Tender deliveries. Tenders and public procurement: what are they, main points

What is a tender - the essence of the process. Classification into 3 types + 5 areas for tenders. How to take part in the auction - list of documents + 5 government + 10 commercial online services.

In itself, such a concept as “tender” has never been defined in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Since this word is of foreign origin (and it is translated as “proposal”), there is reason to assume that the very idea of ​​holding it came to Russian territory from the west.

For today, tender is an opportunity for several enterprises to compete for the right to provide goods or services to both private and public enterprises.

Also, in legislative documents, this process is often referred to as bidding.

The essence of the tender: 3 simple steps

The entire tender process can be reduced to 3 consecutive steps:

  1. Customer (state or private enterprise) holds a competition for the best offer (provision of services, delivery of goods, performance of work) with the parameters and terms of the transaction set in advance.
  2. From various companies applications are being received, which are then viewed, and themselves firms are checked for authenticity.
  3. After analyzing the proposals received, the customer chooses the company that interested him most with its conditions.

    He signs a cooperation agreement with her.

What are tenders: classification into 3 types

Basically, there are two types of tenders - closed and open.

Also, some experts identify a third type - special tenders, in which only certain applications can participate.

Let's look at each format in more detail.

1) Tenders “by invitation”

Closed tenders consist only of certain companies that are invited by the organizer of these auctions.

“Pass” to participate may depend on the following characteristics:

  • company status in the market;
  • the image she created;
  • other similar significant moments.

Another feature is that the list of participants is not disclosed.

It is known exclusively to the customer (ideally) in order to exclude the possibility of collusion between these companies.

Typically, 4 to 6 companies participate in a closed tender.

Another advantage of the secrecy of such events is that none of the competing firms suspects what conditions the other may offer.

Based on the factor of uncertainty, enterprises sometimes themselves set more favorable conditions than those they could offer after analyzing their competitors.

2) Tenders in which everyone can participate

Open tenders– this is the case when the customer announces a competition, and everyone can take part in it.

Notice of bidding is distributed through various sources:

  • newspapers,
  • internet newsletter,
  • radio, etc.

Anyone can familiarize themselves with all the requirements for participation.

The main advantage of this format is that participants can familiarize themselves with the competition materials and assess their chances of winning.

The positive thing for the customer is that he will receive a large number of applications. This makes it possible to choose the most favorable conditions among those offered.

The important thing is that the potential executor of the order is obliged to give a guarantee, which will be confirmed by the bank.

3) Bidding for people “in their own circle”

Specialized tenders with limited participation- this is the official name for auctions where a specific list of participants is not defined, as in closed ones.

But, at the same time, not all companies can participate in them.

Participation in these auctions is limited by special rules. For example, only those participants who are citizens of the country where this tender is held are allowed.

In what areas are tenders held?

Tenders are held by both private companies and government agencies, so the range of areas is so huge that it’s impossible to count.

The most common of them can be cited, for example:

    Thermal power engineering.

    In this area, most often there is a need to select a material supplier.


    In this activity, it is possible to hold a tender for both the purchase of pharmaceuticals and the purchase and maintenance of medical equipment.

    Sphere of civil defense.


    Everyone needs it: from choice to security companies.

  1. Competitions are often held for construction of entire residential areas.

How to take part in the tender?

Each tender participant is required to fill out an application. It is drawn up in free form; there are no established samples (except when required by the conditions of a specific tender).

But there is another important rule: all information must be confirmed by the necessary documents, according to.

Also, in the case of government orders, additional requirements are attached that are regulated by law...

In the event that not all requirements and conditions are clear, any bidder can fill out a request in free form, to which he is required to respond.

What documents are required from the customer?

Tender documentation plays a significant role - that is, papers that customers, for their part, are required to provide (remember the tender diagram given above).

The list of tender documentation includes acts that must be attached to the invitation to participate. Without these documents, bidding will not be a full-fledged tender.

Necessary documents when drawing up an invitation to participate in the tender auction:

  • Conditions under which the company that wins this auction will provide a service or product.
  • Invitation from the customer, which states or will refer to the terms and conditions.
  • detailed instructions holding a tender.
  • Bank guarantee, which is needed only under certain conditions.

What does the tenderer present?

The potential contractor must also provide documentation about the enterprise:

  • Statutory documents of your enterprise.
  • A document that confirms the registration of a company.
  • Company account information. They are needed because those enterprises that are on the verge of bankruptcy cannot be allowed to participate in the tender.
  • Documents of the representative who represents the interests of the company taking part in the auction.
  • If necessary, the organization must bring all licenses if their presence/absence may affect the customer's decision.

The exact requirements for the attached documentation are put forward in accordance with the scope and type of services/products.

Therefore, the participant must clarify the list in each specific case.

Online auctions and their benefits

The most profitable and inexpensive are electronic auctions.

Essentially, the system remains the same, but the process itself moves into the online space.

This format is a big plus for budding entrepreneurs, as it makes it possible to take part in the auction by finding it using a search engine.

Percentage of searching for a contractor (supplier) using electronic auctions:

5 most famous electronic trading platforms:

  1. "Sberbank-AST for government procurement": https://www.sberbank-ast.ru
  2. "National Electronic Platform": https://www.etp-micex.ru
  3. "RTS-tender": https://www.rts-tender.ru/about/news/PgrID/634/PageID/3
  4. State Unitary Enterprise "Agency for State Order, Investment Activities and Interregional Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan": https://agzrt.ru
  5. JSC "Unified Electronic Trading Platform": https://www.roseltorg.ru

The mechanism for conducting a tender using the Internet is greatly simplified. However, this statement is only relevant for government auctions.

In the case of private companies, in order to find the necessary tenders, you need to scroll through more than one website.

Unfortunately, there are no special online platforms for conducting commercial tenders.

But finding one, if desired, will not be a big problem. The search parameters depend directly on the purpose, scope of services or goods provided.

For example, here is a list of several commercial online auction services. These mainly include procurement tenders, such as:

  1. "Sberbank-AST for commercial procurement": https://utp.sberbank-ast.ru/Com/NBT/Index/0/0/0/0
  2. "ONLINECONTRACT": https://onlinecontract.ru/
  3. "Auction Competitive House": https://www.a-k-d.ru/
  4. SETonline: https://www.setonline.ru/
  5. OJSC Severstal: https://www.severstal.com/rus/suppliers/srm/
  6. "BashZakaz.ru": https://etp.bashzakaz.ru/
  7. "Tender.Pro": https://www.tender.pro/
  8. "REGION-AST": https://region-ast.center/
  9. "TRADE 223": https://torgi223.ru/
  10. "Procurement Automation Center": https://etpcaz.ru/ and others

Does it make sense to hold a tender?

The idea itself seems interesting and progressive. Abroad, everyone has known about this practice for a long time. Most Russian enterprises, both private and public, have also switched to this system.

One can talk for a long time about the advantages of holding a tender in general terms. However, there are many nuances that are directly related to the Russian mentality.

It is worth considering the factor that most of these trades cannot be called objective. Moreover, the company that ultimately fulfills the order, upon closer examination, turns out to be far from the most profitable offer.

Nevertheless, they win the tender. In the case of state auctions, in order for an entrepreneur to become a winner in the tender, it is enough to simply indicate the benefits for those responsible for the choice.

The interesting thing is that when it comes to a private entrepreneur, he will rarely show the same policy. After all, he is the owner of this organization, and is personally interested in obtaining quality at a reasonable price.

In contrast to the standard method of bidding, an online tender is one of the most transparent, because the main part of the information about the order is displayed during a regular search on the Internet.

And only in special cases does this require certain access.

In order to participate in the tender, you need to submit an application.

How to prepare it correctly, watch the video:

Conclusion about what is tender?

Naturally, there are many advantages to this process.

But all of them are real only under the condition of fair bidding, the presence of transparent conditions, as well as the desire of the representative or manager of the enterprise to truly choose the most favorable conditions.

What is a tender, and how to benefit from it, everyone understands in their own way.

But initially, this is one of the most convenient mechanisms for entrepreneurs to find each other for further cooperation.

The transition of such processes to electronic form simplifies the solution of many business problems. After all, in order to participate in an online tender, it is not necessary to “hang around” in certain circles.

It is enough to know a couple of services with electronic auctions and be able to use search engines.

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The concept of “tender” has long taken root in procurement practice. This is a so-called competition that the customer (or buyer) conducts among suppliers in order to select the most acceptable offer.
What are the advantages of a tender when organizing procurement?

If we talk, for example, about tenders held by commercial companies, they are necessary because participation in them:

  • provides significant savings - about 10-15% of the expected cost;
  • increases company recognition in the market;
  • gives a chance to get customers from other regions;
  • puts you in a winning position even if you lose the competition.

You win on several positions at the same time:

  • firstly, you save a lot of your time and effort (you don’t need to endlessly call service providers - they will vying with each other to send you profitable offers);
  • secondly, you get the most advantageous offer in terms of both price and quality;
  • thirdly, you get a complete picture of the type of services you need (which means you won’t overpay).

In recent years, interest in tender procurement has increased in procurement practice. But still, in some cases, tender organizers do not have enough experience and knowledge to achieve adequate savings in costs and resources, and participants complain that in addition to “honest” tenders, there are “bought” or “pseudo-tenders”.
The technology for conducting competitive procurement seems simple only at first glance. In fact, there are pitfalls here that need to be avoided.

For example, a legally illiterate tender request can serve as a trap for customers. This is not about holes in the legislation, but about the correct formulation of requirements in order to avoid their double interpretation. There are cases when contractors manipulate incorrectly formulated conditions, minimizing their commercial risks and prices, which allows them to dictate their terms to customers. As a result, the effect of reducing the price, which was the goal of this tender, disappears for the organizer.

Despite the recent spread of the term “tender”, in procurement practice there has already been a stable division into “honest” and “purchased”. In order to avoid getting involved in a biased competition of contractors, there are several simple rules that allow you to distinguish honest tenders from “bought” or “pseudo tenders”, known to any professional working in the field of tender support.

In general, tenders are an excellent opportunity to gain professional experience, because it is better to learn not theoretically, but by doing specific work for a specific client. In this way, many developing companies gain good experience, which they subsequently use as a working tool to participate in genuine tenders.

Another common misconception among participants is: “Price determines everything.” Choosing a supplier based solely on price is a very dangerous business. The people who make the decision are greatly influenced by either dumping prices (this should already be alarming) or the psychological impact of the tender participants.

There is also a small difficulty in participating in procurement: the tender dictates the will of the customer, which means that if it changes, the conditions of the tender will certainly change. In commercial tenders, it is not customary to challenge the results, and there is no official procedure for this. After all, there is no public interest in the productive use of the customer’s funds, as in government tenders. Here the customer himself decides what is productive for him and what is not.

In large companies, a large team of specialists works with a client who has announced a tender. They meet with the client, study his problem, collect extensive information about the product (its properties, competitive brands), analyze the market situation, and only after that prepare a response to the request for proposal.
Working without a team means building a building without a foundation. Under no circumstances should you agree to organize and participate in a tender without thorough preliminary preparation. Because, otherwise, the desire to save (or earn) can have an inversely proportional effect. It is no coincidence that the minimum training program in the basics of conducting tenders requires at least 2 days, and the minimum course for public procurement specialists takes three weeks!

Currently, there are a large number of companies providing legal support services for participation in tenders, competitions, and auctions, where you can always turn for help.

If you are not entirely confident in your competence in this matter, do not take risks - turn to professionals and success is guaranteed!

Probably, almost everyone who runs their own business has heard about electronic trading platforms (ETP). Nowadays (ETP) are one of the effective means of developing their business both for individuals who are customers of certain goods and services, and for suppliers who can supply the requested products or provide the necessary services.

Some entrepreneurs have already mastered the functionality of electronic platforms and are actively working on them, finding new clients for their business. Others, on the contrary, are hearing for the first time about the opportunity to find a customer through participation in competitions on the ETP.

How to get to one of the existing ETPs? How to participate in tenders? Today we will start a new block of articles in the section dedicated to participation in competitions on ETP, in which we will try to provide answers to the main questions.

What is a tender

Those of you who have at least once encountered the topic of working on an electronic trading platform have heard words such as “tender”, “competition”, “auction”. Here you should immediately understand the terms. So, let's start with the concept of “auction”. An auction is an open competition between several bidders. Remember, ordinary auctions for the sale of some valuables. What does it look like? Any participant can name the price, information about the price is available to all other competitors, each of them can offer a more favorable price. Auctions on the ETP are held similarly, with bidding going either down or up. The logic of action is simple:

  • if an auction is announced to fulfill a request, then it is more profitable for the customer to accept the smallest offer - this is a reduction auction;
  • If an auction is held to sell the property of a bankrupt, then it is more profitable for the seller to sell it at a higher price - this is an auction for an increase.

Thus, the determining factor when summing up the results of the auction is the price.

With a tender, the situation is completely different, since a tender is a competitive selection of the best offer based on the best possible conditions for fulfilling the customer’s request, which consists in the supply of any goods or provision of services. The word “tender” in this situation is synonymous with the word “competition”.

How the tender is conducted

  1. The customer forms his request, stipulates its main characteristics and requirements for the contractor;
  2. After drawing up the necessary documentation, the customer announces a competition to fulfill his request;
  3. Persons wishing to act as executors of the request and sign an agreement with the customer prepare and submit their applications;
  4. The customer reviews all received applications and selects the winner;
  5. Based on the results of the tender, an agreement is signed between the customer and the winning participant.

There are two main differences between a tender and an auction:

  • The participant’s proposal is evaluated not only by cost, but by other criteria that are important for the customer - the proposal with the lowest cost may not win the tender, although price still remains the main factor in choosing the winner;
  • The proposal of a particular participant is not available to other participants, they do not know about the contents of each other’s bids - the customer, when opening the received envelopes, can announce the prices of the participants in order to negotiate, if this is provided for in the tender documentation.

Thus, the combination of all delivery conditions, which is expressed in maximum benefit for the customer, is of decisive importance when summing up the results of the competition.

A little about the regulatory framework and the Zakupki.gov portal

So, competitions can be held by both government agencies and commercial enterprises. Here you should familiarize yourself a little with the existing regulatory framework.

Those who have thought about participating in competitions have probably heard about government procurement. The scope of public procurement is regulated by Federal Law No. 44-FZ dated 04/05/2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, and services to meet government needs.” The customer in this case is organizations related to either state or municipal customers, plus budgetary institutions that make purchases using subsidies received from the budgets of the Russian Federation at various levels. Simply put, if you are going to participate in government procurement, then your customer will always be the state - in one form or another. The result of participation in competitions related to government procurement will be the signing of a government contract (municipal contract). This should be well understood, and even better, familiarize yourself with the law in detail, since after concluding a government contract, the winner bears certain obligations.

In addition to this law, there is another important regulatory act - Federal Law No. 223-FZ of July 18, 2011 “On the procurement of goods, works, and services by certain types of legal entities.” This law regulates requests for proposals from such customers as: state corporations and companies with a state share, natural monopolies and other entities in accordance with clause 2 of Art. 1 document. Based on the results of competitions held under this law, the customer and the winning participant enter into a contract (agreement).

It turns out that if you intend to participate in government procurement or procurement announced by companies that are associated with the state, then your actions will be considered in the light of these two regulations. Customers belonging to the above groups are required to make purchases for their needs in accordance with these regulations. Organizations operating under 223-FZ can additionally develop their own procurement regulations - internal regulations that take into account the characteristics of the organization. Information about competitions must be published on the official Procurement Portal zakupki.gov.ru.

The procurement portal zakupki.gov.ru is the official website of the Russian Federation, containing all information about competitions held in accordance with the two previously listed Federal Laws. Here you can find: the regulatory framework, registers of procurement plans, lists of goods (works, services) that are purchased from representatives of small and medium enterprises, a register of state / municipal contracts, a register of contracts signed based on the results of procurement, reporting on them, as well as other information that can be of interest to government procurement participants. A register of unscrupulous suppliers is also published here, which includes those who, after concluding a contract, were unable to fulfill their obligations. If necessary, any customer or other counterparty can check the presence of your company in this register using the search function.

Information published on the Procurement Portal is available to everyone. The main function of the site is the ability for business representatives to find announced competitions that interest them, and also to receive competition documentation.

Commercial tenders

Commercial companies that are not associated with the state also announce tenders for the purchase of goods, works, and services to meet their needs. Such competitions are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the internal procurement regulations of a particular company. Why is all this being done? If government agencies and organizations associated with the state are required to carry out their purchases in the form of competitions, then commercial companies, in principle, can buy goods for their needs from whomever they want. But this approach contradicts the principles of business, because the most advantageous offer should be accepted.

If the company independently searches for a suitable contractor, this may take a lot of time. The best option in such cases would be to announce a competition, place it in the public domain and collect applications from participants wishing to receive a particular contract. It turns out that this method of searching for a contractor is beneficial for both parties: the customer receives the most advantageous offer for himself, and the contractor finds a consumer for his services.

To participate or not to participate

Does it make sense to participate in such procurements? In the comments to the article, someone will probably write that competitions are won by those who should win them, that purchases are announced for a specific supplier, who will definitely be the winner. Yes, we will not deny, such phenomena do occur. Yes, regulatory regulation of the procurement system is aimed at creating maximum transparency in these procedures and eliminating the corruption component, but in Russian reality this does not always work. But, despite such moments, participation in procurement is one of the means of developing your business.

Participation in government procurement and commercial tenders is an opportunity to express yourself, find new customers and reach new markets, it is an opportunity to conclude a profitable contract and make a profit. The goal of any entrepreneur is to make money, and participation in competitions provides this opportunity. Now, to participate in a competition on the ETP, all you need is a computer, Internet access, certain workplace settings and an electronic digital signature.

The city of Moscow is a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Central Federal District. Moscow is a city of Federal significance. The most populous region of the Russian Federation, home to almost 12 million inhabitants. The city is located on the banks of the Moscow River in the middle of the Russian Plain. The total area of ​​the region as of 2012 is estimated at 2.5 thousand square kilometers. 30% of the area, namely about 880 square kilometers, is located inside the Moscow ring road, and the remaining 70%, occupying an area of ​​about 1,630 square kilometers, is located outside the Moscow Ring Road. Moscow is elevated above sea level by more than 150 meters. The highest place in the city is a hill located on the Teplostanskaya Hill, with a height of 255 meters. And the lowest place at sea level is a point near the Besedinsky Bridge. Here the Moscow River flows outside the metropolis. The absolute height of this place is just over 114 meters. The total length of the city from Altufyevo to Yuzhnaya is about 38 kilometers, and if you count the territories outside the Moscow Ring Road, then almost 52 kilometers. The length from the western outskirts to the eastern is almost 40 kilometers. The metropolis is located on both sides of the Moscow River. In addition to the main river artery, about 30 other small rivers have basins in the city, the most significant of which are Skhodnya, flowing in the northwestern part of the city, Khimka, in the northern part of the city, Neglinnaya, flowing through the center of the city, but not on the surface, and in the pipes, the Yauza is the largest tributary of the Moscow, flowing throughout the eastern part of the city, and the Nishchenka in the southeast. There are about 4 hundred ponds and about 10 lakes in the metropolis. Moscow tenders for the improvement of these reservoirs are published on the government procurement website visit web page.

The city of Moscow is the central Russian financial center, from which almost all economic processes in the country are managed. Almost 50% of all Russian banks are registered in the city. Also, most leading domestic legal entities are registered in Moscow and have their head offices here. According to experts, in 2008 the city’s total GDP was more than 320 billion US dollars, which ensured that the metropolis was in 15th position in the ranking of the world’s leading cities. The total turnover in the retail trade segment at the time of 2007 was estimated at more than 2 trillion rubles. The total turnover in the wholesale trade segment was estimated at almost 8 trillion rubles. According to estimates made by the audit holding Ernst & Young in 2011, the capital of Russia has the 7th position in the ranking of European cities, based on its attractiveness for international investors. That's why Moscow tenders appear more and more often, and their outlines become more impressive. There are 3 operators operating in the metropolis, members of the Big Three, which provide the capital with mobile communications in the GSM standard, and communication services in the CDMA standard are provided by the cellular operator Sky Link. Throughout the city, Internet access based on LTE technology is provided almost everywhere, which is provided by the Yota company click the following article.

Moscow is the central Russian railway hub. Trains leave the city in 10 main directions. There are 9 railway stations in Moscow. Not only commuter trains, but also long-distance trains leave from all except Savelovsky station. The Moscow Circular Railway runs inside the city. Almost all railways located in the city are subordinate to the Moscow Railway, but the only Leningrad direction is subordinate to the Oktyabrskaya Railway. Fares on all commuter trains are identical regardless of direction. The total length of railway tracks running through Moscow is almost 400 kilometers. All Moscow tenders, related to the railway are published on the website of JSC Russian Railways