Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf is a Russian folk tale. Russian folk tale: "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" Ivan Tsarevich old folk tale and the gray wolf

The tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf has been popular among children for many years. Readers in it are attracted by the characters, their adventures and a happy ending. We recommend a fairy tale for online reading with children.

Tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf read

Who is the author of the fairy tale Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf

The famous folk tale has several variants. It also exists in two literary adaptations - by V. A. Zhukovsky, the author of famous ballads, and poems and A. N. Tolstoy, a Russian writer.

Someone got into the habit of stealing golden apples from the king in the garden. He sent his sons to hunt down the kidnapper. For two nights the eldest sons went on guard, and slept on the grass until morning. On the third night, the youngest son noticed a wonderful bird with a golden tail on an apple tree, crept up to it, grabbed it by the tail, but did not hold it. Only a golden pen remained in his hand. Tsar Berendey wanted to find out about the miracle bird. He ordered his sons to go in search of her. The brothers parted in the open field in different directions. Ivan got tired on the road, lay down to rest, woke up - there was no horse, only bones. The Gray Wolf appeared before him. He promised Ivanushka for the horse he had eaten to help find the Firebird. Ivanushka forgot about his friend's instructions when he went after the bird, so his friends had to spend a lot of effort to get a miracle horse, and then Elena the Beautiful. The older brothers were jealous of Ivanushka's luck, they killed him in order to take everything away. Having learned about the trouble, the Gray Wolf rushed to the rescue of Ivanushka. He revived the prince, tore the treacherous brothers to shreds. The prince brought the father a wonderful horse and the Firebird, and he married a beautiful girl. You can read the story online on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf

The theme of a beautiful fairy tale is the hero's search for happiness. From the feather of the miracle bird, the adventures of Ivan Tsarevich begin. A large role in the fairy tale is given to the magical assistant - the Gray Wolf, he gives wise advice to the main character, comes to the rescue in time, saves the life of a friend, punishes the brothers. But even at the beginning of the tale, when Ivan Tsarevich tracked down the Firebird in the garden, it is clear that the hero deserves such a wonderful assistant with his respectful attitude towards his father, courage, and responsibility. The main idea of ​​the tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf is that it is always useful to listen to the advice of friends and smart people. Ivanushka would have fewer problems if he always followed the advice of the Gray Wolf.

Moral of the tale Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf

Happiness is always on the side of the brave - this is the moral of the tale. What does the tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf teach? Bold, active, resolute, resourceful, it is easier to go towards your goal.

Proverbs, sayings and expressions of a fairy tale

  • Don't be born beautiful, but be born happy.
  • Happiness smiles at those who achieve it.

© Naumenko G.M., retelling, 2017

© Bordyug S.I. and Trepenok N.A., ill., 2017

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

Nikita Kozhemyaka

In the old days, a terrible snake appeared not far from Kyiv. He dragged a lot of people from Kyiv into his lair, dragged him and ate. He dragged the snakes and the royal daughter, but did not eat her, but locked her tightly in his lair. A small dog followed the princess from the house. As soon as the snake flies away to hunt, the princess will write a note to her father, to her mother, tie a note to the little dog around her neck and send her home. The little dog will take the note and bring the answer.

That time the king and queen write to the princess: find out from the snake who is stronger than him. The princess began to inquire from the snake and inquired.

- There is, - says the snake, - in Kyiv, Nikita Kozhemyaka - he is stronger than me.

As the snake left to hunt, the princess wrote a note to her father, to her mother: there is Nikita Kozhemyaka in Kyiv; he alone is stronger than the serpent. Send Nikita to help me out of captivity.

The tsar found Nikita and went with the tsarina to ask him to rescue their daughter from hard captivity. At that time, Kozhemyak was crushing twelve cowhides at once. When Nikita saw the king, he was frightened: Nikita's hands trembled, and he tore all twelve skins at once. Here Nikita got angry that they frightened him and caused him a loss, and no matter how much the king and queen begged him to go to rescue the princess, he did not go.

So the tsar and the tsarina came up with the idea of ​​​​gathering five thousand juvenile orphans - a fierce snake orphaned them - and sent them to ask Kozhemyaka to free the entire Russian land from a great misfortune. Kozhemyak took pity on the orphan's tears, he shed a tear himself. He took three hundred pounds of hemp, ground it with pitch, wrapped himself all over with hemp and went.

Nikita approaches the snake's lair, but the snake has locked himself up, covered himself with logs and does not come out to him.

“You’d better come out to an open field, otherwise I’ll mark your entire lair!” - said Kozhemyaka and began to scatter the logs with his hands.

The snake sees the inevitable misfortune, there is nowhere for him to hide from Nikita, he went out into the open field.

How long, how short they fought, only Nikita knocked the snake to the ground and wanted to strangle him. The snake began to pray to Nikita:

“Don’t beat me, Nikitushka, to death!” There is no one stronger than you and me in the world. Let us divide the whole world equally: you will rule in one half, and I in the other.

"Okay," said Nikita. - We must first lay the boundary, so that later there would be no dispute between us.

Nikita made a plow of three hundred pounds, harnessed a snake to it and began to lay a boundary from Kyiv, plow a furrow; that furrow was two fathoms and a quarter deep. Nikita drew a furrow from Kyiv to the Black Sea and said to the snake:

- We divided the land - now let's divide the sea so that there is no dispute about water between us.

They began to divide the water - Nikita drove the snake into the Black Sea, and drowned him there.

Having done a holy deed, Nikita returned to Kyiv, began to wrinkle his skin again, and did not take anything for his work. The princess returned to her father, to her mother.

Nikitin's furrow, they say, is now visible in some places along the steppe; it stands with a shaft two sazhens high. The peasants plow all around, but they don’t open the furrows: they leave it in memory of Nikita Kozhemyak.

Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf

Once upon a time there was Tsar Berendey, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan. And the king had a magnificent garden; an apple tree with golden apples grew in that garden.

Someone began to visit the royal garden, steal golden apples. The king felt sorry for his garden. He sends guards there. No guards can keep track of the kidnapper.

The king stopped eating and drinking, he became homesick.

Father's sons console:

- Our dear father, do not be sad, we ourselves will guard the garden.

Elder son says:

- Today it's my turn, I'll go guard the garden from the kidnapper.

The eldest son left. No matter how much he walked in the evening, he did not follow anyone, he fell on the soft grass and fell asleep.

In the morning the king asks him:

“Well, won’t you please me: have you seen the kidnapper?

- No, dear father, I didn’t sleep all night, I didn’t close my eyes, but I didn’t see anyone.

The next night the middle son went to watch and also slept all night, and in the morning he said that he had not seen the kidnapper.

The time has come for the younger brother to go guard. Ivan Tsarevich went to guard his fathers garden and was even afraid to sit down, let alone lie down. As his sleep is overwhelmed, he will wash himself with dew from the grass, sleep and out of sight.

Half of the night has passed, and it seems to him: there is light in the garden. Lighter and brighter. The whole garden was lit up. He sees - the Firebird sat on the apple tree and pecked golden apples.

Ivan Tsarevich quietly crawled up to the apple tree and caught the bird by the tail. The Firebird started up and flew away, leaving one feather from its tail in his hand.

The next morning, Ivan Tsarevich comes to his father.

- Well, my dear Vanya, have you seen the kidnapper?

- Dear father, I didn’t catch it, but I traced who was ruining our garden. I brought you a memory from the kidnapper. This, father, is the Firebird.

The king took this pen and from that time began to drink and eat, and not to know sadness. At one fine time, he thought about this Firebird.

He called his sons and said to them:

- My dear children, if you saddled good horses, you would travel around the wide world, you would know places, you would not attack the Firebird somewhere.

The children bowed to their father, saddled the good horses and set off on their journey: the eldest in one direction, the middle one in the other, and Ivan Tsarevich in the third direction.

Ivan Tsarevich rode for a long time, or a short one. The day was summer. Ivan Tsarevich got tired, dismounted from his horse, confused him, and he himself fell to sleep.

How much, how little time has passed, Ivan Tsarevich woke up, he sees - there is no horse. He went to look for him, walked, walked and found his horse - only gnawed bones.

Ivan Tsarevich was sad: where without a horse to go so far?

"Well, - he thinks, - he took it - there is nothing to do."

And he went on foot. Walked, walked, tired to death. He sat down on the soft grass and mourned, sitting.

Out of nowhere, a gray wolf runs towards him:

- What, Ivan Tsarevich, are you sitting down, hung your head?

- How can I not be sad, gray wolf? I was left without a good horse.

- It was I, Ivan Tsarevich, who ate your horse ... I feel sorry for you! Tell me, why did you go far, where are you going?

- Father sent me to travel around the wide world, to find the Firebird.

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Once upon a time there was Tsar Berendey, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan.
And the king had a magnificent garden; an apple tree with golden apples grew in that garden.
Someone began to visit the royal garden, steal golden apples. The king felt sorry for his garden. He sends guards there. No guards can keep track of the kidnapper.
The king stopped eating and drinking, he became homesick. Father's sons console:
- Our dear father, do not be sad, we ourselves will begin to guard the garden.
Elder son says:
“Today it’s my turn, I’ll go guard the garden from the kidnapper.”
The eldest son left. No matter how much he walked in the evening, he did not follow anyone, he fell on the soft grass and fell asleep.
In the morning the king asks him:
“Well, won’t you please me: have you seen the kidnapper?
- No, dear father, I didn’t sleep all night, I didn’t close my eyes, but I didn’t see anyone.
The next night the middle son went to watch and also slept all night, and in the morning he said that he had not seen the kidnapper.
The time has come for the younger brother to go guard. Ivan Tsarevich went to guard his fathers garden and was even afraid to sit down, let alone lie down. As his sleep is overwhelmed, he will wash himself with dew from the grass, sleep and out of sight. Half of the night has passed, and it seems to him: there is light in the garden. Lighter and brighter. The whole garden was lit up. He sees the Firebird sitting on the apple tree and pecking at the golden apples. Ivan Tsarevich quietly crawled up to the apple tree and caught the bird by the tail. The Firebird started up and flew away, leaving one feather from its tail in his hand. The next morning Tsarevich Ivan comes to his father. “Well, my dear Vanya, have you seen the kidnapper?
- Dear father, I didn’t catch it, but I traced who was ruining our garden. I brought you a memory from the kidnapper. This, father, is the Firebird.
The king took this pen and from that time on he began to drink and eat and not know sadness. At one fine time, he thought about this about the Firebird.
He called his sons and said to them:
“My dear children, you would saddle good horses, travel around the wide world, get to know places, you wouldn’t attack the Firebird somewhere.
The children bowed to their father, saddled the good horses and set off on the road - the road: the eldest in one direction, the middle one in the other, and Ivan Tsarevich in the third direction.
Ivan Tsarevich rode for a long time, or a short one. The day was summer. Ivan Tsarevich got tired, dismounted from his horse, confused him, and he himself fell to sleep.
How much, how little time has passed, Ivan Tsarevich woke up, he sees - there is no horse. He went to look for him, walked, walked and found his horse - only gnawed bones. Ivan Tsarevich was sad: where without a horse to go so far?
"Well, - he thinks, - he took it - there is nothing to do." And he went on foot.
Walked, walked, tired to death. He sat down on the soft grass and mourned, sitting.
Out of nowhere, a gray wolf runs towards him:
- What, Ivan Tsarevich, are you sitting down, hung your head?
- How can I not be sad, gray wolf? I was left without a good horse.
- It was I, Ivan Tsarevich, who ate your horse ... I feel sorry for you! Tell me, why did you go far, where are you going?
- Father sent me to travel around the wide world, to find the Firebird.
- Fu, fu, you won't get to the Firebird in three years on your good horse. I alone know where she lives. So be it - I ate your horse, I will serve you with faith - the truth. Get on top of me and hold on tight.
Ivan Tsarevich sat on him, the gray wolf and galloped - he misses the blue forests past his eyes, sweeps the lakes with his tail. How long, how short, they run to a high fortress.

In a certain kingdom, on a certain land, lived Tsar Vislav Andronovich; he had three sons - Dmitry Tsarevich, Vasily Tsarevich and Ivan Tsarevich. King Wisław had a garden so rich that no other land had a better one. Many precious trees have grown in the garden, with and without fruit.

King Wisław had one favorite apple-tree, and all golden apples grew on the tree. A fiery bird flew into the garden of King Wisław. She had golden wings and eyes like the crystals of the East; and she flew into that garden every night, sat on her favorite apple tree, plucked golden apples from it, and then flew away.

The king was very sad because of the apple tree, because the fiery bird plucked many apples from it. So he called his three sons and said: “My dear children, whoever of you catches a fiery bird in my garden and leaves it alive, I will give him half the kingdom during my life, and at my death I will give everything.”

On the first night, Dmitry Tsarevich went to look into the garden, and sat under an apple tree, from which apples were plucked by the fire. He fell asleep and did not hear, like a fiery bird, when she came, or when she picked a lot of apples.

The next morning, King Vislav called his son Dmitry Tsarevich and asked: “Well, my dear son, have you seen a fiery bird?”

"No, sir, my father, she did not come last night."

The next night, Vasily Tsarevich went to the garden to watch the Firebird. He sat under the same apple tree, and after a couple of hours he fell asleep so soundly that he did not hear the fiery bird when she came, nor when she picked the apples.

The next morning, King Vislav called him and asked: “Well, my dear son, have you seen the fiery bird?”

"Dear sir, my father, she did not come last night."

On the third night, Ivan Tsarevich went to look into the garden, and sat under the same apple tree. He sat for an hour, a second and a third. Suddenly the whole garden was on fire, as if from many fires. The fiery bird flew here, sat on the apple tree and began to pluck the apples. Ivan crept up to her so warily that he caught her by the tail, but could not hold the bird, she broke away, flew away; and only one feather from the tail remained in the hand of Ivan Tsarevich, which he held very tightly.

The next morning, as soon as King Vislav woke up from his sleep, Ivan Tsarevich approached him and presented him with a feather of a fiery bird. The king was very glad that his youngest son managed to get at least one feather of a fiery bird. This feather was so wonderful and bright that when it was led into a dark chamber, it shone as if a huge number of cones had been lit in that place. King Vislav put the pen in his closet to be guarded forever. From that time on, no fiery bird flew into the garden.

King Vislav again called his sons and said: “My dear children, I give you my blessing. Go, find the fiery bird and bring it to me alive; and what I promised at first, he will definitely get the one who brings me a bird.

Dmitry and Vasily Tsarevich began to cherish hatred for their younger brother, because he pulled a feather from the tail of a fiery bird. They accepted their father's blessing and both went to look for the fire bird. Ivan Tsarevich also began to pray for his father's blessing. The king said to him: “My dear son, my dear child, you are still young, unused for such a long and difficult journey: why should you part from me? Your brothers are gone; so, if you also go, and all three of you do not return for a long time (I am old and walk under God), and if during your absence the Lord takes my life, who will rule in my place? There may be a riot, or disagreement between our people - no one will stop it; or if the enemy invades our land, there will be no one to command our people.”

But no matter how hard the tsar tried to detain Ivan Tsarevich, he could not but let him go for an urgent prayer. Ivan Tsarevich took his father's blessing, chose a horse and left; he rode on, not knowing where he was going.

Riding the trail on the road, whether near or far, high or low, the tale is soon told, but the deed is not soon done. At last he came to the green meadows. A pillar stands in an open field, and these words are written on the pillar: “he who walks straight ahead from the pillar will be hungry and cold; the one who walks on the right hand will be healthy and alive, but his horse will be dead; the one who goes to the left hand will be killed himself, but his horse will be alive and well. ”Ivan read the inscription, and went to the right hand, keeping in mind that although his horse could be killed, he would remain alive, and may eventually take another horse.

He rode one day, the second, and the third. Immediately a huge Gray Wolf came out to him and said: “Oh! is it you, tender youth, Ivan Tsarevich? You read on the pillar that your horse will be dead; why did you come here?” The wolf said these words, tore Ivan Tsarevich's horse in two, and went in one direction.

Ivan grieved greatly for his horse. He wept bitterly and went forward on foot. He walked all day and was incredibly tired. He was about to sit down and rest, when the Gray Wolf immediately caught up with him and said: “I feel sorry for you, Ivan Tsarevich, you are tired of walking; I'm sorry I ate your good horse. Well, sit on me, I'm an old Wolf, and tell me where to carry you, and why.

Ivan Tsarevich told the Gray Wolf where he had to go, and the Gray Wolf fired with him faster than a horse. After some time, just at the onset of darkness, he brought Ivan Tsarevich to a not very high stone wall, stopped him, and said: “Here, Ivan Tsarevich, get down from the gray Wolf, climb over this stone wall; on the other side, a garden, and in the garden, a bird-fire, in a golden cage. Take the fire bird, but don't touch the cage. If you take the cage, you won't run far; they'll grab you right away."

Ivan Tsarevich, the Fire Bird and the Gray Wolf. Part 2

Ivan Tsarevich climbed over the wall into the garden, saw a firebird in a golden cage, and was greatly tempted to take the cage. He pulled the bird out and returned; but changed his mind and thought: “why did I take the bird without a cage? Where can I put it? - He returned; but he had hardly demolished the cage when there was chiming and rattling all over the garden, because there were wires attached to the cage. At that moment, the guards woke up, ran into the garden, caught Ivan Tsarevich with a fireman bird and took him to the king, whose name was Dolmat. Tsar Dolmat was terribly furious with Ivan and shouted at him in loud, angry tones: “Aren't you ashamed, young man, to steal? But who are you, from what land, from what father is the son, and what is your name called?

Ivan Tsarevich replied: “I am from the kingdom of Vislav, the son of Tsar Wislav Andronovich, and my name is Ivan Tsarevich. Your fiery bird flew into our garden every night and plucked golden apples from my father's favorite apple tree, and destroyed almost the entire tree. So my father sent me to find the bird of fire and bring it to him."

- Oh, young man, Ivan Tsarevich, - said Tsar Dolmat, - is it right to do what you did? You should have come to me, and I would have honorably given you a fiery bird; but will it be good for you when I send to all the lands to announce how dishonorably you have acted in my kingdom? Listen, however, to Ivan Tsarevich. If you serve me - if you go beyond the thrice-ninth land to the thirtieth kingdom and receive for me from King Afron a golden horse, I will forgive your crime and give you a fiery bird with great honor; if not, I will publish in all the kingdoms that you are a dishonorable thief.”

Ivan Tsarevich left Tsar Dolmat in the Great Mountain, promising to get a golden horse for him.

He came to the Gray Wolf and told him everything that King Dolmat had said.

- O! is that you, young young man, Ivan Tsarevich? Why did you disobey my words and take the golden cage?”

“I took offense at you,” Ivan said to the Gray Wolf.

"Well, let it go, sit on me and I'll take you wherever you want."

Ivan Tsarevich was sitting on the back of the Gray Wolf. The wolf was as fast as an arrow and ran, whether it was long or short, until it finally came to the kingdom of King Aphron during the hours of darkness. Approaching the stable with white walls, the Gray Wolf said: “Go, Ivan Tsarevich, to these stables with white walls (the stables are fast asleep on guard), and take the golden horse. A golden bridle hangs on the wall; but don't take the bridle or she'll get sick."

Ivan Tsarevich entered the stable with white walls, took his horse and returned; but he saw a golden bridle on the walls, and was so tempted that he took it from a nail. At that moment, there was thunder and noise in the stable, because the ropes were tied to the bridle. The bridegroom on guard woke up at that moment, burst in, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and took him to Tsar Afron. King Afron began to interrogate him. “O young man, tell me what country are you from, what father are you son of, and what is your name called?”

To this, Ivan Tsarevich replied: "I am from the kingdom of Wislav, the son of Tsar Wislav, and my name is Ivan Tsarevich."

“Oh, young young man, Ivan Tsarevich!” said Tsar Afron, “was what you did the work of a noble knight? I would honorably give you the golden horse. But will it be good for you when I send a statement to all the lands about how dishonorably you have acted in my kingdom? Hear me, however, Ivan Tsarevich: if you do me a service and go beyond the thrice-ninth earth into the thirtieth kingdom and bring me Princess Elena the beautiful, whom I love heart and soul for a long time, but whom I cannot get, I will forgive your crime and I will give you a golden horse with honor. And if you do not do me this service, I will declare in all lands that you are a dishonorable thief.

Ivan Tsarevich promised Tsar Afron to bring beautiful Elena, left the palace and wept bitterly.

He came to the Gray Wolf and told him everything that had happened.

“Oh, Ivan Tsarevich, young man,” said the Gray Wolf, “why did you disobey me and take the golden bridle?”

“I took offense at you,” said Ivan Tsarevich.

“Well, let it go,” said the Wolf. "Sit on me, I'll take you where you need to go."

Ivan Tsarevich was sitting on the back of the Gray Wolf, who ran as fast as an arrow flies, and he ran in such a way as not to tell a long story in a fairy tale; and at last he came to the kingdom of Helen the fair. Approaching the golden fence that surrounded her wonderful garden, the Wolf said: “Here, Ivan Tsarevich, get off me and return along the same road we walked and waited in the field, under the green oak.”

Ivan Tsarevich went to where he was commanded. But the Gray Wolf sat by the golden fence and waited for Elena the beautiful to take a walk in the garden.

In the late afternoon, when the sun was low in the West, so it was not very warm in the air, Princess Helena went for a walk in the garden with her maidens and ladies of the court. When she entered the garden and approached the place where the Gray Wolf was sitting behind the fence, he suddenly jumped out, caught the princess, jumped up again and with all his strength and power carried her away. He went to a green oak in an open field where Ivan Tsarevich was waiting, and said: “Ivan Tsarevich, sit on me quickly.” Ivan sat on it, and the Gray Wolf carried them both swiftly to the kingdom of King Afron.

Nurses and maidens and all the ladies of the court, who were walking in the garden with Princess Elena the beautiful, ran straight to the palace and sent their pursuers to overtake the gray Wolf; but no matter how they ran, they could not overtake him and turned back.

Ivan Tsarevich, the Fire Bird and the Gray Wolf. Part 3

Ivan Tsarevich, sitting on a gray wolf with Princess Elena the Beautiful, fell in love with her with all his heart, and she loved Ivan Tsarevich; and when the Gray Wolf arrived in the kingdom of Tsar Afron, and Ivan Tsarevich was forced to give Elena the Beautiful to the palace and gave her to Tsar Afron, he became very sad and began to cry with tears.

“Why are you crying, Ivan Tsarevich?” asked the Gray Wolf.

- My friend, why am I, well done, not crying? I have developed a sincere love for Elena the Beautiful, and now I must give it away so that King Afron gives the horse's golden mane; and if I yield it not, then King Afron will dishonor me in all lands.

“I served you a lot, Ivan Tsarevich,” said the Gray Wolf, “and I will continue to do this service. Listen to me. I will turn myself into a princess, beautiful Elena. Give me to King Afron and take the golden horse from him; he will consider me a real princess. And when you sit on a horse and go far, I will beg King Aphron for permission to walk into the open field. When he releases me with the maidens and nurses and all the ladies of the court, and I will be with them in the open field, Remember me and I will come to you.

The Gray Wolf spoke these words, struck the damp earth, and became the princess, Helen the Beautiful, so there was no way to know in any way that the wolf was not a princess. Ivan Tsarevich told the beautiful Elena to wait outside the city, and took the gray Wolf to the palace of Tsar Afron.

When Ivan Tsarevich came with the beautiful Elena, Tsar Afron was delighted with her heart that he had received the treasure he had long desired. He took a false maiden and presented Ivan Tsarevich with a golden horse.

Ivan Tsarevich mounted his horse and rode out of the city, seated the beautiful Elena with him and rode on, heading towards the kingdom of Tsar Dolmat.

The Gray Wolf lived with Tsar Afron for a day, a second, and a third, instead of Elena the Beautiful. On the fourth day, he went to King Afron, begging him to go out into the open field for a walk, to drive away the cruel krifa and grief. Then King Afron said: “Oh, my beautiful princess Elena, I will do everything for you; I will release you to the open field to go! And immediately he ordered the nurses, the girls and all the ladies of the court to go out into the open field and take a walk with the beautiful princess.

Ivan Tsarevich rode along his road and path with beautiful Elena, talked to her; and he forgot about the gray wolf, but then remembered. “Where is my Gray Wolf?” ‘

And then, wherever he came from, the wolf stood in front of Ivan and said: "Ivan Tsarevich, sit on me, Gray Wolf, and let the beautiful princess ride on a golden horse."

Ivan Tsarevich sat on the Gray Wolf, and they went to the kingdom of Tsar Dolmat. They walked for a long time or not for long, having arrived in the kingdom, they stopped about three miles from the capital, and Ivan Tsarevich began to beg: “Listen to me, Gray Wolf, my dear friend. You showed me a lot of service, now show me the last one; and lastly, could you please refer to the golden horse instead? for I do not like to part with this horse.”

Suddenly the Gray Wolf struck the damp earth and became a golden horse. Ivan Tsarevich, leaving Princess Elena on a green meadow, sat on a gray wolf and went to the palace of Tsar Dolmat. As soon as he arrived, Tsar Dolmat saw that Ivan Tsarevich was riding a golden horse, and he was very happy. He immediately left the palace, met the prince in the courtyard, kissed him, took his right hand and led him into the white-stone chambers. King Dolmat, on the occasion of such joy, gave orders for a feast, and they sat down at an oak table on a torn cloth. They ate, drank, rejoiced and rejoiced for exactly two days; and on the third day, Tsar Dolmat presented Ivan Tsarevich with a fiery bird along with a golden cage. Ivan took the fiery bird, went outside the city, sat on a golden-domed horse together with Elena the beautiful and headed for his native place, to the kingdom of King Wislav.

The next day, King Dolmat thought to ride across the open field on his golden horse. He ordered them to saddle him; he mounted his horse and rode into the open field. At that moment, when he summoned the horse, the horse threw Tsar Dolmat off his back, became a gray wolf, as before, ran away and invented Ivan Tsarevich. “Ivan Tsarevich,” he said, “sit on me, Gray Wolf, and let the beautiful Elena ride on a golden horse.”

Ivan sat on a gray wolf, and they went their own way. When the Gray Wolf brought Ivan to the place where he tore the horse to pieces, he stopped and said: “I have served you enough, with faith and truth. At this place I tore your horse in two; I have brought you to this place. Get off me, Gray Wolf, you have a golden horse, sit on it and go where you need. I am no longer your servant."

The Gray Wolf uttered these words and ran in one direction. Ivan wept bitterly because of the Gray Wolf and continued on his way with the beautiful princess.

He rode for a long time or for a short time with the beautiful princess, when he was twenty miles away from his own kingdom, he stopped, dismounted, and he and the beautiful princess rested from the heat of the sun under a tree; he tied the golden horse to the same tree and placed the cage with a fiery bird next to it. Lying on the soft grass, they had a pleasant conversation and fell asleep soundly.

At that time, the brothers of Ivan Tsarevich, Dmitry and Vasily Tsarevich, traveling through many lands, not finding a fiery bird, returned home empty-handed and unexpectedly stumbled upon a brother with a beautiful princess. Seeing a horse with a golden horse and a fiery bird in a cage, they were greatly tempted and thought to kill their brother Ivan. Dmitry took his sword out of its scabbard, stabbed Ivan Tsarevich and cut him into pieces; then he raised the beautiful princess and asked: “beautiful Virgin, what kind of land are you, from which father is the daughter, and what do they call you by name?”

The beautiful princess, seeing Ivan Tsarevich dead, was terribly frightened; she began to shed bitter tears, and in tears she said: “I am the beautiful Princess Elena; Ivan Tsarevich, whom you gave to a cruel death, got me. If you were good knights, you would go with him into the open field and defeat him there; but you killed him while he was sleeping; and what glory will you get for yourself? A sleeping person is the same as a dead person.

Then Dmitry Tsarevich put his sword to the heart of Elena the beautiful and said: “Hear me, Elena the beautiful, you are now in our hands; we will take you to our father, King Vislav, you will tell him that we have you and a fiery bird, and a golden-haired horse. If not, we will hand you over to death this minute.” The princess, fearing death, promised them and swore to all the saints that she would speak as ordered. Then they began to cast lots, who should have the beautiful Elena, and who should have the golden horse; and much fell that the princess had to go to Vasily, and the golden steed to Dmitry.

Then Vasily Tsarevich took the princess and put her on his horse; Dmitry mounted a horse with a golden tail and took a fiery bird to give them to his father, King Vislav; and they went their own way.

Ivan Tsarevich lay dead in that place for exactly thirty days; then the Gray Wolf ran up, knew Ivan by his smell, wanted to help him, revive him, but did not know how. Just then, the Gray Wolf saw a raven with two young ones, which flew over the body and wanted to eat the flesh of Ivan Tsarevich. The wolf hid behind a bush; and when the young ravens came down and were about to seize the body, he sprang out, caught one, and tore it in two. Then the raven came down, sat a little from the Gray Wolf, and said: “Oh, Gray Wolf, don't touch my little child; He didn't do anything to you!"

“Listen to me, raven,” said the Gray Wolf. “I will not touch your child; I will let him go safe and sound if you will do me a favor. Fly out of the thrice-ninth lands in the thrice-tenth kingdom, and bring me the waters of the dead and the waters of life.

“I will do it, but don't touch my son. Having said these words, the raven flew away and soon disappeared from sight. On the third day, the raven returned, brought two bottles, in one the water of life, in the other the water of death, and gave them both to the gray wolf. The wolf took the vials, tore the young raven in two, sprinkled it with the water of death; the little raven grew up together, he sprinkled it with the water of life, and the raven got up and flew away.

The Gray Wolf sprinkled Prince Ivan with the water of death: the body grew together; he sprinkled it with the water of life: Ivan Tsarevich got up and exclaimed: “Oh, how long I slept!”

“You would sleep forever if it weren’t for me. Your brothers cut you to pieces and carried off Princess Helena on a horse with a golden horse and a fiery bird. Now hurry with all speed to your country; Vasily Tsarevich will marry your bride today. To get home quickly, sit on me, I'll carry you.

Ivan sat on the gray wolf; the wolf ran with him to the kingdom of King Vvislav, and whether long or short, he ran to the edge of the city.

Ivan, originally from the Gray Wolf, entered the city and found that his brother Vasily had married Elena the Beautiful, returned with her from the ceremony and sat with her at the feast.

Ivan Tsarevich entered the palace, and when the beautiful Elena saw him, she jumped up from the table, kissed him and shouted: “This is my dear groom, Ivan Tsarevich, and not that scoundrel at the table.”

Then King Vvislav rose from his seat and asked the meaning of these words. Elena the beautiful told the whole truth - she told how Ivan Tsarevich defeated her, the golden horse and the fiery bird, how his older brothers killed him in a dream and how they frightened her, ordering her to say that they all won.

King Vislav was terribly angry with Dmitry and Vasily and threw them into prison; but Ivan Tsarevich married Elena the beautiful and lived with her in harmony and love, so that one of them could not exist for a minute without the other.

Here the fairy tale ends, and who read and listened to her well done!


Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf - Russian folk tale

Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf is one of the most beloved Russian folk tales. With the help of the gray wolf, Ivan Tsarevich finds the Firebird, the beautiful wife Elena the Beautiful, the faithful golden-maned horse and defeats the envious. (A.N. Afanasiev, 1819)

Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf read

In some there was a kingdom, in some state there was a tsar named Vyslav Andronovich. He had three princely sons: the first was Dimitri Tsarevich, the other was Vasily Tsarevich, and the third was Ivan Tsarevich.
That Tsar Vyslav Andronovich had a garden so rich that in no other state was it better than that; in that garden grew various expensive trees with and without fruits, and the king had one favorite apple tree, and on that apple tree all golden apples grew.
The firebird got into the habit of flying to Tsar Vyslav in the garden; she has golden feathers, and her eyes are like oriental crystal. She flew to that garden every night and sat on the favorite apple tree of Vyslav Tsar, plucked golden apples from it and flew away again.
Tsar Vyslav Andronovich was very upset about that apple tree that the firebird plucked many apples from it; why he called his three sons to him and said to them:
- My dear children! Which of you can catch a firebird in my garden? Whoever catches her alive, I will give him half of the kingdom during my lifetime, and after death, that's all.
Then the children of his princes cried out unanimously:
- Gracious sovereign-father, your royal majesty! With great joy we will try to catch the living firebird.
On the first night, Dimitri Tsarevich went to watch in the garden and, sitting under the apple tree from which the firebird picked apples, he fell asleep and did not hear how that firebird flew in and plucked a lot of apples.
In the morning, Tsar Vyslav Andronovich called his son Demetrius Tsarevich to him and asked:

He answered his parent:
- No, dear sir! She did not come that night.
The next night, Vasily Tsarevich went to the garden to guard the firebird. He sat down under the same apple tree and, sitting for an hour and another night, fell asleep so soundly that he did not hear the firebird fly in and nibble on the apples.
In the morning, Tsar Vyslav called him to him and asked:
- What, my dear son, have you seen the firebird or not?
- Gracious sir-father! She did not come that night.
On the third night, Ivan Tsarevich went into the garden to guard and sat down under the same apple tree; he sits for an hour, two and three - suddenly lit up the whole garden as if it were illuminated by many lights: a firebird flew in, sat on an apple tree and began to pluck apples.
Ivan Tsarevich crept up to her so skillfully that he grabbed her by the tail; however, he could not hold her back: the firebird broke free and flew away, and Ivan Tsarevich had only one feather from his tail left in his hand, to which he held on very tightly.
In the morning, as soon as Tsar Vyslav woke up from his sleep, Ivan Tsarevich went to him and gave him the firebird's feather.
Tsar Vyslav was very pleased that his younger son managed to get at least one feather from the firebird.
This pen was so wonderful and bright that if you bring it into a dark room, it shines so brightly, as if a great many candles were lit in that room. Tsar Vyslav put that feather in his office as a thing that should be kept forever. Since then, the firebird has not patched up in the garden.
Tsar Vyslav again called his children to him and said to them:
- My dear children! Go, I give you my blessing, find the firebird and bring it back to me alive; and what I promised before, then, of course, the one who brings the firebird to me will receive.
Dimitri and Vasily Tsarevich began to have anger at his younger brother Ivan Tsarevich, that he managed to pull a feather from the tail of the firebird; they took a blessing from their father and the two went to look for the firebird.
And Ivan Tsarevich also began to ask his parent for blessings. King Vyslav said to him:
- My dear son, my dear child! You are still young and unaccustomed to such a long and difficult path; why would you leave me? After all, your brothers have already gone. Well, if you also leave me, and all three of you do not return for a long time? I am already old and walk under God; if during your absence the Lord God takes away my life, then who will govern my kingdom instead of me? Then there may be a revolt or disagreement between our people, but there will be no one to appease; or the enemy will approach our regions, and there will be no one to control our troops.

However, no matter how much Tsar Vyslav tried to keep Ivan Tsarevich, he could not but let him go, at his persistent request. Ivan Tsarevich took a blessing from his parent, chose a horse for himself, and set off, and rode, not knowing himself where he was going.
Riding along the road, whether it is close, low, high, soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done, at last he arrived in an open field, in green meadows. And in an open field there is a pillar, and these words are written on the pillar: “Whoever goes straight from this pillar will be hungry and cold; whoever rides to the right side will be healthy and alive, but his horse will be dead; and whoever rides to the left will be killed himself, but his horse will remain alive and well.”
Ivan Tsarevich read this inscription and rode to the right side, keeping in mind: although his horse will be killed, he himself will remain alive and in time he can get himself another horse.
He rode for a day, another and a third - suddenly a big gray wolf came out to meet him and said:
- Oh, you are a goy, young youth, Ivan Tsarevich! After all, you read that it is written on the pillar that your horse will be dead; so why are you coming here?
The wolf uttered these words, tore Ivan Tsarevich's horse in two and went away to the side.
Ivan Tsarevich Velmi lamented over his horse, wept bitterly and set off on foot.
He walked the whole day and was incredibly tired and just wanted to sit down to rest, suddenly a gray wolf overtook him and said to him:
- I feel sorry for you, Ivan Tsarevich, that you are exhausted on foot; I am also sorry that I ate your good horse. Good! Get on me, on the gray wolf, and tell me where to take you and why?

Ivan Tsarevich told the gray wolf where he needed to go; and the gray wolf rushed with him faster than a horse, and after a while, just at night, brought Ivan Tsarevich to a stone wall not very high, stopped and said:
- Well, Ivan Tsarevich, get off me, from the gray wolf, and climb over this stone wall; there is a garden behind the wall, and in that garden a firebird sits in a golden cage. Take the firebird, but don't touch the golden cage; if you take the cage, you won't be able to get out of there: they'll catch you right away!
Ivan Tsarevich climbed over the stone wall into the garden, saw a firebird in a golden cage and was very seduced by it. He took the bird out of the cage and went back, but then he changed his mind and said to himself:
- That I took the firebird without a cage, where will I put it?
He returned and as soon as he took off the golden cage, then suddenly there was a knock and thunder throughout the garden, for the strings were brought to that golden cage. The guards immediately woke up, ran into the garden, caught Ivan Tsarevich with a firebird and brought him to their king, whose name was Dolmat.
Tsar Dolmat was very angry with Ivan Tsarevich and shouted at him in a loud and angry voice:
- Shame on you, young man, to steal! But who are you, and what land, and what father's son, and what is your name by name?
Ivan Tsarevich said to him:
- I am from the kingdom of Vyslavov, the son of Tsar Vyslav Andronovich, and my name is Ivan Tsarevich. Your firebird got into the habit of flying to our garden every night, and plucked golden apples from my father's beloved apple tree, and almost ruined the whole tree; That's why my parent sent me to find the firebird and bring it to him.
- Oh, you young man, Ivan Tsarevich, - said Tsar Dolmat, - is it better to do it like you did? You would come to me, I would honor you with a firebird; and now will it be good when I send to all states about you to announce how you acted dishonestly in my state? But listen, Ivan Tsarevich! If you do me a favor - you go to distant lands, to a distant state, and get me a golden-maned horse from King Afron, then I will forgive you in your fault and give you the firebird with great honor; and if you do not serve this service, then I will let all states know about you that you are a dishonest thief.
Ivan Tsarevich went from Tsar Dolmat in great sorrow, promising him to get a golden-maned horse.
He came to the gray wolf and told him about everything that King Dolmat had told him.
- Oh, you are a goy, young youth, Ivan Tsarevich! said the gray wolf to him. - Why did you disobey my word and take the golden cage?
“I am guilty before you,” Ivan Tsarevich said to the wolf.
- Good, be it! said the gray wolf. - Sit on me, on the gray wolf; I will take you where you need to go.

Ivan Tsarevich sat on the gray wolf's back; and the wolf ran so quickly, like an arrow, and he ran for a long time, whether it was short, finally ran to the state of King Afron at night.
And, having come to the white-stone royal stables, the gray wolf said to Ivan Tsarevich:
“Go, Ivan Tsarevich, to these white-stone stables (now the guard grooms are all fast asleep!) and take the golden-maned horse. Only here a golden bridle hangs on the wall, you don’t take it, otherwise it will be bad for you.
Ivan Tsarevich, entering the white-stone stables, took his horse and started to go back; but he saw a golden bridle on the wall and was so seduced by it that he took it off the nail, and just took it off - when suddenly thunder and noise went through all the stables, because the strings were brought to that bridle. The guard grooms immediately woke up, ran, Ivan Tsarevich was caught and led to Tsar Afron.
King Afron began to ask him:
- Oh, you are a goy, young boy! Tell me, from which state are you, and whose father is the son, and what is your name by name?
Ivan Tsarevich answered him:
- I myself am from the kingdom of Vyslavov, the son of Tsar Vyslav Andronovich, and my name is Ivan Tsarevich.
- Oh, you young man, Ivan Tsarevich! - King Afron told him. - Is this an honest knight's work that you did? You would come to me, I would give you a golden-maned horse with honor. And now will it be good for you when I send to all states to announce how dishonestly you acted in my state? But listen, Ivan Tsarevich! If you do me a favor and go to distant lands, to a distant state, and get me Princess Elena the Beautiful, with whom I fell in love with my soul and heart for a long time, but I can’t get it, then I will forgive you this guilt and a golden-maned horse with a golden bridle honestly I will give. And if you don’t do this service for me, then I will let all states know about you that you are a dishonest thief, and I will write everything down, as you did badly in my state.
Then Ivan Tsarevich promised Tsar Afron to get Princess Elena the Beautiful, and he himself went out of his chambers and wept bitterly.
He came to the gray wolf and told everything that had happened to him.
- Oh, you are a goy, young youth, Ivan Tsarevich! said the gray wolf to him. - Why did you not obey my word and took a golden bridle?
“I am guilty before you,” Ivan Tsarevich said to the wolf.
- Good, be it! continued the gray wolf. - Sit on me, on the gray wolf; I will take you where you need to go.
Ivan Tsarevich sat on the gray wolf's back; and the wolf ran as fast as an arrow, and he ran, as if in a fairy tale, for a short time and, finally, ran to the state of Princess Elena the Beautiful.
And, having come to the golden lattice, which surrounded the wonderful garden, the wolf said to Ivan Tsarevich:
- Well, Ivan Tsarevich, now get off me, from the gray wolf, and go back along the same road we came here, and wait for me in an open field under a green oak.
Ivan Tsarevich went where he was told. The gray wolf sat down near that golden lattice and waited until Princess Elena the Beautiful went for a walk in the garden.
Towards evening, when the sun began to sink much to the west, which is why it was not very hot in the air, Princess Elena the Beautiful went into the garden to take a walk with her nannies and court nobles. When she entered the garden and approached the place where the gray wolf was sitting behind the bars, suddenly the gray wolf jumped over the bars into the garden and grabbed Princess Elena the Beautiful, jumped back and ran with her with all his strength-piss.
He ran into an open field under a green oak, where Ivan Tsarevich was waiting for him, and said to him:
- Ivan Tsarevich, get on me, on the gray wolf!
Ivan Tsarevich sat on him, and the gray wolf rushed them both to the state of Tsar Afron.
The nannies, and the mothers, and all the nobility of the court, who were walking in the garden with the beautiful Queen Elena, immediately ran to the palace and sent in pursuit to catch up with the gray wolf; however, no matter how much the messengers pursued, they could not catch up and turned back.
Ivan Tsarevich, sitting on a gray wolf together with the beautiful Queen Elena, loved her with his heart, and she loved Ivan Tsarevich; and when the gray wolf ran to the state of Tsar Afron and Ivan Tsarevich had to take the beautiful Princess Elena to the palace and give it to the Tsar, then the Tsarevich became very sad and began to cry tearfully.
The gray wolf asked him:
- What are you crying about, Ivan Tsarevich?
To this, Ivan Tsarevich answered:
- My friend, the gray wolf! How can I, a good fellow, not cry and collapse? I have loved the beautiful princess Helen with my heart, and now I must give her to King Afron for a golden-maned horse, and if I don’t give her, then King Afron will dishonor me in all states.
“I served you a lot, Ivan Tsarevich,” said the gray wolf, “I will serve this service as well. Listen, Ivan Tsarevich; I will become the beautiful Queen Helen, and you take me to King Afron and take the golden-maned horse; he will revere me for a real princess. And when you sit on a golden-maned horse and go far, then I will ask King Afron to take a walk in an open field; and how he will let me go with the nannies, and with the mothers, and with all the court boyars, and I will be with them in the open field, then you remember me - and I will be with you again.
The gray wolf uttered these speeches, hit the damp earth - and became the beautiful royal Elena, so that it’s impossible to know that it wasn’t her.
Ivan Tsarevich took the gray wolf, went to the palace to Tsar Afron, and ordered the beautiful princess Elena to wait outside the city.
When Ivan Tsarevich came to Tsar Afron with the imaginary Elena the Beautiful, the Tsar rejoiced in his heart that he had received such a treasure that he had long desired. He accepted the false princess, and gave the golden-maned horse to Ivan Tsarevich.
Ivan Tsarevich mounted that horse and rode out of town; He seated Elena the Beautiful with him and set off, heading towards the state of Tsar Dolmat.
The gray wolf lives with King Afron for a day, two and three instead of the beautiful Princess Elena, and on the fourth day he came to King Afron to ask to take a walk in the open field in order to break the bitter sadness. As King Afron spoke to him:
- Ah, my beautiful princess Elena! I will do everything for you, let you go for a walk in an open field.
And he immediately ordered the nannies, and mothers, and all the court boyars with the beautiful queen to go for a walk in the open field.
Ivan Tsarevich rode along the road with Elena the Beautiful, talked to her and forgot about the gray wolf; and then I remembered:
- Ah, where is my gray wolf?
Suddenly, out of nowhere, he stood in front of Ivan Tsarevich and said to him:
- Sit down, Ivan Tsarevich, on me, on a gray wolf, and let the beautiful princess ride on a golden-maned horse.
Ivan Tsarevich sat on a gray wolf, and they went to the state of Tsar Dolmat. Whether they traveled for a long time, whether it was short, and, having reached that state, they stopped three miles from the city. Ivan Tsarevich began to ask the gray wolf:
- Listen, my dear friend, gray wolf! You have served me many services, serve me the last one, and your service will be this: can you turn into a golden-maned horse instead of this, because I don’t want to part with this golden-maned horse.
Suddenly, the gray wolf hit the damp earth - and became a golden-maned horse.
Ivan Tsarevich, leaving the beautiful Princess Elena in a green meadow, sat on a gray wolf and rode to the palace to Tsar Dolmat.
And as soon as he arrived there, Tsar Dolmat saw Ivan Tsarevich that he was riding on a golden-maned horse, he was very happy, immediately left his chambers, met the prince in a wide courtyard, kissed him on the lips of sugar, took him by the right hand and led him into the chambers. white stone.
King Dolmat for such joy ordered to create a feast, and they sat down at oak tables, at tablecloths; they drank, ate, had fun and had fun for exactly two days, and on the third day Tsar Dolmat handed Ivan Tsarevich a firebird with a golden cage.
The prince took the firebird, went out of town, mounted a golden-maned horse, together with the beautiful Queen Elena, and went to his fatherland, to the state of Tsar Vyslav Andronovich.
Tsar Dolmat, on the other day, decided to ride his golden-maned horse in an open field; he ordered to saddle him, then sat on him and rode into an open field; and as soon as he enraged the horse, he threw off Tsar Dolmat and, turning as before into a gray wolf, ran and caught up with Ivan Tsarevich.
- Ivan Tsarevich! - he said. - Get on me, on the gray wolf, and let Princess Elena the Beautiful ride on a golden-maned horse.
Ivan Tsarevich sat on a gray wolf, and they set off. As soon as the gray wolf took Ivan Tsarevich to the places where his horse was torn to pieces, he stopped and said:
- Well, Ivan Tsarevich, I have served you faithfully enough. This is the place where I tore your horse in two, and brought you to this place. Get off me, from the gray wolf, now you have a golden-maned horse, so you sit on it and go where you need to; and I am no longer your servant.
The gray wolf uttered these words and ran to the side; and Ivan Tsarevich wept bitterly for the gray wolf and set off on his journey with the beautiful princess.
How long, how short, did he ride with the beautiful Queen Elena on a horse with a golden mane, and, not reaching his state for twenty miles, he stopped, dismounted from his horse and, together with the beautiful queen, lay down to rest from the heat of the sun under a tree; he tied the golden-maned horse to the same tree, and placed the cage with the firebird beside him.
Lying on the soft grass and having friendly conversations, they fell asleep soundly.
At that very time, the brothers of Ivan Tsarevich, Dimitri and Vasily Tsarevich, traveling around different states and not finding the firebird, returned to their fatherland empty-handed; they accidentally ran into their sleepy brother Ivan Tsarevich with the beautiful Queen Elena.
Seeing a horse with a golden mane and a firebird in a golden cage on the grass, they were very seduced by them and decided to kill their brother Ivan Tsarevich to death.
Tsarevich Dimitri took out his sword from the scabbard, stabbed Ivan Tsarevich and chopped him into small pieces; then he woke up the beautiful princess Helena and began to ask her:
- Beautiful girl! Which state are you, and what father is the daughter of, and what is your name by name?
The beautiful Princess Elena, seeing Ivan Tsarevich dead, was greatly frightened, began to cry bitter tears and said in tears:
- I am Princess Elena the Beautiful, and Ivan Tsarevich got me, whom you betrayed to an evil death. Then you would be good knights if you went with him into an open field and defeated him alive, otherwise you killed a sleepy one and what kind of praise would you receive? Sleepy man - what a dead man!
Then Tsarevich Demetrius put his sword to the heart of the beautiful Princess Elena and said to her:
- Listen, Elena the Beautiful! You are now in our hands; we will take you to our father, Tsar Vyslav Andronovich, and you tell him that we got you, and the firebird, and the golden-maned horse. If you don't say this, I'll put you to death now!
The beautiful Princess Elena, frightened of death, promised them and swore by all the holiness that she would speak as she was commanded.
Then Tsarevich Dimitri and Tsarevich Vasily began to cast lots, who would get the beautiful Princess Elena and who would have the golden-maned horse? And the lot fell that the beautiful princess should go to Tsarevich Vasily, and the golden-maned horse to Tsarevich Demetrius.
Then Vasily Tsarevich took the beautiful Princess Helen, put him on his good horse, and Dimitri Tsarevich mounted a golden-maned horse and took the firebird to hand it to his parent, Tsar Vyslav Andronovich, and set off.
Ivan Tsarevich lay dead in that place for exactly thirty days, and at that time a gray wolf ran into him and recognized Ivan Tsarevich by the spirit. I wanted to help him - to revive him, but did not know how to do it.
At that time, I saw a gray wolf of one raven and two crows that flew over the corpse and wanted to descend to the ground and eat the meat of Ivan Tsarevich. The gray wolf hid behind a bush, and as soon as the crows descended to the ground and began to eat the body of Ivan Tsarevich, he jumped out from behind the bush, grabbed one crow and was about to tear it in two. Then the raven descended to the ground, sat at a distance from the gray wolf and said to him:
- Oh, you are a goy, gray wolf! Don't touch my young child; Because he didn't do anything to you.
- Listen, Raven Voronovich! said the gray wolf. - I will not touch your offspring and will let you go healthy and unharmed when you serve me: you fly to distant lands, to a distant state, and bring me dead and living water.
Then the raven voronovich said to the gray wolf:
- I'll serve you this service, just don't touch my son with anything.
Having uttered these words, the raven flew away and soon disappeared from sight.
On the third day, a raven flew in and brought with him two vials: in one - living water, in the other - dead, and gave those vials to the gray wolf.
The gray wolf took the vials, tore the crow in two, sprinkled it with dead water - and that crow grew together, sprinkled it with living water - the crow started up and flew. Then the gray wolf sprinkled Ivan Tsarevich with dead water - his body grew together, sprinkled it with living water - Ivan Tsarevich stood up and said:
- Ah, where did I sleep for a long time!
The gray wolf said to him:
- Yes, Ivan Tsarevich, you would sleep forever if it wasn't for me; because your brothers chopped you down and the beautiful princess Helen, and the golden-maned horse, and the firebird were taken away with them. Now hasten as soon as possible to your fatherland; your brother, Vasily Tsarevich, will marry your bride today, the beautiful Princess Elena. And so that you can get there as soon as possible, sit on me, on the gray wolf; I will carry you myself.
Ivan Tsarevich sat on a gray wolf, the wolf ran with him to the state of Tsar Vyslav Andronovich, and for a long time, for a short time, he ran to the city.
Ivan Tsarevich got down from the gray wolf, went to the city and, having arrived at the palace, found that his brother Vasily Tsarevich was marrying the beautiful princess Elena: he returned from the crown with her and was sitting at the table.
Ivan Tsarevich entered the chambers, and as soon as Elena the Beautiful saw him, she immediately jumped out from behind the table, began kissing him on the sugary lips and shouted:
- This is my dear fiance, Ivan Tsarevich, and not the villain who is sitting at the table!
Then Tsar Vyslav Andronovich got up and began to ask the beautiful Princess Elena, what would it mean, what did she talk about? Elena the Beautiful told him the whole true truth, what happened and how: how Ivan Tsarevich got her, the golden-maned horse and the firebird, how his older brothers killed him sleepy to death and how they frightened her to say that they got it all.
Tsar Vyslav was very angry with Demetrius and Vasily the princes and put them in prison; and Ivan Tsarevich married the beautiful princess Elena and began to live with her amicably, amicably, so that one without the other could not stay less than a single minute.

(Ill. N. Kochergina, ed. Artist of the RSFSR, 1961)

Published: Mishkoy 24.10.2017 11:53 24.05.2019

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      A tale about Prince Oleg, who is going on a military campaign to take revenge on the Khazars for raids and devastation. On the way, the prince meets an old man, predicts glorious victories and death from a horse. Believing in the prediction, Oleg says goodbye to the horse. Returned ...

    • How one man bought the city of Stockholm - Gianni Rodari

      A fairy tale about how an ordinary hairdresser bought the city of Stockholm at the market. And a year later he went to inspect his possessions ... How one man bought the city of Stockholm to read Anyone goes to the market in Gavirat. And of course...

    • Spider-pilot - Bianchi V.V.

      The fairy tale tells about one spider who decided to escape from his formidable mother. The spider, while the children are small, wears them on her back, protects them, and when they grow up, they will scatter in different directions, then it’s not in her eyes ...

    Sunny Hare and Bear cub

    Kozlov S.G.

    One morning the Little Bear woke up and saw a big Sunny Hare. The morning was beautiful and together they made the bed, washed, did exercises and had breakfast. Sunny Hare and Teddy Bear read The Teddy Bear woke up, opened one eye and saw that ...

    Extraordinary spring

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about the most unusual spring in the life of the Hedgehog. The weather was wonderful and everything around was blooming and blooming, even birch leaves appeared on the stool. Unusual spring read It was the most unusual spring of all that I remembered ...

    Whose hill is this?

    Kozlov S.G.

    The story of how the Mole dug up the whole hill while he was making many apartments for himself, and the Hedgehog and the Bear cub told him to close up all the holes. Then the sun illuminated the hill well and the frost on it sparkled beautifully. This is whose…

    hedgehog violin

    Kozlov S.G.

    Once the Hedgehog made himself a violin. He wanted the violin to play like the sound of a pine tree and a breath of wind. But he got the buzz of a bee, and he decided that it would be noon, because at this time the bees fly ...

    Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin

    Audio fairy tale Nosova N.N.

    Listen to the fairy tale "The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin" by N.N. Nosov. online on the website of Mishkin's books. A story about a boy, Tolya, who went to visit his friend, but a black cat ran in front of him.

    Charushin E.I.

    The story describes the cubs of various forest animals: a wolf, a lynx, a fox and a deer. Soon they will become big handsome beasts. In the meantime, they play and play pranks, charming, like any kids. Volchishko A little wolf lived in the forest with his mother. Gone...

    Who lives like

    Charushin E.I.

    The story describes the life of a variety of animals and birds: a squirrel and a hare, a fox and a wolf, a lion and an elephant. A grouse with grouse cubs A grouse walks through the clearing, protecting the chickens. And they are roaming, looking for food. Not flying yet...

    Ragged Ear


    A story about Molly the rabbit and her son, who was nicknamed Ragged Ear after being attacked by a snake. Mom taught him the wisdom of survival in nature and her lessons were not in vain. Ragged ear read Next to the edge ...

    What is everyone's favorite holiday? Of course, New Year! On this magical night, a miracle descends to earth, everything sparkles with lights, laughter is heard, and Santa Claus brings long-awaited gifts. A huge number of poems are dedicated to the New Year. AT …

    In this section of the site you will find a selection of poems about the main wizard and friend of all children - Santa Claus. Many poems have been written about the kind grandfather, but we have selected the most suitable for children aged 5,6,7. Poems about…