“E-mail marketing. Comprehensive guide "Dmitry Kot

We have released a new book "Content Marketing in social networks: How to get into the head of subscribers and fall in love with your brand.


How many times have I heard or read this phrase in a message? Well, it would seem, yes - a quarrel, yes - you screwed up, yes - you are also not an angel in this situation. It's a matter of life, why so exacerbate everything? We can resolve it peacefully! And now I wanted to quit already and the application for ordering food. But no. I would rather part with Margot Robbie myself than with my beloved "Hawaiian" pizza. I take and order. The service got what it wanted. And all thanks to the fact that I was hooked by the title in their message. If you want the same result, you need to correctly build a sales system through e-mail. Books on .

It is said that this kind of promotion is long dead. That he has slipped into spam, and there is no way back for him. Don't believe it. And that's why:

  • High subscriber loyalty.
    If subscribers agree to the newsletter, it means that these people are interested in your services and topics that you will disclose. Accordingly, they, future potential regular customers, are already on your bait.
  • Point attacks.
    It is not a fact that an article or an announcement on your blog will reach at least part of target audience. After all, they do not sit all day on your site. But modern users check mailboxes several times a day. There you will already lie in wait for them.
  • Clients at a glance.
    Who opened the newsletter, how many of them, where they clicked, at what time, from which country, what articles / products they viewed, what products it led to the purchase - you can see it all. This means that you can fine-tune your mailing list to the specifics of your target audience.

But for you to really benefit from email marketing, you need to learn how to do it right. Therefore, I have compiled for you a list of special literature, with the ability to read and download books on email marketing for free.

Best Email Marketing Books

3. Alexey Efimov “Email marketing for an online store. Implementation Instructions»
A simple and understandable step-by-step algorithm for setting up a key channel of contact between an online store and a buyer. Reading is best in parallel with practical use.

Yes, the links are attached from Amazon. Because abroad it is difficult to download books on email marketing for free, and no one tries to save money on it. When translated into our money, books cost a penny, but the knowledge embedded in them is priceless.

Once you're a pro at email marketing, you can head over to the Mailing Day forum. It takes place in various major cities in the CIS. It is attended by employees of mailing services and mailers, advanced mailers large companies like: Mail.Ru, Enter, GetResponse. If you can not get to the conference, then there is an opportunity to buy video reports.

Email marketing - effective, not demanding big investments way of dealing with clients. With it, you can make constant repeat sales and receive feedback from buyers and clients. To properly apply it, you can download email marketing books for free from this article. With them, you will competently build a promotion system through e-mail.

3. Work without testing and analysis of statistics.

4. Manual control.

5. Irregularity.

6. Sale without "acquaintance".

Ignorance of letter types

In order for e-mail marketing to produce tangible results, it is important to use different types of letters to solve problems.

What types can be distinguished?

Regular information (content) mailing. Main tasks: retaining subscribers, building loyalty, announcing offers, goods, services.

We will talk about how to use different types of letters later.

Company Newsletter

How is it not to send company news? Yes so. It's time to put an end to this issue. Dear reader, almost no one is interested in the news of your company. But why "practically"? Nobody at all! Answer honestly a simple question: how many mailing lists with company news are you personally subscribed to? Is the resulting number much greater than 0?

You can attract and retain a subscriber only by providing a useful or interesting for him information. In most cases, company news does not contain such information. However, it is possible and necessary to report on the events taking place within the structure, with a little adaptation for the audience.

Work without testing and statistics analysis

What do a subscriber and a coin have in common? Two sides!

The Eagle is a typical average subscriber with the interests, problems, and expectations that are typical for most of your readers.

"Tails" - the image of a subscriber in your imagination.

As you understand, the type and image often do not match. Many marketers are guided by a fictional image. It turns out that every time you prepare the release of the newsletter, you are flipping a coin. Heads or tails?..

I often observe this situation when analyzing the mailing lists of my clients. First, they point out that the core of subscribers are company executives. After all, everyone wants their newsletter to be read by top managers. We are conducting a survey. It turns out that the bulk of subscribers are middle managers: marketers or purchasing or sales managers.

Manual control

Folk wisdom says: even if a person had eight hands, seven of them would click on the Vkontakte links. You or your employee has too much to do and not enough time to also conduct e-mail marketing manually.

By "hands" is meant the use of "home-made" solutions. What people just do not come up with to complicate their lives. Tricky bundles "mail program + spreadsheet with a database" or a special solution "special manager": a specially trained employee sends a dozen letters from his computer every three minutes, driving the recipients' addresses into the "To" line. Are you still surprised when you don't get any response to such "newsletters"?

What's bad about it? Let's figure it out.

First, the letters do not reach. From 30 to 100% of letters that are not sent through specialized services end up in the Spam folder or do not reach the addressee at all: they are cut off at the mail server level.

Second, you don't have statistics. The employee who sends the emails has no idea how the subscribers react to them. What is the percentage of recipients who opened the letter, what links they clicked on, how many people unsubscribed. Subscriber information is not collected.

Subscribers are the most valuable thing you have. Information about their behavior, accumulated over 3-6 months, gives you an understanding of your own readers. Having it, you can segment the list and pick up your own key for each subscriber. And this has a positive effect on sales.

Conclusion: use specialized solutions for e-mail newsletters.


To build subscriber loyalty, regularity is important. You can't do it in one letter. Ragged rhythm is good. Long pauses between letters are bad. You can't go missing for more than a month.

I'll give you an example. The online store contacted me. The situation is the following. A database of clients and potential buyers is maintained. It contains 25,000 addresses that have been collected over several years. They just gathered, no work was done with them. At one point, the marketing department decided to make a newsletter.

Put yourself in the place of the recipient of the letter. You made an order a few years ago, paid, received the purchase and forgot about the existence of the seller. In less than five years, an e-mail arrives from the store. What emotions will you experience when you open it? Will something similar to respect and loyalty warm up in the soul? Hardly. That's how the customers reacted - no way. There was practically no reaction.

After some time, the second issue of the mailing list came out, then the third. When the results upset even the most hardened optimists, the situation was seriously analyzed, and it turned out that 75% of the recipients from the database did not even open the letters. They considered it spam and removed it. Always remember: on average, 21% of users click on the "Spam" button even if the email is not spam.

What did the staff do to improve the situation:

– divided bases into segments (customers, potential customers);

– tried to wake up “sleeping” subscribers (those who have not read the newsletter for several months);

- cleaned up the base;

– developed a strategy for each segment of subscribers.

Steps performed randomly work poorly. Episodic impulses to do at least something - do not work at all. Email Marketing implies regularity. The analogy is simple. If you brush your teeth only once a month, then there is no result. If you go to the gym once a month, the effect is zero.

Let's see what the violation of the regularity of mailings leads to.

The base is getting old. Did you know that the subscriber base ages by 5-10% per month? In other words, after 30 days, 10 out of 100 people stop reading you. The reasons are different. More often than not, the information you provide is out of date. For example, a mother of an infant is no longer interested in advice to pregnant women.

An emotional connection breaks. I believe that e-mail marketing should be thought of as talking to a friend. In order for attachment to arise, the regularity of touching is important. Remember? So that emotions do not go out, you need to constantly throw firewood into the fire. Write letters to remind yourself. If an abyss from the life of a client for several months or a year, then someone else will take an empty place in his soul. And you have to start over.

Sale without "acquaintance"

Frankly answer the question: are you personally ready to place an order in an unknown online store? In a company whose website you see for the first time? Of course, it's all about the amount of the purchase. If it's small and you're willing to take the risk, then yes. If a lot of money is at stake, then it matters whether you know the seller. With a series of regular touches, you can make the client feel like they are familiar with your company. As you understand, the numbers depend on the market, person, country, and dozens of other factors, but on average, 7-10 touches are enough.

Examples of touches: visiting a website, reading an article written and signed by your specialist, examining your company's sign, visiting your company's social media group. Of course, receiving emails. Regular touches form fame and remove the barrier of mistrust.

Note that we are talking about letters of any type. The fact is important. Received a letter, read it - the touch is counted. The effect is enhanced by a competent strategy.

Consider the situation on the example of a printing house in a large city. There are few customers - something needs to be done. The situation is complicated by intense competition and the traditional distrust of printers on the part of customers.

Step number 1. Attracting potential customers.

Signature page is created on the site. The visitor is invited to leave an email address in order to receive useful and interesting information.

Step #2: Building trust.

After subscribing, a series of letters is launched automatically. The goal is to build trust in the printing house.

Third letter. After 2-3 days. It contains several cases. They are written in an interesting way, and the information is useful for the subscriber: he can learn from other people's examples, take out useful information for himself. It’s great if each case ends with a quote from a satisfied client’s review.

fourth letter. After 2-3 days. It contains several more case studies or recommendations from experts.

Fifth letter. After 2-3 days. And now, after the subscriber has received a series of letters and a series of touches has taken place, we move on to selling. The letter contains an announcement of a promotion for new subscribers. A limited-time offer for a specific service.

sixth letter. After 2-3 days. We repeat the announcement of the action.

The response from such a strategy will be very good. Why? Because you touched the subscriber several times, removing objections and building trust.


2. Understand how your company stores customer email addresses. How easy is it to get them? What customer information other than email address is available? Company name... Anything else?

  • 17.

Dmitry Kot

The title of the book erroneously contains the phrase "Comprehensive Guide". It would be more correct to add a "Comprehensive guide before starting email marketing." In fact, the book is aimed at beginners who have never collected a subscriber base and have not worked with it. But, no doubt, some of the tips will be useful for people with experience in the field of email marketing.

Email marketing, not aimless mailings

Since we are talking about e-mail marketing, and not aimless mailings, the author first of all focuses on building trusting relationships with customers. You should not “please” subscribers with company news or constant promotional offers. The information in the letters should be primarily useful for subscribers, and as an addition, you can specify a little advertising. This way, your emails will continue to be opened, read, and bought what you advertise.

As I said, the book describes the preparation stage before using the mailing list well:

  • Where to get subscribers
  • What data should be collected from subscribers
  • How often and when to send the newsletter
  • How to design the fields "from whom", "the subject of the letter" and the content of the letter itself
  • What types of letters are there and when to use them

For a beginner, the information in the book is enough to start a mailing list. But when the question of launching turns into the question of increasing sales, then there are few answers. Dmitry talks a lot about testing, but does not give any specifics. I agree that it is impossible to assert the effectiveness of various techniques without quantitative indicators specifically for your business. But I, as a reader, would like to see some experiments and ideas for testing.

Each chapter of the book ends with homework. I strongly advise you to follow all the points in good faith.

First of all, the book will be useful for information businessmen and owners of online stores. With one "but": only at the initial stage of using the mailing list as a marketing tool. More experienced marketers will also be able to find interesting tricks, but for them I recommend training

Copyright © 2003 John R. Mitchell
© Design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2013

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.
Legal support of the publishing house is provided by law firm"Vegas Lex"

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Introduction. About good and evil

About the difference between newsletter and e-mail marketing

About the benefits of email marketing

Top Email Marketing Mistakes

Above, we have covered the basics of email marketing. They can be reduced to three words: base, respect, benefit. The first step has been taken. Pitfalls right on the course - mistakes that destroy the effectiveness of e-mail marketing:
1. Ignorance of types of letters.
2. Newsletter of the company.
3. Work without testing and analysis of statistics.
4. Manual control.
5. Irregularity.
6. Sale without "acquaintance".

Ignorance of letter types

Company Newsletter

How is it not to send company news? Yes so. It's time to put an end to this issue. Dear reader, almost no one is interested in the news of your company. But why "practically"? Nobody at all! Answer honestly a simple question: how many mailing lists with company news are you personally subscribed to? Is the resulting number much greater than 0?
You can attract and retain a subscriber only by providing a useful or interesting for him information. In most cases, company news does not contain such information. However, it is possible and necessary to report on the events taking place within the structure, with a little adaptation for the audience.

Work without testing and statistics analysis

Manual control

Folk wisdom says: even if a person had eight hands, seven of them would click on the Vkontakte links. You or your employee has too much to do and not enough time to also conduct e-mail marketing manually.
By "hands" is meant the use of "home-made" solutions. What people just do not come up with to complicate their lives. Tricky bundles "mail program + spreadsheet with a database" or a special solution "special manager": a specially trained employee sends a dozen letters from his computer every three minutes, driving the recipients' addresses into the "To" line. Are you still surprised when you don't get any response to such "newsletters"?
What's bad about it? Let's figure it out.
First, the letters do not reach. From 30 to 100% of letters that are not sent through specialized services end up in the Spam folder or do not reach the addressee at all: they are cut off at the mail server level.
Second, you don't have statistics. The employee who sends the emails has no idea how the subscribers react to them. What is the percentage of recipients who opened the letter, what links they clicked on, how many people unsubscribed. Subscriber information is not collected.
Subscribers are the most valuable thing you have. Information about their behavior, accumulated over 3-6 months, gives you an understanding of your own readers. Having it, you can segment the list and pick up your own key for each subscriber. And this has a positive effect on sales.
Conclusion: use specialized solutions for e-mail newsletters.


To build subscriber loyalty, regularity is important. You can't do it in one letter. Ragged rhythm is good. Long pauses between letters are bad. You can't go missing for more than a month.

I'll give you an example. The online store contacted me. The situation is the following. A database of clients and potential buyers is maintained. It contains 25,000 addresses that have been collected over several years. They just gathered, no work was done with them. At one point, the marketing department decided to make a newsletter.
Put yourself in the place of the recipient of the letter. You made an order a few years ago, paid, received the purchase and forgot about the existence of the seller. In less than five years, an e-mail arrives from the store. What emotions will you experience when you open it? Will something similar to respect and loyalty warm up in the soul? Hardly. That's how the customers reacted - no way. There was practically no reaction.
After some time, the second issue of the mailing list came out, then the third. When the results upset even the most hardened optimists, the situation was seriously analyzed, and it turned out that 75% of the recipients from the database did not even open the letters. They considered it spam and removed it. Always remember: on average, 21% of users click on the "Spam" button even if the email is not spam.
What did the staff do to improve the situation:
– divided bases into segments (customers, potential customers);
– tried to wake up “sleeping” subscribers (those who have not read the newsletter for several months);
- cleaned up the base;
– developed a strategy for each segment of subscribers.
Steps performed randomly work poorly. Episodic impulses to do at least something - do not work at all. E-mail marketing means regularity. The analogy is simple. If you brush your teeth only once a month, then there is no result. If you go to the gym once a month, the effect is zero.
Let's see what the violation of the regularity of mailings leads to.
The base is getting old. Did you know that the subscriber base ages by 5-10% per month? In other words, after 30 days, 10 out of 100 people stop reading you. The reasons are different. More often than not, the information you provide is out of date. For example, a mother of an infant is no longer interested in advice to pregnant women.
It turns out that the release of the newsletter that you did not make is the orders that you lost. The person wanted to read and was ready to buy, as the relevance of the information for him was high. But in right time I didn't receive a letter from you...
An emotional connection breaks. I believe that e-mail marketing should be thought of as talking to a friend. In order for attachment to arise, the regularity of touching is important. Remember? So that emotions do not go out, you need to constantly throw firewood into the fire. Write letters to remind yourself. If an abyss from the life of a client for several months or a year, then someone else will take an empty place in his soul. And you have to start over.

Sale without "acquaintance"


Subscription points

Chapter 1 Signature Page

How will a person get into the database and receive your newsletter? He needs to subscribe - leave his email address in the subscription form.
The subscription form consists of several fields and a "Subscribe" button. Each field is a request for information about the subscriber. Think about it: what else do you want to know about the reader besides the email address? Subscribing to a newsletter can be an easy road or a nightmare obstacle course. Which is easier - fill out a twelve-field form or enter only an email address?
The subscription form can be located separately or be part of the point of contact (subscription page, site or banner). It is her subscriber who must notice, understand what is required of him, and fill it out correctly.
In this chapter, we will look at issues related to the sign-up page (sometimes referred to as the landing page).

Signature Page Elements

The most common elements of a subscription page can be reduced to the following list.
Title. Necessary to grab the visitor's attention.
Subscription form. This is where a person leaves an email address.
Text. With it, you convince to subscribe to the newsletter.
Video. The video can supplement or replace the text.
Subscriber reviews. They increase the effectiveness of the text. With their help, you show that the newsletter is “live”, that it is read and satisfied with it.

But not all of them are necessary. The signature page is reminiscent of a single man's dinner. There are required ingredients and there are additional ones. In the evening meal of the average bachelor, beer is an indispensable element. Everything else - as it turns out. Signature page should have subscription form and text, which will force your reader to click on the "Subscribe" button.
We will talk about the subscription form in detail later, but here we will focus on the text.

Signature page text

It depends on him whether they will sign or not. Many newsletter writers face a barrier: why spend time and effort on text when signing up for a newsletter is free? The strongest argument: “I am already doing a great favor to the world by sharing valuable information with subscribers. I share for free. Whoever wants to, let him sign."
Of course, such an approach has the right to life. But if you want to convert as many of your site visitors into subscribers as possible, you need to change your point of view. You need a strong selling text in which you will present the newsletter in a favorable light.
I will share with you the technique of how to set yourself up for the necessary actions. Imagine that the subscription to your newsletter is paid. How much would you like to receive per month from each subscriber? A thousand, five, ten? Think boldly. Denomination and currency. Guessed? Now write the text. After all, you need to convince a person to pay you that kind of money for a subscription. Have you written? Now remove the price and at the end of the text put not the "Buy" button, but the "Subscribe" button.
The signature page can be built in different ways depending on the “genre”. It could be a simple announcement, highlighting a solution to a problem, or offering a reward for a subscription.

Newsletter announcement

The text consists of a heading and two or three paragraphs.
Block #1: Introducing the Newsletter. Specify its name and subject. Literally 4-5 sentences.
For example:

What can be done to make the texts more and more actively contribute to sales?
The answer is simple. Try new tricks, tricks and tricks regularly. And where to get them? AT mailing list"Revelations of a copywriter". Every week a small email will be sent to your inbox. Text page. It has a chip, trick or advice. Take and use.
Block number 2: "teasers". Their purpose is to whet the reader's appetite. “Teasers” are 4–6 theses in which you hint at what happened in past newsletter releases. If you haven’t sent a newsletter before, then you just invent such a block.
For example,
In past editions of the newsletter, you got acquainted with the following chips:
– simple tricks that increase the effectiveness of headlines;
- killer words that reduce the effectiveness of the text by an order of magnitude;
– links to books on copywriting and selling texts;
– price confirmation tips – how to convince the client that your price is profitable;
- recommendations on how to push potential client to action;