Yurkharovskoye gas and oil field. Yurkharovskoye field Production dynamics at the field

Yurkharovskoye field natural gas, gas condensate and oil is the first in terms of reserves and production volume among the fields of the NOVATEK company. Successful development of this field is the main source of near-term production growth, as well as a key element of the company's current strategy aimed at meeting the growing demand for natural gas in the domestic Russian market.

Yurkharovskoye field was discovered in 1970 by well No. 19 of Glavtyumengeologiya, located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug beyond the Arctic Circle in the southeastern part of the Taz Peninsula in the Nadym-Pur-Tazovsky region. The field is located 450 km northeast of the city of Salekhard and is confined to the local uplift of the same name Messoyakha-Balakhna oil and gas belt of the West Siberian oil and gas province. The deposit has an area of ​​approximately 260 square meters. km and is located 50 km east of the Gazprom-owned Yamburgskoye field and approximately 300 km north of the city of Novy Urengoy. The western part of the field is located on the Tazovsky Peninsula, and the central and eastern parts are located on the shelf of the Tazovskaya Bay, the average depth of which is four meters. Refers to the distributed subsoil fund. The license was issued to Yurkharovneftegaz LLC. Production drilling is carried out on land, the field is developed using horizontal wells.

Yurkharovskoye field has one natural gas deposit, 19 gas condensate deposits and 3 oil and gas condensate deposits. Along the reflecting horizon “G”, the rise is contoured by an isohypsum - 1150 m and has an area of ​​450 km 2. The foundation has not been opened. Within the field, 2 gas, 11 gas-condensate and 3 gas-condensate-oil deposits of strata-vault, massive and lithologically screened types were identified. The reservoir consists of sandstones with lens-shaped layers of clays and limestones. The deposit belongs to the large class. Hydrocarbon depths range from 1,000 to 2,950 meters, with the Valanginian horizon, which is characterized by permeable sandstone, being our main production area. Productive deposits are compactly located in a small geographical area, which, in our opinion, increases the efficiency of development and development of these reserves, both in terms of capital investments and in terms of operating costs.

The table below provides information on reserves for the Yurkharovskoye field as of December 31, 2010:

Reserves SEC PRMS
Proven size Proven indestructible Total proven Proved reserves Probable reserves Proven and probable
Natural gas,
billion cubic meters
385 75 460 460 198 658
Liquid hydrocarbons,
million tons
20 3 23 23 10 33
2,693 513 3,206 3,206 1,381 4,587

The Russian Arctic zone is characterized by almost untapped mineral reserves, including oil and gas reserves. The largest oil and gas fields are concentrated in the Arctic zone. One of these fields is the Yurkharovskoye oil and gas condensate field (YUNGKM).

Location of the deposit

YUNGKM is located in the north of Western Siberia and is part of the Nazym-Pur oil and gas region. It is located 300 km north of the city of Novy Urengoy and is located beyond the Arctic Circle. The area is 260 square kilometers.

The main hydrocarbon deposits of the field are located on land in the area of ​​the Tazovsky Peninsula and on the shelf of the Tazovskaya Bay. Tazovskaya Bay is a bay of the Ob Bay of the Kara Sea. The depth of the bay is about 4 meters.

Hydrocarbon reserves (HC)

This deposit was discovered in 1970. Its development began in 2003.

Reserves include one gas reservoir, 19 gas and 3 oil condensate reservoirs. The field's reserves at the beginning of 2012 amounted to 445.5 billion m³ of gas and 24.6 million tons of condensates.

At the end of 2013, more than 38 billion m³ of gas and over 2.7 million tons of condensates were produced from this field.

Hydrocarbon production and transportation

Hydrocarbon minerals in the field lie at a depth of 1,000 to 2,950 m. Since the deposits of the field are concentrated quite compactly, this makes it possible to extract hydrocarbons at low costs. The greater efficiency of production is also determined by the fact that gas can be transported using the Urengoy-Yamburg gas pipeline, which runs just 51 km from the Yungkoy oil and gas condensate field.

Hydrocarbons are extracted from the bottom of the bay by drilling horizontal wells from land. At the same time, in order to minimize production costs at the field, the method of multilateral horizontal wells is used. This method reduces the total number of wells needed to produce more gas and oil. In addition, large diameter wells of 245 mm are used. The length of horizontal wells often exceeds 1,000 m. An example is the record well drilled in 2013 with a total length of 8,495 m with a horizontal component of the well of 1,500 m.

Transportation of gas produced at the field to the gas pipeline of the unified system is carried out through a constructed gas pipeline, the throughput of which reaches 34 billion m³ of gas per year.

Features of the deposit

When it comes to the production of hydrocarbons located beyond the Arctic Circle on the northern shelf, many experts believe that the most correct solution in this case is the development of such deposits that are located close to already developed deposits and main pipelines. The Yugaskoye field is one of these. Due to its convenient location, this field developed rapidly. As a result, since 2005, Russia has been producing more gas from the Arctic shelf than Norway and the United States combined.

Novatek company

The developer of the subsoil at the YUNGKM field is OJSC Novatek, which is Russia's largest independent gas producer. The company has a license for relevant work at this field until 2034. This company is developing several oil and gas fields in the same area, but the Yugan Gas Condensate Field is the largest of them. It accounts for 61% of gas and 41% of liquid hydrocarbons produced by the company in 2014. The number of employees in this company in 2010 was more than 4,000 people. Of these, more than 50% worked in the field of exploration and production, and more than 30% in the field of hydrocarbon processing and transportation.

Prospects for the development of the field

At the end of last year, it was reported that the Novatek company plans to increase gas production from the Yugan Gas Condensate Field by 6 times. Moreover, if in In 2014, 1 billion m³ of gas was produced from this field per year, but by 2016 this volume will be increased to 6.1 billion m³. According to experts, for such an increase in gas production it is necessary to drill a dozen inclined wells with a horizontal end. In addition, it will be necessary to build a compressor station and gas pipelines from the wells to the gas processing station.

At the end of 2014, engineering surveys had already been carried out and the work project had been completed.

Impact of gas and oil production on the environment

The YOGCF is located in an area located within the Arctic Circle. As is known, the nature of the Far North, and especially the sea shelf of the northern seas, is very sensitive to various negative impacts associated with gas and oil production. There are entire movements all over the world that demand to protect the Arctic and not allow companies involved in hydrocarbon production there.

The nature of the North can be most adversely affected by such a factor as an oil spill. Then, as a similar case in the Gulf of Mexico showed, a lot of effort is required to at least somehow reduce the impact of an oil spill on nature.

If such an incident occurs somewhere in the Arctic, it will mean disaster. After all, in places where hydrocarbons are extracted in the Arctic there are no roads, and the expanses of water are covered with impassable ice for many months.

Therefore, work to mitigate the consequences of negative impacts on nature will be very limited.

Basically, reputable companies engaged in hydrocarbon production on the Arctic shelf treat possible environmental problems of mining. In particular, the Novatek company in 2014 spent 237 million rubles on work related to environmental protection.

For example, the company is introducing waste-free and low-waste technologies. In accordance with this, drilling fluids are used during the work, which, after being recovered from the well, are recovered for reuse.

Another example is the use of environmentally friendly sources of electricity in the form of solar panels and wind generators to power the automation system and condensate pipeline units at the Yugan Gas Condensate Field.


  1. The Yugan Gas Condensate Field is one of the most important fields allowing the extraction of hydrocarbons from the Arctic shelf.
  2. Thanks to its convenient location close to main pipelines and the use of modern technologies, the field is developing steadily, which allowed Novatek to produce over 38 billion m³ of gas and 2.7 million tons of condensates in 2013.
  3. Hydrocarbon production negatively affects the vulnerable nature of the Arctic. To mitigate this negative impact, Novatek uses the most advanced technologies and allocates financial resources to environmental activities.

The Yurkharovskoye oil and gas condensate field is the main production asset of NOVATEK. The western part of the field is located on the Tazovsky Peninsula, and the central and eastern parts are located in the Tazovskaya Bay basin - drilling of the offshore part of the field is carried out from land using horizontal wells.

Key Facts


The field is connected to the unified gas supply system by its own gas pipeline. Transportation of unstable gas condensate to the Purovsky Plant is carried out via its own condensate pipeline.

In 2016, the Cenomanian fishery at the field was brought to its designed capacity, which is provided by 18 wells. The construction of the Cenomanian gas booster compressor station with a capacity of 48 MW has been completed and put into operation. The fourth stage of the booster compressor station with a capacity of 25 MW was put into operation, which increased the total capacity of the station to 300 MW.


  • A gas turbine power plant with a capacity of 2.5 MW was put into operation, which increased the reliability of power supply and increased the energy independence of the field.
  • The third stage of the booster compressor station consisting of 5 units was put into operation and as a result, the total capacity of the station increased to 300 MW.
  • The second stage of the booster compressor station, consisting of four units with a total capacity of 100 MW, was put into operation. As a result, the total power of the station increased to 175 MW.
  • The first stage of the booster compressor station, consisting of three units with a total capacity of 75 MW, was put into operation.
  • The fourth start-up complex of the second stage of the field was put into operation, which allows the field to be brought to its design capacity of 36.5 billion cubic meters. m of gas per year.
  • The first oil well was drilled as part of a pilot project for the development of oil deposits in the field.
  • Completion of the launch of the third start-up complex of the second stage of the Yurkharovskoye field, which made it possible to increase the field’s production capacity by 7 billion cubic meters. m of gas and 600 thousand tons of unstable gas condensate per year, and the total production capacity of the field will result in more than 33 billion cubic meters. m of natural gas and about 3 million tons of unstable gas condensate per year.
  • Commissioning of a condensate deethanization plant at the field with a capacity of 3 million tons per year and a condensate pipeline with a length of 326 km and a throughput capacity of 3 million tons per year connecting the field with the Purovsky Plant.
  • The commissioning of a methanol production plant with a capacity of 40 thousand tons per year at the Yurkharovskoye field, which allowed the Company to completely abandon the purchase of methanol for the field, reduced the operating cost of production and minimized environmental risks associated with the delivery of a chemically active product. To improve the project for the construction of a new installation, the experience of commissioning a pilot plant for the production of methanol with a capacity of 12.5 thousand tons per year in September 2007 was taken into account. During the construction of the new installation, more corrosion-resistant steel grades and more efficient types of contact gas compressors were used.
  • Modernization of separators of one of the technological lines of the first stage of development of the Yurkharovskoye field, which increased the productivity of unstable gas condensate production by approximately 5 thousand tons per year. We plan to continue modernizing the separators of the remaining six technological lines, which will allow us to increase the productivity of the Yurkharovskoye field by approximately 36 thousand tons per year of unstable gas condensate.
  • Commissioning of the second start-up complex of the second stage of development of the Yurkharovskoye field for the production of natural gas and unstable gas condensate, identical in composition and capacity to the first start-up complex, with the exception of the number of new wells put into operation (9 horizontal wells). As a result, the field's production capacity increased to 23 billion cubic meters. m of gas and 2 million tons of condensate per year.
  • Commissioning of the first start-up complex of the second stage of development of the Yurkharovskoye field with a design capacity of 7 billion cubic meters. m of gas and 600 thousand tons of unstable gas condensate per year. As part of the first start-up complex of the second stage, ten new horizontal wells and two process lines were put into operation, including a low-temperature gas separation unit and a gas condensate preparation shop with a total capacity of 20 million cubic meters. m per day.
  • Commissioning of a pilot plant for the production of methanol with a capacity of 12.5 thousand tons.
  • Commissioning of a gas treatment plant with a capacity of 3.6 billion cubic meters. m per year, resulting in gas treatment capacity of 9 billion cubic meters. m per year. We have also completed the construction of an additional 16 km section of gas pipeline connecting our existing pipeline to the UGSS at another additional point.
  • Commissioning of a gas treatment plant with a capacity of 5.4 billion cubic meters. m per year. This installation can simultaneously prepare gas from the Cenomanian and Valanginian formations through low-temperature separation.
  • Completion of the construction of a pipeline for the transportation of natural gas and gas condensate connecting the field with the UGSS and the condensate pipeline network of OAO Gazprom.