Nominations in the Cossack holiday of kindergarten. Scenario for the opening of the Cossack culture festival - Donkovye - organization of events and recreation

Scenario of the holiday “Cossack gatherings” in the senior group of MKDOU
kindergarten No. 4 "Bell"
The Cossack song “Hello Don” is performed by a Cossack
ensemble "Donets"
Presenter: Cossack region! Into the darkness of centuries
I see I am your distant descendant
I see the glory of the Cossacks,
I hear the Cossack crying sadly.
Host: You and I live in a region rich and glorious in traditions and people. Our edge is
truly wonderful, We love the Don region, our Motherland. And we study carefully
relate to your past.
Child: Very often behind events and the hustle and bustle of days.
We don’t remember our antiquity, we forget about it.
Child: Although flights to the moon are more familiar to us,
Let's remember Cossack customs, let's remember our antiquity.
Host: Today we will take a closer look at traditions and customs, songs and
games of the Don Cossacks. Let's see how the Cossacks lived many years ago.
Child: We respect antiquity, we preserve antiquity.
Let us sing a sonorous song about our beloved land.
Song “Like beyond the Don, beyond the river”
Presenter: The Cossacks were very hardworking, they worked from morning to evening. But when
the work was finished, the Cossacks were getting ready for gatherings. Round dances, songs yes
sing ditties, show yourself, look at others, click seeds, and be kind
exchange a word. Cossack women spun, knitted, and embroidered.
Child: On the rubble in lighthouses, or on some logs,
There were gatherings of young and old.
Whether they sat by a sliver of light, or under the bright sky.
They talked, sang songs and danced in a circle.
Round dance “like we had on the Don”
Child: The life of people is marked by a century, the old world has changed.
Our leisure time is sometimes small and what can we say.
It’s boring to live without get-togethers; they need to be revived.

Host: So let's sit and talk about the Cossack region.
For many years this region has been called the Cossack region, and so they sing about it in a song.
The song “Across the Don Region” performed by the Cossack ensemble “Donets”
(A Cossack and a Cossack woman come out)
Cossack: We had a great night, Cossacks!
Children: Thank God!
Cossack woman: Welcome, dear guests!
Have fun and joy!
We have been waiting for you for a long time,
We don’t start the holiday without you!
Cossack: We welcome dear guests
A round, lush loaf.
It's on a painted platter
With a snow-white towel.
We bring you a loaf of bread,
Bowing, we ask you to taste.
Cossack woman: You are welcome to come to our kuren, dear guests!
Come in, have a seat.
We have a place and a word for everyone!
Cossack: We have prepared some fun things for you for every taste;
To whom a fairy tale, to whom the truth, to whom a song.
Song "Golden Bee"
Cossack woman: Our room is small, but it’s so beautiful! There are many items here and
of things. Guess the riddles:
Grandma is gray and white and sweet to everyone in winter.
And when summer comes, everyone forgets about grandma. (oven)
The stove was heated with dry grass, straw, dung, and then firewood was placed. Bake gently
called “mother stove”, “nurse stove”.
What kind of dishes did the Cossacks have?
Children: Clay jugs, cast iron pots, cups, bowls, wooden spoons.

Cossack woman: The whole family ate from one vessel. We started eating according to seniority, whoever wanted
to climb without a queue, I could get a spoon on the forehead. Cossack women loved to cook.
What Cossack dishes do you know?
Children: Borscht, fish soup, noodles, jelly, broth...
Cossack woman: Do you know what the Cossacks slept on?
Children: On benches, trestle beds, and children and old people on the stove.
Cossack woman: There were no beds yet, they appeared later and the bed became a decoration for
kurenya The bed was covered with a knitted blanket. The duvet was sewn by the Cossack woman herself, and
the top was made from colored scraps (a patchwork quilt). There was a mountain on the bed
pillows under covers.
What did every Cossack woman have in her kuren?
Children: Spinning wheel.
Cossack woman: Cossack women spun yarn, and on long winter evenings they knitted mittens from it,
There was always a chest in the corner.
What is it for?
Children: Fold clothes.
Cossack woman: Before the advent of irons, clothes were ironed using a roller and a chopper.
Cossack women loved to dress beautifully; they wore skirts and blouses called
“couple”, they wore an underskirt (spidnitsa) made of cotton, silk or wool. Above
they put on a “zapon” apron with a plant pattern. Low boots on feet. Head
half shawl headdress, lace shawl.
Host: Look how smart our Cossack girls are.
"Dance with Scarves"
Cossack: But this is what the Cossack uniform will tell you. She was called "Cossack on the right." It consisted
from a blue overcoat, a blue uniform, blue trousers with red stripes, a cap and
hats with a red top.
Host: And here are our dashing Cossacks.
Child: Let me dance, let me stomp.
Will the floorboards in the hut really burst?
"Cossack dance"
Host: At gatherings, Cossacks and Cossack women played different games.
Game "Burn, Burn Clear!"

Presenter: Well, let’s stand in a row,
Let's talk okay!
Child: Foma, why aren’t you coming out of the forest?
Caught the bear.
So lead me here.
Yes, he’s not coming.
So go yourself.
He won't let me in!
Child: Tyukha, do you want to eat?
No, I had a snack.
What did you eat?
Yes, I ate a crust of bread.
And you would soak it in a pot of sour cream.
Yes, she didn’t fit into the pot.
Child: Fedul, why did you pout?
The caftan was burned.
Can you sew it up?
Yes, there is no needle.
How big is the hole?
One gate remains.
Presenter: The nursery rhymes are good,
Well, our songs are in harmony!
Cossack woman: What did the Cossacks consider the main decoration in the kuren?
Children: Checkers, a dagger, expensive weapons obtained in battles.
Host: But it was not always peaceful and calm in the villages. Cossacks took part in all
wars waged by Russia, and then returned home, where their mothers, wives,
Song “A young Cossack came from service”
Presenter: Not everyone can be born a Cossack,

Without any traditions, but simply destined!
This is where our get-togethers end. We got acquainted with traditions and customs
Cossacks, and we will always cherish and respect the heritage of our people. Well, what kind of gatherings
no tea and treats.
Presenter: The hostess places the samovar on a wide table.
He treats you to pies and the feast is on!
Play and chat over simple conversation.
The Cossacks gather in a friendly, noisy crowd.
I would like to end our holiday with the words of our fellow countryman Oleg Mavrin:
Let the Quiet Don flow
Keeps peace above the surface of the waters!
Be the world above us as a glow in it
Always be starry, firmament!

Natalya Ismayilova

Good day, dear colleagues!

1-Cossack woman: Dear guests had a great day! Have fun and joy! Old and young, cheerful and daring! We have been waiting for you for a long time, we didn’t start the holiday without you. Today you will hear many wonderful songs. And the song will be born where there is a lot of sun, light, joy. This is our Don land. Here the cheerful round dances never cease, they are elegant and beautiful. Cossack women, strong and courageous Cossacks.

2-Cossack woman: A long time ago, and even now, after a hard day, young people Cossacks and Cossack women gathered for gatherings. Both old and young people sat here Cossacks, husked sunflower seeds, played songs, discussed village news. Well, for now ours the Cossacks left for the Cossack circle, we are with you let's sit Let's have a chat. Although of course it’s not calm sit with our kids. Where are we going? Cossack women without them? Well, really, where are they? (music) And here they come, ours, Bogdanovskys Cossacks. Meet! (includes 2 children) 1-kaz (reb. Dev.): Have a great day! 2-caz. (small):We had a great night! (bow)

Cossacks of the Vedas.: God bless!

Dev. Kaz. -Our people have

Eternal special features -

Neither years nor adversity take away,

Nor the whims of windy fashion

They are from the heart, from kindness.

Small Kaz.: Guest, come in!

We will not break traditions

And we’ll always pour you some tea.

Everybody knows Cossacks' cordiality.

Hospitality and open house.

To the song "at the meadow" In music they enter the hall on horseback Cossacks.

1 Cossack woman - The life of a Cossack without a horse is unthinkable. They cared more about the horse than about themselves. No wonder there are proverbs about them.

1st- Cossack can't live even a day without a horse.

2nd – The Cossack won't eat by himself, and feed the horse.

3rd - Not a horse paints a Cossack,A Cossack horse.

4th – Cossack without a horse like a soldier without a gun. (Kazakh horse dance is performed)

2 Cossack woman: And we have there are Cossack women that you can’t take your eyes off.

And as soon as the songs are sung, the feet begin to dance (Dance Varenka) Group "SMILE"

2 Kaz.: Well, how did you like our dance? Cossack women?

1kaz: -Cossacks Listening to songs is like eating honey with a spoon!

2nd speaker: -Yes, our places are song-filled! But with the song a Cossack was born, went to work, got engaged to the bride!

Children read poetry:

1. My dear land, you are dear to my heart! I've been in love with you since childhood!

Into the steppe expanses of the Don, and into every bush and every maple tree!

2. Here there is distance to the right, and there is width to the left

Which has neither edge nor aisle

Here a gudgeon splashes in the reeds, fleeing from a snowy heron.

3. Here the house is a kuren, and the yard at the house is a base,

And here I don’t consider myself an old woman

An azure flower at sunset,

No, no, and it will burst into flames "Bee" Donskaya! (Spanish song. Bee)

1kaz.: The day goes on, the sun smiles! And we have the gatherings continue!

2 kaz.: Get ready, kids, he’s waiting Cossack you game!

A game "Papakha": To the music, the hat is passed around and sentenced: “You fly, fly papakha, you fly, fly forward. Whoever’s hat is standing up, let him go to the circle!” The music stops, whoever has the hat in his hands goes into the middle of the circle and dances.

1 kaz.: How clear we have on Donuzorki!

2 kaz.: Like here on the Don, the winds are hawks!

Together: Like we have on the Don - they gave blue ones, but Our Cossack women are talkative!

Girl invites boy play some guitar:

D. -Come Ignashka, we’ll have a chat with you.

M. - Mama won’t let me in.

D. - What is it?

M. - Yes, he hung on the fence and tore it apart.

D. - Put on other trousers and come and listen to the songs.

Choir performance: lyrical song (teachers are veterans of our preschool educational institution)

1 Kaz.: You and I sat for a long time, listening to each other. Come on, dance in circles, stand in a circle!

2 kaz.: Gather people in our merry round dance!

Play songs and dance, gather everyone around! (Young, young... song)

After the round dance, everyone lines up in a semicircle, with 2 children in front.

1kaz. dev.: We sang for you,

And they danced for you

If you like fun, come back next time!

2 Kaz. small: Now the time has come to say goodbye

Our speech will be short.

We say goodbye

See you again! Everyone bows and under Cossack songs come out of the hall.

1 presenter:You won’t get enough of games and dancing.

Our people are famous for their noble treats.

Hot tea is our strength, table decoration

“Tea is never bad”- that's what people say.

2 presenter:And we ask you, guests,

Sit down at our table.

And eat bagels with fragrant tea!

Thank you for your attention!

Holiday "Festivities in the Cossack village" at the preschool educational institution. Middle group

Hello, dear guests!
If you dignify,
so to meet you on the threshold.
God bless him
who is in our house:
Dear guests,
good housewives,
yes to little kids!
The Lord would grant you
and live, and be, and in good health.

(asks the children)
What kind of people have gathered?
(children answer) - Cossacks!
Ved: Tell me, who are these Cossacks?

Azamat: Cossacks are free, brave people who lived along the borders of Russia and defended it from enemies.

Ved: Look at our Cossacks, they are dressed up and poised. Look how smart, smart and young they are. (addresses children)
Let's sit down, Cossacks, in a tight circle.
Let's sit, talk, and remember the past.
Let's sit side by side and talk well about our native land, about the life of the Cossacks.
Let's sit in a circle
Ved: Tell us, Cossacks: “Who is in charge of the Cossacks?” - (ataman) lera
-What is the name of the assistant? - (esaul) angelina
-Where do they choose the ataman? - (in a circle) Nadya
-What do they shout out if they agree with the choice? - (Any!) all together
-Do you know proverbs about Cossacks?

1. Where there is a Cossack, there is glory. Katya G
2. The Don is crying for the Cossack. Milan
3. To a Cossack, a horse is more valuable than himself. Radmir
4. A Cossack without a horse is an orphan! Kirill
Azamat: Olga Mikhailovna, what was it like with the Cossacks a long time ago?
Ved: Hundreds of thousands of years ago, starting from the Stone Age, people settled here. Some tribes were replaced by others, then there were many different warriors. Oh! Our Astrakhan land has suffered enough!
Life here has never been sluggish and monotonous. There was always room for exploits.
The Cossacks had an ataman and an esaul, his assistant. Once a year in the spring, elections for ataman were held at the Cossack “Circle”. All the Cossacks obeyed him. This is how it is to this day.
Angelina: What, the Cossacks only suffered and fought?
Ved: No. Cossacks loved to gather for Cossack celebrations, tournaments, holidays, and fairs. We had fun, played, competed, chose brides for ourselves. What can I say, let's go. Now we will see everything for ourselves.
Laura. – Who doesn’t know our group?
The guys here are great!
Everyone is asking for more porridge,
Cossacks are daredevils.

Alena – We have a Cossack house,
It contains antique items:
And the jug, the bed and the basin
They remember their grandfather's behests.

Novel. - I will be a brave Cossack,
Wear a saber on a belt,
I won’t forget my dear mother,
I will serve my Motherland.

Kirill. - Free wind, steppe without edge,
Smoke up to the sky near the fire.
Life is like that
From the dashing Cossack.

Milana. - We are not simple Cossacks,
Please remember this for you.
All Cossack women are “Painted”,
We have the Cornflower kindergarten.

Samira. - We dance and sing,
We wash it and wash it.
We'll clean up the group,
And then we play.

Lera. - This is our way of life.
And the boys grow up
All your favorites in a row
There are Cossacks in the group.

Ved: Listening to our Cossack songs is like eating honey with a spoon!
Let's sing a song about the indestructible spirit of the Cossack.

Song "Cossacks"
A bench is set up in the middle of the hall, Lera and Danil come out
L. -Come Timoshka, we’ll have a chat with you.
M. - Mama won’t let me in.
D. - What is it?
M. - Yes, he hung on the fence and tore it apart.
D. - Put on other trousers, and come listen and sing songs.

Ved: Well, you sang great - it’s a pleasure to watch.
Shouldn't we play some fun games? Mischievous and funny?
Do you know what “: A Cossack with a horse both night and day. Where are the Cossacks, your fast horses?
Children go out to play.
Game: “Dress up a Cossack girl.”
2 Cossacks and 2 Cossack women come out. In the middle of the hall there is a tree with 2 pairs hanging on it: beads, an apron, and a scarf. At a signal, the Cossacks gallop on “horses”, overcoming obstacles behind beads, etc. They dress up the Cossack girl. Who is faster.
Ved: Oh, and it’s nice to look at you daredevils! It will be a good change for the dads! Bring your fast horses, they have not let you down. No wonder people say: like a Cossack, like a horse. Rest on the ruins and look at our village residents.
Guest songs (music school of T.I. Lendova)
Cossack song “Shashka” by Satenov + Nekrasov
1. If you want to be a military man,
Maintain discipline.
Chorus: Shashku byari, byari
Yes burku byari, byari,
Russian banner
Babysitting ahead! Yes! Yes! Yes!
2. And out of commission without permission
Don't go anywhere!
Chorus: Shashku byari, byari
Yes burku byari, byari,
Russian banner
Babysitting ahead! Yes! Yes! Yes!

3. Three-line rifle
Don't give it to anyone!
Chorus: Shashku byari, byari
Yes burku byari, byari,
Russian banner
Babysitting ahead! Yes! Yes! Yes!

4. If they hurt you,
Bandage the wound.
Chorus: Shashku byari, byari
Yes burku byari, byari,
Russian banner
Babysitting ahead! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Ved: We sat and listened for a while. Come on, dance in circles, stand in a circle! Gather people in our merry round dance!
On the rubble in lighthouses, or on logs, whatever,
Gathered gatherings of young and old
Did they sit by the sliver of light or under the bright sky?
They talked, sang songs and danced in a circle.

Round dance "At Kalinushka".
“Oh, yes, a Cossack girl, oh, yes, let’s become” fashion show with a yoke.

Who in the evening runs to the river for water,
With a loose braid with a yoke on your hand?
I clearly see the Cossack woman’s gaze, her arched eyebrows shining,
On the chest of restless curls shoot a wave.
We ask our contestants to take the stage.
Let's give them a rocker and two buckets.
Let the beauties please the people,
And in their work the accordion will sing along with them.
"Carry Galya Water" (recording)

An old Cossack dance song sounds. The girls take turns approaching the rocker and buckets. The buckets are hung on a yoke and walked across the stage, making a circle.
Radmir: Herbs in the groves rinse their inflorescences,
And above them there is turquoise heaven,
I am friends with this sweet steppe,
Where the thunderstorm died down yesterday.
As if someone were walking through the night fields.
He walked by and scattered the goods.
I collect handfuls of dewdrops,
I take silver of the best standard.
How many times have you been sung.
Our songs contain thyme and feather grass.
And your blue spaces
And your heroic vastness.
Native steppe. I breathe only you.
From dawn to dawn. I won't lie.
I keep walking and walking in the furrow
And I admit, I can’t get tired

Ved: do you know that even a pebble sings along with a Cossack?

Song “Katya - Katerina”
Azamat H. and Katya G.

Vedas: Take a walk in the village
The Cossacks came out.
Having fun from the heart
Guys and girls.

The game "Zarya" is being played
Game description: the dawn is selected using a counting rhyme:
- The bag rolled from a high hump,
And in that bag there is bread, water,
Whoever gets it will get it.
Children stand in a circle, hands behind their backs, and one of the players
Dawn. She walks behind with a ribbon and says:
Zarya-lightning, red maiden,
I walked across the field, dropped my keys,
Golden keys, blue ribbons,
The rings are entwined - she went for water!
At the last words, “Zarya” places a ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players.
He, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they run in different directions along
circle. Whoever is left without a place will become Dawn.
Danil: We are small Cossacks,
Grandchildren of wise great-grandfathers
With a sharp saber and a knight
We will not let you down in battle!

Song “Cherry blossoms in the garden”
Musical orchestra “I was walking up the hill”
Bogolepov, Arishchenko, Batina, Zakharova, Vyazovtseva
Nastya:: We sang for you,
And they danced for you
If you like fun, come back next time!
Katya L: Now the time has come to say goodbye
Our speech will be short.
We say goodbye
See you again!
Photos from the holiday

Target: to cultivate patriotic feelings for the native land, interest in its history, customs and traditions of the Kuban Cossacks.

  • To instill a love for dances and songs that glorify the beauty and majesty of the Kuban region.
  • Expand active and passive Kuban vocabulary.
  • Strengthen physical activity skills.
  • Develop physical qualities - speed, agility, strength, accuracy, coordination of movement.

Participants: instructor - ataman, teacher - grandfather, children.

Material and equipment: wattle fence, grips, watering cans, baskets, cast iron pots, mini-stilts, sunflower target, dummies of fruits and vegetables.

Hall decoration: Kuban landscape, poplars, Cossack hut, cast iron pots on the fence, jars, embroidered towels and scarves.

Musical arrangement: phonograms of songs of the Kuban Cossack choir “To the Cossack family nema perevodu”, “Varenychki”, “Yak I am alive with the master”; phonograms of songs by the ensemble “Istoki”, modern and folklore songs of the Leningrad Pedagogical College “Native Stanitsa”, “Leningradsky District”; phonograms of songs by the ensemble “Uman Cossacks” of the music school of the village of Leningradskaya “We are Cossacks.”

Location: music hall.

Progress of the event:

A soundtrack sounds: roosters crow, cows moo, dogs bark. Noise, laughter and voices from behind the scenes:“Boys, are we going to the Cossack circle today?” “Are we going to invite the girls?”

All the lads: And how do you eat!

Guys: Girls!

Girls: What?

Guys: Will you go for a walk?

Girls: We'll come!

Guys: Then get ready!

Girls: Will you go yourself?

Guys: Yes, we are already ready, we’ll just harness the horses. So we’ll be there before you!

Girls: Well, we'll see about that later!

The boys leave and line up in pairs. The girl runs out into the middle of the hall. Calls her friends: “Girls, follow me!” They form a circle, whisper, and then run away behind the fence. The phonogram “To the Cossack family nema perevod” sounds. The clatter of hooves is heard. The Cossacks appear with the ataman, go around in a circle and line up in two ranks.

Ataman: Well, boys, let's show off our brave prowess!

Cossacks: Let's show!

Cossack: Well, what about the girls? (Noise behind the fence.)

Ataman: Oh, boys, I feel like they’re here! Get ready to meet the girls!

The Cossacks line up diagonally across the hall. Music sounds, Cossack women come out.

Dance "Cossacks".

To the music, children form a line in pairs.

Ataman: Garneau, dance garneau, boys and girls. Do you know that in the old days, Cossacks and Cossack women gathered at the Cossack circle to show off their prowess and sing songs? Isn’t it time for us to show ourselves off, look at the girls, and start street festivities?

1 Cossack: Cossacks of Cossack Street, come to me!

2 Cossack: The boys and girls from Yarmarochnaya Street are here!

Ataman: So, the competition is held between Yarmarochnaya and Cossack streets. Shall we compete?

Cossacks and Cossack women: Let's compete! What are you doing?!

3 Cossack: What if we win? So what will happen?

Ataman: But here we have apples and two baskets. Whoever has more apples in his basket wins. Well, so many villagers have gathered, they will judge us. Oh, boys, your horses are stagnant! It's time for the steeplechase to begin. Do you see the barrier ahead? Riders on horseback overcome obstacles, go around the cast iron, return, and pass the horse to the next one. And whose street completes the task first gets an apple in the basket.

Ataman: Well done, guys! Dashing riders. And the girls were preparing for the meeting of the Cossacks, they cooked borscht, made dumplings, curled their curls, and waited for the boys. Well, Cossack girls, shall we show our skills? Move the cast iron, but it’s hot, move it on a handle. I think the Cossacks from Cossack and Yarmarochnaya will actively root for the girls.

Relay race “Carry the cast iron.”

Ataman: Planting potatoes is a difficult task and caring for them is labor-intensive. Here forces need to be united. Both Cossacks and Cossack women participate.

  1. uch. dig holes (lay out rings);
  2. uch. lay out the potatoes;
  3. uch. watered;
  4. uch. weeding;
  5. uch. treated against pests;
  6. uch. spud;
  7. uch. dig, collect;
  8. uch. collect potatoes.

Whoever completes the task faster, that street wins.

Relay race “Planting potatoes”.

Ataman: The potatoes were removed and now the pumpkin, squash, corn, and beets are still in the field. Well, girls, let's harvest the harvest. Cossack women are participating. Attention! You must take turns moving the squash, corn, beets, and roll the pumpkin all together. All clear?

Relay race "Harvest".

Ataman: Oh, fast girls! But now the boys will show their accuracy. Whose team will throw more potatoes into the pot? Think about the most convenient way to do this. Each person has 2 potatoes. The street will be the first to show its accuracy...

Relay race “Hit the cast iron.”

Sounds: the cry of a rooster, cow, horse.

Phonogram of the song “Yak I served in the master”, “We’re popping corn”

Cossack 1: Oh! We didn’t even dance today.

Cossack 2: And I want to dance so much!

Oh, play some music

In mene novi cheryvyki,

Start playing boys

Bo wants to dance!

Dance "Troika"

Ataman: You cannot become a Cossack without courage and strong will. But the Cossacks will try to show their will and courage now. Get on mini-stilts.

Relay "Stilts"

Ataman: Guys, does Dida Gratius have kavuna bachila? Oh yes!

Guys: Wow! Otse yes!

Cossack 1: And I really want a kavunchik!

Cossack 1: Pishly on the bashtan.

Cossack 2: Oh! It's far away!

Ataman: But it’s far away, there’s a field of soyakhiv, and there’s a chestnut tree. Come on, follow me. And here are the soyakhs. Now we’ll find out which team is more accurate. The team starts from Yarmarochnaya Street. Try to hit the target exactly. How many accurate shots were there?

Relay "Sunflower".

Ataman: Oh, guys, I know the game, it’s called blinkers. Choose girls. Stand in pairs in a circle. The Cossacks hold their hands behind their backs, the Cossacks in front of their chests, the Cossack, blinking without a pair, tries to lure the Cossack to himself, the Cossack in a pair tries to hold her. If he doesn’t hold it, he becomes a driver. "Morgushki"

Ataman: Look, his chest is already visible. And did Gritsko always sleep, let’s teach him a lesson! Let's step back and slam everyone together and stamp them down. (we change the gun to a stick).

Grandfather(wakes up): Hands up! (Grabping a stick lying nearby.)

Ataman: Ay, I-I'm that tsezh stick!

Grandfather: Oh, God, where is my gun?

Ataman: Otse, you guard Dida so well! didu!

Grandfather: Oh, guys, you shouldn’t tell anyone that we’ll make you laugh.

Cossack: Okay, we’ll tell you what we’ll do.

Grandfather: Ta utsi kavuny zabyrate .

Cossacks of Cossack Street: We'll take it!

Cossacks of Yarmarochnaya Street: No, we'll take it!

Ataman: And now we’ll see who can pick up the most watermelons. From each street, one Cossack came to me, the rest in a column, the last one holding a bag. At my signal, you begin to collect 1 watermelon, pass it to the first in the column, the rest between your legs, and the last one into a bag.

Relay "Bashtan".

Ataman: Let's say thank you to Dida! And you did and count how many apples are in the basket. We competed all day.

Ataman and Grandfather sum up and report the result.

Grandfather: Well done, Cossacks. I remember that it used to be like this in our country - one step at a time, one street after another, first they competed, and then they danced.

Cossack: So we will dance. Give us our village!

Dance "Two-step"

Russia has many fabulous places.

Russia has countless cities

Maybe somewhere it’s more beautiful,

But it won’t be more dear than here

My village is 210 years old

I share her fate with you.

My great-grandfather and my grandfather loved her

And I love, I am the son of Kuban.

Ataman: Today you showed that everyone is worthy of the distinctive sign “Son - Kuban” and “Daughter - Kuban” and I am proud to present them to you.

The presentation of signs takes place against the backdrop of musical accompaniment - a medley on the themes of Kuban songs.