Taking into account the results of a special assessment of working conditions. Trud-Expert.Management Data transfer to the system

The implementation of a special assessment of working conditions (SOUT) is strictly controlled by law at all stages, including the application of its results. That is why reporting on the results of work on SOUT is transferred not only to the customer company, but also to government departments. We are talking about providing such information to an information base that accumulates the results of assessments at all types of enterprises.

The procedure for recording information on SOUT

The Federal Information System for recording the results of the SOUT is a specialized information base. It includes the full amount of information about each special assessment procedure performed on the territory of our country in accordance with the requirements of 426-FZ. Key conditions for the functioning of the system are given in Art. 18 of this regulatory document.

This section 426-FZ regulates the volume and nature of information provided to the system. It should reflect all the necessary data on the following information sections:

  • information about the employer acting as the customer of the SOUT procedure;
  • data on workplaces subject to the assessment procedure;
  • information about the company that acted as the contractor for the special assessment work.

Transferring data to the system

According to the current procedure for the functioning of the information system for SOUT, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation is responsible for maintaining such an information resource. 426-FZ determines the distribution of responsibilities for transmitting information about a special assessment of working conditions to the territorial body of the ministry. So, th. 18 establishes that in the general case it is assigned to the company that carried out the work on the special assessment. Transferring data to the system is a mandatory step in providing the service.

Articles 4 and 5 determine the procedure for the participants in the process if, for any reason, it is impossible for the executor to fulfill these duties. In such a situation, data on completed work is transferred to the system by the employer who ordered the service. The difference between this mechanism is that the contractor transmits the data directly to the Ministry of Labor. The customer must send them to the state labor inspectorate, from where they will be entered into the information base for recording the results of work on SAW. In all cases, participants in the procedure must maintain confidentiality of information.

1. Information on the results of a special assessment of working conditions, including in relation to workplaces, the working conditions at which are declared as complying with state regulatory requirements for labor protection, are subject to transfer to the accounting information system, with the exception of information constituting a state or other secret protected by law , taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data. The responsibility for transmitting the results of a special assessment of working conditions rests with the organization conducting the special assessment of working conditions.

2. In the accounting information system, the following information is the accounting objects:

1) in relation to the employer:

a) full name;

b) location and place of activity;

c.1) reason code for registration with the tax authority;

f) number of jobs;

g) the number of workplaces where a special assessment of working conditions was carried out;

h) distribution of jobs by classes (subclasses) of working conditions;

2) in relation to the workplace:

a) an individual workplace number, which, during an unscheduled and (or) repeated special assessment of working conditions, must completely coincide with that originally indicated for a given workplace;

(see text in the previous edition)

b) code of the profession of the worker or workers employed at a given workplace, in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes;

c) insurance number of the individual personal account of the employee or employees employed at this workplace;

d) the number of workers employed at this workplace;

e) class (subclass) of working conditions at a given workplace, as well as class (subclass) of working conditions in relation to each harmful and (or) dangerous production factor, indicating their name, units of measurement, measured values, relevant standards (hygienic standards) working conditions, the duration of exposure to these harmful and (or) hazardous production factors on the employee and information about the reduction of the class (subclass) of working conditions based on an assessment of the effectiveness of personal protective equipment, including details of the protocol for assessing the effectiveness of those used by employees employed in workplaces with hazardous working conditions , personal protective equipment that has undergone mandatory certification in the manner established by technical regulations, carried out in order to reduce the class (subclass) of working conditions (if such an assessment is carried out);

(see text in the previous edition)

f) the basis for the formation of the rights of employees employed in a given workplace to the early assignment of an old-age insurance pension (if such rights exist);

(see text in the previous edition)

g) information about industrial accidents that have occurred over the past five years and about occupational diseases identified among workers employed at this workplace;

h) information on the quality of the results of a special assessment of working conditions (compliance or non-compliance of the results of a special assessment of working conditions with the requirements of this Federal Law in the case of an examination of the quality of a special assessment of working conditions);

i) information on the adoption by the federal executive body authorized to conduct federal state supervision over compliance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, a decision to terminate the declaration of compliance of working conditions with state regulatory labor protection requirements;

3) in relation to the organization that conducted a special assessment of working conditions:

a) full name;

b) registration number of the entry in the register of organizations conducting a special assessment of working conditions;

c) taxpayer identification number;

d) main state registration number;

e) information about the accreditation of the testing laboratory (center), including the number and validity period of the accreditation certificate of the testing laboratory (center);

f) information about the experts of the organization that conducted the special assessment of working conditions and who participated in its implementation, including the last name, first name, patronymic, position and registration number of the entry in the register of experts of organizations conducting the special assessment of working conditions;

g) information about the measuring instruments used by the testing laboratory (center), including the name of the measuring instrument and its number in the Federal Information Fund for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements, the serial number of the measuring instrument, the expiration date of its verification, the date of measurements, the names of the harmful substances measured and (or) hazardous production factors.

3. The organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions, within ten working days from the date of approval of the report on its conduct, transfers to the accounting information system in the form of an electronic document signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, the information provided for in Part 2 of this article. The specified organization, within three working days from the date of entering information into the information recording system, is obliged to notify the employer about this on paper by registered mail with return receipt requested or in the form of an electronic document signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, with copies of supporting documents attached.

(see text in the previous edition)

4. If the organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions fails to fulfill the responsibilities provided for in parts 1 and this article, the employer has the right to transfer to the territorial body of the federal executive body authorized to conduct federal state supervision over compliance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, including in electronic form, information available to him regarding the accounting objects specified in part 2 of this article.

(see text in the previous edition)

5. In the case specified in part 4 of this article, the territorial body of the federal executive body authorized to conduct federal state supervision over compliance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms transmits to the accounting information system in the form of an electronic document, signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, information regarding accounting objects specified in

Due to the fact that the unloading information for FSIS SOUT, they occupy a significant amount of data; it was not possible to find an effective solution for integrating this mode into the “Certification-5.1” program (in MS Word). A significant amount of data uploaded to a MS Word document leads to noticeable performance problems when viewing the document and makes it difficult to access the content when viewing materials.

Due With this in mind, it was decided to create a separate program (utility) to view information from the export file for FSIS SOUT (AKOT). P The program allows you to view information by section:

  • general information about the export file;
  • certifying organization;
  • laboratory;
  • employer;
  • list of jobs;
  • workplaces;
  • factors.

Software composition and installation.

The XML viewer for FSIS SOUT includes only one working file named " akot_reader.exe". An additional requirement for the system is the presence of the .NET 4 Framework Client Profile software platform. This platform is preinstalled for Windows 8, 10 and is usually already included in the updated Windows 7. For Windows XP, a mandatory additional installation of the environment will be required ".NET 4 Framework Client Profile" if it has not been previously installed.

There are 2 options for downloading:

  • akot_reader file for self-deployment;
  • distribution kit (setup) for automatic deployment and integration into the START-Programs menu.

For self-deployment, you need to copy the fileakot_reader to any folder ( For example , to the desktop) and launch the program by opening the akot_reader file (or a self-created shortcut to this file). To run you will need a pre-installedsoftware platform ".NET 4 Framework Client Profile".

The advantage of deployment using a distribution kit (setup) is that it automatically checks for the presence of .NET installed. If the platform".NET 4 Framework Client Profile" is not detected, the necessary components are automatically downloaded and installed. Therefore, Internet access is required to install the distribution. Before installing the distribution, you must completely extract the contents from the archive. The distribution includes a setup file, file akot_reader and the Application Files folder. At the time of installation, you must have access to all components of the distribution.

The distribution kit is installed using ClickOnce technology, the result will be the installation of a shortcut in the Programs folder - subfolder website, as shown in the picture (the picture shows the shortcut in the START menu for win 7, for other OS there may be slight differences in appearance).

One of advantages of using a technology distribution ClickOnce is the ability to automatically update software before launch. At the moment the software is launched, a connection is established with the site site in order to determine the availability of the latest version of the program, this is expressed by the presence of a window, as shown in the figure.

At the moment this window is displayed, version control occurs on the website and, if necessary, a request to install a new version occurs. Accordingly, launching the application to be able to control the new version will require Internet access.

Terms of Use.

There are no restrictions on the use of the program “XML Viewer for FSIS SOUT”; transfer to third parties is possible without additional approval from the developer.

Download links

Program distribution (archived);

Possible problems during installation (for experienced users and system administrators).

1. It is possible that the application may be blocked by antivirus software during installation and launch. In this case, you will need to configure exceptions for the installation directory in the settings of the antivirus software you are using.

2. To configure the program installation directory in antivirus exceptions, additional steps will be required to determine the path to the installation directory. For applications deployed using technology ClickOnce, the location where work files are stored is unknown in advance. In this regard, there are certain inconveniences in determining the installation directory and the following procedure may be required:

  • run the program;
  • go to the task manager (Processes tab);
  • go to the folder as shown in the picture.

The specified folder (after step number 3) will correspond to the installation directory of the akot_reader program in ClickOnce deployment mode. If necessary, this path is added to the list of exceptions for anti-virus software.

Start the program.

The software interface should not be difficult to use; after opening, you need to select the export file generated by the program, as shown in the figure.

By default, it is possible to open files with the XML extension, but it is also possible to open SOUT files.


Send suggestions and comments to: [email protected]. All suggestions and comments will be considered by the developer for the possibility of inclusion in the next update of the program.

Ministry of Labor: practice of applying legislation on special assessment of working conditions

With the introduction of FSIS, the Ministry of Labor began to act even more strictly. The activities of organizations conducting special assessments, which at the beginning of this year were not registered in the system, did not have an electronic signature verification key certificate and, accordingly, could not transmit data to the Federal State Information System, were suspended.

With the introduction of FSIS, the Ministry of Labor began to act even more strictly. The activities of organizations conducting special assessments, which at the beginning of this year were not registered in the system, did not have an electronic signature verification key certificate and, accordingly, could not transmit data to the Federal State Information System, were suspended

Valery Anatolyevich KORZH,
Director of the Department of Labor Conditions and Safety of the Russian Ministry of Labor

The Special Assessment of Working Conditions (SAL) in the Russian Federation has been in effect for more than two years. Almost all necessary laws and regulations have been adopted. The exception is the specifics of carrying out special assessments at the workplaces of flight and cabin crew members of civil aviation aircraft. This document is currently in the process of approval. But its absence, as they say, does not make a difference, and in general, the normative regulation of the SOUT Institute is not only formed today, but is also actively applied.

A market for organizations conducting SOUT has also emerged.

Rice. 1. Distribution of organizations providing services in the region
labor protection, by federal district

After Law No. 426-FZ came into force, the number of organizations that have the right to conduct special assessment activities decreased. As of January 1, 2014, 957 organizations had it. The reasons for the reduction are different. For some, the relevant permits have expired, others decided to leave the market voluntarily.


Despite the fact that Law No. 426-FZ has been in force for almost two years, there is some misunderstanding in the professional community of its individual norms. This is often due to a legal transition period. Let's talk about this in detail.

Organizations accredited in accordance with the procedure that was in force before the date of entry into force of this Law, as providers of automated workplace services, can carry out special assessment and testing procedures until the expiration of the accreditation certificates of testing laboratories (centers) of these organizations available on the day of entry into force of the Law, but no later than 31 December 2018 inclusive (Article 27 of Law No. 426-FZ). The key words here are “available on the effective date.” This means that after January 1, 2014, these organizations, of course, could apply to the relevant voluntary accreditation systems to extend the validity of the accreditation certificate of their testing laboratories (centers). But in fact, getting into the new Register is possible only if the accreditation certificate of the testing laboratory (center) is issued by the national accreditation body in accordance with the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 412-FZ “On accreditation in the national accreditation system.” Such a national accreditation body is currently RosAccreditation. The form of the accreditation certificate was approved by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated May 26, 2014 No. 295.

No tearful requests to “get into the situation” and “as an exception” to add to the Register an organization that has not received an accreditation certificate in time according to the new rules will not be accepted. There is no accreditation certificate - there is no legal basis for inclusion in the Register, and therefore no right to provide services for conducting special assessments.

Therefore, for almost three more years, organizations accredited to carry out automated testing, if their accreditation certificate of the testing laboratory (center) has not expired, has the right to carry out SOUT due to the transitional provisions of Law No. 426-FZ. If they want to continue working in the future, it is important to know the expiration date of their permits and prepare in advance for the procedure for obtaining a new certificate from the Federal Accreditation Agency.

Today, the Russian Ministry of Labor is often approached by organizations whose testing laboratories (centers) have an accreditation certificate that expires in a week, but they have only just come to their senses and submitted an application to the Federal Accreditation Agency. Our colleagues from Rosakkreditatsiya have very clear procedures and rather long deadlines. There's no way to get it done in a week.

At our request, state labor inspectorates will pay special attention to accreditation certificates of testing laboratories (centers) of organizations conducting special labor assessments, primarily voluntary accreditation systems, extended after January 1, 2014.

Organizations conducting special assessments are required to know the validity period of their accreditation certificate and study the regulatory framework in order to contact the Federal Accreditation Agency in advance in accordance with it.

Law No. 426-FZ defines a closed list of harmful and (or) dangerous factors in the working environment and the labor process, which must be measured and assessed by their own testing laboratory (center). A number of production factors (energy exposure to laser radiation, radioactive contamination of production premises, etc.) can be outsourced by involving a third-party testing laboratory (center).

But this does not apply to most of the production factors subject to research (testing) and measurement. They must be reflected in the scope of accreditation of the accreditation certificate of the testing laboratory (center) that is part of the organization conducting the SOUT. Therefore, the Ministry of Labor of Russia, when considering applications for inclusion in the Register, is guided by Art. 19 of Law No. 426-FZ. There are requirements for organizations conducting SOUT. We very carefully compare the scope of accreditation of the accreditation certificate obtained by the testing laboratory (center) with the requirements of Law No. 426-FZ.

​The mere fact of receiving an accreditation certificate from Rosakcreditation for inclusion in the Register is not enough: the scope of accreditation must fully comply with Law No. 426-FZ.

An unconditional requirement of Law No. 426-FZ for organizations included in the Register is that they have at least five experts certified by the Russian Ministry of Labor. One of them must have a higher education as a doctor of general hygiene, occupational hygiene or a doctor in sanitary and hygienic laboratory research. In organizations operating in the SOUT market due to the transitional provisions of Law No. 426-FZ, it is necessary to secure the status of experts to five of their employees by local act. Only organizations whose testing laboratories (centers) have been accredited by Rosaccreditation and have at least five certified experts (and therefore have complied with the “two keys” principle) will be able to enter the Register.

Let's talk about the expert community. Certification tests of persons applying for an expert certificate for the right to perform work on SOUT are carried out by the Russian Ministry of Labor since October 1, 2014. During this time, 4,506 applications were received. The percentage of “refusals” to admit a candidate to the certification test (it is carried out in the form of remote testing) is not high - less than 10%. 4,165 applicants were admitted to the certification test. 3007 people were recognized as experts; 399 applicants, based on the results of remote testing, were denied a certificate (Fig. 2). These so-called representatives of the professional community, having three free attempts, were unable to “master” 40 test questions over the course of a month. It was enough to answer 36 of them correctly; the correct answer is selected from several options proposed by the system, and this greatly simplifies the task.

Rice. 2. Distribution of applicants and experts by federal districts

What’s interesting: the program that is used for the certification testing of experts allows not only to answer the main question “passed or failed?”, but also to make analytical samples. For example, you can use it to find out which blocks of questions have the highest and lowest percentage of correct answers.

I was very surprised to learn that the maximum number of incorrect answers related to general questions of conducting SOUT. It turns out that “narrow” specialists are well versed in “narrow” problems, but “float” in general organizational issues, clearly regulated by Law No. 426-FZ. This is food for thought for those who send their experts for certification testing, and for supervisory and executive authorities.

Speaking about the competence of experts, I would like to note the following paradoxical circumstance: in the Department of Labor Conditions and Safety of the Ministry of Labor of Russia today there is not a single certified expert. I dare say, and it won’t, because this is fraught with a conflict of interest. However, some practicing experts manage to ask our department seven basic questions a week: how to carry out an environmental control system at a foreman’s workplace, how to measure the noise level, etc.? We cannot and will not take action against citizens who are overly proactive in asking us questions. But we will definitely summarize this information and ask Rostrud, in the course of planned control and supervisory activities, to pay increased attention to organizations whose experts conduct special assessments with the help of our department.

​In general, I must warn representatives of the professional community: the SOUT market is under vigilant control.

An expert is a unique, competent specialist. He confirmed this fact by passing the certification test and receiving a certificate. In his work, he must be guided by the existing regulatory framework (as I already said, fully formed). If the expert finds essential problems and contradictions in it, let him identify them to us, but do not ask us to solve specific problems when conducting the SOUT for him.

Rosakkreditatsiya informs us, among other things, about the suspension of accreditation certificates. And this means automatic suspension of the activities of the organization conducting the special assessment.

Electronic services will be established in the very near future, and we will exchange the necessary information with RosAccreditation virtually in online mode.


On January 1, 2016, the Federal State Information System for recording the results of a special assessment of working conditions (hereinafter referred to as FSIS) came into operation. Organizations conducting SOUT are required to transfer assessment results to this system. This is not some new “invention”. The already existing Automated System of Analysis and Control in the Field of Occupational Safety and Health (hereinafter referred to as AS AKOT) was renamed FSIS by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 26, 2015 No. 897 from the beginning of 2016.

At one time, AS AKOT united several information resources maintained by the Russian Ministry of Labor. FSIS, along with information from AS AKOT, will contain data from Rostrud on the results of its control and supervisory measures, as well as information from the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the results of the state examination of working conditions. The main interest is the examination of the quality of SOUT. In the future, we plan to synchronize FSIS with the Pension Fund systems in order to maintain individual (personalized) records of employees, linking the state of working conditions at their workplaces with the guarantees provided for by pension legislation. Integration with the systems of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of Russia and Rospotrebnadzor is also next in line (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Informatization in the field of labor protection

During the work of AS AKOT, the Ministry of Labor of Russia and its developers received many complaints from organizations conducting SOUT about alleged failures in the transmission of information. Checks have shown that, as a rule, all of these are excuses to justify their inaction on data transfer. And there was plenty of time for this - a year and a half. Let me remind you that the temporary Procedure for transmitting information on the results of a special assessment of working conditions was adopted by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 07/03/2014 No. 436n (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 436n) and was applied until the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 03.11 came into force on January 1, 2016 .2015 No. 843n, which approved the Procedure for the formation, storage and use of information contained in the Federal State Information System for recording the results of a special assessment of working conditions.

We have repeatedly sent letters to everyone concerned, explaining how to connect to AS AKOT, obtain a qualified electronic signature verification key certificate, transfer information, attach already generated files, how to enter information manually, etc. However, the work on transmitting information went neither shaky nor slow. And only after in October last year we informed Rostrud about a gross violation by a number of organizations conducting SOUT, the norms of Law No. 426-FZ and Order No. 436n, that the matter finally moved forward. In October 2015, organizations became more active, and the process sharply began to gain momentum, both in terms of information about the results of the SOUT carried out to AS AKOT, and in terms of filing applications and receiving certificates for electronic signature verification keys.

Information about the availability of access to AS AKOT for organizations conducting SOUT and about the dynamics of receipt of information about the results of SOUT is presented in Table. 12.

Table 1. Access of organizations conducting special assessmentsin AS AKOT(as of December 7, 2015)

Organizations included in the Register of accredited organizations providing services in the field of labor protection
Organizations included in the Register of organizations conducting a special assessment of working conditions Total
Key certificate received 408 71 479
No access to AS AKOT 218 90 308
Total 626 161 787

Table 2. Dynamics of receipt of information aboutresults of the SOUT in August - November 2015

Year Month
Organizations conducting SOUT
Employers Reports on the implementation of SOUT Workplaces Workers
2015 August 1 2 2 0 0
September 3 25 25 262 388
October 40 674 1243 63 871 125 113
November 144 3197 3505 80 515 120 171
Total 4775 144 648 245 672

It’s bad that the organizations conducting SOUT did not hear our calm notifications that they need to connect to the AS AKOT. They only realized it after a visit from the state labor inspectorate and the threat of paying a real fine. Even after this, not all organizations connected to the system.

With the introduction of FSIS, we began to act even more strictly. The activities of organizations conducting special assessments, which at the beginning of this year were not registered in the system, did not have an electronic signature verification key certificate and, accordingly, could not transmit data to the Federal State Information System, were suspended.

Organizations conducting SOUT are required to upload to FSIS not only the latest data, but also all results of conducting SOUT obtained starting from the date of entry into force of Order No. 436n. Rostrud has been notified of this and will act. If we can’t work as planned, it means we’ll have to work in emergency mode.

If real problems arise when transferring data to FSIS, you can use a special hotline. There developers answer user questions. If the result is not achieved with the help of the technical support service, please contact our department by email.

By the middle of the year, we plan to receive a corresponding order from the Government of the Russian Federation in order to once again organize a large-scale audit of the transfer of information to the FSIS.

Why do we generally pay so much attention to the SOUT procedure? Because the state and employers have a lot of social obligations that flow from it. These include early pensions, guarantees and compensation for work in harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, and discounts and allowances to the insurance rate for compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases. The results of the SAW directly affect the accumulated social rights of workers, their most important right - the right to work in safe working conditions. This is why serious administrative liability has been introduced for violations in this area, which is why we are so closely monitoring the development and regulation of this market.

Let me emphasize once again: executive authorities, the Russian Ministry of Labor, Rostrud, labor authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - we will all very carefully monitor how the special labor assessment is carried out. And what we do should not be treated as a one-time campaign. This is a systematic work to restore order in the SOUT market, improve the quality and efficiency of assessment. I assure you that control, monitoring and response measures will be carried out on an ongoing basis.