The main types of transport and transportation transport logistics transportation transportation. Main methods of transportation (types of transportation) Direct type of cargo delivery

A vehicle is a technical device whose purpose is to transport people or cargo over long distances. Today there are more than tens of thousands of such devices in the world. Therefore, in order to distinguish one transport from another, people came up with a standard classification, thanks to which all types of vehicles can be divided according to their purpose, energy used and travel environment.

Main types of vehicles

As mentioned above, depending on certain characteristics, all types of vehicles can be divided into three main groups:

  • by appointment;
  • by energy used;
  • according to the moving environment.

Since the above types of vehicles have their own classification, features and differ from each other according to certain characteristics, they can be considered in more detail.

Types of transport by destination

By purpose we mean the area in which a particular type of transport is used most often. That is, these can be vehicles:

  • Special use. These include military (armored vehicles, tanks) and technological transport (track vehicles).
  • Common use. This category includes all types of water, air and land transport used in trade and services. For example, a truck that transports goods is already a vehicle that fits into the general use category.
  • Individual use, i.e. those vehicles that a person uses personally. The most common individual transport is a personal car or motorcycle.

In addition, there is a separate subcategory of public transport. This includes urban (public) transport, i.e. one that transports passengers along certain routes, according to a schedule and for a certain fee. These can be buses, trams, trolleybuses, etc.

Types of transport by energy used

Depending on the energy used, there are vehicles:

  • Propelled by wind power, for example, sailing ships (sailboats).
  • Moved by muscular force (moved by a person or animal). The most common human-powered vehicle is the bicycle, which is powered by foot pedals. In addition, there are small rowing boats and velomobiles, less commonly used in everyday life, which are also propelled by human power. Vehicles driven by animals are discussed in more detail below under the appropriate heading.
  • With a personal engine. This type, in turn, is divided into vehicles with thermal and electronic engines.

A heat engine vehicle is a mechanical vehicle that operates by converting heat into energy needed for movement. The heat source in such engines can be, for example, organic fuel. One of the most famous representatives of thermal engine transport is a steam locomotive, which is driven by processing (kindling) coal.

An electronic vehicle is one whose engine is powered by electricity. The main vehicles of this type are trams, funiculars, monorails, electric cars and electric ships.

Types of transport by travel environment

Depending on the travel environment, transport can be:

  • land (road, rail, bicycle, pipeline, as well as transport driven by animals);
  • air (aviation and aeronautics);
  • water (surface and underwater vessels);
  • space (devices and machines moving along airless paths);
  • of a different type.

Other types of transport include stationary lifts (elevators), elevators, cable cars, etc.

Ground transportation

There are various land vehicles, which are divided according to a number of characteristics:

  • By type of propulsion, there are caterpillar (some types of tanks, tractors and cranes), wheeled (cars, bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles), as well as ground vehicles that are driven by animals.
  • Based on the number of wheels, there are: unicycles (one-wheeled vehicles), bicycles (two-wheeled vehicles), tricycles (three-wheeled vehicles) and ATVs (four-wheeled vehicles).
  • According to the type of roads, there are railway and trackless vehicles. Rail transport refers to any vehicle that transports cargo and passengers along rail tracks. That is, these can be locomotives, carriages, trams, monorails and overpass transport. Trackless includes any ground transport, including vehicles that travel on land.

Automotive vehicles

Road transport is considered the most popular and widespread type of land transport. Automotive includes all types of means by which cargo and passengers are transported on trackless tracks. Many vehicles are intended not only for short-distance transportation, but also long-distance transportation, especially in cases where it is impossible to deliver passengers, products or materials in any other way.

All road transport is divided:

  • For racing cars, which are most often used in car and sprint races (drag racing, auto slalom, etc.). These include, for example, monoposts - single-seater cars with open wheels, used in Formula 1 racing.
  • For transport vehicles that serve only to transport cargo and passengers. Depending on the purpose of destination, they are passenger cars (personal cars), cargo (vans, tractors, etc.) and transport (buses, minibuses, etc.).
  • For special machines, which, among other things, are equipped with additional equipment intended for certain purposes. These include, for example, ambulances or fire trucks.

Vehicles driven by animals

People learned to use animals as means of transportation when other types of land transport did not yet exist. Although years have passed and modern vehicles have appeared, many still prefer to ride a horse or harness an animal to a cart in order to transport any cargo.

Vehicles driven by animals include:

  • Horse-drawn transport. People mainly use horses, dogs, camels, buffaloes, elephants and other mammals that can be tamed and trained for transportation as vehicles for moving cargo and passengers on carts, carts.
  • Pack transport. The very name of pack transport comes from the packing baggage (pack), which is attached to the back of the animal. Such a vehicle is used in cases where horse-drawn transport is impractical, for example, in mountainous areas where the slopes are too steep and the roads are narrow, which makes the movement of carts and carts much more difficult. In addition to mountainous areas, pack animals are used in rural and swampy areas, as well as in deserts or in northern regions where roads are poor or practically non-existent.
  • Horse transport, which is intended both for transporting passengers and for participation in special sports competitions and competitions. Horse-mounted transport mainly includes horses, camels and elephants.

Pipeline vehicles

The main purpose of pipeline vehicles is only to transport goods (chemicals, liquid and gaseous products) through special channels (pipes). This type of ground transport is the cheapest and most popular, which has no analogues in the world. For example, in the Russian Federation, pipelines are used to transport more than 95% of the oil produced.

In addition to being cheap, pipeline transport has other advantages:

  • fast shipping;
  • low cost of transportation;
  • no loss of cargo during delivery;
  • pipelines can be laid anywhere and any way (not counting air routes).

The main types of pipeline vehicles: sewerage, water supply, garbage chute and pneumatic transport (pneumatic mail).

Air Transport

Airplanes appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and quickly gained popularity throughout the world. This type of transport also includes helicopters, airships, airbuses, and airplanes. This is one of the fastest, but most expensive types of vehicles, which is intended for passenger and cargo transportation over long distances (more than 1 thousand km) by air. In addition, there are planes and helicopters that perform service functions (for example, putting out fires, spraying insecticides over fields, air ambulances, etc.). Typically, air transport is used by tourists and businessmen who want to quickly get to another country or even another continent. These vehicles transport large and heavy items, products with a short shelf life, as well as valuable items.

Although this type of transport is noisy and expensive, it is indispensable for scientific expeditions that go to distant continents or other inaccessible places that are difficult or impossible to reach in any other way.

Water transport

This is one of the classic types of vehicles. Such transport is intended for transportation along artificial (reservoirs, canals) and natural (lakes, rivers, seas, etc.) waterways.

Unlike air, water transport is one of the cheapest after pipeline transport. That is why almost everything is transported by such vehicles: from building materials to minerals. And such watercraft, such as ferries, are even capable of transporting other vehicles.

But passenger traffic has recently become significantly less. This is justified by the rather low speed at which ships move from one seaport to another.

The main types of vehicles moving along waterways: surface (boats, boats, liners, ships) and underwater vessels.

Space transport (spacecraft)

Space transport (spacecraft) is a mechanical vehicle designed to transport goods and passengers through airless space (in space). Of course, when talking about transporting people, it is meant that they are both passengers and the crew operating the spacecraft. Basically, such transport is intended for more specific purposes. For example, space stations are designed for various studies of terrain, oceans and the atmosphere that cannot be done on Earth, and satellites allow people to watch international television programs and make weather forecasts to meteorologists. In addition, some spacecraft are used for military purposes (surveillance of war zones, reconnaissance of the activities of other countries, detection of approaching space objects, etc.).

The main space transport can be distinguished: satellites, spaceships, orbital and interplanetary stations, planetary rovers.

Types of cargo transportation .

- international cargo transportation.

Characterized by the fact that the point of departure of the cargo and the point of destination are in different countries. In order to deliver cargo to its destination, sometimes it is necessary to cross several borders, and this in turn is associated with the need to obtain appropriate permits and go through many procedures.

- interregional transportation

cargo is associated with the movement of goods within one state from one region to another, creating choice for consumers and making their company competitive. This type of cargo transportation is the most common among commercial organizations, however, despite the fact that state borders do not cross when delivering cargo, it is nevertheless necessary to obtain appropriate permits for transportation.

Also, types of cargo transportation are distinguished by the nature of the vehicle - road, rail, air transportation. When delivering goods, road freight transportation is most often used, since it is the most optimal in terms of material costs. However, if the destination is located far from federal highways, rail freight transportation is often used. transportation is used in cases of strict time limits, when serious economic damage to the enterprise is possible due to loss of time, or in the absence of anyone else having access to the cargo delivery point.

So called multi-modal transportation is the transportation of cargo to its destination using several means of transport: road transport, rail, sea or air transport. This type of cargo transportation is used for international transportation and the need to pass through several geographical obstacles.
For the convenience of the customer, many freight transport companies use so-called consolidated cargo. If the customer needs to deliver a small cargo and ordering a container is not economically profitable, this method is proposed. The customer's goods are delivered to the consolidation warehouse, where orders for the transportation of goods along the same or similar route are accumulated, and the goods are sent to their destination. In this case, the customer pays for the specific space occupied by his cargo, and the cargo may consist of one box.

Cargo classification

The scientific definition of the concept of “classification of cargo” is the distribution of transported cargo into sections, groups and positions.
Cargoes may differ in their belonging to one or another sector of the economy. Cargoes are also distinguished by purpose - raw materials, finished products, fuel, household chemicals, household appliances, perishable and dangerous goods, etc., by type of rolling stock and by transport characteristics, such as volume, size, cumbersomeness, etc. . Often the same cargo can be classified differently depending on the selected attribute.

Classification of cargo by characteristics:

1) according to the method of loading and unloading. The following types of cargo are distinguished:

a) piece;

b) bulk;

There are cargoes that are always assigned to one class. The classification of such cargo is as follows:
cargo, the weight of which does not exceed the values ​​​​established by the manufacturer for a given vehicle intended for use on public roads, and the overall dimensions of the cargo and the vehicle comply with the traffic rules.
Dangerous goods.
Dangerous goods include objects or substances, the transportation of which is fraught with harm to human health, the environment, and damage to property. There is a special list of dangerous goods - IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations. Dangerous goods occupy a special place in the classification of goods, since their transportation is associated with risk and must be carried out in compliance with the strictest safety measures. In addition, there are a number of rules and requirements not only for the transportation of such cargo itself, but also for the rolling stock, equipment of trucks transporting such cargo, and the presence of a specially trained forwarder.
Perishable goods.
These include goods that require special storage conditions (humidity level, temperature conditions) and delivery times, otherwise they will become unusable during transportation or lose their valuable qualities. The classification of such cargo mainly includes food products.
Oversized and extra-heavy cargo.
Such cargo has non-standard dimensions, weight, volume, etc. Their transportation is associated with great difficulties, as such cargo is often impossible to transport using standard methods. For such cargo it is sometimes necessary to create special vehicles and come up with special methods, develop special routes for their transportation. An example of oversized and extra-heavy cargo is a residential building, drilling rig, heavy generators, etc.
Live cargo.
The classification of this type of cargo includes cattle, all kinds of poultry and other farm animals. In addition, very often, when people go on a trip, they take their pets with them - dogs, cats, etc., which also represent live cargo for transport companies.
Heavy cargo
Classification of goods transported by transport companies according to certain characteristics and indicators is necessary for cargo carriers to properly organize the process of cargo transportation, in order to streamline and optimize both the transportation process itself and the preparatory work necessary in each specific case.

Rules for cargo delivery.

The rules for the delivery (transportation) of goods are clearly stated in the relevant regulations. Any legal entity or individual engaged in cargo transportation and providing relevant services is obliged not only to know, but also to strictly follow all established rules for cargo delivery.
It should be noted that most of the rules were drawn up in Soviet times, however, due to the fact that they continue to apply today, their implementation must also be approached very responsibly.
The main document regulating the processes of cargo transportation is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. All rules for the delivery and transportation of goods are clearly stated in Chapter 40. It would also be useful to familiarize yourself with Chapter 41 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates issues of transport expedition.
We list other documents that are basic in this area, which you will need to familiarize yourself with. These regulations relating to the transportation and delivery of goods, we hope, will be useful to all interested parties, both carriers and shippers.

1. Charter of motor transport dated 01/08/1961. No. 12 (as amended).
General rules for the transportation of goods by road from October 25, 1974.
2. Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2000 No. 68 “On the introduction of travel documentation for individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation activities in road transport.”
3. Instructions for the transportation of large and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation, dated May 27, 1996.
4. Federal Law “On transport and forwarding activities” dated June 30, 2003 No. 87-FZ.
5. Rules of transport and forwarding activities dated 09/08/2006 No. 554
6. Rules for the transportation of dangerous goods by road from 08.08.1995 No. 73

Transportation of long cargo

Transportation of long cargo is in many ways similar to transportation of very large, oversized cargo, and, accordingly, requires not only a special, individual approach, but also the use of specialized vehicles.
Transportation of long cargo requires solving a variety of issues, a whole series of organizational measures, and the use of special equipment. It is also necessary to take into account the very specifics of such cargo, even at the stage of loading (unloading). After all, such cargo is very difficult not only to transport, but also to move, and this requires specially trained, qualified loaders who have the skills to work specifically with long cargo.
Transportation of long cargo requires the mandatory development and drawing up of a movement route, from the very beginning of the movement of the cargo until the moment it is delivered to the customer.
Large and heavy cargo, which includes long cargo, must be transported taking into account the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090, as well as the requirements specified in the permit for cargo transportation . In addition, the transportation of long cargo is regulated by: the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter of Motor Transport, the Rules for the Transportation of Oversized and Heavy Cargo, the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation
In some cases, when the length of the cargo exceeds the permissible dimensions, special permits must be obtained for its transportation. Such approval is required if the length of the road train exceeds 20 m. In the same case, when the length of the road train is more than 30 m, or if the transport, when moving, may partially occupy the lane of oncoming traffic, when transporting cargo, it is necessary to be accompanied by a traffic police vehicle, or an ordinary an escort vehicle (with a road train length of 24 m).

Rules for the transportation of perishable goods

Transportation of perishable goods must be carried out in accordance with the General Rules for the Transportation of Goods by Road (Section 13, “Rules for the Transportation of Perishable Goods by Road in Intercity Transport”).
Perishable goods include goods, the transportation of which must be carried out in compliance with the temperature regime, individual for each type of such cargo. Accordingly, special requirements are imposed on vehicles performing this type of transportation.
Perishable goods are divided into several groups:
- products of plant origin: fruits, berries, vegetables, mushrooms, etc.;
- products of animal origin: meat of various animals and birds, fish, caviar, milk, eggs, etc.;
- processed products: dairy products, various fats, frozen fruits, sausages and other meat products, cheeses, etc.;
- living plants: seedlings, flowers, etc.
There are quite strict requirements for the transportation of each of these groups, the main of which is mandatory compliance with the temperature regime. The temperature at which complete safety of the cargo is ensured may be different for each product, and therefore, in these rules, the “List of perishable goods required for transportation by road and the temperature regime for their transportation” is separately highlighted.
In other cases, when transporting perishable goods not listed in this list, requirements are imposed on the temperature regime specified by the shipper, provided that this temperature regime corresponds to the technical capabilities of the refrigeration unit.
In any case, when transporting perishable goods, we advise you to familiarize yourself in detail with the general rules for transporting goods by road, especially in the part that directly concerns the rules for transporting perishable goods.

Rules for the transportation of bulk cargo

Each type of cargo transportation has its own rules. The rules for the transportation of certain individual types of cargo, including the transportation of bulk cargo, are also regulated. In many ways, these rules are similar, there are only some parts of them that directly relate to the type of cargo that is transported.
All responsibilities for compliance with the established rules for the transportation of goods are assumed by the carrier company, which a priori has all the necessary knowledge, and also, very preferably, experience.
Directly for the transportation of bulk cargo, there are several basic rules regulated by law at the federal level. The bulk cargoes themselves are sand, expanded clay, grain, mineral fertilizers in granules, crushed stone in granules, etc.
When loading bulk cargo, for example, transported in bulk, the surface of the cargo should not protrude beyond the upper edges of the sides of the rolling stock in order to prevent the cargo from spilling out during movement.
In automobile containers, transportation of bulk cargo without containers is prohibited. Also, the carrier is prohibited from transporting bulk cargo in such a way that it is possible for them to fall out of the body onto the roadway itself, or the side of the road. That is, bulk cargo transported in an open vehicle body must, at a minimum, be covered with a special covering or tarpaulin. To prevent losses of bulk and bulk cargo during transportation, the sender must load them in such a way that the surface of the cargo does not protrude beyond the upper edges of the sides (body) of the vehicle. In this case, the carrier must ensure that such cargo is covered with canopies.
When transporting bulk cargo, quite a lot of problems often arise related to losses at the loading/unloading stage, reloading from one vehicle to another, spillage of cargo during movement, etc. Therefore, for the transportation of bulk cargo, the most rational is to use various specialized means, for example, containers. In this case, the transportation of bulk cargo is very easy to organize in accordance with the requirements of the rules.

Transportation of goods by tanks

Even at the very beginning of its history, immediately after the development of mass production of universal trucks, it was necessary to resolve a number of issues related to the transportation of certain types of cargo, bulk, perishable and liquid. This was the impetus for the development and launch of production, based on general-purpose trucks, of vehicles specially adapted for these purposes, respectively, dump trucks, isothermal vans and tanks.
Transportation of goods by tanks, the history of which began in the mid-30s of the last century, makes it possible to solve transport problems of moving mainly liquid cargo. However, despite its apparent simplicity, the transportation of goods by tanks, in fact, has a number of subtleties and nuances. The fact is that for each of the liquid cargoes, even of the same type, separate tanks specially modified for them are required. For example, crude oil and gasoline, or other petroleum products, cannot be transported in the same tanks. Not to mention milk, or, say, live fish, since transportation of this cargo is carried out in tanks. In addition, there are currently a number of modifications of tanks that are specially adapted for the transportation of certain types of bulk cargo.
Transportation of goods by tanks is carried out by those types that are specifically designed for moving certain types of cargo. Among them, the main ones can be identified, such as: for crude oil; light, and separately, dark oil refining products, which are complemented by a heating system (for bitumen, asphalt); tanks for liquefied gases; liquid waste; special tanks for chemicals and chemical industry products, which in turn have a number of modifications, respectively for inert and aggressive substances, depending on the physical state of such cargo, etc. The materials from which tanks are made are also varied.
Transportation of goods by tanks is carried out, in the vast majority, by tanks with typical characteristics. You can indicate the main ones:
. capacity from 20 to 40 thousand liters;
. length from 13.7 to 16.1 m;
. weight within 4.5-6 tons;
. from 1 to 5 compartments in the tank;
. working pressure up to 25 kg/cm. cube;
. tanks are equipped with pneumatic or spring suspension, depending on the type of cargo.

Transportation of goods by containers

Transportation of goods by containers, carried out, among other things, by motor transport enterprises, is a modern and fairly economical way to move cargo. This is primarily due to the fact that the container is a removable transport device, and with its help you can easily transport a wide variety of cargo, both during single-modal and multimodal transport.
Freight transport by containers is currently quite common. The vast majority of cargo transportation companies, in addition to other services, offer their clients services for the transportation of goods by containers. And there are many reasons for this. Firstly, containers are a universal transport device that can easily accommodate a wide variety of cargo within the volume provided for by the container’s design. Secondly, containers are removable devices. This ensures a short period of loading and unloading operations, including the reloading of containers onto another vehicle or another type of transport, which ultimately saves the overall time of cargo transportation. And thirdly, transportation of goods by containers can be carried out in a multimodal mode. Moreover, when moving cargo from one type of transport to another, for example, from a truck to a railway platform, or when carrying out further transportation of cargo by sea, there will be no need for re-warehousing and reloading of the cargo itself. Only the container will be moved. As a result, not only significantly saves time, but also ensures the integrity and confidentiality of the cargo.
However, the main advantage of containers remains their versatility, and the fact that freight transportation by containers can significantly reduce overall transport costs, which are included in the cost of production.
Currently, there are several main modifications of universal containers. Their design and dimensions are standard, which makes it easy to adapt the containers for transportation by any appropriate mode of transport. Depending on the type of container, their technical loading standards, expressed in kg, also change. Today, container cargo transportation is carried out in the following types of containers:

3 ton container. Its loading standards correspond to 2400 kg;
. 5-ton - holds 4000 kg;
. 20-foot (already used for international transport) - allows you to load up to 21,800 kg of packaged cargo;
. 40 feet. Its technical loading standards correspond to 30,000 kg (30 tons).

All these containers are universal, i.e. can be transported equally successfully by all modes of transport, both road, rail, sea or by plane.
Transportation of goods by containers can be carried out in different modes. Most cargo shipping companies try to provide their clients with container cargo transportation services, as they say, “door to door.” The scheme here is very simple. Or the cargo is directly loaded and, accordingly, unloaded into a container. Or the cargo is first transported by other types of trucks, and only then placed in a container. However, in both cases, transportation of goods by containers will for a long time remain among the most convenient, versatile and economical types among all types of transportation of containerized and piece goods.

Heavy-duty road transport

Heavy-duty road transport, as is clear from the definition itself, carries out the movement of heavy and oversized cargo. In both cases, only heavy-duty road transportation is the only possible solution to various problems when it is necessary to transport such cargo that ordinary trucks cannot handle.
Heavy-duty road transportation occupies a fairly significant place among all the services provided by freight transport companies. And the presence of heavy-duty road trains or other similar vehicles in the fleet of such a company is a fairly high indicator of the development of both the cargo transportation company itself and the quality of the services provided. By the way, at present there are separate companies that specialize specifically in heavy-duty transportation, without providing any other side services.
Heavy-duty road transportation is currently a fairly popular service. And if a dozen years ago, the problem, for example, of transporting a small country house entirely by road, or other oversized and very heavy (voluminous) cargo, seemed almost insoluble, today the situation has changed radically. Companies actively operating in the market for the transportation of heavy and oversized cargo have a fairly large fleet of specialized vehicles that allow them to solve almost any problem in this area of ​​cargo movement. In addition, the emergence in our country of professionals specializing specifically in solving logistics and cargo problems, whose experience is very highly valued, further contributes to the development and further improvement of the market for the provision of services of this kind.
Heavy-duty road transportation has already moved from the category of exotic and, accordingly, unrealistically expensive services, to almost everyday practice of cargo transporting companies. Of course, the cost of such services may be slightly higher than the prices for conventional movement of goods by road. However, the specificity and sometimes uniqueness of the tasks that exclusively heavy-duty vehicles can solve fully justifies all the costs. And with a more subtle calculation, taking into account many secondary criteria, the final cost of services of this kind may turn out to be significantly lower than moving heavy and oversized cargo by another type of transport, or, for example, in a disassembled state.

Long-haul cargo transportation

Long-haul transportation of goods involves the movement of various goods over long distances. This includes both international transportation of goods and transportation within Russia, but over quite significant distances carried out by road freight transport. Truckers - just such a common name, and more familiar to the vast majority of people, defines the essence of long-distance cargo transportation.
The length of routes and long distances impose special requirements on long-distance cargo transportation, not only for vehicles, but also for the entire system of cargo transportation of this type. Firstly, it is impossible to transport goods over long and especially long distances without transport specially designed specifically for long-distance transportation of goods. After all, cargo may be in transit for several weeks and transported by just one long-haul truck. Therefore, both the reliability of the car itself and its convenience for the driver play a paramount role here.
In addition, long-distance transportation of goods is carried out, as a rule, in fairly large volumes. Therefore, currently, for these purposes, mainly heavy-duty vehicles are used, designed to most effectively solve the problems of transporting bulky or very heavy cargo as part of road trains, the total weight of which can reach up to 60 tons.
Long-haul cargo transportation takes up a significant amount of the total cargo transportation. Lines of road trains on our roads, which have transported hundreds of millions of tons in their history, have long become a common occurrence. And in the foreseeable future, it is unlikely that any other method of moving goods over long distances will be able to displace them from their leading places.

Transportation of indivisible goods

Transportation of indivisible cargo, which is mostly large and heavy cargo, is one of the most difficult types of cargo transportation. Indivisible goods are those goods that cannot be transported in parts. Indivisible loads are very diverse, from power lines to boiler equipment, from huge power transformers, to massive agricultural or construction equipment.
Transportation of indivisible cargo, due to its specificity, requires a special approach to planning and direct implementation. In most cases, it can only be carried out using special vehicles, which are either specially designed for the transportation of oversized and heavy cargo, or are additionally prepared for each individual cargo.
In addition, the transportation of indivisible cargo requires the presence of professionals on staff of the cargo carrier company, specially trained to solve problems of this kind. After all, loading and unloading operations, drawing up and agreeing with the authorized authorities on the route, compliance with all restrictions and safety rules normalized for cargo transportation of this kind - this is not a complete list of issues that need to be addressed.
In fact, in each specific case, the transportation of indivisible goods often requires the development and preparation of an individual project. Moreover, quite often, to implement such a project, the involvement and interaction of an entire transport system is required in order to implement the most optimal transportation of goods of this kind.

Registration of cargo transportation

Registration of cargo transportation must be carried out in all cases without exception. Whatever the conditions for the movement of goods, without drawing up the appropriate documents, not a single vehicle has the right to travel beyond the place where the loading took place. And the loading itself, without first completing all the necessary documents, should not begin.
Today, Russian legislation clearly regulates all issues related to the registration of cargo transportation. Freight carriers transport goods and perform any additional services related to the transportation of goods only on the basis of agreements concluded with shippers or consignees. The conclusion of a contract for the carriage of goods is confirmed by a waybill drawn up by the shipper. In some cases, cargo carriers may enter into tripartite transportation agreements: with shippers and consignees. There is also the conclusion of an agreement on the organization of cargo transportation between the cargo owner and the forwarder.
In some cases, in particular when transporting goods involving several modes of transport, agreements may be concluded between organizations or owners of these modes of transport to organize joint work to ensure intermodal transport of goods.
Documentation of cargo transportation is as follows:
. The waybill for a vehicle carrying out cargo transportation is the main document for the primary accounting of cargo transportation. The waybill must necessarily reflect the following information: name, address, telephone, basic bank details of the carrier; type, make, registration plate of the car; FULL NAME. driver and accompanying persons; data on the work of the driver and the truck (departure, return, speedometer readings, mark on technical serviceability and the driver’s permission to operate the vehicle); task for the driver (customer, route, name of cargo, distance); results of using the car; other special notes, including pre-trip medical examination of the driver.
. All transportation of goods carried out on a commercial basis, except for those goods for which warehouse accounting and accounting by measurements are not carried out, must be issued with a waybill, which is issued for each departure with the cargo. Also, in this case, it is necessary to place an order-receipt for the transportation of goods.
. Registration of cargo transportation includes compulsory and voluntary insurance, which is carried out in accordance with current legislation. Compulsory insurance covers the liability of owners of vehicles transporting goods in the event of damage to the life and health of citizens, or any property damage as a result of an accident.

Registration of cargo transportation must be carried out by all motor transport enterprises without exception. In case of violation of the prescribed rules, various sanctions may be imposed on the cargo, vehicle and the enterprise itself, from fines to confiscation of the cargo, vehicle, as well as deprivation of the corresponding license of the cargo carrier.

Cargo escort.

Cargo escorting is a fairly popular service, and in many situations, a necessity.Currently, two main types of cargo escort can be distinguished - mandatory escort, and, so to speak, escort at the request of the Customer.
Mandatory cargo escort is carried out by a cover vehicle and (or) a tractor, if necessary. As a rule, cover vehicles, including tractors, are allocated by the cargo carrier or shipper, depending on the agreement of the parties. Cover vehicles, in this case, must be equipped with an orange or yellow flashing light.
Mandatory cargo escort (according to traffic rules) A cover car is required in cases where:
. the width of the vehicle, including the width of the cargo, exceeds 3.5 m;
. the length of the road train exceeds 24 m;

. in other cases, when the permit in the column “Special traffic conditions” states that movement through any artificial structure is permitted alone, or other conditions are indicated that require prompt changes in the organization of traffic on the cargo transportation route.
Also, in some cases, mandatory escort of cargo by a traffic police patrol car is required:
. the width of the vehicle, including the width of the cargo, exceeds 4 m;
. the length of the road train exceeds 30 m;
. when moving, the vehicle is forced to at least partially occupy the lane of oncoming traffic;
. during the transportation process, it is assumed that there is a need for prompt changes in traffic organization in order to ensure travel safety;

. if dangerous goods are transported.
Along with mandatory, there is such a thing as voluntary cargo escort. In some cases, the shipper may require the allocation of a special escort vehicle, or independently order such a service, in order to be completely confident that his cargo will be delivered safe and sound.

2. 6. Types/types of transportation

In the process of purchasing and delivering material resources, as well as distributing finished products to consumers, a manufacturing company can use various types of transport, various logistics partners, as well as various transportation options (Fig. 2.3).

Unimodal (one-species) transportation is carried out by one type of transport, for example, automobile. Typically used when the starting and final transportation points of a logistics chain are specified without intermediate warehousing or cargo handling operations. The criteria for choosing the type of transport in such transportation are usually the type of cargo, the volume of shipment, the time of delivery of the cargo to the consumer, and transportation costs.

For example, for large-scale shipments and if there are access roads at the final delivery point, it is more advisable to use rail transport; for small-scale shipments over short distances, it is more appropriate to use road transport.

Mixed transportation of goods (mixed separate transportation) usually carried out by two types of transport, for example:

railway - road, river - road, sea - road, etc. In this case, the cargo is delivered by the first mode of transport to the so-called transshipment point or cargo terminal without storage or with short-term storage, followed by reloading to another mode of transport. A typical example is the service provided by motor transport enterprises to railway stations or a sea (river) port of a transport hub. Signs of multimodal transportation are the presence of several transport documents, the absence of a uniform freight rate, and a consistent pattern of interaction between participants in the transport process. In direct multimodal transportation, the cargo owner enters into an agreement with the first carrier, acting both on his own behalf and on behalf of the next carrier representing a different type of transport. Due to this, the cargo owner is actually in a contractual relationship with both, and each of them makes payments to the cargo owner and bears financial responsibility for the safety of the cargo only on the corresponding section of the route.

Combined shipping differs from mixed mode in the presence of more than two modes of transport. The use of mixed (combined) modes of transportation is often determined in the logistics system by the structure of distribution channels (or logistics supply channels), when, for example, large quantities of finished products are sent from the manufacturing plant to the wholesale base by rail (in order to minimize costs), and Delivery from the wholesale base to retail outlets is carried out by road.

Intermodal (integrated) It is customary to call mixed transportation of goods “door to door”, carried out under the guidance of an operator using one transport document using a single (end-to-end) freight rate. According to definition UNCTAD(United Nation Conference on Trade and Development) “Intermodal is the transportation of goods by several modes of transport, in which one of the carriers organizes the entire delivery from one point of departure through one or more transshipment points to the destination, and depending on the division of responsibility for transportation, different types of transport documents are issued.”

Transportation is called multimodal in the event that the person organizing the transportation is responsible for it along the entire route, regardless of the number of modes of transport involved when issuing a single transportation document.

At the same time, in some works, experts indicate that, unlike intermodal systems, where consolidated cargo items are transported under uniform tariffs and transportation documents with equal rights for all participating modes of transport, in multimodal transportation one of the modes of transport acts as a carrier, and the interacting modes transport – as clients paying for its services.

Terminal transportation occupies an intermediate position between intermodal and multimodal transport.

During intermodal transportation, the cargo owner enters into an agreement for the entire route with one person (operator). The operator can be, for example, a forwarding company, which, operating along the entire route of cargo transportation by various modes of transport, frees the cargo owner from the need to enter into contractual relations with other transport companies. However, experts believe that the signs of intermodal (multimodal) transportation are:

Availability of a delivery operator from the initial to the final point of the logistics chain (channel);

Unified through freight rate;

Single transport document;

Single responsibility for the cargo and execution of the contract of carriage.

The basic principles of the functioning of intermodal and multimodal transportation systems include:

Uniform commercial and legal regime;

An integrated approach to solving financial and economic issues of organizing transportation;

Maximum use of telecommunication networks and electronic document management systems;

A unified organizational and technological principle of transportation management and coordination of the actions of all intermediaries involved in transportation;

Cooperation of logistics intermediaries;

Integrated development of transportation infrastructure by various modes of transport.

When carrying out multimodal transportation outside the country (during export-import operations), customs procedures for cargo clearance, as well as transport legislation and commercial legal aspects of transportation in those countries through which the cargo route passes, become essential. In international multimodal transportation, the principle of uniformity of the commercial legal regime provides for:

^ unification of physical distribution in terms of transportation;

^ simplification of customs formalities;

^ introduction of standard commercial cargo and transport documents of international standard.

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Unimodal (single-type) transportation is carried out by one type of transport, for example, road. Typically used when the starting and final transportation points of a logistics chain are specified without intermediate warehousing and cargo handling operations. The criteria for choosing the type of transport in such transportation are usually the type of cargo, the volume of shipment, the time of delivery of the cargo to the consumer, and transportation costs.

Multimodal transportation of goods is usually carried out by two types of transport, for example: railway - road, river - road, sea - rail, etc. In this case, the cargo is delivered by the first mode of transport to the so-called transshipment point or cargo terminal without storage or with short-term storage and subsequent reloading to another mode of transport. A typical example of multimodal transportation is the service by motor transport companies of railway stations or a sea (river) port of a transport hub.

Signs of multimodal transportation are the presence of several transport documents, a single tariff rate of freight, and a scheme of sequential interaction between participants in the transport process. In direct multimodal transportation, the cargo owner enters into an agreement with the first carrier, acting both on his own behalf and on behalf of the next carrier representing a different type of transport. Thus, the cargo owner is actually in a contractual relationship with both, and each makes payments to the cargo owner and bears financial responsibility for the safety of the cargo only on “their” part of the route.

Combined transportation differs from mixed transportation by using more than two modes of transport. The use of mixed (combined) types of transportation is often determined in the logistics system by the structure of distribution channels: large consignments of cargo are sent from the manufacturing plant to the wholesale base by rail (in order to minimize costs), and delivery from the wholesale base to retail points is carried out by Bowersox automobile D., D. Kloss. Logistics. Integrated supply chain. - M.: Olimp-Business, 2006, p. 387

Mixed, combined, intermodal transport and direct mixed transport are considered synonymous, i.e. “transportation of goods carried out by two or more carriers of various types of public transport under a single transportation document with cargo transshipment at a transfer point (or points) without the participation of the cargo owner.” It should be noted that in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation the terms “combined transport” and “direct multimodal transport” are used as synonyms (Article 788 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

It should be noted that there is still no agreed upon terminology for types of transportation (transportation methods), and this applies not only to Russia, but also to international practice. This indicates the need to continue standardizing the terminology of multimodal transport and developing a legislative framework. In particular, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Multimodal Transportation” is currently being developed. Here are some definitions regarding transportation methods:

According to the UNCTAD (United Nation Conference on Trade and Development) definitions, “intermodal is the transportation of goods by several modes of transport, when one of the carriers organizes the entire delivery from the point of departure through one or more transshipment points to the destination and - depending on the distribution of responsibility for transportation - issues various types of transport documents, and multimodal - if the person organizing the transportation is responsible for it along the entire route - regardless of the number of modes of transport involved, in this case a single transportation document is issued.”

In the “terminological dictionary” of logistics, multimodal transportation is understood as “mixed transportation carried out by vehicles owned by the same legal entity or under its operational control (for example, delivery of goods to the airport, air transportation and delivery of goods from the airport, carried out by transport funds belonging to the same express mail company)".

During intermodal transportation, the cargo owner enters into a transportation agreement for the entire route with one person (operator). It could be, for example, a forwarding company, which, operating along the entire route of cargo transportation by various modes of transport, frees the cargo owner from the need to enter into contractual relations with other transport companies.

For multimodal transportation outside the country (export - import operations), customs procedures for cargo clearance, as well as transport legislation and commercial legal aspects in those countries through which the cargo route passes, become essential.

In recent years, transportation technology, especially for multi- and intermodal transport, has been associated with the use of cargo terminals and terminal complexes in logistics chains. Therefore, the corresponding transportations are called terminal transportations. One of the reasons for the widespread use of intermodal transportation in logistics is a significant reduction in the cost of transportation when combining several modes of transport.

If we talk about the factors hindering the development of inter/multimodal transport, numerous customs formalities remain a serious barrier, leading to unplanned downtime, delays, and additional costs in a number of countries.

DHL, a leader in the international air express delivery business, conducted a study of the customs situation in Eastern European countries. The survey involved 100 of Europe's largest multinational companies. As it turns out, misunderstanding of the meaning of customs procedures and regulations is the biggest problem that Western companies face when doing business in Eastern European countries. Nine out of ten businessmen experienced problems with customs clearance of goods.

Every fourth of those surveyed encountered corruption, 40% of respondents believe that customs creates additional obstacles to the development of international integration, 50% said that customs costs have seriously reduced their overall income. The fewest problems at customs were in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. If we talk about Russia, then a state that declares a strategic direction towards integration into the world economy cannot fail to understand the relationship between the conditions for doing business (including customs clearance) and the attractiveness of the country for investment. The reason for the stagnation of customs rules is a general lack of understanding of the essence of business processes. In some countries, customs legislation has not changed since the 1970s and still follows the Iron Curtain strategy. And now it remains a serious obstacle to international trade and investment.

Problems with processing transport documents and customs formalities can be solved through the introduction of modern information systems. Today, it is important for Russia to comprehensively implement international systems of standards that would allow the creation of transport corridors with a single information space. Using satellites and computer technology, transportation can be monitored in real time Daniel L. Wardlaw, Donald F. Wood, James Johnson, Paul R. Murphy. Modern logistics. - M.: Williams, 2005, p. 89

The reduction in logistics costs when introducing inter-multimodal transport through seaports is due to the following factors:

Closer interaction with customs, which will lead to a reduction in unproductive fleet downtime in Russian ports, primarily through the preliminary declaration of imported cargo;

Coordination of working hours for work performed by the port and customs;

Excluding repeated customs inspections of ships when entering the second Russian seaport;

Accelerating the passage of export-import and transit cargo through seaports, reducing the volume of stale cargo, which will reduce the need for warehouse space and lead to an increase in the throughput of transshipment complexes.

Inter-multimodal transportation can be called a new stage in the field of international cargo transportation. Increasing the reliability of transport services, reducing the cost and time of cargo delivery are achieved through the integration of different types of transport, eliminating the delay of cargo from the sender's warehouse to the recipient's warehouse by one operator based on a single technological schedule and the latest computer technologies.

In the logistics process, a company can use various transportation methods, modes of transport, as well as various logistics partners (intermediaries) when organizing the delivery of products to specific points in the logistics chain (supply chain). First of all, the logistics management of the company decides whether to create its own fleet of vehicles or use hired transport (public or private). When choosing an alternative, they usually proceed from a certain system of criteria:

Costs of creating and operating your own fleet of vehicles (rent, analysis of rolling stock);

Costs of paying for the services of transport, freight forwarding companies and other logistics intermediaries;

Speed ​​(time);

Quality (reliability of delivery, safety of cargo, etc.).

Creating your own fleet involves large capital investments in rolling stock, production and technical base for servicing and repairing vehicles, and infrastructure. Ultimately, it can be justified if there is a significant gain in quality, reliability and cost for large, sustainable volumes of traffic. As a rule, it is justified to create your own fleet of vehicles (railway cars, tanks, etc.). The assessment of alternatives should be carried out comprehensively, taking into account as many criteria as possible.

In most cases, the central company in the supply chain (manufacturer or trading company) turns to the services of specialized transport or freight forwarding companies.

When the method of transportation and the type of transport are determined, an analysis of the specific market of transport services is carried out, in which, as a rule, there are a fairly large number of carriers with different organizational and legal forms. The market for motor transport services is developing especially actively and dynamically in Russia. The main criteria for the pre-selection of carriers are the costs of transporting cargo, reliability of delivery times, and safety of cargo.

Transportation– this is a change in the location of goods while observing the principle of economy (reducing cost and time costs). This process must be economically justified, since moving goods consumes time, financial and environmental resources.

Hence, main purpose of transportation– deliver goods to their destination as quickly, cheaply and with the least possible damage to the environment. It is also necessary to minimize loss and damage to transported goods while simultaneously meeting customer requirements for timely delivery and the provision of information about goods in transit.

When purchasing and delivering material resources, as well as distributing finished products to consumers, a manufacturing company can use various transportation options.

According to the number of modes of transport involved in the delivery of goods and passengers, delivery systems are divided into single-species (unimodal) and multi-species (multimodal and intermodal). In Fig.1. a hierarchical pyramid (structure) of technology and transportation organization is presented. At the top of this pyramid are intermodal transportation, below are multimodal and unimodal interregional transportation, then intraregional and city transportation by specialized transport enterprises and, finally, local transportation by individual entrepreneurs and their own transport of production and commercial structures.

Rice. 1. Hierarchical structure of transportation

Unimodal (one-species) transportation is carried out by one type of transport, for example by road, as a rule, in cases where the initial and final transportation points of the logistics chain are specified without intermediate warehousing and cargo processing operations.

The criteria for choosing the type of transport in such transportation are usually the type of cargo, the volume of shipment, the time of delivery of the cargo to the consumer, and transportation costs. For example, for large-scale shipments and if there are access roads at the final delivery point, it is more advisable to use rail transport; for small-scale shipments over short distances, it is more appropriate to use road transport.

Multimodal transportation of goods(mixed separate transportation) is usually carried out by two modes of transport (railway-road, river-road, sea-railway, etc.). In this case, the cargo is delivered by the first mode of transport to the so-called transshipment point or cargo terminal without storage or with short-term storage, followed by reloading to another mode of transport. A typical example of multimodal transportation is the service by motor transport companies of railway stations or a sea (river) port of a transport hub.

Signs of mixed separate transportation are the presence of several transport documents, the absence of a unified freight rate, and a consistent pattern of interaction between participants in the transport process. In direct multimodal transportation, the cargo owner enters into an agreement with the first carrier, acting both on his own behalf and on behalf of the next carrier representing a different type of transport. Due to this, the cargo owner is actually in a contractual relationship with both, and each of them makes payments to the cargo owner and bears financial responsibility for the safety of the cargo only on the corresponding section of the route.

Combined shipping differs from mixed mode in the presence of more than two modes of transport. The use of mixed (combined) types of transportation is often determined by the structure of distribution channels (or logistics supply channels), when, for example, large quantities of GP are sent from the manufacturer to the wholesale base by rail (in order to minimize costs), and distribution from the wholesale base to retail outlets is carried out by road transport.

The single-type system, despite its apparent simplicity and widespread use, becomes more complicated due to the operation of vehicles and road trains of various carrying capacities at the stages of sub-collection of cargo and the formation of consolidated shipments, especially in the conditions of a terminal system.

Intermodal system is a more complex option from the point of view of solving commercial, legal, financial, economic, organizational and technical aspects of delivery and issues of transport infrastructure development.

Under intermodal is understood as a system for the delivery of goods in international traffic by several modes of transport under a single transport document and the transfer of goods at transshipment points from one type of transport to another without the participation of the cargo owner in a single cargo unit (or vehicle).

The system-forming element is an intermodal cargo unit, which allows customs sealing of cargo in it in accordance with international requirements, excluding access to the cargo without breaking the seal. The basis of modern intermodal transportation of goods are containers of the international ISO standard. However, other cargo units can be used, but they meet the following requirements: they allow the use of comprehensive mechanization of transshipment operations in ports and transshipment points; meet international or regional standards. These include piggyback trailers, swap bodies, packages and block packages of cargo.

Multimodal transportation- This is direct mixed transport by at least two different modes of transport and, as a rule, within the country.

In intermodal and multimodal transportation, a cargo transportation contract with the shipper on behalf of the carriers participating in its implementation is concluded by the first carrier (operator). The contract is considered concluded from the moment the cargo is accepted for transportation, certified by the signatures of the sender and the transport organization and the latter’s calendar stamp. Cargo delivery times are calculated based on the total delivery time of each carrier in accordance with the rules in force for each mode of transport. Each carrier is responsible for the cargo from the moment it is accepted from the sender or another carrier until it is transferred to an adjacent mode of transport or delivered to the consignee.

The basic principles of the functioning of intermodal and multimodal systems are as follows:

1) a uniform commercial legal regime, providing for:

· improving the rules for the transportation of goods (in particular, containers) in international traffic on all types of transport with the aim of their mutual coordination in accordance with the selected criteria for the efficiency of the logistics transport system;

· simplification of customs procedures;

· development and implementation of new unified transportation documents for domestic transport (transport of a common intermodal chain, but operating only on the territory of its own country), taking into account the general criterion of the logistics transport system;

· use of standard international commercial and shipping documents for work in the foreign transport market.

2) a comprehensive solution to the financial and economic aspects of the functioning of the system, including:

· establishment of unified tariff rules for the transportation of transit cargo and foreign trade cargo in international traffic;

· development of a method for the reasonable distribution of end-to-end freight in hard currency between all links of the logistics transport chain;

· development of a mechanism for financial liability for violation of the quality of services for each link in the logistics transport chain.

3) the use of electronic data exchange systems that provide tracking of cargo movement, information transfer and communication;

4) the unity of all links of the transport chain in the organizational and technological aspect, a unified form of interaction and coordination of all links of the transport chain that ensure this unity;

5) cooperation of all participants in the transport system;

6) comprehensive development of transport infrastructure of various types of transport.

A necessary condition for the functioning of inter- and multimodal transportation is the presence of an information system with the help of which the order is executed, i.e. planning, management and control of the entire cargo delivery process thanks to advanced, accompanying and final information.

Currently, various electronic data exchange systems are widely used in world practice, the degree of use of which determines the level of competitiveness of various logistics transport systems in the global transport services market. The principle of introducing new forms of interaction between all links of the transport chain is especially important for the functioning of the intermodal transport system, since the effectiveness of such a system significantly depends on its organization. The guarantor and organizer of the interaction of all links of the transport chain in the system is the operator of international intermodal delivery of goods.

The presence of an operator determines the interaction pattern of all links in the transport chain in the commercial-legal, organizational-technological and financial-economic aspects, as well as a number of distinctive features related to the commercial-legal aspect of the functioning of intermodal and multimodal transport systems, including:

· presence of a delivery operator from the initial to the final point of the logistics chain;

· uniform through freight rate.

Each of the above types of transportation has specific features in technology, organization and management, but they have a common technological basis in the form of specific technological delivery schemes. An example of a technological scheme for transporting goods by road is presented in Figure 2.

Rice. 2. Technological schemes for transporting goods by road:

a - one type of transport; b - several types of transport

In turn, the constituent elements of the delivery of goods or passengers are characterized by certain patterns inherent only to them. Users of transport services currently give preference to such indicators as adherence to time schedules for the delivery of goods and passengers, responsibility for meeting agreed needs, and reliability of delivery. Fulfillment of these requirements is associated with a fairly accurate time assessment of the stages of delivery of goods and passengers, i.e. with knowledge of the patterns of change in all their elements and the establishment of specific values. Identification of patterns of links and elements of delivery is the basis for the systematic construction of all possible types of organization of transportation of goods and passengers.

One of the reasons for the low competitiveness of Russian goods is the high share of costs for transport and forwarding support for the distribution of goods, the level of which is 2–3 times higher than similar indicators in Western industrial countries. This is explained by the shortcomings of both transport and inventory management, due to the general shortcomings of the command system, especially the lack of incentives to save resources. This is the lack of flexibility in the activities of transport enterprises, and a huge, inefficiently operated fleet of rolling stock for public transport and departmental transport, and undeveloped infrastructure, and complicated documentation, and delays at points of interaction between different modes of transport, and shortcomings in banking and cargo insurance systems.

Freight forwarding support for goods distribution- a logistics function consisting in planning, organizing and implementing the delivery of goods from the places of their production to the places of consumption using optimal methods and methods.

Forwarding services (TES) in road transport are considered as a delivery system, including the transportation of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer and the associated loading and unloading operations, storage (packaging, packaging, warehousing), insurance, financial services, information processes and record keeping. The process of performing (in addition to “clean” transportation) a number of works, operations and services, the complex of which ensures the effective distribution of goods, is called delivery of goods.

According to studies conducted in the USA, the cost of the transport component of the production and distribution process accounts for up to 1/3 of the price of the final product. Therefore, effective transport support for the distribution of goods is one of the important reserves for saving resources.

Main requirements The requirements consumers have for transport services are as follows:

· reliability of transportation;

· minimum terms (duration) of delivery;

· regularity of cargo delivery;

· guaranteed delivery times, including delivery of cargo exactly on time;

· transportation safety;

· ensuring the safety of cargo during delivery;

· conveniences for receiving and delivering cargo;

· availability of additional services;

· adaptability to customer requirements (service flexibility);

· well-functioning information and documentation system;

· escorting cargo to its final destination;

· organization of cargo delivery “door to door”;

· reasonable cost of transportation;

· possibility of customs clearance (payment of customs duties, etc.)

· optimal location of departure and delivery points;

· the ability to obtain reliable information about tariffs, transportation conditions and cargo location.

When conducting a survey of 145 shippers in Germany, it was found that 35% attach the greatest importance to delivery costs, 31% to delivery times, 14% to service flexibility and 10% to delivery reliability.

In the United States, studies were conducted on over 350 firms in various industries to study the participation of forwarding carrier companies in the logistics activities of cargo owners. The analysis showed that forwarders provide cargo owners with the following main types of services related to the performance of logistics functions:

· performing settlements with recipients for delivered goods (this function is transferred to forwarders by 70% of their clients);

· storage of products and raw materials (22%);

· choosing the most profitable delivery option (22%);

· agreement with carriers on applicable tariffs (21%);

· control of cargo progress (15%);

· creation of information systems for storing and processing data (13%);

· organization and implementation of electronic data exchange with partners (12%);

· operation of a rolling stock fleet owned by the company (11%);

· tracking orders (7%);

· control over the level of the company's inventory (7%).

Intermodal system is a system for the delivery of goods by several modes of transport under a single transport document with the transfer of goods at transshipment points from one mode of transport to another without the participation of the cargo owner.

The contract of carriage with the shipper on behalf of the carriers participating in its implementation is concluded by the first carrier (operator). The contract is considered concluded from the moment the cargo is accepted for transportation, certified by the signatures of the sender and the transport organization and the latter’s calendar stamp.

Cargo delivery times are calculated based on the total delivery time of each carrier in accordance with the rules in force for each mode of transport. Each carrier is responsible for the cargo from the moment it is accepted from the sender or another carrier until it is transferred to an adjacent mode of transport or delivered to the consignee.

An example of an intermodal system is the transit transportation of international trade goods in large-capacity containers.

The presence of a forwarder determines a number of distinctive features related to the commercial and legal aspect of the functioning of the intermodal transport system:

· a single international transport document;

· door-to-door delivery or within other limits provided for by a single transport document;

· single responsibility for the execution of the contract and the safety of the cargo;

· end-to-end uniform freight rate.

The forwarder is the guarantor and organizer of interaction between all links of the transport chain.

Research and analysis of the problem of the quality of transport and forwarding services to consumers showed that the basis of existing service concepts is the assertion that a high level of quality of transport services is achieved subject to the provision of comprehensive services. In other words, the more services are provided to consumers, the higher the level of service quality will be. At the same time, in market conditions, servicing with a wider range of services offered than is necessary for the consumer costs the latter more.