Customer surveys: how to conduct them correctly. Examples of questionnaires compiled by students Examples of questionnaires for social research

Demand is entirely consumer driven. But conducting a dialogue with customers is in most cases a very difficult and quite time-consuming task. However, there are many alternative options for this, one of which is a survey. In this article I would like to give an example of survey questionnaires that can be used to study consumer interest in a particular product or even a company.

What it is?

First of all, you need to understand what a questionnaire and, in fact, a questionnaire are. This is one of the most convenient and frequently used methods. The questionnaire itself is a set of questions, the answers to which can provide important information to the customer of the survey itself.


Looking at the example of survey questionnaires, several useful conclusions can be drawn. So, it is very important to think about the size of the questionnaire itself. If you need to interview as many respondents as possible, there should not be many questions. This is necessary so that almost every buyer will not find it difficult to answer them, allocating only a few minutes. The questionnaire can also be quite massive and contain various questions, not only list ones, but also detailed ones. However, in this case, you need to focus on a smaller number of people who will agree to participate in the survey (most likely, in this option you will have to think about the place where a person can conveniently answer them). Also, before creating a questionnaire, you need to think through a research program that will clearly state the goals and objectives that the customer sets for himself, as well as put forward hypotheses that will be either confirmed or refuted in the end. It is also important to say that only professional sociologists should draw up a questionnaire and create a program; this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.


It is very important to know how to conduct a survey correctly. A sample survey questionnaire can be a great help for creating one. So, it must be said that the questionnaire should begin with an appeal to the client and a brief guide to action. First, you can write a few words about the fact that all answers are very important for the customer. Next, it is necessary to briefly instruct the respondent on how to correctly fill out the questionnaire. You need to indicate how many answers there can be to one question (often customers ask to get by with one answer to one question, choosing the most important thing, and sometimes they allow you to select several answers).


What does an example of survey questionnaires look like? It has several subsections. The first of them is most often the so-called “anatomist”. That is, brief information about the client. There they may ask you to indicate your full or partial full name, gender, address or place of residence, and telephone number. They also often ask about the type of employment, and sometimes about the amount of family income. However, it is worth saying that this is the least important part of the questionnaire. Information may be necessary solely to control the work of those who conduct the survey (there are often situations when surveys are conducted poorly or simply dishonestly, and the customer receives incorrect information about their products or the company’s work).

Main part

Looking at an example of survey questionnaires, you can see that questions of different nature are often used. So, they can be open, that is, those where a person writes everything with his own hand, without selecting the necessary points. Closed questions are a list of answers from which the consumer must choose one or more. There are also semi-closed questions, which consist of a list, as well as a line in which you can enter your answer if one is not found. As for the topic, it is in this part of the questionnaire that you need to find out all the most important things about the product or company you are talking about


Looking at the example of a customer survey questionnaire, you can see that the ending is also a very important part. After all, this is where the consumer is ready to express his opinion and give some recommendations to the customer. There must be similar points that will consist of open questions. Very often they become the main target of such questionnaires. At the same time, it is important to share wishes and suggestions. After all, these are somewhat different things. In the first option, the respondent can fantasize and imagine somewhat impossible things. And proposals are specific actions that the customer can perform for the convenience of consumers in the very near future.

The final

Looking at examples of questionnaires for consumer surveys, you can see that almost all of them end with words of gratitude. And we shouldn’t forget about this. After all, the person needs to be thanked for taking a few minutes of his time to help the customer and also expressing his opinion. A new line, which may also appear at the end of the questionnaire, is a request to write your e-mail in order to receive timely information about new products or company work.

Drawing up a questionnaire when conducting marketing research using the example of the company Magnitik LLC

The Magnitik LLC company is quite well-known in its service sector, and known like any other organization, it needs marketing research aimed at identifying overall customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction with the product, and identifying customer impressions of the purchase.

The study, the results of which will be presented below, was aimed specifically at identifying the overall satisfaction of customers, at identifying which factors cause a positive and which negative attitude towards this company. The study was carried out using a survey method, the form of which is a questionnaire. The research tool used is a questionnaire. The results of the study can be used to improve the efficiency of the company by eliminating those shortcomings that are revealed after the study.

To conduct the study, a questionnaire with the following content was developed and used:

Dear respondent!

We conduct research, the ultimate goal of which is to determine your overall satisfaction with our product. I would like to know your point of view on some issues within the framework of our research, since it is very important for us to know what you think about the work of Magnitik LLC. It will take no more than 5 minutes.

1. Your gender:

2. Your age:

a) under 18;

e) over 60.

3. Your occupation:

a) student;

b) worker/employee;

c) pensioner;

d) unemployed;

e) other (specify) ___________________________________.

4. From what sources did you learn about our company?

a) from the Internet;

b) on the advice of friends;

c) from other sources.

5. Have you placed an order with our company before?

6. Have you placed an order with companies like ours?

a) Flat magnets;

b) Magnets with a recording block;

c) Calendar magnets;

d) Magnet with thermometer;

e) Magnetic puzzles.

8. How would you rate the products of this company in comparison with similar offerings on the market?

a) much better;

b) better in some way;

c) approximately the same;

e) much worse;

f) I find it difficult to answer.

9. On a five-point scale, how would you rate our company’s service?

10. What do you think is the quality of our products?

a) high;

b) average;

c) low.

11. Are there any problems with the delivery time of our goods?

b) possible;

c) unlikely;

13. If not, why not?

____________________________________________________ .

14. Would you recommend our company's products to your friends and acquaintances?

b) possible;

c) unlikely;

15. What can our company do, in your opinion, to increase your level of satisfaction?

_____________________________________________________ .

“Thank you for participating in the survey!”

During the study, 100 respondents were interviewed. Of these, 50% are male, 50% are female.

35% are respondents aged from 35 to 44 years old, 29% - from 25 to 34 years old, 8% - from 18 to 24 years old, 28-45-60 years old.

89% of respondents are workers, 7% are students, and 4% have another occupation.

From the questionnaire, we learned that most of the clients surveyed are our regular customers, because... This is not the first time they order products - 84%.

22% of respondents ordered from companies like ours.

The majority of respondents learned about our company from the Internet - 79%, 12% of respondents contacted our company on the advice of friends, and 9% learned about us from other sources.

When asked which type of our product you like best, respondents answered as follows:

11% of respondents like a magnet with a thermometer, 14% prefer a magnet with a block, 16% prefer puzzle magnets, 20% prefer a magnet in the form of a photo frame, 22% prefer a regular flat magnet.

And as 12% of respondents who placed orders from companies like ours believe that our products are much better, or better in some way - 11%, the remaining 77% did not order from similar companies, so they find it difficult to answer.

To the question, “What do you think is the quality of our products?” The following responses were received:

81% - high, 16% - average and 3% - dissatisfied, and explain this by the fact that there are problems with the quality of product delivery.

78% of respondents believe that the service in our company is 5, i.e. excellent.

Unfortunately, out of 100% of respondents, as many as 29% gave a negative answer to the question about the supply of our products.

As for the further purchase of goods from us, 22% of respondents answered positively, 66% answered “possibly”, 12% answered negatively due to the lack of desire to purchase anything.

94% of respondents would recommend the products of this company to their friends and acquaintances, 6% would hardly recommend them.

And finally, to the last and most important question, “What can Magnitik LLC do, in your opinion, to increase your level of satisfaction?”, respondents gave the following recommendations: improve the quality of delivery, improve delivery times, they also recommended giving extended advertising.

Thus, based on the results of the study, we can conclude that customers are satisfied with the products of Magnitik LLC. The majority of respondents will continue to place orders with our company and will also recommend it to their friends. If we improve the quality and delivery time of our products and provide more extensive advertising, then perhaps our company will have more customers.

Sample. Customer profile.
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The quality of service, services provided or products sold is determined primarily by customer satisfaction. To determine this completely subjective indicator, it is best to use a universal buyer questionnaire, which contains a number of questions regarding the company. It does not have a clear unified form, does not require certification by various government agencies, or attachment to general reporting. The main objective of such a questionnaire is to identify current shortcomings and determine the company’s development potential.

Each questionnaire is compiled for a specific organization in accordance with its type of activity. Also, to collect more specific data, it is better to determine customer satisfaction in specific areas (service, maintenance, product quality, pricing policy, etc.). This approach will allow you to focus on the company’s most vulnerable areas.

Simplicity of questions;

Brevity, conciseness;

Clear formulation of questions, etc.

However, compiling a questionnaire alone will not determine the success of the satisfaction assessment - how to present this questionnaire to the client so that he does not refuse to fill it out, as well as the correctness of the subsequent analysis, are of no small importance.

When a crisis occurs, the market is filtered. Weak companies leave, strong ones remain.

A pre-assembled customer base is one of the tools that makes the company more resistant to changes in financial weather.

Because you already know by sight the clients who have already bought something from you or who were at least once interested in your products, and you can quickly and effectively restore contact with them.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether you have wholesale, services or a store - a customer profile and the formation of a database through it is necessary for everyone.

base formation: Why is this?

Just don’t immediately say that it is impossible for you to conduct customer surveys. At one time, we collected contacts and customer reviews even in a butcher shop.

Where people most often go after work, tired and with a great desire to quickly get home, and not do their writing, and for an ordinary counter.

You can collect contacts anywhere and anytime. And first of all, you must decide what information you will collect.

You need to think and decide which ones will be useful for you and will bring practical benefits, and which ones are just for show.

The questionnaire is just a stepping stone before your further actions in which you will use this information.

If we take the minimum marketing package as a basis: calls, mailings, birthday greetings. Then you must collect the following items:

  1. Company name (B2B only);
  2. Birthday;
  3. Cellular telephone;
  4. Email.

You take further points from your needs. For example, in a store you can also find out the birthdays of loved ones.

This is necessary in order to make special offers for your buyer. sentences with the text: “Your wife/friend/mother’s birthday is coming up.

You can buy a gift for them from us with a 30% discount.” By the way, we successfully practiced this in a flower salon.

In the B2B segment you will need to work a little harder, since the more information you collect, the better.

Examples of questionnaires in action

There is a big difference in collecting data on the sales floor and over the phone, I’ll tell you more now.

In the case of a telephone, you can say that you fill out the questionnaire yourself and most often weave in additional questions to identify the client’s needs during the conversation.

Based on the results of communication, the information is also entered not on a printed sheet of paper, but directly into the CRM system Bitrix24, Megaplan or SalesapCRM, in order to simplify further work with the data.

Therefore, this section will be most interesting for stores or companies where the client fills out the questionnaire himself.

In addition to the fact that you only need to collect useful information, you also need to know that the fewer fields there are in the questionnaire, the more willing they will be to fill it out.

Do not think that additional fields make the questionnaire look more solid. No, they only irritate the client. Therefore, the “colder” the client, the shorter the client profile should be.

Below you can see a survey questionnaire template (unformatted version). This is the most minimal version of a new client profile that you can create.

It’s not difficult to supplement it, but we first need to implement this fundamental part according to the rules and laws of marketing, and only then move on.

Example of a questionnaire

  1. Name. We specifically emphasize that this questionnaire is only for special people.

    This flatters the client and eliminates the reluctance to fill it out, because everyone wants to be classified as a VIP client.

  2. Purpose of collection. Under the title you must write why you are collecting contacts.

    In our example, it is no coincidence that “Closed sales” is at the beginning; this once again emphasizes the client’s status and shows his future benefit, that this is a questionnaire for receiving various bonuses.

  3. FULL NAME. This item combines three components - first name, last name and patronymic.

    You also don’t need to split it into several parts, because each answer is an additional field that visually makes the questionnaire more massive.

  4. Birthday, phone number and e-mail. We help the client understand in what format to enter his data, so that he has a minimum of thoughts and a maximum of actions.

The printed form must contain consent to receive mailings and process data (below).

This is a very important point! Without it, don’t even launch the profile “to the people.” The fines are now huge, and people who take advantage of your omission are just waiting for it.

Therefore, we received a signature on the form and put it in a distant box (do not throw it away).

Important. The database needs to be constantly updated. People leave, lose their phones, change their email, and if you don’t track this, then you can make hasty conclusions about efficiency and generally work in vain.


Additional feature

Remember what I said about collecting birthday dates for friends and family? This is a very useful feature.

But I have an even more advanced mechanic for you, where the client leaves, instead of dates (after all, they are not so easy to remember), contact information of your potential clients who may be interested in your product.

The mechanics are very simple. You promise to give a gift to three people whom he indicates in the questionnaire.

To do this, you just need to write their names and contact numbers/emails. Moreover, you can also give him an additional gift for leaving these contact details. This will be the second motivation.

Another example of a questionnaire

And then attention. After receiving a completed form with the contacts of three friends, you need to contact them with the words: “Your friend Ivan Ivanovich has prepared a gift for you s_____, you can pick it up at the store s_____ at the address: s_____.”

The phrase is not verbatim, but just an idea to think about, that you need to refer to the recommender and do it as if he was great, and not just handed over your contacts.

5 motivations for filling out a questionnaire

It’s not enough to just do it and place the form near the cash register. It will just lie there and no one will fill it.

You also need to motivate people to fill it out. Moreover, you must come up with additional motivation even for those who have at least some contact with you, and not just buy from you.

To do this, I have prepared for you 5 of our most popular methods of collecting and forming a database.

Collection method
  1. Proposal to inform customers about new products. This method is especially relevant in wholesale. Almost all wholesalers love to receive SMS about new arrivals of goods and, accordingly, to be among the first to purchase them, because they think that new items on their shelves are the key to a chest of money.
  2. Questionnaire for receiving a bonus card. In Russia, people still love discounts and will willingly fill out a form if you offer a discount or bonus card in return. And there is one more little trick. You don’t have to give the cards right away, but take the completed form from the client and call him after 2-3 days and invite him to pick up the card. Thus, the client will appear at least 2 times, and even better, he will leave with a purchase.
  3. A small gift in exchange for filling. Everything is simple here, the client fills out a form and receives a gift in exchange. The gift must be valuable (note, not expensive, but valuable). In each niche, valuable gifts can be different products, but as a rule, this is what you always need, but it’s a pity to buy it yourself.
  4. Lottery. You are launching a win-win lottery, where to participate you just need to fill out a form (even those who haven’t purchased). The lottery can be instant and the person will immediately receive the prize, or you can schedule it for a specific day and time if the gift is significant and you are sure that people will come for it.
  5. Competition for staff. An effective method if you launch it simultaneously with the lottery. The idea is simple - the seller/manager who brings the most completed questionnaires within a certain time will receive a reward. As a reward, trips to a camp site or trips to a beauty salon for women sell well.

In order for a potential client’s questionnaire to be filled out well and the database to be collected, there must be some kind of pretext.

And this excuse should be valuable to your customers. Don’t just put the forms next to the sales manager, but hang up the appropriate information signs.

Launch sweepstakes and staff competitions at the same time. Believe me, the client base is not something you should skimp on.

Important. You don't need a customer satisfaction survey right away. First, collect a database, and only then use it to conduct a quality survey of clients.

Your gifts from partners

Briefly about the main thing

Every day people are less willing to leave their data. I am proof of this myself. Therefore, do not expect 100% completion and collection in the “as it goes” format.

You need to approach this systematically and a little creatively, especially if you have a lot of competition.

But I assure you, when you gather a base of your clients and it helps you out at the right time, you will never underestimate this process again.

Just don't rejoice too early. Collecting the database is only half the battle. What is more important is not the quantity of questionnaires, but the quality.

And this indicator is measured by how positively your base reacts to promotions and offers.

This is not easy to achieve and will require other work from you. But no one said it would be easy.

When a crisis occurs, the market is filtered. Weak companies leave, strong ones remain.

A pre-assembled customer base is one of the tools that makes the company more resistant to changes in financial weather.

Because you already know by sight the clients who have already bought something from you or who were at least once interested in your products, and you can quickly and effectively restore contact with them.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether you have wholesale, services or a store - a customer profile and the formation of a database through it is necessary for everyone.

base formation: Why is this?

Just don’t immediately say that it is impossible for you to conduct customer surveys. At one time, we collected contacts and customer reviews even in a butcher shop.

Where people most often go after work, tired and with a great desire to quickly get home, and not do their writing, and for an ordinary counter.

You can collect contacts anywhere and anytime. And first of all, you must decide what information you will collect.

You need to think and decide which ones will be useful for you and will bring practical benefits, and which ones are just for show.

The questionnaire is just a stepping stone before your further actions in which you will use this information.

If we take the minimum marketing package as a basis: calls, mailings, birthday greetings. Then you must collect the following items:

  1. Company name (B2B only);
  2. Birthday;
  3. Cellular telephone;
  4. Email.

You take further points from your needs. For example, in a store you can also find out the birthdays of loved ones.

This is necessary in order to make special offers for your buyer. sentences with the text: “Your wife/friend/mother’s birthday is coming up.

You can buy a gift for them from us with a 30% discount.” By the way, we successfully practiced this in a flower salon.

In the B2B segment you will need to work a little harder, since the more information you collect, the better.

Examples of questionnaires in action

There is a big difference in collecting data on the sales floor and over the phone, I’ll tell you more now.

In the case of a telephone, you can say that you fill out the questionnaire yourself and most often weave in additional questions to identify the client’s needs during the conversation.

Based on the results of communication, the information is also entered not on a printed sheet of paper, but directly into the CRM system Bitrix24, Megaplan or SalesapCRM, in order to simplify further work with the data.

Therefore, this section will be most interesting for stores or companies where the client fills out the questionnaire himself.

In addition to the fact that you only need to collect useful information, you also need to know that the fewer fields there are in the questionnaire, the more willing they will be to fill it out.

Do not think that additional fields make the questionnaire look more solid. No, they only irritate the client. Therefore, the “colder” the client, the shorter the client profile should be.

Below you can see a survey questionnaire template (unformatted version). This is the most minimal version of a new client profile that you can create.

It’s not difficult to supplement it, but we first need to implement this fundamental part according to the rules and laws of marketing, and only then move on.

Example of a questionnaire

  1. Name. We specifically emphasize that this questionnaire is only for special people.

    This flatters the client and eliminates the reluctance to fill it out, because everyone wants to be classified as a VIP client.

  2. Purpose of collection. Under the title you must write why you are collecting contacts.

    In our example, it is no coincidence that “Closed sales” is at the beginning; this once again emphasizes the client’s status and shows his future benefit, that this is a questionnaire for receiving various bonuses.

  3. FULL NAME. This item combines three components - first name, last name and patronymic.

    You also don’t need to split it into several parts, because each answer is an additional field that visually makes the questionnaire more massive.

  4. Birthday, phone number and e-mail. We help the client understand in what format to enter his data, so that he has a minimum of thoughts and a maximum of actions.

The printed form must contain consent to receive mailings and process data (below).

This is a very important point! Without it, don’t even launch the profile “to the people.” The fines are now huge, and people who take advantage of your omission are just waiting for it.

Therefore, we received a signature on the form and put it in a distant box (do not throw it away).

Important. The database needs to be constantly updated. People leave, lose their phones, change their email, and if you don’t track this, then you can make hasty conclusions about efficiency and generally work in vain.


Additional feature

Remember what I said about collecting birthday dates for friends and family? This is a very useful feature.

But I have an even more advanced mechanic for you, where the client leaves, instead of dates (after all, they are not so easy to remember), contact information of your potential clients who may be interested in your product.

The mechanics are very simple. You promise to give a gift to three people whom he indicates in the questionnaire.

To do this, you just need to write their names and contact numbers/emails. Moreover, you can also give him an additional gift for leaving these contact details. This will be the second motivation.

Another example of a questionnaire

And then attention. After receiving a completed form with the contacts of three friends, you need to contact them with the words: “Your friend Ivan Ivanovich has prepared a gift for you s_____, you can pick it up at the store s_____ at the address: s_____.”

The phrase is not verbatim, but just an idea to think about, that you need to refer to the recommender and do it as if he was great, and not just handed over your contacts.

5 motivations for filling out a questionnaire

It’s not enough to just do it and place the form near the cash register. It will just lie there and no one will fill it.

You also need to motivate people to fill it out. Moreover, you must come up with additional motivation even for those who have at least some contact with you, and not just buy from you.

To do this, I have prepared for you 5 of our most popular methods of collecting and forming a database.

Collection method
  1. Proposal to inform customers about new products. This method is especially relevant in wholesale. Almost all wholesalers love to receive SMS about new arrivals of goods and, accordingly, to be among the first to purchase them, because they think that new items on their shelves are the key to a chest of money.
  2. Questionnaire for receiving a bonus card. In Russia, people still love discounts and will willingly fill out a form if you offer a discount or bonus card in return. And there is one more little trick. You don’t have to give the cards right away, but take the completed form from the client and call him after 2-3 days and invite him to pick up the card. Thus, the client will appear at least 2 times, and even better, he will leave with a purchase.
  3. A small gift in exchange for filling. Everything is simple here, the client fills out a form and receives a gift in exchange. The gift must be valuable (note, not expensive, but valuable). In each niche, valuable gifts can be different products, but as a rule, this is what you always need, but it’s a pity to buy it yourself.
  4. Lottery. You are launching a win-win lottery, where to participate you just need to fill out a form (even those who haven’t purchased). The lottery can be instant and the person will immediately receive the prize, or you can schedule it for a specific day and time if the gift is significant and you are sure that people will come for it.
  5. Competition for staff. An effective method if you launch it simultaneously with the lottery. The idea is simple - the seller/manager who brings the most completed questionnaires within a certain time will receive a reward. As a reward, trips to a camp site or trips to a beauty salon for women sell well.

In order for a potential client’s questionnaire to be filled out well and the database to be collected, there must be some kind of pretext.

And this excuse should be valuable to your customers. Don’t just put the forms next to the sales manager, but hang up the appropriate information signs.

Launch sweepstakes and staff competitions at the same time. Believe me, the client base is not something you should skimp on.

Important. You don't need a customer satisfaction survey right away. First, collect a database, and only then use it to conduct a quality survey of clients.

Your gifts from partners

Briefly about the main thing

Every day people are less willing to leave their data. I am proof of this myself. Therefore, do not expect 100% completion and collection in the “as it goes” format.

You need to approach this systematically and a little creatively, especially if you have a lot of competition.

But I assure you, when you gather a base of your clients and it helps you out at the right time, you will never underestimate this process again.

Just don't rejoice too early. Collecting the database is only half the battle. What is more important is not the quantity of questionnaires, but the quality.

And this indicator is measured by how positively your base reacts to promotions and offers.

This is not easy to achieve and will require other work from you. But no one said it would be easy.