Presentation on the topic of the geographic shell of the earth. Presentation on the topic "geographical envelope"

It is inherent both to individual geographical objects in small areas (for example, a lake, a forest, a river floodplain, etc.), and to the entire geographical shell, which consists of many geographical complexes of different scales. A change in some natural complexes causes a change in others, which are interconnected with the first. For example, after draining a swamp, the groundwater level drops ...

Field, meadow), acultural (as a result of irrational human activity) and degraded landscapes, that is, those that have lost the ability to perform the functions of reproducing a healthy environment. The differentiation of the geographic envelope into natural complexes is due to the uneven supply of heat to its different parts and the heterogeneity of the earth's surface (the presence of continents and oceanic depressions, mountains, ...

the use of natural resources and the preservation of favorable conditions for human life on our planet. 1. Geographical envelope Geographical envelope is an integral and continuous shell of the Earth, including the lower part of the atmosphere, the upper part of the lithosphere, the entire hydrosphere and the entire biosphere. Between the shells of the Earth there is a complex interaction, a continuous exchange ...

105 tons of molecular oxygen and bind 18.84 1017 kJ of solar energy transformed into the potential chemical energy of organic substances. The distribution of plant mass within the geographic envelope is uneven. It depends on hydrothermal conditions, topography, soils, etc. The bulk of land vegetation is accounted for by forests (82% of total reserves), although they ...

The geographic shell of the earth or the landscape shell, the sphere of interpenetration and interaction of the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. It is characterized by a complex composition and structure. The vertical thickness of the geographical envelope is tens of kilometers. The integrity of the geographic envelope is determined by the continuous energy and mass exchange between the land and the atmosphere, the World Ocean and organisms. Natural processes in the geographic envelope are carried out due to the radiant energy of the Sun and the internal energy of the Earth. Within the geographic shell, humanity arose and is developing, drawing resources from the shell for its existence and influencing it.

The upper boundary of the Geographical envelope should be drawn along the stratopause, because up to this point, the thermal effect of the earth's surface on atmospheric processes affects. The boundary of the geographic shell in the lithosphere is combined with the lower limit of the hypergenesis region. Sometimes the foot of the stratisphere, the average depth of seismic or volcanic sources, the base of the earth's crust, and the level of zero annual temperature amplitudes are sometimes taken as the lower boundary of the geographic envelope. Thus, the geographical envelope completely covers the hydrosphere, descending in the ocean 10-11 km below the Earth's surface, the upper zone of the earth's crust and the lower part of the atmosphere (a layer 25-30 km thick). The greatest thickness of the geographical envelope is close to 40 km.

The qualitative differences between the geographic shell and other shells of the Earth are as follows. The geographical envelope is formed under the influence of both terrestrial and cosmic processes; it is exceptionally rich in various types of free energy; the substance is present in all states of aggregation; the degree of aggregation of matter is extremely diverse - from free elementary particles - from atoms, ions, molecules to chemical compounds and the most complex biological bodies; the concentration of heat coming from the sun; presence of human society.

The main material components of the geographic envelope are the rocks that form the earth's crust in form - relief), air masses, water accumulations, soil cover and biocenoses; in the polar latitudes and high mountains, the role of ice accumulations is essential.

The main energy components are gravitational energy, the internal heat of the Earth, the radiant energy of the Sun and the energy of cosmic rays. Despite the limited set of components, their combinations can be very diverse; it also depends on the number of terms included in the combination and on their internal variations, since each component is also a very complex natural combination and, most importantly, on the nature of their interaction and relationships, i.e., on the geographical structure.

The geographic envelope has the following important features:

1) the integrity of the geographical shell, due to the continuous exchange of matter and energy between its constituent parts, since the interaction of all components binds them into a single material system, in which a change in even one link entails an associated change in all the others.

2) The presence of the circulation of substances and the energy associated with it, which ensures the repetition of the same processes and phenomena and their high overall efficiency with a limited volume of the initial substance involved in these processes. The complexity of the cycles is different: some of them are mechanical movements (atmospheric circulation, a system of sea surface currents), others are accompanied by a change in the aggregate state of matter (water circulation on Earth), thirdly, its chemical transformation also occurs (biological cycle). The cycles, however, are not closed, and the differences between their initial and final stages testify to the development of the system.

3) Rhythm, i.e., the repetition in time of various processes and phenomena. It is due mainly to astronomical and geological reasons. There is a daily rhythm (change of day and night), annual (change of seasons), intra-secular (for example, cycles of 25-50 years, observed in climate fluctuations, glaciers, lake levels, river flow, etc.), super-secular (for example , change for every 1800-1900 years of a phase of a cool-humid climate with a phase of dry and warm), geological (caledonian, hercynian, alpine cycles of 200-240 million years each), etc. Rhythms, like cycles, are not closed: the state that was at the beginning of the rhythm is not repeated at the end.

4). Continuity of development of the geographic shell, as a kind of integral system under the influence of the contradictory interaction of exogenous and endogenous forces. The consequences and features of this development are: a) territorial differentiation of the surface of the land, ocean and seabed into areas that differ in internal features and external appearance (landscapes, geocomplexes); determined by spatial changes in geographic structure; special forms of territorial differentiation—geographical zonality; b) polar asymmetry, ie, significant differences in the nature of the geographical envelope in the northern and southern hemispheres; manifests itself in the distribution of land and sea (the vast majority of land in the Northern Hemisphere), climate, composition of flora and fauna, in the nature of landscape zones, etc.; c) heterochrony or metachronism of the development of the geographic envelope, due to the spatial heterogeneity of the nature of the Earth, as a result of which at the same moment different territories are either in different phases of an equally directed evolutionary process, or differ from each other in the direction of development (examples: ancient glaciation in different regions Earth began and ended at the same time, in some geographical areas the climate becomes drier, in others at the same time - wetter, etc.).

The geographical shell is the subject of study of physical geography.

Cosmic factors in the formation of the geographic envelope movement of galaxies
radiation from stars and the sun
interaction of planets and satellites,
impact of small celestial bodies
- asteroids, comets, meteoroids

Astronomical unit -
average distance from earth to
1 a.u. = 149,600,000 km.
A light year is the distance
which light travels in a year:
1 St. year = 9.46 x 1012 km.

Our galaxy is the Milky Way

Consists of 150 billion stars, more than
100 nebulae.
The main chemical elements in
Our galaxy is hydrogen and helium.
The solar system revolves around
center of the Galaxy at a speed of 200220 km / s, making one revolution per
180-200 million years.

The solar system consists of a central star - the Sun, eight planets, more than 60 satellites, more than 40,000 asteroids and about

1,000,000 comets.

The sun is the central star of the solar
The diameter of the Sun is 1.39 million.
The mass of the Sun is 1.989 x 1030 kg.
The age of the Sun is estimated at 5-4.6
billion years.
hydrogen - 71%,
helium - 27%,
carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, metals -

The sun emits two main
energy flow -
electromagnetic (solar
corpuscular (solar wind)

Electromagnetic radiation

propagates at the speed of light and
reaches the Earth's surface in 8.4 minutes.
In the emission spectrum,
radiation (about 7%),
visible light radiation (47%),
invisible infrared radiation
radio waves
is less than 1% of the radiation.

Corpuscular radiation

charged particle stream
(electrons and protons) going
from the sun. Its speed is 15003000 km / s, it reaches
magnetosphere for several days.

solar system

General properties of the planets

all planets are spherical;
all planets revolve around the sun
one direction - counterclockwise.
axial rotation of most planets
going in the same direction
hour hand. The exception is
Venus and Uranus
orbits of most planets are close in
shape to circle

Asteroids (from the Greek astereideis -
stellar) - small planets
solar system They form a thin
ring between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
Comets (from Greek kometes - tailed)
small non-luminous bodies of the solar
systems that become visible
only when approaching the sun.
Meteors are the smallest solid bodies.
weighing several grams, intruding into
planet's atmosphere.
Meteorites - fallen to the surface
planets are celestial bodies.

Planetary factors in the formation of the geographic envelope

orbital movement and axial
earth rotation,
the shape and size of the planet,
internal structure of the earth
geophysical fields

Planet Earth

The earth revolves around the sun in an orbit
The average radius of the orbit is 149.6 million km,
orbit length 934 million km
perihelion -147, 117, a
aphelion 152,083 million km.
Orbital speed is 29.765
the period of revolution is 365.24 mean solar days.
The planet rotates around an axis inclined to
plane of the orbit at an angle of 66033/22//, making a revolution in 23 hours.
56 min. 4.1 sec.
The moon is at an average distance of 384 from the earth
400 thousand km.

The average density of the Earth's matter \u003d 5.5 g / cm3 The volume of the Earth \u003d 1.08 x 1012 km3 The mass of the Earth \u003d 5.98 x 1024 kg; Earth area = 510

million km2
The mean radius of the Earth = 6371.032 km.
Equatorial radius = 6378.160 km;
Polar radius = 6356.777 km;




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WE KNOW: What are the patterns of the geographic shell How is the relationship between the patterns


GEOGRAPHICAL SHELL PC Soil Plants Air Animals Relief Water

Z Ts GS h Geographic constructor "Regularities of GO" GO PC - geographical envelope - natural complex - zoning - integrity - rhythm = - height - geographical latitude - relationship - time

change in PC Latitudinal zonality W PLAIN (GS) ZONING PATTERN OF GO

Altitudinal zonality (h) HIMALAYAS ALPS

PK change Latitudinal zonality Altitudinal zonality PLAIN (GSh) PK change H MOUNTAINS (h) ZONING PATTERN OF GO

PK components CLIMATE SOIL PLANTS ANIMALS) Natural zone relationship

RHYTHMS Diurnal Annual Multiannual time

Task: determine patterns (rhythm, integrity, zoning) ANSWER: Rhythm (annual) Winter Spring Summer Autumn

Task: identify patterns (rhythm, integrity, zoning) A B C Answer: zoning (AWB) Arctic desert Savannah Taiga

Task: determine patterns (rhythm, integrity, zoning) Answer: integrity Biological circulation

TEST key: 1 G 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 B

WE LEARNED: 3 C PC components interrelation time PC change Latitudinal zonality Altitudinal zonation PLAIN (GSh) MOUNTAINS (h)


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slide 2

  • Our planet consists of several shells. The substances that make up the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere move, penetrate each other. The shell of living organisms - the biosphere also interacts with all other shells. Thus, underground water seeps and accumulates in the lithosphere, air penetrates into it, and living organisms loosen the upper layer of the lithosphere.
  • slide 3

    slide 4

    • Our planet consists of several shells. The substances that make up the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere move, penetrate each other. The shell of living organisms - the biosphere also interacts with all other shells. Thus, underground water seeps and accumulates in the lithosphere, air penetrates into it, and living organisms loosen the upper layer of the lithosphere.
  • slide 5

    slide 6

    Slide 7

    GO properties

    • The most important properties of GO are the presence of life, the integrity of the shell and the presence in GO of matter in three states (liquid, solid and gaseous). Feature development of GO - rhythm. This is the periodicity and repetition of the same processes and phenomena in time.
  • Slide 8

    Slide 9

    Circulation of substances

    • In the earth's crust, too, there is a cycle of matter. The most important role in the life of GO is played by the biological cycle.
  • Slide 10

    slide 11


  • slide 12

    • The biosphere (from the Greek "sphere of life") is the shell of the Earth, which is inhabited by living organisms and is transformed by them. For the first time in science, the term "biosphere" appeared in 1875 thanks to the Austrian scientist Eduard Suess (1831-1914).
  • slide 13

    Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky

    • In the 20s. XX century, an outstanding Russian scientist, academician Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (1853-1945) developed the "Teaching about the biosphere" - the shell of the Earth inhabited by living organisms. IN AND. Vernadsky extended the concept of the biosphere not only to organisms, but also to the environment.
  • Slide 14

    • The biosphere is made up of the living matter of the planet, represented by: microorganisms, plants, animals and humans.
  • slide 15

    • Life on Earth originated over 3 billion years ago in water bodies.
    • Blue-green algae are considered the first organisms.
    • Approximately 400 million years ago, life from water spread to land.
    • Some forms of life have survived today. Such species are called relics.
    • Relics (from Latin “remains”) are species of animals and plants that have survived from widespread in the past, and now extinct faunas and floras.
  • slide 16

  • Slide 17

    The biological cycle of substances on land

  • Slide 18

    • The water cycle ensures the interaction of the oceans with the atmosphere. The atmosphere protects the waters of the oceans from strong evaporation and receives moisture evaporating from the surface of the oceans. Marine air masses carry heat and moisture from the ocean to land. On the coasts of the oceans, where there is a constant transfer of sea air mass to land, an oceanic (marine) climate is formed.
  • Slide 19

    • In the entire history of life on Earth, about half a billion species have existed in the biosphere! Today, biologists count about 2 million species of living beings on the planet. The formation of the biosphere continues today.
    • Blue-green algae have survived to this day
    • Dragon tree from the Canary Islands - a relic of past eras