease, but adults who are kept in unsuitable conditions and do not receive enough vitamins along with food can get sick. Diseases that affect the body of birds include:

    • Newcastle disease (whirlpool);
    • ornithosis;
    • smallpox;
    • salmonellosis (paratyphoid);
    • trichomoniasis;
    • candidiasis;
    • thrush (candidomycosis);
    • coccidiosis.

    The risk of bird infection is especially high when it comes to infectious diseases. In total there are two ways:

    1. 1. Direct. In this case, a healthy pigeon becomes ill after contact with an infected pigeon.
    2. 2. Indirect. The infection enters the body of a bird through infected feed, drink, soil.

    Changes in behavior or appearance may indicate the presence of a disease in a bird.

    Twirl (Newcastle disease)

    Newcastle disease, or whirlpool, is a dangerous disease of an epileptic nature. Scientists have found that the disease is of viral origin. Every year it strikes about a thousand birds. If not diagnosed in time, the bird may die.

    Paramyxovirus most often affects the nervous system. The incubation period is short, only a few days. It is assumed that the disease occurs in the middle ear as a consequence of smallpox. Pathogens are released into the environment long before the onset of the main symptoms. During this period, internal bleeding may occur.

    Pigeons, wild and domestic, are the main carriers of paramyxovirus. The pathogen is transmitted through direct contact of the bird with a sick individual. In rare cases, a bird can become infected by airborne droplets through infected drink and food.

    For a person, the whirlpool is not dangerous, but people can be carriers of the virus, especially if they neglect the rules of personal hygiene.

    Signs of the disease

    The disease can be recognized already by the first symptoms:

    • change in gait;
    • lethargy;
    • redness of the beak and eyes;
    • the appearance of diarrhea;
    • convulsions;
    • neck curvature.

    An infected feathered bird does not refuse food and drink for the first time. Outwardly, a sick pigeon looks untidy, feathers are ruffled, the bird loses activity, tries to walk less.

    After the onset of diarrhea, the pigeon stops eating, tries to drink more. At the last stage, after the curvature of the neck, inflammatory processes begin in the internal organs. They lead to the death of the bone marrow and brain. Individuals who have undergone verticula at an early age acquire immunity.

    The chronic form of the disease takes very rarely. In this situation, death is inevitable.

    Treatment of vertiches with medicines and folk remedies

    In the first 9 days of infection, the disease can be cured. It is important not to be late and diagnose the disease in time, otherwise the bird will die. Fixed assets are available in the form of capsules and solutions, for example, Fosprenil. A broad-spectrum vaccine administered intramuscularly, usually in the area of ​​the pectoral muscle. You can water the dove through the beak. The drug enhances metabolic functions and blood flow in the feathered body, supports and strengthens the immune system of the pigeon. The tool has no side effects, it is completely safe for birds and people.

    An analogue of Fosprenil is the drug Immunofan. Instructions for use of the product do not differ from the instructions for Fosprenil. The solution can be used to drink a pigeon, especially if the breeder doubts that he will be able to give the injection correctly.

    The simultaneous use of two or more drugs is strictly prohibited. Consultation of a specialist will help not to make a mistake in choosing a medicine.

    Traditional medicine offers several ways to treat Newman's disease at home. It is recommended to give a sick pigeon belladonna, which is a homeopathic remedy. A special mixture is also prepared from garlic, egg yolk, a small amount of milk and ground grains. It must be injected directly into the feathered goiter. The procedure is repeated for several days.


    Ornithosis is one of the most serious contagious diseases that affects not only pigeons, but also the rest of poultry. The causative agent is chlamydia. The disease has a second name - psittacosis. It can take two forms: acute and chronic. In rare cases, the pigeon is only a carrier of the disease.

    Ornithosis is a danger to humans. If the pathogen enters the body, there is a risk of developing pneumonia.

    About 140 species of birds are at risk of psittacosis. The spreaders of the disease are:

    • geese, ducks;
    • pigeons (domestic and wild);
    • decorative poultry;
    • wild waterfowl;
    • wild migratory birds.


    Chlamydia entering the body adversely affects the respiratory tract. In the lungs, the process of reproduction begins, then the bacteria enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. Chlamydia cause inflammation in the internal organs. The incubation period lasts about 30-40 days.

    The main symptoms of ornithosis include:

    • runny nose;
    • wheezing when breathing;
    • cough;
    • diarrhea (liquid green litter);
    • loss of appetite;
    • profuse lacrimation;
    • eye discharge.

    When infected with ornithosis, the pigeon has a disheveled and untidy appearance.

    Ornithosis treatment

    Sick birds must be isolated to prevent the spread of the disease. Special therapy is carried out, which includes:

    • treatment of a pigeon with medicines;
    • sanitation of the dovecote;
    • feed processing.

    Ornithosis is treated with antibiotics. The causative agents of the disease are sensitive to sulfonamides, so the drugs Erythromycin, Eriprim, Azithromycin are given to the infected in large doses. They restore the immunity of the bird. These drugs are mixed with feed. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. If the disease has not receded, the procedure must be repeated.

    To strengthen the intestinal microflora, it is recommended that a sick pigeon be given vitamins A, B and D.


    Smallpox disease affects the mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract. The causative agent is a virus that contributes to the formation of pockmarks on the skin. The infection has a long viability: smallpox pathogens survive even at sub-zero temperatures, but at high temperatures they die. Viral infection is detrimental to direct sunlight.

    The appearance of the disease is typical for young animals, adults most often act as carriers of the disease. External signs may not appear for about 60 days. Birds that are kept in inappropriate conditions and do not receive vitamins and essential nutrients are especially susceptible to infection.

    smallpox symptoms

    Symptoms of smallpox disease appear in the first week after infection. The disease most often takes an acute form, sometimes it can flow into a chronic one. The main signs of infection are:

    • untidy appearance;
    • lowered wings;
    • flight cancellation;
    • lack or decrease in activity.

    Approximately on the fifth day after infection, characteristic growths appear in the beak area. At first they are small, rounded, pale yellow. Over time, the formation grows and turns red, eventually acquiring a brown tint.

    The growths make it difficult to breathe: the bird may wheeze or breathe exclusively through the mouth.

    Treatment of the disease

    Medicines that completely cure pigeons from smallpox do not exist today. Veterinarians advise to inject gamma globulin subcutaneously at 0.3 ml per individual. A mixture of adrenaline at a dosage of 1/10,000 is administered intramuscularly. It must be combined with a solution of potassium, which is added to the drink.

    Traditional medicine recommends treating smallpox with herbal ointments and glycerin. Such funds will help to dry the build-up and subsequently get rid of it. After the crust subsides, the wound must be treated with a weak iodine solution or a 3–5% solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure will help to avoid suppuration. The affected oral cavity is treated with Lugol's solution.

    A pigeon that is severely malnourished by smallpox must be killed to avoid infecting the remaining healthy individuals.

    Paratyphoid (salmonellosis)

    The causative agent of salmonellosis is the salmonella bacillus. The pathogen usually survives in litter, eggshells, water, and bedding. The disease is transmitted from the female to the chicks, and salmonella also reduces the fertility rate of eggs. Cases have been identified when individuals cured of salmonellosis lost the ability to fly.

    The disease can take two forms. With latent symptoms, most often they do not appear. The virus lives in the internal organs of the pigeon, is released into the environment through litter and eggs. With a pronounced form, the external signs of the disease are distinguishable. At this stage, the bird in most cases dies.

    Salmonellosis symptoms

    The disease has its own individual symptoms. These include:

    • weakening of the musculature of the wings;
    • mucus and blood in the litter;
    • bumps on the joints;
    • convulsions.

    When infected with salmonellosis in pigeons, the digestive system is disrupted. The feathered limbs begin to tremble, there is a weakening of the muscular frame, the dove is lethargic and inactive. The bird is not able to fly and gradually stops moving at all.

    The virus infects the brain and nervous system. The bird is in a state of neurosis. When the disease is advanced, the feathered one falls on its back and dies.

    Treatment of paratyphoid

    Veterinarians note that a complete cure for the disease is possible with an integrated approach. Before starting, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures: sanitization of the dovecote and the destruction of rats and mice.

    Treatment of the disease is carried out with medicines of the tertacycline and ampicillin groups. Polyvalent serum from cattle can alleviate the condition of a pigeon infected with salmonellosis.

    You cannot self-medicate. Expert advice is required.

    Traditional medicine does not guarantee a complete cure. They only help maintain the pigeon's immunity.


    The causative agent of the disease is a flagellate bacterium - Trichomonas. A feature of Trichomonas is its long-term viability in the aquatic environment, the microorganism dies only when dried. It reproduces mainly in the oral cavity, goiter, esophagus and larynx.

    The onset of the disease is due to damage to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Most often this occurs due to the consumption of sand or coarse grains. Young pigeons get trichomoniasis due to contaminated drinking water.

    When the beaks of a dove and a dove come into contact, infection with trichomoniasis is possible.


    The main symptoms include:

    • immobility;
    • blockage of the entrance to the larynx;
    • formation of yellow color in the oral cavity;
    • weakness;
    • untidy appearance.

    The bird often breathes through its mouth. There is the appearance of diarrhea, diarrhea with a sharp unpleasant odor, the stomach increases in volume. Seals of various sizes appear in the feathered liver.


    For the treatment of trichomoniasis, veterinarians advise using special products. These include:

    • metronidazole;
    • tinidazole;
    • ornidazole;
    • natamycin;
    • silymarin.

    Drugs must be used strictly according to the instructions. Traditional medicine recommends the use of iodoglycerin and Lugol's solution as auxiliary medicines.


    The causative agent of candidiasis is a yeast-like unicellular fungus of the genus Candida.. The fungus feels good in a neutral and slightly alkaline environment. With increased acidity, Candida loses its ability to reproduce.

    The disease develops in several stages. These include:

    • beak candidiasis;
    • goiter candidiasis;
    • systemic candidiasis.

    Signs of infection

    Candidiasis of the beak is the mildest and most quickly treatable type.. The symptoms of the disease include:

    • inflamed beak;
    • the appearance of characteristic "grooves" on the horny sheath;
    • swollen wax.

    Goiter candidiasis can simultaneously cause damage to the oral cavity and stomatitis in birds.. The complexity of the disease lies in the fact that the symptoms are not immediately detectable. Infection can be identified by the following signs:

    • the dove regurgitates food;
    • the goiter is hot to the touch;
    • the wall of the goiter is thickened, the blood vessels are clearly visible;
    • the feathered is rapidly losing weight;
    • diarrhea occurs, green litter with white urates.

    Systemic candidiasis is the most dangerous of all types. It occurs as a complication after untreated candidiasis of the goiter and digestive tract. Symptoms include:

    • weight loss;
    • refusal to feed;
    • the appearance of diarrhea;
    • the appearance of scabs on the skin.

    Treatment Methods

    Beak candidiasis is treated with special ointments containing lamisil, clotrimazole, which lubricate the horny sheath. Avoid getting the medicine inside.

    For the treatment of goiter candidiasis, a local preparation is used: Pimafucin. The recommended dosage per individual is 5 mg per day. To prevent the appearance of candidiasis of the oral cavity, it is necessary to treat it with Lugol and iodine-containing alcohol-free solutions. Traditional medicine advises adding fresh lemon juice or a couple of drops of apple cider vinegar to a sick pigeon's drink. In an acidic environment, the development of the fungus stops.

    Treatment of systemic candidiasis is carried out with the help of antifungal drugs: Itraconazole, Fluconazole. Before starting treatment, a consultation with a veterinarian is necessary.

    Thrush (candidiasis)

    Candidiasis, or thrush, is a disease of fungal origin. It affects the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, esophagus and goiter. Thrush is caused by the opportunistic fungus Candida albicans. It grows into the mucous membrane, actively multiplies, leading to damage to the digestive tract.

    The disease most often occurs due to improper maintenance or overcrowding of the dovecote. The incubation period ranges from 10 days to 2-3 months. The disease can be epidemic in nature.

    Symptoms appear 7-9 days after infection. These include:

    • weight loss;
    • lethargy and apathy;
    • growth stop;
    • the appearance of diarrhea;
    • an unpleasant smell of rot from the beak;
    • swelling of the goiter.

    Prevention of thrush consists in regular disinfection of the premises.


    A sick bird is recommended to be treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics: Biomycin and Terramycin. Your veterinarian will help you determine the correct dosage. Vitamins A and B are given as adjuvants. To suppress the infection, infected pigeons must be isolated.

    Alternative medicine suggests using garlic and onions as a remedy. The juice of these plants adversely affects the development of the fungus. You can also use copper and iron sulfate. They are mixed into the feed at the rate of 1–1.5 grams per 1 kg. Treatment methods using traditional medicine will help to stop the course of the disease.

    If necessary, infected individuals must be destroyed.

    Young pigeons are susceptible to coccidiosis. Signs of infection include: