Presentation of the fairy tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears".

UMK: “Spotlight 4”

Theme: "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"

Lesson objectives:

Subject: development of dialogical speech skills.

Metasubject: acquaintance with the culture of the target language.

Personal: development of communication skills necessary for cooperation with peers

Tasks: form a UUD.


sense-making (motivation, defining one’s boundaries of knowledge and “ignorance”)

desire to acquire new knowledge, skills, improve existing ones


acquaintance with the culture of the country and the language being studied

putting forward hypotheses and their substantiation

synthesis (completion of sentences)


use of language means to solve communicative problems

formation of dialogical speech


ability to work in a team, manage one’s educational activities (goal setting)

control and self-esteem

definition of the area of ​​“Knowledge and ignorance”

semantic reading (relationship between pictures and text)

Planned results:

Students voice a certain set of words in their speech:

fairytale, pot, porridge;

get acquainted with a fragment of the popular English fairy tale “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”, immerse yourself in gamification using online resources and a training platform

Equipment: screen, three bear toys, Goldilocks doll, envelopes with assignments, computer, interactive textbook application (video, audio), learning platform

Slide 6

Today we are going to read the fairytale.


And now let’s listen to the text

We have some new words in the text

Let's look at them

As you know, our lesson is full of magic today, Look we have got three Bears in the magic wood.

(The teacher removes the forest screen, and behind it sit 3 bears, each bear has an envelope with assignments in it)

And they have some letters. Let's see!!

Daddy Bear has got the first task for you

The teacher takes an envelope, takes out the assignments and distributes them to the children.

Let's start...

(wheel of Fortune)

Very Well!

Let's look!

Mummy Bear has got a letter for you too.

(the teacher takes the letter from the second bear and distributes worksheets to the students)

Our lesson is coming to the end. You worked very hard. Your answer was good. Thanks for your work. What was interesting for you at the lesson?

Each of you has colored apples on your desk, and on the board there are bears who went for the apples.

Green apple for Mishutka – if you remember new words

Red apple for mom - if you can form a sentence with these words

Blue apple for dad - if you can act out the dialogue with these words.

What a great fellow you are today.

Let's applaud ourselves and those who have mastered new words today (those who have learned to use these words in a sentence, those who have learned to use these words in dialogical speech.)

Homework: draw a fragment of a fairy tale and label the characters.

Guys, Goldilocks was watching you throughout the lesson and she really liked how you worked today. She didn’t come to you empty-handed, and gives you a pot of porridge for your excellent work.

The teacher distributes pots of porridge (salt dough pendant) as souvenirs to students.


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In one forest, in a wooden house, lived three bears - a father bear, a mother bear and a little bear cub Mishutka. One day the bear prepared a stew and poured it into three bowls: a large one for dad, a medium one for herself, and a small one for the little bear. The stew turned out to be too hot, and the bears went for a walk until it cooled down.

Meanwhile, the girl Mashenka was walking in the forest and got lost. Suddenly she saw a house on the forest edge. The door was ajar and Mashenka entered. On the table, Masha saw three bowls of stew. The girl took a large spoon and sipped from the largest bowl. Then she took a medium spoon and sipped from the medium bowl. In the third, small blue bowl, the stew turned out to be the best, and Masha ate it all.

The girl wanted to sit and saw three chairs at the table: large, medium and small. She climbed onto the big chair; it was too high; then she sat down on the middle chair, it was uncomfortable. Then Mashenka settled down on the smallest chair and laughed: it was so good. But the chair broke and she fell to the floor.

Soon Masha felt sleepy. She entered another room and saw three beds: a large, medium and small. The girl lay down on the big one - it was too spacious; lay down on the middle one - too high. Then Masha lay down in the small bed - it fit her just right, and she fell asleep.

And the bears came home hungry and wanted to have dinner. The big bear looked into his bowl and roared in a terrible voice: “Who drank from my bowl?” Mama bear looked at her bowl and growled not so loudly: “Who drank from my bowl?” -And Mishutka saw his empty bowl and squeaked in a thin voice: “Who drank from my bowl and drank it all up?”

Papa Bear looked at his chair and growled in a scary voice: “Who was sitting on my chair and moved it from its place?” -Mama Bear looked at her chair and growled not so loudly: -Who was sitting on my chair and moved it from its place? - Mishutka saw his broken chair and squeaked: - Who was sitting on my chair and moved it from its place?

And Mishutka set up a bench, climbed into his crib and wanted to say the same thing as his parents, but suddenly he saw Masha sleeping there: - There she is! Hold it, hold it! The girl opened her eyes, saw the bears, got scared and rushed to the window. The window was open, she jumped out of it and ran away. And the bears didn’t catch up with her.

Svetlana Aleksandrovna Volkova
Presentation "Three Bears"

Teach children to navigate space: near, under, behind, on a chair. Strengthen the ability to compare objects by size, length, width, height. Fix the idea of ​​dividing a whole into equal parts, geometric shapes.

Fix numbers and ordinal counting within five, as well as parts of the day.

Develop logical thinking through oral folk art. Foster imaginative perception and self-expression.

Equipment. Cones; basket; colored cards for the game for each, yellow, orange, blue and black; sheet of white paper (square) for each child;

Preliminary work: We fix the parts of the day in accordance with a certain color.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, Masha came to visit us today. He often watches us and sees how fun it is in our kindergarten. And because we are funny guys, Masha invites us to a fairy tale. Do you agree? There are two paths in front of us.

What length are they?

What width are they? (short, long, wide, narrow).

Which path will take us to the fairy tale faster? (short - wide). Let's take the short, wide path. So we came to a fairy tale.

Publications on the topic:

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