How to make money on defeat and debauchery. “There are no days off, but we eat the buzz with spoons”: Moscow managers launched startups “Svalka” and “DEBOSH” based on unnecessary things

The Garbage Company's warehouse, as the name suggests, is littered with bundles of books, old electronics, shabby furniture. At the entrance there is a collapsing Zaporozhets and a carousel with a pink pony covered with an awning. "Dump" earns on the resale of unnecessary things taken out at the request of the previous owners. A strange occupation for the head of investment projects of the Qiwi group? “The first months we lived in complete chaos,” Alexey Barinsky does not hide. “But now it’s serious business.” Having started last fall, by the summer of 2016, Dump reached an average monthly turnover of 2 million rubles with a net profit of 15–20% of revenue.

In June 2014, Barinsky and his wife Irina moved from a rented apartment. Standing among the boxes, the couple wondered what to do with a bunch of junk that they did not want to transport, but it was a pity to throw it away. Alexey figured that he would have given away his worn-out things for 10,000 rubles. Subsequently, he managed to sell them by posting ads on Avito and social networks, for a total of 80,000 rubles. “That is eight times more than I originally wanted,” the entrepreneur recalls. “So this is a great business idea.”

Barinsky spoke with Dmitry Ukhanov, co-founder and IT director of Qiwi. He said that the other day he gave 15,000 rubles to a team that removed old window frames and household appliances. Together they began to fantasize about a business flea market. Unnecessary things for someone (export is free!) You can resell: old books - to second-hand booksellers, clothes - to second-hand shops, appliances and furniture in good condition - to rental companies, vintage - to restorers and antique dealers, rags - to processors. We discussed the project for a year. Barinsky and Ukhanov bypassed flea markets Moscow. “It happens that the thought does not lag behind you,” Barinsky shrugs. “Then you have to take it, do it and see what happens.”

In September 2015, Irina Barinskaya, BlaBlaCar community manager, announced on your Facebook: let's get rid of old things! Within a few days, the number of reposts grew to 4,000. “We whipped up a website and put an assistant on the phone,” says Ukhanov. “Already in the middle of the day, he called us from another number: let us go for lunch for 15 minutes, the phone is torn!” On the first day of work, "Dump" received about 150 applications for export, a week later - more than a thousand. After another couple of weeks, when the number of requests grew to 3,000, the company had a warehouse with employees for sorting, three gazelles and a team of loaders.

The founders of "Svalka" invested more than 1.5 million rubles in the business. Experimentally, they set the optimal price for the ransom, so that things would be given more willingly - 35 rubles per kilogram. During the first 10 months of work, more than 600 tons of things were brought to the warehouse. Now the deliverer is paid an average of 110 rubles with travel expenses of 450 rubles. It is most profitable to sell clothes - it brings up to 700% profit. Dump's clients are 13 Moscow second-hand shops. Among the rubbish of Moscow apartments come across and valuable things. Thus, a musical chest of the 19th century, bought by "Dump" for 2,500 rubles, sold at an online antique auction for more than 80,000 rubles.

The creators of the project consider their main achievement to be the fact that they have learned to attach everything bought out. They themselves arrange flea markets twice a week in a separate room next to the warehouse (the premises are rented from the radio industrial research institute). Furniture and old electronics that cannot be restored are given to "Debosh" - their own indoor attraction, where you can leave an old iron in CRT monitors or smash a dried-out sideboard with a hammer. In June 2016, "Debosh" was taken to the Moscow Geek Picnic festival - a queue lined up for the attraction.

In the summer of 2016, Dump opened franchise offices in St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg and Tomsk. By the end of the year, its revenue for 14 months of existence, as the founders expect, should amount to 30 million rubles (excluding franchising). Spouses Barinsky and Dmitry Ukhanov want to sell as many things as possible through own online store in order to spend less on transportation and keep a retail margin. So far, the online store, for which, according to Alexei Barinsky, the most interesting items are selected, accounts for 20% of sales.

Still need to speed up the collection of things. Now about 30 batches are exported per day, but we would like three times as many. Therefore, the owners of "Svalka" agreed on a partnership with the network of PickPoint parcel terminals. As Nadezhda Romanova, the founder of PickPoint, explains, the company is developing a reverse logistics service for customer returns, and this model is suitable for "Svalka": 450 out of 800 PickPoint parcel lockers will be involved in collecting unnecessary things. Next, Barinsky and Ukhanov plan to negotiate with one of the taxi aggregators on the delivery of things to customers. We intend to involve offices, restaurants and hotels in the circle of donators, create art objects from old things for various festivals and entertainment events.

“We have learned to attract those who are ready to give anything, we have learned to sell it to anyone, and we would like to use these competencies to the maximum,” Ukhanov explains. “We didn’t want to be looked at as hucksters, so at some point we decided to send part of the income to We are so calmer,” says Alexei Barinsky. According to him, 70% of net profit is transferred to charity. The rest is enough to maintain the viability of the project, although its founders have begun negotiations with potential investors to raise up to 50 million rubles for development.

Dmitry Ukhanov, like Alexei Barinsky, continues to work at Qiwi. But with such a growth rate, "Svalka" can become their main business, entrepreneurs are sure. And Irina Barinskaya left BlaBlaCar to focus on and Debosha. “We launched just in time,” she explains. - In Russia, the trend of reasonable consumption is gaining momentum: people want to spend less, live easier, share housing together through Airbnb, and places in a car through BlaBlaCar. We also caught a wave of interest in “sharing”, and now the main thing is not to stop.”

In Moscow, they launched the Debosh service, which offers customers to smash rooms and cars as an anti-stress measure.

Visitors on the website are given a choice of several tariffs to relieve stress: "Lightovo pogrom" for 10 thousand rubles, "Norm so pogrom" for 15 thousand rubles or "Ignite hardcore" for 30 thousand rubles. You can destroy the premises with a sledgehammer yourself, or you can, for example, give a certificate to a friend. You will be allowed to shoot the whole thing - take photos, videos.

To find out the details, we contacted the co-founder of the project, Irina Barinskaya.

- When you founded this business, how long has the website been operating?
- Approximately 20 hours ago, - said Barinskaya.

- How did you come up with the idea to organize just such a business, borrowed, perhaps, Foreign experience?
- We did not dare to give it life, but then we had a direct need to do something with the trash that we were handed over to our other project, and we decided. The fact is that various things end up in the landfill, most of which we use for their intended purpose - we repair, restore and sell, but there is, for example, a set of boards fastened with self-tapping screws, which cannot be called a cabinet. Its only destiny is recycling (we work with a company that sorts and recycles waste), and we would really like, firstly, to make at least some profit, and secondly, to give the last vivid memory before the thing goes to crusher.

You already have a package of certain services, tell us about them in more detail - are there any features that are not listed on the site?
- We have described more or less standard things on the site, the first two options are very similar to an ordinary apartment, the options differ in furnishings and the amount of equipment. The third option is all sorts of complications, such as a cool environment, a car or fancy equipment. Plus, we hope for non-standard orders, we want to embody the fruits of a very wild imagination.

- What services do you plan to introduce over time, what will be possible to "figure out" the big one?
- Already now you can ruin the car. In the future, we plan to build a flamethrower. Seriously.

- How can it be possible to smash the premises? Can you bring something of your own?
- We have a set of different tools, the construction sledgehammer is the main one. There are also factory and home-made products, bits, hammers, in the future there will be an assault fire ax. You don’t need to bring anything with you, we will provide everything on the spot. You can bring what you want to destroy.

- Can you eventually have mannequins so that visitors can figure them out as well?
- We are ready to create things that seem interesting to our customers, if you need mannequins, there will be mannequins. We will not harm the living and will not go beyond the law and morality. Otherwise, we are open to discussion.

- Will it be possible to come with a company?
Need! Two people can enter the room itself, we quickly put the room in order, so you don’t need to wait long between sessions.

- You have a clause in the mutilation agreement. How high is the risk of getting such injuries?
- I think that this question is a question of personal responsibility and everyone should answer it himself. Someone manages to break his legs out of the blue, and someone goes in for extreme sports and walks alive and unharmed.

Alexey and Irina Barinsky, managers from Moscow, launched two startups in two weeks: "Dump" - a service for buying out unnecessary things, acting on the reverse principle of a flea market, and "DEBOSH" (author's spelling) - anti-stress entertainment, during which it is proposed to destroy the interior of a room when help of a sledgehammer or bit.

TJ spoke with the founder of "Svalka" and "DEBOSH" Alexei Barinsky about his joint projects with his wife.

To bookmarks

At the end of September, BlaBlaCar community manager Irina Barinskaya and QIWI project manager Alexei Barinsky launched the Dump service. He is looking for those who want to get rid of old unnecessary things for a nominal fee - and the service itself pays for their removal.

The purchased items are sorted, stored and, if possible, restored, after which the "Dump" tries to sell them in thematic communities via the Internet. The company takes 30% of the proceeds for itself, and gives the rest to charity projects. So far, the service works only in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Once we decided to free the apartment from unnecessary things. We gave away some of them, threw some away, but there was a bunch left that had to be done with. There were also expensive clothes worn once or twice, some electronic devices and even some furniture. We looked at the pile with longing, figuring out how much crap would place all this at flea markets, and suffered that no one wanted to come and pick up the whole pile for a small amount of money.

We sold things, but we thought that it would be cool if there was a magical person or a service that would take everything indiscriminately. And thus the project "Svalka" was born.

A week after the launch, "Dump" ceased to cope with the flow of incoming orders, and on October 6, the creators of the service launched another one - "DEBOSH". Using unnecessary things purchased through the "Dump", startups make out "picture rooms" - rooms for subsequent destruction.

The cost of one destruction of a prepared room is from 10 to 30 thousand rubles, and drunkards, pregnant women and persons under 18 years of age are not allowed to participate. As Irina Barinskaya told TJ, the day after the launch, DEBOSH already had one order for Friday, October 9, and two more unconfirmed applications.

You can choose the decor of the room yourself, depending on the tariff, you can come up with something yourself - for example, grind a car with a knight's sword - and they will organize it for you. You can come with friends and book a Feast-style room where you will throw food at each other like in the movies. In general, the script is only limited by your imagination. We can and are ready to discuss corporate parties in the “Debosh” style.

When we told this story to a practicing psychotherapist, she just squealed with delight. It turns out that this topic is very popular in the States, and leading experts send their patients to such activities so that they splash out their aggression and negativity. So this is not only excellent cardio, but also psychological relief.

Irina Barinskaya, co-founder of "Svalka" and "DEBOSH"

TJ talked to Alexey Barinsky about both projects.

Alexey Barinsky

How many people do you currently have working on each of the projects and where did you get them from?

We have a total of 12 people, they took them from different places, they were looking for someone on purpose, someone found us, they accidentally crossed paths with someone and realized that we were interested together. It is quite difficult for us to divide everyone into projects, there are many overlapping roles and tasks, there is no practical point in dividing them, given that the investors in the projects are the same.

How many orders have been processed at the "Dump", how many are in the queue? How long do you think the person who submits the application will wait before the team arrives?

For now, about a hundred applications have been taken out, today they sorted out tickets with numbers 1020-1100. You will have to wait until the second week of November, but you can also bring things to our warehouse on your own.

The site does not say how much money you pay for the removal of things. What does it depend on? The volume of junk, the prospects for sale? Let's say I have an old collapsible a bed, a bedside table, a TV set with a kinescope and a complete collection of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. What can I expect?

We start from the size of your heap and its potential liquidity. It is important to note that we do not buy things, we rather pay a small premium for frugality, a compensation that makes it easier to part with treasures.

As a rule, we pay from 100 to 1500 rubles. Your pile would be approximately estimated at 500-700 rubles.

For "DEBOSH" are things from the "Dump" used? Why so expensive?

That's right, in "DEBOSH" there are things from the "Dump", the restoration of which is more expensive than the potential profit from their sale, or simply non-recoverable things. However, large-sized furniture is the most expensive in terms of removal (more movers, more car, more fuel), warehousing and disposal. The fact is that we do not throw away the garbage after the “DEBOSH”, but give it for sorting and processing: taking into account our volumes, this is great for the price. Plus, we built a special room for this fun, bought audio and video equipment for filming and pay people a salary.

Is it true that "Svalka" managed to pay off in a week? What do you think about money, do you want to get rich on it?

"Dump" almost managed to reach self-sufficiency in a week, while there is no talk of full payback. I think about money, but this is not an obsession, the experience that we all get is much more valuable.

Nevertheless, I regard this story as a very big one: I have an idea that can be described as the first all-Russian flea market. I definitely want to get rich, I don’t know if this project will work. They say that before you make a billion, you first need to fail a couple of times.

Why are you doing charity work? Do you feel some kind of duty or how is this internally explained?

It’s just that the specifics of the project are such that when selling, a huge margin appears, and if you leave it all, then it looks like a huckster, and this spoils my mood. Therefore, the problem was solved simply: we need 30% of the profit for the development of the service, we are ready to share the rest.

Plus, this decision unites us with someone who gives us things, and does not oppose each other, and I like to be at one with them, do good and throw it into the water, I feel a lot of support from what people say.

Why did you suddenly decide to start your own business? They would sit and work in their companies. How do you combine with work? This is a large amount of tasks in two startups.

At some point, it turns out to be easier to do than not to do, it just bursts out of you and it is impossible to carry it in yourself for longer. As for the schedule, it’s crazy: getting up at six in the morning, sorting out the mail at “DEBOSH” and “Dump”, answering applications, talking with people, then to the main job, everything is not boring there either, then in the evening to the warehouse, by midnight home , some more mail and a disturbing dream.

Of course, there are no days off, free time either, but we eat the buzz with spoons.

It saves that there is an opportunity to hire people, as well as a large number of volunteers are ready to help us themselves.

There are a lot of ideas, both in "Dump" and in "DEBOSH", and other thoughts are already asking to come out. Regarding copying: it’s not scary at all, the idea itself is not worth anything, I’m ready to share them as much as I like.

The implementation of even the simplest model, a primitive scenario, is an awesome job, for which few are ready. If there is someone who is ready, then I will only be glad, I will be more cheerful.

"Tired of being stupid at the computer, boring going to the gym? Gouging the room with a sledgehammer!" - offer the authors of the project "Debosh". It is no coincidence that they call their site "figurative". Here, in the atmospheric building of the Research Institute for Long-Range Radio Communications, "Debosh" has two rooms. At the request of the customer, they can be furnished in the style of a rented apartment with a "grandmother's renovation" or a dull, annoying office. Here they will recreate any situation that drives the client out of himself, causing only one desire - to "figure out".

"Debosh" opened in October last year. Since then, similar projects have appeared one after another throughout the country. In November, the Fury Room opened in Perm, followed by the Boiling Point stress extractor in Irkutsk. This year, "rasfigachechnye" began to create branches in the regions and sell a franchise. For example, four more branches of "Debosha" are now opening - in St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Tomsk and Yekaterinburg. And in Moscow, they are preparing for the opening of the Fight Club of the same name, a bar and a tattoo parlor.

Time is money

- We earn about 300 thousand a month, - says the founder of "Debosh" Alexei Barinsky. - Initial investment have already paid off. We spent 2 million rubles on Debosh and Dump. Due to the second project, we find old unnecessary things that our visitors "figure out".

"Dump" for "Debosha" is the ideal supplier. Employees take away unnecessary things from everyone. Accordingly, there is no shortage - there is everything and in any quantity. In addition, "Dump" and "Debosh" are in the same building. That is, there are no problems with logistics and storage.

- There was, however, a case when the company wanted to smash 30 TVs at once, - Alexei recalls. - We were worried: where to find so many at once. But, oddly enough, "Dump" coped with this task.

The key to the success of the "destructive" business was the crisis. The rising dollar exchange rate, layoffs at work, more expensive tours abroad - as a result, Russians have become more nervous and less restful. In such conditions, it was simply necessary to create places where you can quickly and cheaply relax, and most importantly - really "blow off steam." And, as you know, nothing helps to relieve stress as effectively as physical activity and light extreme sports. This niche of active recreation was occupied by "figurative" ones.

Breaking a computer or TV with a sledgehammer costs from 2.5 thousand rubles. group of four people they will let you destroy an entire room for 9,000. If there are many guests, then a collective pogrom will cost from 30,000. Approximately 5,000 per participant.

In the regions, "destructive" business is simpler. For example, to open the "Room of Fury" in Perm, Denis Kashin needed only 50 thousand rubles. With this money, he rented the semi-basement of the former warehouse and purchased inventory from Avito.

- After another working day, my friends and I gathered in the garage, - Denis recalls. - there stood old tv. Well, we decided to break it up to relieve stress. The discharge was amazing. When I had already opened the Fury Room, I saw that all our guests had the same effect. Almost immediately after the opening, 100-150 clients a month began to come to us. The average check was 700-1000 rubles. So the investment paid off in the first month.

Prices in the "Room of Fury" are affordable for almost every Permian. For example, for 400 rubles you can break a computer monitor or TV, and for only 50 you can throw a jar against the wall. True, this is the price of just one can. If the budget allows, then you can arrange a real "glass massacre".

Girlish fun

Now an average of 100 people a month come to Debosh. Most often, they prefer to smash the office - to take out their anger on the boss, colleagues, or just boring work. The main audience - oddly enough, young girls.

And how can you resist when they offer a "special yummy for girls: we will give you dishes and you can yell and hit them on the floor and walls! Or you can drag your ex's things and destroy them, and we will help you with fun ways to destroy and even shoot and post on YouTube video, if you want".

Many couples and groups of friends also come. The average age of visitors is about 30 years old. They make good money, love adventure, travel and unusual places.

For example, Galina Polyakova recently came to "pollute the office" in the company of her girlfriends. Colleagues gave her a gift certificate for her birthday. Simply because they could not stand it: they felt sorry for the girl whom the boss deprived of the quarterly bonus out of nowhere. For several months I found fault with everything. Galina works in an insurance agency, and the bonus was supposed to be in the amount of a monthly salary. So the girl had a good reason for the "office pogrom".

True, psychologists believe that the pogrom, although it helps to restore peace of mind, but not for long. This is a way to relieve tension, which is a consequence of accumulated problems. At the same time, the problems themselves do not disappear.

“Such entertainments allow people to do something forbidden that cannot be done in ordinary life,” says Olga Mezhenina, a psychologist at the World of Your Self center. - This is what attracts customers to the "rasfigachechnye". The method of discharging, by the way, is not bad. If, of course, you follow the safety rules. Only now it will not work to solve systemic psychological problems in the "figure" ones. To restore peace of mind, you need to remove irritants. For example, change jobs or make repairs in the apartment.

Tired at work? Do not give rest at home? Nerves on edge, and the sedative no longer helps? Many Muscovites, who cannot cope with the frantic pace of the metropolis, are sure to find themselves in a similar situation. "RG" offers to look at the problem from a new angle and find other recipes for saving your nerve cells.

The task is to choose a "weapon" and smash the whole room to smithereens. Photo: Artem Geodakyan/TASS

Don't want to get pissed off?

To release all the negative outward in an unusual way, the creators of the "figurative" offer. Visitors to this place are allowed to do what in polite society is called hooliganism or debauchery. For example, smash the whole room to shreds: with furniture, household appliances and crockery. All this, of course, is not new, the organizers for symbolic money, or even for free, collect rubbish that has been accumulating in the apartments of Muscovites for years. Opened "rasfigachechnaya" less than a year ago in one of the capital's industrial zones and almost immediately found its admirer. Most often, citizens under 35 are interested in an extraordinary service, while half of them are women. And this is not surprising - it is much more difficult for them to cope with the accumulated "baggage" of problems. They offer to forget about it by choosing one of the options. On the first, the easiest level and at the same time the cheapest, you can leave with a hammer in a sideboard or simply smash a TV or computer with a sledgehammer. There is even a separate option for girls who are given dishes and allowed to beat them on the floor and walls. You can also bring them the things of your ex in order to destroy them with fury. The organizers promise to help come up with a fun and anti-stress way to eliminate the past.

For people with more serious intentions, they will make a real room with a complete set. The task is the same - to pick up a "weapon" and smash everything to hell. They offer three options: an old apartment, a disgusting office, and a room that looks like a post office or a passport office. The last option is for those who are no longer able to keep in themselves a quivering "love" for institutions of this kind. The difficult level includes the same as the previous one, but with one caveat - there are more rooms, so it's better to smash together - together with friends. If everything is swept away to the last TV, but the anger remains, you can add new portions of dishes or other equipment until the money runs out. For a fee, especially nervous ones will be filmed on video cameras, a video with their debauchery will be mounted and posted on YouTube.

A battle with cakes is a good reason to cheer up yourself and your loved ones. A photo: Valery Sharifulin/TASS

Where: NIIDAR territory, 1st Bukhvostova street, 12/11, room 53.

When: daily, you can pre-register on the website

What is the price: from 2500 rubles.

Restrictions: from 18 years old; drunk people, people with diseases of the nervous system and pregnant women are not allowed.

For luck!

A similar option for dealing with stress is offered by the Museum of Optical Illusions, which has come up with an attraction with the telling name "Beat the Dishes!". This is a kind of light version of the "figuration": if in the latter they swing a sledgehammer, here depression is dispersed with cups and plates. A great option for women who want to escape from family scandals and keep their favorite vase, mug or tea set, presented for a wedding, safe and sound at home. Those who wish to pour out negative energy will be given several plates and a couple of markers. Red on them will be asked to write something pleasing to the eye, and black, as you might guess, indicate all the fears and anxieties that tear the soul. It remains only to throw with all the dope at the wall and try to forget about the bad once and for all. And, oddly enough, sometimes it works. There is no end to those who want to have fun in this way, the authors of the project say. Children are also fond of fighting dishes. In this case, the dishes are thrown, of course, for fun. At home, such hooliganism can be punished.