The cycle of goodness in the world, or the story of the "mechanism" of the return of good deeds. The cycle of goodness in the world, or the story of the "mechanism" of the return of good deeds The cycle of goodness in the world

Hello again my Dear friends!
I know that you have lost me, that you are very worried - your visits to the site and such kind letters on email. I myself missed our communication very much. But somehow it happened this time. We have been in Stary Oskol for two weeks, and all these days we have been waging an endless struggle with shoulder pain. I did not think and did not guess that this shoulder would cause me so much suffering and torment. One night I had to spend the night in intensive care, but, thank God, everything worked out. Now there is hope for St. Petersburg, for our wise doctor Aibolit - Vladimir Gerbertovich. Somehow it is necessary to get rid of this pain, since even my "angelic" patience is coming to an end.

And so, except for this "misunderstanding", our life goes on, albeit so "clumsily" for now, but it makes me happy. I rejoice at every visit of my children and grandson, because I see that they come not just to “serve a room” and visit a sick mother, but because they are drawn to their parents’ house, they feel comfortable and interesting with us. Every morning I rejoice at the arrival of my mother, who, after the death of my father, somehow wilted, and I was in the constant role of a “disturber”. And now she had a meaning in life, she felt her need and importance. That's what we call her - our housekeeper.

And I am also glad that there are actually so many kind and sympathetic people around me. And oddly enough, it was my illness that opened my eyes to everything that was happening around me. Those people that I thought I could count on for some kind of support simply walked away from me, as if I had never been in their lives. And others, whom I hardly know, call Sasha, ask about my progress in treatment, offer their help. That's probably how it should have been. Life puts everything in its place...

And today I wanted to talk about kindness.

I think that every person is kind by nature. And the evidence is everywhere - someone helps an elderly person cross the street, someone worries and cries when they show us news from the same Ukraine, and someone sends an SMS with the word "GOOD" to help a sick child. There are many examples of this. And it seems like a complete stranger, an absolute stranger, but there are experiences and feelings for him. And all because a person is kind, kind by nature, he is born with it. And I am deeply convinced that a person's striving for good is an innate quality, one might say, the basis of a person. Have you ever wondered why all the religions of the world unanimously repeat the importance of GOOD?

Yes, because this is the most important quality of a person. Being kind, a person is able to love. When I sign postcards, I always write SMS: “I wish you good, love, happiness…”. I try to wish the person the very, in my opinion, important and necessary (of course, not forgetting about health). And if we think so, then no other external manifestations will give us such an idea of spiritual harmony like these feelings.

So why do people sometimes allow themselves to trade, doing bad deeds, unkind deeds for the sake of insignificant benefits, bit by bit losing the most important quality that Mother Nature gave us?

Today, it is becoming rarer and rarer to meet truly good people. For some reason, many people want to receive good, and not give it away. Even such terms as “kindness with profit”, “kindness with self-interest”, “kindness with anger”, etc. have appeared. And there are those who believe that there is no need to do good, and that good deeds are often not only not rewarded, but also doom the person who has done them to suffering. Many believe that the saying “do no good - you will not get evil” has not yet been canceled.

I am for natural kindness, which comes deep from the soul. When all good deeds are done naturally, without hesitation and miscalculation. When a person helps without hesitation to someone who needs any help - moral, physical, material. He helps as much as he can, but always from the heart, sincerely, without any far-reaching calculations. I am sure that such people will definitely get their goodness back.

Being kind is a natural and deep quality of a person, laid down from childhood, which, alas, is being destroyed more and more due to improper upbringing, habits and the influence of the surrounding reality in which the child grows and develops.

On mine parent meetings always pandemonium. Whole families come - mom, dad, and even grandparents to boot. And don't feed me honey - let me chat. It always starts in a stereotyped way: “I won’t keep you for a long time, I understand that everyone values ​​their time” ... organizational matters we cope quickly, but with questions of education we linger for a long time. And I always try to touch upon in our conversations the topic of kindness, the behavior of a child outside the home.

We are taught from childhood what is good and what is bad, then we teach our children, grandchildren, and so on in a chain. Probably, not a single parent wants to grow an evil person out of his "child". Then the question arises - if the child initially believes in goodness and justice, then where does evil and cruelty come from? Usually, until the age of two, the child is in close contact with the family and the immediate environment, it is only then that kindergarten, school, and close contact with other children begin. Then why can a child already at the age of one year bite, hit another child, drag a cat by the tail, tear off the wings of a butterfly?

I remember once our relatives came to Samara with their grandson Radik. We were still very young parents then, Masha was small, and our universal favorite lived with us - Alkona (a dog of the Russian spaniel breed) - the kindest creature, with kind, gentle eyes. She allowed Masha literally everything - to put caps on her head, and undershirts, and sliders, and ride in a toy baby stroller. Masha will roll it until the dog falls asleep in the stroller. And how that dream was guarded. Dad and I were ordered to walk along the "string" and not make noise. (Here I am writing now, I remember such moments from my distant youth, and again and again I return to my joys) ...

But with Radik everything turned out differently. In our kitchen, a decorative wooden set with boards and a large hammer hung over the sofa. And here Radik climbs and climbs on this sofa, and reaches and reaches for the hammer. I think he wants to play. To the question: “What will you do with a hammer?” “I want to hit Alcona on the head.” - "What for? Look how kind she is, play with her, let's leave her the ball "-" No! I want to hit you in the head! Want Want!…". To tears, to hysterics ...

Why such cruelty? After all, no one taught him such aggressiveness. Hasn't nature put kind feelings into his little head and soul?

I love children, I watch them a lot, especially when I am in close contact with them at the training camp, at the sports camp. Where there is less running and racing, and where there is time to chat, to have a heart-to-heart. Children are like open book. Yes, they already know how to cheat, deceive, even say what is beneficial to say in a given conversation. But you can’t fool me, the “old Tortila” - I read between the lines.

And here's what I noticed. In those families where everything is not so smooth and prosperous, one of the parents drinks, the family is on the verge of divorce, constant quarrels, dad beats mom, screaming, yelling, etc., children are much more embittered and touchy, capable of any action from the side of another child, immediately see some kind of catch and use their fists.

This is an example of older, closest and beloved people. And if “upbringing” is carried out in public, humiliating your child in front of peers and their parents, as you can often see in our pool, what can you expect from this child in the future? And you can expect that the child will begin to project the cruelty of adults, and will “educate” those who are weaker and younger than him, including our smaller brothers, in the same way.

Well, okay, I already wrote about this. Let's not repeat ourselves. Today is about kindness.

Usually about a person who is kind by nature and loves people, they say "Good person."

There is one interesting quote from Evgeny Schwartz: “Is it really going to become fashionable to be a good man? It's so troublesome!"

Indeed, with our “cruel” life, such qualities as rudeness and selfishness are acquired more and more - it is easier and more profitable to live with them. The “good-natured people” with an open heart are already being looked at as aliens from another planet.

As a result, people are still divided into good and evil. A person who does good lives, improves himself spiritually and improves everything around him. But what about evil people who do a lot of evil, they also live and often “do not blow in their mustache”? It happens that an evil person, in the struggle for survival, can do good, but only to himself, to the detriment of the people around him. The fight against evil is the natural state of man, without such a fight there will be no progress. And while good wins, humanity will exist and develop, but if evil comes, civilization will collapse. I think many people understand this and many began to think about their actions.

I really like the word "CHARITY".

To tears, grannies who, living on a meager pension, manage to save up a “penny” and take it to a fund to help those in need, are touched to tears. I remember the story of the young man. Without naming his first and last name, he phoned Masha and offered his help to poor old people. Then he and Masha traveled around the pensioners, handing them envelopes with money: some for treatment, some for repayment of rent arrears, and some for the purchase of an elementary gas column. Thanks to the young man (providing assistance for the purchase of expensive medicine), the life of a particular person was saved. Once Masha asked him: “Why is he doing this?”. To which he replied: “When I do a good deed, I get the most important thing - moral satisfaction and an increase in vital energy. For me, this is the most valuable feeling when you helped, and the person is sincerely grateful to you. It often seems that your help is so small, but for a person at such a moment it is simply priceless.

To benefit someone in order to get satisfaction yourself, while not experiencing disappointment if your act is not properly appreciated. When a person does good deeds, he does them primarily for himself. Probably, it is not in vain that they say that whatever a person does, it will return to him in an increased size, whether it is good or bad.

I think that each person has his own measure of good and evil, and each, having gained life experience and having passed some of his trials in life, chooses his own specific template, by which he begins to measure good and evil.

For me personally, such a measure and template is my inner voice, my controller and judge, which either blames me from the inside, or oppresses me, or gives me a feeling of joy and moral satisfaction for what I have done.

I call my controller in simple words"CONSCIENCE".

« Just as a hungry person cannot convince himself that he is full, and an exhausted worker cannot convince himself that he is cheerful and full of strength and energy, so we cannot convince ourselves that we have done well and rightly when our conscience accuses us of what we have done wrong.

Why did I decide to talk about this topic? I think that together we can improve this world if everyone brings a little good to others. And you can start very small - just smile at each other. Nothing energizes with positivity and kindness better. Be among the best, they are always smiling!

The cycle of goodness in nature

One day a cactus blossomed in a young woman's apartment. Before that, for 4 years he stuck out on the windowsill, looking like a gloomy and unshaven janitor, and suddenly such a surprise.

It's strange that they consider me an evil, soulless bitch, the woman thought. This is all untrue, cacti do not bloom in the soulless and evil.

In pleasant thoughts about a flowering cactus, she accidentally stepped on the foot of a gloomy man in the subway. In response to his remark, she did not yell as usual with an offended look: “Oh, if you are such a gentleman, then take a taxi!”, But smiled:

- Do not be angry with me, please, I have nothing to hold on to, if you want - step on my foot too and we will quit.

The grim man swallowed what he was about to say about her. Then he got out at his station and, buying a newspaper, instead of being rude to the saleswoman who got confused with the change count, calling her a stupid cow, he said to her:

- It's okay, count again, I'm also not strong in mathematics early in the morning.

The saleswoman, who did not expect such an answer, became emotional and gave two old magazines and a whole pile of old newspapers free of charge to a pensioner - a regular customer who was very fond of reading the press, but bought only one cheaper newspaper every day. Of course, unsold goods were supposed to be written off, but any rules can be circumvented.

- Come on, don't worry, I sometimes forget my business too. You sit for a minute, and I'll check with the doctor, suddenly he can see you.

The grandmother, having got an appointment, did not begin to demand that she be prescribed a very effective, but inexpensive medicine that could instantly help cure the disease, threatening to write complaints to all instances up to the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights if she refused, but sighed and said:

- I'm not completely out of my mind yet, I understand that old age is not cured, but you, doctor, forgive me for constantly dragging myself to you as if I were at work.

And the doctor, heading home in the evening, suddenly remembered his grandmother and took pity on her. He suddenly thought that life in its usual bustle was flying by, and, yielding to a sudden impulse, he stopped at the nearest supermarket, bought a bouquet of flowers, a cake with cream roses, and drove in a completely different direction. I drove up to the house, went up to the third floor and knocked on the door.

- I was thinking, well, why do we share everything, like children playing in the sandbox. I bought you a cake, only I accidentally put my briefcase on it and it wrinkled. But this is not scary, it will not affect the taste. I also bought you flowers, only they were also a little wrinkled by the same briefcase. But maybe they will?

- They will definitely leave, - the woman answered, - we will resuscitate them. And I have news. Just imagine, I woke up today, I look at the window, and my cactus has blossomed. See?

The cycle of good
One day a cactus blossomed in a young woman's apartment. Before that, for 4 years he stuck out on the windowsill, looking like a gloomy and unshaven janitor, and suddenly such a surprise. It's strange that they consider me an evil, soulless bitch, the woman thought. This is all untrue, cacti do not bloom in the soulless and evil.

In pleasant thoughts about a flowering cactus, she accidentally stepped on the foot of a gloomy man in the subway. In response to his remark, she did not yell as usual with an offended look: “Oh, if you are such a gentleman, then take a taxi!”, But smiled:

Don't be angry with me, please, I have nothing to hold on to, if you want - step on my foot too and we'll be even.

The grim man swallowed what he was about to say about her. Then he got out at his station and, buying a newspaper, instead of being rude to the saleswoman who got confused with the change count, calling her a stupid cow, he said to her:
- It's okay, count again, I'm also not strong in mathematics early in the morning.

The saleswoman, who did not expect such an answer, became emotional and gave two old magazines and a whole pile of old newspapers free of charge to a pensioner - a regular customer who was very fond of reading the press, but bought only one cheaper newspaper every day. Of course, unsold goods were supposed to be written off, but any rules can be circumvented.

The contented old man went home with an armful of newspapers and magazines. Having met a neighbor from the top floor, he didn’t make her a daily scandal on the topic: “your child stomps around the apartment like an elephant and interferes with rest, you need to educate better”, but looked and was surprised:

How your daughter has grown. I don’t understand who I look like more like you or my father, but I’ll definitely be a beauty, I have a trained eye.

The neighbor took the child to the garden, came to work at the reception and did not shout at the stupid grandmother who made an appointment with the doctor yesterday, but came today, but said:

Come on, don't worry, I forget my stuff sometimes too. You sit for a minute, and I'll check with the doctor, suddenly he can see you.

The grandmother, having got an appointment, did not begin to demand that she be prescribed a very effective, but inexpensive medicine that could instantly help cure the disease, threatening to write complaints to all instances up to the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights if she refused, but sighed and said:

- “I haven’t completely lost my mind yet, I understand that old age is not cured, but you, doctor, forgive me for constantly dragging myself to you as if I were at work.”

And the doctor, heading home in the evening, suddenly remembered his grandmother and took pity on her. He suddenly thought that life in its usual bustle was flying by, and, yielding to a sudden impulse, he stopped at the nearest supermarket, bought a bouquet of flowers, a cake with cream roses, and drove in a completely different direction. I drove up to the house, went up to the third floor and knocked on the door.

I was thinking, well, why do we share everything, like children playing in the sandbox. I bought you a cake, only I accidentally put my briefcase on it and it wrinkled. But this is not scary, it will not affect the taste. I also bought you flowers, only they were also a little wrinkled by the same briefcase. But maybe they will?

They will definitely leave, - the woman answered, - we will resuscitate them. And I have news. Just imagine, I woke up today, I look at the window, and my cactus has blossomed. See?

Do you know that pain is a remedy that we can use

Article by Liz Burbo: Did you know that pain is a tool that we can use for our own development?
growth It is unfortunate that many people are in constant motion, not stopping for a minute to ask themselves the main questions. And only suffering from physical pain can stop them.

Many even believe that illness is the norm, although it is obvious to me that pain is unnatural. And instead of stopping and realizing what the body wants to communicate through pain, people prefer to stop the pain with medications or special procedures.

I am not saying that you should not help your physical body with medical means, but at the same time it is important to turn inward and realize thoughts that are valuable to you. Without looking inward, the pain will return, because your attitude towards yourself cannot change only from taking medication.
In addition to diseases, we also receive signals in the form of injuries and accidents that hurt some part of the body. In general, accidents tell you that you feel guilty, although you are not, and want to punish yourself.

If you take the time to understand the metaphysical cause of the accident and understand your body's signal, your body will be able to heal much faster. Remember also that physical pain is always proportional to the pain you experience psychologically. The body is a beautiful instrument that constantly seeks to draw your attention to those qualities of itself that you do not accept and do not like.

In addition to people who attract accidents and illness in order to grow, many also believe that it is normal to get sick and suffer in old age.

How often have I heard that old age is always associated with a whole bunch of diseases. This belief is based on the norms, structure, traditions and laws established by society and accepted by the majority of people. For a long time, society has tried to guide us based on its own ideas of what is normal, instead of allowing people to be natural. What do you want? To be "normal", forgetting about your needs, or to strive for what is "natural" for your nature?

Also, there are people (those who suffer from the trauma of injustice) who have a high threshold for pain tolerance. It is extremely difficult for such people to listen to their body, their needs and love themselves in moments when they do not correspond to their own ideal. People with rejection trauma manage to completely deny the pain. As a rule, the body of such people has to send very strong physical signals to get their attention.

In the Age of Aquarius that we live in, fewer and fewer people will suffer. People will become more and more attentive to the slightest signal from the physical, emotional or mental body. People will be able to consciously prevent their own suffering from physical ailments.

As I said above, there is no only physical pain. Every physical pain is associated with emotional and mental blockages. Physical pain simply tells us that we allow our thinking (beliefs) to guide us, which prevents us from following our needs, thinking that is guided by the fear of being what and how we want to be. And this prevents us from loving ourselves.

As soon as you have pain, ask yourself the question: what does it hinder you the most, in what area does it affect you the most? Your answer will allow you to determine the direction in which your inner work on yourself should proceed. Also, ask yourself, how is your illness preventing you from BEING? This is how you find out what or who you most want to be, that is, what you want for yourself. Then define the fear for yourself: what are you afraid of if you allow yourself to be whatever you want to be? This is how you become aware that your inner self wants to communicate to you through pain.

One thing is clear: your “I” always reminds you to love yourself more, that is, to accept yourself in different states and with different qualities: every day, even if what you are seems bad, abnormal or unacceptable to others. To love ourselves is to accept ourselves, even if we are not who we want to be at every moment. Stop judging and blaming yourself in an effort to change. Simply accepting yourself the way you don't want to be will help you become the way you want to be.

You just have to make a decision: do you want to continue suffering in order to learn to love yourself, or do you just need time to become aware and avoid unnecessary suffering. Think about it!

I'm waiting in front of the entrance. Yellow armored car.

"Armored car" turned out to be a former collector "Ford". Now he is all in photographs of children. There is nowhere to sit in the cabin. Bags of potatoes, bundles of packs of buckwheat, bags of children's clothes and even school chairs. Side by side. With photographer Zhenya Guseva we are walking next to Melnik - I am on the handrails of the chair, closer to him.

We are going to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

With potato?!

There are more than a ton, yeah, - Melnik flips through the magazine on the phone screen: dozens of missed ones ("8 children", "abbot", "needlewoman" ...).

I still don't understand why there are so many potatoes in the monastery.

They are not for themselves. Distribute to those in need. And what? I didn't buy it either. They raised me in Optina Hermitage, they donated to me - so that I can deliver it to whoever needs it. There were two trucks, almost all carried. I had to spend money on travel, of course. Just don't write about it.

In the summer, Melnik delivered cucumbers from the Moscow agricultural complex. 10 tons.

But this report is not about cucumbers.


The first thing that catches your eye when you see Sergei Melnik is a beard and a smile in it. He smiles always, everywhere and to everyone. And the whole thing is so big, with one palm it will grab both me and our Zhenya with a camera, it becomes like Winnie the Pooh.

Do you think I've always been like this? - squints. - I grew up in the Bogorodsky district, and we have serious boys there (laughs, - Auth.). At one time I went to the subway, I’ll look around - it’s so menacing ... I’m throwing a challenge to society. Youth - what to do. At the age of 13, he went to work so that he would not have to ask his parents for anything. Washed cars on the Yauza.

Melnik is called.

At what station? Without children? Where? Why doesn't it come back? Unfortunately, there is nowhere. Everything is jammed. If she was with a child, they would still be found ... You could at least take her to Ilovaiskaya - there is a shelter for the homeless. Wash, eat, dress in clean clothes. But they don't stay there for long.

Then he explains: an unfamiliar woman called, she saw a beggar woman at the Kursk railway station, she was young - she came to work from the Krasnodar Territory, they cheated, and there was nowhere to return home, her son kicked her out. Melnik's phone can be easily found on social networks: “If you see a homeless person, call or give him my number!” Hundreds of calls per day.

I never thought my life would turn out like this. Everyone was eager to make money. He studied at a vocational school as a welder, in the 90s - tents in the markets. Then - construction. He mastered so many professions - a bricklayer, a slinger ... He went to the goal, he did not stand on ceremony with people. Police? Not. Fought - it happened. But God took away the serious.

And 10 years ago, at 25, the “thunderstorm bearded man” met Lyuda Pokrovskaya, a female volunteer.


At that time, Luda had already been riding around orphanages and boarding schools for 15 years, collecting tramps from train stations.

She took me near Tula - to the town of Chekalin. To a nursing home. What I saw - plowed. Dirt, stink, rotten mattresses, rats. I learned that young people with disabilities from Afghanistan and Chechnya live in such houses with the elderly. Without arms, without legs, they drink too much... Together with two other volunteers, we found sponsors. The boarding school was renovated and furniture was purchased. He turned into candy. But in 2010 it was closed. And Luda died a few years ago.

We drive an hour and a half to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, then back. The miller does not stop for a minute, I understand that it is useless to write further in a notebook, the pages are not enough, and the recorder ... To hell with it. Sit and listen. He leafs through fate - like pictures.

Here is the Shevchik family from Suzdal - they have 16 children of their own. Grandfather Shevchik has 51 grandchildren (“be sure to write about them”). Or Panin - also from the Vladimir region. 13 children and a tiny hut of 48 "squares" for everyone.

We bring them food and clothes. How do we collect? Social network. Now everything is on the Internet. Some of the parents we help become volunteers themselves. There are such Busygins - near Tver. 11 guys. We built a greenhouse for them. My father is now riding with us, delivering humanitarian aid to others. Various stories. Five children were taken away from a single mother - because of poverty. We repaired her house, bought equipment. And even goats. The children were returned. Or Yulenka Pavlova. Schoolgirl, poor family. But a talent, is engaged in powerlifting. We helped her raise money for a trip to the Russian Championship, she took 2nd place. Then they sent us to the European Championship - there our Yulia became the first. And we also help children with treatment. For those who need complex operations, this is now called high-tech medical care. After all, sometimes they wait for years. Our volunteers communicate with doctors of leading Moscow clinics - no one has ever refused.

Melnik speaks for a long time and in a special way about the Donbass. There - a humanitarian aid, from there - children to Moscow on excursions. When in the summer of 2014 streams from Donetsk and Lugansk poured into us, they rushed around the refugee camps around the clock.

Melnik is called again.

Where are you now? In what change house at the station? Is your granddaughter with you? Four years old... I see. And the daughter? Give her my number...

Hello, great. No place? Family with a child, nowhere to go. At all? Well, think of something - call. I will think too.

A woman with her daughter and granddaughter arrived - just from the Donbass, they worked at some private factory. The owner has changed. The guards came and drove away. To frost. Someone gave them Melnik's phone number - the station officials know him.

I thought to attach them to the rehabilitation center - in the suburbs, it is for single mothers with children. But there is renovation. Last winter I rented a separate house, also in the suburbs. He took people there. Only the owner eventually declared - they say, that's enough, they burn a lot of electricity.


Fraudsters, says Melnik, are also many. His volunteers "punch" everyone - especially those who ask on the Internet. Find out in the administration, in the police. Every third is eliminated.

And they call him again. And again. AND...

Are you married?

No. Haven't had time yet - guilty.

And you didn’t want to take it all and throw it all away? Live for yourself?

I do not think. I don't have time ... You know, I came up with such a game. "Circulation of Good in Nature". You help one person, that person helps another. And along the chain, people understand: you need to do good, and it will come back to you. Remember - like in the movies, "the law of five handshakes"?

Miller is not crazy. A madman will not heat pasta with meatballs in the middle of the night and feed a homeless person in the stairwell, while Melnik warms it. And then he runs after him, because he forgot about the eggplant with tea. The madman won't go to scrub the walls in the women's monastery on the weekend, and the next morning, after the potatoes for the Lavra, Melnik drove him to the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent. With volunteers, rags and mops. The madman will not see the obvious:

Nobody needs the homeless. And if these people are taken care of, they can really be returned to normal life. Only those whom I personally helped stopped drinking and went to work. They even got married. There was even one Negro. Real! He studied in Russia, did not find a job, but got married. But he didn’t get along with his mother-in-law - she drove him away. There is no money to go home. Smart guy, I found him a job at a construction site. different fates. And doctors, and teachers ... People, in general.

We unloaded potatoes in the Lavra. Several bags were thrown into the rehabilitation center for children with Down syndrome (they didn’t know that some kind of Melnik brought it - they thought it was from the monks). We also met the family of Igor and Tatyana Gorbonos from the village of Kolodezi near Kaluga. In mid-October, their house burned down and everything, everything, everything - clothes, documents. And cows.

Melnik gave Igor and Tanya a few kilos of buckwheat - more for the old Niva


One day a cactus blossomed in a young woman's apartment. Before that, for 4 years he stuck out on the windowsill, looking like a gloomy and unshaven janitor, and suddenly such a surprise. It's strange that they consider me an evil, soulless bitch, the woman thought. This is not true, cacti do not bloom in the soulless and evil.

In pleasant thoughts about a flowering cactus, she accidentally stepped on the foot of a gloomy man in the subway. In response to his remark, she did not yell as usual with an offended look: "Oh, if you are such a gentleman, then take a taxi!", - but smiled:
- Do not be angry with me, please, I have nothing to hold on to, if you want - step on my foot too and we will quit.

The grim man swallowed what he was about to say about her. Then he got out at his station and, buying a newspaper, instead of being rude to the saleswoman who got confused with the change calculation, calling her a stupid cow, he said to her:
- It's okay, count again, I'm not strong in mathematics early in the morning either.

The saleswoman, who did not expect such an answer, became emotional and gave two old magazines and a whole pile of old newspapers free of charge to a pensioner - a regular customer who was very fond of reading the press, but bought only one cheaper newspaper every day. Of course, unsold goods were supposed to be written off, but any rules can be circumvented.

The contented old man went home with an armful of newspapers and magazines. Having met a neighbor from the top floor, he didn’t make her a daily scandal on the topic: “your child stomps around the apartment like an elephant and interferes with rest, you need to educate better”, but looked and was surprised:
How has your daughter grown up? I don’t understand who she looks more like - you or her father, but she’ll definitely be a beauty, I have a trained eye.

The neighbor took the child to the garden, came to work at the reception and did not shout at the stupid grandmother who made an appointment with the doctor yesterday, but came today, but said:
- Come on, don't worry, I sometimes forget my business too. You sit for a minute, and I'll check with the doctor, suddenly he can see you.

The grandmother, having got an appointment, did not begin to demand that she be prescribed a very effective, but inexpensive medicine that could instantly help cure the disease, threatening to write complaints to all instances up to the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights if she refused, but sighed and said:
- I'm not quite out of my mind yet, I understand that old age is not cured, but you, doctor, forgive me that I drag myself to you all the time, as if to work.
And the doctor, heading home in the evening, suddenly remembered his grandmother and took pity on her. He suddenly thought that life in its usual bustle was flying by, and, succumbing to a sudden impulse, he stopped at the nearest supermarket, bought a bouquet of flowers, a cake with cream roses and drove in a completely different direction. I drove up to the house, went up to the third floor and knocked on the door.

I was thinking, well, why are we sharing everything, like children playing in a sandbox. I bought you a cake, only I accidentally put my briefcase on it and it wrinkled. But don't worry, it won't affect the taste. I also bought you flowers, only they were also a little wrinkled by the same briefcase. But maybe they will?

They will definitely leave, - the woman answered, - we will resuscitate them. And I have news. Just imagine, I woke up today, I look at the window, and my cactus has blossomed. See?

One day a cactus blossomed in a young woman's apartment. Before that, for 4 years he stuck out on the windowsill, looking like a gloomy and unshaven janitor, and suddenly such a surprise. It's strange that they consider me an evil, soulless bitch, the woman thought. This is all untrue, cacti do not bloom in the soulless and evil.

In pleasant thoughts about a flowering cactus, she accidentally stepped on the foot of a gloomy man in the subway. In response to his remark, she did not yell as usual with an offended look: “Oh, if you are such a gentleman, then take a taxi!”, But smiled:
- Do not be angry with me, please, I have nothing to hold on to, if you want - step on my foot too and we will quit.

The grim man swallowed what he was about to say about her. Then he got out at his station and, buying a newspaper, instead of being rude to the saleswoman who got confused with the change count, calling her a slow cow, he said to her:
- It's okay, count again, I'm also not strong in mathematics early in the morning.

The saleswoman, who did not expect such an answer, became emotional and gave two old magazines and a whole pile of old newspapers free of charge to a pensioner - a regular customer who was very fond of reading the press, but bought only one cheaper newspaper every day. Of course, unsold goods were supposed to be written off, but any rules can be circumvented. The contented old man went home with an armful of newspapers and magazines. Having met a neighbor from the top floor, he didn’t make her a daily scandal on the topic: “your child stomps around the apartment like an elephant and interferes with rest, you need to educate better”, but looked and was surprised:

How your daughter has grown. I don’t understand who I look like more like you or my father, but I’ll definitely be a beauty, I have a trained eye.

The neighbor took the child to the garden, came to work at the reception and did not shout at the stupid grandmother who made an appointment with the doctor yesterday, but came today, but said:
- Come on, don't worry, I sometimes forget my business too. You sit for a minute, and I'll check with the doctor, suddenly he can see you.

The grandmother, having got an appointment, did not begin to demand that she be prescribed a very effective, but inexpensive medicine that could instantly help cure the disease, threatening to write complaints to all instances up to the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights if she refused, but sighed and said:
- “I haven’t completely lost my mind yet, I understand that old age is not cured, but you, doctor, forgive me for constantly dragging myself to you as if I were at work.”

And the doctor, heading home in the evening, suddenly remembered his grandmother and took pity on her. He suddenly thought that life in its usual bustle was flying by, and, yielding to a sudden impulse, he stopped at the nearest supermarket, bought a bouquet of flowers, a cake with cream roses, and drove in a completely different direction. I drove up to the house, went up to the third floor and.

I was thinking, well, why do we share everything, like children playing in the sandbox. I bought you a cake, only I accidentally put my briefcase on it and it wrinkled. But this is not scary, it will not affect the taste. I also bought you flowers, only they were also a little wrinkled by the same briefcase. But maybe they will?

They will definitely leave, - the woman answered, - we will resuscitate them. And I have news. Just imagine, I woke up today, I look at the window, and my cactus has blossomed. See?