Motivation of personnel for compliance with labor protection requirements. Management of internal motivation of employees in compliance with labor protection requirements

Object of study: principles of motivating employees to comply with labor process safety requirements

The main generally recognized method of labor protection is the use of technical safety equipment. At the same time, two main tasks are solved: a) the creation of machines, tools, technologies, when using which the risk of an accident is reduced to a minimum; b) the creation of special means of protection that protect a person from danger in the process of work. According to statistics, at least two out of three accidents are caused not by a technique or a technological process, but by the worker himself, who, for one reason or another, did not follow safety rules, violated the normal course of the labor process, did not use the prescribed protective equipment etc.

Such cases occur either for reasons beyond the control of a person, or when certain circumstances induce him to violate the rules. To prevent such incidents, these triggers must be identified and, if possible, their impact reduced.

Therefore, the problem of security cannot be solved by one technical way. Moreover, with the improvement of technology, increasing its reliability and safety, the shortcomings of the human factor become more noticeable, since human errors are becoming increasingly important in the total mass of incidents.

The causes of incorrect, erroneous actions of a person by their nature are diverse. These can be subjective factors: a person’s lack of psychological or physiological qualities necessary for this work, lack of knowledge or experience, a violation of the physical or emotional state. Internal factors can also be generated by external circumstances. For example, external physical influences, starting with those arising from working conditions, and up to cosmic phenomena (magnetic storms, phases of the moon), can affect the internal state of a person and be the root cause of accidents. Accidents are influenced by social factors, such as the psychological climate in the team, the adopted system of labor incentives, and living conditions. Thus, identifying and preventing the causes of failures, errors, intentional and accidental dangerous human actions is a task of high uncertainty and complexity.

The psychological attitude towards safe behavior is actually one of the ways to increase motivation for safe work. Another way leading to the same goal is to encourage safe behavior.

To educate safe behavior in the labor process, both positive incentives - rewards for safe work, and negative ones - punishments for violation of safety requirements are usually used.

The incentive system for safe work should contain both moral and material elements. Moral incentives are when the punctual fulfillment of safety requirements is specially evaluated, set as an example to others, and socially encouraged. Material incentives for strengthening the safety motive should be such that safe work becomes more profitable financially. The choice of the type of remuneration for work (time or piecework wages) is usually not associated with security issues, while the connection here turns out to be very significant. Piecework payment is unacceptable for work with increased danger, since here an increase in labor productivity can come at the expense of safe behavior. Piecework payment should be used only if there are reasonable labor standards, there is reliable control not only over the quantity and quality of labor, but also over compliance with safety requirements. In the event of a deliberate (deliberate) violation of safety requirements, the threat of punishment and the punishment itself can be an effective way of psychologically influencing an employee. Therefore, it is very important that each employee has a clear idea of ​​what he is responsible for and what punishment (disciplinary, administrative, criminal, material) may follow for the violations committed by him.

At the same time, for various reasons - due to unstable skills or their destruction, unsatisfactory working conditions, illness and a number of other reasons - involuntary erroneous actions, violations of certain safety requirements are possible. If punishment follows for such violations, then this can lead to undesirable consequences, since punishment is a strong emotional factor.

It is much more expedient and effective to use positive stimulation. The use of incentives for safe work, as evidenced by international experience, is an effective means of improving labor safety. Rewards not only increase the motivation for the exact implementation of the rules and safe behavior, but also contribute to the consolidation of good work results, the selection and fixation in the psyche of the best and safest work methods.

Noting the importance of positive incentives, I emphasize that incentives should be implemented immediately after success is achieved, and the longer the delays are, the lower the effect of such stimulation.

The material was received by the editorial board on 04/18/2017

UDC 621.9.01

E.V. Kolbasova S.A. Orlova, A.V. Tolochko

Scientific supervisor: Professor, Head of the Department of Life Safety and Chemistry, Doctor of Technical Sciences, A.V. Totai

1. General concepts of intrinsic motivation Positive motivation activates a person's abilities. Negative motivation - inhibits the manifestation of human abilities. A need is an internal state of a person. Stimulus - external factors affecting motivation.

Causes of violations of labor protection requirements The employee is in a hurry to fulfill the “norm”, to do the assigned work as easily and quickly as possible; The employee works as usual, not suspecting that these methods and methods of specific work that have developed in the team are not safe;

The working conditions have changed significantly, but the employee, due to poor THEORETICAL training, does not know about this, does not see and does not “feel” this, works “as always”; While working, the employee thinks about his own and becomes inattentive, fuzzy even in the usual movements; The employee does not feel well (he falls ill or on the eve of the day he “took on his chest” too much ...), and therefore poorly coordinates all his actions;

2. The human factor in ensuring safety As you know, numerous technical systems become interconnected only due to the presence of such a main link as a person, and approximately 20-30% of equipment failures (incidents) are directly or indirectly related to human errors. Often these failures pose a threat to human safety. It is known that from 60 to 90% of injuries occur through the fault of the victims themselves.

Cases of errors due to the fault of a person: 1. The employee deliberately seeks to perform work by violating safety rules. 2. The employee does not know the methods of safe work. 3. The employee reacts slowly to a changing situation and is inactive at the very moment when his active actions are needed.

The main causes of human error: professional unsuitability for this type of work; poor training or low qualifications; blindly following instructions with poor security procedures; poor working conditions in the workplace.

Conclusion: Taking into account the psychology of workers is an important link in the structure of measures to ensure labor protection. When organizing the management of labor protection, it is necessary to take into account mental processes, mental properties, and analyze in particular detail the various forms of mental states observed in the course of labor activity.

Professionally important qualities: vitality (physical condition, endurance, mobility, optimism); activity and dynamism (performance, rhythm of labor activity, initiative); aggressiveness or suggestibility (a tendency to self-affirmation or a tendency to seek help and protection);

The degree of development of the sensory sphere (sense organs); emotionality; sensitivity; sociability; allocentrism (the tendency to put oneself in the place of others in order to better understand them) or egocentrism (the tendency to consider others only in comparison with one's "I").

Spontaneity or slow reactions; level of mental energy (ability to resist, self-control, coordination of various tendencies); a large or small field of consciousness (the ability to simultaneously perceive many objects or focus on one, isolating from the rest); practical mind, logical mind, creative mind.

Professional qualities for executive workers performing "fine" work: diligence; equilibrium; ability to take into account circumstances; accuracy and cleanliness of work; self-control and correction of own mistakes; productivity and pace of work; insensitivity to monotonous work; initiative; Ability to get along with team members and superiors.

Conscious attitude to the consumption of materials and tools; ability to organize, coordinate, assess the situation; the ability to use work experience and carry out restructuring in a timely manner; the desire to replenish knowledge; Ability to supervise and advise employees;

Personnel evaluation: The purpose of the evaluation, its main tasks - why do we evaluate? Certification of personnel, selection, placement, promotion to the reserve, evaluation of new employees, forecast of promotion of employees through the ranks, promotion, changes in wages and other goals Object of assessment - who are we assessing? Managers at various levels, middle-level personnel, executives, administrative workers, repair and maintenance personnel, employees of various specializations

Evaluation methods - how do we evaluate? Quantitative, qualitative, combined. Preference is given to a combination of methods. Subject of evaluation - who evaluates? Experts (“from below”, “from above” at the level of category positions); group personality assessment; self-assessment of business, personal and professional qualities; assessment of personality parameters by a psychologist, sociologist. Time, place, procedure for the evaluation - where and how do we evaluate? Conducting assessments in the morning; the presence of a specially prepared room; group or individual work; processing the results manually or on a computer.

Evaluation Outcome – What is the end goal of the evaluation? Presentation of the results in the form of various psychograms intended for the management of the enterprise, the certification commission and for the person being assessed; compilation of socio-psychological characteristics of the studied units and groups; psychological conclusion on the fullest use of specialists (compiled by a specialist psychologist without the use of computer programs).

Conclusion: Such studies show that the safety of the operation of any technical systems and teams directly depends on psycho-informational factors, on the quality of perception, information processing both by the person himself and groups of people, and by human-machine systems.

4. Managing the motivation of employees' activities in labor protection. Motivation management to maintain a high level of labor safety is aimed at developing personal and group long-term interests and relevant attitudes for unconditional and interested compliance with labor protection requirements, as well as appropriate behavior in hazardous production situations. Motivation management to maintain a high level of labor safety is aimed at developing personal and group long-term interests and relevant attitudes for unconditional and interested compliance with labor protection requirements, as well as appropriate behavior in hazardous production situations.

Establishing the personal responsibility of employees allows: together with other forms of preventive work, to bring into a single system the activities of managers and specialists, as well as controlling persons to ensure safe working conditions; evaluate the level of preventive work in the field of labor protection;

Regularly receive information about the state of machines, equipment, tools and workplaces in terms of their safety (safe operation) and take measures to eliminate deficiencies; receive data on the fulfillment by employees of labor protection requirements, take disciplinary measures against violators.

4. The concept of "culture of labor protection" Culture of labor protection/safety is a conscious position of persons whose actions affect the state of labor protection/safety, convinced that ensuring labor protection/safety is a priority goal, aware of responsibility and controlling their actions.

Occupational health/safety culture in the workplace - a set of values, attitudes, rules, management systems and practices, principles of participation in work regimes, leading to the creation of a safe and healthy working environment in which people can work with a high degree of quality and productivity.

Conclusion 1: The dynamic and evolving process of creating an occupational safety culture has much in common with the processes of effective development of an organization. While it is widely recognized that there is no single recipe for creating and improving an occupational safety culture, there is a growing consensus that there are similarities in key features and practices that can be implemented by organizations to progress in this direction.

Occupational safety largely depends on the motivation of employees. Among the directions for improving the safety situation related to the human factor, the following can be noted:
− development of technological discipline control systems to eliminate the human factor;
− development of a fundamentally new system for managing occupational safety and health protection based on risk management, taking into account the human factor;
− development of innovative training complexes and personnel training methods in order to reduce the impact of the human factor on reliability and safety.
According to a broad interpretation, the human factor determines the limitations of opportunities or errors that occur due to the fact that the psychophysiological characteristics of a person do not always correspond to the level of complexity of the tasks being solved. The human factor includes states arising from the interaction of a person and technical systems. The unwillingness of an employee to comply with safety regulations that may or may result in injury can also be attributed to human error. The research results given in the article determine the main causes of industrial injuries in the structural divisions of Russian Railways:
− organizational (52.2%);
− human factor (31.5%);
− impact of the external environment (6.0%);
− technical (5.9%);
− educational (4.4%).
The data indicates a significant predominance of organizational causes in injuries, followed by the impact of the human factor, which together account for 83.7%. The influence of organizational causes on industrial injuries is indirectly related to the human factor, as it is determined by the activities of managers and performers of work. At present, it is generally recognized both in the scientific literature and in practice that the effectiveness of labor activity (including the employee's orientation towards safe work) is predetermined by the level of professional and behavioral competence (Fig. 1). In turn, behavioral competence is determined by the state of motivation of employees. Depending on the ratio of the level of professional and behavioral competence, the following groups of workers are distinguished (see Fig. 1).
1. Full compliance - an ideal case when a specialist has the necessary level of functional competence and is motivated to work, which is expressed in behavioral competence.
2. Formal correspondence exists when the functional competence of the individual coincides with the requirements of the position and the low behavioral competence of the employee.
3. Complete non-compliance means a low level of both functional and behavioral competence.
4. Compensatory compliance suggests that a low level of functional competence an employee can compensate for with a high level of behavioral competence (because in this case
motivation can effectively compensate for the lack of, for example, knowledge and experience, such employees demonstrate a willingness to perform unfamiliar work, learn new things, and overcome difficulties that would not have arisen for a specialist with high professional competence). The considered variants of the relationship between the professional and behavioral competence of an employee have a direct impact on the state of labor safety.

Rice. 1. The ratio of the level of professional and behavioral competence of an employee

Safety Motivation Management

The study of the problems of motivation for safe labor activity of employees in compliance with the requirements of labor protection was carried out at the Department of "Management in Social and Economic Systems" of the Ural State University of Transportation within the framework of the advanced training program for various categories of managers and specialists of railway transport enterprises "Psychology of labor safety and management of employee motivation for safe work" . Motivation management to maintain a high level of labor safety is aimed at forming employees' personal and group long-term interests and relevant attitudes towards unconditional and interested compliance with labor protection requirements, as well as appropriate behavior in hazardous production situations.
In the Methodology for assessing the impact of the human factor on the occurrence of an injury case, three main categories of causes of violations of labor protection requirements are identified:
- category M - violations of the motivational part of the actions are manifested in the unwillingness to comply with the requirements of labor protection, deliberate violation of the rules, instructions and technology for performing work;
- category O - violations of the indicative part of the actions are manifested in ignorance of the rules, instructions, norms and methods for their implementation, including due to the lack of the employee the necessary information about the organization of work and changes in the conditions for the implementation of work;
- category I - violations of the executive part is manifested in the failure to comply with the rules, instructions, norms due to the mental and physical capabilities of a person's work.
The initial stage of reducing the level of occupational injuries is the analysis of the existing causes of dangerous actions of workers, which further makes it possible to specify measures to minimize the impact on the employee of the identified causes. Table 1 summarizes the most common causes of dangerous actions of an employee (identified by us in the course of seminars and discussions with students of advanced training programs), which are grouped in accordance with the Methodology.

Table 1 Main groups of causes of dangerous actions of workers and proposed management tools

Groups reasons according to in accordance with the Methodology

Most common causes of dangerous actions workingshirt

Yingmanagement tools, allowing minimitate influence reasons

A. Can't. The employee does not possess the knowledge necessary for this work, the relevant skills, methods, techniques, methods of work.

  1. Low level of professional competence.
  2. Lack of practical experience.
  3. Training inefficiency.
  1. Improving the institution of mentoring.
  2. Use of innovative forms of training, instruction, control of knowledge and skills.
  3. Improving the system of professional selection of personnel.

B. Not wants. The employee knows how to perform this work (operation) efficiently and safely, but he has no desire to comply with safety requirements, i.e. there is no motivation, the psychological attitude to comply with these requirements is not developed.

  1. The predominance of elements of punishment in the system of employee motivation.
  2. Problems in relationships with the leader (authoritarian management style) or colleagues.
  3. Frequent performance of duties beyond the job description.
  4. Ineffective (excessive or insufficient) control.
  5. Lack of clear distribution of responsibility between employees.
  6. Low wages, biased bonus system.
  1. Updating and creative rethinking of the existing system of motivation for the needs of employees of a particular organization.
  2. Identification and encouragement of employees with a high level of motivation.
  3. Improving the system of professional selection of personnel.
  4. Improving the efficiency of the system of organization and remuneration.
  5. Organization of feedback from employees with managers.

AT. Not mohno. The worker is in such a physical or psychological state that, despite the ability and desire, he allows a dangerous action.

  1. Feeling unwell.
  2. Unfavorable emotional and psychological state of a person.
  3. Psychophysiological characteristics of an employee (fear, absent-mindedness, poor memory, slowness of psychomotor reactions, etc.).
  1. Improving the moral and psychological climate in the team.
  2. Development of measures aimed at preventing such negative phenomena among employees as the occurrence of a state of severe stress (distress) or professional burnout.
  3. Development of a program of work with families of violators of labor protection requirements.
  4. Search for reserves to improve the organization of labor.
  5. Improving the system of professional selection of personnel (taking into account the psychological compatibility of employees).

G. Not secured. The employee does not perform the prescribed action because he is not provided with the necessary conditions (tools, materials, devices, information, etc.).

  1. Lack or inadequate quality of personal protective equipment.
  2. Imperfection or non-compliance with the technological process.
  3. Wear and tear of machines, equipment, mechanisms.
  4. Lack or inadequate quality of tools and materials.
  5. Unfavorable working conditions.
  6. Lack of time (hurry).
  7. Lack of information about the organization of work and changes in the conditions for the implementation of work.
  1. Search for reserves to improve the organization of production and organization of labor.
  2. Improving the system of material and technical support of the enterprise.
  3. Involving (studying opinions) of employees in making decisions on the choice of personal protective equipment, tools, etc.
  4. Increasing the efficiency of the information support system.

The level of motivation of employees is most strongly manifested in group B - “Does not want”. As is known, the initial attribute of the motivational state of a person is the awareness by him and the leaders of the needs of the employee, which can be satisfied in labor activity. Among the reasons we have identified for the presence of problems in the motivational sphere, we indicate the following.
1. The lack of comprehensive scientific research to study the real needs of various categories and groups of employees of the organization, the degree of their satisfaction, etc.
2. The motivation system is not adapted to the specific needs of workers of specific groups. All employees of Russian Railways know the system of corporate values ​​(what the organization expects from them). However, the needs of specific people (what people expect from the organization) are not always taken into account in the motivation system.
3. Employees are not sufficiently informed about the elements of the motivation system in the organization and do not use all its possibilities. To study the needs of employees of the organization, various methods can be used, the choice of which depends on the purpose of the study.
The basis of the methodology of K. Zamfir in the modification of A.A. Rean put the concept of the relationship of internal and external motivation. The desire for active action, participation in certain work arises as a result of either internal personal motives (determination to achieve something, activity, initiative, etc.), or on the basis of external factors (the impact of leadership). At the same time, the positive effect of external
factors is achieved if it is aimed at meeting the internal needs of a person.
Intrinsic motivation (intrinsic) is associated with the very content of the activity or the internal motives of the subject (for example, a person enjoys this activity). Internal motivation can also include the performance of work without much desire, but under the influence of personal qualities of character: willpower and understanding that this work is so necessary on the path to success. Such an activity may be unpleasant, but a person will try to perform it, since internal high-level motives dominate in him. External motivation (extrinsic) is due to circumstances external to the subject. The main task of external motives is to induce an employee to certain actions or certain behavior. External motives are divided into external positive and external negative. Positive motivation is based on positive incentives, such as increasing productivity or sales volumes, and in relation to the topic of our study, ensuring the safety of activities and compliance with labor protection requirements. In the case of negative motivation, a person is restrained from undesirable actions, in particular, violations of labor protection requirements. In this case, a person's behavior is guided by fear of possible troubles or punishment and the desire to avoid them. Motivation of the leaders of the Sverdlovsk Railway Within the framework of advanced training programs, we used the indicated methodology to identify the main motives for the labor activity of the leaders of the Sverdlovsk Railway. According to the methodology, it is possible to determine the level of expression of three components of the motivation of professional activity: internal, external positive and external negative. The ideal ratio of elements of the motivational complex:
intrinsic motivation > extrinsic positive motivation > extrinsic negative motivation.
Table 2 presents the quantitatively expressed values ​​of the main motives for the labor activity of senior and middle managers of the Sverdlovsk Railway, obtained on the basis of a survey of 50 people.

Table 2 The main motives of the leaders of the Sverdlovsk Railway

Types of motivesworkers


in group 1

(16 people)


in group 2

(16 people)


in group 3

(18 people)


for allgroups(50 people)

rank znapuritymotive

Satisfaction with the process itself and the result of the work

cash earnings

The possibility of the most complete self-realization in this particular activity

The need to achieve social prestige and respect from others

Desire to avoid criticism from supervisor or colleagues

Desire to avoid possible punishment or trouble

Striving for promotion at work

In the first and third places among the identified motives for the work of managers are elements of internal motivation (satisfaction with the process itself and the result of work, the possibility of the most complete self-realization in this particular activity). At the same time, the desire to avoid criticism and punishment is in fifth and sixth place, which indicates their low significance. Thus, about half (40–60%, here the indicator varies depending on the group of students) of the managers of the Sverdlovsk Railway in terms of motivation fit into the ideal ratio of the elements of the motivational complex (intrinsic motivation > external positive motivation > external negative motivation), which indicates good motivational potential of managers of the transport industry.
An unfavorable ratio of elements of the motivational complex (external negative motivation > external positive motivation > internal motivation) is rare (5–10%). Ensuring the necessary connection between external and internal motivation is implemented with the help of such tools of motivational influence that allow you to use the internal motives of managers, for example, instructing an employee to perform more complex, responsible or creative tasks. After determining the priority motives for the work of workers, it is necessary to carry out a creative rethinking of the existing system of motivation in relation to the needs of specific groups of workers. The results obtained allow us to conclude that attention should be paid to expanding the use of positive motivation tools. The results of the teamwork of railway transport managers within the framework of the professional development programs “Labor safety psychology and management of employee motivation for safe work” determined measures to increase employee motivation, dividing them into elements of moral motivation, material motivation and elements of punishment. Among the first group, we note:
- the presence of feedback from employees with managers, support by the head of his subordinates;
− discussion of the positive results of the work of the team in the field of ensuring the safety of production processes;
− installation of a box of remarks, wishes and ideas in the field of safe work;
− conferment of the title “The best site for labor protection”;
- the right to use the leave at a convenient time;
− involvement of specialists-psychologists and sociologists in the teams;
− The second group includes activities:
− bonus remuneration for accident-free work;
− encouragement of mentors based on the results of the work of the employees assigned to them;
− additional paid vacation days for employees who did not commit violations;
− ensuring comfortable conditions for delivery to the place of work and back;
− life and health insurance;
− allocation of sanatorium-resort vouchers;
− training in second professions or advanced training of employees at the expense of the company;
− expansion of the corporate social package.
The elements of punishment include deprivation of bonuses for violation of labor protection requirements, establishing a clear dependence of the degree of punishment on the severity of the misconduct, reducing the lump-sum reward for loyalty to the company, etc.
According to the obtained preliminary results, it is further supposed to identify the elements of the motivation system to ensure the safe labor activity of employees, which should be integrated into the overall system of motivation of employees of the organization. Each direction requires a more detailed study, taking into account the specifics of the organization's activities and the priority of the motives of specific groups of employees.

V.S. PARSHINA, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Ural State University of Communications, [email protected]
T.B. MARUSHCHAK, Ph.D. economy Sciences, Associate Professor, Ural State University of Communications

Motivation is a system of factors that includes: needs, goals, intentions, values, attitudes, attitudes (to oneself and others), interests, and others.
Motivation determines the direction and activity of human behavior as a whole. However, a specific act, a specific action occurs under the influence of a phenomenon called a motive.
Motivation is not once and for all formed quality of a person. Motivation is constantly updated and changed in the process of training, education and self-education, accumulation of life experience. Accordingly, the motives for specific actions and deeds also change.
An important component of motivation is the psychological attitude (attitude) to fulfill safety requirements. That is, the safe activity of an employee is a consequence of the correct attitude to the requirements of labor protection, his attitude to work without accidents. Therefore, in order to achieve a favorable attitude of the employee to the safety requirements, such an attitude must be created, first of all, from his manager, and it must "capture" the employee. An employee will believe in the possibility of safe work only to the extent that his immediate and superior manager believes in it. Therefore, all links in production management must constantly show an interest “visible” and “audible” by employees in ensuring safe working conditions for them. Moreover, workers must constantly feel it for themselves.
In personnel and management, the method of dividing motives into internal and external is successfully used. Accordingly, there are internal and external motivation, which governs human activity.
Internal motivation is a complex of motives and aspirations generated by the personality itself. In relation to work: an internally motivated employee finds pleasure in the very fulfillment of the task before him, in getting a result or enjoying the process of solving. The most common and proven method of stimulating work on labor protection in Russia is the organization of a review-competition "For safe work" (conditional name). The review competition is regulated by the relevant Regulations. It is advisable to establish several so-called nominations and combine moral encouragement with material. The strategic task of such a review-competition is to develop a system of incentives (methods of moral and material incentives) for employees who know and comply with the requirements and norms of labor protection, while maintaining a system of disciplinary actions against insufficiently trained and undisciplined employees.
The main objectives of this review competition are:
1) formation of sustainable motivation of employees for knowledge and compliance with the norms and rules on labor protection;
2) increasing the interest of employees in improving the state of conditions and labor protection at workplaces and in departments;
3) increasing the diligence of employees to comply with the requirements of labor protection, instructions for the safe conduct of work;
4) strengthening the labor discipline of employees.
External motivation refers to factors that influence an employee from the outside: bonuses and salary, management incentives and the desire not to be reprimanded.

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TOPIC 2.2. Management of internal motivation of employees for safe work and compliance with labor protection requirements

2.2.1. General concepts of intrinsic motivation
2.2.2. Management of internal motivation of employees to comply with labor protection requirements
2.2.3. Celebration of World Day for Safety and Health at Work
2.2.4. Promotion of best practices in labor protection

2.2.1. General concepts of intrinsic motivation

Labor occupies at least a third of adult independent life. A number of stages of a person's working life capture earlier and later periods of his life (education, choice of profession, labor and vocational training, type of pension depending on working life, life of a pensioner-veteran of labor associated with his native organization, etc.). Therefore, work, and, consequently, all issues related to it, are of great importance for any person and are always in the field of his attention.
The results achieved by people in the process of work depend not only on the knowledge, skills and abilities of these people. Effective activity is possible only if employees have the appropriate motivation, i.e. desire to work. Positive motivation activates a person's abilities, negative  inhibits their manifestation.
Motivation includes an internal state of a person, called a need, and external factors that affect motivation, called a stimulus. Human behavior is determined by the needs and incentives that dominate at a given time.
Physiological needs are fundamental to humans. They demand their satisfaction first. The organization of labor and the workplace must take this circumstance into account.
After satisfying physiological needs, the need for security comes to the fore. However, this does not mean that the employee thereby seeks to work safely. Often, his fear of losing his job (the need for social security) due to low productivity pushes him to violate the elementary methods of safe work in order to quickly complete the assigned work.
The next need  is the need to be in a group, to enjoy love and respect there. If this group (often referred to as the reference group) neglects security measures, then each of its members will do “like everyone else”. It is known that the tone in the group is set by its leader, formal or informal. It is necessary to ensure that the formal head (leader) of the group (unit, brigade) is its informal (true) leader with internal motivation to comply with safety requirements. In such working groups (teams, shifts) everything is always in order.
Any person seeks to improve his position in the group, he wants to feel his own significance, confirmed by the recognition of others. In the struggle for this recognition, he is ready to draw attention to himself at any cost, and therefore he can often violate safety rules, trying to quickly do something very important and difficult and thereby distinguish himself.
And finally, many people experience a desire for self-expression, for leadership. They want to realize themselves, to fulfill their destiny.
As the needs at one level are partially satisfied, the needs of the next level become dominant. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that only those incentives that satisfy the dominant need are motivating.
For example, it is widely believed that the main factor in effective work is money: the more a person receives, the better he works. Such a belief is not true: if a person is dominated, for example, by the need for close relationships or the need for self-realization, then he will prefer a place where he can satisfy this need to money.