How to write a letter to Santa Claus 5 years. Letter to Santa Claus: sample text, design and address

New Year is a magical holiday when dreams come true. But in order for the cherished desires to quickly get into the office of their main executor - Santa Claus, you need to write him a letter. You can come up with your own original text or use the template, which we will discuss below.

Rules for writing a letter

Santa Claus takes a very responsible approach to reading letters from children.

It is best to write to Santa Claus in the first half of December so that he has enough time to fulfill your desire. And don't worry if he doesn't respond to your message. Just imagine how much correspondence he has to re-read and how many desires to fulfill?! But be sure that he will definitely fulfill your dream. Before you start writing your desires, be sure to get acquainted with the rules for writing messages to Santa Claus.

  • Start your letter with a greeting. Santa Claus likes well-bred children, so he reads letters from them and fulfills his wishes in the first place.
  • It is impolite and ugly to address Frost without introducing himself.. Therefore, after the traditional greeting (“hello”, “good afternoon”), state your name.
  • It would be nice to know about the health of the grandfather, because he is already old.
  • Tell a little about yourself (write your age, what is the name of your hometown or village, what are your hobbies) and describe your merits to Grandfather (how you studied, how you behaved, what new things you learned during the year).
  • After that, describe your New Year's wish and convince Grandfather that this particular gift is the most necessary for you.
  • At the end of the message, politely say goodbye, write the date, month and year when you send the letter, as well as your home address - Grandfather Frost must know exactly where he will have to deliver surprises.
  • Try to write without errors and blots. Agree, it's unpleasant when a letter looks sloppy. First write on a draft - it's easier to make corrections, and it's nice if one of the adults checks your text.
  • Do not forget to write also the address of Santa Claus. If you are writing a message on paper, then indicate on the postal envelope: 162390, Russia, Vologda region, the city of Veliky Ustyug, the house of Santa Claus. For Muscovites and residents of the region there is one more address: 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, Dedushke Frost. Although even if only “Grandfather Frost” is written, the message will still reach the addressee. If you write on the Internet, then you can publish a letter on the site

Samples in prose

Don't forget to put your letter in a nice envelope.

If you write without rhyme, that is, not in verse, then the letter may look like this:

Hello dear Frost! I'm Varya, I'm 8 and a half years old. With my beloved parents, I live in Vologda. I really like this city, because it is wonderful and beautiful, there are a lot of interesting things in it. This year I am already in the third grade, in all subjects I have four or five, the teacher and parents do not scold me. I have many hobbies: I dance and play the flute. I also like to weave different baubles from beads and beads. In the new year 2016, I would really like you to give me a little white kitten that I will love and take care of! Mom and dad allowed, so don't worry - they won't be angry! I really look forward to your answer, say hello to your granddaughter. Sincerely, Varya

Dear Grandfather, I have long believed in your existence, because whenever I wanted New Year's gifts, I always received them. But this is the first time I'm contacting you via the Internet. My name is Sashenka, I am 5 years and 3 months old. Grandfather Frost, I have an important request to you: I want to receive a two-wheeled bicycle as a gift. I always obey my mother, I behave well in kindergarten and do not offend the children. Until January 1, I will be looking forward to the gift, thank you, Frost, huge! Merry Christmas to you, Sasha. My address: xxx xxx xxx.

A letter can be composed not only from oneself, but also from sisters and brothers who are still too small and cannot write themselves. Here is an example of such a message:

Dear Santa Claus, hello! My name is Timur. My sister Arsyusha and I wish you all the very best and wish you all the best in 2016! All year we tried very hard to be obedient and behave well - my mother can confirm. We would really like to receive a pair of skis (this is for me) and a Barbie doll (this is for my sister) as a New Year's gift from you. Thanks a lot in advance. Our address is xxx xxx xxx.

And here is another version of the letter:

Hello my dear Santa Claus! Anechka is writing to you, I turned 9 this year. We have not seen you for a whole year, and I really miss, grandfather, your kind eyes and sincere smile. Are you all right? How do you feel? Everything is fine with me, I study and go to the figure skating section. There I already learned how to do rotations and difficult steps.

Dear Santa Claus! I really want to win figure skating competitions! Give me some new skates, please. I think they will bring me good luck and I will become a real champion!

Samples in verse

Try to write nice and neat

To draw special attention to your message, the letter can be composed in poetic form. As did Timur (10 years old) from Saratov.

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

How are you, red nose?

How do your friends live

I found out recently.

In different countries, that's the case,

Their weird names:

In the Netherlands, Sunderklaas

The Japanese have Oji-san,

In the USA - there is Santa Claus,

Karbobo - Uzbekistan.

There are also Korgyz and Nisse,

There are yellow pukki too.

How many Santa Clauses in the world

We can't even count them!

I studied the map for a long time,

Looking for distant countries

Where wishes come true

All Frosts - I found out.

Too bad it's on the map

There is no other side

And not all earthly countries

It's easy for me to see right away.

That's why, Morozko,

I beg you very much:

Give me a blue globe

My old dream!

Just keep in mind that in your poem one rhyme will not be enough - it needs to make sense. Show yourself as an educated child and explain why you need this particular gift.

And this poem for Grandfather was prepared by Vitya (9 years old) from Novocherkassk

Frost, welcome!

I missed you.

You are kind and funny

You will come to the Christmas tree at school.

I've been waiting for you all last year

And waited for it to pass...

I wanted to meet you again

And hug tightly.

I hope you bring gifts.

I'm sure you don't mind!

Read carefully my info -

Please give me one game...

Table football is my dream!

I think you will answer: "Yes"!!!

The message can be made combined: start with poetry, and continue with prose (to make it easier to describe your request).

Santa Claus in a red coat
He brought the snowman
The granddaughter will conjure
Light the miracle tree!

So that all the forest people
Have fun in the New Year:
To laugh and dance
Throwing confetti on the snow!

My name is Natasha, I am 10 years old. I love to write poetry, so I really want a beautiful embossed notebook and a set of pens for the New Year. If it's not difficult for you, please send me this set by January 2016. Sincerely, Nata. My address: xxx xxx xxx.

How to decorate a letter?

Letters via the Internet are easier to issue, but Grandpa likes original messages

Having decided on the text, you need to beautifully design the message (if you write on the Internet, there are many templates). But in decorating paper letters, you can not limit your imagination - there are many options to make the letter original.

  • Picture. Frost loves creative children very much. Therefore, with special warmth, he reads letters with drawings made by the hand of the kids.

The drawing can be enclosed with the letter in a beautiful envelope Santa Claus is very happy when the kids send drawings with a letter

  • Application (in the form of a symbol of the New Year 2016 - a monkey, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden). He will be pleased. You can cut out pictures from magazines and stick them on a piece of paper or even on an envelope. The application looks especially original if it is made voluminous. To do this, set aside a couple of centimeters at the edges of the pictures for allowances, carefully fold them inward and glue them onto the sheet with the letter.

An application for a letter can be cut from an old book or magazine.

  • Collage. You can cut out a picture with a desire from a magazine (or draw it) and combine it on a sheet with your photo, Photo of Santa Claus - as if playing the situation of receiving a gift.

You can come up with a collage yourself: cut out pictures from old postcards and stick them so that you get an interesting plot

  • Stencil. If you are not very fond of making all sorts of decorations and drawing, then try downloading a letter template from the Internet. Just try to do it on a color printer - so the message will turn out bright.

There are templates in which a special field is allocated for the text of the letter There are black and white stencils that you can decorate as you like. The template for the letter can be with lines already drawn to make it easier for you to write.

Decorating a letter with decoupage can be done with friends

Roskomnadzor warns

Roskomnadzor warns that unscrupulous sites that publish forms for letters to Santa Claus ask you to indicate your contact details (first name, last name, patronymic, residential address, etc.) in no case do this!

Here is a sample letter for Moroz, which was compiled by Roskomnadzor employees and published on their website:

Here is a special letter form prepared by Roskomnadzor

New Year's messages to Santa Claus is a good tradition that not only helps the fulfillment of desires, but also shows your talents. Try to format the letter in such a way that Fairytale Grandfather understands what a creative person you are. Then he will not only fulfill your wish with pleasure, but also save the letter to show it to his foreign colleagues.

December is the time to prepare for the New Year. For many, this stage seems tedious - to buy gifts, think over the menu, get smart clothes and do a spring cleaning. Do not forget to dilute the bustle with magical events - send a message to Santa Claus!

This is not only a fairy tale for kids - adults also write letters to the kind Grandfather, telling their innermost desires and hoping for fulfillment. Sometimes it does not matter to whom it is addressed and whether it will reach the addressee. Thoughts put on paper materialize faster - any psychologist will tell you that.

On the eve of the holiday, organize a family evening - let everyone write a beautiful letter to Santa Claus. It is possible that in the process of writing, family members will learn about each other's desires and will try to fulfill them next year. And work on the design is a creative activity that relaxes and trains the imagination. Let's find out how the correct letter to Santa Claus should look like.


Start with a greeting - “Hello, kind Santa Claus!”, “Hello, Santa Claus!”. You are going to ask the wizard for gifts, so show respect in the text.

Make contact

Going straight to requirements is a bad idea. Do not forget to congratulate the addressee on the upcoming holiday - you can wish Santa Claus good mood or health, ask how he is doing.

tell us about yourself

Introduce yourself, say your name, mention where you are from. Children always indicate their age. Tell Santa Claus why he should grant a wish. Point out your good deeds or ask for an upfront gift promising to be a better person next year. A letter to Santa Claus from children may contain phrases like: “I behaved well for a whole year”, “I studied with only five”, or “I promise to help my mother next year.” The message from an adult looks different: "For a year, I have never lied to my loved ones" or "I promise to quit smoking next year."

If you are not going to mail your child's letter, use one of the following options:

  • put it under the Christmas tree, and then discreetly pick it up;
  • if on the eve of the holiday guests came to you, ask one of the guests to convey a message to Santa Claus;
  • invite home an animator in a costume - the wizard will read the letter in the presence of the child;
  • put the letter behind the window for the bunnies and squirrels who help the wizard to take it away.

If you do not want the kid to doubt the existence of the Wizard, follow the letter - it will not be good, when you go out with the child on the street the next day, to find a letter blown by the wind under the window or in neighboring bushes.

"Writing a letter
Santa Claus"
Grade 2
year 2013
Teacher Volchanskaya G.S.


Understand the meaning of correspondence
people's lives, writing
a type of text that has its own
structure and stylistic features;
with rules and polite forms
Congratulate and turn to Santa Claus
like a best friend.

In the north of Russia, in the city of Veliky Ustyug, Santa Claus lives.

Every year Santa Claus receives a huge number of letters from the children of our country.

From whom: 2nd grade students MBOU secondary school No. 1 3 352550, Vostochny village, Mostovsky district, Krasnodar Territory.

They believe that if you send a letter
Santa Claus and tell about your cherished
desire, it will surely come true under
New Year.

Dear Guys! This year I am waiting for your letters! Send your letters to the address indicated on the envelope.

Dear Guys!
This year I'm waiting for your
Send your letters to the address indicated on the envelope.
162390, Russia
Veliky Ustyug
2 classes
MBOU secondary school №13
n. Vostochny
Mostovsky district
Krasnodar region.

The main holiday of the year is approaching and on the eve of the new year, regardless of age, many of us believe in miracles. Long before the holiday, adults begin to go to New Year's fairs in search of gifts, and children write letters to Santa Claus. Letters can be sent both before the new year and a few weeks after the holiday.

Letters with your requests and wishes can be sent not only to the Russian Santa Claus, but also to the Finnish Yollopuki, the French Pierre Noel, the American Santa Claus or the Belarusian Dzed Maroz. Wherever you write a letter, you will definitely get a response with New Year's greetings and good wishes. Or maybe even a gift.

But in order for the greetings from the New Year's wizard to return to you, you need to follow the simple rules for writing a New Year's letter. As mentioned above, you can write to any of the listed wizards. Most often they write in English, and ideally it would be desirable that the letter be in the native language of the wizard. If you are going to write to Finland, it is better, of course, to write in Finnish. If to France, then in French.

First of all, at the beginning of the letter, you need to say hello to Santa Claus. Congratulate him on the upcoming holiday and wish him good health.

Next, you need to tell a little about yourself, about your family, about what you do. If you draw well, then be sure to put your drawing in the envelope with the letter. Or maybe you have your own poem about the New Year, you can also write it in a letter. And only then can you state your request in a letter. Tell us about the gift you want to receive for the New Year. It is also important to describe the reason why you want to receive this gift.

On New Year's Eve, thousands of letters and telegrams arrive in the mail to Santa Claus, and so that among these letters he can find yours and personally answer it, you need to try very hard.

It must be remembered that if you start demanding a gift in a rude form in a letter, then you can never get an answer. And if the letter is written with soul and love, then your chances of getting a gift will increase.

To write a letter correctly, you need to follow a simple plan for writing a letter to Santa Claus.

  • Greetings.
  • Congratulations to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden on the coming New Year.
  • A short story about yourself and your family.
  • Describe your accomplishments over the past year.
  • A detailed description of the gift you want to receive.
  • Say how much you love and respect Santa Claus and politely say goodbye to him.
  • Attach a self-addressed envelope.

Now let's try to briefly understand each point. Greeting on 2-3 lines no more. It is advisable to say hello not only to the grandfather, but also to all his assistants.

At the achievement point, do not try to show off or exaggerate your achievements, as grandfather does not like braggarts and liars. And almost never responds to such children. But it is imperative to talk about your achievements, Santa Claus loves purposeful and hardworking children who are trying to achieve their goals.

And now, when you have told in detail about yourself, you can begin to describe the gift that you would like to receive for this holiday.

Of course, you need to ask for only one gift, the most desired most desired. And give a detailed description of the gift, tell why you deserve this gift.

After describing the gift, you need to politely thank the wizard for the previous gifts that he gave you and say goodbye. It will not be superfluous to once again wish you good health and congratulate you on the upcoming or already coming new year.

Sample letters to grandfather from children aged 6-11 for him to answer and send gifts

Hello Dedushka Moroz! Olya is writing to you. I am 9 years old. I live in the Krasnodar Territory in the village of Severskaya. I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and wish you more health and happiness in the coming year. Thank you for the gifts you brought me before. I love to draw and play board games. I dream of getting a set of felt-tip pens with sparkles. I promise to be an obedient girl for a whole year. I look forward to meeting you.

Greetings, Santa Claus! Kolenka is writing to you from Moscow. I'm 10 years old. This year I moved to the fifth grade, I study well and obey my mom and dad. I like to play hockey. I really want to get a kitten for the New Year, my parents don't mind, I asked. I hope you make my dream come true. I promise that in the coming year I will also behave diligently and study for one five. Goodbye!

Greetings, Santa Claus! Sashenka is writing to you from St. Petersburg. This year I moved to the third grade, I try to study well and obey my parents. I like to play football and volleyball. I really want to get a little puppy for the New Year holidays. I hope you make this dream come true. I promise to behave in the coming year diligently and study perfectly. I wish you good health and Happy New Year. Goodbye!

Santa Claus, I miss you! How are you? My name is Ann. I am already 6 years old. Recently, my brother Zhenya was born. I go to kindergarten. I have many friends there. I draw well. This year I learned to read and roller skate. I want Vadik to stop fighting in the kindergarten. And also a tent, so that she would stand in my room, and I would hide there. Thanks a lot.

Templates and letterheads

In order for your letter to Grandpa to be sure to notice it, you need to make it different from everyone else. In other words, you need to make sure that your letter attracts attention, thereby increasing your chances that Santa Claus will definitely answer it.

Ideally, it is best to do the design of the letter with your own hands. Since Frost loves hardworking children very much, but if you can’t do anything with your crayfish, you can take our secret templates and write a letter on these templates, which will also make your letter different from the rest.

Official address of Santa Claus

And so the letter is written, now the matter remains small, you need to find out the exact address of Santa Claus. Most children think that Grandfather lives in the north or in Moscow, but this is far from the case. Our magician lives in the Vologda region in Veliky Ustyug, where he has a real residence where letters from all over the world come.

  • 162390, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, Santa Claus post office. You can also send an email to Dedshka's mail where they will definitely read and respond to it.

Well, if you want to write a letter to other Santa Clauses, here are the addresses of several of his brothers from other countries.

  • USA Santa Claus (Santa Claus) Two branches: North Pole Holiday Postmark, Postmaster, 4141 Postmark Dr, Anchorage, AK 99530-9998,
  • USA | Santa Claus House, 101 St. Nicholas Drive, North Pole, Alaska 99705, USA
  • Finland Joulupukki (Joulupukki) 01001, Santa Claus, Post office Arctic circle, 96930, Rovaniemi, Finland.
  • France Père Noël (Pierre Noel) Père Noël, Rue des nuages, Pole Nord, 33500 Libourne, France.
  • Belarus. Ded Moroz Residence of Ded Moroz, 225063, p. Kamenyuki, Kamenetsky district, Brest region, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Belarus.

And now a little parting word for adults. Dear adults, you can also write your letter to Santa Claus with your child. It is possible that he will read your letter and fulfill your most cherished desire. Many eventually cease to believe in miracles, as the work almost completely absorbs you. But everyone knows that in our hearts we are still the same children, only our desires and toys are completely different. Try writing a letter with your child.

It doesn’t matter how old you are and what post you occupy, it is important to maintain faith in a miracle. After all, any person will be pleased to find his little gift under the tree. And it does not matter who will play the role of a wizard. The main thing is to keep faith in a miracle for our children and for ourselves. I congratulate everyone on the upcoming New Year and wish everyone more peace, kindness and positive. Good New Year to all and the fulfillment of all cherished desires.

Good day! In the New Year, everyone believes in miracles. Children and adults are waiting for fairy tales and write letters to Santa Claus. Post offices of the winter wizard work not only in Moscow and Veliky Ustyug, but throughout the world. On the eve of the New Year and Christmas and a few more weeks after the holidays, you can send letters with your cherished desires to any of them.

This is the German Weinakhtsman, and the Finnish Yollopuk, and the French Pierre Noel, and the American Santa, and the Tatar Kysh-Babai and the Belarusian Dzed Maroz in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. In response, you may receive letters from Grandfathers in beautiful holiday envelopes, with postcards, and souvenirs. Or maybe the wish will come true.

  • Letters to New Year's wizards can be written in any language. Usually they write in English or, ideally, in the language of the country of imported Santa Claus. We will give you a few congratulatory phrases for the New Year and Christmas: in Finnish— Hyvää Joulua ja Onnellista Uutta Vuotta!, in English Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! German— Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein schönes Neues Jahr!, in French— Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année!
  • In your message, do not forget to first say hello, congratulate Grandfather on the upcoming, tell a little about yourself and your dreams. You can put your drawings or poems in the envelope. And only then ask for specific gifts, and make wishes.
  • At the end of the letter and on the envelope, be sure to correctly indicate your full postal address with an index. Of course, if you want an answer. Some Santa Claus mail assistants do not rewrite the return address, but simply cut it out of the message and stick it on the reply letter.

How to write a letter to Santa Claus?

Detailed instructions for adults and kids - how to write a letter to Santa Claus so that he fulfills your desire will definitely come in handy, because this is such an important event! As children, we believed in Santa Claus with pleasure, wrote letters to him, ordered gifts, or just whispered before going to bed what we want to find on New Year's morning under the Christmas tree.

As we grew older, we became uninteresting, how to write a letter to santa claus so that he will definitely read it and bring exactly the gift we wanted. We learned that parents had been putting toys and sweets under the Christmas tree all this time and stopped believing in miracles. But miracles did not stop believing in us, and Santa Claus in distant Lapland (or where does he live there?) did not stop waiting for our letters.

Should I write a letter to Santa Claus or not?

I know that the topic of my article will seem strange and frivolous to many people. Like, advice on how to write a letter to Santa Claus is needed for small children, not adults. But the fact that we have grown up does not mean at all that we must stop believing in miracles. On the contrary, only with age did I begin to understand that too much in this life turns out, as if by magic, especially if you really want it and believe in it with all sincerity. To write or not to write a letter to Santa Claus is a personal matter for everyone, of course. I am not forcing you to do this. Anyway, if you don't believe in magic a bit, then there will be no sense. And yet, it seems to me that the topic of today's article is quite relevant, because if you yourself do not need this knowledge, then you can always write a letter to Santa Claus with your children, nephews, brothers, sisters, yes - with any kids.

When to start writing a letter to Santa Claus?

Right now, at the beginning of winter, it's time to write and send a message to the good grandfather. There is even such a holiday - International Day of Messages to Santa Claus. The main thing is not to leave everything to the last moment, otherwise the letter may simply not reach. Imagine for a moment how many envelopes carrier pigeons carry to the fairy forest. After all, adults and children around the world are waiting for gifts and miracles. You can write a personal letter yourself. Or, persuade kindergarten or school friends and write a collective message - then Grandfather Frost will definitely not forget to look at the New Year's party and bring the ordered gifts and miracles in a huge red bag.

How to write a letter to Santa Claus from an adult

In order for your letter to Santa Claus to be useful and help you receive a gift, you need to write it correctly. Here are some tips for both kids and adults to help you write your letter:

    Start with a polite address and greeting:

    "Hello, dear Santa Claus!", "Hello, dear Santa Claus."

    If you start demanding gifts from the first lines, then the symbol of the New Year will certainly be offended and ignore such an impudent appeal.

    Do not forget about politeness when composing the further text of the letter.

    Immediately after the appeal, you can ask: “How are you doing?”, “How are you feeling?”, “How are you doing?”.

    You can congratulate Santa Claus on the upcoming holiday.

    Let the fairy-tale character understand that he is dealing with a polite petitioner, and not with an ill-mannered extortionist.

    Introduce yourself.

    For example, “My name is Julia, I am 29 years old. I live in London. I run my own website called "Success Diary".

    Remember that Santa Claus is one, and there are many of you, so you should not retell your entire biography, starting from infancy, a few short sentences will be enough.

    No one will read your essay on 30 pages “The Life and Work of Vasya Pupkin”.

    Gradually begin to move on to asking for gifts.

    Don't be greedy.

    No need to make a list of 40 items.

    Remember the tale of the golden fish and how badly the greedy old woman ended up.

    It is better to ask for one thing, but important for you, than to list all the iPhones and Louboutins.

    I would also advise adults not to demand some things from Santa Claus, but to stop at something intangible and ask for a meeting with a good guy, recovery of a close relative, etc.

    Be sure to finish your letter nicely.

    Thank the recipient for their attention, for giving you the time, and say goodbye.

    I think that every person, even a character in fairy tales, would be pleased to receive such a beautiful letter that they put their soul into.

    The text of the letter to Santa Claus from the children

    So, the pencils are sharpened, the felt-tip pens play with multi-colored caps and a new question arises: how to write to Santa Claus? About what? And so that without mistakes ... Here parents will come to the rescue - they also wrote letters in childhood, so feel free to contact.

    For example, like this:

    Hello Santa Claus! I congratulate you on the upcoming holidays! I know you have a lot of work, so I will write briefly: this year I tried, studied well and helped my mother. Sometimes I was not very good at being obedient. I guess I'm half disobedient. But I'm trying! Because I love my parents and grandmother very much. Santa Claus, please bring gifts to parents and me! Thank you!

    Dear Santa Claus, hello! I am very glad that the holidays will come soon and my mother and I will decorate the Christmas tree. I love tangerines and chocolate, apples and lollipops. But I have a real dream: I want a true friend - a dog. And that mom always smiled. Thank you!

    Can you imagine how happy Santa Claus will be when he receives a letter or a postcard with such a poem:

    Hello Dedushka Moroz

    We are writing you a postcard.

    We want to wish you a Happy New Year

    And give a smile!

    You are very kind and funny

    Cheerful and amusing.

    We are with our children

    Let's sing a song for you.

    About how wonderful you are

    You are a real holiday!

    And give happiness, children's laughter

    With glitter wrap!

    Or like this:

    Hurry to the Christmas tree, Santa Claus!

    You are not tired or cold.

    After all, fast sleds

    They take you out of a fairy tale!

    We will tell you a glorious verse,

    And we'll sing a song about

    What are you the main gift for us

    Hurry, fly at full speed!

    Moreover, it is very important not to forget about rules for writing letters to Santa Claus:

  • Imagine for a moment: he is alone, and how many of us are there? Whoa, how much! Of course, he has assistants: the Snow Maiden, the Snowman and others. But all the same, the letter should be short and meaningful, and we will leave essays and dictations for school.
  • Don’t forget to be polite too: be sure to use the magic words “thank you” and “please.”
  • And the most important rule: write only your cherished desire, do not be shy! Santa Claus will definitely do it. Do not repeat after a girlfriend or friend, invent and fantasize, do not be afraid! Santa Claus first of all fulfills sincere and honest wishes!

Santa letter templates

1. First you need to say hello. You can write in a letter “Hello, Santa Claus!”, “Good health, Santa Claus!” or simply "Hi, Santa Claus!". The main thing is to be polite.

2. Tell us a little about yourself. You need to introduce yourself, say what your name is, how old you are and in what city you live. You can write what you are fond of, what interesting things happened to you this year. Do not forget to ask about the health of Santa Claus. It would be polite to thank him for last year's gifts.

3. Describe some of your good deeds over the past year, your dreams, or maybe even secrets.

4. And now it's time to ask for a gift and make wishes! It doesn't have to be something big and expensive. Limit yourself to a list of two or three gifts. Think about family and friends. Wish something good for them.

5. At the end of the letter, congratulate Grandfather Frost on the upcoming New Year and Christmas. You can wish him “Good health”, “Happiness”, “Snowy winter”, “Fast horses”, “Intricate miracles”. You can also send congratulations to the Snow Maiden and postal snowmen. Then write your name or sign.

Sample letter to Santa Claus

Good health, Santa Claus! My name is Masha, I am 7 years old. I live in Moscow, I go to school in the first grade. I enjoy dancing, making music and playing my piano. This year I went to the first class for the first time. Now I have many new friends. The school is interesting and fun. And at the break in the buffet we are given delicious pies.

How are you, Grandpa? I hope you're not complaining. Thank you for the beautiful doll last year under the tree. This is my most favorite toy. I do well at school. We are not yet rated, but for an excellent answer they give funny stickers. I obey my mom and dad, grandparents.

Dear Grandfather, I have been dreaming of a fluffy white puppy for a long time. I hope my dream will come true in the New Year. Also give my parents and grandparents lots and lots of health.

Grandfather Frost, the Snow Maiden and magical helpers, I congratulate you all on the upcoming holidays - New Year 2018 and Merry Christmas! I wish you a snowy happy winter and a cheerful mood. I'm waiting for you, Grandpa, to visit me.

Goodbye. Masha.

Without what it is impossible to correctly write a letter to Santa Claus?

It seems unfair to me to ask for something really important to you without promising anything in return. If you are really interested in how to write a letter to santa claus, promise him something in return for the gift he received:

  • to be obedient;
  • do not upset parents;
  • bring home only 10–12 points;
  • finally sign up for a gym;
  • stop gossiping and judging people;
  • help parents more and spend time with them;
  • start working 1 day a week in a volunteer organization;
  • donate a certain amount to charity, etc.

It is very important that you promise Santa Claus something corresponding to the value (literally or figuratively) of the ordered gift.

You can’t ask for a new car or a CEO position in a company where you only work as a secretary, and promise to take your grandmother across the road once.

Promise to translate grandmothers for a whole year.

It really was a serious promise, especially considering that my friend has been on good terms with cigarettes since school and, despite all the requests, did not want to give up her bad habit.

And now look how the kids write and draw up a letter to Santa Claus. They know exactly how to ask for gifts from the winter wizard

Making a New Year's letter for Santa Claus: ready-made samples and children's creativity

If you have the time, energy and desire, then you can not only write a letter to Santa Claus, but turn it into a real work of art: decorate it with drawings, applications, poems and other things. So, the text of the letter is ready, the cherished desire was carefully thought about and the following question arises - what to write on? After all, it’s somehow undignified to write such an important message on a notebook sheet in a cage or a ruler, right? As always, fantasy will help us! The easiest option is to print out sample letters to Santa Claus.

But a cheerful multi-colored postcard made with your own hands is much more interesting! Therefore, we take our favorite materials and fantasize.

Funny cards for Santa Claus

For example, very beautiful ones are obtained from multi-colored cardboard, decorated with an ordinary Christmas tree rain or plain cotton wool. We make a postcard from a sheet of cardboard and decorate it with the help of cotton wool, rain and glue. It turns out a very elegant, festive card. Beads, pieces of fabric, nut shells, and even a broken Christmas tree toy can all come in handy for a fun decoration.

family message

You can make an important letter - a family message with a coat of arms and a seal. Come up with a title for yourself, for example, let mom be a queen, dad be a king, and you be a prince or princess. Or a duke and a musketeer (do you remember that everything is possible on New Year's holidays?) So, take a sheet of thin parchment paper (ask your mother) and write an exquisite text in beautiful handwriting. But most importantly - do not forget to put a seal and draw a family coat of arms. Santa Claus will be surprised and delighted when he receives a letter from the duchess from Moscow!

letter collage

If you do not like to draw, there is a wonderful way out - a collage letter. To do this, you need to cut out beautiful pictures of children, Santa Claus, Christmas decorations and gifts from glossy magazines. And carefully paste on the postcard. All! A bright and festive message is ready!

Making envelopes and stamps

Envelopes for letters should also be beautiful and elegant. An excellent solution would be large colored envelopes, which are sold in bookstores. On the envelope, be sure to write the address and stick the stamp. In order for Santa Claus to immediately pay attention to your letter, you can make a beautiful application or come up with a magical New Year's stamp that will differ from others in an unusual shape or bright color. Samples of stamps for letters to Santa Claus you can see below:

Where to send a letter?

Now the final step remains: send the letter. Where Santa Claus lives, no one, alas, knows. They write to him either to Lapland, or to the North Pole, or generally send letters without an address.

You can proceed as follows:

  1. Just write "Santa Claus" on the envelope and throw it in the mailbox. Let the Postal employees think how to send it to the addressee.
  2. You can use this address that I found on the net: Santa Claus Post
    Verkhny Ustyug
  3. Or you can not send a letter at all in the truest sense of the word, but just write it and put it under the Christmas tree. Santa Claus is a fairy-tale hero, so he will know what you want so much anyway.
  4. You can also send a message to Grandpa and to the email address - [email protected]
  5. If you really want, you can send a letter to Santa Claus (for example, if you want to show off your knowledge of English), who lives in Lapland - Santa Claus, Arctic Circle, 96930, Rovaniemi, Finland.

Write beautiful New Year letters for Santa Claus and remember that sincere wishes always come true!

What Muscovites most often ask Santa Claus

Children: mobile phones, tablets and other gadgets, dolls, cars, designers, bicycles, children's cosmetics for girls. Sometimes requests are unusual - a ticket to a football match or a meeting with a famous artist.

Adults: apartment, health, job, husband or wife, child, million dollars, world peace.