Where to advertise the channel. How to promote a YouTube channel from scratch: a complete step-by-step guide for beginners

Most novice video bloggers face the same problems: there is a channel and an idea, several videos have been posted, but the traffic and number of subscribers are still at zero. What is the reason? Why do video hosting users not pay attention to the channel, and how to make it become popular? Read about all this in our new material.

How is your channel filling up?

Effective promotion of your own channel on YouTube is impossible without interesting and, of course, high-quality content. All uploaded videos must be relevant, meaningful and socially oriented, i.e., cover pressing issues.

If you are filming yourself, you should strive to ensure that the finished video contains as much useful information as possible. There is no need to try to hide the already well-known “secret tricks” in the video. Otherwise, after watching your video, the user will go to another channel in search of a similar video on a similar topic.

The success of any channel on YouTube is simple - you need high-quality content.

This works 95% of the time.

"Don't forget to subscribe to our channel"

This call to action should be included in every video posted. This will allow the user to become a regular viewer of your channel and return to it at any time.

The importance of subscribing should be motivated by new interesting videos, promotions, or supported by any other, and, most importantly, new and useful information. The more subscribers you get, the better the channel will develop. This can be achieved using, for example, annotations that are displayed in videos in the form of notes “subscribe to the channel”, “watch the next video”, etc.

Surely you have already encountered the situation when, in search of the desired video, you watched a couple of other videos, like “watch similar videos”. This is also a call to action, very effective, by the way, from the point of view of the marketing mix. It allows you to keep the user on the hosting for quite a long time.

Channel design

The design of the channel, corresponding to the theme of the videos posted on it, is also considered an important point when promoting the channel.

The first thing a user sees when they look at your channel is the header and image. If they are in no way related to the topic, he may get the impression that the channel will be of little use to him, and he will leave it in favor of another. What can we say then about subscribing to the channel.

If you are unable to resolve the registration issue yourself, contact experienced freelancers, whose prices for services today start at 200 rubles. This is not much compared to the fact that you will have a completely full-fledged channel.

We recommend that infobusinessmen promoting their name or blog post a decent photo of themselves on the channel.

Musical accompaniment

Watching a video with light, unobtrusive music in the background is much more pleasant than one with silence or only the voice of the person filming. This is especially appropriate when creating podcasts, filming a video from the screen, or explaining something. You can find a good topic in the YouTube music library.

Regular updates

Without regularly uploading new videos, things will not move forward.

This is due to the fact that:

  • firstly, YouTube likes it when videos are added regularly: this indicates that the channel continues to develop and some work is being done on it;
  • secondly, if you regularly (daily, once every three days) post videos on your channel, you cannot avoid growing subscribers due to systematic views.

Video optimization

An effective way to develop an existing YouTube channel is to optimize videos. Today, even thanks to the optimization of video recordings for low-frequency queries, you are guaranteed access to top positions. To select non-competitive keyword phrases with low frequency, we recommend looking at a service such as wordstat.yandex (dot) ru. Don't forget about high-frequency queries.


You may have already seen the monetization clause in your channel settings. Yes, it doesn’t always work. For example, if you set Russia as your country of residence, you will soon receive a notification from YouTube that you currently have little traffic and therefore there is no opportunity to earn money from videos.

Many beginners agree with this: everything is true, isn’t it? Yes, that's right, but some users even with one video posted are subject to moderation. What is the reason?

The fact is that the country specified in the settings will determine whether monetization will be enabled for you immediately or not.

Don't believe me? Try changing the settings yourself and pressing the power button. The dollar sign next to each of your videos will indicate that everything turned out well.

But that is not all. In order for posted videos to start generating income, you need to enter into an agreement through a special media network or directly with YouTube.

Advertising stunt

This method of promotion, although it carries financial risks, is always successful when promoting a website. The main thing is to decide on the platform where your advertising will be placed. Based on our experience, we recommend Google AdWords. However, these could be other YouTube channels with similar topics or social networks.

In any case, to place advertisements, you need to choose only those resources whose topics correspond to your own. The text should be “catchy”, so that after reading it you will definitely want to visit your channel. With successful advertising, the number of views of your videos will increase in direct proportion to the number of subscribers.

Programs for promotion

Today there are a lot of channels for promoting channels on YouTube.

We will only talk about the most popular of them:

  • Youtuber 2.0 - this application can play a big role in recruiting live, interested users who, in fact, will view your creations in the future. The download price is quite affordable. So, having downloaded the trial version on the World Wide Web, you may want to install the main one on your computer;
  • Ztube – based on its operating principle, it resembles an exchange between video hosting viewers. The number of subscribers, likes and dislikes can be increased by users of the program in question. Nothing is required from the channel owner; the program will do everything on its own. You can also find it on the Internet.
  • Vagex is a project of foreign origin, the work of which, as in the previous case, is based on mutual exchange between visitors to the resource. They exchange views, likes and dislikes. So far the project is little known in Russia, thanks to which you can easily get referrals from Russians. It has its own forum. In general, the resource is completely automated. The only drawback is the completely English-language interface. But this problem can also be completely solved using Google translator.

Hi all! Most recently, I wrote about making money on video in . Today I continue to cover this topic. And now I’ll tell you about promoting the channel on YouTube. I can’t say that I’m a guru in this matter, but I’m sure my tips can help not only beginners, but also experienced YouTubers, so read and apply carefully! So, let's go.

YouTube channel promotion

You can promote both paid and free. But the most important rule is that the content on the channel should be interesting. Why?

Yes, because even if you invest millions of rubles in advertising, and your videos are uninteresting and useless, you won’t get many subscribers. And, as you know, subscribers are the most important thing, but we’ll talk about that a little later. Now let's move on to talking about promotion methods.

Free YouTube channel promotion

Now I will tell you about some free “tricks”. Which will help you promote your channel. First I will list them, and then I will dwell on each separately. So:

  • Content;
  • Regularity;
  • Invitation reminders;
  • Relinking;
  • Title, description and keys;

Promoting a YouTube channel using content

As I said above, the most important thing is the content, that is, in our case it is video. Why is it so important to shoot in a high-quality, interesting and useful way? Because if the viewer likes the video, then he can:

  1. The simplest thing is to like, and this affects the search results;
  2. Would like to watch other videos of the author. Opportunity to get additional views;
  3. Subscribe to the channel. We remember that the more subscribers, the better;
  4. Send the video to your friends. Again, views are never unnecessary.

I hope you now understand that good content is very important.

Promotion of videos on YouTube - regularity

If you post 50 videos in one day, and then forget about the channel for a year, then maybe 3-5 thousand subscribers will come. Of course, provided that the videos are of high quality and useful. But if you post 1-2 videos a week, you will get a lot more subscribers. Old subscribers will watch new videos every week and almost every video will receive a lot of views.

If you post 50 at once, then hardly anyone will watch them all. Well, if someone wants to stretch out the viewing, then more than half of these people will never watch anything. Because videos will constantly be lowered in the list. In general, I think it’s clear here: you shouldn’t upload all the material at once.

Promote your YouTube channel for free using invitation reminders

Remember, people watching videos for some reason become very lazy the moment they watch them. Most of them will not want to sign up or will forget. Therefore, you need to be reminded of the opportunity to subscribe as often as possible.

You can do this in two ways:

Promotion of videos on YouTube for free using linking

The principle here is the same as in invitations. A person watched your video and liked it. Maybe even the thought of “watching some more video” appeared. And here I will repeat once again: the majority of viewers will not want to click somewhere again to watch other videos.

Therefore, you need to use “linking”. That is, at the end of the video you offer to watch something else from your channel. You can also do this in two ways:

  • Just say it. But then you will need to put a link to the video you offer. All again because of laziness - few people will enter the name into the search.
  • Using annotations. Just insert an annotation and an additional link in the description. - This is a very effective method, I advise you to definitely use it.

Promoting videos on YouTube - title, description and keys

Let's talk about the name first. It should, firstly, reflect the essence of the video, and, secondly, attract viewers. For example, if you made a video about . That title like “video about making money” won’t work.

What else can you call it then? Suitable options: “How to make money on the Internet?”, “5 ways to make money on the Internet” or even better – “TOP 5 ways to make money on the Internet.” In general, you need to use the method of creating selling headlines. Read more about this. Otherwise, a banality in the title can significantly reduce the likelihood that viewers will choose your video from the list of “similar videos.”

What about the descriptions? Well, most importantly, never leave them empty. How then to fill out this field? Here's what should be required:

  • Link to subscribe to your channel;
  • Link to your website (if you have one, of course);
  • Links to all social networks;
  • Description text 3-5 sentences. Preferably with keys.

I also recommend inserting time codes. This is when you write time, but on the contrary - what is being said at a given interval. What is it for? Firstly, it is convenient for viewers. Secondly, you can insert keys into time codes and get even more targeted viewers.

Well, now let's talk about the keys. They are also called tags. These are not the keys that you insert into the description. These are special words that need to be entered in a special window. It is located under the description window. There you can insert everything that people can type into a search on YouTube, for example: the name of your channel, the title of the video, individual words, key queries, and the like.

So these were all the main free methods video promotion onYouTube. What paid methods are there?

Promotion of a channel on YouTube for a fee - honest ways

Honest methods - this is because we will not talk about gaining subscribers and buying views. I have already talked about this. What are the honest paid methods? Only one - advertising. But advertising is different.

Promotion of videos on YouTube using Adwords. Google contextual advertising can help in the development of the channel. All you need to do is:

  • Have an Adwords account;
  • Create an advertising campaign for an entire channel or for a separate video;
  • Make a teaser - a short video that will lure people to click on the advertisement.
  • Well, pay.

The disadvantage of this method is that most YouTube visitors have an adblock that blocks contextual advertising.

If you are interested in this method, find out more about it.

Website for YouTube channel promotion

There is such a site, Plibber.ru. Its essence is that there are admins of all major groups in VK and Odnoklassniki. You buy an advertising post from them, which may contain a link to subscribe to the channel and an advertising video. You pay from 2 to 5 thousand rubles, and for this your post hangs at the very top for an hour. After this, it smoothly descends.

In principle, you can simply write a personal message to the admins and agree on advertising. Advantages of this method: You can agree on any terms. Disadvantage: not all admins respond quickly, some ignore them altogether.

Retreat. We are not 100% sure how the YouTube algorithm works. We did not create it and did not communicate with those who created it. We just analyzed a huge sample of videos and conducted tests. Fortunately, we have a lot of videos. Perhaps our conclusions are wrong somewhere. I will be glad to talk with anyone who has expertise in this area or their own thoughts on how to successfully promote videos

The main indicator when promoting videos

Let's start with the most basic indicator, which is written about in all blogs and discussed at any conference - audience retention. Audience Retention– percentage characteristic. It shows how many people watched your video to the end. The higher the percentage, the more interesting the video is to the viewer. It is unlikely that you will watch a 10-minute video to the end if it contains nonsense. Conversely, if the video is great, you are more likely to watch it in its entirety. Audience retention is the main YouTube metric (but far from the only one), which affects many indicators.
I have heard and read many places that you need to make short videos, because they will have higher retention. It's logical. For example, a 30-second review of a chair will be watched to the end by many more people than the same 10-minute review.
But is this the best option for a video for YouTube itself? Let's try to look at the videos from his point of view. YouTube makes money from advertising. The longer a person stays on the site, the more likely they are to interact with advertising.
Then what is more profitable for him, a 2-minute video with an 80% retention rate? Or a 30-minute one that only 50% will watch to the end? Of course, 30 minutes, because users will spend much more time on the site.
Let's try to pass the test. Which video do you think, other things being equal, will rank higher?

Answer to the question

All other factors being equal, the third video will rank higher. In the first, the average user spent 4 minutes on YouTube, in the second 4.9 minutes, and in the third 5.4 minutes. But if the retention of the third video was 50%, then the second would win.

Conduct your own test: enter various types of queries and check the duration of the videos in the top. These will almost always be long videos.
Of course, the algorithm is much more complicated. For example, what the user does after watching the video is taken into account. If a video has good retention, but users leave the site after watching it, this is a bad signal. If they start watching other videos (not even from your channel), then this is a positive signal and the video with the worst retention is ranked higher.
Conclusion: A video will rank well if it keeps people on Youtube. Don't be afraid to make long videos. The time a user spends on a site after watching a video may be more important than overall retention rate.

Video ranking factors

When I started promoting videos in search results, I studied a lot of information on foreign and Russian-language blogs. Dozens of factors that influence the top were listed everywhere. Initially, we tried to follow everything: optimize file names, ask people to add videos to favorites, make long descriptions with a bunch of keywords, etc. But this did not bring significant results. Yes, natural traffic was growing, but it was impossible to promote any specific key to the top.
At some point, we realized that the conclusion factors voiced many years ago are repeated as truth now. But YouTube is constantly changing its algorithm, and it simply cannot be that the keywords in the file name and the re-optimized tags field still bring videos to the first places.
Then we conducted a study and identified the following factors that influence the ranking of a video.

The most important:

  • Audience Retention. Long videos (10+ minutes) with good retention are much easier to get to the top.
  • Optimized title and description. We'll talk about how to select keys a little later. They should appear in the title and in the first lines of the description. The description should be as long as possible and, obviously, completely unique.
  • Video views. YouTube can't ignore videos that have been viewed by a lot of people. In addition, there is a separate filter in the search results “by number of views”. Many people use it. But here it is important to remember that cheating will not lead to anything good. If you buy views with bots, your retention will drop and your video won’t reach the top.

Other factors:

  • Number of likes and dislikes. And also their ratio to each other and views. Until recently, this was a fairly strong factor, but now it is being sold for pennies. 1000 likes can be bought for a couple of dollars. Currently, YouTube only takes into account natural likes (i.e., likes from users who watched the video, commented, or otherwise showed their activity). Simply liking without interacting with the video does nothing.
  • Subscribers who subscribed after watching (or during). Has an impact, but only if the subscriber interacted with the content.
  • Sharing and adding to favorites. These factors are also easy to inflate, so they will only bring benefits if there is interaction on the social network after sharing. In other words, if the video received 100 tweets, but they did not bring visitors, it’s a boost. If he received 100 tweets, they were retweeted and new visitors came - a positive signal for YouTube.
  • Embedding videos on visited sites. If there are views from third-party sites, this is definitely a positive signal for YouTube. The same thing happens with external links from good sites.
  • File name. I don't notice the influence of this factor. But the fact that you name the video with some keyword will definitely not make it any worse.

YouTube and Google SEO. Let's select semantics.

Organic traffic is very important. For some videos, it can become the main source of views. Therefore, they should never be neglected. Plus, search traffic is almost always the cheapest in the long run.
In general, video and website SEO are very similar. Keywords, behavioral factors, linking, and links are also important. But there are some differences, let’s talk about them.

Keywords for the video

When collecting the semantic core of a site, Key Collector, Google keyword tool, and Yandex Wordstat are most often used. But when collecting semantics for a video, the query that is shown in the same Key Collector is not always the most effective. Why?
The fact is that Google gives different numbers of videos in the top to different requests. Some requests may not have a video, while others may have the entire top video.
Let's look at a very simple example. Let's take the niche of roller skates and 2 requests from it.

The first request is much more popular, it would seem that it would be much more profitable to tailor a video for it. But, if we look at the Google top, we will find that there is no no positions under the video!
Whereas in the top of the second request there is a video.

The example is very simple, but I think the essence is clear.

Own example

Let's look at a slightly more complex problem using one of our videos as an example.
Task: we need to collect as many organic views as possible for a training video on the IS-7 tank ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBK-kGL53h4).

Let's start with selecting keywords. Let's take broad match from Wordstat:

We filter out commercial (since there is a training video) and non-topic requests. Next, we check through the Google Keywords Tool, and also look at the number of slots allocated for videos.

Next, let’s analyze the tips from Google and YouTube itself for the query “IS-7”

And YouTube tips:

We determine that it is beneficial to focus on the “guide” key. Videos for this request occupy the first 3 lines of Google, Google itself and YouTube recommend it, the key is well asked. At the same time, the rest of the keys are also good, and under no circumstances should we exclude them from promotion.

As a result, we include everything in the title and description, as naturally as possible:

As a result, the video took top positions for all keywords in both Google and YouTube. It also ranks highly for the main key “IS-7”.

Conclusion: Consider all ranking factors and choose the right keywords and descriptions. This will allow your videos to rank at the top and collect organic traffic. The main thing is to remember that the process of collecting semantics for a video has its own characteristics.


Miniatures. A few months ago I wrote about the importance of choosing the “right” miniature. We conducted A/B tests and found options with maximum conversion for ourselves. Here's what you should pay attention to when choosing a miniature:
Large text. It works well because it is easy to read in recommended videos and on mobile phones. But remember, if you plan to advertise a video through Facebook, the caption should not take up more than 20% of the thumbnail.
Don't make irrelevant thumbnails (for example, with girls in a technical video). This will lower the video's retention and cause it to rank lower in search results.
Place people in thumbnails. People do the best work. And people with emotions on their faces are even better.

Working with analytics

When you have several videos released, it's time to start working with analytics. There is a lot that can be learned from analytics. Here are a few examples of YouTube auditing, which were completely obtained while working with analytics. In this article we will look at two main indicators:

  • Hold
  • Realtime


The retention report allows you to understand which types of videos are performing well and are interesting to your audience, and which are not. Let's take two reports:

The first graph shows that most people left almost immediately. The video didn't catch their attention. But almost everyone who watched the first minute watches to the end. We can conclude that the video is interesting, but only for a certain part of users. Well, or change the beginning, because it does not interest the viewer.
The second graph shows that the video is interesting to the audience. Relevant impressions, good start, no sudden drops. Perhaps the end of the video needs to be improved a little.
There are two types of retention reports in analytics:
  • Absolute Retention. It shows how interest in a video decreases during viewing, comparing the number of people in a given period with the total number of views.
  • Relative Retention. It compares your video with other videos of the same length, shows interesting moments, etc.

The example shows that there are jumps. This means that people return to this place after watching for some reason. There is something interesting or controversial here.


Realtime shows how users interacted with your video in the last 48 hours. For example:

We see that this type of video is watched in the morning, then views drop and begin to rise in the afternoon until the evening. In the evening there was another sharp drop.
Or another example:

Here we see that views are growing from morning to evening.
By analyzing such reports, you can understand when it is better to release a video in order to get additional views in the first hours, etc.

Conclusion. Promotion on YouTube is quite a difficult but interesting task. There are dozens, if not hundreds of factors here. There are many different schemes to attract traffic, all for free. If you are interested, I will definitely share them. Or you can read about all the research on my blog.

Additional example

Some channels use a “newbie bonus” for videos. The idea is that the new video receives a ranking bonus and is ranked higher within a few days.

Channels that cannot reach the top using the traffic key use it to collect traffic by constantly releasing new videos. The new video ranks at the top of the previous one. And as a result, one of the videos of this channel is always at the top.

Hello, dear friends and blog guests! Today we'll talk about how to promote a YouTube channel from scratch and is this even possible? I say it's possible! And now I’ll tell you about a method that will help, and you will learn the secret of promoting and promoting your channel on YouTube.

By the way, if you don’t have enough time to study promotion and promotion methods, and you need views right now, they will definitely help you. This is a powerful and, most importantly, effective promotion tool on Youtube. Views, likes, subscribers and even comments under the video on quite affordable terms. Let's use it!

There are a lot of materials on the Internet regarding the promotion and promotion of a YouTube channel, some useful and some not so useful. For example, the guys from EPICSTARS have very useful material on the topic of promoting a YouTube channel. But I still decided to write more about this and I think my article will be useful to you. Why? Because mine YouTube channel I promote and promote this way! And if you follow the link to it, you can make sure that there are already more than 1,000 subscribers and more than 30,000 views. And this helps me make money on my YouTube channel. So let's get involved too!

What does it take for people to start visiting your channel, watching videos and subscribing to it? There is nothing complicated about it! You just need a little patience and attention to your YouTube channel. How to organize this? Now I will tell you...

YouTube channel design

If you are a complete beginner and are just taking your first steps on YouTube, then you first need to properly organize your YouTube channel. Create your own logo and design a beautiful header for it. About how beautiful it is for your channel YouTube I already wrote in my material that you can watch and make your own beautiful and unique hat for him. There’s nothing complicated there; even the most novice YouTuber can figure it out. Did I figure it out?! And at that time I was just starting to use YouTube.

Believe me, the design of a YouTube channel plays a huge role in its promotion and promotion. After all, if your channel is without a beautifully designed header, without its own unique logo, then who will notice it, and if by chance someone comes to it, they will immediately leave it. That's for sure! So, pay special attention to the design of your channel!!!

Then, after the channel header and logo are ready, select keywords for it. Use the service I previously described to select keywords - ! I hope it helps you.

After all these steps, you need to upload several videos to your channel. It’s better to let them be thematic and necessarily unique, so that you can monetize them in the future.

Now that your channel is more or less designed and there is a video on it for viewing, you need to start promoting it and promoting it...

First steps or how to promote a YouTube channel from scratch

To promote and promote a channel on YouTube, there are many methods and services that offer their services for various amounts. Basically, these are tidy sums and a beginner is practically unable to handle them. What to do? Is there a way out of this situation? Of course there is!

This solution is a unique service for promoting and promoting not only your newly created YouTube channel, but also all kinds of other pages on social networks and public pages, etc.

Profi-Like- this is a unique service for promotion and promotion of your resource on social networks, including your YouTube channel.

I have been using this resource myself for a long time to promote and promote my YouTube channel, and I can tell you with confidence that there is no better option for a beginner!

To start register on the channel promotion service Profi-Like and then start choosing a way to promote and promote your channel. And for one thing, you can promote the rest of your social networks if you need it!

Here's a screenshot of what the prices are for promoting and promoting your channel on YouTube:

And that's not all that this service has to offer. Take a look for yourself and choose the most suitable option for yourself to start promoting your channel.

Don’t even worry about the fact that your channel will be banned! Everything has already been checked personally and no bans or anything like that have ever been observed! All views are counted and not removed by YouTube, as well as subscribers - all real people, not bots!

In general, I won’t try to persuade you any more. If you need this, then I think you will use this service.

Let me finish my material here and say goodbye.

Goodbye! See you again! Good luck to everyone in promotion and promotion!

It is also worth remembering that many popular channels also started from scratch. So, how can you promote your YouTube channel and get trending?

It’s quite easy for young channels with good material to become popular - they usually quickly gain views, if the content excites the minds of users and is current.

The only problem is that you need to somehow help viewers learn about this channel. For this purpose, there are special services to attract the public and promote.

Don't neglect the design either., because this is, first of all, your face. Users are attracted only by channels that are pleasing to their eyes and convenient.

The best ways to promote your channel for free

1 . Remember that at first everyone will be interested not in your personality, but in what you do and post, so don’t start your career as a successful video blogger by talking about yourself.

2 . Come up with titles and descriptions for your videos that will make it easier to search on the Internet; add more keywords and tags. It’s also worth choosing the right video category.

3 . Use annotations (clickable text that appears anywhere on a video and can, for example, ask the user to subscribe to a channel or other videos and take them to the appropriate page).

4 . Don't forget to politely ask the user to subscribe to the channel or like it at the end of the video. If you do this at the beginning, the person will simply forget about it.

5 . Try to be friendly and sociable with your audience, if possible answer questions in the comments, leave a connection with yourself on other resources.

6 . Post new videos more often with high-quality material that will be truly interesting. If you upload videos once a month or less, you can quickly lose your entire audience and be left with nothing.

7 . Improve the quality of your work, buy new equipment (microphone or camera).

9 . Find out what topics are currently trending. Try to do something new on these topics.

Remember that you need to choose what is interesting to the public, and not to you personally.

10 . Do not attempt to exhibit movie or cartoon footage shot in a movie theater or porn. This violates the law and video hosting rules.

11 . Don't hide your emotions. Spectators love to watch the appropriate reaction to what is happening.

For example, you review horror games, but not once did you flinch in the entire video. Your creativity is unlikely to attract more subscribers and will quickly become boring if they are not scared along with you.

12 . Don't try to deceive your audience. Sooner or later, the truth will still be found out, and then even deleting comments will not save you from haters.

13 . Try to create a viral video. These usually gain views and likes in a couple of days and remain in people’s ears for some time.

Paid ways to promote a YouTube channel

If you have at least a small capital and are ready to continue developing your channel, there are services where you can pay for advertising and get more views.

Unlike autoclickers, this method is more honest, and in this case, views will not be canceled.

The best services for paid channel promotion

  • Google AdWords ;
  • SEO sprint;
  • Soclike;
  • Redsurf.

There is also another option - promotion on social media. networks. You pay the owner of a large community, and he places advertising on your channel or video. This usually brings a lot of benefits., since the post stays at the very top for quite a long time.

Remember that the promotion of a video to the TOP depends on the number of likes, comments, views, the authority of the channel and the presence of links to the video on other resources.

How can you make money from your YouTube channel?

When you have managed to acquire subscribers and a sufficient number of views, you can start making money from your channel. This can be done using:

  1. Affiliate program and advertising of other channels.
  2. Links to other channels or sites in the description.
  3. Advertising of goods/services/competitions in your videos from advertisers.

Remember that becoming unique and interesting is not so easy. You will have to regularly improve yourself and learn a lot of new and useful information that you can use for your videos. This is the only way you can get into trends and.