How to send a registered letter quickly. Registered letter and other types of sending correspondence by mail

In this section you will find a modern and convenient service for fast and accurate tracking of parcels and mail delivered by the Russian postal operator FSUE Russian Post. The Russian Post enterprise consists of 87 branches employing more than 350,000 employees. Russian Post is a large enterprise that is constantly improving and provides the population with a wide range of postal and financial services. The main direction of his work is the reception, dispatch, transportation and delivery of parcels and postal items on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as beyond its borders.

Using this service, in just a couple of minutes you can track the exact location of a parcel or postal item delivered by Russian Post.

How to track by parcel number?

Tracking the transportation and delivery of a parcel by Russian Post is quite simple: to do this, you need to enter a barcode identifier in the “# Tracking Number” box. It can contain 13 or 14 characters, including letters and numbers. You can find this identifier or alphanumeric number of the postal item on your payment document or receipt. When introducing, pay attention to the fact that capital letters must be used. After entering it, click on the “Track” button or the “Enter” key.

What are the tracking numbers?

In order to track a parcel by number, you need to know the unique track number. This number is assigned to each parcel in accordance with the S10 standard of the Universal Postal Union. It may contain 14 digits if the shipment is within Russia, or contain a combination of 13 alphanumeric characters when the shipment is international. For international shipping, the track number consists of 13 characters. The first are the letters of the Latin alphabet, indicating the marking of the shipment. Only numbers starting with the letters R, C, E, V, L are subject to tracking. The second character will be any letter of the Latin alphabet, ensuring the uniqueness of the number. The next nine characters are numbers. The last two characters are Latin letters indicating the country code in S10 format, for example, for Russia these are the letters RU.

Examples of tracking numbers:

  • СE098765432RU - for international shipment.
  • 13243564758695 - for departure within the Russian Federation.

What statuses can there be?

When tracking parcels and mail delivered by Russian Post, there may be the following status options:

    Welcome. — This status means that the postal item arrived at a foreign post office, where it was assigned the specified track number.

    Arrival at MMPO. — This status means that the postal item has arrived at the place of international postal exchange to undergo customs clearance and prepare for shipment from the sender’s country (export).

    Export. — This means that the shipment has been handed over to the carrier for delivery to the territory of the Russian Federation. Between the statuses Export and Import, it is impossible to track a postal item from Russian Post.

    Import. — This status means that the postal item has arrived at the sorting point of Russian Post, and has also been registered on the territory of Russia. Postal items arrive in Russia through international exchange offices (IEOs), which are located in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Orenburg, Samara, Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Bryansk.

    Handed over to customs. — This status means that the postal item was transferred to the Federal Customs Service. There, all parcels and shipments undergo x-ray control.

    Customs clearance has been completed. — This status means that the postal item has successfully passed customs checks and returned to Russian Post.

    Detained by customs. — This means that the postal item was detained by customs. The reason may be that the monthly limit for importing goods to one postal address is exceeded (1000 euros or 31 kg). If there is this excess, then the goods are subject to customs duty in the amount of 30% of the value of the goods, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg.

    Left MMPO. — This status means that the parcel has left the MMPO and is being sent to the sorting center. From this moment on, regulated delivery times within the territory of Russia apply. Delivery times depend on the type of shipment and range from 7-11 days for parcels arriving in Russia by airmail, 8-20 days for parcels arriving by land transport.

    Arrived at the sorting center. — In this center, parcels are distributed along the main routes in Russia, sealed, packaged and sent to their destination.

    Left the sorting center. — This means that the parcel has been sorted and left the sorting center.

    Arrived at the sorting center. — This status means that the parcel has arrived at the next regional sorting center.

    Left the sorting center. — The parcel left the regional sorting center.

    Came to the place of delivery. — This status means that the parcel has arrived at the recipient's post office. According to the rules of Russian Post, a notice is issued on the same day stating that the parcel is at the post office. The postman must deliver the notice to the recipient no later than the next day.

    Delivery to the addressee. — This is the final status, which means that the postal item has been delivered to the addressee against signature.

How to receive a parcel or postal item?

In order to receive a parcel or postal item, you need to go to the Russian Post office indicated in your destination and present a document proving your identity. This may be a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreign passport, a military ID, a certificate of release or another identity document that temporarily replaces a passport.


Types of postal items according to significance (reliability of delivery) and quality of delivery: there are simple (regular), registered (registered under a number), with a declared value of the attachment (indicating the cost of the contents, registered under a number). And also cash on delivery.

Simple is a postal item (letter, parcel, parcel, notice, post card) accepted at the post office without issuing receipts to the senders, and handed over (delivered) to the addressees without a receipt in a mail or PO box. As a rule, such shipments contain personal correspondence, greeting cards, various types of notices, etc.

Registered - (registered letters, parcels, notices, parcels, etc.) - accepted by mail from the sender without determining the cost, with the issuance of a receipt to the sender for payment and provision of services, handed to the addressee (his legal representative) with his receipt of receipt. When sent, such items are assigned a number; using this number, you can track the path and location of the item, as well as the fact of receipt or return.

A registered letter can only be received by the addressee indicated in the address when confirming his identity with a passport or his legal representative on the basis of a power of attorney when confirming his identity with a passport.

Registered letters 1st class - registered letters that go through fewer sorting stages, as a result of which the delivery speed is slightly higher, but the cost also increases significantly: several times.

Postal item with declared value - a postal item accepted with an assessment of the value of the attachment, delivered to a communications company in an open or closed form. The sender sets the cost of the shipment and encloses or prepares an inventory of the contents at the post office. The recipient accepts the named valuables against receipt and checks the contents. The postal operator is financially responsible for the loss of such letters, the amount of damage caused is determined unconditionally.

Valuable letters are used to deliver expensive goods, the loss of which would result in property damage to the sender or recipient.

For delivery of important papers, items and valuables, small electronics, etc. It is best to use a valuable letter. The addressee will be able to make sure that the parcel has been delivered in full, everything necessary has been handed over to him. A valuable letter costs slightly more than a registered letter, since the Russian Post is financially responsible for its loss

Both registered and valuable letters do not provide the opportunity to send money: for this you need to use a transfer system.

Types of postal items by delivery region:

Any shipment can be domestic (shipment within the borders of the Russian Federation) or international (shipment outside the Russian Federation).

Domestic mail refers to postal items accepted for forwarding within the territory of the Russian Federation.

International postal items are those accepted for forwarding outside the Russian Federation, arriving on its territory from other states, or transiting through the territory of the Russian Federation and sent within the framework of international postal exchange.

International reply coupons issued by the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union may be accepted as payment for international correspondence.

They must, as a rule, have on the front side an imprint of the calendar stamp of the foreign postal institution that sold the coupon. An unstamped coupon will, as an exception, also be accepted.

Reply coupons presented when submitting a postal item are exchanged for stamps at the rate of payment for one simple international letter weighing up to 20 g, sent by air. The coupon is stamped with a calendar stamp.

Written correspondence placed in mailboxes without confirmation of full payment for the service is not sent to its intended destination and is returned without cancellation of stamps to the senders, and in the absence of the sender's address, it is transferred to the number of undelivered mail items.

Airmail is a separate item, postal mail accepted for forwarding along the entire route or in certain sections of it by air.

There are special types of postal items:

1.government, which send or receive the highest government bodies and their leaders;

2.military, which includes items sent and received by military units (institutions, educational institutions) and their personnel;, which are sent by the Ministry of Communications.

Even if you have not ordered anything on the Internet and are not waiting for letters, you may receive a notification in your name that you have received a letter from the OC. What exactly this means, you will find out further.

What is a letter with an OC (or o.c.)?

  1. PV is the declared value. Letter from O.C. means that the sender considered it necessary to indicate the special significance and value of what he is sending. If a letter is lost by Russian Post, this organization undertakes to return the amount that will be declared as value.
  2. You will not need to pay anything for such a letter. Your task is to visit a Russian Post office with your passport and notice, fill out the necessary documents, and receive a letter in your hands.

Important: if you are concerned about the fact that you will have to pay for a letter, then you should know that such a letter will be marked N.P., that is, cash on delivery (find out detailed information).

New tariffs of Russian Post for sending parcels, letters and other services from January 1, 2018

This means that you will have to pay for what is in the letter/parcel.

Important: if you want to send a document, valuable item or other property that can be sent by mail, you can contact any branch with a request to send a registered letter with a declared value. This will allow you to partially protect your parcel from loss.

In contact with


How to track a registered letter or parcel on the Russian Post website

The address must be written legibly.

The recipient's address must be written in the lower right corner of the item. The sender's address is in the upper left.

The address indicates:

  • Full name of the recipient (in the format “Last Name First Name Patronymic”) or name of the organization (short or full)
  • Street name, house number, apartment number
  • Name of the locality
  • Name of district, region, region or republic
  • The name of the country
  • PO Box number, if available (in the format “PO Box 15”)
  • Postal code according to the example:

For post restante letters, indicate on the envelope the city (region, district, village), post office code, full name of the recipient and write “Post restante”.

When sending to national republics and abroad

For the national republics of the Russian Federation: the sender and recipient data can be written in the state language of the corresponding republic, provided that they are repeated in Russian.

For shipments abroad: the recipient's details must be written in Latin letters and Arabic numerals. You can write the recipient's address in the language of the destination country. In any case, the name of the country of destination must be indicated in Russian too.

How to stick stamps

Stamps can be used to pay for postcards, letters and parcels in Russia and abroad. The total denomination of stamps affixed to the item must cover its cost.

The cost of a simple letter in Russia weighing up to 20 g is 22 rubles.

The cost of a simple letter abroad weighing up to 20 g - by land transport - 40 rubles, by air transport - 45 rubles.

The cost of a simple postcard in Russia is 17 rubles.

The cost of a simple postcard abroad - by land transport - 40 rubles, by air transport - 45 rubles.

Stamps must be affixed to the upper right corner of the address side of the envelope, postcard, or package. If this corner is occupied, place the stamps a little lower.

Sometimes the stamp may be printed directly on the envelope or card.

Having added stamps for the required amount, you can send postcards and envelopes with the letters A, B and D abroad.

Small package - a small parcel abroad containing unbreakable items.

How to send a registered letter with notification?

A custom small package, unlike a simple small package, has a tracking number. The track number for international shipments consists of 13 characters and uses Latin capital letters and numbers.




Weight Limit

Small package in rectangular packaging

The sum of three dimensions (length+width+height) - 90 cm

Length - 60 cm

Small package on a roll

Length - 10 cm

Length - 90 cm

Small package in rectangular packaging

Minimum size

At least one side must be at least 105 x 148 mm to accommodate an address label.

Maximum size

The sum of three dimensions (length+width+height) - 90 cm

Length - 60 cm

Weight Limit

Small package on a roll

Minimum size

The sum of length and double diameter is 17 cm

Length - 10 cm

Maximum size

The sum of length and double diameter is 104 cm

Length - 90 cm

Weight Limit

How to send

  1. Make sure you are not sending anything prohibited.
  2. Pack contents according to packaging requirements.
  3. Fill out the small package address label and the CN 22 customs declaration (if the declared value is more than 300 SDR, the CN 23 customs declaration).
  4. If notification of delivery is required, take the CN 07 notification form from the desk at the post office, fill it out and hand it along with the item to the post office employee.
  5. Hand over the shipment and completed forms to the post office employee, informing that you need a registered small package.

Find a branch

Additional services

  • Notice of delivery. The package will be delivered to the addressee against signature. You will receive a receipt signed by the recipient. To learn more
  • Air shipment- The fastest way to deliver a package is by air.

April 10, 2014Instructions How to send an appeal by mail

Image source: en.wikipedia.orgwikiTwo_envelopes_problem

We present to your attention complete instructions for sending any requests via postal service.

How to send an appeal by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt

Step 1

After you have compiled the text of the appeal, put a date and signature on the application, and make a copy of it. A copy of the application should remain with you so that in the event of a dispute you can indicate which application you sent.

Step 2

Place the application in a postal envelope. The front side of the postal envelope should be formatted as follows: in the upper left corner of the envelope - information about the sender (indicate your last name, first name, patronymic without abbreviations, as well as your postal code and postal address), in the lower right corner of the envelope - information about the addressee (indicate the name of the organization to which you are sending the request, or the surname, first name and patronymic of the official, as well as the address and postal code of the recipient).

Step 3

If you simply drop the letter in the mailbox, you will not have any proof that the letter was sent.

In addition, you will not be able to accurately find out the date of receipt of the letter. Therefore, we recommend sending your appeal by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. To send such a letter, you will need to come to any post office and perform the following steps.

Step 4

At the post office, before sending a registered letter, you must issue a notification of delivery (notification forms can be obtained from the operator):

  • On the front side of the form, indicate the type of notification - simple (check the box next to the word “simple”); Below, indicate the type of shipment - registered letter (check the boxes next to the inscriptions “letter” and “registered letter”). In the “To” and “Address” lines, indicate YOUR last name, first name, patronymic and YOUR postal address with zip code.
  • On the back of the form, in the line “type of departure”, write “registered letter with notification”; in the lines “name of addressee” and “address” indicate the name (or surname, first name, patronymic) of the recipient of the letter, his address and postcode.
  • Leave the remaining columns of the notification empty; they will be filled out by post office employees.

The main advantage of sending a letter with return receipt is that after the letter is delivered to the addressee, the notification you issued will be returned to your mailing address. This notice will include the date your letter was received and the signature of the recipient's authorized representative.

Thus, a receipt confirmation proves that you sent the letter and the addressee received it. This will play an important role if the recipient denies delivery of the letter, does not provide a response to your request, responds in violation of the deadlines established by law, etc.

Step 5

After you have filled out the receipt notification form, you can send a registered letter.

Find out which window accepts registered letters and send your letter there.

Registered letter with notification - what is it, how much does it cost, how to send?

After you pay for sending the letter, the postal employee will give you a check. Save it, as this receipt will serve as confirmation of the fact that you sent a letter to a government agency and may be necessary for you in case of protection of violated rights in court or other authorities.

How to send an appeal by valuable letter with an inventory and notification of delivery

Instead of sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of delivery, you can send the appeal by a certified letter with an inventory and acknowledgment of delivery.

The advantage of this type of postal service compared to registered mail is that after sending a valuable letter, you will have not only confirmation that the letter was sent to a specific addressee (i.e., a check), but also confirmation of which documents you sent ( i.e. inventory).

Step 1

A valuable letter, like a registered letter, is sent directly to the post office. When sending a valuable letter, consider the following features:

The front side of the postal envelope is filled out in the order specified in paragraph 2 of the section “How to send an appeal by registered mail with return receipt requested,” but among other things, in the upper right corner (slightly above the “To” line) you need to indicate the amount of the declared value of the letter, for example , write the following phrase: “with a declared value of 10 (ten) rubles 00 kopecks” (the amount of value is determined at your discretion).

Step 2

Before sending the letter, you should fill out an inventory. Forms can be obtained by mail. Please note that the inventory is filled out in two copies.

Describe in detail what documents you are putting in the envelope: indicate the names of all documents with dates and other details by which they can be identified. In addition, reflect in the inventory the number of sheets in each document, and indicate the total amount of value of these documents, for example, 10 rubles.

It should be noted that the same amount of value must be indicated in the inventory and on the envelope.

After filling out the forms, put your signature on both copies of the inventory.

Step 3

Sending a letter with an inventory does not cancel the completion of the notification form for delivery of the letter. The notification is filled out in the same manner as when sending a registered letter, with the following features:

  • On the front side, in addition to the “tick” opposite the “letter” line, you need to put a “tick” opposite the “with declared value” line (instead of the “tick” opposite the “registered” line). The remaining lines on the front side are filled out in the same way as when sending registered letters without an inventory;
  • On the back of the form, in the line “type of item”, indicate “letter with declared value”, and in the column “amount of declared value” you must indicate the amount at which you value the letter (the same amount as in the inventory).

Step 4

After you have filled out the notification of delivery form, you can send a valuable letter with an inventory.

Place all documents in the envelope, but do not seal it. Check with the postal workers at which window they accept letters with declared value, and submit the envelope with the appeal and both inventories directly to the employee who is responsible for accepting such letters. He will put stamps on both copies of the inventories. One inventory remains with you. The second copy of the inventory is placed in the envelope, after which the postal employee seals it.

As in the case of sending a registered letter, we recommend keeping the receipt that you will be given after sending, as well as a list of the attachments in the valuable letter. They will serve as confirmation that you sent the letter and establish the specific documents that you sent to the recipient. This may be necessary if you are forced to defend your rights in court.

Russian Post is a large, complex and not very friendly structure. It’s common to spit on her on social networks, and going for a letter or package often turns into a small quest. They say about this: “Life didn’t prepare me for this.”

Do you want to send a book as a gift to a friend? You come to the department, and a tired woman asks: “How do we ship, by registered parcel with declared value or first class?” And you understand that this will be more complicated than highly loaded systems, big data and neural networks.

Registered letters and parcels

They are sent from the department. Bring the package, select options, give the package to the operator and receive a receipt. The easiest way to calculate the cost of a shipment is on the Russian Post website.
  1. To save time, fill out the accompanying documents in advance - there is one on the Russian Post website.
  2. If suddenly the operator finds fault with your printed documents, then take a supply of their forms with you for the future. You can also call the hotline and quarrel; the Post Office specifically monitors such cases.
  3. If you are unsure what options you need, please select Registered Shipping. Declared value is one ruble. All.
  4. For packaging, the post office has bags and boxes. It’s more difficult with boxes - things usually dangle in them (to prevent them from dangling, I buy the cheapest sawdust for hamsters at the pet store and fill the voids with them). Theoretically, you can come with your own container, but people often react nervously to this. If you send often, then buy a container for home, in reserve.
  5. Sign the packages with a ballpoint pen; the gel pen will smudge.
If you are sending documents of national importance, say this: “I want to send a letter with a list of attachments and a notification of delivery,” the employee will then do everything himself. It is also important not to seal the envelope with such an attachment, because the operator must check it against the inventory.


A parcel is a cool postal shortcut, something between a letter and a parcel, but only for printed materials. Books, newspapers, magazines, and bundles of documents are sent in parcels.

A parcel post costs less and does not require filling out forms. Just put the book in the bag, write the address and give it to the operator. The main thing is that it weighs less than two kilograms (otherwise it’s just a parcel).

Theoretically, you can send a small item like a T-shirt in parcels - operators don’t really keep track of what’s inside.

1st class departures

These are any registered letters, parcels and parcels with a reactive attachment. They cost more, but arrive twice as fast.

For 1st class shipments you also do not need to fill out disgusting forms. It is enough to write the address on the envelope or package.


This is an add-on to the post office, in the manner of a courier delivery service. In fact, there is nothing to write about it: long, expensive and terrible service. If you really need to send something by courier, choose a private courier service.

Any rules and tips:

  1. Install the Russian Post application - perhaps this is the best thing this organization has. It is convenient to track shipments and easily find the nearest branch.
  2. Use the new Mail website. I say this not because I participated in its development. The site turned out to be really convenient: with a shipping calculator and a form generator.
  3. Do not send money or jewelry. At best, they will be identified and returned to you; at worst, they will be confiscated.
  4. You also cannot send the typical set of prohibited items: weapons, explosives, caustic and toxic materials. Something strange: you can’t send saiga parts, but you can send live bees.
  5. Post offices are open on Saturdays and are less crowded on Saturdays. There are usually no more queues immediately after lunch, from 15:00.
  6. A passport is required to receive registered shipments. If you are too lazy to wear it, there are two ways. First, make yourself a notarized copy. The second method is on the verge of social engineering - make sure that you are remembered at the post office as “I know this nice man, you don’t need to ask him for a passport.” To do this, it is enough to write gratitude a couple of times in the book of complaints and suggestions.
  7. If you see a person in front of you in line with a stack of envelopes, you can leave immediately, this is a representative of the organization sending out notification letters. In general, it is convenient to multiply the number of people in front of you by seven; you will get a fairly accurate waiting time in minutes.
  1. Buy envelopes, stamps and send documents yourself, without mail.
  2. Send books and magazines by parcel post.
  3. Send parcels 1st class if you want to quickly and don’t mind paying an extra couple of hundred.
  4. Use the new Mail website and mobile application.
Well, if you need to correct a million errors in addresses, we can handle it quickly and without queues.

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Not everyone knows how to send a registered letter on their own, despite the fact that most have received it themselves at least once.

In vain, because this type of item allows you to make sure that it has reached the addressee, unlike a simple postal item, the further fate of which cannot be tracked.

Postal calculator

What is a registered letter

This is a postal item containing a written appeal to the recipient and is characterized by such features as:

  • availability of a track number with which you can track delivery;
  • delivery to the recipient personally or to another person only with a power of attorney.

Maximum weight in the Russian Federation – 0.1 kg; abroad – 2 kg.

Among the custom ones, the following varieties are distinguished: regular, with notification of delivery, with an inventory of the contents.

Since sending is paid, this can only be done by mail.

How long does it take for a registered letter by Russian Post?

How long does this shipment take? Delivery speed depends on the location of both parties: sender and recipient.

You can determine it using a postal calculator, which, in addition to the cost, determines the maximum delivery time.

To do this, you need to specify 2 addresses: where the correspondence is sent from and where it should be delivered.

Take note: if you want to reduce the period, it is better to send correspondence at the main post office so as not to waste time on delivery from regional post offices.

How much does a registered letter cost?

The cost is directly related to the weight of the contents and whether you want additional services, such as a return receipt or an inventory of the contents.

You can easily find out the cost of shipping on the official website of the Russian Post using the postal calculator.

To do this, you must indicate the weight of the shipment, its type and additional services that you want to use. The total cost is calculated based on the provisions of Order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated February 20, 2018 N 208/18.

Thus, the cost of a registered letter that weighs less than 20 g is 46 rubles. In addition, for every next 20 g (no matter whether they are full or not), 2.5 rubles are added to the cost.

Registered letter with a list of attachments

The attachment description is a description of the contents of the mail item. Therefore, upon opening the envelope, the recipient can immediately make sure that nothing was lost during the delivery process.

In a special form (Form 107), the sender indicates the list and quantity of documents, papers or other items being sent, as well as, if desired, their declared value.

The last characteristic can be left blank by placing a dash. The form is filled out twice: one copy is sent to the recipient, the second remains with the person completing it.

The envelope is presented to the postal employee unsealed. The employee checks the contents against the inventory. Then he puts a stamp, post office code and his signature.

The addressee can open it immediately after receiving it at the post office. If any of the contents are missing, you should immediately inform the postal employee. He will draw up an act to conduct an investigation within no more than 2 months.

Based on the results of the investigation, the recipient may receive the value of the lost items if their price was indicated.

Registered letter with notification

Receipt notification is a document through which the sender receives information that his letter has reached the addressee.

The system works as follows: when the recipient receives correspondence, the sender is immediately notified of delivery.

To do this, you need to fill out a form that is issued at any branch. It is sent to the specified address along with an envelope. When it is handed to the recipient, the employee will fill in the blank fields of the notice and send it back to the sender.

There are two types of notification: simple and registered. Simple ones will be immediately left in your mailbox. A new notification will in turn be sent to your mailbox about the return of the registered notice; you can pick up the form back at your post office.

A simple notification costs 22 rubles, a registered one costs 52 rubles.

How to fill out the notification of delivery form

Form 119 is used as a form. It is issued free of charge. You just need to ask him. A sample form is provided below.

The form must be filled out on both sides: front and back. On the front half you enter information about:

  • type of postal item;
  • Full name of the person to whom the notice should be served;
  • the address of this person;
  • in the form of a notification.

On the other side you need to write:

  • once again the type of postal item;
  • Recipient's name and address.

What can be in a registered letter

The specified method is used to send any document that is usually delivered personally to the recipient. As a rule, they come from government agencies.

For example, from the court, the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund, customs authorities, etc.

Replies to requests to various organizations are also sent by registered mail. But, as is already clear from the article, ordinary citizens can send it with any correspondence.

Sending registered letters

So, you have decided to use the described method of sending messages.

Let's look at the procedure step by step:

    1. Decide what you want to send. Select an appropriately sized envelope, but no larger than 22.9 x 32.4 cm.
    2. Fill in the empty fields with all requested information about the sender and recipient.

Helpful advice: do not forget to indicate the index so that the letter reaches its destination faster. You can find it out from the postal operator or on the Internet on special sites that contain information about city streets and their corresponding indexes.

  1. Inform the postal employee that you are going to use the service of sending a registered letter. Buy the required number of stamps. You have to glue them onto the envelope yourself.
  2. Receive a check. The receipt contains a special code that helps you track the location of your shipment on the website. For example, AS710485047CN.
  3. If you plan to send a notification letter, ask the operator for a free form. Fill it out with all the requested information about yourself and who the envelope is being sent to.

Registered mail 1st class - delivery time

Using First Class Registered Mail speeds up delivery by sending it via airmail.

The speed increases by about 27-30%. In this case, the speed also does not depend on seasonal restrictions.

To send a message this way, you need to buy a special envelope with a yellow stripe on it. Maximum weight – 0.5 kg.

How long does it take for a registered letter to arrive in the mail?

It is stored at the post office for 30 days. The shelf life can be increased to 2 months by additionally paying for the appropriate service.

When the deadline expires, the letter is sent back to the sender at his expense.

If the sender also does not pick it up, then it is again stored for 30 days. After this period it is considered unclaimed. Destroyed six months after being declared unclaimed.

Notice of registered letter

If the postman does not find the addressee in person, he leaves a notice in the mailbox. Now you need to receive it at the post office.

The preliminary notification must be filled out correctly and the necessary information about yourself must be entered. It is best to do this at home in a calm environment. You should come to the post office with the completed paper.

In addition, it is possible to use a track number instead of a notification. It is enough to give the number to the postal worker. In this case, the notice is issued by an employee and filled out on the spot.

How to receive a registered letter by mail

To receive a letter at the post office, you must present an identification document (usually a passport), as well as a notice left by the postman or the track number of the postal item.

As mentioned earlier, not only the addressee, but also his authorized representative can receive the envelope.

In this case, in addition to the listed documents, you must present a power of attorney certified by a notary or by the organization where the principal works or studies.

What is the difference between a registered letter and a valuable letter?

In addition to registered letters, valuable letters are sent by mail. Both types are classified as registered mail.

When choosing a type of shipment with a declared value, it is necessary to draw up an inventory of the enclosed items.

In this case, the sender independently assesses the value of the investment. In case of loss, the post office is obliged to reimburse the specified cost.

It is permissible to send a registered one without indicating an estimate of the value of the investment.

How to send documents by mail

The choice of type of postal item depends on the purpose and items to be sent. And also whether you want it to be delivered faster or not.

If you need guaranteed delivery of documents in person, choose a registered letter option. Use an additional option, such as a receipt receipt, if you want to make sure that the correspondence reaches the right person.

Drawing up an inventory of the enclosed papers will allow the recipient to make sure that all contents were preserved in transit.

If you are sending valuable documents, then choose the appropriate type of shipment - with declared value.

Thus, at the post office you can send postal items for a fee, which are tracked using a track number and then delivered personally to the addressee.

The cost and speed of their delivery can be calculated using a special postal calculator. Additional options help reduce the risk that your message will not be delivered at all or will not be delivered safely.

From time to time, everyone has to deal with government agencies that communicate with citizens through registered mail.
It is either brought by the postman or you find a notice of registered mail in your mailbox. Moreover, the notice itself does not indicate who sent you the letter (parcel). But the postal employees will not tell you this information. But you want to know who is writing to you)
Sometimes such notice states "judicial", which is exactly what this means - the court is notifying you about something and you should treat such a letter responsibly.
It is important to know the following - judicial correspondence is stored at the post office (in Russian Post offices) for 7 days, after which it is returned to the court with a note that the addressee refused to receive the letter. The court may consider that the person has been properly notified (if we are talking about the date and place of consideration of the case) and the civil or administrative case can be considered without your participation with corresponding (usually negative) consequences.
Other registered correspondence is stored at the post office for 30 days.
Sometimes you just receive letters that you don’t have to pick up at all.
So, is it possible to find out from the notification where the letter comes from and who the sender is?
Here is an example of such a notice

At the top below the barcode there is a 14-digit postal ID number (highlighted in red)
then go to the address here:
Here enter this same 14-digit number and captcha
et voila - you will immediately see who, when and where the letter was sent from
Well, then you decide for yourself whether to run to receive it or to extinguish it)

For correspondence such as DHL, UPS, EMS, etc. - information can be found here

He who fights monsters must be careful not to become a monster himself. And if you look into the abyss for a long time, then the abyss also looks into you.
F. Nietzsche “Beyond Good and Evil” (c)
If I don't respond to someone in a thread, it doesn't mean you weren't noticed. Perhaps this is because I have no desire to communicate with those whom I consider narrow-minded, stupid or simply uninteresting citizens, and I do not want to enter into controversy with them

When sending a regular parcel in a standard type of postal package, do not forget that if a message is lost, the post office will not be responsible for them. It should also be noted that the risk that the parcel will be lost when sorting letters at post offices is almost reduced to zero. But if the index or location of the recipient is filled in incorrectly, this risk increases significantly.

Many people are interested in the question of how to send a registered letter via Russian Post. Due to the fact that letters usually disappear outside post offices, companies do not accept complaints.

In order to guarantee the delivery of letters, it is advisable to use registered shipments: expensive and registered messages. If we talk about how much it costs to send a registered letter by mail, then these types of items have a higher cost, however, each parcel is equipped with its own unique code indicated on the receipt. The latter is transmitted to the addressee. If you are interested in how to track a registered letter sent by Russian Post, then thanks to this code, you can easily perform this operation along the entire delivery route.

When choosing the type of shipment, you should carefully analyze the possible options.

Postal items are simple letters that are accepted without issuing checks to the recipients and are delivered without an additional receipt. Such shipments include private correspondence, various notices, greeting cards, etc. Regular notes should have a maximum weight limit of no more than 20 grams (for example, 6 photo cards measuring 10x15). If the notice turns out to be more serious, it is returned to the addressee. At the same time, he must pay for every 20 grams of excess weight.

If there is no return location, then the parcel is still sent to the recipient, provided that the latter pays for the extra grams. Simple items mean regular types of postal packages 114 x 162 mm. The thickness of postal bags should be no more than 5 mm. According to all established standards, the receipt should not contain any plastic cards, money, or any expensive documentation. In this case, sending photo cards is allowed.

Registered parcels (with a pre-declared value or registered) are sent with receipts. The maximum norms of the latter should be 110 x 220 mm. The limit should not be more than 100 grams. If the weight is exceeded, then sending via mail will be classified as parcels (with declared value or registered). Registered parcels via mail can be sent with an inventory of the contents or with notification of the fact of shipment (registered or standard).

In order to send a registered letter from Nova Poshta, you must always indicate the recipient's postal code. Letters will be sorted automatically using machines that read the index. If there is no index, then the transfer is postponed and sorted manually by post office employees.