Where can a student work part-time in the summer? Where a student can work part-time in the summer Has medicinal properties

Moscow is a city of opportunities and prospects. According to ongoing research, the capital of the Russian Federation has the highest salaries in the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is not surprising that many residents of provincial towns strive to get to the metropolis and find a job in order to earn a good income.

But as practice shows, difficulties in finding work in this city arise not only among residents of other regions, but also among Muscovites themselves. They often wonder how to find a job in Moscow with a good salary and acceptable working conditions. Initially, it is worth noting that there are two ways to find a job:

  1. On one's own.
  2. With the help of a recruiting agency.

Finding a normal job in the capital of the Russian Federation on your own is not difficult. But you should initially prepare for the fact that, most likely, you will have to go through more than one interview and spend a lot of time, effort and patience. Moscow employers are very selective in choosing employees when it comes to highly paid specialties, because, as a rule, many people apply for high wages, so employers “have plenty to choose from.”

An important aspect in finding a place of employment is citizenship and the presence of Moscow registration (or Moscow region).

As practice shows, without registration, getting a well-paid job is not just difficult, but almost impossible.

This is due to the fact that most highly paid positions involve financial responsibility, so employers do not want to take risks by hiring a person living in another city. We are offering to you

To independently search for vacancies from direct employers, you can use sites such as:

On the above sites, various vacancies are published daily, intended for the female and male half of humanity. Many of these portals post vacancies for citizens of retirement age or people with disabilities.

Fut.ru - this portal publishes vacancies for students and graduates of higher educational institutions. People without work experience or education will also be able to find a suitable option here.

The search principle is quite simple. A person compiles a resume and sends it to the vacancy of his choice. If the resume meets the employer's requirements, the applicant is invited for an interview. For a greater likelihood of employment, it is recommended to post your resume not on one website, but on at least 3-4 portals.

One of the most famous sites where you can find a vacant position is called the “Interactive portal of the Moscow Employment Center.”

Finding a job using a recruiting agency

Recruiting agencies are personnel selection organizations. Recruitment agencies help with career guidance, preparing and correcting resumes, as well as distributing them. Many large recruiting firms provide job placement training.

When contacting recruitment agencies, it is worth remembering that they charge a fee for their services. On average, you will have to pay from 10 to 35% of the estimated annual salary. The cost of services of a recruiting agency in Moscow can sometimes reach 60 thousand rubles.

It is also worth noting that the agency only selects a vacant position, but does not provide employment. The fact of hiring depends on the employer.

The best recruiting organizations in Moscow:

  1. CORNERSTONE. This agency became the best in 2011. The organization selects senior and mid-level personnel. The cost of services ranges from 18 to 20% of the annual salary of an employee.
  2. "Anchor". The agency selects vacancies for all people, regardless of work experience and education. The cost of services is equal to 20% of annual income.
  3. Kelly Services. The organization is engaged in the selection of permanent and temporary jobs. Cost of services – 25%.
  4. "UNITY". This company is the most active in the job search market. She has been working since 1999. For services, the agency charges from 18 to 25% of the annual income of the employee.
  5. "Ariva-HR". The organization is recruiting for all vacancies. Through this recruiting agency you can find both a job as a cleaner in Moscow and a job as a top manager.
  6. "Amalko". This organization specializes in the selection of domestic staff. Through this agency, girls can quickly and easily find work as a nanny, nurse, governess or maid. Men are offered vacancies as security guards, gardeners, butlers, drivers, etc. The cost of the company's services is equal to one monthly income of an employee.
  7. HUMAN CAPITAL. The organization is engaged in personnel selection in such areas as:
  • Information Technology.
  • Pharmaceuticals.
  • Advertising.
  • Finance.
  • Industry.

The cost of the company's services varies from 20 to 25% of the employee's annual income.

  1. "Skyman." The organization selects employees for retail trade.
  2. "TS Persona". This company is engaged in personnel selection for the restaurant business.

Main rules when looking for a job

Initially, a person needs to decide what position he wants to get and what salary he wants to receive.

The basic rules in finding a place of employment are:

  1. Persistence. If several employers have not responded to your resume, do not despair.
  2. Using various sources. You don’t need to limit yourself to searching only on the Internet. Today, many job openings are published in periodicals and newspapers.
  3. A well-written resume is already half the success. It should be short but informative. The resume should highlight the person’s work experience and personal qualities (advantages and disadvantages). When drawing up the document, spelling or stylistic errors are not allowed. Agree, few people will want to hire an illiterate specialist who makes mistakes in his own resume.
  4. Proper preparation for an interview. During negotiations, you need to show all your professionalism. It would be useful to find out information about the company where you plan to work.

Students in Moscow will be able to easily find a vacancy for a promoter, courier, animator, waiter, sales manager, security guard, salesman, etc. It is worth remembering that these positions are very labor-intensive and low-paid. Basically, the payment for one working day does not exceed 1 thousand rubles.

You will also not be able to find a good job in the education sector. A woman without special education can find a job as a cleaner, dishwasher, maid, waitress, nurse, au pair, saleswoman, etc. Men without education are given low-skilled jobs: builder, loader, auxiliary worker, driver, waiter, etc. P.

Without experience, it is also unlikely that you will be able to get a job with a high salary. But people with education have a chance to get a job that provides opportunities for training and further career growth. There are cases when ordinary managers or waiters became directors and managers after several years of work.

Women and men without work experience may be able to get jobs with daily payments. Job positions with daily payments:

Often during an interview, from the first words it becomes clear how well the candidate corresponds to the position for which he is seeking employment. It happens that a person lacks the necessary skills or is not communicative enough. However, it also happens that it is not so easy to determine whether a candidate is suitable for a position or not. How can you accurately make the only right choice when selecting certain specialists?

A question was posted on Quora about what qualities of candidates are most questionable. Many responses were received from businessmen and recruiters who have extensive experience in recruiting personnel. The following are qualities whose owners are recommended to be denied employment, even if they have the necessary knowledge and experience.

Victim's position

Sarah Smith, deputy president of Quora, considers it a very bad sign that a candidate has a victim mentality. According to her, if, when asked why he is interested in this vacancy, a candidate answers that he works at Google or Facebook, but the position does not give him the opportunity to develop, then she immediately loses interest in him. Sarah Smith notes that she previously worked in minor positions several times, but she had something to learn from each of them.

Sarah has a similar attitude towards those candidates who complain that the manager limits their development and is biased towards them. In her opinion, it is only he himself who is to blame for the fact that the candidate was unable to develop his abilities; shifting the blame for this to others only shows his passive position in relation to life in general.

The candidate changes jobs frequently

Today it is not easy to determine the criterion for the frequency of job changes. However, many HR professionals note that candidates who do not stay in any one job for too long are less likely to get hired.

Dan Holliday, who works as a recruiter for a large corporation, notes that finding a good employee is not easy and companies make great efforts to retain him. There are a lot of businesses with very different rules, and if you haven't worked for a couple of employers throughout your career, then there's nothing to worry about. However, if you have changed several companies in just six months, then few people will want to do business with you.

Increased interest in wage issues

We all go to work in order to provide for ourselves and our families, and everyone is interested in the issue of wages. However, people whose interest in the salary issue is too high are surprising, notes Adam Seabrook, one of the creators of Betterteam. According to him, he raises the topic of remuneration at the very beginning of the conversation and if the candidate is satisfied with the amount announced, then other topics are discussed further. According to Adam, there is no point in bringing up the topic of wages again after everything has been agreed upon. Often, an applicant who is only interested in the material side of the issue does not make it past the initial interview.

Strange background when chatting on Skype

When talking with a recruiter on Skype, people often don't care about what the interviewer sees in the background. However, it is worth considering that scattered things and the like should not be shown to someone who intends to hire you. Before you start chatting, tidy up your room and remove anything unnecessary from the background. In addition, make sure that during the conversation none of your relatives are caught on camera.


Oddly enough, many recruiters try to avoid ideal candidates. Dan Holliday says he has a few questions that can catch most candidates off guard, and the candidates who answer them coherently and without much thought scare him. For example, if it comes to a candidate’s biggest failure, and he tells a well-prepared story without hesitation, this may cause some doubts in the recruiter.

Lack of questions to the employer or trivial questions

Any interview is a conversation between two participants. During the communication process, both parties must find out how suitable the candidate is for the specified position. The fact that the interviewee does not ask any questions simply puts the interviewer on guard, says Mira Zaslov, who heads one of the departments at Cisco. It’s just as suspicious when a person asks questions that have no practical meaning, notes Benjamin Holder, who heads one of the departments at GradStaff.

According to him, he conducts interviews almost every day and has repeatedly observed how applicants ask banal questions in order to somehow maintain the conversation. According to such people, the interview has already ended, and they ask trivial, meaningless questions. The best candidates are always interested in specific things and listen with interest to the answers.

Stories about other interviews to give yourself weight

According to Mira Zaslov, candidates who claim that they receive many offers should not be trusted. The fact that the person is telling you about other interviews most likely means that the candidate himself is not very interested in what you have to offer. If he agrees to work for you, then with a high degree of probability he will quit as soon as better offers appear. Mira notes that if you do not want to be abandoned at the most inopportune moment, it is better not to hire such people.

The candidate is unwilling to admit that he lacks knowledge

Confidence in oneself and one's abilities is a positive quality, but overconfidence tends to inhibit learning, especially for technical professionals, says John L. Miller, who recruits for leading IT companies. If a candidate guesses the correct answer to a question that is difficult for him, then this is only good if he honestly admits that he lacks knowledge. If, on the contrary, the candidate claims that he knows everything, but you see that this is not the case, it is better not to hire him. Such people rarely admit that they need help or new knowledge, and ultimately they may fail a project that is important to you.

The journey from home to office is too long for the candidate

Any company strives to hire employees who will quickly be in the office if necessary. If the candidate lives too far from the place of work, at some point he will get tired of spending several hours a day on the road. Mira Zaslov notes that more often than not, hiring candidates who lived too far from the office ended with them quitting within the first few weeks. If the candidate stayed longer, he was quite often late and, in the end, either moved closer or found a job closer to home.

Inability to listen

According to Ramkumar Balaraman, some positions do not require special communication skills or the ability to clearly formulate one’s thoughts, but the ability to listen is the most important quality, without which productive cooperation is impossible. If a candidate intentionally or unintentionally skips or does not understand your questions, then you should seriously consider hiring this person.

Big cities have always attracted people from the periphery due to the presence of prospects and opportunities. But unfortunately, even after moving to a permanent place of residence in a metropolis like Moscow, where the highest salaries are declared, not everyone manages to find the desired job and establish a good life. Therefore, to help solve this problem, we will next talk about how to find the answer to the question - where to go to work in Moscow in 2019 and get a chance at a new life.

What do you need to know when looking for a job?

But in order for this search to be crowned with success, you need to prepare a little for the process. And the most important thing that needs to be done first is to determine as accurately as possible the criteria for the future lesson. That is, formulate a problem where it would be clear:

  1. What position is the job seeker applying for?
  2. What salary does he expect?
  3. What features of future work are of particular importance to the job seeker?

The next step on the path to success will be to compile a resume that briefly describes the merits of the person looking for a job. It should contain information about work experience (if any), about his personal qualities and just a little about his hobbies. Also, when writing a resume, it would be useful to mention your merits in professional activities (if any), and in no case should you “embellish” the document with false data. Because when looking for opportunities to get a job in Moscow, and not only in Moscow, lies can be revealed at the very first interview, and there is a big risk that an innocent lie can result in the collapse of a career that has not even begun. And finally, a photo. Many people think that it is superfluous on a resume. But as many employers say, the presence of a photo of an applicant for a vacancy in a resume attracts their attention in the first place.

Of course, when drafting a document you should also be careful about grammatical errors. Because few employers would want an illiterate worker as their employee.

Another important point in deciding the question “where to get a job in Moscow?” — preparation for a possible interview. You don't know when your employer will call you. But it may happen that your resume immediately interests someone. And then it turns out that you are not ready for the interview. Therefore, while searching for a job, you need to prepare for interviews at the same time. Because an unprepared applicant for vacancies does not even have to try. What is needed for this?

Prepare several answers to standard questions in such cases:

  • Why did you leave (or want to leave) your last employer? Are you working in this time;
  • Why do you think you should work for this company;
  • What useful experience can you, as a future employee, bring to the company?
  • What are your most positive and most negative character traits that characterize you as an employee;
  • What are your most outstanding achievements in your profession?
  • Were there any failures and why?

It goes without saying that there will be other questions, but the answers to these will be test ones and in most cases, they will determine your fate. Prepare for possible practical test tasks both in terms of professional skills and psychologically (it’s not a fact that they will happen, but it’s worth being prepared). You can find information about such tasks on the Internet. Think about questions you would like to ask an employer. Take care of the elements of your wardrobe in which you will go to an interview. Clothing should emphasize your suitability for the future position, and a neat appearance (washed hair, manicured nails, neat) will complement your image of a diligent, responsible and organized person.

And the last recommendation, if you want to hear a positive answer to the question - is it difficult to find a job in Moscow in 2019 - be patient. After all, finding a job is a responsible and time-consuming process. Therefore, do not panic if your resumes remain unanswered. After all, you can try again.

List of the most popular and highly profitable vacancies

Having understood the intricacies of the job search process, its next stage should be familiarization with the most in-demand professions and positions that could suit the job seeker.

Of course, here I would immediately like to draw attention to the fact that if you came to the capital to earn money and you do not have a Moscow residence permit, then, when wondering where to get a job in Moscow with a good salary, in general, you should not have high hopes for prestigious vacancies. Usually, those who have a registration document are more willing to take on such work. But don't be upset. Because there are many known cases where even non-resident citizens received highly paid jobs in prestigious companies, thanks to the presence of certain character qualities required by their superiors and some special professional skills. That is, this means that if you are from out of town, but have the necessary qualifications and believe that you can do something that others cannot, feel free to look for a job among the vacancies, so to speak, of the VIP category, where the working conditions are very good and the salary is the highest, and there are prospects for career growth.

Today, experts classify the following professions as such vacancies:

IT specialist

This profession has been leading the ranking of the most in-demand and highest-paid not only in the employment market in Moscow, but throughout Russia as a whole for the past five years. By the way, some companies are even ready to hire specialists with this profession directly from educational institutions. So, if a young man, after graduating from university, has a question about where to go to work in Moscow with a higher education without experience, he, having an IT specialist diploma, can easily find a job.


A specialist who analyzes the financial efficiency of enterprises, searches for violations, and monitors the correctness of reporting. He also provides advice in financial matters. Earnings for auditors start at 100 thousand rubles, and they can work either as part of a reputable enterprise, or in a government structure, or on a freelance basis.


For obvious reasons, representatives of this profession do not enjoy much respect among the population, but their salaries can be very large because they depend on “production”, in other words, on the amount of funds seized from debtors. As they say, the larger the amount, the higher the interest. Another positive thing is that even those who are looking for where to go to work in Moscow without (higher) education can get a job in this field. But an applicant for a vacancy must have a high threshold of stress resistance - this is the main requirement, and also have a lot of different qualities.

Market Analyst

The vacancy is in great demand in the field of trade and, naturally, is well paid. This specialist analyzes the situation on the product market, advises on how best to introduce new products, and how to properly promote them into commercial circulation.


His responsibilities include everything related to the advertising company (company, product, brand, service, etc.). Today, when almost nothing can surprise consumers, a good marketer (capable of the impossible) is highly valued. Therefore, they offer him high wages. This profession values ​​specialized education, creativity, work experience and the presence of your own successful projects, and this is a sure sign that if you are looking for where to go to work without work experience in Moscow and other cities, you will most likely fail.

Sales Manager

The task of this specialist is to do everything to ensure that the demand for the products and services of the particular company where he works increases. Actually, his earnings depend on this. Therefore, if the priority of your job search is the question of how to make money in Moscow, then, having experience and practice in this matter, you can safely submit your resume. Because good specialists in this profession are in great demand in the capital.


Ensures that the delivery of goods from the supplier to the entrepreneur or enterprise is carried out efficiently, without losses, on time, with minimal costs. The duties of a logistician can be handled well by a person who has strategic thinking and organizational skills, who is responsible and punctual. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​will provide an opportunity to get a job in a company dealing with foreign importers. And communication skills will allow you to quickly establish communication with each participant in the delivery process.


Lawyer services have always been and remain the most popular services in Moscow. Therefore, this profession is in great need of good specialists in the employment market. The work is always well paid, and there are prospects for career growth.


Doctors in this specialty are constantly needed. Because, despite the fact that it is one of the most prestigious and highly paid, there is a constant shortage of specialists at the labor exchange. Earnings for dentists can be very high. You can find work both in private companies and by starting your own business. But for this you will need additional documents for entrepreneurship, issued in the capital.

Stylist-makeup artist

Recently, this profession has become very popular in the capital. The fact is that beauty salons that provide popular services in Moscow began to appear like mushrooms after rain. Accordingly, the demand for good craftsmen also generates a high supply of wages. But, of course, this is possible if the specialist can convey to his employer that he is capable of not only satisfying clients’ requests, but also surprising them with his skills.

List of professions that do not require high qualifications

Of course, not everyone who is looking for a job can boast of a resume with work experience and high qualifications. But, even despite these disadvantages, there is still a chance to get a good job. After all, when solving the problem of who to go to work in Moscow, at the local labor exchange you can find many vacancies among professions that do not require high qualifications from the applicant and are well paid. For example, one of them is the profession of secretary, which, according to statistical estimates, offers about 15 thousand vacancies in the city. And if we add to this list many more proposals for the professions of accountant and salesperson, which for some reason are generally considered to be typically feminine, then the problem of where a girl should go to work in Moscow should be resolved for many representatives of the fair sex. To do this, they just need to contact the company that suits them.

Security guard

If we talk about profitable professions that do not require high qualifications, from the “men’s list”, then, first of all, you should probably pay attention to such vacancies as: Bodyguard. A very popular, highly paid profession for men with excellent health, physical fitness, combat skills, as well as the ability to handle weapons and the ability to drive a car. Employers for such specialists can be respectable businessmen, company owners, influential and wealthy people who are willing to pay well for their safety. Therefore, if we consider the possibilities, then having the makings of a bodyguard, this is a real chance to rise. Although, having decided to try yourself in this profession, one must not forget that sometimes such work is associated with a great risk to life and health. Accordingly, when deciding where to go to work in Moscow for a man, you should think carefully before agreeing to such a job.

Personal driver

If we compare who is better to work in Moscow - a bodyguard or a personal driver, then, of course, the second position is a little calmer in terms of security. But, all the same, this profession involves great responsibility for the employer’s life and personal risk (it’s also unsafe on the road). In this regard, very high demands are placed on candidates. In particular, good health, high resistance to stress, driving experience (without an accident) and, of course, the ability to remain silent. After all, a personal driver is, in fact, a person privy to almost all the secrets of his superiors.


Due to the fact that people began to pay much more attention to sports, including in the process of raising children, there was a serious need in the capital’s labor market for specialists such as a coach (of various directions). And this is another opportunity where you can go to work in Moscow to get a good income without having a special education. Although, some features are required for people applying for such a vacancy. One of them is a direct relationship to sports. For example, a former boxer can successfully work in a section of young boxers or train amateurs of this sport. By the way, on sites offering work there are a lot of invitations for such work. Plus, it pays well.

Professions that are always in demand

In addition to professions that guarantee high earnings, but border on risk and have special requirements for candidates for vacancies, at the labor exchange you can find many other options where it is better to go to work in Moscow. Indeed, in our advanced 21st century, humanity, trying to master the most modern professions, somehow does not take into account the fact that it is also impossible to do without ordinary workers. This creates a big vacuum in this market. Well, for those who are just starting their work career, this situation provides enormous opportunities to learn some useful profession and, of course, earn extra money. However, some vacancies from the list proposed below may also provide an idea for those who are looking for additional income in their free time in Moscow, for example, students or even retirees.


This profession can bring good income to those who have personal transport. The services of couriers on wheels are regularly used by businessmen to transport small cargo and documents. But you can also work as a courier in a simpler way - delivering compact parcels, letters, and personal items around the city. Quite often, such employees are required in online stores, delivery services, and these are the best offers where it is better to work in Moscow without experience. To be a courier, you need to be well versed in the city and have good health (you will have to move around a lot). This profession can be combined with study or other work.


There are a lot of vacancies for waiters on the market. Moreover, among them there are offers with a fairly decent salary level. The responsibilities of the person applying for this job include customer service:

  • Help with menu selection;
  • Receiving an order;
  • Serving food to the client;
  • Carrying out small tasks (clearing the table, serving spices);
  • Calculation.

In general - nothing complicated. And if you’re looking for a place to work without experience in Moscow, then working as a waiter in a cafe or restaurant is the best option. After all, today this is the most in-demand profession, providing the opportunity to earn good money, including additional income in the form of “tips.” Requirements for applicants for the vacancy: a tendency to learn quickly, honesty, communication skills, and the ability to resolve conflicts.


People of this specialty are needed everywhere: in hotels, fitness centers, restaurants, clubs, etc. Responsibilities depend on the place of work - meeting guests and placing them, recording clients, providing consultations. The main requirements for those applying for a job are the ability to please the client, because, as we know, he is always right. And also - punctuality, accuracy, honesty. In fact, they pay a decent salary for this, and sometimes “tips.”

Taxi driver

The capital's labor market always has enough offers for drivers of different categories. And working as a taxi driver can become not only the main place of work for young drivers, but also a way for men in Moscow to earn additional income in their free time. Employers do not impose any unusual requirements on taxi drivers. The main thing is to have a driver’s license, at least 3 years of work experience, and, of course, knowledge of the capital’s roads. Although, at first, a navigator can also help the driver. The salary is not the highest, but they pay it on time and that’s a plus. Of course, those who work as taxi drivers with their own cars can boast of earning much more, but a significant part of these funds goes towards vehicle maintenance. So, in the end, working as a taxi driver using the transport provided is more profitable and profitable.

Street cleaner

It’s not a very prestigious profession, and you can’t even find it in Russia. Because even pensioners prefer to work in more comfortable conditions than janitors have to do. But for those whose goal is to get hold of any job in Moscow, this is a chance. In addition, working as a janitor, you can solve the problem not only with means of subsistence, but also with housing. Because when hiring, employers try to help with this problem. We’re not talking about complete comfort, but for the first time, especially for nonresidents, you can’t think of a better opportunity. Another plus in favor of this profession is that after completing your main job, you have time to look for a more prestigious job.


The profession is not easy (that’s why not everyone can work) and does not promise high profits. But if we are talking about part-time work in Moscow in free time for men or temporary earnings, then finding a job is not difficult and quite realistic. Free vacancies can always be found on public resources. True, in most cases, loaders are not registered for work, therefore, if the employee is not paid immediately after completing the work, there is a risk of being left without money.


We have considered only a small part of those vacancies where right now you can find work in some cases, even without any experience and a seal of registration in Moscow. Of course, for workers with higher education and experience in a certain field of activity, the opportunities to obtain a highly profitable position increase significantly. But according to experts, without the personal aspiration, desire, and initiative of the job seeker, finding a position with at least a minimum salary will be unrealistic. Because everyone who is looking for employees pays attention to these qualities. So, if you want to get a good job, don’t discard options that offer jobs to Muscovites. Perhaps you are the best candidate. Just demonstrate it. And you can always register.

New business ideas in Moscow with minimal investment in 2019 for aspiring entrepreneurs. Tips on what kind of business to open in a big city.

A detailed list of the highest paid professions in Moscow in 2020 for men and women. Where to go to work in Russia with higher education or without work experience?

Income without work experience is not only about strange offers from the Internet. We talk about real professions where you can earn money without experience or education.

There are many vacancies where work experience is not required. The market for new hires has grown by 22% in the last year alone, according to HeadHunter research.

Of course, you can’t just immediately start designing spaceships or treating people. But you can deliver orders or meet clients. In some areas, employers are willing to teach you everything you need themselves. Inexperienced employees are most welcome in these industries:

For a number of professions, the personal qualities of an employee are more important than past career or education. Top expectations this year The state of the Russian labor market for young professionals employers included these characteristics:

  • Responsibility - 22%.
  • Determination - 10%.
  • Stress resistance - 10%.
  • Goodwill - 9%.
  • Efficiency - 7%.
  • Active life position - 6%.
  • Accuracy - 6%.

Based on reports on the state of the labor market over the years and offers on HeadHunter, we have compiled a list of the best professions for beginners this year.

  • Basic requirements: accuracy, politeness, cleanliness.
  • Salaries in Moscow: from 35 thousand rubles + tips.

This is the most popular request from employers - 4% The state of the Russian labor market for young professionals from all vacancies for freshers. You can respond to a job offer without a medical record, the main thing is to quickly get down to processing it. There are many vacancies with flexible hours: weekend waiter, night shift waiter. This is physically intense work, which means strong legs and comfortable shoes are a must-have. Everywhere meals are offered at the expense of the company. A nice bonus of this profession is tips.

  • Basic requirements: your own smartphone, punctuality, responsibility.
  • Salaries in Moscow: 40–70 thousand rubles.

An ideal job for those who hate sitting in an office. In addition, you create your own schedule - a luxury that even white-collar workers do not have. You also control the salary level yourself: more orders - higher income. You can officially get a job without interviews or a resume. For example, to become a courier for the Dostavista company, you just need to download the application to your smartphone and register. In the same application, you need to respond to customer orders - the courier selects them himself. You can receive earnings every day in cash or on a card once a week.

  • Basic requirements: sociability, ability to achieve results, basic computer knowledge.
  • Salaries in Moscow: from 50 thousand rubles + percentage of sales.

The sales sector is growing more dynamically than others: in Moscow alone, HeadHunter offers 2,840 vacancies where no work experience is required. The responsibilities of a sales manager are to look for new customers, remind long-time customers about the product, and conclude contracts. Typically, a percentage of transactions or a bonus for a completed plan is added to the salary. There are offers for remote work: after all, you can call customers from home. Information about the product and customer base is usually provided by the employer. Scripts are often issued - scenarios of conversation with a client, which contain phrases that push to purchase and work out objections:

Yours is expensive!
- What are you comparing it to?

  • Basic requirements: friendliness, responsiveness, politeness.
  • Salaries in Moscow: 30–70 thousand rubles + bonus.

The main tasks are to lay out goods, advise customers and work with the cash register. Yes, on my feet all the time and in contact with nervous clients. But they give a bonus for working on holidays. And one more plus: sellers receive discounts of up to 50% on store products. Get a job where you really like the product, then you can buy your favorite branded sneakers cheaply or afford the latest smartphone faster. To prevent customers from rushing to leave, stores create pleasant conditions: warmth, music playing, smelling good. This means it will be comfortable to work there.

  • Basic requirements: pleasant appearance, sociability, ability to find an approach to the client.
  • Salaries in Moscow: 35–60 thousand rubles.

Administrators are required wherever you need to greet clients with a friendly smile: in restaurants, fitness centers, hostels, beauty salons. But you won’t get away with just a smile: responsibilities include accommodating guests, scheduling clients, and advising on services. If you love communication, you won't get bored at this job. At the same time, you need to be able to treat other people's whims with understanding. This is called customer focus: if a guest says that the chair is hard and the water in the glass is too wet, the administrator should help solve the problem. But clients can also be nice - from time to time administrators also receive tips for their work.

If you decide to find a new employee, here is a small list of classifications of psychotypes that you should NEVER hire if you don’t want to ruin everything!

1. Mama's daughter/son

A young lady or a dapper young man has come to you for an interview, and his mother, grandmother or aunt is waiting for him in the reception area, throwing questions at her child after the interview? Throw these applicants out: this is not a school or a kindergarten. You don’t have time to wipe your snot and pat your head: you have a business project, not a center for exemplary preschoolers.

2. Bonus lover

He (less often, she) asks not so much about responsibilities and requirements as he asks about vacation pay, sick leave, insurance, career advancement, free trips to the orthodontist and the opportunity to hang a separate sign with his name on the doors of the common office. Drive away too .

3. Fanatic athlete

If in your resume a person indicates from what distance he can hit a curveball, that he will join the ranks of your football team or is ready to join you in golf or air hockey - refuse. There is no point in taking on someone who believes he knows you better than you know yourself and also believes that team sports are more important than teamwork.

4. A person with a guilt complex

“You know, I haven’t been able to find a job for 18 months, but I read your advertisement, and I hope that I will fit into your team, when could we meet in a way that would be convenient for you?” Humiliated and pleading tone - what is it? You are looking for a winner for your company, not a person who will beg and create complexes. Refuse such an applicant for his own good.

5. A fan of “slowing down”

As a rule, such an applicant does not bother to read more about your company, asks questions inappropriately or not at all, and when you invite him/her to clarify or ask something, he/she blankly looks at you with a blank expression. Perhaps this is nervous stiffness in an unfamiliar environment, or perhaps it is ordinary natural stupidity. In any case, you can’t make a mess with this: you don’t have to assemble telephone booths, and you don’t have to hire a cashier to accept checks, but a person who will communicate a lot with the team and with the outside world. There is simply no time to “slow down” here.

6. “Mouth won’t close”

A joker, a wit and a lover of telling all the stories in one interview - this is, of course, a very entertaining and colorful character. But now imagine that it will be like this every day. From day to day. They also get so carried away that in the process of answering they forget what they actually have to answer. A chatterbox is not only a godsend for a spy, but also a personnel valuable only in the field of telemarketing. In all other cases, drive them into the garden.

7. Silent minimalist

Monosyllabic “yes” and “no” are all that can be extracted from such an applicant for all questions. Listening is an invaluable quality. But we’re not at an interrogation: should we start pulling teeth out of him so he can talk? It’s good to remain silent during a dentist appointment; and you will need people who are more talkative (within reasonable limits, of course).

8. Storyteller

A woman/girl who likes to slightly embellish her story even in her resume - and the end result is not “slightly”, but a real Alice in Office Wonderland. If you catch her in lies and exaggerations, she will quickly slide down to modest real achievements - and then it turns out that she cannot become a superstar in your company’s team. That doesn’t stop her from boasting about her achievements in sports, special luck and some transcendental adventures. Don’t believe me: we kindly smile goodbye and refuse.

9. Chameleon

He is ready to accept any job in any division or department. Openness and desire to learn is OK. But it’s not at all OK when you can’t understand what a person really likes to do. Wherever you put it, it will be like that. You cannot please everyone and be able to do absolutely everything; it is for this reason that you will have to say goodbye to the masters of career mimicry.

10. King Lear / Drama Queen

He loves drama, even tragedy: barging into your office at a different time than he was assigned - and demanding an interview IMMEDIATELY. Aggressive behavior before and during the interview, tragic breaks in the hands, pathos and all kinds of attracting attention to your person - understand that this will be repeated with different variations every day. Oh gods, let's better not take him: he belongs on the stage, not in your office.

11. Master of improvisation

He uses a bunch of meaningless filler words, doesn't bring a resume, makes up stories on the fly, and isn't willing to provide references from a previous employer. In general, it seems that this person will not suit us. And you?

12. Illiterate miracle

Such a person writes and speaks with monstrous errors, as if he had never been to school. Anytime and anywhere. He doesn’t just make typos, he “travels” to conferences, “catches” luck by the tail and uses “their” new products. His speech, both written and oral, is replete with vernacular, mixed together with “rumored insights” and verbs like “try.” Even without being a grammar Nazi, I want to kick such an applicant out of sight.

13. Smartphone addict

Does the candidate sit with her head glued to her smartphone even during the interview? Is the candidate distracted by calls? Get them out of the waiting room as quickly as possible. Yes, gadgets are cool, but attention deficit disorder and manic dependence on a smartphone will not help you and your company in normal work. The main thing is not to love smartphones as if they were your liver; The main thing is to be able to communicate within the team and beyond. What kind of communication can we talk about if the applicant sits in a chat or calls somewhere all the time?

Do you have your own particularly unpleasant types of applicants?